". , JM ITaflO0jJfrlr,V- -' . r J -a -.-, Timrr ""P" -W.mla. Ira It i 2TT 1 lil( y n 1 O 1 Cost Cent n.irv "V r ft I fl fT "V B" !l CEhFRAL HoTEL Coriii r ul rronl nml . ilnTl., MaK-IIKIKM), DUKiiiiv, OHH liNYtJUH. s : I : s i.'ropriewi rphis I I I KNOWN VI KWfiK' 1 I Kill' I lw I'Mt l-ft lltllt IPflllrll I "l i. dim i"i ii. i. .iii-l mil Jr''. ' "ii'ii" ii lu I ? II'.H ( in .." Nrw Nil Ami 1WI ilUIH.iv Imvb lfi i.Uiril in 'n ! nrn w, 'i. ' th lio'iv rntil finllirr in.iil.V ' " !'' I"' Mit.l to (Ut rti)ilinn, in in.' w or..ut. One ii. wi-. - I' mkI n 'U:i")C prr -f-U 's "will, . I .rm ' '' - .r M J Wr jn.infi 'tAU I H an 3 Piudii 5T3Tnyjrir2nrC2C57W!ssws5 Ipposlto WASHINGTON D. a ! Tin: NEW YORK WORLD THBIOK-A-WEKK PJDITION Rnacl whoroTer thn KiikUiIi LtogUBKO In Hinkin Thu Thrlco-A-Wwlt World wi brllllnnt niece lu tlu beInnlnu -.nil lint bon -Iriullly Krowlnn wvor flnce. Tin.A Ip 1 1... dot nf all tliliR-M. and line BPt Itt leal n( npiirovnl on tho Thrlco-ft- Week Worm, whicn m wi'iniy circuimou In evry BtMn nml TiTrilory of tho Un ion, and whcn-uyiir tliuri' uro pooplo who can rl our inotlmr touniin. This papi'r (or thn cmtiliii winter rind th yor UKW, will innliP its uuwa biu vlce, il poBitihlii, mori) extunBlvo ttiun ev-r. All uvuniBif luii irlnnco, no raiit tor wliorf thi'y liHipon, nro ro portHlnrfuriilly 1iil promptly. Tho BiiljBcrllicr, for only onii dollnr a yuur. Ktta tlroo puptTH tivury woek aud more nnns nnd tinornl rcndini thnu inoht crcnt iIhIHi'I cuit (urniHh . flvo or tix tlmt'R tho prico. Tho Tlirlco 11 -Wook-World In nh"o lutoly (air in Hh piilllit'nl iiowh. Far tloan bias t niwor allowod to nducl ItN nrwa culiliniiii, rind Democrat mid Ho publican nllko enn obtnin lu itu pnm.-a truthful ivcounta o( till t'ui front pollli ral fanipuiiiiii. . , 4. In mhlitlon in nil tho nown, tho Tlirlco-n-Wi'ck-Wudd luriiitihoH tho jest norlnl l Hon, idnl orntn markol roportii nnd ntln r ii'rt'uu'h ol iiitoroal. Tho 'lhrlm-n W. ! World'd ronulnr Hiibi-orlption pi ifii Ih only f 1.00 por vjjnr nnd thiH pii)n (in loll jmiioru. No tiHor tliia uni'iiimh'ii nownpnjuT mid Wmikly COAST MAIL lootlicr out) your lor 12.00 Tha regular bnbunrlptlon prlco ol tho two popuruui -M) R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription Fnr mankind The ft-ceut puokot m nnntiitli lor nwal oocai oni. Tlio iiimuv nnnio tou cuni fllJ tooWl, Ikuklll or 1 LtXil tJlllTjtlOO ut i frx)m;ntl ut tnlcntnMllly Itw ftv tow. c L !l conialna a iupply lor yur. All tixag To buy a post 1 card and send I Tho Now York Tri bun Farmer, Now York Uly. for a free specimen cv. py. 7 ho New York Trib no Farrr.Gi is a rVvlonal lllus tratid Agricultur I V.'cok' for Farmers an . I "t fim'.' i , on. J-VCRY i& .iio con ta'ns n a l lor insl u I'V.- an nler tuning to t VuKY momburof U.e farrulv- Thr prico is $ 1 .00 per year, but if you I kr- it you can court"? it with the your uwi ( v 'r:t local newspaper, the CUAo i MAIL at a bargain. With Weekly CO -ST r.AIL I year$l 80. With Daily COAST MAIL 1 year $3.25. Send your order and money to tho COAST MAIL, MarshMeld, Or. Tim iiimiiwtuksmtiiin i-vi'iiv' li li put TIIU IIIMIIWT "KSMTIilN BVI'IIVH IIKUIJ C I) I II ) K . I) I O P O O ll 0 t -STIIIir.OSCOPH APPARATUS Tlu miiiiUiM Sti ri. i' - "i'1! H nimiiifi'st iilwil i-ffi-n II iflily 'inUlii'il In iMf.-r.'iii I'olorN uilh ricit o!l itnl llv.-r ili'inrtinr" (iii'iuiilltu"'), Inclinl Iiik -"i V. ! l,li"tnji"ilH'. Vitiwuof art (yi'iiiii ) I'ltK K I'M S U ii .'ni XCrVHlll'IO IIM'I'IH'I .' IT ( )' AI'."'T- W S M I) L1LIPUT SlfiREOSCUPE CO. KOIUtKsT IJUII.blNu 1'lillaJi.lplti. Flanagan & Bennett Bank iMiU'.rroiis-T. it shcri- tlitn, .1 W IhMiii.'il; I'ltrs ; nml . II. FliiniiL'iin, VK'K I'HKm ; It. F. WillmniH, CASH I Bit. Capital, $50,000. MABSUFIELD, OKEGOIf THE STEAMER ARCATA. H O.NELSON, Mimtct. Wilt HIhUci llrtrnlnr Trlpa BETWEEN COOS BA.Y AND SAN FKAJJCISCO OAKItYINU PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT - LOWEST RATES. Orison Coul A Nnviution Co., I'ropriotos. F.8. DOW, AKont, Mnrahllukl, Oiokoii B.O. CO. Aout, Eiopiro Uiiy, Oro m auauuuterrarMMxr. .wy'faiirtaMm' GROSS.MANN'S PATHNT WltlTINU RING Tint iiiobI iiuportmit improvouii.nt o( tho 111:0 in tho art ol pomnniiHhip mnkts tlio pooroHt writor u uploudod ponmnn in 0 (ow workft by tho upo ol thin riiiK. EudurHfil by proniiiimit C'oIIi-ko Froei doiitb mid Hoiuila o( Kditt'itlion in Eu rope uiul Amorica, Knniplu ilozou na Bortd lzor iont pnat pitid (or$l,lK), fin ulo eamplo 25o. Wlion ordoriuu a einglo riiiK, etuto wliothor for uinu, woman or child. PENN MFC. SUPPLY CO. Not 11 . 0urtU 6t, Pkll delph TI.MHKH LAND, AC JUNK 3, 187b1 N0TK1B FMU'UUMOATKJN. Ufilfrd Himci Und olfitc, Kovlwrg. Oregon, t'.li r il.ni. I Nilf.f U Iimi li kW'-m il'ii In ton.fi.iiiC! with llir iiK.vl.lon ol lli ' l '( "' !" "' l"nc J, I i7B, t'tiitl'rd "All - foi Ii wlc ol llnnVf limit In l' i-Mi ! l Clil'Mil.1, iwc,oii, Nc- , vail.i .mil Wiuhuijcion 'iVrntiify.' a trmlril in till Hi.- Pnlilir I .iihI m.um hy nctof Aiiguit., ''' WILLIAM W PKIHULI'., 'ol iijI U.lin- Ml . I'm ill. 'ill. loiiliirwMUIIIi mil. HI ol OirjJiiH, III 'll liny filril I" . Hum- m . miim i.iicnii'iit s. 4i'-3 f" '"c pu;; UlMtisiii ihcSKiM. ol !c, No. i,t, rjiaOh, K i win. mill voll oiler irx,' id liow Dial I'ldiml .i.hi;IiI Umoic viiliwlilf 10' lt tlmlx-r or Mwie lli.Hl (or .igricti'inial jriow. Hrl til (l.llill'll lil il.ini '(iiul hurt lii-lorf ilif IbIiit ami l .-. ivi r of lliU olluc hi Kii"iiiii, Or.-ii'in, on A iv -. I'"- o '!) "I I'm. I'iJ II' mm. ii iii-i,' - i.-nr liilannl.. . 'i.l I i... Or. tf. '. ' ifO'V I'll.li y. 'Jlll'll V i .1., ..i i i.i.viinln'. Uii'Ko... 1'. . ftiiiiit' i tiwik- I'iiIiii, Dici'in. .til kllrt .("I ( '" l.llllllli il'lr.-'vy III" .tl., iIi'wiiImiI I.UiU.Hf If l-l.il ' fill' tliflr iliiiii. H Hiit'.lllC'im or Ix'lor'j imhI iy o.i ol . w nij (, U) l . T. llMIIM.f k'RI.I'- fJasaf OATARKH In ill It '." tt.ero iln.ti.J IAi cluiuiUiCi. KIj'b Crcnm Holm cImi.i", '"'thru .ti'l broil t.o (li4(.icj uieuibran. It caret cfttirrh mi J drltt-i twtX , cold la ttiv bttA nnl.lr:. C'r.nm Itnlin It plrod Into tb- nottrili, prt4 OTcr tbo incinbuno Mil U lnorUt lUiltfUlm miKUit nl ft ear follow. It I not drjlne-'lott cot .nx'uc tntetln;. Urge Hlte, 60 ctnlt at Dror (lit rr lijr mll Trial Hlit, 10 etntt b nulL CI.Y UIIOTIIKIU. M tt'mn HlrmU Ktw Tit bo YEAne EXPERIUNOQ Tradk Marub DKBIONB OnnvmaMTS Ac Anrftnt ndln ft .Heb.tnd derlpUoii ifor ..i hi- .titi rir i,uini(n rreg wlwvuiw -u ..HiU i.rf: hablrMUDlAb.c CfiromoDlc llcrr UU I njnaer fur fnriic !"" MtlllJU. IM.IU,, V. w l.tA. .M4W-' - - -"- I nl.nu l&kua Oiniuih Hun A Uk rtctrtT J 'flUI llfM, WUHUW. VMMatf, mm .w Scientific fliiicrkan. ul K., wllhool ebftrvt, tn tb rlUNN&Cor''NewYoiti jiiutri offloo. fcs v bl. vhnai)u. at. M MIDRIIIESaDMIBi 5(1 EK FJK51S. 1 i 0 a 53 at n a m n n n u b.Gaw'3U' HI B B B Q M I DKAI.KU IX CiKOCEitlKS FUKSII Fit 'JITS. VKOB TA ii i. ltd r no vi 8 ions, Fl.OUIt KKBI), KTC. OF TUB HKST QUALITY. I'KICKS UKASONA1U.E. F It O 7. B N O Y S T K It 8 BVBltY DAY. i i A Street, Murshficld, Ore a iw a 1 1 n m n 12 hi n n n a a D a frJ fill xm Our Monthly- Publication -will keep you posted on bur work and methods. Mailed Free to tho ADVERTISING WAN of any renponbibta house 1 JJ ' i'tTs SUT: .;v m u,f. I 51TS rii "o. Nixnnl Catarrh quiokly ylelda to troat ment by Ely'u Croom Halm, whloh U agreo- uMy arouinito. it la rooeiTea uirouou ui noBtriU, oleansoB and boal tho vhou cur fai'o over whldi it tliffuioa itMlf. DragdiU kuil tha 0O0. iz; Trial alio by mail, 10 cnutu. Tott it and you oxo euro to ooutlsa tho treatment. Aitnnnncemont. To nocouiiuodnto thoeo who ore partial to tlio ubo of ntoinicora lu applying linaidji Into iho nasal panimgos or Mtarrlial trexu IWi, tho i roprletors prepare Croamllalm In liquid foim, which will bo known aa Ely'a lilquid ('room Holm, l'rlto including tha rr rij-i'j,; kuo in 75 ccnta. Druggiita or by mall! Tho liquid form oinbodloa tho mad loiual pioparLioa of tho polid proporatlon. tmmm9m9mmmm9i IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS I ANVWttntm AT ANYTtMB 5 Call on or Writ B.C.DASJS'S ADERTlSIHa AGEKCT f 64 A 6$ MttthanU Pwrhanf AN PBANOUCO. GAL. ssaira UJ ;B IRlVdfliS jamA ".j'F-Am- 1 MARK TWAIN AND LUCY American and British Humorists Recall Stories of Each Other. POVEL IDEA IH STAETIHO A PAPEB llnMra Halllncr Vor tlalr Mark TclU of ii l'roponed I'ualinurtotn Dlnolt ninlllnK Blmet Hln Common! " Arl-Kiylinti, Unlnlnl nml Doirle. Dimh Hoi Want to llo In Hiunii Xlaoo Willi ISllJuU III. lu .'nil Worl.l. Henry W. Lucy, tho UrltlHh humor Lit. ueitiT known .in Toby, 11. P., nr rUod In tho Unlttil 8tntt tho other iiiiiinliiK nt Now York for it live weckH" ImIL Hliorlly ntlor ho nrrlved Mnrlr Twuln, with IiIm fumlly, Bulled for Itiily, HiiyM tho Now York Tlmou. Tho thief iiiotlvf fjt the trip wuu tho ur-(-'nt i.ci-il of nn ocean voyage for Mm, ( U'liH'im. who Im tin invalid. Mr. Lucy um ho oiuno off tho BtoaniBhlo had n note In bin hand which, ho wild, wua ftom Mark Twain. It roud, "You ar rlvu thlH morning, nnd 1 nail UiU aft omoo.i lu ordor to ovoid you." In explaining tho note ho said: "Homo tlmo ago Mark Twain and I wore ut a aurprbw dinner to 13. A. Ab bey, the artlat, whon ho uropotwrf to mo that we atnrt u paper called tho Obituary. Wo were to print the Ufo of every living man of prominence, norul him tlio proof nnd usk h.ltn for $'A7J for ouppreaalng tho story. con Hldcred the matter nnd wroto to Twain thut it was agruenblo to ino. Since Uien ho hna mode every erfort, ami HUCcesHfully, to keep out of my way." Deforo Mark Twain Balled ho wna told wlint Lucy had said, and bo ro-plh-d. "Tlmt'fl true; we did talk It over, nml I think there never wan n lxrttor pnylng Jtuilltutloii Uiat could bo devbod. You ..., the Ideu woh to write the moat pen ndii Iouh tlilnga about n man while he wii8 ulivo nnd tell him It would be publlHhod nt the tlmo of bin death un Icsh he paid to huvo It kept out of the piipcw. If the uinn paid hnndHomely we would allow htm to niter the proof und cover up the npoU on hU career. TlH?re nre very few men who hnvc not aomo spoUi that can 1 urtlHtlcally cov erwl. lie could cut tho proof, nthl to It or polish It ns much ub he wlalied, but he hud to pay for thut. He could have no many of tho copies of tlio pnjH-r In which tlio article waB printed iw h wished, nnd In tlw end ho could bj pnylng enough money get na good n reputation us he wanted nnd one of which hbi fnmlly could bo proud. "We hnd no circulation to our pntwr, for, you see, Um circulation end Ih Uip losing end. When I got homo I found I could miiko more money by Twain than by two, ho I gcutly but tlrroly had to pllmlnnto Lucy from tho money propo nitlon. I calculnted thnt he woukl not land until tomorrow or else I (mould not have uent Uio noto until tolny. Hut he Is a good fellow, and I hopo he will do well. Ilowovor, his aituntlon reminds me of whnt St Clnlr McKeJ way said to mo whon ho learned thnt tho llnrpcra had prombied mo a pen lon for life lu consideration of work I had promised to do for them, Colonol Ilnrvoy la living on hopo,' ho anld. whllo you nro living on a certainty.' " At tho pier Mark Twain woa occupied In getting eighteen plecca of baggage and his wife, two daughters nnd an other lady who, like Mrs. Olamena, to nn Invalid on board Uio ship. Soroo one auggvated that Mr. Clemens was bar ing n great doal of trouble. "Well," he replied, "I always was oorry for Father Noah, bo had bo much troublo gotUng all of his nnlmnls aboard tho ark. But, you see, I'm pee vish today. I hnve absorbed all of my wife's pugnnclty nnd nil of my daugb tera' nudnclty." At Uio pier a tax assessor from Tur rytown was waiting for tho humorist When Mr. Clemens appeared tho as sessor stopped up to him and Bald, an anxious look In his oyca, 'Wbon nro you coming back?" Mr. Twain did not answer, but turning to tho reporter, said: "I dont own tho Casey houso nt Tnr rytown. I have only rented It for a year. As n matter of fact I am Ured of renting four houses nud being able to occupy but one. I dou't boo thnt It mat ters to Uint fellow nt what Umo I am going to return.' It wns remarked that mention bad been mado of tbo fact thnt Mr. Clom ens had been compared with Ilabclnts and Aristophanes. "Rabelais, yes," ho commented; "Arts, tophaues, no. I novor know Arlstoph unes pcrsounlly. AH of vj lit I know of him wns told mo by William Dean owclls. I get quite a confused Idea of what ho was Uko. Sometimes I think of him sailing up tho English chnnuol with Sir John Hawkins; again I think of Aristophanes ns tho Oreek physician and nguln as nn Italian vlr- I tuoso. If I had lived In the fifteenth ' century I should have been Rabelais, I know him from top to bottom." "When you wroto 'Huckleberry Finn' and told of the king, who after strip ping was painted as tho Uger for the circus, did you havo Dowio In mind?" somebody asked. A deep frown cams ovor tha nuttor'r Cac. and he rtoll4: "I enpt 'traw tho slightest reiwm bianco, for I lmvo novcr neon DowIp dlurobo. I bavo a presentiment thnt I nrn io meet Dowlo In tho noxt world, -but I do not know where. If I find him In ono placo I will go to tho other. I don't enro how hot or how cold It Is. but I do not want to be In tho plnce where ho In. I wnnt noclety In tho next world, but not thnt of Dowlo." Just boforo tho vessel anlled n note from Mr. Lucy brought bis lovo nnd h(j wishes for a good voyage. - THE 8TATEXY'8TdR'Kf (! tinmen Porror on 11m Wind nnd Ilia Laalc nf Volca. In Holland the ntirts of utorks ere generally on Uio summit of u tall post, put up on purpose (or thorn, on which Is fixed nn old enrt wheel. Says nn English wrlbjr; "A tjutch gentleman of my ncqualntxinco has ono such post In his grounds wiUiln sight of his li brary window, but ho Improves on tho cart wheel by having an Iron frnrno work for tho recopUon of U nest ybo first year It was put up, towara ftio end of Juno, a solitary young stork used to como dally find Inspect this framework. I saw him thorp myself ono day, standing In the empty rocop tnelo oxactly llko a would bo Benedict inspecting nn empty houso, contem plating Uio view and wondorlng if tbo drains nro nil right Tbo vordipt wnH apparently favorable, for no:t season bbw tbo neat occupied by Uio newly wedded pair. Their power of wing la very' Hue, and on hot days I have wntchod tbom nsocndtng spiral circles. hnrdly moving their broad, black wings, till they bavo looked no bigger than files. After Uie young nro hatch ed they appear to bo suspIclouH of one another nnd unwilling to leavo the nest unguarded." Storks bavo no voice. Tho only noise they make Is "klappering" (snapping Uieir great rod mandibles rapidly and loudly). Thus Uioy greet one another, generally by throwing back tho bend until tho upper mandible rests on Uie back, but occasionally "klapporlni" l performed with Uio head and bill r the former poslUon. A Practical Ileutonatratlon. "Sou this valvo," said Uio officer "You will nlwnys havo to open that l fore turning Uio faucets for Uie shov er. Should you faU to open It you vi get no water." "Aye, aye, sir," said Uio sailor, tan i lng nt attenUon, wlUi a solemn lo 'k. Tlio olilcer, fearing Uint his explana Uon might not lio understood, stopped under tho showor and turned ou boUi faucets. Bomo ono had opened Uio lower valve, nnd when Uio young oillcer opened tho faucets Uio water came down through Uio shower lu n deluge, soaking his uniform. Still stnndlng nt nttentton and with the most respectful look of Interest In the proceedings of his superior olilcer. the sailor watched Uio pracUcal demou stratlon of tho working of Uie faucets never allowing a smile to cross his fnce "I think I understand the workluge of It now, sir," ho Bald. Chicago Record-Herald. Shoes. Considerable difference will be found In the wearing quallUea of two pairs of shoes of tho same quality and make worn by different persons. Shoes woru continuously In Uio hous and outdoors will nover give as much wear as If worn one day and left to mat a day. It saves money to wear cheap house shoes within doors nnd lot tha shoes worn outdoors rest and got Into shape. Keep an old pair of shoes to wear undor rubbers. Tho perspiration of the feat which India rubber excites ruins good leather. Select strong calfskin and keep It woll oUed In winter for outdoor wear. Low shoes nro better for house wear, bocnuso Uioy permit of venUla Uon. Tho hand to free from many of Uio Ills of Uie foot partly because of Its continuous exposure to Uio air. Boston Budget Peculiarities of Worm, Many creatures supposed to havo Bomo of their "senses missing are not so lnsonsltlve ns people often think. Worms have neither eyes nor ears and yet are ecnslUvo to light and music (vide Darwln'B "Earthworms"). A bluobottle. In splto of not having a noeo, finds out a pleco of bnd meat easily onough. In short, many of Uie lowor animals contrlvo to see, hear, tasto or sxnoll sufllclcnrJy for their pur poso, and ofton In u high degreo, with out being ablo to point to any special organs of Uicsa scuBea In their IxhIIos. nnd to sxipposo they are devoid of a 'senr becuuso we uro unable to dis cover It Is frequently to confess our Ignorance. riout That Felirna Death. In South Amorica Uiero Is a plant, a species of mimosa, which resorts to death feigning, cvldenUy for the pur pose of preventing grass eating un! mnls from eating it In Its nututai state this plant bus a Yivid green hue, but directly It Is touched by a human flngor or by any living animal It col lapses into a tungle of apparently dead und withered stems. Among British wild plants tho most sonslUvo to touch Is the Insectivorous sundew of Eng lish bogs. London Qlobo. On tho Otitic of Pioxtmta. !namt. Ayer's Wc know what all Good doc tors think of Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Ask yourown doc tor and find out. He will tell Cherry .Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed Junes,' and controls the pardesj of coughs. J.'Tr' Cbrrr I'BCtor! I well known In pnr rmlljr: w think it la tna i nmiiein fnthTfpildforeoiijihnilcoIli." T Rati a raTBaaow. It.lnm, Cl. I Ba e,. nsaf 1. c. AVKR.ro , All flroginn. f. """ '" Hard Coughs BaW4SfaBj-aa(B-MBlssjDaaaaaB One of Ayor' Pills at bodtlmo will hoaton rocovory. Contly jaxatlvev .why would yutJftraUier be a little boy than a lltUo glrlt" "Ilecutiso. grandma," replied Tutuuty, "I'd rathor be a papa tlmn a mamma. Tho mainmii has to tnle caro of tho chlldroji. but Uio papa Just goes to Uio offlco'Llttlo Chronicle. Delay Acoountril Por. "Homo wasn't buUt In a day, you know." "Ah! It was put up under a govern ment contract was it? Chicago Ilco-ord-nomld, ( Wanted Vo Time, "Tbo manager pays he eugaged Iho forty chorus girls In twenty minutes" "Gracious, but bo's quick nt flgurer.." Town Topics. nt Her Weapon. "Is your wife a club woman, MIkev' "Xarry Uio likes o tbot, sor. Sb'j oses a flatiron, sor." Detroit Fre Trtfis. ' Fine Soorn of tho Cheap Hat, "Yes, it Is a pretty bonnet" suld tha prosjiectivc purchaser, "but tbo prl-o shows that It Is not a real nrUstlc ci aUon. It Is only $11.00." "I'ardon me, madam," suavely sa'd tbo milliner. "Tho prico card has caiu Icsely been Inverted. It should bo thUB-S09.il." "Send It homo today," onlored tbo customer. Millinery Trade Itovlcw. A Settlor. Young Wife What do you do when your husband gets cross nnd wants to scold? Wife (with experience) I read him one or two of tho letters he used to write to me before wc wcro mnrried. Baltimore American. IniUaponaatilec. Tlio average man will die for want air In Ave minutes, for want of wntr In n week, for wunt of sle7 n t i days. German Oyatera, German oysters are caught about fifty miles from tho shore and a.e therefore free from typhoid germs. n oyster barge requires about two wee!:' for a trip and brings back ltOOO or 20,000 oysters. visit DR. JORDAN'S hha MUSEUM OF kUWUi MS 1 BittSiTT S, Ul rtl I tDl, t if Tt LMTMtAcranirml KihubIi ib AmsMhtMlTiENalfiJKiAm MWMialMtlU BMii)li4. ; DA. RCA-m8ESI3CF WUt ' vratli.to rhwiwgt), qn&attt tnm unm tial Ik w oiaWTc.. ' toad Xrf&tfmA. !. mfiiai Cnt to a-l Piatt, r frtaatyiw. 0 DKJVtOtm lpn.iU ftUw I Im nlbo Cmnhav'raMaaatTtrifl,i. TVumtum. , '..r.. . I . . M.TA. .- I I A Mil i (tor. la mry tui iix4.rnaornv r j fJaVl4rtrMrii il J ' 'Ma.uaIi.afE. MULsoaaxa. A raiii t I .fcmt.1 iVlfc ' OB. KUBAN & CO. IWt auawgV.t. f. ( STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Orocon Training school for teachers courses arrang ed especially for training teachers for all branch es of the profession. Most approved methods for graded and ungraded work taught In actual district school. The demand for graduates of this school as teachers far exceeds the supply. The Training Department which consists ol a nine craae puDiie scnooi oi .uui -a- i -r - -well equipped in all its branches, including Lloyd Mule Drawing ana rn5',"'IrV;-"'; t The Normal course, the best and qu'eJ ? to State Certl ficate. Fall term pens bept. aad For cataloguo or information address 0rJ,D,!Sy, fcD'S3kfc J '-J gills 111 tbflu, llllltlllWttMiltalll MUUxBMVT" r .M ti&SSA&Wi