p-3-; tt Twwwwfwwrw ' i. ii .. ,11 "" 4 i- inft i i. . " " iilfi "wni ""W1J nilTTa mnwXWmwxwiigiimtygytj.viiwj. . -LMMkAAlMMdV ' " " " 7..SX J 1' JM ' ' 5 ; tfttfl V n 9 . -, . .-)' '. i WEEKLY i i. ,.. t .,.,, rnwoi,. 1 , rtM85yWBjsjpjMffHSiHMnpww .1 ' Z 5 ' i mTA '' Ih VOL XXVI, ' -u-v- CUSHMAN'S HEROIC EFFORT To Save Fourteen Hun dred Dollars Special to the Mill. Washington, Nov. 21 Congressman Cuiilimnii of Washington Ii making race against tlmo to snvo liOO tnllego buloro tlio extra session adjourns. Ho roculvod nuws nt Tncoma thnt tlin 101 lon would probably speedily adjourn, nd ho Immediately took a fast train (or Washington, Wild AnlmnU lu VaptXvttr. HAro wild animals hnppy In captiv ity?" wild Uio keeper of tbi xoologlciu gardens, In answer to n question nkkod by n vlnttor. "Well, nt llrwt thought II may sound strange, but tbty nre Imp py, nnd lomo of tbi'in aro vnry, very Loppy. "It KHitiM to bo (tin general opinion thnt when tint liberty of nn nnlmnl used to a free life In Ltio wild woods l taken uwuy tint itiitiniil will plun nwuj mid di. Thnt's ii pretty bit of ttontl inuiit. but apparently H'h nil wroug Vou would nnturnlly tbluk Hint n wild utiliunl In captivity would lecomo Ann gorou. hut such Is tint tho case. "Take the monkeys, for Instance, Ttiy look very' unhappy, don't theyV Why. tliiM little Imps (day from moni lug till night, mid they're as chverful ns larks, excepting when they nro III (lu lu tint bird house And listen to the songs, the chirps and trillH, then tool, uniuud for an unhappy bird. Watch the beam play and the leopards and other ineinberH of the eat tribe, roll oer each other like llttlo ehlldren on a nursery tlimr." Philadelphia Press. Tlt Strain mi llir Kfr, There In no reason why a musclo or muscles of thi! eyo should not bo fug ged out Just an tho muscles elsewhere do. Ix-t ouo bear a weight all day lom;, ilwH ho not attribute lilx coiiHeiment headachu to the heavy burden ho linn bornuT It hcuidh without clnborute UilnkliiK wc could conceive, of the rt miltM following upon prolouyMl um of the eyo, Nntura Iwih douo nil nho could to protcvt and prolong tho iimifulurfH of the eye. No earthly architect ever yot plnnued a Ht met tiro thnt would not yield, crumble and fnlt nnd tho hoUFe human, no exijuUltely upltftisl In curl (run nnd inyHterloiLs wnyn, falls nnd nn tunifl to dust mom rapidly nnd Hiiroly than ueisl be, for thu reason Umt wo do not realize how much ono pnrt hi mi taluiHl or (nerthrown by nnother. Ono tiny nuiHcle Ih potent enough to rtlnlurb tho whole etfouoiii)', eniMKlnlly if Inter current dlseiiHcn exlnt In addition to "eyo fltruln." Tim Drill! Ilnlilt. Men of talent and brilliance whooo mental productH have pleaHed nnd us toulHhed the world and women around whom) faHfliiutloii and eharm ban re volved many n dlKtliiKUlHhed Hochil clr do have fallen alike vlctlmn to tills limldloiiH anil drKradluir habit. Tho falKo Idea that better nnd mnro original work can be done by meaim of miclt nn unnatural hIIiiiiiIuh Iiiib been tho ruin of many noble characterH. Whether It bo cocaine, morphia, luitipyrlno, plio nacotln-tho iihameful Ibtt bwwh nl moHt dally- tho fact remaliin that tho hlKhcHt mental and moral principled of tho draw Imbltuo are Hlowly under mined nnd driiKKcd down to tho dimt. The reHpoiiHlbllltU'H of tho medical practitioner lu preHcilbliiK themt potent ronusllcH nro, thoreforo, very consider able, while tlioMi of tho dlHponHlm; chemlnt aro hardly luHk Loudon Medi cal I'lCSS, I'dnIiIco l Chlnn, rostaK between tho I'nlted States and China In jiIiicch served by the I'nlted Ktnles pootal aKencj- at Shiuu" hnl Is now at tho Hiuno rates as domeH tic poHtaue. UVo centH will carry n letter from nny part of tho United States to TlentHln, ICoochow nnd mnny ottior districts In China. CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONS. IIutiV li Jlnl ('iiiitllea lit llitinn I'or llm llnllilnrx. A writer lu thn Ladles' llnmi) Journal 1,-lviii tho following rules fur making candles at homo for thu holidays. ".Nev er Mir the Munir and water after the mik'ar has iIIkmoIvix!. Wlpu down iu Htantly thn KrnuuhiM forming on the iildo of the Hnuivpnn. Do not shako or move thn HMiii'i'i'Mii while tho sirup li bollluu. Ax soon lis the hiikut bee, iih to boll watch It carefully, tin vIiik In your band n ImjwI it lot water, so that you may try tho ulrup almost constant ly. Have every thliiK lu rcadlueu be fore Im-kIiiiiIiik. "If tho Htiuar grains uho It for old fnMiloued cream candy or nuuiir taffy. It cannot bo used for fondant. I'm Mlly tho best Kninulated mik'itr for boll HH and confectioners' XXX for knead lug. If your fondant grains without Kppnrcnt ciiumi you may havn boiled It n little too Ioiik. A few drop of lemon Julco or a little cream of tartar will pmvent thin. Foiidunt Is'tho soft mix tnro which forma both thu lunldo of tho Kronch cnndles nnd the material In which they nro clipped, nnd It Is to ob tain this thnt the xujfnr is bollcsl. "After tho aiignr tins nmchM tb iK)ft ball n rwnilhnrd condition, It must bo poured cnrofnlly Into n larK" incnt pinto or on n marble nlnh. Do not cmiN) thn miuccpnn or you will Krnnu Uto Uio sirup. Mnko your fondant onn day nnd tnnko It up Into enndy the ttext. Never melt foudnnt by placing the anncepnn Immediately on the stove. "I'nrYont tho dnnger of acorchlDR by Knndlnfl Uio pan contnluInK It lu n ba In of water. If tho molted foudont In too thick add wnter tnoat cautlounly, n drop nt n tlmo. A half teanpoonful mora than la Decennary will ruin tho whole. To cool candy stand It lu n cool, dry plnco. To Veep cnudy put It betwvou Inyers of waxed paper In tin boxen. If the day la bright and clear th Htipir losif) its stickiness quickly; thereforo select n lino day for your enndy innklnff." l(onr lo Praretit n Itrp(llluu of Olrt. The use of a ChrtsUiias notelNMik," ndvlses a writer In tho PlttsburK Pn-sw, "will prevent many of the holiday mis fits that nre nlways nwlcward and MometlinrH extremely enibarrasslnj: Each year In mine ko-h n list of all the present I tfw and nnrelvo and the names accompanying every jdft. The chtldrin hnve their ages tabulated ngalnst the gift sent, ho that an the ycunt go on I may not offend the wy pnparlng for college with it bag of marbles or the girl thinking of her first long gown with n doll. Our friends' children have u trick of spring ing up with rvmnrknblo suddennes-4, and thcuo humiliating oxiwriuncvs aro very' common. Hut chiefly dwu tho ChrtHtmns notebook prevent repetition of gift. Holiday Insplrntlonn seem to niovo In n cyclo of their own. Onco en I teriMl they produco ImpreHslons with aometlmca moat unfortunate nccurn. To ono friend to whom I givo rend Ing glnna three years fto I have twli & since been nn tho point of sending an other, auved each tlmo bj my C'hrM inna memory book, l'nna for two young cousins eccm to bo my lint Christmas tlvought iivch year from tho tlmo two yearn ago thnt I tvntowed them on theso rolntlvcn, nnd ho on. In my own mtber Inrgo family I should mnko mnny blundew except for the nro guide of date, nnmo nnd article duly InDcrlbod. Everybody, nowadays hns bo much to think nlwut thnt) need k-ss details should bo spared them, nnd while- notebook memories nro rather despised they nro much letter nt' Christmas than untimely or resur rected romombrnnceo." now to Make I'lnu IHidrtlaar nulla. If the remains of a plum pudding or nny Bort of n suet pudding nro not pro Bcntahlo for another serving they can bo mnde Into llttlo balls, llrush with melted butter nnd lomon to moisten, then wrap each In n parntlln paper, twisting or tying tight: set them In n Hteanier and steam until heated ' through; take from tho paper and servo with hot foamy sauce. If one luis not (julle enough pudding for the nerving add n beaten egg, n fow raisins nnd u llttlo lemon Julco to Iloston brown bread crumbs; mix with tho pudding to make the doslred iu:intlty Tho addition will not be detected, t'oi tho pudding will bo qulto na good. KllMtol(!l, "I mil a llttlo bit iifraid of her." twin Miss Cayenne. "Hho Iiiih wonderful tact." "Yea; sho must know everything thnt could possibly nnnoy ono; otherwise abo couldn't bo bo skilirul In avoiding I) Cl&agrccublo subjects," Exchange. MARSHFIELD, COOS COUNTY FUCON Nov. 28. DINES j' LABOR LEADERS President Pledges a! Fair Deal (Special to the Coait Mall.) WathitiKton Nov.21 I'ronldent Iloosc velt dined tho Ilutto labor leaders today ul no CongtoBoman Dixon o( Montitnn.J Cortelyoti and Wright diecueied the wag iUoation at tabic. I'reildent Rooaeril ssaurod tho Ilutto vieltora that the gov ernment ia prepared to favor the work ing men wbonuver tho good of the publli -orvlco Is not hampered, and wai told 1 m reply that all lalrar aikod was a iquar. deal. "Yon will always got that" said the President, "as long as I have anything to do with thu administration ol pnblh affaliB." PANAMA CANAL TREATY Ratification Followed by Something Breaking Line Leaves it Doubtful Special to the Mall. WafhinKton, rJ. C., Nor. ?5 Upon ratification of tho Panama csnul treat tin 0!h nnd Kith regi (ltle.ht thero tho lino went bruke.'ni.it our rcsden can draw on ttiuir imsuinn lions (or tho test of Oio dlrj.ntcli Ed Mail Ito-,Y to Mali flarpvlM Walnuts. Bpltt English wulnuta In halves, tnk tng enro not to crush tho shells, nnd re move tho njcntft. Gild the outside of tho halved shells nnd dry thorn. The. make dainty receptacles for small Christmas gifts. Jewelry, money, enn dice, rnlslna or caruway seeds. Pill a half shell with tho gift or candles. In sert n loop of baby ribbon by which to hang tho nut to. tho trvo nnd glue ttlt tho corresponding half Bhcll. I'or va riation the sholl may bo pointed to represent okl women's fncea und n Hun them penwipers or nccdlcbooks or them pemvlj,ori or needlobooliH. or they may contain amusing mottoes and bo placed, ungllded, with other nuts at dinner. How lo ImpniTc the Voice, There Is nothing more attractive than a musical siHJuklng voice lu woman. It denotes refinement nnd riiu.uv, and by tho oxercleo of certain, muscles It can bo brought to perfection as vell us tho Hinging voice. To accomplish thW throw out tho tongue ns fur as possi ble, then turn It back, touching tho pnlato with tip of tonguo. This is the lending exercise of sevornl others. How to Mulct ii Clirlsliniin llnynl Tnrt. Make a very rich pie crust, cover the1 bottom of a pie tin with t and bake. Now v make a thick, rich cornstarch; custard anil while hot pour upon the plo enwt Uanilsh with candled cher rles and angelica and set away In a Tory cold placo to become stiff. - - w vJ -'J - t WORKING O'rV A GROUCH. Tlit) Opi-rntloiiN if n ( nrloui. I'ltiin ut Ilcmifiii ?iitliiM-. John was gioiichy and ctohm and found fault with Ills dinner. Ills wlt'o Burveyed hlui calmly. "I know there Is some reason foi your-your-what shall I call It? Well, for your unhappy frame of mind," she said. "Probably things linvu gouo wrong nt tho olllco, but why should you come homo lo work off your anger on mo? I'm not to hlnmo lu tho slight est. It's n curious trait of human nature thnt when ono has been whipped he at onco wants to turn around and whip somebody else." "I suppose that trait was left out of jour nature," rcniarkod John aurcoH tlcally. "No, Indeed," replied hia wlfo. "When things go wrong lu tho' kitchen I am rather Inclined to scold tho children. If you reprimand me Xoc extravagance, my impulse la to fuss with tho first person I meet If i bavo been out calling and roturn homo late to dinner, I feel very much lncllncd'to'rate you for coming home so carlyV I'vo watch ed this tuitno trait In tho children. When I scold Alice, nho always finds occasion to shako Maud on tho sly. If you spank Jim, ho generally goes out rind makes faces at the little girl across the way. If tho children come homo from school saying 'teacher was awful cross today,' I Jump to the conclusion that the principal bad been criticising the teacher. If you tell mo I'm not economical, I know you hnve Just suf fered from a slump In the stock mar ket, and I suppose after you and I hnvo'hnd n little heated discussion you go down to tho oOlce and make things unpleasant for the clerks." To be frank with you, Mary." said John, "I do not often 11 nd you guilty of working off a grouch on me. Tell mo what you do Instead." Mnry smiled demurely. "I wait until you go out of the house; then I run for my roouvlock tho door, throw myself on tho couch, burrow my bona In the pillow and hnvo n good cry." Now York Press. HEALTH'S DECALOGUE. 1. Illse early, retire early and fill your day with work. 2. Water and bread niulutnluMlfo; pure air and sunshine are Indispen sable to health. 3. Frugality and sobriety form the best elixir of longevity. 4. Cleanliness prevents rust: the best cared for machines last the longest. C. Enough sleep rcpnlrs wnsto and strengthens; too much Bleep softens and enfeebles. 0. To be sensibly dressed is to give frcedbni to ono's movements and enough warmth to bo protected from sudden, ,chungoa of temperature. T. A clean and cheerful house makes a happy home. 8. Tho mlud Is refreshed and Invig orated by distractions and amusement, but abuse of them leads" to dissipation and dissipation to vice. 0. Cheerfulness makes lovo of life, and lovo of life 1b' half of health. On tho contrary, snduess and discourage ment hasten old age. ' 10. Do you gain your living by your intellect? Then do not allow your arms and legs to grow Btlff. Do you earn your bread' by your plcknx? Do hot forget to cultivate your mind and to enlarge your thought. French Medical .llevlow. I Useful Wood Lore. If you are lust lu tho woods sit down tho moment you realize It and think It over. If you Blurt off at random you .will be Hiuv'to walk lu a circle None but the utost experienced woodsmen can keep n straight courso, .nud oven they go lu a clrclo when they get really lot. If you know the direction of camp tie some strip of white rag to a tree ami then start olf. Vou can llud tho com pass points by remembering thnt moss always giows on the north side of tieos. Keep tying strips of rag to trees as yen gu on. Then you can find your way luck to the starting polut If you slniiilil fall to strike tho path that leads to safety, He Dlil. Mrs. fitulby- Does your husband fur nlsh you with plenly of pocket money? Mr Oil. ly Yes. indeed. He leuve 1 Is money lu his poek.'t every nlyht. Iliililmnrc American. The human body being lighter thnn the water of the Dead sea, swimming In It Is dltllcult, tho hond alone tending to sink la tho water, 1903 AGAINST PORTAGE t RAILWAY Repeal of Bill to Be Attempted (Special to the Coast Mall.) Salem, N iv. 24 The prpatett flaht In the somiiiK cession of the legielcturn v. Ill n 'i bo mcr Ih'e ajseaimfint nnd taxation iw, hut for the repeal of the state port- n rallvny at The Dalles, the Oregon Railway and Navigation ( Company is fighting the state in Its ef forts to relieve the farmers nnd shippers of tho Columbia basin and wants the date potrago bill repealod. Pledges are boing secured from members of the legit lliture iu advanee of the rnssion to tec ure the repeal of the portage commission bill and the appropriation of eay 1105, 000, aa a measure of rconomey and to sav the tax payers. The state is up against the O. Rl A N Co. in trying to get the right of way ol the portage road, the big corporation having tracks that are in the way and most ba removed to let the state por tage through. On protensp that tho fodoral govern ment will build 'a canal twelvo miles I mp costing $1,600,000 and relievo tho farmers of the great Columbia basin, tho ota to is aeked to abandon its por- sge railroad and leave the product-rs and phlppere to th tender mercies of h Hii-ruiirtn ndlei t- until they net 'e:idy to cmnnlote tho twwlv inile inok vunal. Ronnrtor MntTtncm. In Ecuador u mnninge must be made by the civil authorities leforo It Is made by a cleryrymnn BV Ili-ti, EHENSift Magnss "' I fiooo Clothes forDobs , 1 o. '8 Tho Mexican Doundnrj I, Inn. Tlio lnternntionnl boundnry lino bo. tween tho United States nnd tho repub lic of Mexico Is marked by pyramids of stones placed at lrrcgnlar iMrtnnccs along the lino all the way from tho Illo Grnudo to the Pacific ocean. Wh r ever It wn found practicable to do aio theso pyramids were built on promi nent peaks at ro. d crossings, for a, etc. The lino was not surveyed, as In thu usual custom, the location of tlio monuments being based on astronom ical calculations and observations. All HI Is; In One llitnket. Goodman Goiirong-Wc don't git nothln' nt thnt hotiFe. I asked tho wo man fur some cold vittlcs, n cup of cawfey, someclothln' an' u pl.tce to ulccp In the bnrn, an', by gum. sho snh I was coniln' It a little too utiong, nn' she fihet the door In niy face. Tuffold KnutTlmt's wot ye git, yo blame fool, fur puttln all ycr begs In ono nskTt Clilcngo Tribune. Connlderate. "Ilave you over done anything to make the world happier?" asked tho solemn looking person with tho uu baxbercd hair. '.'Sure," answered tho Jolly nan with, the double chin. "I was once Invited to sing In public and declined." -Indian, spoils Sentinel. Tlcntr Dropped. Flytter I suppose there's money to be picked up In tho stock market Fluttercr Thcro ought to bo. Why. I myself have dropped considerable of it thprc. Boston Transcript ' Mneh tVater I'nmped. The greatest pumping plant In tho world Ii one which draws 0,000.01X1 gallons of wnter n tfny 387 mllea, to tho gold fields at Bulla Bulling-. Ann tralia. A- "Ivo th Tooop" .nlltTy. The crookedest railway In the wo-Jd ts ono from Boswell to Frledens. IV.I. the air line dlstnnco being five mllei. The road donbles on Itself four time?, nnd nt one point, after making u ! .p of about five miles, the rond comes onck to within 300 feet of Itself r.u s grade flfiy feet lower. TTIoiv to Mnke Cnndy Dn-r-i. The gayest candy bos' for Christ mas are made of tarlatan In shade of. red, blue, pink and grcn. These are cut square, oblong. Fti eking shaped or circular, nre enihroldend hi tinsel cid hnve n drawing string of baby rib'., in or colored worsted. Pretty hags i ra mndo by sewing silk American V.. ;a together nnd shirring about an ii h from the top with red satin ribbon. Paper muslin bngi. shaped to simulate, pointed caps, turned upside down nud' filled with candy, aro popular with i young folks. .fliirisi, Uri.C: -LiIEj. & Matsonm ; "i. X - jv. . tc Ja6.,!.AUaTA"''-j