. t ' Mfl nr?r?w-M5. a-V&Mtj55G$L. WdMBUV-- AftXy.. (KSja-asuw -i$tsUa tKifts-i.nrf "ft - ki;t -if"' " - lA - '-"-' -' ......fc-..l.f-l imlU i tmUdm wttdJ4imiM k unfmiii UllMiWi nil m m COLOMBIAN COMMISSION AT PANAMA , Sent There Under U, S, Protection Upeolot to the Mall. l'nMRinn, Nov. 10 Colon itilvtcos re ceived (rum (loloiiiblit nay Hint tint corn - mlndon mint to I'linnmii 'asking her to nilliniili))i Independence ntu routing to I'.tiuuim thin itfluriioori under tliu pro (fiction o the Uiiltinl HtntoH mnrliirB, mnl worn tnkmt off tho Hrotln In liontn, Ami runt thnro by tho American crulnnr DUIii. Tim Imttlimlilp Maluu arrived tliU innriilrig, WHAT KF.R MAIL BACK Slides and Trees too Much For the Carriers from OnturUay'e Dally. , Mnrtdillultl j'oplti weru favored with two mail ytttlr!ny, Mm delnyrd until nirltlu, in Uiji nlwln, Mini tint regulnr until IllKtllt II ,, in. .',. Ward, of ltnltle oieek, wan a pn Ififik'nr on Hi" iUttn which na1! duliiyrd, Hml limi nit IittfrtNttinv: tinm of it. It n"jiiii (lull U.ttitorru win not r-n had rant of thn Court Hmiirm an on tin eltle, nml luthotirh tber hitl it little trMible they c ied tho it'v'iU it I iiit on tiinn. In t I'unyiiM H-.t'ir tfotililf coiii.uoiired, it tin JifnV) rain bad IoocwijnI thing .p ami litre tttio iiiimriiiif muiil ..dei in tht road, aid thtt) tune oiillicil to nhi!r.b to t by om of thuni. Vht tinully round! UtK' Horn, hut on tntl M Umjt fin4 h Junto lro thnt hiil ftllvn d.in ih mouutnin nnil hrok rii off ami ! nr,rn an-1 ti in lint i 'l alHiMl f Hti'" ojrond f.Aird Y. '1 hey utttil if. ffloit to tret Urn atiptt hy. but maMy it up, 1 uki ,g th I.'tm'h t down lOtlHI rt.tlOHt J. D. LHIfll'll, , wlieru tt.-y tl tlit iiIkM. In tlt worniuifH rrttw went out nml coi t o ta through, aaiktMl hy J, 0 llnl aud a tp'ti of im-n vr .rUnw f rjiimon ttin toh'taph Hun. In Pmmu. tt-r vnllvy tin-) I.immI dM thu tntT tln-y c mid iiiiviKHif t li ihn ti4t;, altljonuli it hud then fa!lu I'inkltlvralilv. At Mr Kliili'V thv him tt out Ktdng mail nml thu tttHUi and drlvnt toriifd li.tck with out rbt lo put t tlirouh 'li.uni no i xtiu ti'tun wan pnt on to rri Hm do liiywl nnli Into Hninnar, wrurult atriv d ulKiut II p. ra. ntid win bt unlit through to Miirihriwld on tl.o .'ti. 'Ih noxi day'a oi.til huh oul XIiouih Indiln ', Imt it had to lny ovir.ut Ktunncr until inoriiittKi tthvu Citpt. Iliuri bmijfhi I' ilnMi on hiu riihr trip. Mi. Ward iiH that nvttry ff.i t twin Hindu hv i'ih carrliTH l it thu ninil tlirnuh aa cii:!ily He piMNihlo, nml iiWthiT lintjc- nJr mun tviuu npnnid. Hit aim myii limi thtt ruutti ih plumlidlv t-t'l;ud v I'd icood hormiH nml limy nro In fino I'onditioii. tint (net tlmt ieiluitlity'a mull would Imvo ron chad Mnri'tifmld in itn iiMinl liimt, 7 or rS houra nhoiul of tho iludulo, limi tliorn tioon un oxtru lauut'li to IuIhr it from Kitiiinnr, npealci well for tho tor viiw on tho roud, tiud vt mny ri'Kt as un mhI that iiontrui'tor l!itni(s nill not uli'iw tliu uiiiIIh to lo dulayi'd tin un-i.t-i'tihtiury hour, this Winter. Why. "Lllllun Ih liot wuro (hat nlio lovort Walter, SouiellmeH nlio tlilnt. nho iIoch, ami at othor tlmeii iiIiu'h eon vlnced Hho iIoohii'I." "Anil yet hIio la koIiik to many hlmV" "Oh. yen, tlmt'ti all Hcltleil " "Hut If she 1m not Hiiro uho loves hltu why (loenn't nlio hnmlt tho enKiij,'U' ment?" "HeeaiiBo nho Ih twciJty-soven."K(ui' iiih City Journal. FIGHTING FOR A MILLION Opcclnt to tho M4ir. Bnn Krnnplfou. Nov, in Plucky Icnu Bwitntou, n Noiiid young Indy ih fighting Uhns, I) I.nno fpr it nilllloii ilollnra Nnmn mining clnlni, wan granted tlilo morn- ItiK n 00 ilny May by tho Circuit Court of Appeals, Him will nppmil to thu Unltml States Htipromi! Court for cer tlornry. ON THE RIGHT TRACK Detectives Upon Trail of Assaulter of Mrs, Ames Prom Sunday's Dally. A rian Frituclnco dlnpntch tinted No 10, mtyn thnt tho local ri-crot rorvlco ! pnrttnuut rcclviil Iti'tructlonij from Wanhlnitton, I). C. to invfntlKnl tho brntnl attack nntdii upon .Mrn.Amo", of Mnrnlillnld. Ortnton, nbout tin ilnya iiro, whlli'i'iiroiitti from thin city toMiirhfinld on thu Btcitiuur Alllancu Howitrd Ijihh the nlKlitwntclimnn on thn Allinnco, tvnn nrmatml tndny nnd In dc-Ulucd nd n wituuni. IIu hna titled tho ailltnt of Mm. Amen wiinTliom.t Dtvis, it ttnltcr ndnptul to the punVfl of pacific In who lift thu rtvmiiiir tovcrnl dnyn mK- nt d,1Htr'- T,' "t,,or ot t,l,H IntermtltiK Ktirukn. A purprlnrit DiiUf. Jiint after thu lute Utiko of ltli'h tnoinl nnd Oordou ri'tvlvitl Urn InttiT lialf of Ida tltlo he win crvuted I)ul:u of Gordon In January, 1S7J lit wiih r-t'tit to UiIh country na prMl(li'iit of thu Ilrltlnh couinitHnlou to our tviitennlul oxpiHltlou. Wlillo In tlila country ho ht'iinl of a cvrtiilu tilctnm owned hy u country woman In which hu thought bi inlKht bo IntcrfMtcd, and m wroto to Imt, uhIiii; tho olllclal ntutloiiory of tho courinliotloii atul hIijuIdk hlmxtdf, na a iKiTdix'K. hluiply hy thu iiuiiii'it of Ida title, "Illchuiontl and Gonlon." iluch to IiIm nurjirlHo and n kckxI deal to bl dliKUHt for hu had preclmt Idi-aa iih to IiIh (Utility iih a diiko-tlic letter which ho rectdved In iiiihwlt to IiIh wiih ! uililrufiM'il, "ilewirH. Itlclimoud A: Cor don," nnd Iwruii, "Ciuntleinen!" Af flir. Norliitilf. Mr. HllptoiiK'iie-I havo not met your wife. Ih h1ii here thlH ovenliiK? Mr. Ilnnanini' Yh, hut JiiHt at UiIh moment nhe Ih euciiKetl over thore at the piano. Mr. KlIptouKtie (with afTected enthu. hliiHiiD-Ah, I see! She Ih that Koddetm like beauty who Ih playliiK an iiccom imulment for tho mouutnlu of llehh who Ih hluejni'. Mr. IlaiiHoino (Htlllly) My wife does not play; she slupi. IaiiiiIoii TeleK'apli Thore nrc n great many hungry benrted women who would attend n bnny sale if iNtbies were ever offered for s.ile, liccausc there aro n great ninny wives who love children ami bnvc been told by jibyl cbina thnt they can never hope to nurse it child of their own. Some of tbse women who bnve nseil Fir Pli.roo'tt l.nnrtlrt Pr(wMellr,i fn Mi cure of womanly Ills have been ninde nappy mot Kent aa a result ot tne cure pt womanly disease and tlve building tip of the general health. Doctor Plercc'a Ifavorite Prescription makes weak women strong nnd sick women well. It establlahes rcgulnrity, dries weakening drains, heals inflamma tion and ulceiution and cures female weakness, " I wrote to you iom time ngo to ft Inrormit. Hon ntiout my cac .fy Mm, Mnry Lie Man ary, of Oryde-.t, va. "I wa tronblct with lemnlc wvuViichi nml imlm. 1UI-J nuswer front you, mlvihliijr me W tulte Doctor rLrre'a i'nvorltc i'n-.icriiitlDii nint ' OoUon Mmllml Vln. tovery.' I took two tottlen of 'Puvoritr 1 io ct liilon ' atul fnutitl It ilttl mc kooJ, 1 Imt Ik-lii mnrrlcd four year unit Imrt no chlldrm; iiw I cuil any that our )ioui l lilrnl wild ij little lnby boy, liorn July loth, by the lieln of Ood niul your meillcliic. 1 praU your modldne liinlily, You cau putill-h tliU letter If y with," Funic. Dr. Plercc'a Common Sotisa MedlcaJ Adviser n :nt free on receipt of Htnnijw to wy expense of mailing onlv. Bend at one-cent ttntnps for the book In jwner covera, or 31 .statu pa, for the plojtli lound volume. Address Dr, R.V. Werw, IJuiTalo, N. Y. t yfT " I kHAJ lT A NEYY-METAL .1 Pooolblo a Valuable Mflttl Is 'Found In Joseph Irfo County Frtm Gundny'a Dally, A now mctnl linn bnnn dlfcovarpil nt tint iilocor inlncn nrnr Ornnta Vun. "J'l'oiililncltit" la iho nnmn itlvnn nn unknown or rathor unidentified, tnntnl that Ih found in connldcrohln qtiaiitltlf in tho plnror tnlnfa of wcotcrn and noutliorn JoFcphlnn County, From tho Wllron plncora of Waldo n Inr(?nftlBntlty of "Jonuphlnnlto" la found ovory icnnon In tint proccim of Kold mlnlntfi and un- douhtrdly n cotioidorahln portion of thn tnntnl la lout, nn no particular palnn p tmld townrd nvn( It. "JoMiphitmlto" linn tho luntor and color of ollvcr, nnd occur; In to form of iiukkcIm. They rnno In alie( from thiti of n rnffi-c ttraln to n tnnrhle. Tlie itru tmooth nnd eupcVptitilo to a fine pol Irh, nnd do not occur In tho rncged, un nhnpitly fit'hion that cold nnnneta ar found, For want of n bnttnr namo the Htrnntm tniital in called "JottiDhineito" In lienor of tho county Ih hlch HI ' lomiil. Knmph'S of tho matal havo been mint to mntnl-lnrttl-tn nnd mlneraloBl-ta J of not in nolli tho Woel and Kaet, hui thiiB far thu motnl contlnuea to be called Joeophlneito." IndUNtrlnl fliltmarlre. Tito mihiuuriim hu nt Lant boon ucinrvfiiH'iii in, iiinirujinaiui vuuuku, u mlnliitor of religion, tho Abbo Itnoiil of Tuula. IIU Htibinnrinc Is n dlvln iKiat of huiiiII dliiK'UHlonn, worked hy threo Htrotnr HcrvWH nnd nianlpulntcd from within. It la Intended to bo uncd for tluj iurjOHCH of tbc pearl nnd fI)iiK' llHhcriea and for exploring the ocvun'H xx. Itecently n dtaceut wiij. iiinitij to a depth of forty-ono ynnlt In tluj pilf of Colettn, nnd tho little craft Kuvo n very Kood account of ltaclf. DUpokiiI nf XrnnffP. An exhntiHtlvc report hat been laimcd by tho Worceatemhlre (Kn'lnnd) coun ty council ujvon the bacterial treatment of aowiiKv by different mctliotbi. The roueliiHlon nrrlvinl nt Ih thnt tho beat method for the treatment of domestic eewnuo Ih n clomM Coptic tnnk with bncterlnl bedt tilled with coko, which wan found to Ixj better than conl, brlek or Htono, two bncterlnl bed being pro vldwl to bo uaed ultenuttcly to avoid ponding. A IlnrBiiln. 1 had n regular bargain lunch to day." "llnrgnln lunch?" "Ves; BO cents reduced to hnsh." Clncluuntl Commerclnl Tribune. WI1011 WrtafiliiKlott Won IiinuRtiratrit. On tho occasion of Washington's fcee nud Inaiigurnl many of tho memlxint nf congrrtt-i were deHlroiis of waiting -n lilm In teHtlmouy of reHoct as chief maclstrate. A motion wns made to fuUourn for half nn hour for tho pur K)e, which, however, met with grent opiMvsltlon iih n Hpcclea of homngo "It was Netting up nn Idol dnugorous to liberty; It had n blua toward mon archy." A XntiirhtV-cnl lSzperlenoo, Ynchter SeeniH to 1110 you had n nqunlly time at your Iiouho Inst night. Young Kather Yes, Indeed! Tho ten der Willie, with whnt might Iw termed "bare poles," was cnuglit by a spank tng breojto iiHtern. Totyn nnd Country. Pop' Grlcvnnoe. MothfirToinmy, Mop asking your father ho ujhny questions. Don't you eoo It nnuoyu him? Tommy Wlty, mothor, lt8 not the juentlona that make him nngry. It's jocauso bo can't answer them. Punch. The Sort of a Follow Ho I. Knlppe What sort of a fellow Ih Johnson T Tuoquo Oh, ho la ono of that kind of man who nro' always remarking, "It looks na though we'd hnvo a llttlo rain baton) night." Symcuso Herald. To lnvf Street With Mill. h Mtiu. "I lV?Vr .hi mi it is A laud llowlng with milk dent lden, but streots paved n notion essentially modern. It Is be- mik eiuiH 1 ruiiweu to uio mtinrci-. iwiiij ui iHiu tj- u comntcior or standing. Ho claims for u pnvemont of Indurated milk tho advantngos of dura-1 blllty nnd nolselessiiehs. Perhaps also In t hues of dlsttvss and turbulence It might provide a resourco nttractiyo onough to tV vert tho pnpulnco fn.111 barrlendea nnd bombardment of tbo aiicho uiciiHio uomiuos, nico, cigar iioiu- crs, canes, umbrella handles, fork and Dooua. I mitillf. frirpofl. It In unlinr friilli tlinf at ...... .. . . . .. . .. ... ........ .-.... gniHs which wotiui require turco notirs jf0 your tho iiiinronchliiGr doll innltnrH' ovli lit. ...1.1. 1 .... i. .. ""' ."" . f nil Imm will lift .1 rrfi.rlf i.n.nlr ( . ... ... .. .. Oliratlll Ol " " w ; " nour witn an nuiomouiio as tuo motivo Tho'W'n objects mndo from Indurntod milk. nnuw. Tim . nnn,in w,i,.i, u A PERTINENT QUESTION Asked by Opponent of Mail fiotite Change Prom Baturday'a Dally. finlTOB COAHT MAtliS In yolir Imiio of Nov, lOih c the Dally Coast Ma. n momber of the Coon Uny Chamber of Commerce presento Bonie of thn rnanonn why they cbdrJrso a chfttijfo In mail aervfci It would appear from" thii artlclti that tho Chamburof Commerce bawi their advocacy of the proposed change upon roprefentatlinB tnado by "rceponnlbla parties" anil hu nf otnn that theio part'ea aro "wllllnit to undcrtnko by contract with U, H. Kovurnment to carry rut tho propoaed rchednlo." It would tliun aptiti.-tr that thoae "re aponclblo pllftlie" uru alno Interested partlon flnnnclally and how far their interest may Influence their etatement I will nol fay, but I would liko to ask the Hon. momber if theso "responsible partita" have a poaltlvo assurnco of eecurinp thu next mail contract. If eo by what means havo they ob tained it. We had uppoeed that con tracts were awarded to the lowest re reaponeoblo bidder, but if mlatakea wo would gladly be eel riirht. Wo would romind tho Hon, member that the tak 01 dmnoimtrntion dovolven upon the alllrmattve and hence the tnk of demonatratlon I for thosy that favor this chango not Its opsonentr. From tchfdulos, ttatcmebtB and articles wo can only form an opinion .tiid tho di'tni ce botween opinions ai d demonitra'iona maybe just the differ ence between error nnd truth. Out thus far it would ecem lo us that the weight of the argument la tn favor of present route. Tho Myrtlo Point Fchcdulo which the Hon. member introduces into bis article ib a uoomernug in iiia Town camp. 1 Thla pchodule is 22 hours in winter. How are they to (out thta down 8 hours an 1 carry hu additional 1M) !Ki? The wisdom of the Chain eer of Commerce cin olonit determine. It is possiblo thtt tho "cannot b- dono" of ''Jsmes" may have some weight with thinking people at this point. Mr. J..tlrd has had much ex.' , ,.i. i. .. ..... porienco with mail matters in thN county. When v.o remember the molbods by which this moil was beforo tnKon from thepreseut routo our friends willhav,. ,, , . , I to oxcueo-us if wo are some whnt reluct-! ant in nccoptiuK all iiroiniees now madu. Did thoy give a better mail eorvice? The artlclo "Lest we Forgot" to flip pantly spoken of by tho momber of Commerce is a completo anewer to this quonion. F. E. S. LOWING WITH AUTOMOBILE AdaptnbUitr to Farm t'aea of Ordi nary Machlue Deiuonntrnted. An Interesting experiment was re cently tried on tho llnser cstuto at Ashtabula, 0., where sparks from a passing train had set fire d tho grass hi tho adjolnmg meadows'.. To copo with, 'tbo flro plowing was necessary, and, tho horses not being available at that hour, tho owner's nutornobllo was pressed into Berviee. Ropes from tbo ends of tho slnglctreo were attached to tho rear axle of thu machine. Mr. Raser held tho plow handles, and his brotbor operated tho automobilo. Furrow h,v were turned, but It was found to bo lmposslblo' to opcroto tho machine slowly enough to gut tho best ,rcailts. In ordor to do this It would bo necessary to gear down tho ma chlno to n slower ruto of speed. The te.iue.cv wtiio J.iow v..H to aaiuiiuii ground In places, nnd It was with dlf- Acuity that the man at tho plow ban-, drM ,,d koc1 Ul, Th0 automobile, towovcr. servell tho plneo of. a plow' horso BHtudontly well for tho purposo Ul UIVUU.IIU llll UIU CU11IIV.U Ul ItlU i..i.i .... .i. .... ih.i gromul, tiud tho work was dono more rapidly thnn it could havo been in any other way. rJi0 ant' tC8t Jwi to another in n fi w dn-yBf Whcn nn aero and n half of gr..ua wn(J to D0 niowctl. Here, too, It was rouiul iniposslllo to opcrato tho nm- ci,ino as slowly ns was desirable. How- ovP. it wna nmvwl that n ntot ., ot tno gnBolln,o typo, wolgbs 1.S00 pounds, tu& haa a seating capacity for four persons ,... . .. -...-. .., . ....... .- BU'llK. ICMU TRIAL OF ESCAPED CONVICTS Special to the Malt. Sacramento, Nov, lfl--Tho trial of con vict John Wood ono of tho Kolflom prIon ercapos was begun this morning Assistant District Attorney Yell, and warden elect of tho Folsom, prison fs conducting tho cneo for the people. FITZSIMMONS TO FIGHT CORBETT Special to tho Mali. " Ne& York, Nov. 10 Arrangements have been privately made for a 20-roun'' fight between Jim Corbott and Fitzeim mon. by tho Yosemito clab of San Francisco, early in May, unless the lat ter Is whipped by Gardiner. feERUM OF MILK. Vnlanble rlcoT?ry Which Art 00 I'neuinonln nml Kcrrrx. A very Interesting commrMeotlon wits made tit the Madrid medical cou gresH by M. Hlondcl of 1'arU on the physiological and tliernpeutle proper ties of n serum mnde from milk. The scrum Is obtained in a state of purity by the rapid coagulntlnn if milk at fW ilegr"cs C. by meaiih of nn acid, neutralization by nodtt nnd filtering by tho Chamlerland porcelain bougie. This new Kcrum, which iroHsesies re markable properties, unnoticed until now, has been used In dally subcutane ous Injections on n healthy man for a month without any Inconvenience. Un der Its Influence the appetite bee-uuo Rtiurnor. nml tlio lrciionil cnnillttiiii Wiirt , much imnrovl. notwlthstaudlin: n loss of weight sometimes reaching up much uh 200 granii nftor each Injection. Moreover, there Is n notnble Inereano of uron, uric add nnd phosphates In the urine. If tho Injections are mnde at extended Intervals, the elimination of these excreta nevertheless continues to be more than the normal and reach- the normal condition only by do - therefore, that the iterutn ... . . ... has a marked action on the nutrition by hastening the process of tho oxlda- , Hon nnd dlsasslmllatlon. It Is couse- ,IMllcatC(l -, K0Ut. All. ministered tho day following nn attack of 'Is disease It caused n now crisis within twenty-four hours, with an enormoI1, discharge of uric acid. Tho immediate effect of an Injection of milk Beruin Is tho lessening of the pressure of tho blood. Perfectly Indi cated on this account In tho treatment of sufferers from nrterlo-sclerosls, whose stiff, frlnblo blood vessels threat en rupture, Its action requires to be closely watched. Its application must bo progressive nnd not sudden, in or der to avoid syncope. Another most Interesting character istic of milk serum Is Its action In fevers. In thirty patients, for tho greater part under the care of Dr. A. Robin nt the Hopltnl do Pitle. the Bcrum, administered to subjects suffer ing from various Infectious and with temperatures varying from 30 degrees to 41 degrees C, produced n lowering of temperature which nover failed. In a "pneumonia patient tho lowering of tho temperature- on the second day mtis from 30.5 degrees to Q7.S degrees C. In a enso of typhoid fever It win from 41 degrees to 37.5 dogroo C,-ln several patients suffering from severe puerperal fever It was from 40 degrees to 38 degrees, 37 degrees and 80.4 de grees C. Flxlnu the lllauio, "The trouble ain't with the farm. mM U)0 oU, ,,,, ..Tf u,0 f ,,,., hnvo to (ln nnvMlIn ,lllt linllftPf ,.ai)I, .. u,d llo ,.,. ,n nn . ' .. - n.f " U " LZ7to cJll uf iVln' on it so i re blnmo."--01iIcaL'o Post -- .. t"r .w.. 1 the bunlen o rcckou wo'ro tu -..-.. o- - - IiOHliifr mi Opportunity. "Tho curtain goes up at 8:15. so we'll be Just In time." "Hut If, wo havo n box It really seems slinmo to bo so punctual." Drooklyn Life. Somo people want you to give them ovorytiung ror nothing, including your liberty (your labor) and your happiness. Schoolmaster. Iter How will you'havo your iyt Tho Crank-Ob, I mipposo burned, m usual. Youkcra Statcsmuii. CON0HESS '" GETTING it to Work Cuban Treaty May Be Ratif ledTh ursday Special to trie fAjAK ' Wnshlnaton, Nov. 18 In thtt" House' today Dalzoll offered a privilege resolu tion from the committee 6n rtilop, pro viding for tbo immediate consideration of tho Cuban treaty, prohibiting amen J roonts and providing for a voto not later than Thursday. Williams spoico against it. It was adopted 170 to IDS, Funeral of Thomas Hirst From Tuesday's Dally. Tho fnneral of the Into Thomas Hl'St took place at 2 p m yesterday afternoon; from tho family residence Rev. Ww; Uorsfall conducted tho Episcopal ser vice at the houBO, and tho funeral waif under tho auspices of the I. 0. 0: F.J who conducted the services at tbo grave; the Robekahs attending In a body, as did tho Knights of Pythias alio. The pall bearers wore 0 II. Mrrbant, John F, Uall, George Btauff, L M. Ndble, A. W. Neil and Matt Bowron. The- weath er was quite favorable nnd the attend ance was very large, an evidence of tho high esteem in which the dccoitsVl was universally hold. THIRD LUNG FOR FIREMEN; X'arlnluu Device to Avert Smoke .Suffocation. Thnt ho mny with Impunity rush Into fire nnd smoke, saving the lives of oth ers with 11 modicum of risk to bis own, the Tnrlslnn llrcmnn Is to bo provided with n third lung. This new member of bis olllclal anatomy bo will wear Strapped to bis back. Tljua nccoiitered the firemnn may breathe purest air while working In that most foul. First there la a mnsk, which may bo attached to tho helmet by means of , -Attncl to ttTalr oln Lor "lm?'" Is n co?p,r .tUJ,C' "'''J ' trnnnilB ivininroRsiVl nlr tn the inmitli straps. The visor of mica Is protected transmits compreshod nlr to the mouth of the wearer. A second tubo emits I'lItCMAN EQCirPED TOB WORK. Uio used air. Tho air Is Injected : Vj the man's rcnl luugs at a uormal pi.s sure, so thut breathing Itself is ren dered well nigh nicdiaulcal. The ears nro In HO way obstructed, and the rlugtug of n tiny bell Is tbo flremnn's wnrnlug that tho supply or compressed nlr In his knapsack la run ning low. no must tlton hurrj awuy and bo newly "charged." Tho Invention Is thnt of a member of tho city flro department Tho eontrlv unco will bo put into general use In Paris. Cyrus Towuscnd Drady haa a frlcwi who had been to visit a young married couple. "Can Tom's wife sew?" Inquired Mr. Brady. "I dfdn't And that out," replied ids friend, "but &ho can rip and tear all right" Philadelphia Ledger. I'mverful Coaat Gnnii. In tho gun trials conducted by tlw Chilean naval commission Merars. Vlckors, Sons & Maxim have estab lished a record In power for tholr IVin inch naval or coaBtdcfcnso guns. Onoi of theso guns, mndo for the new Chil ean battle ship Llbcrtad. can perforate, the latest tvne of six Inch'tinnor at, I rango of between three and four mlle ln if i .aaaaa-aaaMBBVHMwnaMMUalaiaNaMHHM va . -vTTt.'A AFtfa