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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1903)
II t. ,f; l I n runnier petition it helmr prepared nud win M clrcul.ttOil (or t ho ittrro4e of oh-CiitiiiiiKT-ii change In the time of thoite OArttirif unit arrival of tln mails over tho old Coo Buy wngon road, and to place the ehednle time for tliu delivery o( the nmile over that route nt twenty (our hours a it foi'innly wait. Whiti tln Coos Mar Ohiimlvrot Commerce tie eiro to cecnro every lwdb'o improve ment, not only in the mnil rervico but lu railway, etcamhip nml other trane imr nlion facilities', it will (col tlmt it has accomplished otue now, even though nothing more is gullied than thi improvomont in the mnil service which tlii? counter petition seeks. Hut euppoo it if impoiblo to deliver tho mail? (rom lbobnrg to.Myrtle Point within the time opecMed in the Chamber ot Commerce schedule, would it etill not bo bolter to have the mulls delivered by way ol Myr fi I'oint, il ther ran bo delivered with in the time required (or delivery over I he old Coos Buy wagon rood? This honld, at least. bo a saving o( porno ex pends in the handling ot tho niailp. It would probably caue the mail contrae tor to improve tho wacon road between Myrtle Point and Roseburg, which i a matter In which the Clumber ol Com merce and all citizens should bo interest nl, and the malls bvin delivered (rom Mvrtle Point to Marshtleld by menu? of the railway, bttr paenger servlc wou'd be furnished, and in thi-j too the ular intrrett-t of the Bay. If it is in er- Chamber ct Commerce and citizens of ror in its view or actions regarding the the county thould (eel interested, mail scrv e. and it can bo thown it ' In conclusion permit us to ny that 9 im9B Editorials of the People Under tMt hed the MAIL wilt t plrd to publlih communication on ublccti ol public InteicU, umlnc no rmponilblltty (ot the tentlmenu prctird Contribution! te lovlltJ. MtOMBMMMHMMMMM J From Tuesday's Daily. MEMBER OF COOS BAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Advocates the Proposed Change of Mall to Middle Fork Route EntTon Coast Mail, Since the action of the Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce in advocating change in tho roail service of thiAJun- tv, there have appeared a number o( oiirorials and icontributed articles op Iolng the change. This article is writ tn by a member o( the Coos Bay Cham lur of Corntnree, and let it be swd on behalt of that body that Its tole purpose in connection with its advocacy of n chance in the mail service, as well ns other matters it has taken np, is to ad v.iuce 8 d promote the bet interests of Coo- C mty in general, and the partic- ftiPLES WliijjMtf HINtS FOR HEALTH 4. -M -H-l W-H - M-f-H-l4-f-H'-HHhM- C-W-W-Hr-hM-W-M-t-r'-t-- My nil liml pltuplr ou tier fiwc, out fho li w Imhu UKI . CAMWUKPs. .tiul liter lime .ill dl!t!pi ,i t I ml )on iroti-onl ntlMtti . i tin nttrr ink If ili nrtt t. .ur t I lim h i 1 n u ,.,, iir i, Wrrntui t, nk too IiIkIi It"' "i' tv KltUl VA' Ml.N rmaatowii Ave I'tilluUUilitu. J'i 11.. T l'tllllO.Vt'll T It'l' lt UMt) X V' fiy jM candy Pj vJSy CATHARTIC . 1 pijnt. I'.i'itabli. INi,.iii. n, Do U. -J NiTrrsiiivn w'vaKl'U ur tltlif. Itv X.-TU ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Il.tll.f K.a.4; l.n,,.),!!,.,..!,,.!, ,. k, t wn.Tn.nAn aim n.t ifmtinni-.hHi. miotiu A cold In tlio head may he Kivntly htllovwl by iIukkIiik the niMtrllH with cotton wtol stmketl In lyei'iln. A aoft linen cloth whleh tn for no other purpone In hettr when IwithlnK.tho eyeH than u puim. To eiiNe wift rttnirt nih u lit le nil of peppermint over theln. A pl.te of tli Hue paper plmvil Ih'Iwihmi the loex ami ruiuiwetl every day will fMitiiiitly eiitti n port corn. Tho iKKMOKMom of dry acalpH nhotild know that they nn more liable to early KnivnMM than their friends with Kreaty hair, hut that thin It (julte preveiitiihle by nK'Ularly feitlliiK the hnlr with the oil It IllCkH. The eyea HtiotiM be bntheil every nlKht befoiv ivtlrliiK to remove any dUMt that mlK'ht have Ktheretl on the llibj ihtrliiK the day. Cold water alioultl Ih usetl. ulthoiiKli hiltowiinu water la Kootl occasionally. LUMBER Ttte Ponntain of Tonth. " Like pretty much everything else, thin ttwtter of havlnur children hai txnt Rides to It. As n Kreat many children nro falltm'H and as ehlldreu are tin Joint product of heredity and environ inent. tntth elenientM prepondentntly timler parental control. It would neeni more seiiMlhle to hj that there weru tin) injtny jnvple undi miking parental tosUvntlblltty lnsteatl of tiv few. And. further, parenthootl butt many aires nml sorrowst and eMtxivmtlons. Still, ELECTRIC SPARKS. mistake, it will doubtless promptly abandon its present position in relation thereto. Tho Coos Hay Chamber of , mil! as proposed in the Chamber of inasmuch as competent parties have o5retl to undertake the delivery of the ltvejy Cham I Commerce desires to Kcure, i! possible, a tatter mail ecrvico, and nith that pur pce in tew, and upon it beta? repre sented to t that such improvement was possible, it caused petitions therefor to be circulated. It had been, ropreeented to it that the mail could be delivered from Rosebnra to Myrtle Poii t in not to exceed fourteen hours, an J that ar rangements could be made by which a train would take it immediately upon its arrival there and deliver it to Marsh Meld within ono hour and forty minute from that time. in other words, it wn reiifenteil that responsible partio t t wi'lni! to undertake by contract wih h L'. S. Government to carry out the jir.ipiMl echedule, and it doei not peiin to in that any very Eound reasonB or ir.'umintfl have thue far been pre sented "Inch demonstrate that thir can not le done. The Editor o( the Mail. in an effort to untangle hirmelf, hat talked louie (ae editors sometimes do) and for whicli he has been ctnwl and kicked from ono route to the other and finally left standingon his head between the two. James Laird has been heard to the effect that it "cannot be carried out with all of your H. It. eerrice throw- edin,"aad then James talks eome more. "A Coquiller" has permitted himself to become so distressingly perturbed by songs of sirens, delusive dreams and visions of floods and washouts on the Coquille, Fenton'e promises and cruelty to animals, that he had to eubmit his trauh'es over our welfare to Mark Han nu, and Mark advised him to get sober, etc., in which woconcur. "C, W. T.," with memories' of the past, has let hirn bH be heard in u "Lest we forget" ar ticle, and has behooved himself sorne what, (as he Is Komutirnef prone to dc) and mlmonisliFB us to refrain from any change or advance because heiH entirely taliatiod mid for the further reason that "the mail service via, Myrtle I'oint was never satisfactory to the pooplo of the liny." Another contributor, -who it ap pfap wants a Chrinmas present, oiid ,ho will doubtless put in time "marvel ing" oyer the action of tho Coos JJay C'harnbor of Commerce until his Christ mae box gets hero has permitted the gentle southern zopheis to waft hira into bconoa of descending floods and p.reat diatresbea which must befall tho man who undertakes to carry all the mail over one route that ie now carried over two. The editor of the "News" advocates tho policy of holding fast to that which you have until somebody dies and makes room up the line for you. J& tvreiolti of all this, wa'andazstand ,Jj The production of nitric arid by elec- J v tn chemical methods Is u new roHii ; A tlmt pnnnlsoM extiMislw rhmiKON lu our' v agriculture. , l An electric machine whleh Is Intend-, sl to produce rain In times of ilrouebt !. la being const mctiit In lirls by n tun- " nlclpnl etiKtueor. " '. Oenimny owns 10.220 mlhti of telo- gniph entile, or one twenty-fourth of . . when all Is raid, how many persons ) ,e ''"V. T,,,n "f ,,", w,,,,,, wUU '' who have found themselves childless (,r,'"t "rttnlw t.wtm two-thlnls of the .. at forty-tlve have been able lioiuHUy tnUx mttvn- '. '. to congnitulate thetuselvwi? " inmgtmM tlmt tin inenn ChlMa'ti have a tjs n.s nn nssurnnce ,1,,,,Cv'Jlt ''lectrle light gtvm out very ; ncnlnst destitution and lonellnesH in Ht,I,, ,Kat- A" n "i'tter of fact, only - - old fu-o. They nro watlsfactorj- to the " IHT (,,,t "f "" ,"',"W Mh-h to nmke vanity for family immortalltj-. Hut. llKhu M'MW 'M K" l,,to UiHiU f. more than these and all other ndvun- ,, - . ., -. . , 4- it. aimu.ii .iiiiiuin tu iiinnm r- 4. Thai i. what w hiivc to .scl) timl wc can fill all oitk't.s Tut any and all Uiiu'M. Tho qunlity is (;ttarutitc(l nml the pi iff is Uiht. Out Stock include:; anything rcqttirrd in Vh Sptucc, Red and While Cedar. tages Is the rulvnntiiKo of prolonging me r.ny spirit Ufa Growing dUltlixn will keep 5?M" U' u -"utyiiliiti. year. T y propor man or woman ymg In l ' " ""lt ""H-t..r In J rlt and In mind, will rvanl iImm!,- lMm f"r htt ( n v,"lUiry' ' $ SIMPSON LUMBER P.O., imione main i5i NORTH BEND, CS i:x-l'tiltrsl htates Senator Tnink II! ck of New York will oiitortxln Ip-i- d!llt IUxsovilt at his Iioino In HynU'tMo velonmont of tJint sour r.t n)imilni-.Mit . - -I-. 1 .... ... K, ...,. ...... .... .. ... rynlelsni which curb's old ngi lth for, ?" " i,,M' ,,,rH ww' ,',",l," P""" 1 4--H-H-M-H-H--M- ---f--!-K:-i-K--n- t r f 1 1 1 OtKelf antl for thoM about oiu. The man or the woman -aunln. fll wnt' ,,kU lntUT vMtl ,lult --,,J" ' -" right sort of man or wouuuv who ha iy' children tlrlnks mi'ry day n tleep dnfl nt Uie fountain of eternaJ youtlu Kilt unlay Hwnlng IVwt. A Ixtat IlnnJ. Of tho various toilldlngs which tulorn od the lhlaud of I'lillio there remain to dar hN.iv water only a portion of tint. 'u,1t "v"r r" " " -ny ! 't"!Tu' colnnnmle. the top of the kiosk an-! a nni1 wm' ' w,8 knowu tin- steel fltli ft ,,,, pan of the temple of tsb.. The trnvi-ler- ""' "'"i" "" "' " m "un approaches tl- ruins Inn amall boiit. lti lI7 which he may pass down the colonnade 1 Arthur IVirclny, tho newly ejt-trtl and row alxiut lu the once nacred chain- j pronldont trf LIUtIji. Is of pure .Vf liuui Iwra. It Is a novel niuTlnterestliig ex-l tock. Umi lu Jamalf.i. henen tils nerlence. but to tliose who were fa . IKirenw emlgnitisl to Ue Afrtran ri t'omtnerco schinlnle, tho Chamber of Commerce will probably, not abandon its advocacy of that proposition until it is demonstrated that its purpose cannot be accomplished. No one who is fami liar with the two roads leading out (rom Hosehurg to this comity can truthfully .iy that there is not a vint difference in the two roads, and in favor of the .Myr tle Point lino. From Koseburg to Coos Hay over tho Coos Bay wagon road it is necejsary to travel a greater distance than over the othor road and to cross live mountains, whereas the Myrtle I'oint road yon have but one mountain o overcome. The present mail schedule 'rom Ro;eburg toMarihtleld is twenty four hour in Summer and thirty hours in Winter, whereas the schedule under which the mails Rte being delivered to Myrtle Point from Koseburg is fourteen hour, in the Summer time and twenty 'wo hours in Winter. This alono is a uflicient argument in favor of the Myr tle Point lino, and even though it re quired the twenty-two hours the year mil nil ttA svsim 11 ct 111 Aiitotn sm.iv tnu II , Ink's lack. Tlmt of location, shown by 1 mnntlud tlut AiiRiicniiH In tho I'uuliin j within the tune proposed in the opposi-, the wasp, for irmtanco. Ih remarkable. , HooXiWit, July III, 177U. CENTRAL HOTEL (ornerof Kruiil and X itrecls, Th )intnjnt profreor In the wot Id Is probably Allvrt HjMihlttn; w . thlrtivn uiul was nytuitty cade i iis Kir of mtiKlc ut tJio iiuroTntnr1iitii lu Hologna. WUIInrn Onm-tt. Inventor of t!... tcl rp,,s v K, ,,.KNOV,. AS.n, ,wo,., , K rrxl nnd wlilely known lu steol tin leu, I J nnij-.i iu. ..m iirm .t.tnrh . t dietl roceutly ut Mount ('let. ions, Mleh. ihr.ui;i.uii.init it a(.hboiii tw nu MAIWIFJKI.D, OKI'tiO.N, JONI SNVI1KK. : I t t : tProprletor tng mltlCMrt ha Imp too tJteptnc if hm ot O.n . 1 oit antl i.eui.cT t ,'i'iir Mor e.if 1 !ia- I 1 iarrH 10 fut nrtf .mK in ibtt-cMM unlt. XIMV.." Iordu itgiiiK jwr erk $.t ttoaltt,(Ht "ttm. .(,v VimtoM- .. ., , mllhir with tho Uland In nil lt.s benuty It Ih full of fwdnetei. Ut the columns which formed tho colonnido only thu cnpltaln remain above water. I.'imiiI publtr when ho wan ntlll b li.ltl. lie Iiiut nlre.'uly held mi vera 1 g''Ttimont poHlthmrt thorn. (sirgo II. Cnlwrt, nn r,v;w of TMV HIOoKfr hi voiTtON "TWIHU LU.II'UT Coin p s 11 I) I u Packet -kthim.okcoim: aiiaijatuh- '1 1. 1 ill).. Iri vti 11 1 m-iih with tho triiiiireil nitiiNl pffiv t. Ilvhly rililshetl 111 'lifterenl t'llur Hith ro h V'd and silver ibs'orat 'fi' (it. iiintinw- , In'dlld-Ing'-ii V.I I'lmti graphs, ihwi ol art (genre.) l'l'-KK ''i. tn ftniH oeryHhif troiild m Itotnr fji . AiJK.-'f. WVNIhh I.II.IPLT SICRIiOSCOPK CO. FouHir iiriiDiN... fiit.i.iainhirt thecc ono K'en. beautifully cIiImIis! i.nd th Unltitl Rhites court ut, Is tho , rntrila, cl'ir.-aa nn 1 heals tho vrlil r. 1 ;2s"rtanl Cnhwrii oolcilr r,dl to trwU (nont by Ely Cr-'ftin Ilulin, whlrh U itgrw i it arn'imkio, Jl is rivcd Un 'iuU Ui uenreHt lineal 1"hc. :nl..rit of !.. I !i HaJtlinore In thla nitintr u:.d st.tiM on otror V 1 .i'h it thlfusort Itself. I Tii,;tUtii mil U U'O. kiza; IriM kJin liy mail, 10 Hon movement for the delivery of the ')0 Rfcie bulldn lh neat In a Fundi ,nii n,nr ..... rnn. ta ,i lb,lk 1 only n part of aeveral w-a wwwe j wy. lutta. npPtfiU fit tfllPh Rlll. iril1 U'llPIl It liflliM - f -. .(Si'r onintnontHl with doIicMte coloring'. 11 tuirlltu tiffiriri fHffd tn tint rfiulj n Nero' nresenUntf two eyea to Into. A I nr tho UUo Iortl Ilultinnn.- if .t wr ! f?"- '"l l w,d yu M0 "UM to ' . .... . .. ..... . ., .. .... ....... tf . i ti .11 lUOirOBUHKUl. noon uiHinnco 10 uio riui uie rnoi 01 i'i "'" iuuih'i. " m " m'iii ji,i Uie klonk Ih visible rcatlng upon ItH ex-1 dlo ngwl gontleiimn tif uhhIvhi mid n--nulalte column.s. which are partly huI- tlrln dbrpoultlm. merged. Ily It two untiHunlly large' Gviionil Kltz-Ilugh Ts' Ikih ntrtritsl i ii.t'tln urnol j-mi(.i tut it.trrhil trou palm trees rear their heads nbo'e thei tho lnvtmttim of tlm 1 nuiK.'iU'nt of tl i.', t'.n pr prii'tora prnir('rciNiiAltiil InntHlfitlnti . I'l.iifnrr 1 Ilnvrittittiti nt Jonu f'ltv tu ili.llvir im oration ut tlw unvelllm; of the I'muIi.s 1'' v' l,lI,la ,1'f', '"l"diK tho A w,im.' wu.iou,. , Hook tmtth. monument, Jurw? City, on X J'i'Ii'iV" .'ml ! hS'ih! Zl'L NatnrnllatH have decided that many Oct 2-1. OviutuI U U u ilewonilunt , icliJAj .p,, 0f & ,whd i.reiuatltm. I tU lull u TlLdiaf ni.B.P-r.M i.ll.l.l. I.11..1 .. I. . .4 t -- - - f ..I. 1... .... I iitnuvin uoi: nvivivn men outiiiiii w. lu iuiill iiiirniT iinri.v i-i, ii nun , , . Tllli NEW YORK WORLD tiiimci:-.-wi:kk fdition Annntincrrnrnt. To reeoit.i(iiKiitU Uiuon who nrn prtlnl I to tho uio of uUiuur iti upplying lujuiiU h'j'ilit fend, which will bo known n lj'g Flanagan & Bennett i IMKI'V'TIHN T. K.Kheri- UHII..I. Vi IJ. i ti. I'ltF.S ; l . II l"'tiiiitMii, ICK I'ltKs It. F. William, ( A Ml I IKK. Capital, $50,000. HARSUFIEM), ONKGON Trmt rionfla win ivyn tv among trw lb Il.-Il-T ...... 41.... .... ...... . . - The real tmestion at issue is not the In search of food It cover the n.-u 1.. : , , T . . , l' mi "e "' (:' ' Itoail whornvor th" Knirlinh Language lifliculty which might be encountere.1 .roJi y ttat no ordlnnry eye could u ovw nfl MlMtoZ w.i.wv IWUMOII 1, v " ,w (ilt by reason of tho obstacles to be overcome u Jiwt . n hB urroumjlm. ,0'al. on either road, but it is the important tlon, nnd yet tho wrwp UIoh back to It qaestion of obtaining the best possible vlttwut healtiitlon and llndH It without . . . .. , ... , , making a mistake. There Ih nuother service, and in this every citizen should WUJp tbnt uacrrius,y locntlH tllt. VKlfi be interested and should net with this f of tho tnasou two under a thick layer sole purposo In view, and this is exactly of HUn ,Hkod clar nnd dvpoHlu her MVVIl fKrt III IJ1U MUII1I) CUIIH lll!ll our young tuny havo food when they uro Uie Internal Improvement fund nnd Thn Tori tu KihiKi'U -V-k World was a tliat tlu;ro la a rnwrvii of r,AmnTi. brilliant hiicch in the U.-iiiiniiu and iicni.s of Hwump mid oveitlowtsl hml.s, i has been uteadllv growing ovir inr. wortti from f 1 to 55 iui ucn. liy n re cent act of tho tegUlnturo tills m-iuj tnado nvnllable for tlu- bullillng of hard ronda.-OoorJ IUiiuIh Muguslne. what the Chambor of Commerce desireo and it will bo satisfied with nothing less. Ml-mckr Cooh Bat Chamuku op Com- iTKUCK. Wo will suggest to this kind gentle hutched. A Mare Wiijr of Hnvlnir. Ail Ingenious metiiod of putting hlfl 1 PAVlngH Ijeyond hbi own reach Iiiih been rilririfirft )iv ri norrnnn u'rltiir iirhn fr.nrul man that he would find it a mighty good rrom dir0 perienco that nil hl.s prof- thing if ho, too, had a head levol enough Its molted away uh exm nu earned to stand on. Ed. MailI Having made 10,0( by u fortunate lltorury HpecUlutlon, ho ilucftl Uie whoto of the money, together with hU will. In tho Imperial Jjeponlt bnnk ut Iterlln and 011 rwelvlug the receipt from the cnsliler deliberately tore It UO. Tho Cliahlcr thmiL'lit tin wnu iiihi! SCTzataKaraaamEyiaKBitji Hllii fji( tlni nllKr,V 0mt lt woul(l taUo Hi fully thrto yearn before ho could ex g peeUo obtain a tiupllcato receipt '"Hiat y Is Jiwt why I have torn up tho oiigi U null" calmly remarked tho AuixtolVir, I) "and now the money !n aato for that R time."- Golden J'eimy. Trouk Llni'M if flooil Iloiulrt. Tlie atato aidul highway h of Manna etniHottM and Connecticut have been Improvod with the dlHtrlet Idea of link llig tnmk IIiioh of good nwtlx. Tlnw In Ojnnoctlcut nro fourteen innin lines of 1,-KK) mlloH nearly uomplfteil him' touching a majority of tho towim. Them li a 12o mllo lino along old IVHtiu turnpike, near the wiiintl Hhore, and fourteen trunk line inn nlng north aerosH tho atito and con neetltiK Jn imo IiiNtauccii with hIiiiIIiu I'liri.i iu Ilin tti..l j.f at! ,ittl I. .in a mi" r vim n n nil llli)t ', OIIU illl 1 set an nml f approval on the 7'hrleii-f I Whok Wo'ld, whleh m widely elrnuliilixj I in every S uie hmI 1-rniory of thn I'n ' ion, and whureuver thorn aropenplo who) -:iii read t ir rnoiher ttingne. Thin pn.(r for the coming winter and tho year I'.l, will mk itH iihwh fur-J vice, 11 po liinm. more oxtiiiihivo than ever. All uvuntHof iinportanco, no mat ter whim they happen, are m IMirtisI iht iratily and piomptly. 7 he ub rrlher, for only one dollar a mar, geta 'hrito pnpurH every week and more new 1 nod general readmit than moNt grea' duiliu ran furuieh st II vo or 'ix timtiH 'ho price. Ilin TliMcu-a-Week-World is uho- lutely fair iu Uh nolitual uwn l'.ir ;inm blitM h never allowed to itifect Uh THE STEAMS ARCATA. f . XJil.SOX,JhiHtn. Will .llnlic U.-mtlur 'I'rlitn BKTWKI'.N COOS .BAY Improved roads lu Ma-Haehutn 1 nun I :fi,Sl,,H,1 7','! ,,"m"'cr''t ,H",, Ku iu t......,.ui..i n . 1 .ii. . .. 1 uhiiwin alike 1:11 1 olUun 11. il pagmi b fciiKKXHte l tho probability of nation irolhful aconnth of all the great pollti gEE FEE. IU.Sxv', DEALER IN 'GROCERIES J'ltE.SIl FRUITS, VEGB TA RLE 3 I'ROVISIONH, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE BEST Q UALITY. PRICES REASONABLE. FROZEN OYBTKBfl EVERYDAY. : j 1 "A Street, Marshfield, Ore 0! B Q H R El 6 K K Q 'J'bn 3Jurrlui;u Knot. Pow of tlio-Kj vho talk 11 bout tho "marriage knot" realize tlmt t! e kr.ol wiw over unythidg woro than 11 nier figure of Bpeocli. Among tho Rabjlo nlaiiH tying the knot' w.ia purt of the marriage ceremony. Thero the priei tool: a thread of thu gannent of tlu brldo and another from that of lb bridegroom and tied them Into u knot which ho guvo lo the I ride, thus tiym bollzlna the bludhig nut u 10 of the tin iou. al tnmk IIiioh of orxid roinbi. n ihyi'h peot which grown brighter with tho In ereaHlng Interoht In tho plan project for national aid and HUpcrvlnlon. Oooil Itonils .Vi'imIimI. Tho mibjeet of goml routii cannot b' mtieh longer kept In he Im. , inj'H J-'arm antl Ranch. Trolley cars from one town to mother, rural tlo- pliouoa and frto rural mall ilull .y aro good unoiigh In their a 'ut ttvsl country roinln are neeti" ir;. to tlu- ivt II being and happluenH of tho dla trlcts. When thl-i Ih ii''iiii;i.'! sj then will tho boat elementH of city life m!; countrj' homea for co-nfort. oncapo from tho ovlls of city life to evade th. heavy taxation nei'oi'iu7 ' "uppo't rban peculation, anil to enjoy, tho free- ',dom of tho country without the amoke iand din. of tho city utrceUi. nil (..nnpugnti. in athlitiou n all thf news, tho I'lirico-a-Wi ok-World (urnirhoM thtt v)iHt ferial fiction, elaborate mnrket niKirtu and other feature of intointit. Tint Thrlco-a-Wiiek-World'tt regular fciilifccrlpliuu price i only $J.OO per year am) thiH piiyu for toll pujniiH . We offer I'tiH liiii'tjiiiiled iwftipupdr and Wetkly t OAST MAIL together onu year for urn Thi rogulur miti nriptinn print ol th two p.ijn rsm 1' R-I-P-A-N-s Tabules Doctors find Afgood prescription For mankind' riio fi-ciiut iiaukei iu enough fur , usual occaBioiiH. Tho fatoilv.hrutlo ((lOcenta) eviitaiii'j 4 supply' for a year. All diui- Uld AtiU tlikUU HAN FRANCrSCO -(JARUYINd P88EHERS AND FREIGHT AT -LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal A Navigation Co , I'mprietosR. F.K POW, Agent, Mnrnlillold, Oregon H.O. CO. Agnut, Kmpiro City, Orooii tRO,SMAlANS PATHNT WI4ITING RING I'ho iii'ihi luiiorlniit tuiprovi'inuit of tho Kgn hi thu art of penmanship maketi thn p'j ire l initio 1. ,;... mi p.- nn. in iu (ow wekn liy the life of huh ring. I'-iiilomeil hy proiiiinoiH College 1'reHi th'iilH and JSo.ihIh of Kdn ation in Eu rope and AmetliM, 'iiuphi ihuon iih Bortttd ki.tiH Kim iiwt p.iui for f 1,(11), hiii 'o euMiplo 2"j". hen ordering a winglti ring, Hiato whithor for man, woman or child. PI3NN MPG. SUPPLY CO.: Pio. Ill) tf .L'ourtb. u Phlluilolul, ttt. ;&.