Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, November 28, 1903, Image 2

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BAD ..
I hurts n1n CA-CAnrTO nnd n
n niilit an.l enocilto latail? ihr ar Htnplf on
artful Mr daughter and I wet totticrrJ with
led tomrh ami our tirrath u tf rr tal After
taking a low dno of CararU up hnrr ImrruTW
wuudifullr Ttivr are a crpat hlp In I bo famll.
WlLlistJir.VA NAOtU
HB UUleubouta (Jl Cincinnati. Onlo.
(ADt I
rir.tant. IV.ibl. ivtcnt. TM Col lo
Hood, Isncr f c ken. Weak::. ir O.r.1 Kc i Wc
n.iii.t itiaM; rr"?4 win, ir-.i, . ti. ill
IJfl Tfl HUP Mil anil rarptsl t-r a Itlrog.
nllIUQAU Kuuto CLUUTobacculUblw
Additional Local News
From Tuesday's Dally.
Al Long Range
Y- u i.exor fcuow wlien a Cpa.t Mau.
Want Ad is coini: to nuit work. We
hpd n man In yesterday inquiring for n
'iMitih ftuiid" Hdvcrtieod last May.
We sent liim to the finder. If ho had
rend the want ad daily, bb every one
ought to do, he would have been saved
this Ions tutpense.
Order Now
Do not put ofl ordering: if yoa want
any extra copies of the Special Illn; (ra
ted Edition. Kemember that we accept
orders ontil Dec. 1st at 10 cents each.
After the paper is issued it will bo 15
cents a copy. Remember also that we
guarantee satisfaction or no sale. Order
early, and you will confer a favor.
Early Closing at Libby
Our steter town Libby has concluded
to dote at 0 o'clock in the fntnre and
notices have been posted to that effect.
Mr. Sleep manager of the mine store at
that place says there is so reason why it
cannot operate just as well in Libby a
it is doing in Marsh-eld. The early
closing is giving excellent satisfaction
here and it will only be a short time
when people will bn so accastemed to it
that it will b almost impossible to re
turn to the old way.
David Beware
The Gardiner Gazetto waxes very
wroth becauses the body fonnd on the
beach at Tenmile, as related in the Mail
ten days a.o, "was afterwards braied on
the sea wall by eomo fishermou whom
Mr. Holden bimeell employed to do the
job." At this "inhuman act of negket"
the Gazette's gorge rites, and i( it eer
occurs again tho paper is going to "roast
somebody," in a ery terrifying
manner. So if Davo finds another body
he'd better leave it alone.
Donald Mcintosh is no More
Connty Commissioner Donald Mcin
tosh, who hue been seriously 111 for some
weeks, passed away at his home across
the bay at a quarter alter three yeetnr
duy .afternoon, and wll be burlod to-,
rporow, funeral eer ices being held at
the M. K. Church in this city under the
aurplie? of the Masonic order, of which
he wan a member. His death had been
expected for some time, but it comes as
a heavy Ioeb to this cotnmunity.of which
he was one of the most honored mem
hers. The Mail hopes to give an ade-
- quate sketch of bis life in the next issue.
i Woolen Hill Starts Today
The superintendent of the North Iiend
Woolen mill informs ua that the mill
steams up for the first time today. It
will bo several days belore things get to
running and active work will not begin
. before next'week. Only part of the crew
will be brought over until things get to
r Work will bo begiii grinding tho cards
come day thia week.
The now mill haa orders for all their
qutput for ovor a year in advance and na
aoon as the works are running full blast
tho mil!(prce .wij be Increosed to two
Bbiftfe and work day and nfglit.
New Aerie Organized
Marshflcld Aerie, Order of EaRlee,
. ki.kI.. I U.M.t havnmin Mtl.t
n .,. -,.., ..- """l.uH.iltWBtlng paper describing the life
oven pb liy Joseph uriuiorj caio urgau-
7 ' . ... ,
Uor. Sixty-four member woro initiated
and at least 15 more will coiho in at tho
next meeting, civing lh new lodge
strong start in me manor 01 ranrawi
shin. I
Tho following olliccre wort' elected for
tho new lodge:
1 Woithy President, K L 0 Farrin;
.Worthy Vice President, It C Liv;
U'..ll... 1I,. ,).!.. V P Miirnln-
' .
WorthvI'niitrroMdent.AlHnll: Worthy
Secre.rtrv.TJL..w,8; Worthy PrenMirer.
A Htvknlu; Worthy Cui'doc'.r, John J
Rai-k! InMdetJuard SOK.;r; Out-
tide liumd, John Herron; lruetit':
Jatue liibbnrd, lr llnydeit mid (i N
Will Change Engines
The IVau Lomlicr Co. aro preparing
to moe theeniiiue from tho old mill in
town and put it in the Ray City mill, in
place of the main engine now In 80 j
there. That eoRine line 135 horjo pow.j
er, wnue me one in uie oiu nun is jw
horse power.
The main trouble with the one now
in use, however, is that it can not be nd Clark Centennial Exposition Com
speeded high enough for the double cir- mission, of Portland, arrived in thu city
culars, while the larger one can. The ou Monday having oome in from Hose-
old engine here which uied to carry the
entire burden of the mill, is in a perfect
state of preservation, having been well
itaken care of, but tho woodeu founda
tion has rotted away to pulp.
Ai there are throe other engines at
the Bay City mill, the change will give
the old engine a surprise. Some idea
of the work it need to do may be eathur
ed from the fact that it twisted a nine
inch shaft, as Manager W. T. Merchant
has Just discovered in looking it over,
Generous Utah Woman
A woman doctor went to Utah to
practice. She wan a pleasant lady, as
well as skillful, and her patients were
very fond ol her. "How I wish," said
one of them, "that I could convert you
to our religion I If vou would only mat
ry my husband, and come and live with
us "
The doctor fled in horror to another
friend, to whom she told the story. Her
helfrespect began to revive, and she felt
comforted, seeing bow the eyes of her
listener blazed.
"I don't wonder you feel as you do,"
replied the friend ind'uantly. "The
ideal Why, that Mr. is perfectly
What you want to do is to
marrv my husband, and come and livo
ith us, PlattsbnrKh N. Y.) Tnbuue.
Disastrous WrOCks
,, , . ,. , ,
Lorelessnepj is responsible for many a
railway wreck and the tame caueea aro
making human wrecks of sufferers from
Throat and Lung troubles. But since
theadventof Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colde,
even the worst cases can he cured, and
hopelesB resignation is no I iner necei
eary. Mrs. Lois Crairg of Dorchester.
Mans., is one of man) whowt life was
Bawd by Dr. King' New Discovery. '
This great remedy is guaranteed for all
Throat and Lung diseases John Prunes
Druggist Price oOc. and ?1 00 Trial
bottles free.
A .Mammoth Holiday Issue
The December Delineator (Ctiriutmas
Number) represents the high-water
mark of beauty and utility, and poshi
My of circulation alao, In a wonii.n f
magazine, having a first edition of m -re
than a million copied. It contalnu 2JU
pages. To produco thi mammoth eili
t'on 728 tons of paper and 4!) prc-see
working 25 (leys were required. In ad
dition to.ex,q iHs.it polor work, clever iic
lion and fltrtain'y illuM rated articles, ,
the number includes a display of charm
ing Winter fathi'ns covering forty-two
rBKits, letter ,fr'Jm. the, foreign fil6hlon
nlrea arul IliUBtrf.W-d article on the
lathiqnabiu fabrics r.ud trimmings, rntl
1 nery, etc. Among the notable con
tributors are: Richard J.o Gallienno, '
with a delicate romance, A Wedding
iting in the Garden, containing lyricn in
tluj author's best vein; W. A. Frazer, '
with an Indian tale, the Net of Leo; Al-j
bert Higelow Pajne, with a dolWitfuj
sketch founded on tye foibles of tho col. '
lector; Harriett Prescatt Bpofford, with'
' lov story ol unusual Interest; Andrew
Lank', with clever travesty on tlto tmi
nt fnlrt tnln ! ami fl lists ITnlitt.i. llh
1, ., .
ol Mm, hui tun hames, lh livf Italian
, hniLc, with hor portrait In colors.
Tliurn it nlsn the tllirit itiAtatltitnnt nf
rivohlton 0, CM Wo,ul) ,h
piquant naratitu ol clubdom by Agnus
Surhridtso, nml m romnrkablt) photo
graphic article ltv.f C llommont, There
nro many bcautl'iil art features, ninom?
them lour p'sgo In Morn representing
Ilauyhood, Childhood, Uirlhnol mid
Mottivrhool the wotk ol Hertiiui! J.
,, ,. ...
Rownwoyrr. tor tho rhll.lmi tluir,
nrn eiuertn'iiiiij; kiuihk ntid ctorii, mid
f , holMw(o m v ,,rn,,ICttl .K.
' K
etionH in cookery mid other depurt-
tuent ol tho home, for thu ChriHtmnn
Lookinf up exhibits
Commissioner llaffy ArOUSlUg CbOS
COlint)' fof an Exhibit
O. Y. Harry, Conuriitfioner ol Lew if
burg via Myrtle Point.
Mr. Harry is hero endeavoring
arouse (merest in the way of getting up
an exhibit for the Ht Louis Fair.
Arrangemnuts are under way to get
the Coos Hay Chamber ol Commerce to
join with committee, from the Coq-itile
to send an exhibit from Coos county.
Thl is a step in tho right direction,
and everyicitizon should put his ihoul
der to the wheel 10 unable them to carr
out this project.
Mr. Ilnrrr I much pleased with Coo
Hay and vicinity, and will do all in hi
power to procure a creditable exhibit
There is no question but what wr
can send a very creditable allowing and
the benefit derived from it won III
be great. Millions of people could he.ir
of Coos Hay and see a samplo ol our
product, A Jairy showing alouo
would be worth a thouia.id times thu
cot, to say nothing of the results of a
general display. What id tin value of
'Jo boxes of our ctnice apples compare I
to thu value o' having several mil ton
people see them? They certainly would
hold their own with those of any other
part of the United States, If an exhibit
is worth anything at all let us send the
liwt we run tret tin. Sllcti nn butter.
cneese. ennnerv products, cal. nun-
"". lore-try anil ' pnWucts. and
last but not least, rp educational ex-
titbit, which In one of the most irnpor-
ta'it ol all, aH it Is the one the intelti.
gent i.ometieeker n llr't luterestut in.
I In o yean time the value ol such an
advertiiini- a, thin would givn C'kih
'county would brimj it back many timea
its cost
........ .-., ,.
,,-,,, nil- lll-
lliTOIirO mn VOII
WAIunfco F U II TUU.
The works are Elgin, Walthnm or Dtie-
ber'c, any grudu or size you chootu at
right p-icoi.
WAtcl.ee and Jewelry ropnir'n done on
short notice, and in up-to-da'ti stylo
at the
""" mi.il is J
iimi It - "'r tfoT-'lyi Ti
Hy Jot McLtod
OlvrtyM, l,:l. ''V T. tt .VcCluw
Mm. llmttluKi dtvpptsl Into tho lil
nn ..linlr. tvllh n uluh. 'Hm llr.i III tli.t
" " A I'll ai'fHTVlH II II1C0 WHO, Itllll IIIIU
llhrnry burned cheerfully. Uelde Its wuiii uinko ono
, , .... . wohiii lunim ono.
criu-klliiK tho only hoiiiiiI In the Millet Tltroo hourH Inter tho rnrrliiKO niir-
room wan that of the pnitV-wor'H pen iih Inir MIhii Klltitbeth l'nrker rolled nolHf
It iiuulo its iiiethodlciil wny over thoJivMly iiIoiik CoIIoko ntreot. Hlie Tell
paper. It wiim very reiitful, mid hIioI dlitliietly nervouti, l'roreniHir Allii.
was so tired. She decided that thin wo,lltl v,'r' -t-rtaliily Im there. And
Blvlnjj of faculty dlnnew wan a mil- ,u ,l1" lllMt 'culty dinner, JiihI before
iMinineneement, Mm had kIvoii Mm tho
Presently Hhe chmccd at her Iiiim
baud. Iauii; exptrlemv had taiiKbt lilni '
that It wae vlm-r to allow hid wife to
begin u eitnvermitloii on the day of a
faculty dinner party. So at this crlt
leal moment he deliberately cupped liln
....., , i. i.. 1. 1.. b... -...i
,. ,i. ...... ii
vu.uvu.il ,v niu llir, nnvivi.iiiM ill"
figure to ItH grvuteHt length. An lie '
thrvw himself on the divan ahe began.
"How is It Kolng, dear? Everything
"Yrt, John; I think bo. " I hnvo Juat
put tlko hiHt tourlk-H to tho table. The
Uowern came. They'rw lovely. You
werv dear, John, to take ho much trou
ble ordering them."
"NothliiK Kono wrong, then"
"Noo, John."
"What made you algh when you ciium
"Did I?" hypocrttlctilly. "Oh. noth
ing. Duly I wnH Juut thlukttig."
"I'hlnklnc whafr"
"Good hen vena, John I This Isn't n
'quiz,' I nlmply wautel your mlvlw."
"My ndvtivl Do I hear aright? 1
know 1 am n tremcndoindy wine man"
"Profensor Hastings! Will you be se
rtous, plenHu) You wv, lt'.s u questloii
or love."
At this ho unt upright.
"hovel Have you turmtl nintrlimnk
er. Helen Aupista? Conn? over here
and tell me the whole story." And he
gently pulled her down beside him on
i... .ii
"John. denr. don't you remember how
verj- attentive Prnfetisor Allen was ti
Ellzabi'tti Parker last sprint;? He tool;
i. i. I. ji ... : -r
"on, kin. Au, tl'm r, tuit i.vt" hue
hor crvcTywhero. And," Inipresalvely,
thia nutumn no ono has wen them to
pother una?.' They quarreled ovor some
trifle, and they'n? both too proud to
mnku It up. TJiey won't oven Hpoalc to
t-nch other."
"How do you know all thia" Inter
rupted ho.
"Why, tho night you were nt the
Now Knglnnd Alumni iiHHoelatlon ban
qut-t ho cnlled iiihI rather-well, yo- j
rather confided In me."
"And you didn't toll mo! Oh. wo
mn l. ,. la ,.,.,- .nln.l u-1
man, thy namo Ih never mind what
Then why In tho world did you nt.lt
them both to ttdH dinner If they won't
Hponk to each other?"
Mrs. IIiiHtlugs looked pityingly nt
her hasband.
"You dear old Htupldl Tonight Ih
tho tlino I hope they'll make up."
"Oh!" whistled John, "And where
do I come In 7 I can't Hay, though I
nm Alleu'H Henlor on tho faculty
'Hpeak to MIhh Purkor, you plghondeil
moiiHterl I'rovo to her by wonh and
dw-dH that j'oii lovo her, or I will pro
cure your dlflinlKflnl.' "
"John, will you bo Heimlble? I Just
wnnt to hear your opinion of my
"I thought It wnHir't advice," mur
mured tho prorefwor of hlHtory meekly
"You know Jean 1h very fond of
JJllzaboth Pnrkor, When I wiih up In
tho HiirHery JiiHt now tho child Hcomed
fovt-rUh. Hho has a cold. Kho riKked
mo If 'hlzbuff wnH coming nnd begged
mo to nHk hor to 'wock Jean to H'eep.'
' "II II ill a
'.Li! ; fl ; :,:
.-n-av ',' ' I If fl "
yuffcni' ; If lw ' It ',' I
.A t 'i j. Vrn
I Ij . vr "71 'fBrrrT'sVPv'' 1
V 9Mm
"v- .-j. y
?Zbn'&T"at ' '
MIi'iVi fYr! i 111" .In,h'ii1imila
I l-rf Tolrpnotxi her W fcoM n rr mill. " n , , twceMly mn$, Aiiy.
, OIM onrly. Phil kmka almply P-rect v 'JJ j,10 t Bru, for H mnl
' iT,,!f.cnn4ej"l?nBn,U?thr?r,wllr lo itny litlw thnn OWf o'clock.
, Kht it will o rl illctilw. tlifii i w hen ,,.,, ty r, mt, AWvmti fyPM, Hl
lTvlfiianir Allnli rtmna I'll tAll 111 If . . 4
...,.,.. " -' -' -
- -,m. wmnn ii u " "" "vr ktmm Him , ,.. M,,w ,,(, U(, n t tflll loll
iT ?, . clilM niit to im l0 , r ,l(1 innrthHiy. ti... koinI wo
j lh to tho numory to aoo her. And then ,1W1 l(w.,V0I. 1C,(,W, , ,,r(,llj hl)
"..a, 4 ?, T , i .. Into bourn; mj one hvmiIiik lw niiMil
u f ' m,r hu w"""'"""'0 "' Keutly on ho imrlor door. Then, win
What utmtom-l The wi.yy.Hi m. J HJt m,(lnJ m(, , ..Coiuu ,,..
Kind ytMir forrt-H n Nlmply pmlun,
Hut, hnntlly, m-oltiK bin Joking wiih
koitijr too fur: "i tiopo tt will muvei'd,
n.' '.""'. .' " " .'
rum. rroin ner iiair, ami no nan nam -
Ah hI.o Htepped Into tlrt. IIhhIIiikh1
hall Mm. HaHtliiari called from the
top of thu atalra:
i 'Vomit up, dear. How perfectly
snveot of you to cornel i wiih nfn.ld
J"m wiildu't get tho ineHimge tti time,
jrun iii im iieiiKiui'd. j' ki riinn
..... ' .llllltlM. Hi .'I' f. I., ill.
1 have to nn i that JoI.h'h tie Ih
' I hnv.i to aett that
, u ,,, , ., ,. .
niuiihi.i. .tin. nuu i.imiiijM'iii vt imtMii,
tt half open disir
Kllzabeth on opening tho nursery
door wiih Joyfully welcomed by the
tiny Jean, who spniug Into her arms
with a rry of delight mid hugged her
close Then slut curlisl up cotltentelly
In Ellcnbeth'ri lap, murmurlUK, with n
High of rvitlftfnctlon, "Hlng Plck-ii-iitu-ny.'
Tho Hoiigti went on unlnterrtlpttstly
for half nn hour. Then tho earring'""
liegan to nrrtvo. Ellzalteth could, hear
the pondeniun annual Joke of thiv pro
fittsor of tunthumnttm and the oliedl
ent laugh of his asnlstnut an they pitHS
etl Into thu drvunlng nniin Hhe lnjurtl
the rustle of skirt ns tho women tint
tenl down ttm ntalnt.
"They miiHt nil hi lien'," who
thought, "but I won't go down till 1
have to."
Hho glanced nt Jean, wtioso eyetj
i were heavy with sleep, nrxl Hung iigalil
the favortto nong. And this was the
Hceno upon Which Prtifesnor Allen
gnzM n inlnuto Inter ns tie Htool nt tho
iiurwery uiKir. in ncr nmenn wuin
gown, her crimson capo railing buck,
revealing her U-ntitlful neck mid anus,
' ,,, ,.,,, ,,. ML.,ltl.. ,.111Mi rnlll
-- ....0-.-
him as she looked down nt thu drowsy
child cradled In her firms, she teemed
to the unhappy professor almost dl
Ah ha stood listening to the lullaby
Jean, suddenly raising her head, saw
"Oh. Mr. Allen, turn In, turn In!" ntw
Then' was no escape. He came In.
Kllznbetb's heart bent so loudly hIki
felt Hiire he must hear It, but she did ,
not speak.
"Jiiin. I came In to Any good night."
"Is I your Nweetheart tonight?"
"Yes, dear."
"Hot-s you lub mo?"
"Ye. Jean."
"Does you lub hlzbuff too?"
He cave one appealing look, but the
dear faut? was turned uway. He re
fwilvetl to risk nil In ono despernti?
"God knows I do, Jcnn."
"Veil, tlss u bofo dood night, nnd
I'll go ns'eep."
He klssetl her. Hut tho baby Instated.
"Now hlzbuff.!'
"May I, deur?" very tenderly, bond
ing over them bath. '
"Tlss her, Allon." nrwetl Jenn.
"KllzntMJthl" plendlnly.
rh-cr no llttlo Bhu turned hor fncti to
him. 'i '
Jean Kink back Hatlsfled.
Downstntnt nil wonder nt tho delay
of dinner was changed Into delight
when Professor Allen and Elizabeth
came Into tho drawing room together.
And dinner wiih nerved.
Teat of Sobrlntr
An EngUHh carman who wiih brought!
before a maglHtrnto for tctng drunk
while In chnrgo of a horso and curt
complained of tho IndlgnltleH to which
hi? had been BUbJected ,y the -tollce. f
Ho hud wulked a chalk lino mnrked '
down thu middle of n long pi.Hsago;
had said clearly nnd dlatlnctly "truly
runil' and "chrysanthemuuiH;" had I
! ckl hln hat up from tho lloor with .
his right rw,t. rained t from IiIh foot
Iind DUt It (III lllH llOIld Wlltlo Htlllldlllg
ChryHlintheHIUinH;" had.
ou his left foot; had been uHked to
Htlcl: h i'.:i In n su all dot mmlt? by a
pencil on a wall nnd hud told them that
if u brick weighed eight pooundH and
a half ii brick nnd a half would weigh
Rlxteou pounds. And yet thu dlvlHlonal
HiirKt-on Haiti ho wiih Intoxicated. Tho
pollco explained that tho acctiHed had
not walked tho chalk lino properly,
that IiIh enunciation of "truly rural"
and -'chrynanthcinumH" wiih very
throaty ami yiigtie, that ho had three
ttmoH fullcn on the lloor In IiIh uffortH
to pick up Ida hat with IiIh foot, a teat
ho volunteered, and In Htleklng thu pin
In thu wall ho had uelocted u H'Mt that
wiih not vlatblo to any ono but him
Hclf. Tho brick problem had merely
been put before him by wny of u JoUo,
and hla Holutlou wan wrong.
Ntiueioiilnu tli l.u.i.ilii.iy.
Tho landlady wuh dlaturbed over ono
of tier boardeni. Tho younjf woman ror. nut ir iiih reiitnoiH nro tan
was nrotty und coiiHcnuently liad many ; K r wot and dirty ho could not
mate admlrcTH. The landlady Wiih mini
- aK-fr
vnn oiiu of her cnllrra niuiliy lirruiiiK
mild n cordlitl volw.
"Kxriimi inn, MtrtH Tniverii," Hiilil tho
UllllllllllXi "I'Ul WIH'II Will K'1"
!, ...Ill ,.,. ,,1,.iimh iliril nut Dm lmimT"
row w II j oil p n mrii on in ( k iwr
MIhh TntvcrH Kmi Mim'l.lcHH nt hur
MlUniy , ti IiIimIhmI m-nrlet. A
H(l(ll ,,., )ni, lX)U K ,r brentb ahe
,. cy
"No, ( will not. Hut to hiivo your K""
,,,,, (,ml furt1(,r llMXty i will turn It
, ,)(,for( ,. K1M,fJf Al. ,, ,mMUpi-
lr, , ,,, l)llril),rtli ,.vlim tlw
i.,.i11.i.. f.mit.l.. lu.r u-nv tint nf thn
ln-( ,, ui York
Tu 1n perfectly Jlnlt In nil utirlhtltw of
the dlvtnu nature. To he ho to tint lit-
mom of our ulillllliiH U tho glorj' o
qLD tIME 30nQEON8.
iiimii. .imiii.
Tti rf Unci to Work Itniilttlr llvfnra
Ameatlirllra Wr I'aeil,
Itefore nnn-ntlnitlcs worn known tli4
rurgeoii's only expedient wan to nbiidg
his patleut'H NiilTerlugn by worliliifl
rapldl) In tlitii tho old time surgeon!
did wonders. They had n control and a
tuiri'ty In their, bands (lint art? now n-.
doii fiH'nd' One day tho celebrated
aiirKisiit MaUK!uiouro had to ntiipittatii
the leg of a poor duvll who begun to
howl In advmiro. "I'll glvo you my
watch," wild thu surgeon. "If the oper
ntlmi lasts muru than a minute." Tho
man accepted the offer, but wn obliged
to forego tho handnutnu watch, nn Uin
operation took leu tliuo thnn It rtv
quires to describe.
To amiiiitatu an ami nt thu shoulder
Is a most dllllcttlt oponitlon. Dr. I nti
geulH-ck of Oennatiy did It In two min
utes, A young phystclnit who came til
sen him perform the operation adjustnl
his spectacles to tils noso so tut not til
lotu n slnirlo inovemenL but when tho
pwtnclen went In place tho operation
wnH ,., nntl n BAirurvd nnn Iny on
ttie lloor. ..
Times have changed much since tlu-n.
It huHIcch to put n bit of chloroform or
other ou n compress nnd let thu patient
breathe through It for n fuw minuted
to put, him Into n slumber no deep that
ho remains Inert while thu surgeon
mnkeh.hU Incision, cuts, tiles tho bono
mid sews up tho tleah. On awaking thu
operation U over, nnd the patient
knows nothing or It Thanks to chloro
form, Mirgeous enn practice operations
today which nrouao our ndmlratiou.
Wlint Thr Cnt.
Nearly every nation has Itn own par
ticular form or food, nnd things which
some nict-s would not, nH tliu exiirete
vlou goes, "touch with tho tongs' nr4
considered by others nn thu grentenl
Tor Installed, while tho Arab eats till
lotus hreml nml dtunirra with tho relink
of fresh dates, the Gnviilander gorgei
hlmsi-lr on niitmal fat and whale oil in
the necessary means of keeping
warmth In htrf body. Hindoo will not
touch nuy form of llesh, but live happi
ly ou rice and rnncld butter. An Dug
llsbmau Is Htipposetl to value beer nnd
tmenn nbovu nil other nrtlclea or rotsl,
while thu dwellers In thu ApmililueS
live ou chestnuts. In nitclolit days Uis
Itoman emperora wero accustomed to
liuvo n peacock itcrvisl nt nil gn'al
feaKtM im one of tiiu principal dnlntli.
while In these diys blnbi' uestH arul
nitH fonn choice dishes In n Chlneue
Konn people nay that minll rKiup ti
delicious, whtlu tho Kruucli assure you
that there are few more dellcnto dluhe.
than those made out of frogs' legs.
IHu- Aiufraltiiii Oi-aters,
"In tho port of Australia In which I
live wo get oyntoni nH big ns n suiucor,"
Haiti u resident of Adulaldo to Uin
Washington Pwit. "Thoy nro twjesi tint
"'" " '"J nave m-en m uiu ui m.-u
"'i'". "" 'io i""" "
" recommend them, ror U.oy hnvo no
'""ur 1U '"' lu"" "",l " J1"
I"l "imiji mmn in uiuuu uiij wiiiiiv
""" ltU
iiiuni, nun uiuru aru iiiuinu
nago trt oat tliem nfter they
been Htowed iiulllclently long. In
other parw of our country wo 'lvo "
better gnule, uiipnmchliiK nearly to
your American oyster, but hardly Ibt
equal, In fact, after my uctiunlntancu
with tho Chcruuxtiko bay products I
nm firmly ut tho opinion that In tho
matter of Hen food tho United Htateri
leads all natlona, an niwertlon Unit will
l?o backctl up by nny man of wldu
IIimv n Hint Draaaea,
Ah bird fiiHhlona do not change, two
nultH n year aru qulto enough ror moat
blrtlH, but they need to tnko groat cam
of them. Kuch Hepnrnto feather nuiHt
bo cleaned and looked over nnd thu
URolcHH ones pulled out. These fenth
era are not packed closo together, you
know, but llo Iooho and have plncoH
Iwtween filled with air. When a bird
wjuhh 10 Kui warmer nu iuih iiih renin-
' "' that theno air Hpueca may Iw
rnlHo thorn, nnd; booh ho could not
head In hla llttlo body n4
cojifWtlU. a-
--.ni-'ttjwr "
wmrf? --