m r i, i t i ", V " M m 1 M I i m 1 K ! 3: ijqjjipq. A.n Old Fat) or he i -i-i-x-m-m-m-m 5 f THE TOWN AMD COUNTRY MOUSE By Alexander Pope TTtVTTTt I t ty-? 4 Il Ml. -, i. '.. .1. i : l. tTr Y V 771' T v 'i-rrv v 11 i VTTY HIT 4. kNCK on n time, so run' tlto fable,' , A country motne. il,tht tJpItu!R(,- Received a twn mouse at hW board, .lust ns a farmer injwht 11 jefnl. A frugnl moue. mimm the whole,' Tot loved Ills friend, and had a, mll,v , Know what w.t handwiiib, hud t'Otthl do't, On Jutl occasion, fo-ifc em ." Ho brought I1J111 baecn. ttotlilttf? lean, I'mldlng, that might Iimvo plen.-.ed a Ditt Cheese. Mich ns men in S'.'ffolt; tunkc, Hut wmh'U it Stilton for Ms Mifce: Yet, to hl guet though no wayu t-prfrln?, He ate himself tin rind ami pMriuir. Our courtier waw could touch H bit, Hut idiow'd his breeding and Ids wltj lie did his bmt to seem to or.t. And cried. "I vow, you're inltshty ttent. "Hut Lord, my friend, thl. Mivnge scene! For t;od"s sake, come and Itve with matt; "Consider, mice, like men. imfet die, 'Hoth .Minall and great. Ik::i you and I; 'Then .jcnd your Ilfo iu Joy and sport, "(Thi- doctrine, friend. 1 learnt at court)." The veriest hermit in the nation Mny yield. God knows, to KtroiiK temptation. Away they o.ime. through thlcX and thin, To u tall house :cnr Lliicoln's-lbu: ("Twos on the night of a debate, When all their lordship, lind tt lab?). Heboid the place, where If a root. Sinned In description, be might show Itj Tell bow the moon-beam trembling falh, And tips with silver all the walls; ralladlan walls. Venetian door, Urotosco roof-, nud stucco floors: Hut let It, In a word. Ic said. The moon was up. and men .n-bed.' The napkins white, the carpet ml: The guests withdrawn had left the treat, And down the mice sat, tttt-a-tcte. Our courtier walks from dish to di-di, Tastes for his friend of fowl and JUU; . Tells all their names. Jnys down tlw lw, "Que eu rat bon! Ah ymflc: ee! , "That Jlly's rich, this Malmsey's hell?, "Hray dip your wLI.-kors and your tall In." Was ever such a liappy swain? He stuffs, and swill , and stuffs nraiu. "I'm unite aslmm'd-'tls inlty itufc "To eat so much but all's f good. "1 have a thousand thnul: to give ".My Inl alone knows how to live." No sooner said, than from the hall Hush chaplain, butler, dogs and all: "A rat, a nit! clap to the door" The cut comes bouncing on the tloor. O for the heart of Homer's mice, Or god to savo tlietn In n trice! "An't pleaso your honour," tjuotli the poasaut, "This same dessert is not so pleasant: "Give me again my hollow tree, "A crust of bread, nnd liberty!' $ T HOLLY AND MISTLETOE. Hovr thr tlonae Simula l DruUrtl Willi C'lirlnttKix (IrroitK, It would not be Oirlstman without it wivnth of holly In tbo window or some touch of green about the borne. The hull Is the first ptaca to bo consid ered Iu d.'corntloti, as this gives tbo keynote to the ivst of tbo house, nays the riilladelphla Tlinei. Klrst and TT J I """OArWlNQ THE TURKEY. t . , .,.. Uot to Dlitxrot the Uttfciiloitt Hull ilur I'SiwI. If there Jfl ono person at the annual Christinas feast who Is not really and truly happy It Is bo to whom Is Intrust ed the important task of carving the turkey. For H10 bonellt of those who ar culled ilpbn to impare the turkey fur t lut itlnlivi of tint IVmhIiiih 11 (tw j! , foremost Is the mistletoe, or, ns It Used I words of advice aro always acceptable. tn In- i-i1Iim1. thi 1 "Li-Mint:" 1kuil-1i. TIiIm a...i n. t .....1 -ti 1. ...... ....... 1- n... ...1. . ,,. .... ,r . - --r,--. - ,11114 iitb imi. 1111 iniiii iii.ii r iitu in." A need m-t ncvssarlly be of mistletoe ' monition to secure a tender bin! mid a it lone, as holly can well Ito mixed with Uhivrp knife, for upon theno two coushb It. Hut It is correct to tie bows or orations depend the poaco of mind and true lovers' knots of various colored the success of tho carver. Incidentally ribbons on Hi the stems. Tho larger j it Is an excellent thing to huve thu this bough can Ihj the bettor, and it gucMs engaged In active coi t $ iSifc i JLl un i'-t'V-j' IT T 1 J I V y. j. conversation, because no matter how skillful the carver ho will surely be handicapped If the moment required for his task is marked by silence on tho part of those about tho board. Onco. the conditions made favorable the carver grasps the fork In bis left hand and places It In the htcaot of the turkey. Then the knife, held In the range In It tall boughs of hotly and right hand, is laid parallel with nnd spruce. I close to tho neck Just above where the turned Into a great ' left wing Is Joined to the Iwdy. 'I ho for the home, knife Is brought dou n with a sweep. most popular ' nnd the Joint Is disconnected. , I In of the decorative deskus. It Is gen-' carver continues the stroke downward crully tied with a smart bow of scarlet I nd separates the leg and then the see- Tills oper- iberu of fliould bang somewhere in tlw center of the hall. If thete Is n looking glass banging sgalnst the wall (and this Is a great Improvement to a smnll, narrow ball, ns It gives an Idea of spare), let It bo encircled by n looso holly .wreath. At tho foot of the stairs put a tall earth enware Jar of artistic shape, and ar T spruce. I ' The holly can ls turned V ' variety of decoration fc X ! The wreath Id by far the X ribbon. Frequently a star of red lm-1 d Joint from the carcass. Thl X 1 mortelles Is ot within the wreath. ' nUo" '" repented 011 the tnemt T The holly branches, with plentiful ' ' right side of the fowl. red berries sJmwlmr aeulnst t!u ulls. Tlie next task and one which eem tetilng leaves, make an urttstlc garnb I comparatively slnipl- Is the sllclnw of ture for the bouse. The branches nro ! the breast meat. The slices should b.' n graivful ormunentatloii toe pictures. ",e Pnrallel to the brennt bone so ns ' ' ... 1.11 11... ...1.. ,. ,t .., ei.. cornices nnd diKrs. In ha Is they are " " "-' f-"" " " """l particularly effective when there Is a The t s : i r j s A T X P'VT i : t :- IWZ t i "T VYTT i'trr t d-t ted i Y wc-? t tln'place that may be used ns a buck gmnnd. A glided basket (you can gild It your-c-.'lr ut small cost) lllleil with holly and Ocd with broad, scarlet Fntin ribbon X would make nn effective ccnteni.':e for tho Chrlstmns dinner table. A bunch of holly will of coursu crown T the Christmas pudding, but.n bunch ! 1 of ndstli'toe must bo tied under the i j chandelier In tlni parlor. X ) There aa people who every Christ j i mns put on great nlra about their "real J. I EiiKiiNh mistletoe." but our American T I mistletoe answers all practical pur J. I poses, and the luck it brings nnd the j salutation It invites are Just as gen !. u!ne r.s any foreign article. Kvery ? ...... ... ....,!. 1.. ,1 1 I k" j-uiim j nuuiiiiiK inrge ijuiui I NIECE OF m Mckinley VERY ILL (Special to tho Const Mall.) Otvcrnhnrro, Nov, ill) Mnbol MeKIn- 'CLKAMMNtf AMI) 1IKAMMO cuhm won t CATARRH Ely's Groam Balm tuy ml l'ltMiMit to nif. ConlMu Allt CATARRH m?mM um uo In-1 jutloii nuitf. . , . tt I iul-Ulr Tiorbt"l. (lit ra lltllof lllhC(V II l'irn (DM lllW'n ,. ( I r A ttl mn nini niucri, H.I3B I I Wl nr.H 1 jr liinMittnAtioik vwuw .7 ,V llriU ar.tt I't.itrcUi Ihn Utmlirioo. iey, a mice 01 11111 nun iri'Miiii'in. in to , n,,, Mni dniigiMotMly III hero Hint llm vaudovlllti! iv"attrr ijr init:l'r lf)ii), ilion enuipunv nt ublrli she wtui the head I ht3 dUbaiuletl and loll for nv lurk, t'ri'Miili'iil. in mi 1 mil m nf Tills ftinl rimill. I.MCA'iiM,uenhl 'iiiiurr iir nun; nt hidiio, ui.tnu uj dimi, l'.LV niumil.lL'J,4SVfliiiiOU..t, .Nn Xutt, JlMtOfft Ih uenii ti inf.ll. PRESIDENT DOW TALKS OF ST. LOUIS EXHIBIT Asks for Suggestions and Mckes Some Himself Says We Must Have Good Exhibit T titles of mistletoe to market. .'J'ttV'.''! .. ,tA .j- GERMANY'S TEMPERANCE MOVEMEN By WILLIAM VOCKE of Gltlccio "JLTIIOUGII considerable beer Is drunk in Germany, I do not think tho Germans are nearly as fn temperate as many tinmjy tied w A &&? other jiHtions. It is a rare t!.i: '' to see a drunken man on tho streets of a German city. The temperance movement in Ger many is about fifteen or twenty year old, and mild restrictive measures have been introduced into the landtags of tho different states and into tho reichstag of the empire from time to time. There nro few total abstinence advocates in tho country, and tho move riijnt against drinking is in favor of temperance in its literal sense rather than against (ho abolition of drinking. Two things can b said in favor of the German drinking cus toms: I'irit, they have not. in all their hundreds of year of drink ing, established the pernicious custom of "treating," and, secondly, the saloon keepers of that country are a far more respectable ole ihent generally than in this country, and they h,ve but very little, "f.any, political influence. meat npprnrs far more palat.ible when ; Po cut After slicing oit the brnst meat tbo wNhlwno Is removed by h!l; ping the knife under tho point of the bone nnd sweeping It downward to ward Uie neckv The stroke which for ordinary Mated families Is generally the Inst U that which Is taken upward from the "pope's nose" so ns to cntcli the "oys tor bone," This stroke reveals the stuff ing, which cun Iw sliced off easily. And with the service of this the carter lays aside knife and fork, happy be cause of the successful accomplish ment of a dlttlcult task. Tr&k Unionists Must Revise i heir Greed Uy DAVID M. PARRY, President of t.ie .National Association of Manufacturers RIMES innumerable Ijrvo been committed un der tho cloak of unionism durin" ths tt voar. The sentiment of indulgence for tho deed of ignorant men and tho fear of inviting orional injury to theiniolvea h.;vc held many citizens back from voicing a protoat. THE NEGLECT AI!D REFUSAL OF MUNICI PAL AUTHORITIES TO ENFORCE THE LAW AGAINST MEN CONNECTED WITH THE POW ERFUL ORGANIZATION OF LABOR HAVE ALCO IIoit In Srntl CbrUliniln CJIfli. Never send a Christmas gift without your card or pome means of Identifica tion, l'eople do not like to have their pleasure teinerel with mystery, says tho New York World. Kngrnvcd cards ure always iu better taste than those written by hand. Written messages on an engraved card are permissible when heading a gift to u relutlve or intimate friend. A greeting, as "Merry Christmas" or "Season's Greetings." when usi'd is written on the upper part of the face of the card. When niiiiply 1 tt date is ust'd, ns "Christmas, UM." write it in the lower left hand corner. It is customary for gentlemen to ac company their gifts with engraved cards bearing no inscription. Christ inas gifts should nlways bo neatly wrapped in perfectly frenh paper ami ith a nice bit of s'lTlug or narrow ribbon. In sending a gift In town, even to one's nest door neigh bor, employ a uie.SKjnifer or a sorvant: never n member of tho family If it cm be avoided. Always plan as narly as possible to have 11 Christmus gift reach Its destination on Christmas day. Hot ter the afternoon or evening than the night before. Jloiv to I'rcvcnc ChrUtmnnTrer I'lrr. People cannot be too careful In guird Ing against tire when trimming a Christmas wee. says n writer iu tiood Iloiifiekeeplrg. There have been scores of Christmas tree fatalities in homes nnd In Sunday schools which very little care might have prevented. The writer once set a tnv In a bh: consuming nearly half of it. tlnvl ornaments going wlMi the gneu branches. V tiny candle bad been wired too high, and it took only a few minutes of IL brNk heat to char n branch above It and Hart a ilnnie. A From Tuoodao Dally. 'J Knitoi: Coast .Vail, Dear Sir I note iu your iasuo ul .Sunday n mir union uh to thu boat uicllod of raining fund (or the proper exhibit at tliu Hi. Units (air. I think thi HiiggoBtlcui a u'ond one, but ni ttti-t conuniltco rnprc- Hi'iitu thu entire County and wocurlniuly want to uisku it a work iu which tll are IntctiMted nnd iu width all buvn t6me thiiiK to toy, I want to ack tlint nil nho have thoutrht on tbo nuhject either ( prrn them t) tho Secretary, K, ),, 0. Furr'n or my If. Tlnun it one thing that I want to mil tho County's attention to a, tho atnrt and tint is, Unit iitiy exhibit iro place In St. l.onip, in order to lo n crrdlt to our county, must rlnnd on its own mcritr along -a Ith exhibits (rem all oviir the world, nnd my pzpurienco 1 1 ;Iiomi mu that in (nira ol ihii kind tin worbl, at largo ep&re uo es pentc, II if impo.'sible to ttato at I !! time, just hov niucii money it will bo utces s.ny to raise. Wo mtit liavo tbo very host ol ad vertiuiug mnllur nnd lnlo ol it, a our fruit roiot) du'i not come lten it !s nv.Mlablo for the fair, our exhibit mint Al.l.ata A k! t . . r biIII I t tt tlillk hulk iiurtieir . w Jin iuiii i.uui ,,- --- i . , , . , , nnd tl.roun over the blare. If It bad ' b K'""''1 nl orc,J nJ ,ul in ncl'1 ,n not been at band, tho light window cur tains iu another minute would hto preserve. Tliscotnmllln Alll lave j.wh on the mitt boat eo ihnt anv exhibits ni,..l. Ol-.. Ui,iM tlmt 'lirlutiiniH ni:r ' tn-e"l.s alwajs leen plaeel In the ecu- I hrougl.t iu can bo token care ol at once, ter of the room, and we have eschewed ' our circulars, which nro belnJBiiol tc cottmi Wool, ti'sue paper ntig-ls i.ml ' ,,,.., , ..-..r.i.. .11 i,U. CENTRAL MOTEL Coiuri' of Front nnd A itrerlr, MAKN1IKIKM), OUKUON', JDNII ONVDUU. t : t t : :Prjp:liui mil. I' Wl't l-KNf'WN ANMI WOKIill IIUI IU. Iw lust li-nti rnllti-S' rpf.lliHi ,ii,il l-tlllliUln'tl lliluilKmilll iiikI It ni( Uli0h'ti loll') plilillc fill UlllDltKice. New Im-J mtil lining in.iiin iMrii lutu etAird In nlmoit rvciy ttri-plti nm ol PH't Hfi.-r mil ttmutt i.-uuiii imr ninwi iia; ikiui tin: ci.i t.-iM f,r. innsl to put iasrr)ltilii; lit 1 TBUM1. IbunUa (UliititHr vkau'4 j.,o llo-lfll, p ctU , , , .0.O lngli Mi .. . tj TlilMKIt laS'l), ACT JUNL a, Ifl73 notjck roit ruiu.icA'notf. I'n.kil Suilci luiml (Mliir, ttototn'W, ottNiOT, I '! igj. N'oIki- It ln-rtli) ultrn I litt m ccxnrsi-itite Mttfi llii iiHhiiH nf iIm ,ct of ( Hijr-- f I MS j, H;M. rmiUnl "An ml (k l!ir Mr ol IMil.-r .'.mil. in I'u-M.HtH l CilifiimU. mi-fjen, N. Vrfii.i. ,-iiict W.uliliixliMi Ulllloi),' at rtIHdi Uiull I he l'ulill I.1111I MJln LVltet of AtlgHlt 4, WILLI M W Pftllllil K. of ui ti.iiiim- m . I'milu'id. I'lmniret Jtuliii.--nirtti. Maio nl ()irioii, Imi (liii it) flled In ibll nlfntj l.l, ifti tilruifnt e. moj. fw ih- pur. cl ul Um; Slit-1, nf .s.. N&. n. 1 1 j S, It I.- wr.t.aml ilulrf m(mi in iIh ihnt Ii Kind tunglit 1, iikiic .iimI4 fur It iiml-r w (I'm iImii (r JUfkullnml iuriwi, nu in t-thfUttttl til il 1 1 m ui im UikI lirfutr llm )ril-r ami Knriier ol lil oflue .! KiMflMtg. OnigUH, on WnisirwM). thr y tUy r,f Dec, iioj. II- n.iiiir a Hiiiurt 0uw rtd-MiriW. of (JikLiiHi. (itDii, tlr-ofp in'.rT, Cuftn V Kiinip. ol 1 inlutUiillr, iiirun. KN Mmllh. of M)rtlr I'ui.il. ciirguii. Any mnl mII M-rtunft cfciln'iiMij mftfrtc'y lit lioe-Oei filxil I mil Mr IM4WM1H (8 ! thtT cMimi itt thittrftKC wi or jA'Um vilJ 7 &,j Ol l)te ly,j ' ly t I, T- I-'KIW . R ei';r. celluloid -ornaments. .ITIrst of nil. we wire each caudle securely In place at the farthest end of a branch which hai nothing above It. either Jlr trcw or trimming. Then ns the tree is denuded we watch carefully the fast disappear Inu enndios. Sometimes one of them, nearly burned down, will topple over ' or be merely it spark of llame, but n'-af to Miuclhi:ig iullammable, nnd bo n menace. How to Make Crnnlirrrr Jnltr , Take two tpiarts of cranbcrrleu nnd j tnuko properly uoii uiuu very tori, strain out me Jule :.ud add as much suxar us there :inw to Make Srrtfrti Short Ilr-rtd. Many pt-ople cither buy or innku Scotch nhort bread during the bob Idoys. It is exceedingly dltlleult to The Hootch l.oiliiewlfe ! ri-members tlio proportions as follows: tlati teni-flt of tbii exhibit. I hope the public will not tnkc thh man exhibit buluiiKiug to tho I'rotidrtit and Secretary ol this cotnmittce. We are u'ad tn ilo tlita work, but wu wiwit nil tho euuKCHtion that cnu bo maiiuand if any una knows of anything M nl would IMTIiNT WIMTINO RING Tim mom importatil Imjrnvem nt ol, the uuo in the art ol ppuuiauttilp uinket the riiwrcut wrltrr n tipleiidcd niniiun in nfewoikiby Ihn um- ol thi ritu:. r.ndorsi'd by promliiiint Collegu l'fni denU and ll'j.trdn of I.Mu-utioti In Ku rope nnd Anierlcu, K.tiniiln do'.nn n sortid BI..H rent p.ut p:ud for M.lK), sin gle Buuiplc U'ic. hen ordering a tingle ring, mnte bother for mau, woaicu or child, VilSS MIC KUPPI.Y CO. No. IK) 8. t'ourtb Ht, Plillndclph gORK FEE. KTZIO 3 C bu apt In Ui nl intarot, wc want to ' ft know nt onnt. Wo alro want tho i-uppottol tlioilll- W I n fcrent orKinr.zitioll.1 throughout tbitlg county nnd it tins lioen fttigasted tintm local ento-titinm-iiit,! bo given for," A iiuarter. a liaif. u Hound." by . . ' - -- is jtii-f. me j me? win no more i v-i,jch she means one-(juarter of a th.' form of a Ui'ck pulp, for you have j,0Iln(l nf BramtlntiHl Htignr. one-half Htrnlned It not throuuii a cloth, but 1 t,r.i,,wi ry ),,.!.,,. n,t ..,,,. n,,nn,i i,t Kir. i?d llo-tr. but us 11 rifittf-r of fact 11 little ' Tim Flanpgin A I'ennott Imnk lmvo'ru I'KAI.KIl IN flMKT.IUKS l-HKSI! FltUirM, VKUK TA lll.r.S I' HO VISIONS, n.OWH KKKI), KTC, OF TlIK HKST (JW.M.ITV. l'KIOiy IlKAHONAItl.i:. lltO'KN OYS TF.lt -5 1.VK11Y DAY. : : ; twenty minute, add 11 tabltM.jMwnful of gelatin dlst-olvnl in cold water and pour into a moil. Set away to com! rk-ul t'j the table turned moid and g.:ri:iMli with 11101 the n.erlngui'M Iw-nt the w1jI;i-h of fur orgs until very JtliT. Add .1 third of u tea spoonful, heitut, of cream of tar a H ni u a aa B Q u a H a a n u a m a s a 11 CI If nitreed to i.ct sm Trenrun r for tho com- r-. ,,, mine., nn I t!. books will be open for! A SlrCtl. Mar.shf.dd, 0,c U I I 111 mote migar in rerlulred. at least llvo I lnrtlnn at h11 llmniniiil, right l.nro ! crj.-,7 a SISIS CaanDiaKlaBRl nunc . Thee i.'p-dlen:s irtist b" . might filro add. liiat no hills will bu paid - - - .- ;., ,,0r ."r."7. "1,X. ' ."" ' "T " 'by tho eoiniii llm 111. accou.ir.nlnd ? T.XnVr otie of th hoari! i::t breail. th-n rdlwl out iibfitit I ' , ... ..... J BwiimASj Ji?' 1 Ium. J'.;r j,.i, thick, the o.lB-4 erlnl-.hd ,-! by en crJer n.-nnl by tho propendllcul, J MJTsm J jI'.i-h f fAir oniamented In the SRiue manner ns p; J v0 v.itnt o carry on. yr.ur work j-'l in 3 v $ 3 W Sl By-. i crust ana tmwim n u .ow ..vim. .,,. , , , , ftrfl)I:l BUI, ,.,,,,., llllllft PVV14 t;UIHlt''i IIH'' llllti IVH. i 1 . ..... tnr. Whip again. Add a cup of sugar, i strips of c-ition are ;is for making nn n ive proper rixe.pm mr ni .i.u...y $Mi;ri.irji,Tr1Tr;T,7r rmid us .-.ml liave yimthora for all mom y V. , " .'',.t'.V'',LV '":- ' ''" .., 1 1 '"mvwhii mniir urn J Meant, nnl a Utile vanilla. J'rcss through a tttbo upon oIbd pupfr and bake in an ovu vo jlowly us only to dry thorn for half an hour. ornamental pattern on the cake. t Ilow.o M,rw,.rn.Mm,7.(.rr:,n,(a,lr. hll.t 6nd B.irttl !.k. at Ih'i ond of the I'ut two teasii'MinfulH of butter In an ; thne. that our lr.l: bo audited !-y a 'll . IltfOU Ujl 1 I lie. ni"t IIimv to Keep Holier. agato mn. AVlien molted, add half a cup of milk end one and ono-iialf cup To keep honey, el'lur e.xtraeUd or fills of sugarj stir until sugar Is ills- publli! committee and that thoir report' be piiblitliinl, I I ,1mi lrnve a Mismtlnfl lo trinkotntho' nrwpniorn: tbn publlu at luryo want to inow w!mt wo aro doing and the only way lo give tlmm tbii inlnrmntion ia comb, put It wber.i it is dry and warm, 1 nolvsl. i'.rlng to tho boll and boll about even hot. It will not hurt it to he In a twelve minutes. Kemovo from the lire, touiiwaturu of evon 100 degree. If Add oti-hnlf cup of shredil'd eoeoauut (stracbsl honey hi not thick enough t!" and half a teaspoonful of v.iulll-i; then it thin cloth mtr the to) of tlje ves-iel I heat until creamy ami mixture begins una Keep wnore it n not oiuy wun.i. to nilgai slightly nroumi t'it:o r pan. 1 ....,,. ,i. n.. Hnan(.r? u,i PH tlila hut iilry. Mid 'it will 'become inm:i . Pour Into n butlensl nnii. cool sllahlly I ,"ronK ,l,') no ?" "" rH "" , . - - ; - ' ., 11 1.1 ..... CONFIRMED THE vicious and IGNORANT pi. thicker. .Many i.ouHrlsooneiu nut hoiHW and mark In hniiiires. llrokr-ii nut . win no inieriwung re-tun g. mmm iw EWENTS OF UNI0NI M IN THEIR BELIEF THAT ,!1 ,1"'' (,"J,ar' u0 houey leudily utuucUj meats may be uwd Jnnleatl of cocon ..r. .r... . ..... .1...,. .,.-.. -. -...' .. ' moisture. - . . nut. inur r.r, uv uiiiu mcniuLUVCOi i r,'( MUST GET OVER THIS FEELING. rarcrarc nirr u-tOl :-amn .A" sfi?rsfW)Ca.v-i mm AA&KKA , t j . --v t ; I am vary hopeful that tho period of criticism through "uhi'.li organiad labor is passing will havo n rcgci;oralivo olFcct upon tho movement. I think the American peoplo urc tired of tho crime pf dole-nee, which secma to Lo a part of tho organised labor move- 'I went. ttJid TJXL1SSS .TI14P13 17X1 OVISTS. HIIVLSK TlUSTfl 1 hllElZD in connection with 'lawlo&s metliod.s public tentinient will waicV i"tS ieal of condemuntiou upon tho further Osvolopinaut of the JJJJJ zuovoniQut. . . . How (o Unit ChrNlmnn r.cnioa Tart. To iniike "!irlstn;;: lemon tart H two cups U'jnr, ae cup butter, ,s oggii, two leji.ous, two largo tablespoon fuU of brandy, one leMHpoouful gmted nutmeg. l'.ent butter and augur to gtlier, aou the whlCiped yolks, the jtiloe r,f one lemon nud the I Mid of two. the mdmeg. the hrr.'udy uud the' mUII! rtr't,'li wldt" of the oggn. Hake lit amnll pailvy uliolln and mu uo top How to I'rejini-e Sivnct I'o.nto .STi--ns. A truly dclleioi.t way to servo sweet potatoes Is to prejiR'o them In Hit' fob Ifiwlm: inaiiiior: Bllee cold boiled bweet potatoes In hulf. Kprinkle Willi halt. lo havo ar rxhibit and uo r.ra going to Utile pt-ppei-and n perfect deluge f;mvo a good tine, L'ooh Oiinlyhao voted sugar, i r.v in n pun or not grease, uu st that a St. I.ouii coin m n lie pivoti to iliflcoiiiiiiittcii apd they, will agroo lo fur.ieh ropy for tho Hjnn. ?fov,-, Mr. Kdlior, I will not fry lo say it all at one time, Coos County ban votnl er.iiiy spniulLvg sugar on thu upward xldu. Turn and brown, coolslng, Blow I v. Vheu -t.i'lfciAiitit' the Hu;:nr f.lKxiil'f ntlv'e" conked to candy, which 'will string from one potato to nncthsr vbju Jilted. (o li.wo nn ojcliiljit nnd uu mo going to havo n rod our. V,:,.,v , ?onr..v.f?Jrulv.ff 'ProWdi.'nt.'it. l.ouls Kxbtbit Com, UnrcbflsSd, Or. Uov. ao, IDO'J. InnA.lt.. iil rt rJir"r,?,Tif r-uiiw u, 0, i-atccj unicai WASHINGTON D.O. VwVi -wv-v-v-v iT"" i tM(M4tM Mtm HW CATALOG of W3JSIC KfZW 07OCK PANOO 8RISSE MUSIC CO 4 r ""TTTT :4'