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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1903)
f v- - w lat 4 'I r i r: i' ii ni iKffiin Our Monthly Publication will keep on our Hailed work uud methods. Free to the ADVERTISING MAN i ft. of aay responsible house. s i Mlr4 i iSUVtl '.VaSiW lilMffii ;.i sawjjHasBGiag . I 3ST3D LOCAL From Saturday' Dally. Tho telegraph liuu was down all day jeeterday, The steamer Navarro was bchedulod to leave Portlaud last evening. E. J. Brown, representing tho Pacific Paper Co., is in town in the interests of bis firm. Fred Gage, of Allegany sent some bear meat to the Marthfield market yester day. Miss Zoo Wilton and Miss Lizzio Hir lis, of Sumner, wvie visiting in town yesterday. Contractor Clausen baa laid oil part of bis force on the Masonic Temple, on account of wet weather. Cully Drubot started Thursday for Portland, intending to return to tho Bay for tbo next baseball season. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets arc becoming a favorite (or etoraach troubles and constipation. For rale by J no Prsuee. Services will be held at the Episcopal church next dunday morning and even ing at the usual hours. Sunday School , i held every Sunday at 10 o'clock n. in. The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious medicines. He gains; you lobe. Therefore accept no substitute Frank Black was down from Sumner ye&tordsy to make arrangements with the Ice and Cold storage Co. to take care of a lot of bear meat which he expects to bring down on bis next trip. "The windbloweth, the water dovreth, tho tarmer sowetb, the subscribe owth, and the Lord knowth that we are in need of our dues. So come a-runnin', ere wego gutinin'. This thing of dun nin' give na tho blue. Citizen. Coquille Bulletin-- The water works system is completed an 1 the water wni turned into the pipes Thursday. If everything is satisfactory, wo may ex pect to be using the water from the syt tern by the first of next week. The way to advance'e in interetit tormirouizohome merchant3. Keop every dollar in our midst. Tin true citizen will never r-eudu dollar away from Marsbflold. This town should notven have a bonded debt ou which the interest 1h sent away for. Methodist The PttBtor. Rev. Obae. T. McPheiEon, will preach ut tho M. E. Chuicb, Sun day, Nov. 8, at 11 a, ta. and 7:30 p. m Morninp eubject; "One Altogether Lovely Peraouality." Evening enbject; "Tbo Day of Judgemont." Sunday bebool 10 a. in. Ep worth League at (5:30 p.m. Subject; "The Power of a Con Blstent Life." k KVA1 Qfrffpr frm WEAKNESS, take the X ijU Wllllvl Strength-Giver, Jayne's Tonic VwnifiWfc i i -- iti i m tii . du : '& Baptist Church Sunday school nt 10 a. in. rroitoh Inr Botvlco at 11 a. m. Topic, God'i Dotl.iillnnof n Jew. Text How. 2:28.29, Ia'psoii therefrom For ho is not n .low. 11. Y. 1. U. at 0;30 p. m. Kvonlng eor vico at 7:30 p. in. Topic Danger o( the Permanency of tho Displacement of our Moral Nature. Text, Lnko 16:2(1 A great (lull Fixed. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7 p. m. 0. Cordial invitation to all of tho services. In A .Nut Shell For briefness, and to tho point, iu drafting rueotutious without a long string of whereases and therefore-be-lt-resolv-eds and other struggling with F.uglish, we commend the buMueeS'llko style of drafting resolutions of the A. X. W, Club committee. Only Makos a Bad Mnttor Worso Perhaps you have never thought of it but the fact niU6t be apparent to every one that constipation is caused by n lack of iwter in the system, and the use of draet'c cathartics like the old fashioued pills only makes a bad matter worse. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets are much more mild and gentle in their effect, and when the proper dose is taken thmr action is so natural that one can hardly realize it is the effect of a niediciue. Try a "0 cent bottle of them. For sale by Jno Preusa. deceived Shock During tho storm Thursday night tbo electric wires were somewhat mixed in various parts of town. At the residence of Mrs. 11. S. Hazard, one wire (ell to the ground, beiogburned off from short circuit. The lights in thel'bouBO went out and Mrs. 11. began to look for the trouble. She attempted to move the fallen wires with her umbrella when she recievod a severe shock. A Hot Place A colored preacher recently enlighten ed hie congregation in regard to the con dition existing in tho infernal region in the following nauner: "Uretheru, I has been asked how hot is hell, an' 1 will say, after givin' do subject consider able rt .lection, dat if yo took all de wood in York Stat an' all do coal in Pennsyl vania an' all de oil fu de worl' an' set alt on tire an' den took a man out ob bed , pu ftn ,n dRt ,jurnin. me6fj be would freeze to del beio' ho hard'ly lit. Dat's how hot U hell." Ex. Don't Do It When Eendiug away from home (or a small jobo( printing, becaoee you can save'a little on the price, do vou take into consideration the many dollars your home papers spend in your town and the general good they do. You get your (bare of it, and poeainly more. Is it fair when the home paper is constantly advifeing the people to deal at Lome, for you to do that very thing, Diphtheria at Coquille CcKjuille bulletin Xo little coniternatlou wua caused in't Sht'Uduy (veiling when it won an noun"0 that Mies Icy March, teacher ia the fourth glide of our public echools, had diphtheria. She and her people were quarantined aa soon hh it woe Ifcurned w hut tho disease was and it It hoped thai it was not in a btifficient btotu of development to communicate it to her pupils on Friday, the last day ehe was with them in th school room. It is in a very mild form urid no eerioiiH contequeijces are expected either toMibd J Icy nor to anyone elee who may take it A strict quarantine ia being maintained and every poHttibht precaution ia beings tfikeii to prevent the spreading of db.cue. U Huiloxua, EudoxiiR, born 400 II. C, wiih tho lirt mun known to hlhtory to explain plant' tury motion nml to muko a map of tin heavens with tho plunota and llxiu Btars murked. KMMU CAN'T A. LiLJ$l ttitt limn who vrmra SAWYER'S EXCELSIOR BRAND Slickers laAWVIIJt'H KartMur llrnl tnlrd I'LlMnjr. Ilt in h ncilj. WP.I lipl rmrk, n-l r tr Mlrkjr. . Imd (it Irmtn tnv. It nil M itaxlri't krtt fur rl.tU'kUK. llt.llaaarMt., an. From Sunday's Dally. 11, F. Fnvago was in (roruXorth slouch on business yostorriay. Capt. A. M. Simpson arrived on the Slgual to spend n short time on the Hay. Tho schooner Abbio nrrivedyetcrday and the Chas. E. Falk wont down tho bay. Miss Myra Campbell, who has been quite sick with n cold, was better yes terday, Mrs. W. D. L. F, Smith wont up south Coos river yostarday to sco Mrs. E. L. Bessey. The Czariua arrived yesterday. She brought a largo amount of freight for North Bond. Tbo Sash and door factory nt North Ilsnd started up Friday, and is doing some work for Itself, making sash, frames etc., for the factory building. Xf V.t,. ,-. lnrnn.1 nvnr to ' r. ... a ..i.u.v.n l Profetsor Golden, for the school library i tit i .....,.,.,,.. tiii r.( !.. fuud his share, amounting to 10, of the famous 500 tire department check. , I ' I Mrs. Jas, Catchlog, of Sumner, who: has been in town under the care of Dr.j Horsfall, has ho far recovered that shot intend to return homo aa soon as tho weather will permit. H? Mrasv (111 E P. Upton, representing Hill Bros'. ( t.j u blUCe its inceptionnow eleven California Vinegar and Pickle Works years ago have seen it grow from agood, and Getelson k Rine, and tho Standard, readable magazine into a vital, import Bixuit Co., of San Francisco, is in town Btit one, with an ethical signiiicanco. on his regular monthly trip. I Some ono has laid that ni il stands now ... fit ia tho tiiBt attempt at National Journ- Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Rohrobacher late niH,, Threii great queHtions of the guestHof tlio Central Hotel have gone day lltu Corruption in tho Trii't, Lahur to housekeeping. Thy have rented nnd aj Political Worlds-are Ixdng ban tied furnished the Seaman cottage on C , ju u masterly wuy, the tlrt by Mna Tar- street, and will boat homo to their i friends after Monday, the 8th inst. Tho Evergreen whiot club met Satur- day afternoon with Mrs. J. II. Miluer, Mrs. E. O'Connell woo thu first prize and Mrs, J. R. Rochan waa awarded the booby. The next meeting will bo with J Mrs. T, S. Minot. Thia ia the time of year when you , want to prepare for something comfort able to ruBt your weary bones on, and you cannot accomplish it any better than by having your feathers cleaned. The feather man will eeo you about it. Don't turn him down. A petition to the town ooard is heini: circulated asking for a stre.t light ot tho corner of Fiont and C streeta. A j llgnt ia ueecieu at tuts corner, nntf the need will ho atill more apparent when tllH Ci. fV ft V. f'fl Dliitnu.J nlu .... t mence lauilu g at the Dean warehouse. There is ono consideration touching the propoced change of mail route timt ban not been brought out. Thia ie that j under present arrangement, puiHongern traveling over either road when it ih 1 bad have tho satisfaction of thinking ; that thoy will go hack tho other way, j Hut if tiierH bo only one route, what v ill they Jiave to lean up agajnul? MIfh Hertha Sumner, general orvuii Izor of tho Women of Woodcrult, nriivi-d in Marshfield Tlmrtday on a tour of in-' apection of tho lodged on the coaat, and i will visit the lodgPH In-re, unci n', Co- (Itilllo City, Myrtle Point mid l.unglolti, nud expects fo organize n circle nt Dan don. She will meet with Coos May Cir cle nt the tegular meeting Monday even tug, when it itt hoped that nil ineuihern will bo present. Travel by Sea PiissongerH on outgoing Areata: U A Wtelan, J Hoott, Mm I) Meadows. W K Hntcliff, 11 Kricson, II Stoin, J Proctor, Mrn Proctor, Mrs DenniH, J Doniils, M fjiyton, Miss L Warner, Myrtle Warner, MrH J 1) Warner, A Maiiciet, W Mnu ciot, E Stubhiiis, O Low is, A KogeiH, E Hogers, C llartott. Neck Yoke Broke What might have been a very serious accident happened Friday night about 12 o'clock when Taylor Slgliu and Mar tin llreen weiu returning from Em pire from lodgo. Tho neck yoku broke coming down tho hill near Xushurg'a store. Tho horses rait but fortunately they were stopped holme thu buggy pole found a stopping phtco in thu ground. Those who saw il were more ncanl than the occupants of thu buggy. The tun genthimen consider themielvea (oittiuate 'n not being dumped ou thu street. FKUM SOUTH AFRICA Now Way of Uaing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from Durban, Natal, Houih.Afrlca, says: "An a proof that (.'hamhorliiin'rt Cough Rem edy i a euro suitable for old and young, I pen you the following: A neighbor of mine had a child juxt over two inonthh old. It had u very bud cough nnd the parentH did not know what to give it. I BUgge-ini UlHl I llinr WOU..I go', it mitlin of I liiuiiiH'rittiu a longli Kemetly hihI put some upon the dummy tent the '"bv was nicking it would no doubt lh(j vUM TiH liy () , (U( , brought about a quick relief and cured tho b'iby." TIiih remedy ia for s.ilu by Jno Proust. . National Journalism McClure'a Maga.'iie in making a name for itolf doubtlesfl it is itoiug t un comciouely. Rut those who have watch- bell in her fearless "Hiotory of tho Stuudurd Oil Company," the aecond, by Ray Stanuurd Raker; and thu third, by Lincoln Steffunr-, iu his series of flaming pictures of cities. Will fnmliift NVwRpcfanrant i Geo. N. Fnrrin, proprietor of the Broiler expects in thu near future to open a first-ciaSR up-to-date restaurant In the Garfield hotel. He will opwi in the new place as soon an it can be pro perly arranged and refitted. Large comfortable booths will ho put in for privacy. There will hu no lunch coun ter in connection. Me.di will he Hcrved nt all houra, A full line of all kinds of wltiefl und bquora will he kept in Mock and any one will he able to get tho best tho market affords. A special effort wjj J0 iado in catering to family itli ,., Mr. Farrin BajH lio will leave no stone unturned to establish an up-to-date restaurant in Marshfluld whero good corvice cau bo had nt a reasonable price. When nil atenmera land at tho now dock which ia'soon to bo built tho Gar field restaurant will bo in tho heat Jocit tion iu town. Prom Tuesday's Dally. A number of lodging cars, arrived on thu Czarina for the railioul. Attorney W. J, Donglao wnaut the county Heat yesterday on leual IiuhIuohb. 'Iho Areata iu ptill in the bay, delayrd by ronuh bar, Sho cuno up the hay ' eater-day and took on more fuel ttnd re turned to tho lower buy. InsMu each pound pitckajro of Urn Coffee will bo found a TREE inmc. 60 dilTvront itatnc.'i. All now. At Your (Iroccr'n. C. 11. Marnh Ih making noimi very tine tables nt presout ono for n Portland man and onu in going to BanFianclsco. Tliey will do your oyos good to see them. MlloSumnor ban resigned Ida posi tion hh nHUtnut poalmaster, and his brother Frank Sumner la over from Rttiulon to learn the duties of tho olllco, in order to take the position on Decem ber llret, when Mllo retires, Ten Dollars Fine Cnrl Carlson, a foreigner who profess ed to be ttuablo to undorHlnnd Kngliih and for whom Alex Johiiron acted aa In terpreteterby aptointiiunt of tho court, was lined f 10 by Judge Hyde yesterday for indecent exposure of his person, the offonpu having been committed Satur day forenoon on Front street. A. P. Owen wni tho complaining witueta 'nnd there win no defence. Good Boom Facilities Tho late frcMiet iu the Coquille river brought down alnxit f0(l logs, which were all pucrersfullv liaudleil at tho Cedar Point ikjoiii, tho Ikioiii hav iutr recently beu etuditl and enlargi'd. Everything worked perfectly and the entire lot that enmu down were handled and Hogrrgatcd an tliey pushed throiich, lOOOfor thePro-p"r Mid Co. and 1000 for tho Simpson Lumber Co. Pr. Mcl'or cormac feela highly elated nt tho excel lent arrangement of IiIh boom nnd thinks it will he next to impofsible for n run of logs to get awny from CedarPoint borrn, The riqKirt had grne abroad that a large lot of logs had escaped when in fact on ly those that belonged to the Prorper Mill Co, were pasted through. "How Would You Like to Be the Elec tric Light .Man." Euitou Mail: There la no question hut that tho 0 o'clock closing la satisfactory to all con cerned oxcopt tho Electric Light man. He ia going around from one store to nn other trying to raise n dlssentlnn by tell to ono merchant that the other Ih selling goods from his hack door after ft o.clock and that another Ih keeping open until 7 o'clock ovary night. We would hati to doubt the honesty of any mer chant by oven thinking such a thing aa .this and wo would like to have the public know.for our own proteotion.tlint Mr, Fried burg in mistaken, for wo know ni u positive fact that thin Htory hu ia circulating is ono of hfa own con (Actions, 'Tia too bad thot lie could i ot try (oino fair meaim to bust up thia ti o'clock closing, Rctaii, Clkiikh Piiotkctivh Ahbociation Chamberlain's Cough Rom otly Is Ploaaant to Tako Tho llnoat quality of granulated loaf augur it uhoiI in tho manufacturo ol Chnmborlaln'H Cough ltMitiedy, and the roota lined In ita pr partition jrivo it u Mayor eimilar to maplo svrup, making it quite plimiMnt to lake. Mr W, L. Rod crick, of Piioleavilln, Md . in Hteal(lng of this remedy, hhvh: "I linvo utoi' (iliniiilierlairi'x Cough Remedy with u children for aeveral yearn ami can truth fully Hay It ia trio het-t preparation of tho kind 1 know of. The children like to tako It and it has no injun'outi aft r ef lect, uor mile ny Jno l'reiiHU, PlojA-JxiH MU.ii-()00'(XKrt m 00000 HIOJJ K)HU0J9II JJJO.t, ao 'PIojiiiHia p.)unj.ui ! uiu-fKKl'OOU't) JO ouo oi opioid (X)0'008 Jo iP " mtuj Aoa nop -uci Zjuiuoo i)uoo)i)tiQ oqi aupntl "wa.j,iHusfcy. The Charivari Oiicn up'Mi a moonlight i veiling. In thiUowu of old North bond, 1 hud just returned from Portland, With my bride our oyw to hieml. In thu parlor wo were silting, Thinking of thudayn to coma, Thinking of tint happy family, That would hijiiio day 'round us roam, 1 was sitting, talking uheer'ly 'In my wife I loved no dearly, And we sat there musing, Joking, think ing, talkinu, Feeling more familiar than we'd ever felt befoio. All at once there came a racket Hound ing from without tho door, Thumping, hanging, jumping, roar ing, Stunning llmt otlll more and moro.iiuch a crunhlug, thundering, goring As we'd never hemd before. Hut my heart storix'd not wlothlu mo Am my djar looked up to uhlu inn For wo knew Just what was tumbling And them win no uo iu grumbling. Still wo were not In a hurry TodlMiout thohoifiiml wherry ; Thought we'd wult and let them ham mer, Pound and thump and make a clamor Til they'd tiro and pound no more. Hut they did not lul It go For n half an hour or so, Then it stopped Just for a moment, Stopped and rented for a moment. Thnn't resumed with all the horror That it had ttiu power to bo'row : Pounding, cinching, ro.trmg thumping 'Till the very town eeetued Jumping Thrashing, howling, roaring, ni It never did before. Rut at last it quit ita booming Ami to keep it from rerunning I opened wide the diKir, Stood nod fnctd the noisy crowd, Faced tho Ixiya if nothing morn. Now to pacify the mot) Was the one remaining Job. For a moment I stood woudorlmr, Musing, looking, rchemiug, pondering, And at hint I drought n cheer When huld I " You1 vviini(i tho boor," Then I cent a mnti to give it To the crowd who winded to Iihvo it, lluvu their booze if in thing more. And todoy we still reiuunibor Tho moonlight uvonlng near Novom.. Ixtr When the boy a did charivari us In tho town of old North Heud. Nasal CATARRH In tit IU iUcm Uir l.oaM Ui cImoUdmi. Ely'i Cream Holm t.'MJIMl, tOO ttill Mill tlC&I It, itlaMMxl inamtirtiio. II caret cttrth tad drlrwt tolJ ta ttia bJ nulckl. C'rsam Halm U rltn1 lotn thn r.otrtli, tprttdi ortr tht matabrtna and It tturirU-t. It:if 1 Im ciwlIiUtnil ncam followt. It It not !r;!rc 1tM cot prfxtatrt iiMflns. Iigo H'm, CO cnU tt Drug 1iU or t null; Til&l Nli, 10 canlt j mill. KLY lMOTUBUa. W Wwriu UUmU Vo Tofh. BO YBAHO' CXPURIKNOS Traob Mam DltlQNI COI'VMIQMTS At- An j cm tmMng n kidfli iu-iI (lorlpUe mar oulflilr lunrrlnln iur ( n frvn hthr ma UirimllMi la otmMr iu, nlnlitu. ConrautUu llnna tncllo.rl limllnl lliunlU'Oll OU ruwU unl tfru, II", ( iwmirjr f uryi I4titfc I'alunu (ai.n (lirnuu i Miuin Ux rJr nni tncllo.irl limunl Hiu ink tfru, II", ( iwmirjr It I'alkiiU (akiin (liriiuu i Mil M(Ul K4li. wllliuul ol 'iruo. tjittut iMlKa, wmiiiul ol urua, ui ma ScletifiTic l5ticricat A hnn(1omgf lllmlrirfo -iJit. Intoat iff eulatlun nf imr dulAlin lourutl. Tariaa. II eri ronr mintiwi,L M&Vjtll aaw4cUr. &Cn.t""D"Q'-New Yore IMuucii OiUom. CUV 11 Wuartoa, O. U ) it DR. JORDAN"! OHKATt MUSEUM OF MITQMY tWtBlttIBT!nSWWmiKl.f. I . Tha. t mi AiuiunloJ Muawusl ia , H " t.kiwuaa el veiHtinl 1 dl,tt p-lll.r4r.,MjUh44.1art IWalWKIMIIUCnuU blflWI. I DII. JDRCAU-OtCIASSSOr tfiVU NVt-HIIflM CtwaytJt ff41a j Auuituuiiiliiiitktauiri4rairv. ' vMfitl.W4'itit(utit ai.i I..UCN cura rtf VIM, iiiwhi l.u lnCuxl '.., irjr u.trunli (plb4 CofMuliatVxi ( tud liWHfnTt.. TrMrnMMp' i I w Lt l.ll.r. A AJijm Oka im uH( li I un.Uiuh.H Vn (01 U Jt viijtxiiioaV wf V lottur n C.ll at mlf X V na ionium co.t io5i i l JIF YOU WIS!! YO ADVERTISE j C IN Nt;W8PAPER8c O ANYVVMEUU AV ANVTIMG f Cull (111 fir Urln MJTr'l'lW I'JSJjFAf ViccccccccccM . WCr i mrammi-mmmttJ m MttarrXA.IUHiBBBBBBBB MBmfi XB YfiftA munr. r vii rl (j p.CDAKE'S ADYEKTISIHfl GECY j X (IAN PWANCI5CO. CAL. 2 v-r ,