irwSSSSiSH :iTwniwqwwqni9BBi tiM jffiSrffirsff ;, "-tfaijrr.teatT.aairft;! ftgras rfl W JKOVIOKN'l'rALLVT Aft ' mrnm inu; hh unuli ono nmy Intorprot tho cimo, tho ulnvwi woro (iinaiicipatod. Now, thin wan a great ovont in tlio history of tho colored pooplo. If a man hua boon in jail ovon llvo yearn it hi u momontoiw In Htant for him whon thu warden Hlip the IkH and lie HtopM out 11 freo imn. Mut if ho was a criminal flvo mliiutoa bo- foro ho w.ih Hot freo 11 K WAS JUST AS MUCH A ClUM- l.N'AL KIVK AIINIITKS AFTKIl UK HAD UK EN LIST OUT INTO T1IK KUliSIL A 1 11. . Thiu Hupjionod iiiHtnnro of tho convict Ih in principle oxnetly what ocflurrod in tho ciiho of tho blaolw. Kinaneipatioii pushed tho bolt for thorn; It lot thorn out Into tho puiiHhino. Chango of clrcuin ptancca in no index of chango of character. Conntructivo work has firnt of all to bo put iutj powoiiality, not into condition, and it la intonating, 1 may remark, by tho way, Unit tho !OKE CONSIDt EUATK AND 8K.WSIHI.K MKMUKIW OF TE EMAUOt l'ATJCD HACK AUK HKCOOXIZINU WAT FACT. IniiHrlriw V.y: ' ntteredlted Nallves. It lit until Unit tliero In ii woman In In tlio government of their Emit In Manchester. Ciigluud, who has eye ' rtlnn possessions tliti Hutch Imvo n law 'ivlilcli iniiKiiiry object llfiy time Uii'lr iinttiriil nIzi AAA A A A A An Old ! SMITING Author . i i i ' 'I I IT III! M'Tii old JuiIko, In relentlen iikkkU (ihiiKvil nt tin (wo who In-fore him Htood Kln wax bowiil anil hiiKKinil and old, lie w.ih joinix and dellant nml bold, Mother and hoii; and to Kiir.i- nt the pnlr, liHir ilirtiriMit ntlltuiK-H, look ami air, One would bellfvo, tiro thu truth wen; ktiOWU, 'the niothur coulctud and nut thu noti. Therx wiim ihe mother; tho boy Htowl nlKb With a Hliumelt-NH IimiI;, mid IiIm bend held blKh, Ae hnd (iiiue over her, norrow and enruj 'i'lu'Mi uiuUtrvil but lllllii wo ho wiih theru, A prop to her yean ami it lllit to bur ejus, And prized nn only a mother can prize; Hut what for lilin could a niothur Hay, WultliiK hi doom on a nontoncu dny. tlur hiiiband had died In IiIh xlinnio and ln; And hhe a ldiw, her lUlm; to win, Had lulled and Hti Uk'Kli-d from moiii till night. Making with want a weariNome llht, Ment titer her work with ntnolutc zeal, Till Hhe felt her old frame totter and reel, Her weak llinlm tromblu, hur eon ktow dim; Hut Hho had her Uiy, and hIio tolled for blm. And lie. lie Htood In tho etimlnnl dork, With a heart iih hard ait a lllnty rock, An Impudent Klance. and a recllluioi air, IlravliiK tho Mcorn of iJic uurern theru; I lipped In crime and oiicoinpiD-Hinl round With proof of IiIh putt by eaptorri found, Iteiuly to Ktaud, ab hu phriiMil It, "kuiiio," Holding not erltiio hut penitence, uhuiuu. I'ourcd In n Hood o'er tho mothor'a chock The luolHteoliiK prnyerH wburo Uio toujruo wns wonk, Ami Hhe nnw throiiKh tho mUt of thOBu bitter tenra Only the child In hlu innocent yearn; She rememhe-ed him pur iih a child inlht bo, The Kiillt of the present hho could not nee; Ami for mercy hor wlHtful hokH madn prnyor To tho Mtern old Ju(lu lit IiIh cuuhloued chulr. Woman," tho old JiiiIku crabbedly Hnld "Vour boy Ih the uclKhbnrhood'H phiKUo uud drend; Of a kuiiK of rcproliatcH cIiohcii chief; An Idler and rlotor, rulllaii and thief, Tho jury did rlht, for tho fncln woro plnlu; Denial Ih Idle, oxcuhch aro vain. Tho Hcntonco tho (X)urt Imposen Ih ono" "Your honor," uho crlod, "Iio'b my only aon." Tho coiiHtahloH Krluaeil nt tho wonlH hIio spoke, And a rlpplu of fun throiiKh tho court-room broke; Hut over tho fnco of tho culprit caino An niik'ry look and a Hhudow of uliame. "Don't IntiKli at my uuttherl" loud cries ho; "You've i;ot mi) fast, ami can deal with me; i Hut hIui'h too K't)tl for your coward JeerH, Ami I'll" thun Ida uttoraiico choked with tcarx, 'lho judKO for n moment bunt IiIh head, And looked at him keenly, and then ho until: "Wo HUHpend tho iiontunco, the boy can ko;" And tho wordu woro tromiiloiiH, forced and low, "Hut Hiiyl" and ho ralued IiIh IIiikoi- then "Don't lot them brlim you hither iiKalu. Thorc In soiiiulhliiK Kood la you yet, I know; I'll kIvo you a cliaaco inaku tho most of It Got" Tho twain wont forth, and tlio old Juilgo Bald; "I meant to liavo given him n year Instead. And perhnpH 'tU a dlllult thing to tell If clemency hero bo 111 or well. Hut a rock way struck In that cnlloun heart, From which a fountain of good may Htart; For ono' on thu ocean of crlmo long tossed, Who loves hla mother la not qulto lost" t .t VVVVVyVVyvyVVVVVfVVVV sssk: EMANCIPATION AND CITIZENSHIP lly llcv. Dr. C)lRLC8 II. PARKIIURRT of New York '.. or h a rcnult of tho war, acoord- which provide tlmt tho testimony of ono White innti hIiiiII bo equal to Unit of Ruvoii native. Fa - Oorite - THE ROCK Unknown o j o j o x o x o 1 o s l o J o Ct o (1 o u o 1 o t lOI oo tOI otto OJ oio o ojo IOI 0!0 0I oi oio OI OtlQ IOX oo OJ oo JOI oo t01 0!O ,ior ojo OI ooo or ,oCjo ior otto -o OttO OJ So'g OttO Uoi OttO toi OttO 0I OttO 0l OttO or otto aor OttO JOI OttO oj otto tto otto io otto JOJ OttO tt-Ol OttO 0J OttO tOI otto otto tfo OttO OJ OttO OI otto aoi 010 ' 4 TO DREAMLAND AND BACK 0 lly W. W. MINES OnvrUlM ', 1U T. 0. Mcflure "in Tunc and perfume hnvo tho powur Id waken inemorlcM lortfc dormnnt. Por Imp It wnti tho half heard Hindu of "II Iluclo" ming softly by n Kir I In ono of tho room which opened off tho piazza. Pcr-biip It wn a breczn from tho boijUi which swept over tho Mutiny water of the Imy and aeotned to bring wlUi It Uio scent of magnolia. At ntiy rata the limn who Mat huddled In Uio great arm clitilr felt himself drifting, drifting b(iekwa,rd, and ho wnn Kind to drift. All through Uio lllne, when fever hnd iniulo him rave, nnd afterward when woalc In body and brnlu nllkc ho had Deemed floating In Hpace, ho hnd wen tho face. Homotlmca when hi ayes woro hnlf hut ho could hco It In n half mittorlnllMil ort of wny, but When hi eye wero fiiHt cloned he mow It lK.'Ht of all. During tho IIIiichm Uio fnco Hcvuietl alwayM U Hinllu at hlinj THE MAN IX TUK UIO AIIMCIIAIH HEEDED not Tiituu woaos. but now iih memory (iiilckuueU ho could hco that tho hiiiIIo wan fading. So bb wanted to drift. Ah the face wiih becoming fainter nnd fainter each day ho hntcd tho Ufo which hnd been coming back to him so nlowly Why could ho not hnvo entered when ho Htood ho near the door of J death? In Umo tho fnco would be on the other Hide of that door, too, and tho hiiiIIo would never again fade from the lips. So ho hettled back to a sullen hatred of life, ami the old doctor who had taken n great fancy to hla ungrateful patient Haiti thnt hu munt be roused to an Intercut lu life or lethargy would llulHh tho work ho stronuously com menced by the fever. I'rlemN selected advisedly by Uie. doctor and the devoted nlster who had Htood between him and death for sovou long, weary weeks wero called in to talk with discretion nbout tho sucecm of hlrt novel. The critics bad halted It as the novel of tho decado. Thoy had labeled It author aa a man not of tal ent, but of genliiH. I The man In the big armchair, linger ing thu tassclH of bis robe, looked out across XJ waters ami drifted with Uielr wordn falling on uuhenrlug cars, i Sometimes ho frowned, for their voices Hcomcd to drlvo tbo face from his huu- j gry vision. Then tho sister who had the gift of Intuition went alono to sou Uio doctor, and when uho bnd Unbilled hor story j hIio wiih weeping noftly. The old doc-, tor wiped away tbo mist which hnd gathered In his own eyes, while be aiiHwcrcd with a gruffnesa which his gesture denied: "Aa you will Tho caso is now past me." And so that night tho Bister pent a long telegram to a little town In Iu Islaiin. Then she wont back to bur place at the man's stde, and tho doc tor emtio and went because ho was ' paid to do ho, nnd tho people who ' heard of the case, tried to get u glimpse of the now famous young writer and, shaking their heads, remarked, "What a pity, and JiiHt at tho beginning of a, brilliant careerl" As for tho mnn, bo never spoke of tho Increasing weakness. All ho asked wiih to bo wheolcd each day to the piazza. Hero ho could look out over tho buy and away to the south where tho horizon met tho sea. Sometimes , lie merely sat and gazed apathetically at tho expanse of nea. Moro often ho closed his eyes and waited for tbo face. I It seemed to him thnt tho face hud .., !..(, Ila ltix an i.i.nitii,illi. !,., II ' vuimv jiiiu ilia iiiv mi til iiviiiiiiij liiui it had always been a pnrt of bis Very oxlstenco. It had not always been a baaqtltiil Jftce, jr.o U.. !!& JlobibmUd j aim, Itwas an exacting race. It una grown hard and flushed ono dny when liu wbb but thirteen. JIo had wnnled to llo lint on his back mid watch nn nrmy of whlfo clouds marshaling In tho bluo sky. Tho owner of tho fnco did not enro for tho movement)! of. after all, for when tho fort wii flnlflh el nml her doll hnd been duly reflcii"d by Indian flKhtor nt tho eminent rlHk of tho fort tho cxprennlon of the fnco bnd been utterly lovablo and tender, w lovnblo tlmt ho bnd quite forgotten the cloud nnd tho bluo xky, for even at 4tltl4nfhH A nHH llx.f I.. ..... I.. ...MMI ..M.V.1 U1HJ IMU I1IIU liVUVUU IU Uluf eye. such dlHtnnr nnd unreal object "! T7dy, jour, in or win u. icp7on fenthery cloud, nnd Hho did wnnt n , . fort built. Jlut It wrh worth while, IfoXTnVXu' ' kt"it" ,h' b0"1' Hut DH Uio vonrn rnlliwl nn tlinrri witra' l1ni, rUUhU, Fount. TiU Hood, rMOood. uuw u utu jru,irB roueu on moro wura (, Kltkrnt wno.or unp;io,ti, ndM nt nlwny fort to build, and aomctltnc "'..t'1'1 "'f " "wpi. 4 xowt ; uie cloud anerted Uielr power more itiuag mdt ravm, oucicor kittobk. ntrongly Uum tho gray eye, and then IfFFP YflllR Rl (11111 HI Pit Uio fnco romnlned hnrd nnd angry for,Lt' IUUI1 ULUUU ULfcAI. hours. Later Uio girl did not domnnd. ----- -, fort for hemelf, but woinethlng tangi ble for him. Homethlmr belde n nur-1 wll n Uio Onft or nor trontli wimen- pult of cloud. Hut ho loved Uio cloud,' the hrenth of Uio dnnk wood, Uio murmur of Uio Ben. Ho would alt for hour In the heart of a buy city and watch peoplo-Hlt and do nothing. Ho Mid he did not en re thnt hi fnUier nnd hi grandfather beforo him bad been grtnt Midler; that another grandfa ther hnd founded a powerful mercan Uio firm. Ho wanted what ho could not nny, but Uiexe was tlma, and time! n" x . 4 . . would tclL 1 Tl10 crnedy mcrchnnt hnd expcctel Ho tho hnd paused out of hi life, tnnt M woebegone appearance would leaving a greater void than be hnd over ' ,w lauh but ?e" be wnB aa 0D dreamed It could leave. And then he , ,Bhe,, nt tho ronr wulch wcnt UP when hnd learned Uint work wn good, espe cially to nil void. It hnd been mining In tho night, nnd now the veil wiih lifting from tho sen, which spnrkled In greeting to the tardy HtmlwamH. The man watched the bnzo ns It Urst quivered, then melted beforo the mys of light. Tho man sighed. Hu felt that tho veil was lifting for him. He wai seeing things too clearly, and, H'elng thus, he knew thnt the light of reason would banMi tho fnco ulotig with tbo mint of wenkneHS. Ho closed hli eye. I'erhnps It would come back to him once more, nnd surely It would ml!o now. Suddenly bo pressed hi hand to gether, nnd something like n sob rose In his heart Tho faco hnd never been ho dlhUnct. Thcro wero tho clear olive complexion, tho great deep gray eyes und tho wonderful glory of her hair, black a night nnd soft as lloss, mar tllni; in Its vorxlmllltudo to life. He could seo tho curU which frnmed the faco, blown now by tho south wind, und ho could almost detect tho odor of tho violets, which had always bung about hor. Afraid to stir nnd afraid to closo his eyes, oven for a moment lest tho vi sion lose Homcthtng of Its apparent re ality, he fairly held hi breath. "Don't Leslie; don't look llko tbnt! It Is I Jdurionl Don't you know me, LoHllor I'ven then It nil seemed llko a dream. Not until ho felt the cool pressure of her chock ngalnst his and her arras about him did ho understand It was nil real. And nt last ho reached for her bands and held them fast. "Marlon, I've been building forts hundreds of them." She knew what bo meant, becauso sho murmured: "You were always building, dearest It Is I who did not understand." Pro Tin it nta tore. They wero "sitting out" tho dance when Miss Luvllwun glided silently by, waltzing most gracefully. "Oh, Algy," said the girl, "dou't you tbhiU Miss Luvllwun qulto tho nicest girl lu the room V "Why, yes. May, darling, if you think so." "And hor eyes aren't they Just de llghtfuir "Perfectly, petl" Algy agreed. "And hasn't sho tbo prettiest inouth nnd Uio sweetest faco lmngtnnblo?" "Simply charming!" quoth Algy. "And don't you think sho's Awfully clover too? Knows French, and bo-ho oh-o-o!" Poor Algy's faco wont ghasUy white. "Why, darllnR," ho exclaimed, "what ever's the matter? Aro you 111? Shall l"- "Oh-o," Bobbed May, "I thought you loved mo you loved mo best Algy!" "So I do, darllngl" "W-w-woll, how can you ta-tnlk so about Uiat ugly, vulpir Luvllwun girl?" Women Who llute Slen, From time to time htrango Instances crop up of women who not merely re main unmarried of their own freo will, but carry their antipathy to tho oppo alto sex to moat peculiar lengths. Thus ono of these Is utterly resolved to havo nothing whatever, to do with men on any pretext All her food Is bought of women, and consequently meat never appears on her table, smco there is no femalo butcher In her neigh borhood. Not long since a handsome legacy was refused simply becauso It came from a man, while Instances arc known of women who make It their boast thjt they havo neither spoken to nor allowed ono of tho oppostto sex to cross their thresholds for a quarter of a century and upward. Hut probnbly Uio bitterest man hater of modern doya was jjn Austrian .lady BEST FOR THE BOWELS OANDY OATHARTIO EAT 'EM LIKE OANDY ROK1 PcrfecUng an clnbomto plan for Uio ulUmato esUncUon of Uio male sex. Bat lumy find !fln Lira. Tho great stago scene of Uio pleco Was a Bhlpwreck, and after tho vessel bad gone down only the comic man and tho heroine wero to bo seen toss ing on a frnll raft oa tbo boundless they Bnw blm. At last bo was able to get a bearing. "I wish," ha said to the heroine. ' "that wo could get out and walk home, but It' m Jolly wet." TIip audience wns too exhausted to laugh any moro. nnd the voice of the man In tho gallery sounded painfully clenr: "If I wn you," ho snld, "I should do It There's n eat been hopping nbout on the waves for tho Innt flvo minute, and phc don't seem to 'nvc suffered much!" London Answer. 'On mc IIIrIi cna. At Uio bow of the steamer sit (he tw happy young people. "How sweet It seems tonight" ;lp!t the girl. "How sweetly solemn N tin view spread before usl Even tin sea seems to be sleeping ns It lies so placid ly ahead of the boat" 'Yes, love," ngrecs the young mm "It Is asleep In front of the boat rm It Is a wnke behind." Judge. Nothlntr Ilnmemnde, Mr. Caddie I seo you're colnc la for society. Has your daughter mad" her debut yet? Mrs. Kurltch Well. I should Pay no' Sho got all ttoem thing made to ord i in rarls. Philadelphia Press. Told to Faco the Fare Solemnly. Representative Henry S. Houtcll of Illinois, one of the bright men who represent a Chicago district, was re cently In Washington and was asked If ho Intended to remain untU congress met "No," ho replied; "I bavo a number of things to look after at homo; besides. I havo to deliver several orations. I be llovo that Is what thoy aro called. Re garding ono. of thelo occasions,! had v lottor from a friend who was' ono oi the managers of tho affair which said. Harry, tills 1 n farce, but yoa can't jo too solemn about ltk Mexico's Pantheon. A national pantheon is beltur erected I by tho Mexican government In the City of Mexico, tho estimated cost being f3,000,000. It 1 to bo at onco a me morial and a sepulcber for Mexico' groat men. I Smokeless Ctirara Nest! The Illinois Central railroad manage ment U said to bo about to Introduce smokeless engines. So far bo good, says tho CludnnaU Enquirer. Perhaps the noxt reform ought to bo smokeless ' smoking cars. Anyhow there la room for Improvement In that connection. FrequenUy clean men who don't smoke or If tbey do buy cigars of n fair qual ity baro to resort to tho Bmoklng car when Uie other coaches are crowded. Tbey do not like smoke that Is not eveu fit to euro Bldo meat or to paddlo through rivers of tobacco cxpectora Uon. & good many smoking cars aro vll THE ROYAL BOX. Tho German kaiser's daughter Is tnk tng a course In cooking. Tho empress downgor of China, ono of tho most remarkable women of the age, Is ill, ami tho doctors say she can not Hvo a year. King Altonso of Sp"aln reconUy dis tinguished himsolf by shooUng a fero cious bull stnmpeded from a herd that was being driven through the streets of Madrid. Tho Prince of Monaco, on board bis yacht Prlnceei Alj(ce, has undertaken an oxpedltlon to ascertain Uio cause of the death of sardines along tho Brit tany const Queen Alexandra has a favorite tea pot which Is often In uso when tho queen Is at Sandrlngham. It Is ex ceedingly curiqus, very old and Is said to bo of priceless valuo. Tho teapot la In tho BharOi of a etouf Dutchman vltUus ustridu a barre ojlue. AAJj INVALIDS' IN AMERICA. Wiimnti rtiywlflcui .lay the C'ontttrr ! Vail ut Them. At tho aftornoon session of tho sov onth annual convention of tbo Now York, Stnto Assembly of Mother, which wns recently opened In Syracuse, Ui tho midst of a raging storm, COO moth cm were lu their place to hear Mrs. Mnra L. Pratt Chadwlck, M. D of Now York, author of historic and ato rlerf for children, toll them plain truUia (.oncciiting moUiorhood, says tha Now York World. Mrs. Chadwlck flguraUvcly placed a child on tho dissecting table. Thcro wero the tooUi cutting period, the grow ing tall period, Uio growing Htout po rlod, the memory period nnd the periods of Imitation, Imagination and reason; Bringing him up through childhood to adolescence, Dr. Chadwlck snld. wns n .great task, "but" sho went on. "tho adolescent period 1 the time upo i which all Uio futuro depends. Amer ica la a country full of Invalid. The fcal splendid healthy woman Is almost exUnct" In her annual address Mrs. David O. Mcar, president of Uio New York State Asiembly of Mother, said that the chief extension of Uio work lad! been the IntroducUon of a child studyj department In Uio 400 gran Ten in too Atato, thereby reaching Uio mothers of the country districts. Tho assomblyj now alms, ho said, to get Into closer, relations with the public schools and I working to that end. HIS IDEA OF CHILDREN. Chlcaro Cnlrerslty Professor Be lieves In Qanlllr, Not In Qvsntltr. Three notable addresses wro deliv ered beforo Uio Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs at Cairo, II.. the other day. Wilbur S. Jackmnn, denn of tho chool of education of Chicago univer sity, discussed tho "Ideal School." Ho crIUcIsed Uie baro, ugly schoolroom Uiat staad out In marked contrast to our modern churches, clubrooma, lodfie balls and public buildings and tho poor -enMlaUon In Uio schools. Itoforrtng to tuc subject of race suicide, ho Bold. 'The Ideal Bcbool will be aomowhat xH'n-dvc, but you must afford Uie money or you must not havo tho chil dren. Tbo highest evolution Is in quul lly. not quantity. I am not particularly i!!turbod by tho hysteria of our atren- ous friends regarding raco suicide. I i ho course of cvoluUon I beltovo Uirt the raco ha pamMl through and be yond tbo stago of Uio rabbit and U;.i rat. I r.m remlndod of tho fable of Urn owl nnd the eaglo. The formor up braided tho latter for having but two yonag ones while she herself had four. 'Yes,' replied the eagle, 'but mine nru eagles.' I believe Uiat the raco necdi eaglea." nis Experience. Tn," said the boy. looking up from hi book, "what does a man's bctter hair mean?" "Usually, my son." replied his father from behind Uio evening paper, "she mean exactly what sho snys." Phlln dolphin Press. Trnlns nt DroiTnyvlllu. "Wo used to miss that ac-ommodn-tlon train every room'nj:." "What do you do uow that they bnw takoultoff?" Wby. we miss it more than ovor." ChL.0o News. hdford BLACK-DRAUGHT fraStttt, Constipation is nothing more than a clogging of Uio LowtU and nothiui! leu than vital stair- oation or death if not relieved. II every constipated sufferer could realize that ho is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system, ho would soon gut relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, coldi and many other ail ments disappear whon consti pated bowefjarorelieved. Thed lord's Ulack-Prauglit thoroughly cleans out tho bowels in nn easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Do erre that you got the origi nal Thedford's Black-Draught, made by The Chattanooga Modi cinoCo. Sold by all druggists in -o cent nna vi.uu pocsagos Xorf tn, Jlrk. I eSBBOt raconimfmd V (B, ipoj. tuuek. DrsQght toohlrlilMkMoM J sou all Uie ttaie and hut wvil It for t'lf Urf tea yut. l otc fit mr eJUldrvn aoj- otlitr UitWt. I tiltk 1 iouM nTtr b We to itctk Wltfiorit It on aecouni or Demg (roublta nlw cuaMlpttloa. Your mtdleln Ii all tlut kM mt up. C U.1UVABUVD. 1 ii ' 'i .!?, It 'ijk.r vr- r - - 'WJU'yy-' jw tftx. 2vi smjLu&Miii feahgaa .'. w J