I - (- I 4 t r tJm -Vfc , . -nr MfcMMMuMai J I 1 ' E. 1 Postolllce Box I 4 1 C t W'H'l-M i Ml (iLEARANCE SALE. Commencing Saturday Dec. 5, 1903, i i We will offer our entire stock of Holiday Goods consisting of Jewelry, Fancy China vyare, Lamps, BooKs, Mirrors, Albums, etc at bargain prices. .' .' .' This is an actual bona fide sale prepara tory to new and important improvements. HERBERT LOCKHART, L.l-aUtUU I.IUUU- GRI8SEN MUSIO CO i Choice! b'olectlon o( Holiday Goode MUeloal Albums Music Rolls Mandolins Guitars Violins t tit-: Solu Afionts For Tho Chlckoring Kimball ' Wobor Voso Anil 2T Otlior Make o( High Grr.Je . PIANOS -rr : lOOFBIdgltfarshfield 'n.mr uiu TXX ;.lrylntf iirnpnrntlons eh-ply day op dry caburrh ; thoy dry up tha fBcrotloni, vaich oilhtrn to tha nicmbr.uiu and'Oaoom. poo, cU8ru(" f far mure noriouatronbloth9 tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid Ml dry. lag tnbolanU, fumnu, pinoV.co and knuffl nd uo that which nlcniihifl, soothed nud tmla. Ely's Cioatn Holm Is mch ri remedy Hid will cure I'ftU'.rrh or oolil in (J. head muily and plenncntly. A trim nUo.ylll b m-llod for IP cents. All drnt'Rliil.i.Mll tin 60o. lo. lily Urotlsorn.CtJ'Mrron fin, N.Y. Tho lialiit curcu wilnoul iuln, does not Irrltalo or cmiho wneer.Inc " Bprcsdo lUeb. ortr an Irritated and. unary surfaco1 voliov in- iimundliitoly thopMiiful hi-amr-iiUon. With IJy'u (.'icm lluhn jownro nrm'oj Sdmii Jiw.ul Cftturri. and lity Fotcx, r,viw.- &.- i - ' .i I fWfljycr clt anything?' VAiline-red tlto brtrg)nr on guard tm ids' umto Mutfrgwl fioin tho window. " ' . 1 rwd'lib clmp wot liven hero Is a "bxycr;" replied tho other In disgust krUat's Imrd luck," replied the Jlrot TJW ycr loee auytblugV'; . .82. pm4w THE MITH & BARNES tmar ehc PIANO Is an inspiration ' liecailse It represents a climax In piano building, It Is a source of universal admiration and en thusiasm. Its tone has superior individuality, and vibrates full, clear and pure Every feature of tbe SMITH & BARNES pianos denotes high art., : J Our terms are easy. It will pay you details. ALLEN k 6ILBERT-RAMAKFR. Furman, for Coos Co, 218, : : mSS-M mHimiMIIIIOMHl EP PHONE. 851 Tint CMtANStMCJ AMU MSA1.IXQ OUIIK WOK CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm -y and bttatant to d. Vi"llti uo In Jnrlout itrug. llliqulcWrjraUortxa. OIm Itlltf t one. ; COLDHEA IImIi anJ I'roiMU tbe iUmbrun,. n.itorM Um P.niM of Tmi, and 6m.ll. Large flU. 10 onU a UruffUUor hrratll; TtlilHliK, lOcwiiu br mall. al.T JUlCmUlIU). M Wtma BU, Kw Tork. " TRAIN AND TRACK. ' , Eloctrlcity la now used In placo of Iteain In tho regular rnllwfty scnMco on tin) lino from lU-rlln to Grossllchtcr feldo. It lfl now proposed, nominally by Turkfl, but ivnlly by Oennnns, to con Ptruct n railway from Haifa to Nitf nrctli nml other townn of Oallleo. Two hundred million dollars was 'ppeut hint year by tho railroad for now cat-fl nnd euglneA. ThlH meanu that the airrylitg capacity of tho railroads has 'been Incrontwd fibmo ,000,000 tons. A special irnln on the Ualtlmoro nnd Ohio rnllrond Vtecontlv made tlm run between Chicago Junction, 0., nhA'Gnr, rctt, ind., a dlftanco of 128 mllet), In 123 minute.., Tq,trnln of live curs cs tnbllBhel tho record without C,top botwecu iitutlc-ns. . ' ' tkHhn'ui'i. It'eVU Etie IiiW( ' VTboro 1 about '?800,000,000 lor.ntd by trtisto, in'sOrhirocs compatiliMt. es tntefl nnd privnto pnrtle.i oli rba cstuto lu tho city of Now York nltine. ' Troitlrnl Nrn HrrpoiiiN. Nearly all, If not till, tho varjotlcn of tropical ueu HorpintH nro poisonous. They do not oxcudd nlno feet Jn length, nnd Dr. ltogcrp found thdl'r' polmiu uwat, reflciubleri that of 't)io cobra nujony hind nerpeulfl. Amerlpou Income. "' 'iToUt million of our families llvq on Uu than 00 n year.nud SO per cent of out; fiuuillco live on lest) than $1,000 tvywu?.. CATARRH HE " VjWWmmW L v H to , learn : ! ilieir ' J Marsiifleld - M MHIII HH IkHIHII M 8 ART NOTES. Under thu tltlo of Pnletto et Kbau choir a society comjohel of women pnlntcm, Hculptom aud engravers Is be lug htnrted In L'arla. No man will be admitted. Wenrel Ilngclntatn, a Flnlonder ex polled hy the Itimtiuu government, Iiiih leguu In .Stockholm the publication of im art magnzlne, Atcmeum, lu the Swe dish lnugmige. It will Ikj an organ for thofo Swedes aud Tlulandcrs who nrr JntcrcHtcd lu tho arts. A traveling art gnUco 1" 1 now Idea in Mlime.Hotn, where the traycllug II brnry ImH reached n high degree of de velopment. A rtate art riocloty will linro charge of tho work. It lntendH.to nrmnge u ncrtes of exhibitions lu.itrt, no two occurring la the sumo city dun log tbo same year. K THE COOKBOOK. A pinch of cnycuuo pepper in tbo wa ter in which turnips, cabbage or onion hro boiled will neutralize much of tbo dlsngrecablc odor. When in doubt as to which of nil tho ways Invented for cooking a vegetable to into, fall back on the wvory, simple, bolle nrtlcle, nerving with n Utting wiuee. A plain rice pudding, the variety that is made with rice nnd milk nnd with; out eggfi, is much improved if n cupful Jot nlmond ments, blanched nnd chop- K.'d very tine, is put In to bo cooked with tbo pudding. . ,fr ELECTRIC SPARKS. . . Electric lightfl in uso in this country ovcrj' day cp.ml S'.'O.OOO.OOO candles. , Tho French govcj'hnicnt Is about tj employ cloctrlc cables Instilnteit with paper as tho result of Hucccssful ex periments. In regard to tho gross Incomo of eleo trio lighting plants the dnth Bhow that the prlvato plants average 10.3 por cent of their coflt and tbo, lnunlclpal average 81.0. Tho avcrago pnlary tp( olllclals and clerks is $SOOrpoi' nninliii for prl vato plauta and $1B2 per nnnnm for niuulclixilK. . ... irz . ,i. r- rr'-ym .-. rr ; rjoploy-Tbut's' a pretty,' Good clgo? you're .embklng.' '.' Xoiiley Yea ilitifo. nUcn. center you Cavo'tuo. ,' a Copley-I gavo yotl?-X guess you're mistaken, Popley-Oh, no. Tho only'dlmo I found In out baby's 'battle Ubts ruondng waB Uio ono yoil put Itilyeaterday. rblludoliihitt IxKlgei'. , '. , - - Ceant tVhutl. Cedar Is a naino glvdu to eeveral over Green trees of thftplno family and tbe caiise-of tho cloScncBB of Its gruin com blned with tho peculiar softnesc which nittUcB It out alnibatjlk;cbceflc. woou is reiuar;apjo ror iw uamuiuiy nud fragrant wtr. It la sunonor' to a?!otlTcrAwood'"fof pencil maldug be- . Tln rroiwrnod hotilnvnoA Vnitm Mow York In Mim rrnnalaao, 'Tho proinolern of Uio project to build ;i itiagnlflcent botilovnrd from tho Afc ,Iniitlc to tho I'adflc ocean nro nctlv.oly at work on the undertaking, nnd plana bnvo been well laid to obtain Uid co Vprnftloti of congroHB lu innkliig tho iicheijlo a big huccchs. Tho ndvocatefl of the plifh wish to get from congrcsa -an npprojirintlon largo enough to have the Imirieiuo 'project well ntartod, nny tho Warihlngn fltas, nnd ovcry tnto through which Uio highway will paiw will bo 'expected to contribute ltfl quota to tho dual ,cost A nominal toll will probably bo dhnrged nil vehicle using tho roadway, "tho, proceeds being used to defray n-pnlf expanses, but the fed eral goTcrnmcht wjUl bo tbo custodian of tho highway. In (Bpeaklng of the, Iroposd undcrtaklngreccnUy O. Itus ell D6nc, who is In Washington In behalf bt tho project, eald: "It Is proposed id grad.nnd macad- nfii a broad highway from 'ow York city (6 Han FrunclBco1. Tho success of tho goVcrnrrfcht's bdulovord would provo W bb tho impetus to states to connect their priridpal cities nnd towns with It hy feeders, olid in n coropnrn tively short time tills country would have a system of roads that would eclipse anything on earth. "In this age of development nlong all lilies tho roads of the country bnvo been criminally neglected. We bnvo nothing that could bo called a road connecting too cast with Uio went, and it is one of tho earnest neods of tho times. With tho development of tho nutomohlhi It will bo bA a short tlnio before the: farmer will movo his crop to the muln lino of transportation by thh power, and wltli it continental boulevard nnd Jta feeders nlrnoHt at his door ho will sco the value of his land increase with every year. "Every state should lw given chargo of that section of the boulevard that passes through It and made accounta ble to the federal government for the care of It ns well ns the receipts from tolls and expenditures." DAIRY FARMERS IN LINE. - . tfccreury of Nntlonnl Union Irt ! Tor of llrouriilcnv Hill. Secretary Charles Y. lCnlght dt the National Dairy' union recently ex pressed hlnibclf ns follonvB coucerntug the Urownlow bill: "In company with huntlrcds of thou sands of other people throughout thu United Ktates I nm very ntuch Interest ed in this bill. I have Just returned from a tour of Italy, France arid Eng land, where I hail an opportunity to observe the character of the roads In thohc countries. Coming homo nhd looking over our mlscmblc facilities for getting around lu the rural dis tricts, I made tip my mJiid that It will be necebsary for this tountry to do ns Europc'nu countries lm re done lti order to get "good ronds 1. o., have goTrn ment nid. 'Tho N'atlonal Dalrr union is organ Iwd throughout tho north lu every con gressional district which has any amount of agricultural constituency, aud I rtm firmly of the opinion that the progressive farmer who nro dalrynlcii wll bd'ln favor of the bill for national aid. I urn so much interested 1U its success that I am willing to use my In fluence to have onr dnlry fanners petl tldil for tho pasmgc of this bill. I would be willing to give several Hun dred dollars out of my owu pocket to e'e the roads of this country Improved llko those of France." Hud llorul i llrnry Tix. , TliPfq is nothing more cxpenstve to tho fiinncr or merchant or other busi ness man than linpassahlo roods; whlcli prevent tbo farmers from marketing their products or from procuring the articled they need in farming opera tions. The burden of the tax is heavy. The agricultural department puts th$ cost of transporting goods in wagons over southern dirt roads nt ?3.05 rjer ton, while 'hi tho northeastern states, it Is but ?1.S9 per ton, a dlffcrouco in'fa vor of good roads of 1.10 a ton. Tho weight of the average load in th6 east is ,JU pouudM, whereas tho weight of tho nvcrngu load lu Uio south la but 1,30) pounds. -. Good R.oad Notes r i i . ft Stone, brick and steol tracks havo not yet received tho nttenUon that they deserve on account of their ooinpara tlytf chenpnebs nud durability. In thid ppnnecUon it is worthy of note that .between Albany and Schenectady, N, 1'., Is a slono track roud which is s;Id to be fully as perfect ns wltcn It was built some flfty yeni ago. - A system of nearly 100 mllea of ex cellent roads Is found in Jasper coun ty, Mo. Tho roadbed In lirt graded i With a cousldenibjlo erown nnd with quite largo dltelnfe'bn ouch r.Ulol After tho bed Is properly made and rolled from four to eight Inches of finely crushed une, locally known as "tjijl- lugs," la spread on it. The road afr a short period of. uso beeomos sniaotU and hnixl. Whdroacoutity lfak a eioaiu 'Wpd roller It can bo used'' to groat advji'n. tago In keeping tin? roads In repittr when it ,lo ,not required .for, pbnetaic- FROM 'OCEAfTT6CEAN; feather no Mndranrf to IM rider wiiowMn SAWYER'S EXCELSIOR DRAND PUMMEL SLICKERS ISm ori')dlcan notctwet. excelsior aaarvn . OILED, CLOTHING for alt kind of work, Wrrntlwierproc JxK for irads-mark. i'pntitilfnlcn write ,X.flrA,M.1r. (t,IC.ani '. uon "VorK cimer 6yiplctclfi'gt up and rerolllng macadam "roads or by work ing tho earth roads Into shapo after thoy havo boch treated by tbo roud machine. A. 8. Graven, who lives near Shenan doah, la., manages to have good roads nlongnldo of Hh fa nil nearly tho year -round. Ho keeps the rond graded up properly, and when tho ruts get dry and rough ho goes out with his tenm nhd harrows and scrapes the road and makes It smooth. Good Roads Magn fine. Here are some good reasons offered by Wool Markets and Sheep for keep ing Angora goats: Every vlcl kid shoo Is mad.i! from the goatskin. There is a demand for live times ns much mohair as can .possibly he produced In this country, and the Vietnam! Is Increasing every year. Their inllk and the meat nrif both "bsolntcly free from any tu bcrciluir contamination. Their milk Is next to mother's milk in vnlue for In fants, nnd children brought up on It will not develop scrofula or tuberculo sis. It coits no more to watch a good goat grow into money than It does to wntch a poor one eat the same feed and not grow into money. There Is Just double the money lu good Angoras that Uiere Is In good cattle on the rnnge';.ito both call be run together, with more than double profit. They will often run miles to get In before it rain", while sheep will drift before a storm itnd then Ho down nnd smother or starve ns soon ns tbo ground la cov ered with snow. Kid Ment. 'As a meat producer the Angora Is not worth considering if he Is being kept for bis fleece. One cannot cat lilo cake and have it too, says 0. l Thompson .of the agricultural department at Wash ington. It may hu said, however, tnat Uio flesh of the kid under ono year of ago i ns luscious as that of tho best Shropshire lamb. It is entirely free from tho goat odor. If a hotel served It ins lnmb few could detect the differ 'nce. As a matter of fact, there is much kid meat .Bold ns Iamb in city innrkcts, while the great packers of Kansas City and Chicago make no se cret of tho fact that they biy Angorn meat for a cent a pound less than the mutton thoy sell under thq same mut ton brand. The two meats simply can not be told apart by the great majority of peoplo. Anf onui ou t- iMelsta Coast. Mr. L. It. Cnrfer writes the Oregon 1AgricuHurl8t that in tho vicinity of Gardiner Augora goats nro not doing ns "well ns formerly. It has alwayi been uncertain about Angoras bftlng adapted to tho couhtry which Is direct ly affected by the air from the ocean. Thoro havo been sdtnc quite successful goat raisers on the west sldo of the coast range In Oregon. The Angoras may adapt themselves to the cUmaUc conditions found Uwro after a few gen omtlonrf. There are successful' Angora brecdora in Llucoln county who have beeu keeping -jonts there for twenty year, but they nro farther from the ocean than Gardiner, hen John S. Harris had his flock of Ahsoras In California bo came to thor conclusion that the occniv-fogs uXftxrted thein inju riously. m Cement Floor- For llRnn. From a sanitary point of vlow thcro Is no doubt Umt cement floors airo tho best for bams nnd stnbles. Howcver, when putting on tho flitUhtng laer it should bo rather deeply striated, "which prevents It from beebmlug slippery. Tho strlro should follow u system '.fa vorable to drainage Uiat Is, Uio sma H furrows should lead to larger ones nnc these to tho drain in tho renr of all ntulls, Tills ?s very eaBlly done. " 6UD VER8rpTpw"HAYr " Why the. Former Jm Preferred' ha Feed l"or Itorici, A correspondent of licoeders OaHetto,' huts the oft repented query, "Why is it that all veterinarians nilvlso Uie feed iug of old hay In pVeferciico to new and trainers of race horses and fl Iters Of high class carriage honics Invariably ilso old hay till thoy aro forced to uso ltho new?" This qucsUom has l)odii-an- Sweretl many times, but apparently there are always' many ir ten wb K) dealro to have the. reply mado mil oven again L01d hay Is preferable for tho reason that It has entirely passt -d, thrc nigh the .process of Bwwilug or ,fern mtnUou.i 4. ma rentiers ic.mcu less II iKOiy iq cause digestive ilMordera in tht equlnti pubject. Again, many dll fcrent Borta'-C luaects lay their egga on Uie g tKnsjpf W'. ItWmfl Km 7V'M i nmi a Un i . tho grasses which enter into tno eo(n position of hay. These remain on tho stems when the grass Is cut down, nud tho process of curing does not destroy .their vitality; lionco when new hay 1 fed these eggs, replete with life, nro taken Into the horse's stomnch and thorp hatch nut, causing much trouble. Then Jn all new hay there Is much mnro wntijr than In old liny, and as tho nourishment comes from tho dry mat ter a lesser qunnUty of the old liny does tho same, work of nutrition, anil tho old is for that additional reason to bo preferred. Those are the ronln rea sons for the preference 6f nil good horsemen for old hay. Hard to Collect.. , "The world owes me n living," said tbe young man. . - v' "I suppose bo," said the old one, "but you are not so fortunate ns to be n preferred creditor." Judge. He who tries to prove too. much proves nothing. French- IJroverb. -:,;. :.r. Jim I.nnc' Ad-lca to lleornllM. , During the civil war a lot of young fellows at Oskaloosa wanted lo enlist In the cavalry. Jim Lane told thorn they would make a mistake if they Joined a "boss" regiment. "I tell you, boys," he said, "It will cost you a boss npleco to Join the cavalry. As Infnn trymen you will bo ordered to Missouri, nnd you can ride one borso and lead another when you come back." Atchi son 'Globe. .- - ., , . 'i . DUcrcfch ,'. Mrs. Dave nenry, I think you are positively cruel! Here l'vo tried so hard to cook you a nice dinner, and you haven't had a word to say to mo about it Mr. Dove Darling, I love you tbo much for that If I'd said what I thought, you'd never speak to mo1' again. Boston Transcript III llor'n Vocation. niram-That oldest boy of Zeke's in through school, and now Zeke is goln to hev him learn fnrmln'. , David Guess not The boy told me he was goln' to be a druggist. Hiram Well, ho ain't Zeke sn'ld this inornin' he was goln to bev hlui take a course in farmcrcy. Kansas City Journal. - ' b ,Soremc Ability. Friend Youn -' new heavy . villain, seems adapted to the role." ..' Theatrical. Manager Yes. He can prqnounce the word "revenge'' with fourteen "r'a' 'and Toot it with thirty. Judge. , InfercRtl-jc Xnriveftlnil Cdxloiii. Men attending 6tnte balls j(i Norway aro not left in doubt as to whether or not the women can be counted op for dancing. The custom of the court de creet! (hat those women who intend ,lo danc? shall wear white, while tlio not desiring to trip the light fnntntfth: too shall appear In black. It Is an idea which American men would like to seie adopted. H-port of Cattle unit Sheep. ' Exports of cattle and sheep have been resumed from Itoston nnd Portland, In New England, to Great Uritaln am) Ireland. Swine, however, ore still un der Uio ban, the prohibition of land ing such animals from New England ports still remaining In force, says the Brooder- Gazette. This raising of the qunrnutlno will undoubtedly help tho export 'trade In cattle and sheep In tins United States for the reason that It will provide 'carrylug space, which hits not beeu available since G,reat Britain scheduled fliese Seaports last winter. Some of tho cuttlo ccrrylug ship" which formerly piled between Boslwi and Liverpool, Loudon mid Hull have since the scheduling of Portland aud Boston chauged their American deto nation to New York, Baltimore or Newport News, and hence the In crease in space may not bo so lurgo 'as might bo expected, .but for nil It Is to be hoped that a wholesome fillip wllj be given to tho trade!1 ll, mm MlWWWC . MDKM3:rxTA I rag Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If vou had only taken our ad vice, you' would have cured. the dandruff s-vedyourhalr, and. added much t,o it, If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it, year., . I an. now jMtaoUlan I l.va .eoyy crow I a oi lion nrowi; - .--.- till Oly toATOt'illalrVUor." ..,. m Mas. Jt. A. KBlTU, UevllI, III. 81.00 a liottto.. J,C AYUItCO., MiiiriiiKtii 4or T.0 .awaII. Mlllt. MUHUi ifc-i l Tf I . aH ' Tr L1 T I P J J V J--V MaWMHHHe!ff Amis laMMBMtllMMNMWiMM'HUCa rT w,: r -' m nair vieor . i ' 4 .. n .i.u Av vtxu