yyw-y y yr xv W i Fjnop!i.-r' .-. I-.- - ' "., A-ft. y Wy.l '! W.,J ST'! ! T nil i imi ii ii lnii --.. - -i. - .i-. mW- .. An Old ;i'IM - IH - I - IW..M - IH - HH - IM - l - J - H - I - ! - H - SIGNS OF RAIN Dy Dr. Edward Jcnnor Tlllll Inrtimloti porm, known nlno by Itn nubtltli "Knrty ItiximiiiN Kor liccllnlliK mi Invitation t mi !'. ruralon," win wilttcn by l)r Kdwiinl .li-nnir, wlio won llilliiurtiil fiiinu !' IMn illacuvt-ry of vtirHiitlltwi nit u IUkviiiIIvm of nit) ri 1 1 fox. Dr Ji-tiher wiw loin In Knj hind In l7t'J unit illwd In 1!3, J I In iii.mi iIIkuhi 1 l.iciiif Ml liJrti futile mill utmllh, ft ml ho ninUn hluh on tho roll of thn wurld'n ph) nlclnliM. H v- &t. V V T Hi: hullo w wlnda hrjjin to Mow, Tim IhihIw IihiU bliii'k, Ilm I.'I4M IN lW, fh. '.! full ilown, thn mm :!: nllNllli'lu Nil I'll, Ami npi.tw.i from thlr iwibwvli pei-p. I .nut id ' i 1. 1 huh wi'ni in If to liuil, Tim l" ii n 1ml'. hli llur hniid; Tliu l .. u il Mil IniiMx n I'hth, I'i'r t n i unh'iA tnt nt lint nkyl Thi ulii f.m damp, thn iIiicIii.m Ninull, rii.Nr.i in tin' plnk-i.yr'l tilmtiiTMiil Ifrk li--v Ihn Hmlra nltd InlilPNcrnrkt (til o iti j 1 1 -t v4 uiu on thn luck, l,ouil iiuurkN tho ilutk, thu timtcucki v. Thn illMnnt IiIIIn urn mrinlnir nl;h. How f rin n lire tliu Kii"rtlnu awltiol 'I ll l'i k i.i -ii dUlnrh thn klim, I.. w c vir thn Krnmt thn awall.-w wltinn, Tilt iilchrt too, how ah-ri hr altwat I'tiai ti Ihi' honrdi, with velvet puwa, HH-H-I-I-I-I-I-HHn'-H-I-H-l-HH-r-HHIH-IHHHhH-HH-Ww-rH-l-'.- A Timn of Ilnn1 l'n'titir. The little town of Uvw-iitou, ICy., loiiitti of 11 ini'ii I Kirn within Km lim it' ii'bn lutvi lii-'-o'iif eiiNlilom nf Imi.l.H Thi'y are mintrn-d through tho Mutei of Ki'iiturkj Ij.il.mii; and Uhln Tlir 'II III In' r I. tnr. Thf If pr."Ni(,n that ISritlab North Amurliii Ih jvcriil with vulunlth tn.i Imt In tiill.icloili. Hbirk wttlinit. P d fi-diir uihI white onk an not found Imrth of Toronto. A Hue druvsii fmm the city of yin-bee to Sutilt .-'to M.uli Mill ili-itKtmto the tiiiitliorn llli.it oi tii'i-rli. rim nml tdrcli. The mirth tmrij nr Uit.t Huporlor will mark the north ern lioutiitary of vugar lmril miiplu. Tflr lllnpinrrrT uf ("utiiunn, fouut MntirltlttN Kruuglp.iiil w.ih the 0Niocr(ir of the pr-oyn uf iniiililnlii ftleolinl with mlurlferotli nii!mtaii(i' And thi're'i.v pnoo'iitcd nn with a bun tit oil nrntiiatle llnvorN, tolh-t water and conmetlcrt. ninrlri M'llbinil roiiintiilton, piiiklng of tTi'iiiatlini. l!i Ixindnu I.niui't r.xpreMneH the opli.lou that the i-liaiircM of a living body thimbt to !' (ji-nd hi'lug ri'ilni'iil to hIh-h tire tin) IlideMliIti ly n-i.mte ( tin "It att-utlou. Ill the vnt inajorlty of tnatauren there Ih no real foundation for the nt"r!e o( premature burial or Intended burial. (Infirm lloninril. Arrnrdlng to expertn who bnvo leen Rtudylug the qui-ttloti, th death and total extinction of the pnhlHtorlc gla rtern Ih only n matter nf time. Why Miiiiil(or llllp. Why do tnoxiiiiltiH'.i bite htiinnn be IligH? According to Ir. Rantort I-r-tiandez of Cuba, It Ih lwauno the fe niitlen rniinot form their rgg without mieklng nome warm IiIimkI. If they fall to get It they lay no eggn. The Stuln Cnpltola. Tlio only states which have capKol In large cities aro Massachusetts, Indl sua, Virginia, Minnesota, Georgia ami Colorado. Our JYrttnriillard Clllarna, Hut S..'l per cent of the German bonl males lu the United State hnvo failed to heroine naturalised, whllo 1,1 per rent of the Ihiglluh, a. per cent of tlio j HUHSimiH, ( per cent oi ino iiiuinin mid 80 p cent of tho Japanese aru still aliens. . A Wonderful (InnU. The Grand Palais In Paris possesses a wonderful clock which wns bIiowii Iij. llll) 1 III IN l-illlUIUUII III irsui. II 111 claimed that It does not vary more than the hundredth purt of n second hi i year. It Indicates the tlmo In tho twelve chief cltleH of tho world, each city having Hhowii dial. Our UIiloiiiutN unit Cnnanla, The niiiHtilnr service of the United Flutes employs over 1,000 men, whoso1 ilutlm me inalnly commercial. Thoeo of thP'dlplmimtlc Hervlco huiuIkt les than 100. f. I'liint ii ml Aiiinmi i.tfe, Plant 1 1 IV Is much more tolerant thiui , animal llle of oxtremeH or tcmpeniture, ' growth having been observed In somu. Instances us low ns zero and In other' Instances as high iih 72 degrees 0. It Is true that n rreo7.h)g process decs not destroy life. A flub or n frog will on Uiawlng become quite lively ngaln. . Coltuu nml Itn Origin, The col Ion plant Hist cimio to Amerl en from A:jln. nf the central Now the greater part ,s o miuoiir, tnougn noinctimcH wrong Aula ii, crop Is grown ,y described us such, ii(j It Is ulwuys from Ainerieun cotton seed. ' (LUiitM-i imi' lOMOiktfJi -ua Miiuii FanJorite l - l - H - H - HHH - J - I - J - H - I - I - H - HH - H - l - X Hltn wiping o'er Imr whlkriid Jiiwm; Throwcli tho ulifir atii-mnii thu lining 1 1 in-, Ami nimbly cnli-li thn Ituvnilloua "i0:i, The glowworms numi'-oiiH nii'i iviit, Jlluini'il thn ibwy ili'll IiinI night; At dunk thu H'juiillil toml wit ai-rn, IlnpplilC nml crawling o'tr lhu;reicn.j Tho whlrlhiK il'it thu wind hiyit. Anil In tho rnplil mtily pl'iyn: Tim froK ho rlmnitnl lilt yuilow vrt, Anil In u riimul cout In tr i-Mnt-il ThoiiKh Jtilin. tlm nlr In c .lit nml mill, Tho nutllow hlnuWhirit'N v. Ii in nhrlll; My rlfJK. no nliiri'd In hla tunti'. 'Julia mutton. Iioia on uriina to fraat; And aim yon rookn, hnir odd tholr rilKhtl They Imlt.iin tho KlIrttaK I'ltr, Antavnni prncliltntr to full, Aa If I hoy frit Hip plirrltiK brill. Twill aurcly rnln, I hoc with rnrrow, Our Jaunt tnuat ho put off to-mirrow. , , 'X, r " ' "" dooar Ilnnrlnir. Ooone dancing, lu which mon wojf wumi'ii'n tin Ih and women nien'n coatH, If the C'lirlntnww auitiHetnunt lu the Kcllly Uled. CMnraM IKmtora, , rhlncHo doctorn are not Htich chnrln t'miH an they are reputed to bo. The finr.ette .Moillrale of Parli xayii that tbey have ,, remarkal I gift of dlag mwlH and often ci.v where Ihirop.-at.i doctorn have fulled Ttir lllifliml Hiillirny. Tho I'erroeiirrll f'entnil del Pern b (be hlghent railway hi the uot-hl Ir eight bonm It t .ken prsi-t .-r-i frier the tropic to the eternal Miowi at n: altitude nearly fpi.il to th'- top .-. Mont Mlnnc. the i.!'i"Ht Hiimmlt tn I!u mjv. It eon't .r.1C.l"),(V,'0 to build thl rond. (Ir no II n I'rnrll I'ni'lnrtrn. Then an 2.'7 hcnl pencil faeforle In (Jennany. whbh employ 'Jjni'.i per Niiw and export eai-h year 1,(11 1 ton of in'iiollH, worth .V..'Ho,ix). Mir r.iut.l Shoiil. At a Hhootlng uuiteh In the rnntni of (IrlHotiH, Htvltzerlnnil, a young wnlt reH laughed at one of the competitors who challenged her to do hotter If b .., , , .. , .. , . could. Acreptlt.g. r.be thereupon tool , ui' ii iiiiu nun nuttvi ini in hiiiiiiii), ii prl.e. Human Miilr. Tim f1n,.ul I I,,.!- (J ..!, .M1 ... ... .... , . .P...... '. . . reil Ih (he coarsest The thickness ol human hair varies from the two htm rtn-d nml fiftieth tn Uio six huudrvdth part of an Inch. Hrmovtiiir Hpltlilpra, Use n line mvdle to r'inove sllven If too dei-p In tho llesh to be reached by onllnnr)' means till n rather wide montlusl bottle two-thirds full of boil ing watiT and hold Uio lnjurel bjhi closti over tho opening. Tho suction drawn thu flesh down and a little ad ditional prcHsuro will tako out the irpllntar. Llirhfnlnfr Illabi, The risk of bolng struck by lightning la llvo times greater in tho country tliau lu cities and twenty' tlmea great er at sea than on a railroad. I Artlaclnl Turin. Artificial teoth are more generally need than ever. Dentists increuso In nil pnrtu of tho country and they catet for all Classen of society. The whitest ' ( , . f -,-..,,- .llul 0.hunI of tho ti,L.atriil profession. - . Cltr f Mr&lro. When tho whlto man llrst reached thu City of Mexico It hud :i00,000 Inhabit aiitH, probably more than the entire nopulntloit of the North Aiuerleiiti cc;i tbient. Triupln nf HcrpeiitM, . Tlio rTfuall town of Werda, In tho kingdom of Dahomey, Is celebrated fin- Itn temple of Kurpenta, a long buildliu, In which tho priests keep upward of 1,000 Herpenta of all hI:c-, which th.y feed with hlids and fiugs bmught to icm nH olYerings by tho natlvea. r.ofrut iiiittn-H, England has forty-two law sulto n year for overy l.rtw) Inhabitants, Ger many ban seventy and Scotland twenty ouly. Ahatnth. Absinth, with which tho potency of iilcohol couiblncs tho ikiIsoii of tin herb, ilrmilr luirnfw moiiia virtfli wnfAP ..j,lB M.uvttfiu n lV.uwuu tVhtN SHORTY'S CHANCE CAME& lOopyrlitht, 13, by C. U, Uwl, Aniiuid Kttlton inarltct ami nil along I'roiit Htrt'ut tliny know Hlmrty O'IIIk xIiim. II Ih kIvoii iiaino wan Joliu, but an ho wiih a trllto Uut tlian Ilvo feot lli liv wiih itlwnyH cnllisj Hhorty. i 'I'licrc wiih only onu tiling to coiwlo I'horty lit IiIm ntriiKKlt'H t ktti n dun piicv Hint ut clolIicM on h 1m buck a lid Jti'vi'Mt IniiiK'ir fmin KiiawliiK ut hln vIUiiIh, Ho couldn't mIiik, lilny thu lid lib' or ilaiicu u hiiniilxi, but bo could Miii'ivi. TIhj fiiiiut of Hhorlv'rt hiicczo iixti'iiili'd clonnlown to thu IJatti-ry mid tip to tlii Hivoklyu bridge. It hnii l"i'ii ln'iiid up Willi Htrt'tit iih fnr na I cltit nc plui'i'. It wim a miioi'7.0 po ll. 'bill, liln own, mid no ono could rob I. .in of It or product! a Hiicci'HHful linlta (imi. 'Ulint hii"i'i illiln't iiinio undiT Ibo hi'iiil of "proniptnciiH and dlHpatcli." It waH all ol ten iiilniili'H from tlio tlmo bU Homo Im'kiiii to tlrfclw until tb vx- plosion oiiim KxplnMiou wiih tin term tor It. Wbi'ii tin- Hiic"Zi lliinlly cani'.' It III toil Kborly'H cip off liU lii'iid, ri-nt now IioIoh In IiIh hboni and sturtiil tbc ctblili'HtonoH In tin' Htrcct from tbi'lr luiiidy foimdatJouH, One dny Kborty plcltttl up n bit of ni'Wrt and wiih at oucu Interfntod No one could rrincmlxT when he had been InterfHted In anything before. The CulmiiH bad maidenly braced up nnd milled Into the Kpnnlanbi with new vlor, and thu Junta had rnlHed a large Minn of money In tho Btnten to Hcnd over n cargo of war material. Bborty loiirinil what cnift would tnko Uie car- go mid her date o( Hulllnu. and .It came nUiut that ho wiim Included In the crew, though the mate Ixtoweil a .kick uion hltn 1h nu "N. O." almoHt before the ropeH wen clear of tho snubbing post".. I The craft went aouth to miilto n start ' - i"i. i.i i ,.. ...... .i. limn ii iiviiiiii !in, iiim III iiuu lime the muultiotiH were on thu rolling deep, IllHtory Ih Hllent nH to why tho mate. got down on Hhorty and worked up ,llM oJ(, ro u ,, ,. It wnH on wlllt of ,t, Hlzo of ,,, ' fei.t or Ul0 witilnt of bin eve... Ktviimshln mates are rather eccentric tn their liken nml dthllkeH. No nintter what tho basis, Shorty wiih selected as tho man to be bounced nliout, nnd bounced ho was. j The llllbttHter cnift was delayed at sen ; by aeeldent, irtid again who wns chased j olf the Cuban coiiHt by a Spanish gun . Ixmt, and the mate had live or six days lu which to uiaku It plain to Shorty that he was not beloved. The Htenmer at length bended In for thu npiKilnted rendezvous, but when ten mill' off the shore two things hap peuul. A gunboat wiih sighted hearing down ou bur. and darkness bad scarce ly come b u a thick fog settled down with It. Shorty wasn't to hlamo for either the gunboat or the fog, but tho mate swore that he wiih and gave him Kime more of the same old tonic. No living man had ever heard Shorty (Villains utter threats of vengeance; v iif.hiin uiiii iiiicuin ui vuilKVIIIIl-i ,. ,, t.vt.p k0W, ()f ,, trkJI( ImcU. Had thu llhh dealerH of Fulton mnrket been told that hu thirsted for revenge after that last bouncing about !... .......I.I ....... ..a ""' WUU,U " l"U OlliaSCU. XCTCr- thelesH, such was the atse, ens, such was the atse. les, tho worm had turned nt lust, and If the mate bad been n mind reader ho would have huHtened to tuku off his cap nntf npnloglxu. Tlio filibuster had reefs to look out for and an Intricate chunnel to thread. Ah thu fog came down sho hud to, grope. A little Inter sho catuo to a, Htnudstll Tho Spaniard catno up to within half a mllo of bcr and Logan to, play her search light. No good. Then she crept forwurd, fathom by fatnom, i with her crew at tho gun. The order had been "llghta out" find no talking aboard tho filibuster. Ev erything that could creak and groau was lashed fast, nnd such men as were forced to movo about reniovod lliclr shoos. The pall wruf bo thick tfiat a mtiu standing amidships could not.seo Htom or stern. Tlio hare crouched In her form whlta thn hnnml hitndvl tn and fro. Presently, as the ocean vns' "9 !u,31 ns n sruveynrd, Shorty., found otuit bosldo the mato. The mate wn't thinking of bouncing anybody Juat then, but Shorty wnft.-rovlowJng tho I,nst. Ho revtowed for flvo mln-1 mes iuiu men wiiiapcrea in mo maie s you know. Tho toastmaster called on ear: ' a gentleman who had lost an arm and "Mr. Davis, I'm goln' to Bneero." n jcK to answer to tho toast "Our Ab- "If you do, Pllitbrottlo youl" replied pent Members." New Yorker, tho mato as ho turned on hlin. I "Mr. Davis, Pni gola' to Bncezo, nnd Polttlonl Reonomr. you can get ready to go to tho bottom "ChtMren," asked tho school com of Uio uoa nnd lw hanged to youl" tiltteeman, "what is political ocon- Tho mate hart heard of "tho Shorty j arayr Htieeze," and ovon ob ho renchel out to "Political economy," answered the grasp the originator nnd boIo proprietor' precocious boh of tho district boss, "Is by the throat and choke him Into ii i gottlnn men to veto for you as choun as state of limpness ho turned pnlo nnd his heart pounded his ribs. Ho fnlled io gui lo niiony-H HOCK 111 tlmo. Tito sneeze came, nml it was n Biieezo that I would havo sot BOO pedestrians nlong l-'rout street wondering what tug hnd exploded her boilers. They could havo I heaiil It aboard the gunboat had she been four tlmea us far away. Thorn was a prompt hull In reply, nnd then. ' as tho filibuster captain ripped 6ut an1 oath nnd the mnto drew his leg back ror n Kick, the Spaniard lot go with hlsi port Imtteii oud'thrco big shells crash-1 1 Into tho steamor. A mInut,o later 1 she was a sinking wreck, and taking I hulf of her thlrty-slx men to tho hot-1 1 torn of the sea with her.1, - ... .,'w. I KnTt Anv n nAAti QYtAtv rmMlii . " ,J-'t4,w tT"V.,--T fiVr aia99VtMl90MliMviHt,9bMltihM .WM PWe MMI HIDRR WrCX- Ua rmwlod uo ok th inkth nod W" ell Auvrti nnd tAmt tbo.BlffP of er - auction. Ten bourri later he woko up A Hi1 n Arvmii Imma t-tA tt1 AinA w " ,uw;ii if"! "uui m c; i,... ,..J.. -t.-i. t.l "" K'iyvu nuuui. uiiui "Tho ntttirDcr ntul tho atrgo-wbero nti) UwyY wnrt aakod. "Under twenty fathoms of tho bluo," 4io fitiffwcrwl, "Hut wliy so? tlow WfU ftr "Ob, I micczed nnd nont 'cm thero!" M. QUAD. THE CHRI8TMA8 TREE. Ilovr tt Mar He I'rettllr Trimmed At H in rill Kzivnnan, Your trco nolcctxMl, you enn trim It for an much or iih littlo money nu you filwim. If your trto very tall it will be well to trim Uio tipper branches le fore placing It In n perpendicular iohI Uoii lent they Imi too blb to bo caHlly rencbed. Klnit of all you want Borne attractive and approprinto oniarnent for tho Hiimmlt or "tip top" point of your tree, miy the Kt. rouhi IOHtDlH' p.itcb. If you di-Blre to trim It nt very UttJo cout a Htnall flKuro of Hantn Chum mny to Ixitight for 10 ccntn or you may ub:Hltuti for tiiat patron Niilnt of ChriHtmnH n cnrdlxmrd fluuro of n loy or lrl In winter gnrl) or ono of nn iwkoI wltli a trumpet blowing out ChriHtuias UdlnRH. A HurprlfllriB quantity of jilnk: nn4 whltp popped com can be bought for n few centB, nnd If strung upon Btringu mid festooned on the upper branches It will look very pretty, as will also cran berries similarly used. Bnowbnlls of white cotton feotooned to tho ends of tho bought and Htnnll plccen of the. am" scuttotwl all oviir Uio treo givo a very preny ".now crrect. A yard of tarlatan cost 10 cento. and littlo stocking!! cut from It sewed with gayly colored yarn and filled with candles aro a great addition. Colored caudles, 0 ccntn a dozen, and ' " 'wWera for Uirm at 0 look very I nrctfv. Tn tlila wnr n trw mnv tin nl. " ' - trnctlvoly trlinmed at from $1 to ?2 Hprnys of red benied holly tied here nnd there on Uio treo tend to brighten 1L Tho lxx that holds the tree may be corpred wIUi thick mos, bits of bro- Up" mirror tielng lntorHperseil to rep resent water. A box of tin soldiers, a Noah's" ark or n wooden village, n gift for ono of tlio children, might find It.s llrst use in populating this miniature landscape at thotfoot of tho tree. If you want nn expensive tree noth ing Is prettier in the way of ornament than the colored ball? of the shops. Hang tlieso numerously from every branch and havo festoons of smaller ones from branch to branch all around tho treo from top to bottom. Use plenty of the tinsels representing frost nnd icicles and the little balls like frozen bubbles from a liquid ralnliow. Then tlio shops hnvo n closo Imitation of festoons of snow, which you can at tach to ever twig, branch. Iww and needle. This snow Is mnde of line tis sue paper and comes packed In lioxes. Gilt stars, wild at ony stationer's, should bo used In abundance, n.s should also cardboard, china nnd candy an gels, cherubs and children. A treo thu trimmed costs from $10 to $23. How to AVrnp Cp Chrlafmna Olfta. A dainty gift deserves dainty cover ing. Tho foremost Idea In a gift be Blower's mind is to please Its recipient and as first Impressions are always the most lasting tho manner In which the remembranco la got up oftentimes goes' a long way In tho pleasure of It. A quantity of rruro white wrapping pu per can be .bought for a small sum. and with one or two pieces of bnbj ribbon In whlto, light bluo, pink or green, which can be had as low ns 10 ccuts apiece; each containing ten yards. you can do up a multltudu of you) CbrlBtnwa offerings In a way that will be delightful, Bays tho Philadelphia Record. A more elaborate Idea, uew thjs year, la to tie- them up In cracker bonbon stylo In crapo tlssuo paper and ribbon. This coata a littlo more than tho flrt way named, but is very ef fective, and tho cost can bo reduced by craping tho paper yourself and tying with baby ribbon instead of tho wider ono. . Oafortanate. Monoybngm How did your banquet go off, Banklutk? ' "'L. Hanklurk Not ns well ns It ml&ht. you can." Green lag. Tlio llnrcat of OoldiUiiea. One of tho rurest nnd most expensive of goldfishes la tho bnishtnll. n pair of which soil for $1,000. Trobitbly there is no othor living tiling of Its slzo and weight that la worth bo much money. " Ueocttfui Mnn. "Didn't you think that was n beautb fnl girl with mo today, Arthur?" "What girl, my doareatT "Why, abo wna with mo when you mot us in front of tho church." "Was thero a girl thero, dear? 1 dldn!t notice. J wiw looking at you." And 'thcasao' loved bint all tho mo more. -nawPUJllL Ji .tiiit; f - k gt Old C 4 lTk I 4f lp , C ! 7 MVMVVVyVYi ALICE RAY Dy Sarah Jotopha Hale If K birds thf Ir lovo-nota war bbi Anion tho bloaaomed trrcaj Tho iIonvpiii nro nlghlnK forth thtlr rwects To wooing honey-bees! Tho :!.'.: br ok o'tr ft pebbly floor Ooeii dant-mg on Itn way, ut not n thing Is no like aprlng An happy Allcu Ttny. An only child wns Alloc, And, like the blent above, Tho kp-'.Ic mo Ids. hi-il ever brrathed An i.tuioxphorc of love; Her f.-.ther'a rmlle like nunalilno came, IMtti (' vi tr amtrjer'a klF; Th'-ir lovo nnd guoniw made her jioric, i' . 1,1 Uo luavr-n, the place of bllaa. BcnMlh NUch tender trrtlnlnR, The Joyous child had TmnK. Like enc brlRht flower, lu wild-wood bower, ' And Ktadntaa round ltr flung; And nil who met hr blcr.ed her, And lurnivl na;ntn to prny - ... That rrlc-f and care mluht evcr.tpe.ro The happy Alice Itay. rO v Tlic gl't Uiat made hir charr-Un Woi not from Venue caught Nor wns It. Pallna-llke. derived Krom mality of thoui?ht: Her healthful cheek was tinged with brown, Her hatr without a curl nut then her eyes were lovc-llt stars, Her tcth na pure an p'nrl. WWt(JH.f. W m ..CLUHOING LIST.. For all subscribers, old or new paying one year Jin advance. With Daily , ' Coast Mail Weekly Oregonlan S3 75 11 Examiner 4 00 " Chronicle 4 00 " Salem Capital Journal 3 50 ' alom Hor4estod 3 75 Tri-Voo lyN.Y. Tribune 3 75 Thrlco-o WookN. Y. Woild 3 75 Monthly Oro. Poultry Journal 3 75 41 American Reviow of RovIow3 4 75 Special Clubbing Off Here is the chance of your literime. only as long as this ad appears. The WEEKLY OREGONIAN The N. Y. TRIBUNE FARMER -Tho WEEKLY COAST MAIL The DAILY COAST MAIL OUR GFFER The OREGONIAN, TRIHUNE FARMER and WEEKLY COAST MAIL, 1 year for only - - $2 50 f lrc pRKGONIAfl, TRIBUNE FARMER and DAILY COAST MAIL, 1 year for only -7 - 4 00 Yon all kuQiv the, Oregonlan. The Tribune Farmer is one4 of the best farm papers pub lished any where. Ifypn are a former an(dc!o not ..take advantage of ifiis ofler, where, da y,6u ecppc( to get off at? It is open to all subscribers, bid or uew. TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS ABOUT IT. e'iggat'JLBtwawfaww JDKiTJGr -9o8- 96- 89- In tnklng charge o( tho BengstRcken Fharmacy, wo wish to announce that U will bo our object to furniah drugs of tho greatest purity topethor with disponing o( tho highest scientific order. : : Our pretorlptiou department will continue ns here tofore in charge of Mr. J, Lea Brown, Ph. (i, Every piescription titled bore will contain exactly what tlio physician intonded, and will be bo com pounded aa to secure the utmost medicinal activity, Marahfleld, , ; 5 : : Oregon anMWMaaaMIUaa Trn! mtil fU4 raU4U"l AAaVAAAAAAAAA JFattorJte I And when In merry laughter 3 Jler swt-ct, clear volco was heard, i It wclb-d from out hor happy heart ; I.lkn carol of n bird; ; And nil who heard wero moved to j smiles, : As nt some mirthful lay, : And to tho atmnsjer'n look replied, J " 'TIs that dear Alice Ray." ; And so sho came, like minbenms i That bring1 the April Kreen; Aa type of nature's royalty, : They called her "Woodburn's qucenl" 3 A sweot, heart-lifting chcorfulnciu, .il.lko spring-time of tho year, Doomed over on her step to wait, No wondor she wns dear. sr Her world won ever Joyous She thought of grief and pain An giants In the olden time, That ne'er would coma nRaln; The seasons all had chnrma for her, i Sho welcomed each with Joy, The charm that In her spirit lived No changes could destroy. Her heart was like a fountain, Tho waters always aweot, ner pony In the pasture, The kitten at her feet, Tbc ruffling bird of Juno, and Tho wren In the old wall. Each knew her loving carefulneta. And came at her soft call. Hr lore made all thing lovely, For In the heart must live Tho feeling that Impart the charm, ; We gain by what we give. ti:3iica5yrrzrr:nfirr.'-Aari With Weekly Coast Mall S2 00 2 35 2 33 2 OO 2 00 2 00 2 OO 200 2 00 It is good $i 50 z 00 a 00 3 00 iMMBBnxmmm r S .t.WTTVMH W"l gT3ir.M.-JKTrer : iaiawS