Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 05, 1903, Image 5

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vk.M.J t.-iud&$V?&a.ii
' IN-ojilo wonder wlion lliuv lionr of dm
MlimlrtWni; inotlwilii tlilovoM tultu to nn
nllw (mi their plunder thru u,y net no
tnpldly. Im It Mtupldlty or lmvo they u
illllleiilt pifilileni to wilvo? 1'vu "luon
there" myself nnd know noinetliliiK
1 Oiiu diiy I nnv it hundlo lylnj,' on the
lldownllc In front of my honmj, I pleked
It tip nnd wiih lliiKerliiK IC'to dlMcover
wlml wiih lunldii wliun I hiiw n police,
iiimi looking nt me. I didn't winli to
turn over my llud to him, m even If I
did no he mucin iicciihii nut of ittriilliij:
It. AidiiiiiiIiii; it cnreleHN nlr, I wnllted
on punt my lioiino mid nroiind tliu block.
When I ivnelietl my door nit I took out
my key I kIhiicimI down tho idreet.
'I'hero wiih dm pollremmi i.ylnjr mo
Willi ii ery HtiHplcloim look on IiIh tan:
Once liiMlde I opened tho pnckiiKe. If
ClllltllllK'd pin-,) of nlll;, HOIIIU lllllld'
kerohlcfM nnd Htocklniw. At llrnt I nop.
jHmrtl homo ono had -ItoiiKlit ihu nrll
det, but on MiTnnd tliuiiKlit eoncliided
that a "Hhopllflitr" had ntolen them
find,' flndliiK It ilniiKProiiH to lmvo them
In IiIh or her keeping, had dropped
. I felt very uncomfortable nt my post.
won. uideisi I iierame much alarmed.
1 miiMt Hot rid of the parcel iui noon as
Mlud you, I wan not facing a prob
lem of iieciirlim their value. All I
ciirud to do wan to not them out of my
I-okhoahIoij. My Hint thought was to
liiirn iliiin I 'iiririiniMi.iii ii iu ...
illllleiilt in lu.rn ,.., ri,r.,. .iil,...,i
ftvatlug an tiupletiMiiul nlor, and I
could not tell wlu-n tho polleetunn who I
liml roll.m-.si ...... ..i.-t - i.,...,.
The in i ...,...li,.i.i 1 ...... ..it....i
""- -- " - it i tut iwir"
... .--naiaaa, .mtvifl't .II lr
lildu llioiii. Tbnt would invtr do. If
the Jiouho were HHircbwl It woulil bo
tipti relied thoroughly. These plans weni
Tibandoiied iim noon nn conceived.
I tbtl up the bundle nnd, going up
ntalm to my wife, wan about to fell
her what bad happened when nli
kIiowihI iik tbnt matti'rs were ijvcn
worso than I bad niipposed by exclaim
ing: "Heavens, how whlto you are! Whnt's
the nwitterV
Then I knew that If found with tho
goods on my hands my appearance
would Im strong proof iignlnst me. I
told her the story, and Nhe was nt onro
thrown Into the same mate of anxiety
iih I. We hurriedly talked over differ
ent plans of tictlon nnd II unity decided
that I was to make nn effort to get tho
goods out of the house.
Ours was separate from other homes,
Muudlng In a ynrd by Itself. Tio four
Hd'-H of Its sloping roof culmlunted In
a platform, from which one could see
In every direction. My wife went up
on to this platform, nnd when the coast
was clear, i-o far as uniformed fifllcers j
iif the law were concerned, she enlled to
me, nnd I dashed out with the bundle
through the back door and into an al
ley. Up to tho moment of finding myself
frc from my own premises without In
terruption I had HtippoM'd that tho rest
would be very easy. I did not find It
ro. To drop the bundle In the alloy In
tho rear of my own house would w a
bad giveaway. I must reappear with
It on tho street. Fortunately I was
able to get on nn nvenue where I
Would not bo liable to encounter the
man who bad suspected me. Kunimnn
lug what coolness thero waH left In me,
I emerged upon this nvenuo and en
tered tho throng.
I could not lmvo regained much of
my equanimity, for my telltnlo nppenr
anco caused people I 'met to glance at
me. This made inattem worse, and .the
farther I walked the more 1 wan no-
to the bundle with n view to dropping
It in tho water. Just as I wan about to
do so who should drlvo by but my
frlnnd Charley Hooves.
"Hello, Tompklim," ho said, reining
tip. "What nro you doing nwny out
hero?" '
I iitummorcd out something incoher
ent nnd Hooves, looking nt me search
lugly, made up his mlud that I was 111
and "out of my head." IIo forced mo
into his wagon and drove mo home.
Ity this time 1 had given up In despair
nnd concluded to go back without re
piiitanee and Hiibmlt to arrest I entered
my house, expecting to find the pollen
thoro waiting fijr inc. I was rclloved
Unit they wero not and had not boon
thorc. My wlfo irmdo mo Ho down and
bathed my temples with cold water,
Tho bundle iny vou tho table, nnd I
could not compose mynolf till sho had
put it whero I couldn't noo it I was
gotting quieted Uown when, Uicro came
a Aban ring at. tbo door bell, ,
Ncav, keep urj, dear," said my wlfo,
f or my Bake,''1 .Then sho went down
stalrunnd opened' tho door. I listened
from the landlp nnd heard n boy's
Klcoiiay: '
KWUI you pldrioo sign for tho good
yon(lougbt this morning? I didn't get
tho receipt when. I delivered them." (
Thoro was silence for Borao momenli,
thrti my wlfo uecmed to havo recovered
uci. i liirniii into n receiH ueiwecn ; , and reculnrlv to liisum tlninc I wn" co1'1 oMl ul unscrupulous
wivcrol buildings ...id was about to 3"W , '" ' 0 ' " . " mctlifKlf. laya lib plum.,
drop my bundle when a door opened tt exp ce to c- l"""" Bt canUon. Is ncces
..ml a woman came out. I iliwlml put y11, ,J" xg ,0 "c mvy. Tho Intending murdorar Will
.. .. ... . .-... ....a... .. mw ui.ti j .un iiiiiil iiu nn itniriiiiiL
"i nnvc not wfecKcfl tnoni."
An Idcn nlipt Into my Jiond. "Wlint
ilfd yon liny'" J cnllnl.
"Five ytirilii of nllk. dozen linndkcr-
c-JiN'fH, nix pair of HtoclcliiKn"
"WVII, I Imvit iiuide mi nun of myHOlf.
Tint linv miiiit linvn iImi, in.l Hi., tl. I.....
nnd I picked them up."
Then my wlfo rump npMnlni nnd for
the Drill time ijxnnilmd the bundle.
No; I don't think IIiIcvch lmvo mi
twy lliiti) dlpoftluj? of their irooilH. I'd
rather miw Wood thnn bo In that bind'
iiom. MAIt'I'IN 0. IIUNTKII.
Hn Mnt Ilr nn Hirfilloiiril Mint la
Uliy ItfNIIfL'lN,
To ho u iiiiect'HHful buttennnker
niennn to bo a man far abovo tho aver
K In everything that kwh to make
up character of tho IiIkIiphI order, hii.vh
Carl Kchalllni;er In Croiuncry Journal.
If I went iiHked to Htato the principal
ojinllllcatlon, tho IlrHt re(iilieiiient, for
a Hiirri'MNful liutterniakor, I would nay,
Ift him, In the Mint place, be a :ood
I'hrlHtlaii. When I wiy UiIh, I do not
mean that he should be merely n mem
ber of any particular church or de
nomination, but that he hIioiiIiI jiokwhh
a ijikmI Hharo of tliowj onKuntliil quail
tb.'H which for ceiiturlcM have been
held up mi tho hlfchcHt Ideal of per
' . uo mu",1 " k1n"' forRv"'K' IwrnnV,
" ' ,'" T '"" """ " " unm
I . "Hni; hiiiiii ot otucrs; Jio must
T ill! Till mil iiiiuinuiiit ninniiiii naic.i.x
bo an eiithtiMliiHtlc IdetillHt, n student, u
thinker, a diplomat, and, abovo all
things, ho must be In lovo with IiIh
profcKiilon. Ills Interest In hN work
must bo hi strong, so deep, that no
obstacle) will turn him from bis pur-
IK,M": "" o woul.1 be willing to put
up with tho abtiKo and even the Insult
of Ignorant and Htisplclous tiatrons, ro
i ""'.' "iwiijh nun h is nun very
I. ..... ...I.I.I, it .. .. .1...,. a..
Kimriiiiw .ucii u ih iiih limy 10 com
I bat, not by going nt It roughshod, but
by patient, tactful and gentlemanly
This Ignoranco one.) eleared away,
tho farmer putrou realizing bis errors
nnd his shortsightedness, t lie butter
maker will have very little trouble In
convincing him that tho Interests of
tbo dairyman arc Identical with thoso '
of the creamery owner, manager or
bitttermaker, that only by working
baud In hand with them can the best
results bo accomplished and tho cream
cry be made a Miccccsful and permit'
neut Institution.
Hlltrrlrui rrrniuvrli-a.
There are, according to recent reports
from Hlhcrja, COS creameries In that
country. Three yenrs ngo theru wore
but &JI of these establishments. This
shows the rapidity with which tbo In
dustry Is developing In that country.
It Is true that thete aro as yet fewer
creameries In nil that great country
than In slngjo states of tho American
Union, but It is ns yet the dny of
small things there. If tho butter Hint
mm comctt to tile Ixiiidmi tnni'l'ct frntn
t,0Ht, ai".,, creameries Is already ,
worrying the Danish and French mak-.
cm of butter what will It be ten years
fiom now, when the Siberians count
their creameries by the thousand In-
Mend of by the hundreds, ns now?
With tho government railroads con-,
Htantly opening new territory and the
olIlclnN of Itiissln lending their pater-1
pal efforts to help the business along
tho Importation Into the countries of '
Kurojie of largo quantities of Siberian
butter Is certain. I
ns would lmvo Ik on neeessary to hold
her at that capacity with nvstemallc
feeding. Tako tho dairyman who Ih
selling cream at l!24 cents per pound .
oM.utter tH, using a baud separator '
and hauling his ereain to tho butter
factor- or shipping It to somo of tho
concortiH, and ho can 111 afford to per-1
nilt any let up In the flow of milk be-
cause of Irregular feeding, rmllcnl I
chaugcH in tho ration or careless treat-.
ment or abuse of the herd. I
Tho cow that Is returning to her'
owner ?1 or ?3 per month for tho hut-.
tor fat produced deserves consider.!-
tlon at tho hands of hor owner. Her
ration should bo well balanced
llrtuilMnir Clover HUnire,
uu uniu 110 iroi mo iiicing out our
clover B,h5go oven though it Is ,og,
Wo hni-o 110 trouhlo tnklmr onf nor
uui we.aiuicipiucu trouuio nnd l.iul to
learn by experience, wrltea P. Claw-,,
son to. lloanl'a Dairyman. Wo tako
great enro in tilling our silos that tho;
fork 'drops Its load near tho center of
the olio; which Is 11 by 11 by i!7 lnslio ,
nilll" VOllliil cornir.vl Tim Crl-f(,l !.
ami VOund corneriHl. Tho forkful nl
wnyi'lludj tho center of tho bllo. If
kept cloRci four of us worked lit ,tho
silo while,' unloading and experienced no
danger if wo stepped In tho corner ns
the. fbckl&uloadcd. Tho nlr ruslioa tin. '
lifting tho olitsldes up llko mi mfibrella I
in n storm, and mnkea It qultp.oasy to ,
sordid eventv. which .Is ot vnaf imnm; !
I '1 lin find! Mm Mtuul Im ttA nniiitm.W
. IV IIPHMU III'. l l.l'i JlUilllil
Innco. k forkful tliii njircmi' corned
put in layer nnd In panned through oil
2 liy 2 foot windowH cmiler thnn lin"
nnd more rapidly than com Hllngo. Hut
you miiMt tako that which In on top
mill not dip too deep.
niTralH ot reeillnsr.
Olulen makes a noft bodied, IiIkJi col;
frcd iniiier; oat a llht colored,
I nimbly butter; fliixnccri meal a Hnlvy
Mid rather JiiHlpId butler. Corn meal
Ii all rluht ho fur an color and texture
M-o concerned, but nhoiild bo c6mblned
with Home other fcedn containing n
narrower ration, an If fed alone and In
Milllclont quantity to fiirnlHli tho
'iiiiount of pmleln required It will bo
likely to Injure tho healtb of tho cow,
uinl a cow that la "out of fix" can't
five No, 1 mllk.-Wllllam I). Jlaker.
Don't IV-rt nt 3Illlclnir Time.
It Ih not a ;cod plnn to feed cown nti
mllkliiK time, us they nro likely to bold!
up their milk If by any cbnnco tho food
to withheld, 'llio best plan Is to feed'
befoto mllkbiK no an to milk whlfo tho.
tow Ii In n rumluaiit mood.
"H ti wTiuo hi ffT'lcrp7 """"'"" "
At all times n perfect mob of Ideas
und words Htands at the Kato lending In
to tho mind, trylnj; to j;et In. While we
wake and are sane, Hays n writer In
Kvorybody'n Magazine, there Is some
thing that stnuds at this gate nnd Icti
, in only the Henslblo ldeaa and the
, wmU Jnt ,lnvo renUo (o 1I0 HUl)Jcc,
in baud. AH the others It keens sboot
lug away with: "(Jet back thefts t Good
away!" It Is this InhlblUvo faculty
tbr.l krepn us sane. Hut In order to
reach the general paralysis of hlcep wc
have to pass through a preliminary
stage wherein wo tiro as foolish as any
lunatic. When the sentinel nt the gate
of the mlud goes off duty for tho night
the mob of Irrational Ideas and wordi
come trooping In, and so when I would
court sleep I deliberately open tbo door
j of my mlud to tho nibble, turning
loose upon it n troupo of unrelated
words and phrases. I'or some reason or
other I find that tho vocable "abracada-
bra" Is a good ono to start off with.
Often n word or Mmtonco will repeat it
'""l! ,,nlnK ,r,n1pJ(?,,jrnn!1 B,,.n.n
I say Iouilnes8?-untll it Is nil n Jumble
which breaks up simultaneously with
tho disintegration of tho colored pat
tern before my closed eyes.
It U snid that tho American woman'!
I profile Is the finest in the world; that it
Is tho most clear cut and finely modeled
of any other type. Generalities like this
nro hnrd to prove. It ennnot be denied
tbnt some of the finest profiles in the
history of feminine benuty nro to be
found In America, but whethor the nv
crago Is markedly higher in this coun
try than anywhere elso is nn open
question. Hut tho ordeitl is n trying one
to any womnn when It comes to n faith
fill delineation of her profile in shadow.
It Is a finely molded fitce Indeed which
,00,H wo" ln a shadow plcturo Been
"K'eways. if. tho nose turns up the
' ''It In real life it Is suro to point
yward in n sllhouotto. If that organ
,K ovoa n trin above tho UBual size It
"1" nppiMr huge In n shadow proUlo. I
A projecting- upper lip or n projecting
mi,,(T "P hecomes a. positive deformity j
" n silhouette, no matter how Blight
u l,,ny. the original. Atlanta Jour-
na- ,
Head nantc-m
Head liuntera Is tho nnrno given to
l the professional assassins Of tho Solo-
, mon Islands. Tho vocation of these
men is to procure tho heads of those
whom they nre hired to murder or to
( "ell tho victims for sacrificial purposes.
' Sometimes tho enemies of n man offer a
' largo sum to bo paid in the native shell
money for tho head, which win be a
proof of death, and tho head hunter,
...... r ... m . . ... . ..
MU ""J"" Tm 8iroK0 " '"' U,U8
huX.l" tll,nt Ul "imlcreil -mn.i'B death
r'1"1 wn compassed by 0ho whom
J", ,"8 ln?fe"!;d10(!1 nrf. Ul. clceest ,Ari,d
" " ,S,J.B.?fA,liUl?nt1?8, Sl,P4,y thll ?
ll "'" hateful of nil p'wfowionB fob
low A tho Bake of gata-
. ,., Z, TTT 4
T,iSTnK3Xwf.V?"fi L,CreaiV
.hi'nS i iSSV'S1, IC'f,S. a?Ui
t , I, tfu" W
'" lc , J 1.. '. Isli nttneked tbo
&ilna5.p'u n al? ba"
t,o weciVto fm , ib l ,, T iZWX
". Z vonr Snt ? ? ,CJU .,0Ca?1
" 1 n' 7,. In fa,lh,K "Jopp'cd
over tlie- prauior ,tory ard carried UiO
bell which it c ontnined into tho bcov
lw'ellfTvi nlnnv n.. ,..t ..m .1 1
mini iinm tn I, if . - u
&?a c S SffS
' "I """'. U,.PD"" u"lr,U- luur
cr tho wntt'irs at eventide
Hnd that its phantom tbno la
wnrnnR of a SS irTo r"
Inin0nt dnr .L -B..,u.."L
ever a
somo im-
SJft Mr !, Z t-
. b ' tH-V"
- .aaw. -
make their
IttldOl too.
'I'ho .Tudgo-You s.n; y your wlfo hll
you over the head iftta- f atolate l '
MnBtas H,Rnh: l i .
Thor,;Tndgo-WtiC yo c ir ' licad' do&n'l
imahim 'n.n. u'M ,.' -'.ii
uito !l???at y0U dotf f kWRMcMO dfti
.v, - i ' i, n . ,-U "
livery One i'riilU In flnuie "l'iir )r
Jlctleruieut of Itoml.
TJicro Ih no clnfl of cltlzennhlp but
what i benefited directly or Indirect
ly llV IfMrfl rnilflil. Tim fnrtnnr Mint
ho may come to a ready market to well
and barter; the manufacturer In tho
town remote from ecabonrd or railroad,
who in turn can haul IiIh coal nnd raw
material at an appreciably lessened
coHt and carry bin Ilnlshcd product for
traimportutlon, will bo hclppd. It wll
mnko him Independent of umnll rail-,
road brnnchca which are obliged by
reiiHon of Hhort dlntnncca to cbargo nn
oxcohhIvo frelRht.
The toller In tho many nhops and of
flccH 1m to bo helped by lower rents
within his meatiH, because suburban
Hvlnic Is made possible by ood roads;
Ari'1 n" w,1 Prefer tho open living to
tho huddled city llfo will appreciate
tho benefit Every citizen is to nroflt
in boiiio way. Country and suburban
districts will bo more ensy of access.
Grocery and market men will bo en
nblcd to isend their gcodn by free dc
livery at no enhanced cost to tho buyer-.
Good roads not only cheapen tho cost
of living, ns wo lmvo already noticed
In tho matter of rents, but also reduce
tho price of supplies by reason of a
ready market Huch n proposition ns
wo arc discussing opens up tho coun
try. The territory becomes inhabitable
elinply because easy of access. A de
mand for land In considerable quanti
ty, either for residential or business
purpose, Increases its vnltio. It has
been demonstrated again and again
that tho betterment of roads means n
rise In tho value of real estate, nnd the
rise will conic, tho demand bo enhanc
ed, because of facilitated transporta
tion. Hone Vclou.
A physician of large practlco Bays ho
has found nn et?L- tho most efficacious
' cure for a bono felon. Ho uses It In this
. fnshlon: Take a fresh egg and crack the
Inrucr end. muklnc a holo Just blflt
enoueli to ndmlt tho thumb or finger
nnd forcing it Into the egg ns far ns
possible without further rupture of the
Hhcll. Wipe off tho egg that runs out;
bind n handkerchief or soft cloth over
nil nnd let the finger remain over night.
Generally tbo felon is cured; if not, an'
other application finishes it .
Rnloylnfr. the Sport.
TcrklnB," inngtiidly called Fwcddy,
"come and tako this beastly thing off
the hook!" .'
While his man disengaged tho fifth
from tho hook nnd put on a fresh bait
Fwcddy yawned dismally. .'
"That's what makes fishing such
boah," he sold. "Once In awhile you
catch ono of (Jio slippery things, don't
you know." Striy Stories.
A FaralBMtd Man.
Fogg Munnlworth was always a far
sighted man, nnd his ventures were al
most invariably successful.
Flgg Jlut what good is he to society i
Ho will glvo money for tho heathen,
thousands of miles nwny. but ho nevet
can sco the suffering right nt home.
Fogg I said ho was a farslghtcd
man. ,
nrldnl Portions In Antlaultr.
Tho women of Athens nnd of Sparta,
excepting tho rich heiresses, wero not
nllowed to hnve a wedding dowry. The
only things they w.ero, allowed to take
with them when 'they, were married
wero a few suits of clothing; and some
Household articles.
Renewed ,.' Left Side
Liable to. Paralytic
- Stroke. .,
i i t
Dr. Miles' Ncrvlte Gave
;'-Me New Life. .
"This U to certify that I have tiled Dr.
Miles' Rtmedtei quite extenitvely, pceUUy ,,
the Reitoritive Nervine, which has done '
wondtri lor rnc. Sis to I hd,
ous nrostratlon and aealn three vears n?o. at
which time I began taking Dr.Sliki'kcitOh
ative Nervine. I kaot taklnr it for tlz.
month's and have taken an occasional dose
durinjf.the last two years. I aapracticaUr
a new man and feel that I have hccft'clvcn a
new'leftse of life. I used to have very tod
iittaeks. of stomach trouble but since tutng
the Nerviat I can cat most anydrtlf ,J yixni
with Impunity. I wu examined n Omaha
by anated German doctor three years ago.,
lie told me I was liable to a paralytic stroke
any moment; that my wMf.Utt,sld wis
badly affected. That was ktfKftfelbecan
akinDr? Hlks' ResfmHvT-NervTne.
My rrxftK loriwo years ana a -aaii' nas oeeo
very xryuir oa say nerves. 1 am a presldln
elder, traveling sny district' at' tbcYateot
tenlhdasand miles a year, pre fount t?n an
average ojt five times a wee, besides many
busnnalfcctiBC. U OlHtUnous
carts olwi.work to geaeral, Jjhaak to Dr.
Miles' KeMoratlvt Nervine I hare been gain
ing ia slcsh detphc this hard work jtati now
I weieh 'a. hundred and,nlMetysix pounds,
neatly twenty pounds more than ia oil my
inc. proacii iicmnc wucicvcr x po 10
v All drurebls sell and mararitee first hot.
hle Dr. Miles1 Remedies. &end for free book
on Nervous ana iienrt iueaies. Aaartfo
Dr. Milts Medical Co Elkhart, lc4
loose aaiicica wiui iicit, ncaii or sioniacn
trouble.VKeV. M.D.'Myeta, Presiding Elder,
Fret Methodist Church, Corre'cHonvllU; la,
Coast Mall Will Issue one on New
Tlio rpecial illiulraled edition of liio
Coact MaiXj, for which plans havo been
maturing for dbvcrnl mouth?, will be Is
sued on tho first ot tho year.
It nil I conriet of .12 or moro pager,
printed on flno book etock, with a hand
somo cover. This number u III contain
descriptive matter of Cooa county with
a largo number of new illistrntions,
and it Is the intention to gtvo a compre
henrivs review o( the progress made by
tlifs community during the paetyenr,
We do not promise to get out a blggor
and better number than otir Inst Holi
day number, but .ie hope to do to. The
pages will bo smaller and thoro will, be
more of them. The printing and bind
ing will bo done in this oflico and tho
clnfs of work will be aa good ns can be
got in Qrcgon. A reasonable- amount of
Commencing Saturday Dec, 5, 1903,
We will offer our entire stock of Holiday
Goods consisting of Jewelry, Fancy China
ware, Lamps, Books, Mirrors, Albums;
etc., at bargain prices.
This is an actual bona fide sale prepara
tory to new and important improvements.
For afl subscribers, oltLor new
paying one yearsm advance.
Weekly Or&gontn
. Kf m mm I .m
I 'f .'
Sajom Capital Jpurnal
?alom Homostoad
TrlTWoo .4y N. Y. Tflbune
Thrfoo-a VVooN. Y. Vorld ?
Monthl Orb. Foultrv Journal
" Amorlcan RoViow of Rovfowa 4- 'fs '
i Here is the chance oF yoitr'Hfetimc. It ; good
ouly as loug as this ad appears.
i" ,
, 1 .
C04AST MAL, ifear fpr only - - ' 3 50
COAST MAIL, 1 year for ouly ,V ' '- , 4 00
'vou alt knoV the' Oregonian; The" Ttibmie
Earni'er isorie of Ihe best farm paperstub-
lished any vhcfe. :: "J ' ' --
, 'If you area faVmer ami do toot take advantage
1 ' of this ofle'r; where doyou expect toget off at?
rA Jt s open, to st(X ubscribws, old or neNvj
e, the M4ee o'l ihlnsUs. Un, iron, tar and triVel, d yj'J'Uti Vail
DiUrfaees.KiittDM. valleys, etc. Baiy to ley. lempereq for all climatas. i,eao
f W on'm erll Thua" wtiid, It wlf p.y t6 ask lor price, and Information.
TtfjR El-ATERITi; "S9j fnum? ,.
Advertising space will bo fold nnd n
largo number of extra copies will bo
printed, ;
Kvery subscriber to tho daily or neck
Jy Coast MAti, will recolvon copy of this
edition. Extra copion will bo 15 cents
each, but wo will book ndvanco orders
until December 1st at 10 cents each.
We mako tiii low rate so that wo ma?
know before printing abtut how many
copier, will be needed to supply tho de
mand. Ken J tho money with your or
dcroriiot, as best suits your conven
ience H'o will guarantee Bfllisfnc
tlon, or refund any ndvinco payment
made. If desired wo wilt mall tho pa
per to any oddrostea you may furniilri
in cases whoro tljo paperB ato to'bo
mailed from this oflico advanco pay
ment Is necessary,
Further announcement will bo mndd
Now and unjoin type will bo uitit
in thocqmlng ipcclal number and thn.
print will bo clear and rcababla. tt'.
wero handicapped Inst year by being
obliged to ubo badly worn body type,
but tills will bo avoided in tho coming
naraber. ,
PHOKE. 85!
With Daily
Coast Mail
With Weekly
'Coast Mall
r2 33
2 00
'pL 00
2 OO
S3 75
4 Op"
4 00
3 50
3 75
' 3 75
2 00
' uu
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2 oV!
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