I 1 .. I , FAVb'RITE AQES'OF WOMEN. jrUtir Apper o llnnire tletwften Sim etn and Trreiitr-fnar Ye. It niny pcoih strnngo tlint women liavc prefcronens for particular nges. An inspection of tho census, however, leaves no room for doubt that certain years are preferred and certain other years disliked by tho mcutbors of tho jmtitlnr nor. Of children fourteen years and under! ,11)0 number of boys Is nearly 400,000 Creator thou tbo number of girls; at fifteen tbo boys nra still 0,000 ahead of bo girls; at sixteen tho girls aro 0,000 the more numerous, and each your thereafter until tho twenty-fourth there Is un excess of women over men. iTho favorite agoa within these limits' pre eighteen nnd twenty. Thoro aro 24, 000 moro misses of eighteen than there are boys of that ago, nnd tho young 'ladles twenty years old exceed thclt tiinscullno companions by 54,000. At lwentyfour nnd twonty-flvo tho num bers of tho two soxes aro nearly equal. Tbcn the women begin to grow less (with great mpldlty. Tho most unpop ular ages aro thirty and forty. At tho former ago there Is a difference of "$. 000 botween the two sexes; nt tlio latter S3.000. Ono peculiar circumstance Is that there are more women twenty years old thnn there are girls of thirteen or fourteen or any ago up to twenty. This fact conclusively demonstrates that twenty Is n very healthful age. Hut If the younger nges are unhealthy, vherc did the increased number who ure twenty years old como from? Xo t.womcn are born that old. Only an unusually clastic theory can account for these peculiarities with be coming gallantry to the lovelier sex. J. S. Gilliam In Ladies' Homo Journal. YANKEE DOODLE. The Orlclnnl Version Dntra I'roiu j the Time of Oliver Cromwell. ' Tho lively strains of ''Yankee Doo-' die" nro heard nt every patriotic cole-' bration, says n writer in Collier's Wools J.v. yet perhaps few of thoso whose pulses stir at the sound of tlio familiar notes aro aware that it dates from the time of Oliver Cromwell aud crossed tho seas with tho Puritans. , "Xankeo Doodle" was one of the nick uamos bestowed by the Cnvallcrs on the hated Koundhcail, aud a verse writ ten upon Cromwell's entry into Oxford, riding on a small horse with a plume twisted into a sort of knot called a "macaroni," runs ns follows: N'on)ceo Doodle c&me to town Upon a little pony. a With a feather In his hat Upon a macaroni. Tho transition from Nankeo to Yan kee which came from Ycnsoo, tho In illan word for English was very easy, und tho Royalists used It as a Jeer at all New Englandcrs. When tho Colonials in Boston, pre paring for the coming war, smuggled muskets into tho country, concealing , them In loads of manure, the Tories Bang to tho old tune of "Lucy Fisher:" Yankeo Doodle carao to town Kor to buy a firelock; We wJll tar and feather hint, And so wo will John Hancock. When tho British forces marched to tho battles of Concord and Lexington their approach was heralded by "God Save tho King," but when tho "Yankee farmer" saw the foe In full retreat tho strains of "Yankee Doodle" accompa nied thoir flight, nnd from that hour, wbcrcvor the star. and btrlpes hare floated, tho once despised tunc has been heard. ' Gnlllco'a Wit. Galileo's "wit, according to a biogra phy, got him into trouble whe-u ho put into the mouth of Slmpllclo, tho foolish opponent of the Copernlcau theory In his- "Dialogues," an argument thrt rope Urban VIII. had himself devised ami lusted on Galileo incorporating in the work. Galileo made Himpllclo quote it as an argument ho had from a "very eminent aud learned personage." The enemies of Galileo persuaded Urban lint he hod Jjcon "mado game of" ami hls was tlio offiaso of wbTvu i:7U, ;was guilty. It was not for upholding .the theory that tho sun stands still and the earth inoyes that Galileo was tried ,by tho inquisition. Urban himself had supported tho Copcruican doctrines both ns cardinal aud as pope. A Contlnunun Siuokc. V In tho Philippines tho use of tobacco la .universal. Tho native child awiu.ies Itho tobacco lmblt as soon ns it is able ioSvalk. In tho northern provinces es ipclnlly It Is no uucommou sight to see a'Chlld five or six years old pulling vlg- .orousiy ai a mg cjgar. tho women fimoUo fully ns much as the meu nnd .commonly bmoko cigars where tho huh , .iiso.clgarcttei. In the northern imrts of .ffjiizon immense cigars often a couple of feet long Html ns thick us the wrist aro ,used. Such a cigar is suspended from n rafter of thehpvu;c by a siring nnd Tinoked during Ihfrclay by all the vicui' jjicfs of thp family ns desired. - f'lmponKtlile fjhnUciinre. Critic Marvelous drama of your?, sir. , Thoro's a sceno Jn that piny that Shakespcnro himself could not have (Wrltlou. Author Indeetll You aro too flatter Jug. ' ' ' ' ." Critic I was referring to tlint rail way, smash iu the third act London nittjili I POISON OF THE RATTLER, Ifet Tfcarlr Dn'ntfcraali ' It i Popularly Snppoicd (a Be. Tboro Is n rood dcnl mow fright nbout the blta of a mttlcRiiako Umn thorn la actual ilnngor," inlil n vroll known plirtJlclim rvcontly. "I do uol mean to say tliut tho blto of n rnttlcr fe not a Tory acrlous thing, but I do mom to Buy (lint this purtlculur sort unko nlly not so ready or apt ot u M u,,c ns somo others. in tuo nnii niacc, mere is ww now conomlly credited fact tlint tlio rat tler Is the most honest of snake. He doesn't 'pick a fight.' Ho doesn't lay In watt for any one. Ho won't run away, of course, for ho Is a plucky rep tile, but be will curl up nnd give you n fair warning from those ruttles ol his before he attempts to strike. I re member once In the west finding n rat tler Just ahead of my horse's fore feet I I had no weapon of any sort, so I rodo on, passing within a few inches of tlio reptile. The stinko was curled and ready for my horse in case the nn Imnl side stepped, butns wo did noth ing of that sort wo were allowed tc pass In peace. hi i ii.. . it. i. ii... ai -i , iJi..-. Vm ..... 1. (lVil.V UUIUtlU lvatl?.. i'Ul llT , VA ngo human being nowadays Is clothed, nnd the holes In the fangs through which tho poison comes are rather fat up toward tho roof of the mouth. Con sequently very often tho point of the fangs may enter tho skin, while the poison dribbles out harmlessly enousth upon the trousers or tho boot. It 1 then that the 'victim' gets scaYed, fllli up on whisky a bad thing In bona fklo cases of rattlesnake blte-nnd be-, lleves himself marvelously cured when ho wakes up next day.-rhlladelphla pgg ' APHORISMS. Set a beggar on horseback and he will ride a-gallop. Button. The hearing car is always fouud ckwe to tho speaking tongue. Emerson. To bo conscious that you are Ignorant is a great step to knowledge. Disraeli. numillty is a virtue all preach, none practice, and yet everybody ts content to hear. Selden. A life spent worthily should be mcas- ured by a nobler llue-by deeds, not years. IL B. Sheridan Health is tho second blessing that we mortals arc capable of, a bktisiug that mouey cannot buy. Walton. When a man assumes a public trust ho should consider hlmbelf as public i property. Thomas Jeffewou. I Everybody likes and respects self made men. It is a great deal better to bo mado in that way than not to be ' mado at all. O. W. Holmes. Little Henry' Qncatlofta. Little Henry was reading ancient his tory stories. 'To," said ho suddenly, "can I ask you a question?" "I guess you can, Henry. You seem ft lmvA n fnli wimmnnrl nt T?,ifl!cll " "Well, may I, then?" Uttlo Henry! continued. "Yes," said pa. "Flro ahead." j "That's funny," said littlo Henry. "I i was Just thinking of such tilings. Now, , did tho old Romans light their houses with Roman candlosV I I shouldn't wonder," said pa, chuc kling. "Nero, at least, Indulged In a good deal of fireworks. Auythlng iilhQ't" "Yes," replied little Henry. "Did the nr-onlo of Athens do all their cooking with Greek' nro. ' Then pa got mad and paid ho couldn't bo bothered with any more silly qu.. tlone. Household Ledger. Lurinir the fliit. I Thf r..ri nt Oniifiu- t.iiij n v,.,v i.f. I - - -- .--.- .-.. .. . .,, . foctivo btory. ULs beautiful old pluce, Clandon, huddonly became w ivd of a "ghost," and the serrmiis of tit. place wero almost terrltlod out cf th-Ir wlta by tlie noises they In ard and the sights they saw or Imagined. The reputation of the mansion became nois ed abroad, and at Inst Lord Oiibiovi' tool: u short cut to ond tho mystery. Ho assembled his servants and gave It out to them that ho wus determined to havo no moro of this sort of thing. For tho future all member of hln fam ily would sleep with loaded levolver.s by their side, and at tho first suggea tlou of a nolho they would send a bul let in its direction to investigate the cau.o. Clandon nowadays is quite. commonplace in Its immunity tho uiKunuy. London Globe. f.QHl An Irlvh Coiiipllliu-iit. When Earl Spencer was loid llouton- ant of Ireland tho people of Dublin called tlio beautiful couiitef-s, one of tuo loveliest women of her time, ".Spen cer's Faerie Queeno." But when theJr excellonclofi wero about to return to England Irish gal lnntry was shown Jn a characteristic way. At tho farewell banquet in thoir honor an Irish gentleman got up and Hald, with much forvor and many bows: "Wo all hopo soon to see you back again, you and tho work of art by your Bide." Kucw l'ftrlN, Bobsqn I see that a Parisian count C68 Is obliged to cam her living at tho vushtub. Too bad, isn't It? .Doaoori Blncki 4who knows comes , ., : . , , V 5 , , .7 lnonl "worm" fence, especially If It ,S2 K.'i.r "K I'.' loans outwaM. will not stop goats. The thltiff nbout rtU) Well, I don't know. TboBo Pnrlilan washerwomen ocemeil td be a decidedly Jolly lot. Clcvelnnd Pin la Dealer. llrnrtlma Fontittrt YounR Vlfc Wlwt do you do when your husband cots cross mid wants to scold 7 Wtfo (with experience) 1 tvml him ouo or two of tho luttew ln unwl to wrlto to mo bfforo wo Were ufnrrliHl. Ilnltluioro American. FENCES FOR ANGORAS. Trto ObJeoU Muat 11a Kept tu Vlerf In Constructing Theiu. . Tlio fencing for pastures Is n mutter which earl concerns one who content J plates going into the bu-ilncM, for it Is the current belief that goitts will climb on to nuy shed of ordinary height or Jump u fence that will stop other ani mals, nays n report of the bureau of milmal ludustry. While Uiey will climb nythlng that is built in such a manner that It may bo cliu-bcil easily, they will J not Jump any ordinary fence. Thoy ( will, however, creep through If there Is an opening large enough. The old fash . " r I miKlo lit such a fence are an Ineentlvo and a delight to them. Indeed there nro many hogs that will go ovor a fenco of this ktud. In building n goat fence ' there are other matters to be taken into account thnn simply tlint the goats 1 shall be kept In. The animals them- fcIviw, especially tho young ones, mint j bo protected from dogs nnd woIvcm j from the ouUlde. In the southwest It i Is much more important to fence to ' ;" "" " -J' ic Koala In. So the dm '!,U5t T ,nf T,ow ,B b" W fence. Such u fenco must be kivp vermin out than it Is to fence to double object - ling u gont dog proof and wolf proof. A hog at liberty which nun won jiroui. .v. iiuk ni nuvrij muiuii has oneo hs.l the tnnto of ehlekan or lamb or ktd Is a greater nulsanco than any wolf or dog ami shoiild be dts- patched as tlng an enemy to young live tock ns well as kids. One correspondent of tho bureau con structs a fence of ten barbed hog wires, with posts pet twenty feet apart, hav ing three stays between the posts. Tlio lowest wlro is only one inch from tho ground, tho next four wires three and n quarter Inchon apart and one-half Inch added to eyery spneo above. It Is nee- es.-ary that all the wires should be kept very tight This correspondent atlas the Interesting note that mnny wolves aro killed by screw worms in wounds received while attempting to crawl through such a fouce. A good fence may be made by woven wlro three feet high drawn on the Inside of tho posts aud a closvly barbed strand of wlro throe or four Inches above fastened to the outside of tho posts to prevent nnl ma Is from Jumping In. A straight roll fence, If tho rails aro laid clow) enough, ns well as an ordinary board fence will turn goata. Mr. Johnson of the bureau pays that a live board panel fence four fet high Is sutllcient for gonts. no also says that zigzag or worm fences an; an luecative for goata to climb and that they will walk along the top of uch fences ns easily as on tho ground. If they are permlttM to climb on to the roofs of buildings it will not Iw long before they will linvo thota completely ruined. When thi- I.nnilio Arr Dropped. Have your ewes drop thlr lambs at tho time mct suitable to your conven ience. If properly provided with tlio neivssnry feed nnd shelter, then early tho curlier Ui potter, as you will havo moro'umo to caro tor incm auring tno winter thun after tho spring work sots In But if tho proper provisions have i.t been made then have them drop I o'fspilng luter when weather has bo- "'mo Hcttled und they wUl euro for tnemw'ivoH. At an Illinois Halo of Folund-Chtnaa a half interest In n bonr was sold to Frank Wolgamuth of Elgin, III., for l,l. and the same party recontly I .id ?",fJ0 for a half Interest In an other boar. It would bo interesting to know how this capitalist llgurcs to break even un his two Investments, iniJl If l7ocan show us wo shall hny no moro about booming Poland-China hojr, says Ktockman und Farmer. As to prlcoa of Poland-ChlmiK In gen-f-rul, they aro no higher than thry wero a year ngo, If as high. Those who want good pure bred hogs can buy them ut reaHonablu prices of reputable breeders Just a.s thoy always could. Inflated values provall at only a fow boomed sales, and tlioy huvo no sub htuntlal foundation. ViituMwc '' weTf'm ,T!!?,,r,1 rhCfltCrr hites for tho last fifteen years. I havo a Ilttor of eight fine nigs two wooks old from a Chustor White bow brrd to a Berkshire hour and expect to havo thorn eating out of tho trough when they aro three weeks old. I al ways koop a trough outsldo tho pen, where tho pigs havo freo nccohs to It, so thoy can eat at their lelhuro nnd not 1k worrying tho Iletih all off tho pow. At six weeks old they want about three pallfuls of good swill a day. If you want ,them to gain a pound a day after weaning them give ihom gooU food aud ull thoy. wimt.fltiii 1 M SJjflNEiSlga dry nest to sloop ln,-Oor. America.. Agriculturist ' oc" oo'wVi rttW niitt rr. Pouulng hogs In a mudholo is Btmply a dovlco for proving tliat hogs douf pny". It would surely bo n poor speci men of tho gonim huh that would pny for such nccommodatlvna and a still poorer sprclmon of tho two logged Uod .1.... ...'... 1.1 .iw.lal. uili.h riilflljillt' ,ys Knriu nnd Hunch. I turn nuuiu uww. wmv. ......, Some time ngo on n lurijo farm wo tmw alHiut twenty nork liogs In n pen nbout nlxty foot xiiuure where tho black, stiff mud was belly deep to tho poor animals, and It was cold, wintry weather. In that' mud tho hogs hud to cat and sleep. Co in C or t nnA flood "dlnir. To fatten rapidly tho hog must bfl kept comfortable as well un being well fed. Katlng U merely tl'O mechanlcuf part of the process which prepnni- tht fotnl for dlgo-ttlon. It N tho digestion that adds to tho weight of tho nntninl. Quiet comfort aids digestion. A llttla exercise iv'so aids digestion, A Dnrlnir fliirKlpi.t Operntlnn, An operation was recently performed In Chicago nt tho county hospltnl which is ono of the first of Its kind In tho country. George Dolt, l'MO On tario nvenue, fifty years told, was oper ated on for chronic Itrlght'u dlucaso by Dr. John Dill Hobertson, professor of surgery nt tho American College of Medlcluo and Surgery. Tho patient's kidneys were both decapsulated, which, tho surgeons Bay, ts ouo of tho moit daring operations of modern surgery. Out of tlfty cases which havo been so treated in Kuropo and America 00 per cent have recovered. A Dnrlnir Man. "IIo's the kind of a mau who courts danger, I understand." "Wnll T ahntilfl nnv un. Whv hn rtnM : .,.., - ....- j --. .- - , not hesitate to opon a fllrtntlon with ' any young widow ho mccta.,,-Chlcago j I'Mt Energy will .do anything that enn be ilone in thus world, and no talents, no rlrcumstances. no opportunities will liake a man without It. Goethe. IIli 1'oaltlon. "Soy, Chlmmle, see tint man gcttin' on do car? Dat'a tho postmaster gen eral." "Aw, gwan! Ho ain't no goneral ain't got no brass buttons nor stars nor not'ln." "Aw, ho ain't no aoldier general. He's de mau wot hands out letters nt do general delivery windy." Kansas City uurnaL . .. BETTER GOODS AT LOWER PRICES Tho jjroattl'inno Houeo of Allen A GlIbort-KntunkiT Co., of Portland, have placed a permsnent roproccntntlro in Cooi county, In tho rcrton of Mr, K. M. Furmnn, Thit means much for the musically 'n-Hr.cd of this county, a; better goods at lower prices will bu the rnle. They do not handle ptauoa paint eJ ovsr in imitation of wood, and varn icheil, but tht real wnluut or. k.or mahog any is always uped. They do not handle cheap pionno?, with celluloid keys but genuino ivory is tho material turd.. They aro not new-comors to this county, baring at diffrcn. times during the last qnarter of a century placed their leading pianos with Coos county's best ciUzoae, But in ordor to become better acquaint ed with you they offer to thoso who aro thinking of buying an Initrumont In the near future the benefit of special prices whieh will prevail for a fortnight, foll owing Jan. 1st. , . We call your attention to tho fact that the Allen & Gilborl-Rnmaker Co, hai the largest and most Y"led itotk of artistic high grade pianos to bo found in the west, and thoy sell them at the lowest prices postible. quality consider ed. You can buy on monthly or quar terly pnynunts if yon are not proband to pay tho cr.s!i. Thoy alto havo pianos of various grados and price6, from tho cost lictt (Jrand to tho emnlleat Upright. Tney nro well and favorably known us an up-to-date firm ai.d their phmiomi- nal uucceeo hnvu advertlcu 1 them ns the tqunre dealing piano hcuno-of I'ortlnnd. Tltey aro conttantly ad-Jiug to their wardroom B,)cr, and havej.nl now mov . , . ed Into now nd epneioue quarters, cor- tier ol (Wi and Morricnn fit. Their aim hf.n always Loun to glvo the beat poods that can bn bought, and nbjolulely guarantee every instrument which is told by them. Their repre sentative bore is s; thorough pinno man and wo rcccmmcni llioiu who are want ing either a piano or organ to coueuII with him befo'o Bending awc7 for any thing in that line. ' CLEARANCE SALE. Commencing: Saturday Dec, 5, 1903, We will offer our entire stock of Holiday Goods consisting of, Jewelry, Fancy China1 ware, Lamps Books, Mirrors, Albums, etc., at bargain prices. .' . This is an actual bona fide sale prepara tory to new and important improvements. HERBERT LOGKHART, k:nr."L'. l - ir,:.JH EVERY WIDE-AWAKE FARMER who is ItitincMeil in tho news of liln town aud county should jubeuiibe for n GOOD LOCAL NEWSPAPER to keep him in touch nlth tho doings of his noiulibure, the homo mnrketi, nnd all items of interest to li'mu-W and family. THE COAST MAIL, Marshfield, Oregon will ndmtrnbly inpply your wnitu for county iifTB nud )rore n welcouio is! tor h oVory household. Regular Price, Daily $3.00 per Year. " Weekly $1.50 " " Tlie Weekly Cosit Mall nnd Trihuiie J'ntmer, one year, ii Daily ' Send your 1101119 nt,( nddr?-s l'ntmer, New York City, for free rtffi. jj. . Special Clubbing Offer. Hert ii the chance of your lifetime. only at long ns this nd nppeara. The WEEKLY ORKGONIAN Til e N . Y. T R I H UN K 1 A R M K R Nie WEEKLY COAST MAIL The DAILY COAST MAIL OUR OFFER TheOREC.ONIAN, COAST MAIL, The OREGON IAN, COAST MAIL, Yon all know Farmer is one 1 year th'.' of the lifthed any whete. If you are a farmer aud do not take advuntaga of this ofler, where do you expect lo pet oil at? It is open to all subscribers, old or new. TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS ABOUT IT. 0 u L II D 19 i m jQKiMCMHHHi rmwffioiKimrarflMrri.7!w),ftM8..ura;WV;W For all subscribers, old or new paying one year gin advance. Wookly Orogonlan Examinor ( Chioniclo n Salom Capital Journal ' ' alom Homootoad Trl-Woo ly N. Y. Tribune Thric-a Week N. Y. World Monthly pro. Poultry Journal,;; a American Review of Reviews 4 75 i. W 0 V PHONE, 851 - ',.'.im - i.iiT,.li'n j'im-ijujimwmimra.'i'j EVERY UP-TO-DATE FARMER ' I.'I'DU.S A IIIOII-CLASS AGRICULTURAL WEEKLY loylve liliu tint experience of othurs In nil tH ndvniiceil methodn nnd Improve, meats which nru nn luv.ili.ablo aid iu m-'iirtiii: tlio InrKOPt possible profit from tlio farm, ami with rporlnl matter for overy member ol I1I4 frtu.lly. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER Now YorkCily, will 1 oil you uvoiy week on nil import ant agricultural topics of tlni day, and tthow you how to mnko money from the farm. Regular Price, $1.00 per year. i " to Tlie Jcv sample copy. Yotk Tribttiio ui... . uj It is i;oocl 59 1 GO 3 OO 3 00 TRIHUNE KARMER and WEEKLY 1 year lor only - - fla 50 TRIHUNE IARMERJ and DAILY 4 00 lor oniy omwi Orc"0'iian. The Trllmim bet farm papers pub With Dally Coast Mall S IT With Wcokly Coast Mall 32 OO 2 35 2 35 2 OO 2 OO 2 CO 2 OO, 200 1 j. ' 2 00 S3 75 4 00 4 00 3 SO 3 7G 3 7J 3 7f 3 7,5 M ' !' Ml liui .&-