1l. - N- t p - k; fEEKLY COAST MAIL TELEPHONE, MAIN 451. Entered In the Postoffice at Marahflcld, r.s Second Class Matter. COOS WAV PUBLISHING CO., P. C, LEVAR, F. X. HOFER, Editors and Managers. G. W. WOODWARD. Foreman, Issued Every Saturday. Terms: In Ad vance, Si.jOft Year, Si. 00 Six Months. DAILY: By mail; for advance payment only, 30 cents a month; 4 months for $1.00. When not paid in advance the price is 50 cents per month, straight. Issued every morning except Monday. THE BACHELOR CIKL lloro'a to tho Bachelor Cirl Who fain her charms would cloiater, Bhu is n precious pearl Thnt will not leave the oyster, Bhc is n proud aweet pen That f corns to boa Tine, And lenn upon a tree Ur round a stick entwiue. "What ! lean upon a tt!ck ! Oil, nol I'm not that eort I will crow brnuchea thick And te my own support!" BcwareO pearl of price, Lett yon be cast to twine ; 0 ptoud Eweet pea, think twice Era you refuse to twine ; 0 Bachotor Girl, we drink Cqnfmion to your plan ; Bewoie, leit Fato shall link You to a Spinster Man! O change, ero 'tis too lato . The choker tall and silly, Tbo tweeds the hat we hate, For something soft and frilly ! Take off the stockings bine, (We will avert our gaze), Then will we drink to you Long life aud happy days! Oliver Herford in Good Eouekceping colcctod and walked out 0! tho rtoro, leavirR tho knocking shoo man to won der why he hud mii:ed thu enlo. The newcomer niked tho first friend he met what was tl.o matter with Salom pcoplo that even her own merchants won1 knocklnc the town. Then ho told hii dory, It almoet decided 1dm ufion buying no more property hero, no lie said he did, tit like to invest money anions pcoplo who were kuockluj their owu town. Qontiuel. KKOCKTKE SXOCJKEKS 1t Won't Eomebcdy plcaee take a club and kill a fow of tho knockere? A man came in from Ashland, rented a farm from one of oar prosperous farmers nnd paid down ,20, promising to make a contract tho next morninjj. Then in tho evening, a lot of knockers sot nt this man and told him tho country) was no'coo.l, he could make only make $30 tt year on the cowe, and with like Hois they discoursed the man and now he ia apt to leave the country, impressed that it ia a land cf thieves, vagrants and bad cows, Won't somebody pleato ;kill the knockers ano rid ttia country of,a,poet? Tillamook Independent. No dotbt every tow:: In tbo e!?.(o can duplfcato this experiunce. Salem con. One day recently a man of meana who baa jutt arrived in Oregon and mada ex tonaive purch:aes in farm and city property, dropped L.to a largo extensive boot and ahoe store here to make ejmo purchases for hia family. 3The proprie tor (howed the stranger ench gooda as be deeirr d and the sale was about to be made when tho conversation drifted to Oregon, the county in general and Balem in particular. Tho '. newcomer told the ehoo,mautbat ho was a lato nr "ilvcl in Oregon, and had ju-,t rcrcbae sd a bis farm and a fino residence in Kalem, aad w.a jjoing to bny Bomo nioro town property aa an investment, This this too muth forthoBboo man and he promptly advised tho man to go vttryhw bsfpro investing any more moriVy here, . He said Salem w'aa alow andr.lvaye -onld be thnt way. Ho further volunteered tho information that town propirty waea poor invest ment, aa tho people hero weio 'dull aloepy and unprogressiva, Nol content with this thjO shoe msffa told tho htruutf eroJLgood.toft'na eleawhe'rp. The nel I eomrquit.nituriilly deoWd:that he 1 UY TI'F HOME i'KODUCT. It is universally acknowledged that 0110 of Coos Count 'a needs is moromuu fstturiug industries. Without going in to the larger phatcs of this question, it c:.n not be pointed out too often that tho mannfaoturinc industries that we have should rece:vo th hearty support of aH our citizons. Tbts ig particularly truo of those whoro goodt nro in tho local markot in competition wi;h goods from the outElde. Kv.ry citizen of Cooa county ou;ht to give the preference to gooda made in Co nj county. Probably all realize this, but thoy of ten foiset it. How many remember when they buy matches or cigar;, mnt tretses, shingles or cheese, to specify the product of Coos tcunty factorict? Theso nOoas all come in comictition with out side gooda. The latter havo no advan taac, either in price or quality ; in fact the difference is in favor of tho native Kocds. Then why shouldn't all Coot county people buy tho homo goods, keep tho money at home, employ home labcr zzd build up tho home country. . ,AV CUBAN: BILL IN OPERATION President Issyes Proclamation Great Rejoicing Cuba in FILE ALL TARIFFS (Special to the Coast Mall.) Wr.:hinglon, Dec. IT President Roosevelt sliced thu Cuban reciprocity bill ut 1 o'clock this afternoon, with tho samo pin used bv 1'roBident Fry and Spoaker Cnnnrn. The pen will bo sent to Havana by request of tho Cub.ui minister, whera it will be placed in the Cuban museum. Minister Quectadn notified his gov eminent that the bill was signed, and upon rccuipt cf 11 reply that Cuba is prepared to "carry out'. ita provision, Piesiduut Rooeovelt issued u procura tion putting the law into immediate effect. Paima i.eued a simitar proclamation. XtC'hrleWit " Vtiy or owirno bo uitvi nil hta cttPtw. t Iwml owry ono ot Vm, nd thoy woru Uio ulniplont tldniri.. Ilo Jnt explained thlnjrti to Uio Jury.1 tlu didnl imvo to do any liunl tnlltlmi nt till. You couldn't help but mm with hltn.' Uuccciti. ( ftflltla.fl'a lnnaLi If.ll.tstl.. In n bloirntpliy of (JnllKit ivnw wto Hen nro fold of tho cnuotlc humor oX , thnt loM lnwatbrntor. Lotnrlo ijiimt, , a writer on ivlmiew huvlnn until thnt . tho llnbylottliuw tifKl tv cHik cvirn by wuirlliiK them In n ultuir, tJnllkv n ptW: "Hie eiuiHo of hucIi nn effwi ts very reinoto fi)u thnt t which It Is ' uttriUiftxl, and to tlnd tho true cntbm I J htmiII tvmxvn tliimt If an ou'ect iIoob not foiktu- with us which rillowtt with I oConi nt nttothor tlmo It li twcnuwi' ti our exiwriniontst tyxnothlm; Im wuiiN ' lag whk-h wim tlw cnuio of tho fnt)cr pucccss, nnd If only ouo tlalnir t1 wnnt-' tnjf to uh that ouo tlilnw Ih tho true ' cnustt. Now wo havo e-p ntul hIIiiks , utxl ntron men to whirl thorn, nnd yit j titay will not Ivcouto coolcitlj nuy, lf tby wero twt ut tlrnt they moro quick I ly Ikxxviik' cold, nnd kIuco uothltiK H' wnntln to m tnit to Ihi Huliyloiitntut It followii tli.it IwIiiK Dnliytuiilnurt U tln tru cmiw why tho oku liocnmo ctntk (J nnd not to tlw friction of tho ntr, which la what I wlnti to provw" Special Chibbiflr fl urJtfl Ilcrt 1 the clmticc of your lifetime. It k ood only n lone as this ad nppeat.s. y Tho WKIvKLy ORKGONMAN -TSu-N. Y. TRUiUNB I-ARMlvK -The WKUlvLY COAST MAII, -The DAILY COAST MAIL - OUR OFFER r TlieORKGONlAN, TUU.UN'K l-'ARMICR nml WICKKhV COAST MAIL, 1 year lor only , - - -2 50 1 00 A OO 3 w ThcORHGONIAN, TR1HUN12 1-ARMKR mid COAST MAIL, 1 year for only -'? - DAILY 4 00 You nil ktiow the Oregon ittii. -..The Tribune ii'ui uicr is one of Ihe best limn jwnets pubj lifjlicd nuy vrhctc. Hitorthniiit ll.OOO Vtut Ano. It Is no doubt 11 Hut-prlxr' to inimt to Uxrn thnt nliorUunut w:.u known iukI pnictkvl U.C-JO yoiti-H npo. Mimlliu, 11 coutvniiwnin of CiuHiir nnd CIc.pcs Vlrjrtl nnd Uonico. uworts that tKno RjMtom of rvportttiK vory HltnUiir tol otir hliortluuid ffim in vouo In hie J .. ,, tlnyn. Writing theso words undor tJw C. V C.F I N7.tin.yniv- - WIDE-AWAKE In itorthartit iihlIU-0, whero llttl tiMirhn comprise AVholii wunln. u cntvnc Jn n -Iniclc lottrr VI. n. If you Ate a farmer and do nol take ntlvaiifjfg! of this ofler, where do yott e.xprot to jjet off at? It is open to nil .subscribers, old or new. TULL YiOUH NEICHSORS ABOUf IT. ruuB.-.jl .-yVTir: FARMER who is interoHted in tho nown of hia Havana. Dec, 17 When tho ofllcial news was received last night of the par slug of tho reciprocity treaty br tho United States senate, Palma hod the National taluto fired from tho Cuban fortrc.s. As tho At.' uun hollowed forth the ttars cud stripes tluttorcd over Morrow cattle, while bends ail over tbo city took up the national nntliom. Tho miuons: crowd chocod America wildly. An.l Tl'hltd (h. tvMlnr? hmul 111 ti(,l .irrnr.ln ' . . prevents in; lonKni tu jii'mfr i.tiiii.nj town ami comity alioniu suuiscrlUu lor n woriln. It 1h certainly a novel conception Hint 1 GOOD LOCAL r I rein's r.niil iirntloiW wrro comiiilt- toil to iu'er with m inueli nklll as our, NkVYSP'PIiR modem tttouoKmphers botiHt. EVERY . UP-TO-DATE FARMER KKIiDS A HIGH-CLASS AGRICULTURAL WEEKLY to e.iv.1 him Uin rTorlnci' 0 otfiara' in ' nil to advanced niftihotlr) and linprovu to keiip him in touch with thn dolus of , onU which an) an invaluublo aid in A story i UiKn.nl. I hia noluhbors, tho homrj mnrkots, and ".'curlin; tho Inre-t posi.l.lc prnflt from In "Gos-iip 1'rom Parts HitrlnK ,p,nll ituma of interest to liimsulf and 1 " ''"in. ad H ipocml matter for Second i:uidro" A. I. N. Pent, tlic atj,y, . uvry invmliCr of liM fainllr. was much dopjied by the lion hunter: . TUprOAQTMAIl JTHENEWYO R'K "Onco u ltiuHlun lady 0utHtripp.1l tno 7. , ,. . , J? IXRIRIIMfT PARMPD umitH uvgn or itoxHim's pnti.-ii.v and,! Marshfieldi Oregon l niDUc' rnnivjcn iNew yonc uy, Cpeclal to tHe Malt. . . Waabinspon, D.C., Dec., Aa a cone quonce of the rocent announcement made by the IntcrctatcCommisaion that on and after January lat the tariffs of exports and imports moat bo filed, aa well as those relating to domestic ship ments reprqscntativo of tho nowlr orga nised Foreign trade association of Amor Jca appesf before tho commiaeon to dy and spoko In faver of tbo promulga tion of tbo tariffs ae proposed. Repro centttivea of other interests in the mat. ter altio appoared, some of which wero in opposition to tie now plan. ROBBERS ABANDON BOOTY ImvltiS watched IiIk dully prumenado duritjo sovoral dny.i, sent it uichmiiko to his housq oXprcsHlvo of lnr diMlro to he received by him. Tho reply to this strniiKO communication w.ih: 'I do notliltis for nothing. If tho lady brliiKt mo a fluo bunch of nKpurniiUrf r-!io will bo welcome, mid Mho can tula n view of mo at her leisure' Then, pointing to his wn!t, which had at tained a (somewhat nldormunlc rotund Ity, he added, 'Tho ludy tuny oven walk round mo If who pletiMoM, but I must havo my neparnsiiH.' " Accuracy la tho twlu brother of hon esty. Simmons. will admirably nai.ply your wuuti f6r county riHWB and prove a welcomo visi tor in every household. Regular Price, Daily $3.0(J per Year. " Weekly $1.50 " will o.t you every weuk on nil import tint nirii:ulturul topicn of thu day, and kIiuw you how to make money from tho farm. Regular Price, $1.00 per year, The Weekly Coast Mail and Tribune Knrmer, one year, $t.8a Daily " " 3.2 Send your name aud addrt.ss to The New York Tr.b'tlue Farmer, New York City, for free sample copy. - L,. :: in. After Nearly Opening A Safe NICARAGUA RECOGNIZES PANAMA (Special to the Co,ut Mall.) Washington 'Dec. ' 17 Nicaragaau Minister Meyor cable- the atato De partment that Kicaraguan baa recogniz Panama tc tho extent of appointing a consul at Panama city, DefleietYeys Honoctmnn I hud to dlacHarr?) my icniioontmi man today. Ilodldn't huow cnougli for the position. Oookodchnp I discharged mino also. Ilo know tooTOuch.-Clncinnab Times. Btnr. Ho "d ghn np nil my mttlfotra to haoj-oo. Sho-if you. did you woaldn't have rnj,-3ajttrt Hit. ., iii , K i (Special to tho Coast Mail.) Brownsville, Dec. 17 Tho fioutborn Pacific depot woo brokan into Tuesday night by two mon. They drilled holea in'thoaafoand removed the combination hut for by aomn unknown cauo, aban- donsd tho work at this fitnyo of tho came and departed without tho books. Two atrangera fairly well drenjed, who visited various saloons hore yoatorday and epent considerable monoy, are sue peeled of the crime. Thoy wero tracked towarda fiilverton, t . BETTER THAN ORATORY. MAQIM OlUll 1 . II I -T" . Aar tkau boy will tell ybii ttiat oven rtxj iMxiret of Oiio Clover Uwf f ITiivorjluK Stxwr, One of tho most cotnrnon defect erf a" recently admittwl lawyor ia a BtriV liijj for oratorical dlHplay. A uccfi ful oJder prucUUooov endcavoro, on tbo other hrind, to fjhx? tho Jury u lcaj-t to' heart talk. Tho wnyn of nn cjiirto In the air, ot a nerpont upon n roctt, of a nhjp in tio rutdnt of tho Hoa, and of n man with a mold arc oh A n 0 coov porwl wlrti the mctiiods usually pur sued by Uio twelve. koo1 men ami troo. It BecmH a triflo odd at first that n dozen lndlvfdualfi wlio Bcpnrntely nro shrowd,'' Htiuro business mon Hhould collocrtvcly bo fjullty of tiio mot at Burd" porftrmnucoH, but tlw fact rauot bo rcdzbtfcd on novcrtlielcsa. A atoVy Is told of two furmcro wtk wuro roturning homo,' ono ot thoin fpoid iiiry duty in a nrciubbarina town. "Lawyet Bmrtu la njpfeat orator, aotd ono- porfoct BaaW' Vfobdleit "$, bow I htod-to dJclW nialikt him Li th ttuw cm4 ha txaadr . '. ioi3aDmnssaaaaaffisia2Hi22irir2aa ?n,fifT liiiJi 3 lrtMgySlWTnMfl.rermggHgga s e K a-4 1 - - Aiianororbome body's Stocking, oirainriEiii3iitB3aHiartiai'.pjutwifiUMMiiiH wmMEuminmammmMBwmxAmimi No bolter gilt cojld you ttiiiik of than one of our standard Ludwlg Pianos. Eas terms, lowest prices; our guarantee nono better, ', , vuxu2BwiiMMwnwEMWMmmwnwwcvMMxaMi iiiUBaiR9ii!BifrBiiiURiaiflnM8.xafi Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co Portland, i . Oregon Agency for the Knafie, Sfeck. aftfHardman Pianos faumtmtzuMwznatisxwanmmm E. M, FURMAN, FOR C003 CO Plstoffice Bf 218. rshfield, Oregon i' ' - 2 " r Vt iJ ,h. M,A h. i..-1 2&F " Wt-lhKW-1 J bootlmjpttoQM, wtoMnti wmm .. .... .. ,. ,ijs& ?'''&,,