; u t ! I 1 1 V I I I k i . P( j M . i n nVHiTftimh .-iirr WFtLY-COASTMAIt W.tl.i iW "IT TliuPtOm-, MAIN 43'. '? Pe.iffrk a K.-hl.old t 'Rti Clf.S fll'jf. V I- :i;.-ci i i i. X, HUI'FK AM riltt. ti; g. v v,oo: TilDf. r- i'un, ltisrtd vrr.re, . .. r"-:y S.itury. Twins: lj. m "jin Y-ar, ?: oo Si. ",. fu DAILY: By mail, for advance tubmen t- . 0w .wits a month; 4 months 10 $1 00. When not paid in advarc? th mice is 30 cent? per month, straight Issued every morning except Monday OLD TIME S0R6EON8. TbrT Hnd to Work nnplilly Dmr Anir(lirllc Were t'srit. Before nnrcsdietlcs wero known th unrgeon's only expedient was to abrldgt LiMla. tils patient's sufferings by workinr 'vivwdiHl with gayly clad courtiers and rapidly. In this the old time sutyeoiu , lndi.m slaves, who tolled for them and did wonders. Tbey had n control and t ' brought them tribute from inlue and Burvty In their bands that are now sol j jungle. flora found. One day the colebrntw j Then. In a night, the city vanished, purgeoti MnUonneuro hnd to amputati and no one can tell today what hap the leg of a poor devil who began tc , ju-md to It. No survivors and no tve howl In advance. "I'll give you m u.ds were left Ivhind to tell the tale, watch." said the surgeon, "If the over Tolay one can see, burlevl In tropical ntlon lasts more Uian a minute." Tin iman accepted the offer, but was oblige to forego the handsome watch, as tl operation took less dme than it r' (jnlres to describe. To amputate an arm nt the shonldc Is a most difficult operation, Dr- I-an genbeck of Germany did It In tivo mln J ntee. A young physician who came u see him perform the operation adjuster his spectacles to his nose so as tM f lose n single moveme,nt. but whfn tN spectacles were In place die opc.-.i:!o' was over, and the severed arm lay w the tloor. Times have changed much since then', j It stitllccs to put a bit of chlproform v ether on n compn-ss and let the putlet. breathe through It for a few ralntflo to put him Into a slumber so deep din he remains Inert while tlio .surgioi mnkes his Incision, cuts, flies (he bon- and ews up the flesh. On awnklng th operation Is over, and die patient ; knows nothing of It Thnnki to chloro form, surgeons can practice operation ' today which arouse our admiration. Whnt Thcr Kn. Nearly every nntlon has Its ovn par dcular form of food, nnd dilngs wblcb some races would not, as the esprvs slon goes, "touch wldi the tongs" ar considered by others ns the great!- lururr For Instnncc. while the Arab eats hl ! the paco of two mlntito by au eurdi lotus bread and dhourrn with the rellsl ' unko. of fresh dates, the Grecnlander gorge "The ground opening In Several himself on animal fat nnd whale oil u Places nt once." wrote nn eyewitnesi the mtessary means of keeuiuj. In H2i a few days nfter the catastro- warmtb In his body. Hindoos will no- touch any form of flefch, but live buppl ly on rice nnd rancid butter. An Hug lisbmau is supposed to valuo beef and bacon above all other articles of food while the dwellers In the Apvunltici j live on chestnuts. In ancient days tin Iloman emperors were accustomed tc have a peacock served at all great feasts as one of the principal dainties while In these days birds' nests and rats form choke dishes In a Chlnesi menu. Gome people say that snail ooup If delicious, while the French assure you that there are few more delicate dlsher ' than dioue made out of frogs' leg. ' Ill Ao.fr.llnn Or.(.. I nn the part of Australia In whfch 1 trre we get oyBters as big as a saucer." Bald a resident oT Adelaide to di u'nohinrwnn p "Thv nr tti-irt, ti i ' Blto of any I liavo peen In the United States, but In Quality there Is nodilus to recommend them, for they have nt flavor and are so tough that It takes a pretty shnn knife to make auy lmpr- "y ' which tho Dogs Eat; Multl eion on them. Sdll thero are people tudes of People Floating up und dowu, who manage to eat them after they have been stewed sufficiently long. In other parts of our country we Imve a better grade, approaching nearly to your American oyster, but hardly Its equal. In fnct nfter my acquaintance trltti im i"MiranrLrMiln Knv tiVuhlnta I um firmly of the opinion that lu the I mattei er of seafood die United States with very much Thunder and Light i all nadons. an assertion that will I nlng, und dreadful Weather; yet tills leads be backed up by nny man of wJd travel." . - . , , A Torpia Liver. 4 A, clogged condition of tho system ti ono dyniptom of a liver ouj of order Hero lu ns good and simpl.e n remedy ob nny I know, writes a phyrclnn; Got a nice ..lemon and cut It in half. Take one-half,, in a tumblerful of cold water tho last thing nt night nud tlm other the first thing In tho morning. , Half n pint of very hot water with n ' squeeze of Jemon or .Jlmo in it before .Mbrcakfait hi also good; Both remedies .W-.Wfl...'.i.. Mi!ili. niiit.iiiieliii iu ?i .i . i i ' l ,i.iisi.u .a -?biiU .n.ix JIMAiCAOtY THE FINGER OF FATtl IN THE FALL OF HER CAPITALS. j trnp;erita Thil Aro Wrllirn In lh j lllnlor)- of tier lluliityl CHU' Tv , 11 f Them Vnnlihril L'tT.-rly Kroiu Olf I the rnr of thi Uni-th. J , There exists In Jnmnlcii, In the West ' indies, 11 universal superstition tluit a ' i-nrse rests it)oii nny town chosen to be its capital. Since lfkU. when tlu llrid chief city was founded, no fowor tliuii ! three capitals have becil ruined In mys- , lotions una tragic way. Two have vanished utterly fivtn die face of tho , earth. Some of tlio moro superstition .of the Colonists, brooding over the Mronge blstoty of their country, fear ! that Kingston, the present etipttiil, n ' city of 70,000 Inhabitants, will share the fate bt lie' prvtlecccsoni. The tlrst capital was Scvllln Nuevn (New Seville), otherwise culleil Seville fi'Oro tfhe Golden Seville), on account of its marvelous wealth. It was found til by Don Juan d'l'MjuIvol and Diego, n sou of Christopher Columbus. In u . few years It became die greatest Span ish city In the uew world. Thither ' Hooked die blue blooded but linpecuul ,ous nobles of Castile, eager to rvbulld their family foramen at tlio expense of the poor Arawuk. Cathedral, palaces and monasteries, rivaling those of Bpnln In s-plcndor, wetv erected. The marble streets were j Jungle, a mile of marble pavement and a Ww broken columns aud arches. Nndiln? else renmlns of the fSolden , Svxl.le, once bo prosperous and splen did, except a few contradictory na- 1 live traditions. These traditions va riously ascribe the destruction of the city and Its Inhabitants to a mutiny of .I.a ..ittiiHuicn.1 tmllrttw 1111 iMirtliflllfl V.i 1 ..,"- ..'i vf-i .. ...ui.m. .... V... ........ 1 11 sudden visitation of millions of red , uit nnd an attack by French buc- , ' catniT. The very memory of what 1 wu once the greatest city of the new wirM has almost peru-hoik Hven li( , Jamaica few people Know anything ulsiir, the Go!dn SV.rlle. The Spaniard s made Saint Jngo'tle lu , ; Vega, now caflc; (iuulli Town, their 1 v..coml capital. Tlm'e and again It was 1 dfviij.tated by Hurricane and plague, j linnicd by Indian revolts or ransack- j 1 11I bj adventurous picaroons. Gradu- , , ally it sank from Ifs high estnte until , now H Is merely n squalid village. 1 W'.ien the Kngllsh conquered the Is- 1111a tnoy maue 1'ort uoyai tneir reai iv.ilt-.I. though Spanish Town remain- d f r some time die oitlclnl peat of .'".inimi'iit. The emporium of the In i'ios aud the Spanish main, the market ( for the ill gotten gains of lo.OOO hue-eniieer-'. Port I'oynl eoon Iweame the rl best Jh1 wl-'..iHK-st elty of the m w world. At the Ih-l-'ht of Its sph-ndur mid Its vlco It was destroyed within phe. "swallowed up .Multitudes or I'to pie together, whole Streets sinking un der water with Men. Women ami Chil dren In them; and those Houses which but Just now appeared the Fairest and Loftiest In these Parts and might vie with the Finest Uulldlngs In the World were In a moment Sunk In the Earth, and nothing to be seen of them; such Crying, such Shrieking und Mourning I never heard, uor could anything In my opinion appear more -lemuic 10 the Eye of Mun. Here n Coropnny of People Swallowed up at onco; there a whole Street tumbling down, and lu Another Place the Trembling Earth opening her Itavenous Jnws, let In the ' Merciless Hen, so tnat this town is De-: "1110 Heap Of ItUlllS Several Poo-1 P'- we! Swallowed up of the Earth, wto'ii. the Sea breaking In before dio Knrtil uIa c,osJ' t,1?' woro w"fi,10J , up again and Miraculously saved from Perishing. Othera tho Earth received up to their Necks, nnd dien Closed upon them and squeezed them to Deuth, with dielr neads above Ground, having no Hurlnl. The Iiurylng Placo nt the PnllHadoes Is ipulte Destroyed, the Dead Ilodles being washed out of their Graves, their Tombs bent to Pieces and thoy floating up and down; It Is sad to think how we huvo Suf fered. "Tho Earth hath still fits of Slinking. much Thunder and Light had bo little effect upon Homo People i Bwo that the very huhkj Night they were nt their Old Trade of Drinking )amj Hweurlng; breaking up Ware- houses; Pillaging and Stealing from their Neighbor, even while the Earth, ,,JUnko laoted, and aovorul' of thorn were destroyed In the very Act; and Indeed this Place has been one of die Ludest j the Christum World, u sink' 6f all nithltibHS, nud a mere Sodom." I . old Port Itoviil lies burled beneath tho licti. Tho ureeerit town' of Port Iloyal, a place op9 importance, except nn a enallntr station, was built., tftcr tha oartlMiuaka. a flna and ft laixiiilldi) I I. !' J !' .11 ,11 iiOiit . .11 . l ".VMOK!" m ii in i i houirfrvr Kington was tint founds I until dm early part of tin eighteenth century but It lnv already boon tlirlo doit, cd by ll iv unit tuwernl tlinon raw.: il liy hurricane. Tho Inhabitants tint urnlly wonder Wlmt oittnsttvpho will lmi)Mti next. Many inen luive been ojiiuMi' of do ing a wise thing, but very few a ron crous thing. Pope. Aviirtcr. Howes Yes; I suppose l am ntvttv well off. but not so well mf as Minui." ilKetoite. Itsruei- I!d you ever hear of the pic who regretted dint he hnd only foi root to put Into the trough at feeding line? Huston Transcript. W'nfrr In (tip ICnlilhnrl l)rrr. The bushuieti In the Knlahaii ilesort often live wrc of miles from placei where water comes to the nurfiuv. I luring a certain part of the year sharp stones pass oor the Kalahari, cover lug the apparently acid region with thi brightest of verdure and tilling for a few (.Uirt dn.s the water courses with roaring torteuts. The busbiiien know liuw to lind water by digging In die bottoms of tlij,.e drlid up nver betls. They dt,r a hole tlmv or four feet deep slid then tie a sponge to the end of a hollow reed. The sjoiige absorbs the moisture at the mot mm of the hole, and the natives drnw It Into their mouths through the reed nud then empty It Into rnUlmshos for future use. The nnlmnls that Inhabit such wnstM ts the Kiilahnrl are of course accus tomed to living tiMti very smnll and InfriMpient supplies of water. The Hech uana tin not lend their cattle to the drinking places oftener than once In two or three days. It Is wild that gonjs In the Kalahari frequently pass moutUtf without water. "Illue llrn' ClilrkvnaV' KveryUly knows that nntlvtvi of Delaware aro callel "lllue Ileu:s Ch'.ekens," but not one lu n hundred can tell you why they Ktv. so culled. The epithet Is said to Imre had ItH ori gin In the following- One of Delaware' itHwt gallant tight era In the war of the ICevolutln was 1 Captain Calilwell. wImi whs notorious for hW foiuito'ss for cocktighting. Ho Q rilled his men admirably, they being inown tbroupltout the army ns "Cnld- well's Ganiei-o-ks." This same fnldwoll held to the pe culiar dieory that no cook was ready game unle.is Its mother w.is a Mile In n. As the mouths wore nway Caldwei -s men became known ns the "Mine llun'4 Chickens," n title which only ir.eroas. I their n-spect for the old gamecock cap tain. The nickname bit-ame famous and after the close of the war was ap plied Indiscriminately to nil natives of the Diamond State. A f.rnlii I'nr I''rluillifi. No man r( .liIinnon's time knew the great city 1. -tu-r nor all tin '-. rp ?.. .1 of life contained within Its walls. He t slept with I 'v.:rs o- v.mi..,ril J.o.ist Iops through the streets nt night v. III. .1 brother poet; he "dunged" a barge man, Inughod nnd Jested with Gar rick's actresses or tnlki-d 'with pro found respect, but still In n tlrui, man ly manner, with his hoiiorous voice." to majesty Itself. "I look upon a day as lost." he said, "In which I do not mtilce n now nrniinlntiiniM. M 1'hrc fnrl flint he never lost a friend except by death ! . 1 shows that he was as tenacious of old friendship!) as he was eager to nopilro new. He had. In fact, a very genius for friendship, and the clrcl..' tluit gath ered round lilm In his tutor years In cluded not only poets, scholars mid men of letters, but the most prominent painters, actors, musicians, doctors nnd Htutesmen In England.Iiooklov ere' Magazine. He Knew Whul It Wna, A ccrtnln mlnlstrr. while passing down die village street, observed ono of his pnrlshloners seated at ills cot tage door supping his broth. Thinking this un unusual proceeding, ho stopped and asked him what was the mutter. "Oh," replied John, "tho chlmley Is reeking a bit, so I cam' outsldu to sup ma broth. Ye had better gnu In nnd gle tho missus u bit advice aboot It" The minister had scarcely opened the door when n femnlo volco exclaimed, "Ih that thoo ngyen, thoo nwd ruscnl?" And the minister's lint was crushed over his eyrn with n stool. Without making a remark tho minis ter closed the door nud, stepping up to whore John wit, said solemnly, "John, our chimney nt homo smokon eouie- tlBM tOOl" Thu Hevru KIein-m Tho Seven Sloepors were leven nohjo youths of EpIiL-HUb, who in tho tlmo of the Deciaii JcrseciitlouM, It Is fuIiJ, ilctl to u certain cavern for refuge They were pursued, discovert d nnd walled in the cave, tho perpetrators of tho deed hoping to mete out a cruel and horrible death. However, according to tho legend, they were made to fall usleop nnd were miraculously kept alive for nearly two centuries, Tholr names aro given ns Maximlun, Mill chus, Mart! n bin, Denis, John, Scruplon and Coustabdmi. , I . I' H KilJ tlWH M !). ,W II lj ( A jUjIUjI i1 LijJ ,fj) 4J- ". XJ 4KI. f -IIW ..-y , J 1 f 1.. iUMttt TTi lMrlii trstniirnnt retlocts tlio con. krvntlvo vIowh of the Krenclnuan. Tlio l'arlnian love to sit on cushioned , benchoR nloiiK the wall and as like an not enter Into talk with his uelchlHir. Again, the Parisian Is a true ileuuicriit. Whatever his rank, he Is wllllni: to Join In the fun going forward. 1 remember one night In the Cafe lie Purls seeing a Hungarian prince with a rent roll of Mvres of thousands stallt op in u baud of his countrymen mid take the llrst violin from the hands of the lender. The next minute 11 score of well known 'people wore gathered before him A count sang 11 love song; 11 ballet dancer from the opera obliged us with a re- markablo fandango; a sujar rellner gave us 11 comic patter. No'.h-ly c.uvil who his neighbor chanced to be. It win ginnl fun. That was Hiitllcleut Imagine n duke mid an earl and a rich merchant amusing the Mipper crowd nt the Carlton or the savoy! Decidedly they do these things better in Franco. Paris letter In I.0111I011 Kx. pn'sa, Nrw Stnr. ' It Is suggested by luils ltnlmtirdlti, 11 Preach writer, that In each of tin new stars that blaze forth In the beaxeii from time to time we sen the ib-timo tlon of 11 celestial Uxly by a oKiuue cataclysm. At any rate, be shjs, If t,nrt r ' earth's crust und.-rlj aig tie , ,an H,1"111 Kve way our earth won!.' . doubtless present in siiiwsslim to n ' distant observer the same series of up ! prornncw that we witness In the cane ot "moviw." or new stars. Plrst tl j would be an outburst of bl.ir.lug hydr '" " W01 w,f "ert'iniwMii by the earth's Internal heat, then fu slon of tlm whole crust, reducing tin globe again to a molten state, aud then ,L' Kmuuni exunciiou ( 11s ngui ow P to cooling. As cooling would llrst tnkc place locally, we sli.-uhl luxe , variable star, the darken, d p..tt..i.i bolng periodically brought into l-w ' by die rotation or the git.io. -.suceess. A Co in pi I in nil o tin Hlifinr. Chattanooga crook was tin- dividing Hue between the uitHt of the Fed J oral nud Confederate armies, mid dur ( Ing n lull In tiostllltlen the p " ' "' lwth cultlvateil one nnotlier'- ... , : mice, having agn-etl not to iln on o.. nnotlier. One day when the enpt.ilii of the I'nlon guard saw Geiieml iJnint with his staiT. approaching ho wild t. ( his men. "Turn out the gunnl :r the , coinmatidlng gonomr." Tlio f..iirI.T-, Hies on liii' oilier niur 111 iiti- i.- . ii"i , more thnn fifty feet nway. I.e.ud tin order, nud their captain, loiic-l.liii; th Idea of pajl'ig n eompllr.u 11! to t.w en cmy, shouted. "Turn out ti.e gunnl f the comuiniiillng geimrnl of the I'.-doi I army." The fouf'-dornte jilekotM htmHl nt ntteutloii (ir sovcnil inoruonts mid then Kiilutwl Urnnt ns he nnlo nway. TflMiiK of liii- Hull). When n Dutch baby innkiM It.s urrlv-, nl. the fact Is iiuuomiivd by 11 man 1 wenrln;; i M.o-k nmt .ud n '.Mil 1 who Is hired by the little one's pnr-nt to go round to nil their friends uuli jiackets of sweet.s, which are npproprl ntcly decorattnl with 11 ploture of a ba by aud nn nngol. The eoufeetlou I made of unlKeed nnd htignr. Hough bwevts signify tho birth of n boy. . smooth sweets that of 11 girl. The clill- , dreu of the families to whom tln-y are sent eat the sweets spread upon their bread and butter. In the eighteenth ' ci-ntury the birth of n child win mi- nounrcd by tying a plfi'tishlon deeo ralod wUU li,co ""', rtbboiii to tliudimr liti..li..a llii. llnMlltu' IliillUA knocker of the parents' limine. Whr II" Wim Arrr.lPil. "When I was In the legislature," said tlit Kentucklan, "I was cnlhd over to the peultentlary to see tin old friend : Ilo said that wasn't a place to keep a gcntlomnn In and asked him to g'-t l out 'How'd you get In. JlmV I nslnsl. , "Well. Mr. Tom, It wuh this wny: l'ou know peppery llttlo Dr. Smith down to Oweiisboro? Well, I mot him on the street nnd set to him. "Doc, I'm feollnjr so bad I think I'm nick." "Feel Ing bnd, aro your ho boz. "Well. Jim," . bo Br, "why don't you take some-' ddngr "And dint night. Mr. Tom, I took his two mules. " I ltniMr Wlmt Rtrunk lilm, DalyYe wero KiinHtruck. ye sny7 Why. man allvo, the sun could never dlsiigure n mans race nuo thut Itllcy Ye don't know mo son, Daly. Ttrooklvti JAtu- Golf ns a Homo Wri'dti-r, Judging from the number of wives' complaints and confessions puhllnhcd every wslt In the Scotsman, golfers initBt bo ranked among i!io most nog. led fill of liiiHbaudH, says a Inidon en bio dlspntch to the Chicago Inter Ocean. Golf, the writers assert, bus! purnlyred tho enlenirlse mid en rgy of j many breadwlnneis. The time foiiuer-' ly given by the golfer to the couipiiu-1 lonshlp of wife and family Is upont now, It Is (lectured, on the links. Ills conversation Is confined to mere club room gossip. He has no Interest In lit ernture, snve thut of tho golfing papers nnd magazines. Tho neglected wives complain bitterly thnt they have sunk to tho icjyol of mere housokecperH hIiico their,, husbands have become golf mn nines. , - . j.i.itl .'4 'sir.- tlKl'V jn t, , ..ixj .uji.ku'I HAtt f X IWtltk 1'l.irfr brknUi tlt (1nier wnllrr llnnrrs; Vhrt slutll I ilrlnU IoiiIrIiIT 1 turn, with llntli-nn nnKr, Tlio wlnn list to Un llrtltt. And wlittn I nenn II, (IiImIUok Tluit wine hits lout lis chin in, 1 1 renin oncn imiro nf drlnkliiK Ihvotil cldttr lit tlio fnhn. Kroin Rrsiulitiul's nncUnt sfttlo, llfor tlm rritckllag l)ls t viU-h tlm ilniiliu: kuttlai A inrrry liino It plsys. Tlnr, wlira tlm com wns npitn. And itpplrn xluml it nil tonlOPtl, AVI Ih Kritititituit slyly iiivi'l'lntf. My nweutvMt draitius vtrto dreamed. Tlm tvlatrr wind, snow Inttrn, (.Vnxi-tl up tlu iiiitrlmt llutnrn. And tlnrn it rimy timldtm Hut tiy and playnd inn ititinch; TtiTo Invn. will) lirnnl tlio clllllllllg Of itlitioirn, ciillin mill mtw Ttv littppy liivrrs drlnklim Bttupt clttor lliruuitli n utriiw. flniin xliellormt from tlm woutltrr, At lliirt'its wo IiuikIioiI And iiif ncht-il ntir llilrot loattlmr In tlutt cool itinlirr ilrnft. Timt drink of Kritndditd's nuikliiK, Prrnnnl In Him mill liurd by, Hot no llslit hend to neliliiK. Ttirnrd no brlslit n"ch awry. HtlllfMt nr Hi" I'ltnklnu ulitx""'! lrfiiiK vmilnlir.l Is your inltn. Oil. ronli'Nt of lurmfcut Hut Htlll I ilrriim. mid whlU My Knty mnntitrha I'm illpplng In wlnn without it rliiw 1 r your rrtl'llps dlpplti Itwrnl eldar UirouKti n straw -fritnk lie' HuchiUUr In IJpplncatfi pur November CHAMPION OF A RIVER. Cliitiwotiiitn Woiilit lltor lb Cfef cnu lu !( Kulumr llulf, "It was boni of tho wldi wi-ntNU plain, rt-nrd lu die frvi-dom of dui imlless pralrlu and flowed peacefully ind with dignity by dm tldo of dui lUirlglue. who admitted Its beauty and ft thai beauty develop. "It truly Is a Cinderella of rlvcm-of mine lilt tli. now iiuulo to drudge and i.':ite In tlio dust nnd nshon of the cttyt" .o ono ma) rtH-ogiilto It from the de .rlitlu. but the Cblctigo river U i.i.iiit The chnraclerliuitiou U that of i Chieako clubwoman. Mrs. Kntu H. v .mmN. says the Chicago Tribune. The river has txtin nbuseil. Thero Li 30 doubt of that In Mm. WimmIs' mind, ' ..- t!o Jee I art's Alio city has ltri un riteful mid tins chilled where dm abo rigine liuidisl. "i'nr uhnortt thirty years nfter his -oiutug," slie says, "Tlm wtdto mnn rotii.d that the natural counft of die river did not run countor to his. Boon, owover. the new city tx'camo a luirnli ttepniotlier, mul the Onden'lla of rivers whs m'tit to wnrk III thu dirt und Moot if ii.iinufiietuilng hearth." It Is wnl for eeii n river to Imvo to work. Mrs. Wotsls coiiteinlcl. Hut rw tbmi Hint Is thu Ingratitude of Chlntgo So appoallug was the pkti for the river mid so harsh was tlm nr-rnlrfutm-iit of (ho city that mi nudltor prn)Siil the orgaiilxatlou of n society for the prevention of cruelty to die Chicago river. Tho city Is cruel, for "We never gave this Clndeivlln n chance to put on new or bright rai ment. Wo net or gave her n k"" eriii to wash her face until thimn nice canal wont through, mid thnt was merely for the sake of ourselves, not to inhntiee the iH-mity of dm river. "How good the river has boon to nil of us mid how little wo appreciate It! It Is dcMp: -ed. neglected mid over worlds. It Is used as a dump, n ditch nnd even ns nn open sewer. Men stop Its current with big, cumbersome tun nels Ixilow mid spun It wldi unsightly bridges above; they stick tyilyt piles und piers lu It; they mulio It inntiio mnthlcally straight nnd Inartistic and then throw up tholr bauds In astonish ment, crying, 'How ugly, what an uUmilnallonr "There Is hop for tho futuro," Mrs. Woods held. "Ix-t us each bo a fnlry to bring Cinderella back to her own, U Cluderelln which ban drudged fur us for seventy years." JERRY SIMPSON OUTDONE. A Kitnnti lUlmnuui DUoturtla Hoclu und Tukaa llvd llnir mm Iain. Iteprvsentadve Ylctor M unlock, the newly elected mcmlMsr of cougnfut from "Bockless" Jerry Sliupaon'n district In Kuusiih, Is attracting much nttpntlon at Wushtngton, says tlw Chicago Inter Ocean. Mr. Simpson Is supported to feavs gained many votes on die oocklcssj Is nuo, but Mr. Murdock made, bis cam paign chiefly ou tho red hair huma Mr. Munlock's Imlr Is very rod. Ilrl or to tho holding of dio district con vention thut nominated him for con gress to succeed Mr. Iong tliero wan a big field of candidates, Murdock mul one other luivlng red hair. Tho other red )ml rod cmidhlnto entered Into un nlllauco with Murdock by which It wus ngreed thnt nfter die preconven tlon cumpnlgn had progressed Urtilf enough to determine which rod haired mun was tho more popular tlin losing cmidldatu before thu publlo should withdraw In fnvor of tho other. Murdock won. He told thu peoplo of ICiinnus from thu stump tlwt tho ns haired men wero n considerable part of tho population nud thut they should bo represented lu congress. Ho was nominated mid elected. Church Thnt lAUttm Itautims, Staala. Itugtlme Is now played lu tho, Party eighth Street Iiaptlst church In Chica go. You can also play clicsschecJcors or domlnos In the church' at' an-jr hour of OJ V 1MM H .') ifA rr I ii i. ii muni mi i imm4 "iMtTiio rnfl H noi tl Will dllaV5; AlliW di'Mcrves ij ilia wife, mid nlio Would make one;" Tlireo hour later tho eurrlauo twar lug Miss ICIIxnheth Parker nilled noise lesnly along College street. Him felt distinctly nervous. Pnifeiwur Allen would very certnlnly. he there. Anil nt tlm last faculty dinner, Just b'eforu cpiuiufucomoiit, she bud given him dm rose from her hair, lind ho Had said As sho stopped Into the 1 lasting' hull Mrs. Ilifiltugs culled from dui top of the stairs: "t omo up, dear. How perfectly swivt of )iiii to nn ne I I was nfriihl yon wouldn't get tho meiuinge lu ttiun. .leuii will be jtellghted. Do go right In. 1 have to seo that John's do Is straight." Ami sho dlsnppeured through u half open door, I'lllr.abeth on opening tlm nursery iliMir wan Joyfully welcomed by the tiny Jean, who sprung Into In i anus with a cry of doilght and huggisl her clone. Then she curled up contentedly lu ICIUubeth'H lap, murmuring, with a sigh of satisfaction. "Slug 'Plck-u-n! i ny.' " The songs went on inilntornipti-dly for half un hour. Then tho carrlageii began to arrive. Elliuibedi could hear the ponderous annual Juke of tho pro-fesNiu- of mathematics mid the obedi ent laugh of his nsslstant us they pnii cd tuto the ilrvHsUig room. She heard the rustle of skirts mi thu women flut tered down the stulrw. "They must all Im ben'," shn thought, "but I won't go down till I tinve to." She glntK'iVl at Jnin, whoso eyes were heavy with sbn-p, nnd s.iug again the favorite song. Aud this was tie scene uM)ii which Piofis-ir Allen gnzel u minute Inter ns he st.xM nt thu nursery door In her shimmering satin gown, her crimson cape falling hnck, n'Vealliig her beautiful neck mid iirms, her sweet fuce slightly turn d fniin htm ns she looked down nt the drmvsy child t-radli-d lu her iiri.m, she seeinetl to the unhnppy profcHHor i luuist di vine. As he sIimmI listening to- the lullnby Jean, suddenly rnlnltu her loud, saw lilm , , "Oh. Mr. Allen, tuin lu, turn In'P' tihu crUil. Then.' was ihi escape. lie caum In. P.llaU'th's heart beat so iudly shu felt sure he must hour tl, but sho did not npeak. "Jean, I camo lii to say j.tsnl night " "Is I your sweethonrt totiliclitP' "Yes. dear." "Does you lull mof "Yes, Jean." "Does you lub Mztniff twr lie gave ono npSKtillng loot:, but tlm dear fmM wns turnisl nwny. lie r solvisl to risk nil In ono despurntu stroke. "(h! knovs l do, Jean." "Veil, Us ui bofo dootl night, anil I'll go ns'eop." He kissed her. Hut the baby Inslutcd. "Now l.l.htiiT." "May I, dear?" very tenderly, Imiul Ing over them Nidi. "Tlt.s her. Mien." urged Jean. 'i:il7JilMtthl" plendlngly. I?i'cr so llttlo sho turned her faco to him. Jenn sank back satisfied. a Downstairs all vendor at the delay of dinner was chmigisl Into delight when Professor Allen and Elltabv-th anno into tlw drawing- room togutliur. And dlnniT was nerved. Thero will N perfect newspapers when there In n perfect world. Ilald more Henild, fcj JtJlll't 1U-'1. . . J J - l I . 1 Fated To Die of Paralysis LiKo Father Helpless Invalid For Threo Years. Dr. Miles' Nervine Made My Nervoa Strong. 'Tor many jreirs I nuffered from terrlbtd headaches ml palm at the hair ol the brain, nd finally got o bad that I wai overenma, will) nervous prottratlon. I had frcqutnl diiiy apclls anil wai k weak snd exhausted that I could take hut little food. The belt phyAicbns told me I could n 4 live) that I would die of raralyili, m my father and Crandfatlier had. I rem. hied a lielplesi In valid for tluee yi.trt. when I heard of Dr. Mile' Keitoralitc Nfvine nnd liecan wing It. That winter 1 (elt bitter than 1 had be. fore in many learv and I Imvu not been troubled wuh those drendul hc.uUcheskince I first used Dr, Miles' IbMorallrp Nervine. My nppetite is L'ood and my Serves are tUnnJ.''- Mri. H, M. lIucLiiell, Vj9 Oak land Ave, Mimieapoh , Minn. "For many ye is I miT-icd ftom nervou iiroktratmii, and could not direct my houso hold nlfulrs, nor have any carm. My stum, ach w.is very weuk headachef very e verc, ami I was so nervous that there waj not a night in years that I slept over one hour nt u I inc. We t.pent hundrc is of dol lars fur d ictors nud mrdtcmo. I was taken to Chicago nnd treated by specialists, but received no benefit ut all. Finally I heard of Dr. Miles' Nervine snd ban its me. I was surprised that it holud mi to quickly, aad jjreat was mv J.iy to find, tfleruBlnr seven bottles, that 1 had fully recovered my health." -Mrs. W. A. Thompson, Dulutli, Minn. All dniffclsti sell and (piarante: first hot tie Dr. Mites' Remedies. Send for free book, on Nervous and. Jlcait Diseases. Addrati Or. MUss Msdlcal C, Elkhart, Iui. 301b ll. ,i l ,u-1 i.i .11 i I joSftisgiiH4s4W , d'jl b alltiM ,li iDiUtiU ,ti Ull ,vn A I i i m.Am i