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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1903)
X ti ll I t t i leeHolidety (l sun$ 60 different gomes all pew rJ95 i5 && Pfkagc of Lion Coffee at your Grocer'a. -- Try This-'Ouc After gtvlng its solution of I lie problem f Ann's ago, n couple of week? ago, the '"Mjnilto (tullitou epruiiK tho following mi 11 confiding public: -l hero if one for 11. II., or anyone who care lo try it: X iquiuo pint V riua1. 7 V plus X tquaro canals 11 Mud the value of X and Y. A Runaway Blcyol An exchange nys,lt tirin nt lint boon decided )lil there U liitt one t ilng that ran tliinthm u nnm out of Km T-niihit'ed with it uglv out on t ho log oi .1 ;; iiniiT Kniii.iini:iivH pi h ,.,. .,,., , , . initu'un minium 11 .innn it v'i ini a stii oltitrii iilisT mixii'lili'iL' m tin, ior nml rcimillcr for four yokm. ' ' '! "' ilutt tiling 1 rn echo. iiifti ititcKioii e mica Nilvo uind It'ti jiet a go'Ml (or Mume.Scalds, k in ICrup (in. nml Piles. 'Joe, M Rod Ci Ding Store. .1.' uimnniin YEK,sonsr.L J -A.2STZ) LOOAL From Saturday! Dally. The roof of the North Bend atore has bfi-n receiving a coat of red paint. Baptist Cliurcli ounday School 10 a. in. 'etching service. 11 a. iu I" pic A Double Portion of tho Spirit. x . 2. K inns 2.1). V. P. U. 0:30 p. in. hening Sorvicd :l0 p. m. Tuple. Tho Nations Sin Alcohol the Dovil in Solution. Text Pro. 20:1. Thursday's Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. in. A cordial invitation given to all of Uie services. Lverjjr:cns lintcftain The Evergreen Whiwt (,'lnh net Thtirrdav otouiiw in thy. In. mo of Mr. S. H. lizard. The roi-iid wore pleasantly arranged i.ud npacton Too occasion tho tegular tmiuthly mooting at which th. lidlos invite their gentlemen frieiuU, tho full momhor fhlp lielng present and eUlit table wcto divUM T e allotted number ul liitndi were played, V.2 1 . each tlmo with anutli er partner. Only tho goutlomou wuro given prizes. Tho regular momheri of the club do not compete for tho prized when they entertain their friends at the monthlr tmotlng. la Lando played like a demon all jvenlng and always just as ho was alwut Tho .lunioi foot I M. I (iirtinnl ihln pliiee and Ceipiiile C iy w '.' , 1 . uim on Ihankcgivli-i: hi (' q ami u return game ulll ho piflyuil ti-r- tun wo.kii Liter. John O. Capron, the electrician, c4 Ennii'e, wes in loan on business yes-Jerriay. Candidates.Getting Scarce I to in nut, his opponent would fumbio a Chas. Bradbury and R. J, Coke, next letter card from somewhere juet a little in n'ne for candidate for councilmon, each declines to ran, and thia exhanata the y nire called by tho Citizens caucus, R. R. Ray, ho hat been TiBiting bin fl ,lloro r0 on," enough left to till the brothers Cal and W. F., will return to hla home at Coquille Cit) fodny. Poatmastcr Curtis holds the blue rib b"n aa the first person to order a batch of the Special Illustrated edition of tb Coast Mail. ticket. Aa it now stands, tho nominees for three years aro Chas. Lichtwerk, John Johnson, W. F. Bowron and A. J. t-avae; for two years, Wui. Donbner and F. a. Dow. niguer. 4omiiiiiitaiHiinii inn untie unl bad spell of luck (?) ho final jy pulled out ai.d landed tho booby priz. It was closo though and ho hud several hnrd competitors. E 11. Seabrook won the tirat prize, having mado tho largest core. The ladies ir general mado a better score than tho gentlemen but tho latter consolo themselves that they play- The withdrawal of II. Sengstackon, ,ed in aw'ullr hn '" you know. Oh 'eaves the head of the ticket vacant, and il wa8 J"al awfu, Tne Alliance sailed from Astoria a 11 a. m. yesterday, and will probabl; sail south from here this evenins or to- ', morrow morning. '.Iit-re was much di'cussion -estorday as to what should be dono about it. W. P. Mn phy was being mentioned for the piace. and it is understood that ho would accent It, Doesn't Rospect Old Aq Cable Broken It's ehumetul when youth faiU toehou ' The cable across tbo bay which con- cPoXy7nThVc.t.,d0f8DVlL-'ettNi,; neC," thi C rlvcr ,in with Life Pills. Tlfvcut oil maladies m Manhfield svatem was broken Thura- MCunirff1 diyniKht' The cablo must have been Constipation nil vield to hee perfect caught by some vessel or in somo other pill. 25c at Red Cross Drug Store. w,,v ,t brokpQ 8t ,JOth end8 Bn( A. M. an-' Wn- Incertoil ringed npthe al,u' c ,cet o !t ,e oni. Th will scow Sklrmither and started yetterdaj 1k Vli' nn inconvenience to tho Coos for South slouvh lo linn; up some matchwood for R. J. Coke, receivor. President Roosevelt has written bis congratulations to an employe of the F.-iiMon Office who Is the father of 12 cnildren. It t.-t tries to congratulate all aai'h, be may have hie hands full. Union Thanksgiving services will be bi)d at the Baptiat Church, Thursday, N )v., 20 at 10 :30 am. Tne Rev. Thos. Irvine, 1'aslor of the Baptist Church will preach the sermon, and the other pattora will assist, We received subscriptions yesterday from Jefferson, Or., and Pirn, Cal., tak ing advantage of our low clubbing rates. Tbla is a hint for you to look over those lists on another page. No use to throw away your money. Methodist Church There will be services at the M. K. Church Banday, Nor. 22 at 11 a. m. and 7:20 p.m. The Pastor Rv. Unas. T. McPberson will preach. Morning Bub Ject, "Christian Experience" Evening eubject. "God's Gift to Men." Sunday Bchool 10 a.m. Epworth League 0:60 p. m. rivers subscribers to tho line, but it is an unavoidable mishap, Mr. Robertson already had a now cablo ordered with which to replace the one carried away The new cable will arrive in Marshfitld on the next steamer and will reach here soon. Search has been mado for the miesing cable but without success. Rip erinteudant Robertson had the other cable already ordered (or just such an emergency. As soon an the new one arrives it will be put in place at once. The patrous of Cooa river can now more plainly see the real valtio ot the phone service dnring the absence, and will bail with new do light ita repair. After tho playing the iadUa Boned a most delicious lunchion, which was en joyed by each, and all agreed that it was one of tho plensantcbl evenings en joyed in many a day. The Mtti ntion nf tin. (.,. loirri'-toil in cn-ollim huiiidien I Called to tho nil ul R W. JittitlOMiiiou 'Iiu llrvt t"te. This ml will npKHr but niico, ho If joii want 10 writo nlioiit il, hAU r n rn while you think ol It. Tho Kvorgrt'ou U luu'liiti met at tho home of Mm. .M.L. .,bln mi Hatunlay afternoon. Mr. J. T. MU.rinue and Mrs. V. J. Bailor were nwurdod tb prlxos. Tho club will meet with Mrs. !. P. Norton next Saturday. LAWYERS ATM EXCELSIOR BRAND U.k. OILED OLOTHINQ SLICKERS 0rftnttt in ytit art inf tii t iff MMn litlhLta, (Ut I nf k ii rn tt. i h IK 1 ul tt, f w w ..'4 ' '' ' " '" ,drT -wiT" o &ji J?J "' ' ' ' Miss Bertha Sumner, Coitiinlnsloned organizer of W. O. V.. came over from Ccxjuillc Saturday and exHcta to leave for Portland Monday. Mifls.b'uinnir reports tho lodges throughout Coon couuty iu a very nourishing and prosper ous condition Areata Delayed Tho Areata will not leave San Fran cisco until tbo middle or last of thl woek. I The Empire Balled yesterday witli 2S.1 tona of freight for MnrshQohl. bench showed Hint tho greatest number belonging to any 0110 man wan 211, lout by Uoorgo llermntiii, out of JIO). Tltia perroutngo of Ions la considered by tho owners of the logM to bo very Minnll, they 11111 highly pleased with tho working of tho IiooiiiIiik facilities which Iiiivk been provided. Had the sheer boom at Randolph slough boon ready, no logH would hnve got nwny. It is now in operation, and tho boom there bad a capacity of 15,000,000 (eet of logs, no that (hero Mooms no danger of any further loss even of so small extent as an the last, Homo of tho logs which worn held at Ci ravel Ford were being run out of tho north fork yesterday. From Tuesday's Dnllyv The Ktontimr Niivhmo urilvoil In tho Iny Sunday, uml mIId at I in todity, lint liny City mill In ahul dowi. loin pornlly, Lack of oriluni is given as tho on 11 re. R v. Mo. key will hold Uhiisliau snr vkvM at MiiiinKau Hall next Sunday inorulug ami nfteriioou, 'Iho ri'liiKimir Han Ilciuia Vu.tiii4 otno Iu Sunday, niter u rougji voyago, She brought bnlluit and muni grain, Mr. nml Mrs. A. '). W.'nieto leuvo 011 the Navairo lor J t i . lilt where thoy will romilo In tho future From Sunday's Dally, B, F. Savago, of May, wan in town yesterday. Baletu ministers have (,u'm on record againet the gamblers. Tho Alliance arrived yesterday after noon aud will sail at noon today. Tho tugs Hunter, Rok-oo and Colum bia were all in town yesterday. The Navarro got oytof tho Colombia yetterday forenoon and is due here to day, W. C. Mil tick was down from Sumuer yosterdaj and reports the burg as lively aa over, Tho lug Columbia came up the bay yosterday with thu schooner Fannie Adlo in tsw. Schooner Wrecked The Florence West cny tlmi ii,. schooner Ocean Spray wont ashore bomo distance inside thu bar at tho Siinltiw Tuesdny while sailing in, ami will bo a total loss. She had considerablu tuer chandiso for Siuslnw merchant, which was badly damaged by water Notice of Dissolution Not Ice is hereby given that tho part- iierilup heretofore minting liotweon F. !:. NoIhiii nml R. A, Uuffnchmldt, doing liiiKinoxfi iimler tho tlrtn nnme of The 'oo- Hiy Iron Works, Is this day (lis iilcl tiiiitul ngrromeiit, and that nM F. I.. Nelson hni Ixtcomo the owner f alt properly of said parttiersblp, and all iii'tf and aeeoiiuts duo or to Ixicome due wi'd il r 111 are ami shall tx payable to mi, ami Hint naid F. '.. Nelson lias as oimotl and Fhall pay all debts of oald linn lu-ritiforo iururred. I'atiil at Marshfleld, Coot County, Dri gun, this lllh day of Novicr.bor 1WKI. F E. Nki.son, II 21 ot R. A, lIumi'iiMiUT. Tho Alliance tailed from Marshlleld Sunday afternoon ami got out to sua about .'I o'clock, the bar being smooth, 1,0111 Wolff has leased thu (Utgo of tho Drain stage Co,, and will run her lit connection with tho beach stage, as heretofore. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. CllnkluRbeard, who have been visiting on tho Coijuilln, returned ycatordsy, reporting a very p lea van t time. "Prof. I.augley would hotter have in vested his money in a theater." "Why sot" "A theater has wings and Hies," Kansas City Journal. Ilik'li Jinks Club Tho young ladles club met yesterda afternoon at thu home of Misses Mar garet and Evelyn Anderson, The club was christened the High Jlnkn Club. The next meeting will be at the hornoof MIp Elsie tMici'tt nex Frid.-v ovonliiK. when the gentlemen mil Imj entertained' Peter Mlcklebriak of Allegany was iu town Saturday. He brought down a lot of apples. FINED FIFTEEN DOLLARS Result of a Forcible Dispute Over Right of Way To Members of the Caucus Gkmtlsukn: Whilst I appreciate in the highest de gree the nomination tendered me at your late meeting.I nevertheleea foel that in view of the excellent and honor able record of the present occupant of the Recorder's chair of your city. I xnaat decline at this time the nomina tion which has been tendered mo at your bands. Most respectfully, Hmbt O. Pi.oxaaa. Justice Uyde'a court yesterday after noon was occupied with an assault and battery caso ogainst Chae. Gardiner, who Uvea on his land near Llbby, and who whb charged with assaulting Chas. Sneddon, whose place It eeoma that tho trouble oroeo from Gardiner trying to prevent Sneddon from crossing hlB land by a road which Gardiuer had fenced up with barbed wire, Bnedden cut the fence and Gardi ner attempted to forcibly prevent his proceeding on his way with hla horae across tho land. The court over-rnled the request of the defenso that tho caso he certified to the J circuit court as ono in which a juatico vuun una uu juneuicuon on account of the question of Jand title, and fined the defendant $15 and costs, Deputy Preucuting Attorney Ed Far rin and John F. Hall conducted the Btata'u case, and E. B. Beabrook the de-foutfe. The 6tale Bar Association elected Judge Geo. II. Burnett as president of the association, Advertibing- Readers of at paper want what you sell aud have thu price to pay for your goods. Not a Sick Day Sinco "I wan taken severely Hiik with kid ney trouble. I tricil nil M.rtH of modi- clnec, none o which relieved 1110 Dm day I miw an ad of your Electric Bittern and determined to try that. Aftor tak Ing a few doses I felt relicvi-d, ami coon thereafter wan entirely cured, nml imvr not seen a flick lny since, ..I mine havo boon cured oi Itlieurmiiii-m, Neuralgia, Liver nnd Kidney tmuMr and General Debility." I Mm In what II. F. Bnss. of Fremont, N C. writes. Only GOc, at John i'reusa Druggist. Election of Officers The A. N. W. Club met at tho home of Mrs. J. T. McCormac, Thnriday, and elected tho following officers for tho nno elan could got a feathor. Sumner Notes I li" population of H 11 inner lias Incrnas- I eleioii souls lately by tho arrival of :' o I'eFreese family and tho return of .Mr James, who was formerly in busi ness here, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Blalno of north ('hhj river stnrtisl homo yosterday on Ihoir return Hftirairit with Mr. and Mrs. II. N, Black and other It lends In this vicinity. Capt. Thomas (iiKnlalo, fnrmorly of the Curlew, in rojourning at the Porter Wilson ranch. Anderfou Wright has been working on thi strceta and opening up thu sewer system. About half a mile of the rorwl betweon Sumner and Falrviuw bus now been planked and it is reported to be tho best plank road over laid in these parts. Every boJy has been Hilling lately. Trout aro unusually plentiful and all have been feasting, and many havo been salted down. Frank Black in tho champion .'dock hunter, Seems to find ducks where no Incidentally, tbo Mail will remark that the mall stage arrived at Myrtlu Point from Rosuburg at 3 n m Sunday. The day before, it arrived at 0 a 111, When a man iiueta a woman ton yearn after shu refused 10 marry him hu feoli like going out and buying champagne for thu town. Now York Press. Joo Stoinnnn was in from Fairvlo yesterday. Hots employed at the in. II which la Hawing lumber for tho road, and reports everything going smoothly. 11. and J. F. Hope late of Idaho am now Incatnd on the old fieo. Ileal place and have a ulcn lot of stock coming on. I'liuno gentlemen have their own gato lino launch and like Coos bay wry much. Congressman M. A. Moody who.has beon on trial for embezzlement hae been exonorated, by the court. Miee Joule Cowun is a" panngoron tho Alliance for Eureka, whore she will visit a sinter, in hope of regaining her health. be Wharf Agent A. E. Abbott, Jato purser of tho Alli ance, 1h a paHflongerflOuth, on hla way to San Francisco, where ho will take the position of wharf agent for tho C. & O. C. S. S, Co. TIiIh is the plae he waa about to tBkefcome weeka ago, when the Navarro on this route madi it nn:eseary for him to stay at this end until the freight blockade fhonld l cleared up Ho Ih accompanied hv Mrs, Abbott, who went to Portland overland from San Francisco. Mr. Abbott ban many friendu on tho Bav who lll n.trni iimt ho is no longer to bo a regalar visitor here. ensuing torm: Pros. Mra J, R. Ro- cbonjVice President, Mrn. J. T. Mr Corroac; Secretary, Mrs. F. M. Fried barg; Corresponding Secretary, Mm. S. II. Hazard ; Troasuror Mrs. F. X. Hofer. Beporta were read from tho retiring officers which all showed the condition of tbo clnb in excellent conditio iu all ita functions. Tho next meeting of thu club will be on Nov, 3d when Mrs, L, R. Robortson will entertain tho club at the homo of Mrs F. X. Hofer, rum your Health and STRENGTH with JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE. pleasant, potent, and pwmanwit tovigorator for WOMEN. 'CHILDREN. nd MML ' '" J '. r , j!iHHttxmVfWVr$nm ' brands Mdwmtoatlou of thwooa tho LOSS OF LOGS VERY SMALL Only 131 Out of 16,000 go Over Coquille Bar Alfred Johnson, the Coquille mill mart wan in town last night, Mr, Johnson had Juet returned from Bundon, where ho looked into the loe.s of logs by tho re cont freshet Aa all logs that wont over tho bar wore driven upon tho beach by tho wedrrly Mrs. Gen. Norria, who has been stay ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jni. Catching while her mother has been nick, returned to her borne at Falrvlew yon tor day, Mrs Catching having nearly recovered her uunl health. E. W. Achrock, recently from Denver has taken up a homestead near the Ray place or. Willaucli slough, Mr. Achrok in opening up a home aud it 11 tl e rlirht kind of ituff to make a homo on Wil laucli plough. AsniHtaut Light- House Keeper O, Kin von, of Destruction island, H miles from ilra)a Harbor, who has been off on fur lough for tho pant month, aud who has buen visiting at Tumploton, was in iou on business yesterday. Ho oxpecta to go back to attend to his duties in a few daa. Travel by Sea Passengers on the steamer "Alliance" south, Nov. 22: Mr and MrH J M Nye, Mr and MrH G Osgoodby, Mrs M E Mc Nair.MlHs Margarot Kardoll.Mles Emma Kurdoll, MrH Kronx, Miss Krunz, Miss Josie Cowan, Mlaa Ethel Johnnon, Mies Ida Lnfferty, Miss Lona Woodward,Msa liolen Woodward, Mra Ira Chapman, Martin Wnlluco, G L Blcklord, G Green, wood, G V Goodwin, J 0 Walkor, W V Cope, A Cope, E II Jonea, II II Eaton, J C MeDougal, W It Ward, R Mursdon, II Wilson, ! E Webber, L Dion, O Ii Ka7, J D Kay, D Kay, E O Go blo, G Siingaby, A Roao, L II Gar rett, E O Garrott, F Stono, W Aaplund, A Holrnes, A Hondrickfl, II Norman, B Wilson, W II Condart, A Stohl, A An- Shippin; Salmon The tug L, Ronco brought down KiOO cania of salmon from tho Biuslaw which will bo chipped to PortlamLon tho Nn varro. Tho same parties have la.OCO c.iboi of which tho abova lot Is a part. Shipping t9alt Salmon Alex Evanhoff shipped 83 barrels ot salt salmon to San Francisco on tho Htoamor Alliance, The salmon stork was excellent thia.eoasnn and ought to bring a fancy price. wii.d. 't was easy to count thorn. nnl the total rnmber is ll. Thia number !,l"r''0,, K fJIIon, (T Dietrich,. C A (Ire r f. (ir ti ii ... renreionta t"e Inm not nf Hi Kill iufc "" ' ' " "" " '" "''urogt:. J W thai i . !..(. i. .1 o! Ilia s...,th and middle ,"J "' ''' '' K MMr"' J """ '' A Ro8e forks of tho Coquille. The logs wore all New Types Vscd - Now and unworn typo will bo used in tho coming special number, and Dm print will bo clear and reahablo, Wo wore handicapped last year by being obliged to urn) badly worn body type, but thin will bo avoided in tho coming number. Travel By Sea Paaeongora on thu steamer Navarro sailing for Portland at 1 o'clock thin af ternoon: Mr. and Mrs. A. O. WeHlgate, Mra. Win Farrin and son, Mrs. E B Tai lor aud daughter, Mra Amlro Anderson berg, V Erlekson, J Juth, G O Easton, , . Z ,' ,""""--""" ' ' ""w,'l I ni1 rthllll Mra Ml.. T .1.1 0 Kelthle, W Brown, Q BchwarU. , IT, .Vr ,7 "wohub, ' Duwww ' -Too Trigg, DL Clouie ndLFarnw. "rsr?