Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 19, 1903, Image 6

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    - i
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-M .k ,
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H- SZ !a"i'
Ra in
60 different games all new
one in each package of
Lion Coffee
nt your Grocer's.
From Saturday's Dally.
To write ilto writorlglit It r-i-t-e.
Col. Wright tays W-rig-h-t is right.
Slioiifl Stovo Oalllor started yesterday
by nay of Drain for Salntn taking Aug.
8nlth who had been adjudged insane
and committed to tue asylum,
Much fruit is being pieced in cold
storage in Bouthern California for ex
hibition at tho World's Fair. The' col
lection Includes several rahmmoth
olives Which are one and three-quarters
Inches long and three rnches in circam-'
(erence, m
Becauee Portland; with the assistance
of the S. P., aa tbo dead, mortal circh
on tho WiilnmetAe valley, her business
men evidently think that they can treat
Coos Nay buyers as thoy like; fill orders
tkB thoy please and chip when they get
good and ready. Are they right?
F. M. Stewart the mnrbla worker, re-.
turned Thursday from Coos river,
Where ho has been doing some work at
the cemetery, He placed a large coping
and monument at tho gravo of Mrs.
Qipson, a coping on the grave of Mre.
W. C. Bickford, and a monument at tbe
gravo of Curt Vnnderlln.
Thursday evening Mammoth Lodgo
No. 87 A, 0. U. Yf. elficted the following
officers for tho ensuing year: M W
Charles Stauf?, T, War Steckel, 0, M A
HaglumJ, Recorder, T M DImmick, Fin,
E, A Anderson; Receiver, WB Curtis,
Q.JT Hall', IW -Twiner, 0 W,
Thomae, Trafltees, 2 yoars A J Eavflio,
A B" datticB'fl,
Presbyterian Church
There wilt bo services at tho Ffcsby
te'rian church Bnnday evening. Rev,
T. fi. Waller will preside. Everybody
Died of Poison1
Josiab Wolf, father of Lyman Wolf,
of this place, died at Bnhdon Tuesday
lit the age ot "C yoare. it is reported
that doath was caused by the old gen
tleman taking a doso of eomo kind of
poison, by mistake for medicine.
Boy Drowned
Tho Bandon Recorder reports tho
drowning o( Vfarrie, son of William
Motcalf, a 13 year old boy. nt Prosper,
by falling into the river while walking
on a boomstick nnd towing a boat by
he pnlnlfcr.
A. N. W. Adjourns
The A. N. W, Club met at tho home
0! Mrs. Seeloy on Thursday alternoon.
Tho rules of the Club wero sus
pended and refreshments wero served,
The Club has adjourned until tho First
Thursday in January when it will meet
with Jtfie. L, J. Simpson at North Bend,
1 is r FREEt l ;
Krdm Sunday'a Dally.
L. J Sleep tho Lltby Merchant was in
town Saturday.
A largo crowd .weul down on tho
Crulcer Inst night to tako In tho Empire
Mrs A. H. Campbell was treated to a
thoko box of Gloriamuudl apples nt
imly . They were beauties and when
last seen they had nearly vaulsbed.
There wero only 45 in tho box and it
was over full,
The Evergreen Whist Club mot at tho
homo ot Mre. J. It Rochbn on Saturday
altornoou, Mrs. S. H. Hazard won first
honors and Mrs. J, T. McCormac won
tho booby. The next meeting of tho
club will bo with Mrs. Sengstackeni
A Costly Mistake
Blunders are somotimes very expen
live. Occasionally life itself is the price
of a mistake, but you'll never bo wrong
ifyontaho Dr. King's rsew me rws
for Dyspepsia, Dizziuesa, Headache, Liv
or or Bowel troubles. They aro gentle
yet thorough. 25c, at Jno. Fruesa Drug
Store. ii
Work on the Hospital
Father Donnelly roporta tho work on
tho foundation of tho North Bond hospit
al well under way. He has five men
employed on tho work and it will be
pushed as fast the weather will pefmit.
Bought Road Material
F. P. Norton has bought of Jtbo 0. 0.
& N. Co, the ballast pile at Eastport, for
ueo on the roads. Thero is ICO or more
cubic yards of tbe material, about
enough to finish tho work of ballasting
as far as Eastport.
The Minstrels
The Marshfield Minstrel company are
preparing to give anotbsr one of their
high. class and always enjoyable perfor
mances about February first. Tbe
original combination of eleven artists
will entertain tho public this time, and
this is a sufficient guaranteed a fl rot-
class performance.
Up to Mischief
Cyrus Steckel, the feather renovator,
was the victim 01 some miicntevons
practical Joker last Friday night. Some
one entered ma leather Kenovatory
on First street dnrlng tho night and pro
ceeded to do mischief.' Several small
parti of the machinery were carried
off and a two inch bolo was cut in the
feather man'o rubber cap. Should the
guilty party be discovered it will proba
bly bo too lato to repent as Steckel sees
no fan in such proceedings.
Push Club Notes
Coquille leads with the largest ruta
baggajon record.
Gold specimens to the valuo of tbreo
thousand dollars have been offered to
tho committee for exhibition.
Coos county is to furnish tho white
codar for all the inside work in the Cfre
gon building at tbe St. Louie Fair. The
Simpson Lumber Co. have taken tho
The apple exhibit '.from this Eectlbn
bids fair to be a large one. Tho com
mittee have ordered jara In which to
keep tho beet epecimens of all fruit and
vegetables brought in,
Bidgea for tho Push Club havo been
ordered and from general appearance
tho order will have to bo duplicated as
the whole county seems to be Joining in
"the lineup,
vltL ' m m l'M'l,,l'l,M B'mJJty
OF DISEASES, '-witH directions hoW to treat them, tfiven in
lU ( Id It, a Pcil Ctti rMMt I Wt. 0. JAVM1
A Genuine Surprise.
A genuino itirprlso wae sprung on tho
C U 11 W while it was l regular
session nt tho homo of Mrs. l M. WIN
bur, on Friday svoning, whn tho M B
B cfttuo in on them with a ruth. Thcso
clubs aro merely dllfrent "degrees"
within tho Kvorgrcen Whist Club, nnd
tho secret workings of ono club Is not
known to tho other. Tho C It II W
wero deeply involved in tho mysteries of
tho gamo whon tho loiter ttncoremotil
ouily filed in. They completely took
full possession. Tho hostess was so
ongrosted with tho gamo that sho upon
looking up occidcnlly gavo away their
pass word "whero ate jou going "
Another mystery was also cleared up,
it having been supposed that C B 11 W
was composed entirely of tho gentlo sex
but thero wero sovoral gentlemen pres
ent, which greatly excited tho M B n
and they lost no llmo in summoning
partners by telepohne. Somo wero or
dored by montal telegraphy.
After 16 hands had been played nnd
the scores counted it was found that
tho hostess, Mrs 1'. M. Wilbur was on
titled to tho honors of tho gamo. It was
a beautiful and appropriate souVenair
prize. 1
Choice reftcshmento wdro served and
ono and :tll did amplo Justice to tho lay.
out. Tho dubs dispersed at a lato hour
nii feeling that thoy hnd had a capital
time long to be remembered
Pioneer Grocery Stock Maided by a
A butcher named Kaet, who has been
employed a week or so ns lard and sau
sage artint at Flanagan's meat market,
was arrested yesterday afternoon on n
charge of larceny.
He had been parsing back and forth
between the ment market and tho lard
rendering room throtigb tho back part
of tho PJoneor flrocery store. Yester
day aftornoon, Walter Butler, clerk in
the store, noticed Ksst carrying a rack
ol flour out of tbo back door. He asked
the fellow about It and not gotting a
satisfactory answer, roported the matter
to J. II. Taylor, manager ol tho store.
An Investigation resulted in finding
stowed in the lard room (lulto on assort
ment of stuff from the grocey stock, In
cluding 3 sacks ol Hour, 2 sacks Ul pota
toes, S brooms, t) hams. 3 Limberger
cheese, 4 cans maple syrup, a box of
apples, some soap and onions, besides
some other articles in a barrel,
It is supposed that the fellow intend
ed to take tho stuff aWay in a boat, and
ho wWd probably have made away
with it il he had not teen discovered by
youn: Butler.
Bids Received for'street Improve
ment At a meeting of tho town board Fri
day night, bldB were opened for tho im
provement of First street between A
and C streets. The bids were as follows :
Parsons, Landrith and Hall plank
(12.00 per thousand feet of lumber re
Noblo and McLaln--Lumbor f J 1.50
per thousand feet.
Bear and HelsnerFireclay fl,40
per cubic yard.
The lower bid for lumber would
amount to W cents per lined foot. Tho
trbVHPf Moat liaiful of
sIVEJEs! Family Hand
' BooUi.'Olityear
of Publication. Printed In
nine: different lan
guages. Contains Correct
Calendars for ala .latitudes.
Eclipse, Tide and7 "WoVthor
Tabloa, Astronomical data,
list of Feast, Fast and otlier
lf Olldttys, 4rtttlcfQ,jili(Cbvt
Diagrams and choice, illus
ft. S9Nr PHMDEIPWA, wlU hrUj ft It r PREIT
fireclay would amount lo UU per
lluonl foot. Tho btds wore taken iimlor
ndvltcinont until tho properly owners
Could be consulted ns to which thuy
would profcr.
An ordinance wna i.moJ allowing
tho consolidation o( tho Marshllold tiro
dopnrttnmit into ono company.
A oomtnltti'o from "tho A. N, W.
Club ntked permission to plnco n
fountalu In Mm ctruet nt tho
intersection of A nnd Front streets, and
tao matter was taken under ndviao
ment. F Igh't Will bo Blttor
Those who will persist lu closing their
oar nKainst the continual rocimuumulu
tiou of Dr. King' Now Ducovory for
Consumption, will hnvu n lone 11 ml hit
ter tight with their troubles, II nutumlud
oarllor by fatal termination. Itoiul wliut
T. It. Beall of Benll, MUs. has to say:
"Last (all my wife had oviiry rymptciii
ol coniumptiou, Sho took Dr. KIiiu'b
ew uwcovery alter uveryiriing uu nan
failed. Improvement en mo nt onco mid
four bottles ontlruly cured her. Ctianui
toed liv Jno. Purest), druggist. PrlcoWc
and f 1 .00. Trial bottles (reo.
Coast Mall Will Issue one on New
The (pecinl illustrated edition of the
CoabtM ail, for which plnuo havo becii
maturing (or several mouths, will be le
suid on the tlrst of tho year.
It will consist of 3'J or more pages,
printed ou Hue book stock, with a hand
somo cover. This number will contain
descrlptivo matter of Coos county with
a largo number of lluw illlstratiou.i,
nnd it it tho intention to give u compre
titntivu review of tho progress made bv
this community during tho past yenr.
Wo do not promUo to get out a blggor
and Iwttcr number than our last Holi
day number, bnt no hope to do so. Thu
pages will be smaller aud there will bo
moro of them. Tim printing and bind
ing will be done in thin office nnd thu
cluss of work will bo ns good ns enn bo
got in Oregon. A reasonable amount of
advertising space will bo sold nnd n
largo number ot oxtrn copies will bo
Every subs rrll.er to the dally or week
ly Coast Mail will recolvon copy of this
edition. Extra copies will bo 15 cents
each, but w-e will book advance orders
until December 1st nt 10 cents each.
We mako this low rate so that wo may
know before printing nbost how many
copiee will bo needed to sgpply the de
mand. Bend tho money with your or
der or not, as best suits your conven
ience. Wo will guuianteo satisfac
tion, or refund any advnco payment
made. If deairod we will mail tho pa.u
per to any addresses you may furnish.
In cases whero the papers aro to bo
mailed from this oflice advance pay
ment is necesenry.
Further announcement will bo made
Now nnd unworn type will be used
in tho coming special number, and the
print will bo clear and reabablo. We
were handicapped last year by being
obliged to ueo badly worn body typo,
but this will be avoided in the coming
Rovolutlon Imminent
A euro sign of approaching revolt and
Eerioiid trouble in your system is ner
vousness, eleeplessnces, or stomach up
sets. Klectric Bittoe will quickly dis
member tho troubleeorn causes. It nov
or fails to toue the stomach, rcgnlntq tho
tho Kidneys and Bowels, Htlmutato tho
Liver, nnd clarllv tho blood. Hun down
eyatom benefit particularly nnd nil thu
usual attending aches vnnuh under its
searching and thorough effectiveness.
Electric Bitters is only 50c, and that is
returned ii ft don't glvo perfect satisfac
tion. Guaranteed by Jno Proues drug
Plant to be put In by Jackson and
Huffsdhrrildt '
North Bond is to havo a foundry and
matihinti shop. A stock company has
been formedjwlth II.C, Johnson ahd U. A.
Hutffcmidt no incorporator?,aud the lum
borlma been ordered for tho buildings,
The machine shop will boa 2 tory build,
ing 60x100 fcoti and the foundry" will bo
50x60, The iplant will bo located ono
block, pouth of tho sash nnd dopr factory,
wb.ctj a site haa been donated y; L. J,
Slmpeon. Tho foundry will, bb placed
on a solid foundation gradod'iout pi tho
bftfab Tit projtct'erf agree to fcut In
$10,000 plant.
Mr, IlufTach m lilt Is well known hero
us n (Irst-clnen foundry nuwi, linylug
connected until recently with Frod
Nuleon lu the Coos Bay Iron Works.
Mr. Jackson Is n thorough machinist,
ns hn has shown by his work nt North
Bond whiiro ho has been omplnod
rttuco ho cntnu to tho bay several mouths
ago looking (or nn opening lor tho or
tnbllHhuient of such n plant nn Is now
nbottt to bo put in.
Notice of Dissolution
Notice is horoby glvon Hint tho part
nership horntotoro existing bntweon K.
K. Nullum nnd It. A, Iluffcchmhlt, doing
business timlur tho firm unmu of Thu
Coos Hay Iron Works, lo thin dnv din
solved iy mutnl ngrfumont, mid that
mild F. K. Nulsou has becomo.tho owner
of nil property of said partnership, and
all notes nnd accounts duo or to liecoino
duo enM firm nro nnd shall bo pnynblr to
him, nnd that said F. E. Nelson has as
Dtimcd mid shall pay nil debts of said
llrm heretofore, inrurred.
Dated nt Mnrshflold, Coos County,
Oregon, this 1 lib day n( November HK):i.
F. K. Stums, '
11 2t ot P.. A. HurTH'iiMinr.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Tho Bjy City mill startod up yostcr
day alter n short lay-off,
! -
The Alliance was schoduled to sail
Irom Ban Francisco nt p, m. yostorday.
A new arrival is roported at tho
horn ool Lea Mast, ut McKlnley, but
tho dato of bor advent Is not glvon.
P, L, Phelan enmo over from Myrtlo
Point yesterday to got somo cnblo nud
trap iron for his mitt boom nt that
jn Favor of Defendant
Tho injunction suit of BongatacVort vs
McCormac, involving a portion ol the
Coder point boom, whlclt Judgo Hamil
ton has had under advliomuut, ban
beon decided in favor a( tho defendant.
It will prDpably bo appealed.
Farm Sold
It. Q. Wilson has told his finO farm
on Catching slough to John Meiserle, of
whom ho bought tho plnco last year,
Mr, Wilson will move, with his fnmily
to Bouthern Calfornla, his roason for
soiling out being to seak a change ol
climate for Mrs. W's health,
Planking Roads
Ed Abernathy camo In Saturday from
Farlvlew, whore ho has been inwlng
lumbor for tho Coos Bay wagon road.
Ho reports enough plank sawed to fix
tho road from tho Stinnon placo to tho
intersection with tho Fern rldgo road,
and it will bo laid as fast art tho teams
can haul It out.
Through a misunderstanding of the
agreement as to opening evenings previ
ous to Christmas, most of tho stores
closed at G o'clock last evening whllo
two or three wero kept open, Tho Inttor
cloeed on finding that tho gonornl
understanding watr that tho even
ing opening was to go Into rllcdt on
1 ')
Sunday Service
Rov. Mulkoy of Coqnlllo will hold
cervices in tho old Y. -M. 0. A. hall
next Sunday at 11 n. in. and li p, in.
Bubjoct n. m., DIvino (ilory and how to
Attain to It) p, m., Tho Christians
Deathless hope, this last tho first of n
eorloi oflfortnfght lectures. "Dinner
on tho ground," Theau gathorlngs nro
vory onjoyablo, -t
Light Fine for Larceny
Chas Kaet, whq was caught In tho
act of stealing goods from tho Plotioor
Grocery store Hattirdny, mado u plea of
guilty beforo Justice Hydo yesterday
morning, Judgo Hydo imposed n flno
of if fiO, ConBidorlng that(tha valuo of
tho gootia stpjen waa ahovo ?JO,00 and
tbo offehBO wns0unuHually Ilagrnt tho
man bay coneidor tbat ' ha ia
lucky, But ornora of -property may not
be spo1!! pleaced wth that kind of
protection, 4 "
A Frlphtonotl Hort7o
ltiinnlng llku until down tint iitroat
dumping tlm octiiipiinti), or a htimlrud
It buhoovoH tvervliiitly lo havo it rollithlu
Halvo liiindv it ml thoro'tt 1101111 hn l'ooiI
ns lltiekleirn Arnica Hiilvn, Itttrns, Cuts,
Horee, Kcxnuin and Piles, illnnppi'r
(iitlclcly under Us miothliiu effect. 'JHo.
nt Juu. l'ruein' Drug Htoro,
Social al Allcjjany
Tho peoplo of Allegany hold n Imnkut
social L'ttttirdny ovoiilng fur 1 1 1 iurpoao
ol raising IiiihIh for a Clirlatmns tree. A
very sticcurRlul affair in reported. In n
voting contest (or tl 0 bust looking girl,
nnd tho host looking hoy, Mltn Mary
Hrtwyera mul lleriranu Kdwnrds worn
tho siiccuflttlul citndldntej, Mies Hawyurs
wni nleo volod to ho tho most pupulnr
girl and Will Vlneamu curried off tliat
honor ninong tho loy.
Tho sum of :il),7r waa rtullied from
tho social, thu highest price paid be
Ing ").tK) nnd tho lowest 75 conti.
A Well Trained Pup
A, It. Gallon who Is an cx-profeeiunal
unlmnl trnlner has now n 10 week old
-ftter;timiilel uliicli ho la trnliiiug nnd
tho ptipihowa nn titiiisunl nmount of In
tulligouco. Ho can already do many
tricks such nn stand, wnlk, roll over,
hoot, retrieve, upenlc nnd numerous
other moro diflknlt trieki. Mr. Gullau
will train his dog (or n khow. Ho has
already hern offered it largo turn (or tho
Plank vs Fire-clay
In view of tho (act Hint theru nro
a number ol AlreotH to bo Improved in
tho near future, it will aland tho owners
ol abutting properly, in hand to consul
or well tho diMerouto of purmnuacy bu
tweuu Jho-cby and plank inv, Ono
may bo a little cheaper than Ilia other
whon put In, hut one intts (orcvor,
whllo tho ether mutt he renewed.
Theru Is n rcry important point in
favor of thu llro-clay street, jour proper
ty ie not in dnuc.or from (Ire creating tho
streo and tho chance ol bolng hurnod
ont from that rourco is much lets, an
Itom which Is worth ctmtlderahlo nnd
should bo considered when making thu
TOTBAVELfnr well established houso
in n fow counties, calling on rotnll merch
ants nnd agents. Local territory. Hxl
nry f'JO.rX) per wook with oxpensus nd
(lltlonall, nl! payable in cash each week.
Money for expellees ndvnnccd. Pniitlon
pormanent. Ilusinehs successful and
rushing, Btandnrd Houie, 33i) Dearborn
St., Chicago. 1121 SOt
Coos County Abroad
Co'iuillo Bullolln.
Mia 1 Edyth Tozlcr Woatherrod, pro
prietor ol tho Exposition Magazine ol
Portland, rnemhsr of tho oxccutlvo
board of tho International League Prois
Cluhii nnd now in tho employ ol tho
Horriman lines an lecturer with storcop
tlcon views on ''Oregon,'' writing fro in
Chicago to a rolatlvo lu Couille. says;
"Coos county ie talked ol overywhore,
arid I lmyo had moro ijueHtions asked
abatit that county than tuy other. A
largo number ol lumberman aro Having
lioro tonight (or Oregon, nnd thoy havo
thoir oyoa on Coon. Mr, McKinnoy,
gonornl imtuigrntion ngout (or tho Hitr
rimun lino?, enya that Cooa county in
ono of tho ii)ont prornlfllng eoctlom nt
tho Northwest today. Toilay (Nov. SO)
is tho Innt of tho speoinl rxcnrslou ratea
until January, and thu Union Pacific I J
leaving horo with as big n crowd as any
during tho cummer, Tho aterooptlcon
lectures glvon on Oregon hnvo been a
groat boom for tho Statu. Pictures talk,
and thoy aro doing untold good. Lot
tho people of Coos band thomielvos to
gether (or 11 gunoral path cnb nt tha
opening of spring and bogln onrly. Bond
on tholito'iiluro,"
Wo nro tho orcluslvo donlora in tho
tiinlth & Bunion piano nnd havo sold
thorn throughout tho northwoat for many
yeoio aud tho roneon why wo aro eelUng
,them today iHbtuaueo thoy iglvo tho Vory
boat of aatlafaction.
Allon 4 Qilbeyt-Hnmnkor Co. .
B. M. VviuiV,
P, O, Box 2ie, IJatBbflt ld,,Or,
vCr? fc.