sapStr& ' .As -. - i ': mWREUABLE Absolutely-Pura mmi&msuasuwE f EK,S03Sr.L .AJSTID LOCAL Frcm Wednesdays Dally. It, E. Sqin6,of Empiro City was doing business in town yesterday. Archio Boone, of Suinner, was in own yesterday to Sntcrviow a dentist. Tho Arcfltn mado a quick ran from 6an Francisco arriving in about 43 hours- l.obt. Mnrsden returned on the Area ta from n viiit of several weeks in Ean Francieco. B. F, Tupper of tho Hotel Coquille, came oter yesterday, to revisit his old stamping ground. Tho Eagles havo rented tho hall oyer tho Thot. Hirst store and will fit it np for a lodgo room, It is reported that T. Micklewrtfht jnado his get-away on tho Signal and at iBEt accounts was in Ban Francisco. On Tuesday Rev. B. F. Bengtson re reired the Bad news of the eudden death cf his sister, Mrs, Luardberg, at Batavia 111. Jar. Stock was in town yesterday. Ho announces his intention ofgoine into the poultry business on his ranch near Buraner, When you want a pleasant purcativo try Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets. Thoy are easy to take and pro duce no nausea, griping or other dijc grceablo effect. For sale by Jno. Preuss. Rubs Tower and Tom Bennett, who havo ben attending school at Belmont reached home yeaterdty to spend the holidays. Tho big government dredging schow was launchod from K.V, Kruee's yard at Centervillo yesterday, and will be towod to Ban Francisco. Tho friends of Capt Lembke, of the schoonor WoEtorn Home, will be pleas ed to learn that he was married recently in Oakland Cal., tho lady's name being Miss Uuldah Miller, Goo. Black returned to the Bay on tho Areata, after an absence of several years, and wont up to the homo of his parents Mr. and Mrs. II, N. J31ack, on Catching slough, About 35 coal cars which L. J. f"!mp son had (or use in tho mine which he was opening were taken Monday to the II, R. depot and will bo used in tho Beavar II ill mine, '! 7 ifrp.i E, Lewin has been suffering 6evorely from a piecj of qhicken bone which she nccldently ewallowod r week ago Sunday, so that an operation has becomo necessary, and it will be per formed, today by Dr. Mingus. Eli Bang's, contractor pn tho Rcsoburg Mnrshficld mail ioute started out yes. terday Rafter visiting this end of tlo line. HeJiasputoue more driver on this encji also mofe hohesVond will ptj the maiUhrougu regularly, regardlew - r . t aw """ '! tXt, farm Changes llanos W. C. Mustek has sold to VV. C. Har til andJ. 8. Defreeso tlio farm nt Bum nor whjch ho purchased Init September of L. M. Noble, Mr. D fria U n practical (i-ti . r nud will alien I (o tin work on tho place, wbll? Capt.'in H.vri ntlondfl to hid yacolhio floet plying Ik t wlqu tinm.ier ami Id. I.idpieut Fire Tho resldonro of J.i II, had fn mil row etCiipo from t lms dms,;o :or desttuciuu by fire y toultiy inoru iiii. Tlio wood work under tho htarth I of the fireplace took tiro but fortunately 1 disjvVortd a id rxtinguiehed b-.'oro ftnyeorious lamncewas d-ue. Unique Collection G. W. Tribbey lus beon getting con siderable satisfaction out of existence for tho last few days, and acting as a public benefactor nt tho same time. Having bought a lot of tho belongings of the J, R.CIeavc8 estate, he finds hitn self In the possession of a largo collect ion of old photographs, taken many years ago, and including very many of tho early eettlers on tho bay, now pat- seJ away, as well ns many pooplo now old or middle-aged showing how thoy looked a quarter century or mora ago. The collection is well worth looking over, especially by any one who has been many years ago on tho Bay. He will be reminded of people ho has for gotton, and possibly his heirt will go pitapat at the sight of tho comely fea tures of some one whom he has spent years in trying to forget. The Railroad Survey The railroad surveyors who have been working on a lino from Drain down the Cuipqua vulley to Gardiner and Winchehester bay have .passed Ten milecrcek nud will move to McFariin'a1 place on North Slough in a few days They are camped nt present on J. H. j Utbbarde place on Ten milo, living and ( cooking in tents although clerical work and drawing of plate maps etc. is done in Mr. Hibbards' residence The party icm(ic3 auuut m uuu ucaucu uy Jir.i HA.nnn lA... 0 M4.h t. .!.... 1 t f Cooper chivf engineer and manegcr with Mr. Drum Clerk and paymaster, i The work done appears very complete' and accurate though no ono claims to know for whom they are working except for a "rich company." Tho line will crceiCooa Bay below NorthBend and tho surveyors expect to continue south until they meet another party working their way northward probably in the neigh borhood o! Bnndon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION Notice Is horeby given that under and by virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of and under the eeal of the Circuit Court of the Stnto of Oregon in nnd for the County of Coos, to me directed and delivered, dated tho 4th day ol December. 1003, npona judge ment and decree rendered in a can so in said Court on tho 10th day of September, 1903, wherein I W. Wegner, Treasurer of the Pool Company was plaintiff and Great Central Land Company, a corpo ration, was defendant, being cise num ber 20J1 of said Court, commanding mo to mako ealo of certain real property hereinafter particularly described, to eat'tly the amount of One Thousand dollars- ($1000), together with interest thereon at a per cent nor annum from the 7th day of Feb. 1903. and for hie costs and disbursements in e.dd cause taxed nt tho sum of Ninty-Reven dollntH ('J7 00) now due on said judgement to tho said plaintiff from the baid defend ant. I l.avo levied upon nnd will on i iiuijuiiy, iiju iiiu uay ji .Jiniutw, iuut, t th front door of the Court House, in tho City of Coquillo City, C003 County, State of Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of Bdid day offer for tale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash tho following described real property, to-wit: All ol lot Kluht (8) and Kino (9) in Section 1 ifteon (15), Township Twentv-nve (25) Boutb of Range Thirteen (l'i, West of tho WillamoU Meridian, containing 70 71-100 acres, moro or Icbbj Also the Northea8trjuarter 1-1 of Section Six teen (10). Township Twenty-five (25) South ol Rant-o Thirteen (13; Went of the WillamoU Meridian, all in tho County of Coos nnd Stale of Oregon, or a sufficiency thoreof to satisfy tho above amounts together , with the .accruing cost and contH on said Execution. ' ' Dated at Coquillo City, Coob County, Oregon, this 5th day of December, 1003. v.7 i . t BxtttuKU, Gxhiim , fihuul of Oooi County Oregon. Bilious Colio Provontod Take a doublo doo of ChamhorUln'f Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy nt soon ns thu llret indication ol thu disease appears nud n threatened nltnck may ho warded off. Hundreds of poplo hhd tho remedy in thin nnv with purlect success. For iulttby Jo. Freuai. From Thurcrfny'o Daily, The Arciila t til ednlcd to rail at I) u, m toJny, Mr. ruid Mrs. O.B. town yestotiUy. llilhont note In Mrs. E. !!. Iltyvra, o! Sumner, dewu yesterday Mr nn over til-jht C.1IIU' visit. The Sengftacktii Vlinrnincy has non window fina put on by J. U. Rochon. A, II. Campboll is closing in his show window with frntno work covered with muslin, Tho Allianco is advertised to arrivo from the south today and sail for Fort' land tomorrow, Honry Snlathlul and John William Bonebrake havo a sileut partuer who always welcomo you at tho door. J- P. Stemler, a prominent Jfarmor of Dora, is in town and will ,'go north on tho Alliance, to visit his son Herbert, in Washington. Claude Waters had tho mis'ortunn to kill ono ox and badly cripple another ono day last week, whilo hauling logs for J, W. Byers on Middlo creek. Dud Johnson ono of the butchers and meat packers of Coquillo City and MyrtloPoiut, is in town on business connected with his establishment. A steel post has taken place of ono of the brick columns in the front of the Bsnnett-Walter building, and Magnea k Matson will soon have a tlno show window. The L, A. Club met on Friday hist at tho home cf Mrs. Bradbury. The next meeting of the club will bo with Mrs. Bernitt all members requested to bo present, -, I Miss Lillio Merchant will bo a pas senger on tho outgoing Areata, to Join her I,arcne In San isco. Bho is ?" "J '"". non stein, who has been making her n visit hero, and who will now ictiirn to hor home in Honolulu. Agentla reminder of an old Marsh field boy that had uot 'forgotton tho old sod entirely appeared in a box con taining printers stock which was being unpacked at the Coaht Mail office yes terday. It read, ''Razors (put in ordor, Qoorco StumpNew shaving parlors, 20-t Battery Bt, San Francisco." Head About to Burst From Sovcro Bilious Attack "I had a severe bilious attack and (olt like my head was about to burst whon I got hold of a free sample of Chamber lain'o Stomach and Llvor Tablets. I took a dose of them after supper and the next day felt like a now man and have been feeling happy ever since," naya Mr. J. W. Smith of Jullff, Texas). For bili ousnes?, btomach troubles and constipa tion these Tablets havo no equal. Price 25 cente. For Hale by Jno Preuas Nayarro Not Coming The Navarro has bcon taken off the not for Portland-Cooa Bay run, and will come heie again, This is fine nowa people who are expecting freight on hor. Real Esfat Acliye 'I ho real estate market has shown groater activity tho past week than nt any time for months. Real es tate men have predicted an early movement as spring approached but it ip starting earlier than was expected, No loss than a dozen transfers of business and dwelling lota hay been mrfde in North "Bond, and eeveral , sales, reported for Marshfiold . What may be expected when oprlng op-nT Not SO blow Botno of tho Portland wholosalora who couio to Coos Bay, niter having drummed and aold all tho rest of tho state nud tlinn hit this "Irohri'll county w'ui mho )y lives and i og hark at iitrnngurn, whero tho murchnnta uiui ho nmlo to believe nuy old thing in just fresh from thu hub of f.ithbii" li.l turiuutly left in their expcctntloiiH, when It ramo to making Piiloe, (1 ml lug the merchants ''onto tliolr job." Bomu ovoti evinco thoir dUgnat by turuim: up their uosi'i, whuu tho old rcmunnts nro dug out of their sample- kiealeru. Thoy ia ivy with adlfforoul unlorjtaud ing about Cooi Hay mo:hb.icl: merch ntito. Ouo of them has even bcou heard to remark that "you'll nuvcr catch tuo again In Uoos Bay with any old tiling toioll." RECTOR OF ST. LUKE'S Ashhurnham, Ontario, Testlllos to tho Good Qualities of Cli.unborlaln'd Cough ltuiuedy. Ashhurnham, Out., April 13, 1003.-I think it Ib only right that 1 should toll ouwhatn wonderful effect Chamhor Inin's Cough Kumedv has produced. The day beforo Easter 1 wn ho illstreaniKl with n cold nud cough that I did not think to bo able to take any dutieo thu next day, as my voice was almost ciiaked by thu cough. Tho Minu day I received an order from you lor a bottle of your Cough Remedy. I nt onco proem od n sample bottle, nnd took about three duces of thu medicine. To my gront rv lie! tho cough nnd cold hnd complutuly disappeared nnu 1 wan able to preach three tlmod on E lur Pay. 1 knuw that th'n npld nnd effective euro was duo to vour Cough Romedy. I nuiku thW trs timoninl withnut eolicltnttou, being thankful to hao found such a Godtond remedy. Respectfully your, E. A. I.A.voreJ.or, M. A., Rector ol Hi. Luku's Church. To Chnmberlniu Medicine Co. This ronuiiy Is for sale by Jno Prouss. Points of Hitchcock's Report Sale of Public Lnnds-Acros, 22,824299 ; receipts, f 1 1.021,713,05; expenses of land offices, ?325,W2,02; patents Issu ed at 51,345, Frauds A foreo of 53 special agent in tho flold Investigating allogod frauds; 955 ontrlcs canceled, 12o7 hold for cancellation on oconU' roports. Ar rests made in Orogon and California. Forest P.eiorvo Lisn Land Qullty be ing run down. Eastorn papors have greatly exaggerated thu matter. Timbor and Stono Act Recommenda tion for repeal renewed to conserve public propeaty, Thero woro 12,219 entries, embracing 1,705,222 acres during tho last fiscal year. (hazing on Reserve Knlargmont ol herds and tho shipping in of cattlo to fill quotas Is forblddon. Water supply of communities is consorved, Indians All tribes at peace. Goneral condition ia satisfactory. Pensions The commisioDor bollovcs that in lOyoara tho pension By torn will coaEO tobo a burden. From Friday Dally. . The Allianco sails for Portland at 8 a tn today, M. J. Krantz, of Dora, on business yesterday. was in town Tho paintora aro pttttiug on the first coat to the uppor story of the Masonic Toroplo. Miss Gortrudo Johnson, of Coquillo, returned on the Alliauce from a visit in California, Mrs, Wilson noa Nelllo on the Alliance for u visit lives nnd friends, Hall arrived with rela- ' A number of Masons from tho Coquillo were In town tho past'fevv dnya raceivgin the higher degre in Moeonry, Tho News is kicking about tho street HgbtH, AV will inform Brother Bon net that thero. is on. street light that goes every. night, without fall; that is iho marlnJ riportot'i ianiern, Ayers mm iiiuwui mmmamm Bnld? Scnlp shiny nnd thin? Then It's probably too Into. You neglected dnndrulT. If you hnd only taken our ml vlce, you would have cured Hair Vigor the dnndrutT, saved your hair, nnd ndded much to if. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve It. "I Imvo inn! Ajror'i llnlr Vlcor foroTr 4 vrart I ntn lintr ( ;rnitnillUiVoit livy Kttiwlli if lloli I'fimii linlr, Uuo, I tlillik.eii' lltcljr lo Ai'r' llnlr" . , Mil 51. A. itMITtl, IIIIvIIIk, 111. j) CO IX twill All1riii!ilalt J C AYttllfO, 1 i.wtil, Mui for Good Hair D. W, Bmall Iim been moving his grading outfit to tho isthmus, whoro ho has a contract on tho cut bolu pat ill by tho 0. B. It, A E. T. M. Dlmmick loll Thursday for Ba lorn, via thu Drain route, in order to present at tho special session, whioh convenes Monday. Mrs. F. X. Hofer loft tin Drain for a short visit with Balcm relatives and friends, stopping a few days at Albany nud othor valley points. B. B. Cnthcart sent a fino myrtle wood cano, tlniihbd in tho plain wood, to President Scott of tho Oregon Uood Roads Association at Salutn this wook, Travel by Sea Arrivals by Alllnucefrom San Fran cisco Dec. 15, 1903, Mlsn Johnson, Mrs J 8 nave, Mnrgurlto Hayes, Mra W D Wilson. C N'Aiburg. kMIJ h Dent; nud U2dclnes From linroknT ACanlleld.W A Catifiel Mrs J Colvortl.ora Colver. W K Bweot, J M Call, JohnMesserlu, J W Dearing, and wifo W Kern, Stella Kern, Eddy Kern, and 4 second class. Operation Performed Anoporation was performod Wed nesday onMrs.E, Lowin, by Dr. Mingus, assisted by Dr. McCormnc and Straw, Miss) Black nnd Miss Gould, It wns supposed that the patient wns sufferinc from tho effectsol u chicken bone which r she hnd swallowod ten days before, but it was discovered that the trouble arose fiom a bad case of appendicitis. The operation was ivory suc cessful andMrs. I.owln is doing c; well as could exbopoctcd. WANT JO BECOME PART OF COOS CO Loon LAke Settlers Tells How that Section Is Treated by Douglas Ed, Coast Mail: Tho peoplo of Loon Lake vnlloy would feol much pleased Jf..Donglaa Co, lino was removed from west side of ,our val ley to east oido of earno, whero it natur ally belongs. If wo woro takon over to Coob this country would ho opunol up by a good county road, giving this ter ritory a good tnarkot and shipping point on Coos Bay. 'Tie a sad plight to produce and bivc no market, as wo havo learned from ex perience. Wo are co far removed from tho buslnose centors of Douglas Co, that thoy apparently havo no earthly use for our graud valley but to collect taxes. Of course they woro to build roads long, long ago and would do it sure. That was beforo election. Ah, dear mo I they tho road makors, was electod to office, but also for our cbildron, ourcourt houso promises are like pie cruBt, easily brok en, and oar valley of the fat Hob at rest. Buch robourcoa as lay; , herd Is becoming I widely iiuota. it Douglas bo, don'M ' mm carofor up. thoy should atlonst-let hi go ovor to Qoon, tn as to rccolvo eoun ty help whoro noudoil, Cooi wants our trade which would grow rapidly and pny (or any outlay on Cooh'm purl. Tho resources urn i.oilargo and vntlml, of Loon Lnko .Vnlloy, that thoy cniiuot it' mnlit pent up 'iota nil iiuwters nn It is nt prusont, No omi tjtitur t.if no tnt Idon. Wo hmg to u pait of Coou Co. and ilmro thu grout hiislunus ndvan tngos Guns would glndly glvo ui-i' II Douglas Co, feob nnoutmi'iit tnwanl.i this nppi'iil li would bit only t-lmiiiim eellUlinrii'j. We fuol thut It In cruol to ltcop our fimllluv ohut up In this onhln whuu promUed help Is soiumi nt hmd hut not livable, Yours most cordially,, Ash Loon l.aku, Dix. 0, 11)03. JEFFRIES MEETS MONROE Cpoclal to the Mall. New York, Dec. ltl-Jeffriia this af tjinoon agreed, in view of Monroe's showing Inst night, to give thu miner a battle. USES 50,000 CHRISTMAS i TREES Qpeclal to tht Mall. Now York Dee. 17 According to oitl mates given by a number of lending dcalara 50,000 Chilitmns tn.ns vill ho used hero this sceton, Tho pricos range from "." ennts to f2.". Nearly all o! the i trees como frcm thu Unlnu Forosts NAVAL VETERANS IN SESSION Gpeclal to the MalL l'hlladoljdila, Pn., Doc. 17 Tho Nat ional Association of Naval Volersns be gan its annual Convention hero today, with a good nttondanco of dulegatos rep presenting many states. Reports show that tho national astoclatlou include 40 local orgnnixations, with a membership of more than 8000. NOTICE Bonlod proposals 'will ho rocolvod at the office of tho County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, up to 12 oVIock noon Friday, JanunryK, 1001, to furnish medi cal attendance nud enro for nil county pntlente who are not ablo to ba moyod to tho County Poor Farm, to Include drugs and m edict noa nnd the entire ex pense nnd care for snld patients. Tho County Court of Coov County reserves the right to reject nuy nnd nil bids. Dated thin Dili day of December, 1003. L. I1ARLOCKER, County Jtidgo. 12-10-2t MARItlliD SALINK-BRUNHIT,- At Mnrahfiold, Oregon, on Saturday, Deo, IS, 100J, Miss Sophia Brunell to OhiiB. Balini Tho innrriagu ceremony was perform ed at tho Lutheran Church by Rov. i). F. BongUon in tho ury iinprosaivo rit ual of tho Lutheran church, iu presonco of a largo concourso of friends of the hrldunnd groom. After the eorvico at tho church it sumptuous wedding dinner was enjoyed, by tho bride nnd groom and CO Invited guosts, at tho homo of Mrs. Kaioo. In lokou of apprcoiatlon nnd friend ship many valunblo proRontstworo be stowed upon tho hnppy oouplo, nil of n tisoful nnturo, Mr, and Mrs. Bnllno will tako up their abodo on their arm on NorthCooYrlvbr and will be, at homo thero alter Thurs day Dbccember is, i1