rf h. f -rf. "SJ ' i-oAk." k t . .llHlt ATOMAVCOAST MaRSHFIELD, COOS COUNTY, OREGON Nov. 21. 1903 Nb.5i7 MAIL VOI- XXV I, ROOSEVELT A3 LABOR'S HOST PresidentReceivesLa- borDelegates (Opeclal to the Coast Mall.) Washington, Nov. 18 Uponlnvllnllon ol tlm president six members of orn nlred Inbor o( Hutte, Mnntnnn., dlnu at llio Wlillc llntifo thin ovonltig, When tlm President uni. In Itnttu ho expressed himself ah ho Inu highly pleased with the reception itlvifii liltii, nnd itxprsaicd tho wMi thnt ho might show nt tho White Monro hid appreciation of tho hospital My by cuturtnlnliiu mi'inbors of tlio 4 Hulto nulons. A special Invitation was wired to tho I-iitto unions nnd arrangements for thn Unions was nrrnngod, Tho men who nro to pnrtnko of tho President' horpltullty nrn Mnlcorn Oilllon, pnit pron'ilcnt of Hutto Rtntlounry Engineers' I'nlon: Kdwrd Imgof Miners' Union; Daniel McDonald, proeldent of tho Amnrlcnn l.nhor Union; Frank Doyle, prcildcnl of tho'Traden nniI"T.ftbor"""Ae' irtnbly ; M. 1. iKimpsny of tho Minora' union nnd J. W. Gilbert, of tho Iltitlu Wnrklngmon'a Union. FRANCE FOLLOWS OUR LEAD In Recognizing Pana ma Government COlOmbian EmbaSSyg,slKiicdthUIIny.HuennVnrillfttienly Repulsed (Special to the Const Mall.) Wellington, Nov. IS Tho I'rtMiuli Aiiibmudor .liitfteu.ml, thtn morning vlitd tho State Department nnd pro ton' nl nn (illloinl 'iiotillimtlnn tli't tho It-dcIi li.urri'coiMiUiMl Panama. It is ci.ccteil thnt other gimit powuro will I'llolcly follow the procwd-nt. M'niBtet WttllarrnblM (ho Mute Dr. p. rtinont niidor vehtotduv's dctn thut U.irtngnim urilvo 1 nt Colon yiti-rdny and triml to iirriugi nn Atrni'i'.lib htMtlo niDiit with l'nniuiin, Iloilld not Iniid. but wnB uutertnrtied on the H.igBhip. Thoeommitteofiom tho Juntu mot tluun thlfuno'niiitf :uid iiifnimed tliem thnt it wnH too Into, Thn loyomment of Pnnnmn wnH indopondont and won't r tnu'o her Btope ' ('irtugeim nnd loiiiinittoo lenveu imlfht, 'lho lathmiiB. in v ntly uiit, and thnro nro no iudlcnU. u of troublu !nuy-where. CUBA FAVORS PANAMA Will Send Minister to New Republic (Opeclnl to the Coast Mall.) Havana, Nov. 18 Aftor discussion nt tho Cablnot mooting todny Cuba posi tively rehires to comply with tho retjurpt of I'roNldont Mnrrnriuln, of Colomb'a, thnt Cubn r.lvo hor moral support to Colombia opposition to tho now repub lic of I'annma. Kmplusls wan given to Cuba's ntti tudo by Instructions which wore reiter oted to Honor Dnquu Cuban Minister to Pnuama thnt ho treat with tho now gov rnmont in his official (capacity. Cubn will n!so accredit a minister to tho now republic no soon no It is per manently organlted. GANAL TREATY. sicto For Construction Panama Ditch of No Time Lost by Secre tary Hay (Special to the Coast Mall.) Win hiiigtoii, Nov. 10 Secrofiry liny and M.l'hillupo lluonu Vnrillu.Mioisier I nf Pnnnmn. nt (t nVlnrlr vialnrilv nvnii- providing for coustructlan of tho l'linnma rnnnl by the United Ktatoe. Tlio ceremony orrurrod ecerbtly In Ilnv'fi itndy. Thu I'nnnma Minister Mr rived nt Mr. IlnyV hoimo promptly nt 0 o'cloek, hniiiig mndu nn appointment with tho flecrdtury for n conference it thnt hour. 11a waa enrprUud to find tho tiosret.iry hnd beforn him tho treaty, n gros(id in duplienti. Tho Hecrotnry in- formod M, Uinim Vnrilln ttmt ho vu.s rcmly to nlgu tho treaty. Tho minbtor rond tho document cnrcliilly,nud then I e nnd Bocro' ry liny nttnehed their 6ij!iw tares. Coming on Alliance Portland, Or., Nov. 10 Tlio Allinneo enlln this evening with tho following pun flongors for Ooos liny: DhIbv Juckpou, Mubol Jackson, Ed Fink,. 6 Johmoti, Mrti Jiclcnoi;(-U-Aiulor8on, 1U1 DiiigliKin Hoes Dlngbnm, It Colomnu, l AThomnB, S K Turgor, Mr R Jonoe nnd wifo, D 1, OhuJBiv II Smith, N II Weillugnnd wifo, Paul Welllug, lHAYTIEN REBELS WINNING About toCaptufe'San Domingo (8pecl.il to the Coast MalliJ Capo Iluytll Nov. 18. Advices this morning from Bandotningo say tho In surgents shelled tho city throughout tho night, nnd tho government artillery returned tho firo. Fifty rnannca havo been landed fiorn the American ctuiter Baltimore. Washington, Nov. 18 Oonul Powell lias sent two cablegrams to tho State Dopartmont dated tho 10th. Ho says tho situation Is desporato and unchang ed. Tho city of San Dotuingo is con stantly under firo, and shells falling nro momentarily expected. A sonond dis patch under yesterday's dato says agon oral attack was mado on Ban Domingo. Tho Ilalttmoro landed marlnos to pro tect American interests, The Htnto Department is prepared to rccognixo tho ItiMirgonta as tho do facto government Juat as soon as they como into possession of Snn Domingo city, aud instructions to this effect will prob- nbly bo sent to Powell, when furthor nd vtceB nro received from him'. MURDERER TO BE SHOT (Special to the Coast Malt.) Snlt I.nko City, Utah, Kov. 10-Tho tito hw of shooting iiiBtoad of banning n perron convicted of murder will again bo applied in Utah tomorrow. Peter Morenaon, the comlcted murderer of Jnmoa It. liny, will pay t'io penalty of his crime between tho hours of 10 a, in. nnd 4 p. in. Ho will bo shot to death by tho county sheriff in tho jail yard at tlo penitentiary. Much interest is man foBtod in tho execution and the sheriff's ofllco is besiegul with, applications fcr Hilmierion tickets. TWO TO 0NE0N BRITT (Special to the Coast Mall.) Han Francisco, Nov. 10 Hotting o n tho liritt-Cnuolo fight it two to one on Hrltt, It would take the entire population of tho Unltt'd States to shell the corn crop by ham!, Tho atenui Hhellor will flholl n bushel of corn a minute, while the iiiost,prnctU'nl hand would occupy tu hour mid u half to tho bushel. U.oon I SUFFERS HEAVILY Feels the Need of Fire Deparlment (Special to the Coaet Mall.) Wasco, Or., .Nov. 1' Flro this morn ing burned the Oregon Trading Co'b big store, tho opera houe nnd several rel dunces. The loss is 1132,000, with In surance of 102,003. Tliero was no fire apparatus and tho town would havo been destroyed bad tho wind not died out. LAND . FRAUD CASES On Trial Before Judge Bellinger (Special to the Coast Mall.). P rtlnnd, Or., Nov. 17 On Monday atternoon United States Judgo Dollingor rcconsidorcd his ruling on domurror to tho chargoB againBt Mnrio Wore, Ilornre McKinley and Stephen A. D. Putor, ac cused of forgory and conspiracy in con nection with certain land deals. Tho demurrer filed by tho attorneys today was baeed on tho contention that tho indictment was io6uflkicnt in that it falls to mention tho meridian in de scribing certain sections ol land in volved. Tho court held with Uultsd Statee District Attorney II nil thnt in ae much us the filiue;1) were made in Ocgon laud olllcop, Oregon meridian was meant, Mm teal iVinc. A stringed Instrument enspendeil In a favornblo position near n pianoforte will sound when tones correspondlne; to tlio open Btrlngs nro produced on tho pianoforte. The volume of. tho answer ing tono will depend upon thentinos phorlc conditions, tho (junllty nnd color of tho persundlnu tono nnd tho pcnsl tlveness of tho responding mnterlnl. There Is n familiar anecdote told of n famous trnor who by singing the tono that was consonant with thnt of a wlnoglnRa could mako tho glass shiver ho violently that It would fall to pieces. It Is beeaiHi of tills tonal sympathy that tho cause of n hnrsh, rattling tone that may suddenly appear In n pianoforte Is detected with dlillcnlty. 'J'hough It may appear to bo In tho In strument, K I often far away and may como from a Ioomj globo or pendant on n chandelier. Kvpii a key In n door has teen known to be the guilty cnuso. A Nation of Suiokors. NotwlthsUuultug all ono hears nbout the growth of tho cigaretto habit In this country. Knglnud occupies a com paratively lowly place as a siuoUh'g nation, says tho London Tntler. Bta Ustlca prove that as Bmokors Dutch men nro well ahead of nil tho other nntlons. Germans como second, al though, man for man, they consunu less than half as much tobacco an Dutchmen, Threo times as many ciga rettes nro consumed nnnunlly In Eng land na lu either Germany or Holland, but as consumors of plpo tobacco both theflo countries aro far ahead of us. CONGRESS GRINDING GRISf Many Reltiotistrances Against Smdot (Special to the Coast Mall.) Washington, Nov. 17 In Committee of tho Whole thu Houeo today considor od the Cuban treaty. Knnpp wns tho first speaker. Ho urged the enactment on tho ground that it was obligatory on congress to main tain the national honor. StevenB. an Indiana Itepublican inear gont, made the first speech opposing tho bill. He scld tho passage of tho meas ure invitea commercial war on tho part of Europe and would narrow tho foreign market and interdict fo.'elgn trado. Watbington, Nov, 17 In tho Senate, romonstsnees against A poet I o Reed Smoot retaining bis seat were Bont to the clerk's desk in great quantities this morning. Penrose, Depow and Teller each presented a batch. Tho Senate adjourned after confirm ing the appointment ol Lyman, post master St. Louie, nnd several others. Governor Durban of Indiana took luncheon with President Rooeevelt. Slioolr It Dottii. There la n strong mnn In n certain village in Hungary. Not long ago he was building a stnblo for a farmer. Just as ho was nbout to put the cul minating brick in Its place he happen ed to fall out with his employer and by way of working off his auperiluous energy went up to one of the pillars and shook It. The entire building came down with a run. This Is the most not ablo case of "It come apart In my 'ands," ns servants say, since Samson. T.oiulnn filolia II III M ii nil j n iiit ii NEW LINES, EXTENSIVE VARITIES, CHOICE VALUES. Magnes Matson HANNA WOOD l Investigation of Con duct in Cuba . (8peclal to the Coast Mall.) Washington, Nov. 10 Investigation of General Wood's conduct while mili tary governor of Cuba, in tbo hearing of objections to his nomination to bo major general, was begun thir morniiig beforo the Sanato committee on Military Affaire, J3 IJanna was tho first witness before'the committee. Ho attacked Wood and de clared thn latter used his influence to persecute Rathbonc. Wood was as ex travagant aa Rathbone, yet tho latter was convicted on that alone, by Wood's direction. This abuto of power, Hanna contended, was sufficient to show that Wood was not fit for an officer. Tbo falling of a drop of rain la a commonplaco, everyday matter, but a Onsh of lightning ah, that la something out of the ordinary, something to won der at, so most men think. The hum ble pbyaldiit plodding on the trail of. theso manlfeafatloaa of phjn4cil energy, thinks otherwise. To him tho drop of water falling gently Is much moro of at1 mystery than tho sudden rapture of thsJ air gap and the headlong rush of eleo tricnl energy In a dlsruptlvo discharge. Although rain has fallen alnoo tha dawn of creation, man knows very lit tic about tho origin, tho structure of tho raindrop-. Tho reason for this Is that tho tlmplo looking drop of rain la in reality a marvelous microcosm. Somo day when tho mechanism of a' drop of rain shall bo made plain it will bo found that the unlvcrso Itself Is not moro wonderfully held together. Tho slro of the drop Is not tlio obsta cle In tho way of a clearer knowlcdga of tlio drop structure, for tho avorago dlamotcr of raindrops Is not far from ono millimeter, and men of sclenco havo to deal with quantities Infinitely, smaller. H onset Magazine. ?i L-.V UU'SZ .,