Ik.,i. . f -ffc-fl ,Vff -,..., i-.'4XYVT ui im Mm mi i , 77 - f ' , r r . Aa- ? ,- t f - . !" HERE AHE-TIIE WATCHES FOR YOU. The work.1 nic I'Jin, Wnltliam or Uuobci'j, any j;r,nlu or .size you choose at riht prices. IW Witfche ami Jewtliy repairing do.i on short 'loiic'L', ami in up-to-tlutc style at the 'RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPARTMENT Will) VON I.IIJ IISNTIlAl. Al NQttli Ihniil. Or.. Nov :. I WW, Mrs. Krwl von I.il tlciitliul, nged U7 yonre, S iiiuiiDih untl Z" it.iyo. The ilcccitft'il wit horn In Columbiii', Win , Full H, lh"t. Kite whs niurrlcil to KiimI oii l.tlllnilliiil nt W t Union, Minn , Ann. 'IS. I HIM 'limy enmo to Origin in ruliruiiry, 110. ami toMiirrh ll.ild In Jntionr), 1 !-'. Keveral months iirtulUii!y,ujoyiil to tlm new town of North Itfixl, whom they huvo eliii'o ru mini. Death onmu very BftiMcnly ami utthout Mnrnliiit. a'uri!iilly front henst trouble, nl which thtnlcsoiued hmi lind fount imi.mum attacks. Thuy wo.u nli nit to rutin' lor tin; night, anil .Mr. l.ilii .tl.nl Him uiroudy in bed, when Mr, l.llllo.iilml gave u cry, "Fitil, mtinli me I" anil lull acrom tliu bod un-ooin-oliitiu. All lillortii to icvlvu hor ws'tt. Iruttlmu, Thu declined was a member ol lint Unrniiin Lutheran church, and wim 11 must cfilinmhlu lady. HoelduB tin burs lit tl li'iitilmnd hn loaves thieu bojs, Hugo, Walter and lturiiiitnii. The (unurul tut viuus will bu conducted I)) ltv. II. F. Iltuigntoii nl I p in Fri day, ut thu North J'onil church, and linriul will tukv plncu nt Mural. flold. (Original.) Vcuni iic whoa railroads wore new anil cattle guards were not porfoetesl tlm It. C. urn! 1). Railroad company receives! a bill from Farmer Aunm Hhock for 0110 Inlnillo cow killed by 11 locomotive, thu iinioiint oliiuneii lie liiK J-J.'. Tlio'Iiilin vfiH duly inmlu out iiiul pri'Nontisl to tint Ntiitlon ngi'iit. Now, ntllrttinl companion art) provor blally piirtloiiliir nlioiit tliolr pmploywH iIoIuk btwlJioHM oxpodltkniHly. Novor tlioliMH wbllii tin- U. ('. niI IVh cm ployts would Imvo rlHUotl (IIhiiiIhhiiI for not forwiinlliiK promplly nny clitliu tlm (iimpiuiy uillit Imvo 011 othorn tlioy would iiIho rlnlc iIIhiiiIhhuI for for witrtUiij? promptly any oliilni iiKalnst tint coiiipuny. It mum bo nduilttoil tlmt tho nudltor wan In no liurry In ulUior nwivliiK or paying Ul account for l'armor SIiocU'h cow. Tlm nudltor no Hoouor laid oyoH on tliu claim than It wont Into tho plKoonholo wlioio worn Uopt thoso olaliiirt which It wan not coiiHldorod nocosnnry to puy Boon, If at nl-ln othor woiiIh, fnun clalmantH without tho ability to pimh thoni. I-'armof Hhoclc, who fully oxpoctud to rocolVu ciihIi ,for hln cow nfl hooii iih Uio invflldont of tho road hho'uld ro colvu IiJh hill, waa much disappointed nt tho dolay. "Aaron," Hiild hln wifo, "dooa thorn hlK city pooplo pay bllla onlesrf Uioy ha vo toV" .'"W'unl, I reckon tt don't tnaUo no dlf forenco I can't imiUo 'cm." 1 ".Mobho you cau." I S I "aawr , .... ,. M "Wn.il, thorVi. no wntor thy. )lu tf ' l.oroabout to fwl U.o tank nt (lio mil- (Ion except from tho creek (lint rumi tliroiiiili our farm. You've ofto.. ..aid you I ml n tulnd to cut iw noiint dirt where tho crook tunm nnd let the wit- ter K' down around tliu hllln don't you do UT' An roil nrratcln.'d hln head, then pick cd up a ptcx and 11 Hpade, and In u coiiplo of hourH tho little Htntnii wrui (low 1 111; In another chniiuel, Tin. tnlvt ilnr H111 nlnllmi HLM.tlt cntilo .... I.. II... MI..U.IC r.rtnl..,ilH.i In lll.ll ..III f what was tho matter with ilia crock. When the cliiiM was dl.icovcird ho told Farmer Hhock that ho would send ,.,, 1.. mm ti... .,.,.. i.i,.w iMf.iin. wl.eroilj.on tho farmer declared that If hu did ho would "shoot 'em for tnnf imtiKln'" Uio Hlallon riKout nnwrli.il the mat. ,.r ... 1......1 .rt,,.,.. ri.u 11. iu. d.i.ro was no iluliiy In trmiMiiibislou. Tlm witter tank wits uw-luss without water. 1 . .....ut im. r...t rr,.... 11. Tl... iiiifirimv for the eoiniiai.v was sum- ..........I .....1 nn.HittniuNl mm (,. tl.,, r,mn. ..rh Infill rluhiM lii iiinilmr tho st renin Tim tttnriiev returned to bin ollleo. hunt and 1, not originate on U.o premises hoiiiii thing might bo dono. A deadhead tele- gn.ni was at onvu dispatched to tho Htatlon agent for the Information, who. after Invtlgatlon. reported that the creek originated from a spring 11 mile rn.111 Hhock's house, but 011 proiM.rly .,.,.-,, ... ,.,, ' " "" ' " " My this tlmo 11 numlwr of englm-s had given out at tho station for want of water and worn sidetracked there. The nttoriioy for the company nd vlwil that a compromlso lc ofTortiil. but the iirvslilimt doclarc.1 that ho'd u,.. h.,i.., ir..i.. iM.r,m( 1.., wMii.1 .iim,,., ,..t,t !r..,.i .,.trvi.ittii. Thom wns miothor tank at a st.itlou below tho one near Kariiior Khot-k's, nnd tho president gave onions thai the locomotives Ihj provided with nntur V last till tlioy reached this station. Ity this tlmo Kannur Hhock had got i....... t. .V .,........ .- wind of thu fact that tho hourcu of the uelgli Be; what he could do toward turning the water away from tho last named station. 1'odsewlng u txisturu thtough which run tho stream Unit fed tin This witthsl 'it thnt rnnner Hhock's i 1 1.1 ).,... n,f.m,i.. ri... ..... dltor of the mud was sent to see hlm. and. disclaiming any liability for the smw, which had no business to got In the way. offered the farmer 5) jxr I'll throiirh 11 library ut law booln """ """ '""K"' "' "! wu . inimw-y, nnu uv um. jj reported that It was pretty hard to "ohi iiiui". jih'm niiiiini;ni mc uau mini io uinico nimse.i uKrueauiu ;eop 11 man from doing what he liked " n-iimrKniiio run w 1... ".. ,0 n rr, oui .irs. unmscy aiunt en ...... ... n.'f. ..if.r.i II. ft. Ilf.lf III. If.f.llll III UIO fnr I. la ntll.ritlAna Tf n.L.rpor U'ltof. Iilu iiii'ii riinii. lull If inn Mirenii. Hill ' ... - - -rt - - ..--..-...... .w. ....., .,..-.. strwiin was mi Imimrtmit matter, mid riwr. ai. -r..n. ,,., .- 0w 111 .Mrs. unn soy s jiri-sence. nio tu,0 ,l(0Ut lntcrrcrla' with c ho knew thnt the si.rlmr on his farm- """" 1W' i... .. .... wnenwer uio nuMiam. aim u. ...uvua. , . . ff . ,n Luc- w a very copious spring-was tho wmrse ""''' ' " "V,wl , Tl fricl,,, wcrc '"?.st. ,0ScUlcr Ul ,w,,f0l always been Molly's best friend. of nil streams crowing the mUnim! in """ " h " Mffineu mosi ca.ieu upon 10 bou.iu Uur j ,,, , d wouldn't EiM?ak ...... ..Mi.i.,rt..i. n m1.i,.,i,.t s t.y her fair hands. 1 he cl.nngo In him rival's praises. ,,.. tank thoro, after exnmlimtloii he found ","" "'""" '"." ,. ,.."" , " lKa"l -,in, "J 7 '. ",, i explain the matter to Lucy." progressive men infill walks or lire, to that by itnmmliig ho could give the "'l'loncd, contrived to paws Miss Mer dont pmlnsi for both. .Swing that hi .,,-3 exactly wlmt I tolo Molly, arouso tho lndUTcrent to convinco tho ... .. 1 , .1.-. .1.1 wenthor and gave h-r a muto appeal, wife's health was becomliiK tuinalred. , .....t .. o. ... ... nr. .Mwnn..iii.mn .,. nt nm. a small river which flowul near. Tho Iwitlior It w as this or mmetblni. Unit i, proiKiswl a sea trip to Cuba. Mrs. , falf ,m(1 bn(1, nlxftl She sa,d lrjr enthuslaflin for better roads. Until coiiHvijueuco was that one morning U.o to"1 curred between her and the Unmsey yielded, Uicn astonished I tlmt Lucy wouMnt bellsn-e her anil. If this Is dono no Important results wlU cm nt tho second tank station was "," cn,ti,, or n ,1"rilrc ,l, .. uusband inviting tho widow to bo , m wouldn't forgive her for what . bo accomplished. ........1 .i,..i .... more hor power over romlrus. ed.o of ,0 narty. Tho widow accepted. .,,,., .,., " r cent of tho claim, or 91'J.RO im n pros- l" w "' " '" "' ,, ,1 ti.J , ,1 llowovcr """" u, yynw e ...an eiit. The fanner stuck to his bill of '"' fo,,,f No,,"S,,:, H" '' t,,u nR-" 'ntt4?ra Ul,u Mra- Itu,nso-v wus $T, and prvHeiiteil an additional bill of ! J"""rt c rI 1x,t tt k,ck;, . not loft alone; the three were coustant- $1.7) fur Incidentals. When the nudltor aslcoil hlm to siK.'clfy Uie Items he wild It was Uio work hu had dono In turn ing the streams from Uielr tin turn I channels. This unheard of audacity In charg ing a railroad company for thu 111011111 used In Injuring It was too much for tho auditor, wlio left tho house lu high iliidgoou and reported to tho president that ho had found it Impossible to treat with Uiu unreasonable farmer. A meeting of tho directors wnB called and tho matter laid before them, with thu result of sending thu attorney to the farmer with orders to settle the claim Iwforo returning. Tho nttoriioy oiulonvotvd to show tho fanner that lu law hu would havo no case, but the farmer was too stupid to imdorstand thu point nnd stood by his demands whereiiK)n tho attorney, who know very well that tho fanner could turn his own spring wherever ho liked, pro vided those uiKin whoso properly ho turned It did not object, drew on tho company for $170, which ho paid tho farmer, who agreed to turn tho water buck again. IUJVAN YOUNG IlKLDINO. ANIMATING A SLUGGARD tOrlsrlnnl. This Is what occurred tho day before tho annual football match between Princeton and Yalo. Allen l'ondrus of tho Princeton team was a giant In strength and when roused moved lino 1 lightning, but It minimi a galvanic j lattery to rouso htm. Captain Harkor ' nf Princeton know that If hu couUl , lop l'ondrus galvanized during tho giimo hu would win. Knowing also that Poiidrua worshiped llttlo black eyed Lucy Moriweather, Harkor wont Io her and bogginl her to encourage the mounter iliiriiiir tho gamo. This was.f pinlmrrasslng to Miss Moriweather, for , Uilng to be deslred-n mutuaj friend Mr. Topliff, captain of tho Yulo team, , who would como lu lu tho oveunig und waa a suitor of hers. Topliff was rich, chnt with them, They had plonty of nnd Mrs. Moriweather was determined acquaintances, but no ono to bo lntl thnt her daughter should marry hlm. ! nmto with. Mrs. Itamsey nslfod her Hut girls will bo contrary', nun" Miss husband to got ono-of his men friends' Lucy preferred tho cumbrous l'ondrus. to come und dlno with them, but Dick Sho half promised Ilarkcr to do what Itamsey was n man of tho world who sho could in Uio mattor. know when his matrimonial affairs Just before Uio iramo was colled Ton1. 1 were ln good condition and preferred llff approached Miss Mcrlwcuthcfc ami, giving, her nWuo..JlMuafled.,uc,r tor' wro It fbf Vnio. JKj nwriio llmo to flt for 11 reply nnd hurrlud off 011 to th Krldlron, A ""' ,'"!,,rM; "rnKi-l 11 1 ncclfin ' ' "' " Mh M'-rlwoather h hand, hnnherc-d i.hout like n n Up in th., dob (lruuiH. l)iirln n wait for timptrM Harkor piissi'd Miss .Morlweatlic :r nnd gave hf-r n look vhlch said plainly "Help im." ho dropped tho JIhk and lolntd In a chuor for I'rlneeloii. Top II 0 noticed what she did and, passim; hor n few moments later, looked the .1 !... --4 .. -. ttt.t.. ... aai-it I . .1 U Hllfl OUHT WIIJ". lll IHIK'TWi il'T, iiiki n.iv lU-riiliiwl to make an uffurt to rouso "I! rUH C,"CW' .... ''' '" worn massed hi tho centrr "f the Held; thon iitmo a sudden Nniii!liiic. mid .MIhh l..rlwenthm- saw ""'"' the rt lit of the Prliicutoni ' ' k"Z1" "l "ur iK""o'"' ""' Kavc him the hwoi-UhI smile she could call "p. .lust then tho MikIii Btruck Khoi him In the fa-. Ho reir-hi f-.r II, but uffisl. Ue tried iiKnhi and got IU UindiltiK off like 11 twIstliiK arrow, lie made toward hlrf goal. A Mini rttood In I'Ih way 11A1I went down like luiu, 'lwo ,"" '"''l''1 him, but ho swung his right arm bnckwitril, getting rid of ' .1 ... I kh. ... , C'mitnlii 'Jopllff was at n ton to "w what had m mnldenly liifuscil vigor Into tho principal '"'' J ' WhI"K twim. Ho was hoo 1 mndo nwnro of the cause, beelng l'oJru "talk by tho grand stand. Miss M rl- weather waved an orange ling to him , ..1..1.. ,n .1... v.. 1.. "" '"' i,l"wu " ,..... m. ... .- "WUilii ""J1 l" l'Tvli,1 '' M (1 m:ill f"1"'1 wlt1' MIhh Mori wtmthor hu bad imn . .v . u, . , h(ihio, wiuu no ..an ii.hiu. .iiukihk uhwkiiu...... . the girl sat, hu forced n smile. She lonnwl over tho mil. and ho spoke to her. Wtmt he said no one oould h.wr. hough her mother, who sat i.Mr M.-0- l..g Unit Nil was not going well Ik- twoonU.etwswl.UM.ri,Hfwuords, in her slaughter's mr. 1 Uv result v,h nisi uiiriiiK w.e roi o. u.v mm unu MIh.1 Merlwonthur wnvwl u blue llsg. was Instantaneous. "Whafu tho matter with rondrusr wns tho universal cry. uanior. wno nnu koiu .11 o,0o.. u.u ',,I"M,J "".T1 '; wgrtrd tho liileroiitii of Mr- Topliff nml tho admonitions of 'or mother. Ilefort tho men llue.1 up l ' tho giants eye and a,v,u ' """l,,,',r ""J,h'- , , nMl ., '""n ") ,,."', ,T,,ir. I A,iv Kiiim mini mi- .nn. i" v.iv. ... ...r. team, wIkj caught It nml carried it In a soinlclrvlc to goal. l'ondnis, after noting the result of I1I.1 punt, turned nnd faced the group ubout Miss Muriwentlior. She waved tho Princeton colons and gavo him a stiower ot wniios. uopim saw 11 an. Miss Morlweather'H cyos mot hK and pho knew that sho had sinned beyond forgiveness. Then l'ondnis was curried off tho field injured, and during the next five minutes what he had gained by bis punt was lost Just before the end Hnrker got Miss Moriwcuthor to . scratch a few words on tho back of an I old letter -asking the gluut for her sake I to coiiio back mid win the game. Tho ' device brought hlm stalking on to the ! tleld to the iiwsle of lYincoton's thun dering cheers. His nwnkoned enthu siasm needed to last only live minutes. The rrlncoton men contrived to got tho ball to hlm am)' with almost super human strength, breaking away from his clinging enemies, his thinks well I'unrdcd, he totk n zlgnig course for a few moments; then, leaving all behind, nude goal and tho gumu. ,, Tho last Incident or thut exciting game was Miss Merlwoathor taking a Lower from hor snowy coinage and pinning It to l'ondnis' dirty bucksklu. Mr. romlrus caine very near 'losing Miss Morlws'iither, after ull. Ho was po flow about getting out his nronosl- tion that Mrs. Morlwoather had n great ndvantarw In favoring u reconciliation wUl ToUff, indeed, tho llttlo girl fl)Ulld ,t ncCoa3ao' to do tho pn.poslng herself. ANNA EDNA CARItOLI (Orlclnal.l Mr. and Mrs. ltamscv word a very lumpy oouple. Thero was but one 1 to let well onough alono. Not that ho' man' t trust mm wue imDuau-. uuj I .I..u, llui .t.l.itl k....l. tt-.. T. 1 I... .If.l TT AFFILIATION Hmply didn't propoo io go ouCof hla vny to brltnf about complications. One evening whllo Uio Itnmflcyu wero f"out" Mr. HnwHvy wan Introduced to a widow with rhom ho fell dcperato ly In lovo nt lirnt Hllit. "Oh, Dlckr' ho nld. "I'vo met tho lovelleiit woman In tho world. SIio'h taken Uio third Iiouho from ua up tho Htrt'i't I'ro Kolnif to call on her, nnd hIio'b promlBod to corno In often, play whlnt, plHKponir. nnythln wo like. We'll have n delightful wlnterl" "That's very nice. Ih dinner rendy?" "JuHt like a man no etitliiiHlnHiii about nnytl.lng except so.nethln to. cat I" replied tho wife, disappointed. ' yi i n,..i .... .1' ...i.i. Mm ll,.,,. nll,.,l .. tlm wl.lntv. nnd wltl h call and wlUiln a week Uio widow returned Then Mrs. Itamscy Invited her to cjrno In tit snorul nn cvenlmr. Hho mndo herself vary ngrecnblo; In-1 deed sho professed all Uio frlcndllnesw J that could be desia-L When sho was ready to go homo Sir. Itamscy escorted ht.r. Tho widow InvltiKl Uio Itnmscys to mako her an cvenlm; visit to play whist and hud n gentleman Jn to mako up the net The gentleman was to play . .-..I ...... .. .. - t.. !... '" w,uu ,l"w f r- ,,UB1''U w "V aviary to show him her birds tho wlfo was obliged to content herself with the stranger. Tho situation about Christmas tlmo was this: T.o widow was very much with Mr. namscy. Tho nmilntlon between tlie .. ... ......,......!. ....... .i mn-u wa ui mm m u w .. - ltlvc or. MrH; njcy was bold enough' to peak to her about tho matter, anil , ,..; wuu reiuwi u.v mu u in.uii- y ui ease ns 10 u.o inumncy ueiween w iiusuuim ihw iuu .uw. However. Mrs. Itnmsey grew iicrv ous, excitable, pale, nnd when nlono 1. .1 I.mI.L.I nAli ..a. !. mm rtln ind a troubled look 011 her face. Tho truth Is, sho hated the widow as bit-1 terly as she had loved her. Hut the more ho hated her the mora Bho , , ravwi uJUt her beauty, her wit, her nuiiior or nor many nuracuve ways.. y0 om dared speak against the wld-1 . . . . . I H for Dick Itamscy, he was one of those imperturbable, reticent fellows WL0 keep their own coutmol. He nov- t.r SIK,ko of U.o wwow in company. BUggesUng thnt it would Ihj pleasant to tnko uluni: tho gentleman who had plnywl whlst with thorn. Hut Mrs. ltamwy dwncd t0 ,Ilvito ulia Mr- Kninscy. though surprlacd at this move 01 ui wiit, mmiu ..o miu..-uu y (ogciucr. tfiion Uio party returned, Mrs. Ram- y was no better. Indeed, she was worse. Sho declined to own that she was HI, and to speak to her on the sul- wt ot j,cr i,eUi was na dangerous aH to decrj tho rival In her presence. fnie thinner, more wnn Mrs. Itamscy became tho heurtler grew tho widow. Evil disposed persons said Uiat tho widow was u vampire drawing Uio life blood from tho wlfo whoso husband pho wns drawing nt Uio same tlmo. At lSastcr Mrs. Itamsey was llttlo more than skin nnd bono. Uer hnsband was very anxious about her and asked his doctor what he should da "Tuko her on a trip." "I'vo dono Uiat" "Do it again, nnd this tlmo go with her alone.'' Itamsey went to his wife and told her .. i.,a 1..1 ,..,ns.i t that ho wns making arningemcnts to tako her to Europe. Sho couseutcd, but 1 iu,w ..vi w """i"- """u,vu' "" tho sivuio ovenlug Hnmsey saw a note on his wife's dressing case addressed wlfo camo lu. , "Mnry," h bW. "I don't want to pry Into your affairs, but does Uiat noto contain nn InvltnUon to that curs ed woman to Join us on )hla trip?" "Cursed woman?" "Yes. Ever sluco you beenmo lnfnt tinted with hor last autumn sho has been tho bano of my, existence. She hns palavered over me, and I, uot dai lug to give you my opinion of her, havo withstood hor constant efforts to get mo Into her clutches. I can stand it no longer. You nro UL.and.1 bo llevo tfco woman's lnfluenco over you hns something to do with your Illness. I beseech you to go nlono with mo nnd got rid of her." Whllo Dick Ramsey was speaking his wifo stood looking at him ln aston ishment Whon ho had concluded sho Bank Into a chair with n deep drawn nigh. , M0h, Dick, why didn't you tell mo fcofora? I Uiought sho had taken you away from mo." The trip was abandoned slnco tboro was no necessity for It P. A MITGHEL. Too Much 80. X man to whom illncis waa ohronlo, When tohl that he needed a tonic. Bald. "Oh, doctor, dear, Won't you nleaso mako It beerr "No,' no," said thu doc, "that's Tou- tonic," --. IU UVU UlUk WW" -Princeton Olger. OTHER PEOPLE'S AFFAIRS Original. "Hay, Josh, I thought you and Molly 1 Rudd was goln' to mako a match." "Now, you Just let other people's nf fairs iiloue. You won't get no thanks, and you'll bring trouble on yourself. I've had experience) that n-way myself. 1'oti know Lucy Carver? Well, slw d M bosom friends, ., . , , , . . day Molly come to mo and tole mo One "" Wu l" '"" u,m '""' ,,,u l""1 1..ah f.lf hn 4 4 tff $ 1 tm 1V J'0' wn n-gohV to Uirow herself nwny on Tom Martin, nna .Molly was grlevln' over It as much as If sho was n-goln to marry the man herself. I nsked her If sho didn't know any way to prevent the match, and sho said she didn't, unless somo girl would cnUcc Tom nwny from Lucy. 'Well,' I Bald, 'why don't you do It yourself? Sho didn't Bay nothln for awhile, then sho looked up at me kind o' cur'us and said she'd supposed 1 might object to nuy thing like Uiat- But I tolo her 1 .wouldn't mind hor doln' her friend n good turn. All Bhc had to do was to be Bweet to him for awhile, and when. she'd shown Lucy how llcklc ho was Bho could drop him. Of course. I be- In- in thu secret wouldn't be n-frctUn' . ..,,..!- i.nnn(ni ..n f and n-worryln' 'bout her kccpln coi pany wIUi Tom. . "Purtv kooii I noticed Uiat sho hau ." ::: . . .. ,1 started in. sno anu Tom was logeuier m0Ht or Uiu amc.f und Mol,y Mq mQ Umt a WBg ,. fust nUs,. "Uut what's the objection to Tom?" .oh( btfg Q mhUMii kin,l of n feller.; Hasn't nothln 'bout him 'cept good , looks. Then he's kind o' wild and on- 1 Bca,j.. Huerally.' ' J 9 W ..Wc on ,.L , t , n, mad w,th a 'd t0,e Lfm WA ,mvo t0 8t BpBrkin. Moy or 8md cuuck hlm. Thg dl(lu.t do ,)0 for by Ull8 tlmo j,oll hnd Wn Hk(, Q fly . ln a .,, ,, nf ,ippn.a w,.prn .vhnt t i.... ... ...vw ....--T ....... - iher 10'd turn-' , ,f ann,B . , ..it .!,,,, WOB ,'i ,,,,.,.-wnB fP Moiir. , ,avln, 8ll0Wtd up Tom.g HUnllo'w 1 ,,,,., (0 dr0 L.. ,, t0 ou (md j . t Xfat WM t0 ci, ..., ' T, , t f bad to worse, j o nwfjj l)tfcaHS0.Lucy- , (urn htp back on LcP and sbo dldn.t kow what to 1I0." Did she try to mako a satisfactory explanation?" "I asked her 'bout Umt and sho said Lucy had treated her so mean sho didn't Uko to go pahivorln' over her, when it was Lucy's business to feel grateful to her for doln her n favor." 1 .,.,"., What did Tom do when Molly drop-1 1 .: : . , . Molly didn't exactly drop Tom. Sho said Lucy-had acted so disgusUn sho didn't want to let her .think she could mako her drop Tom, especially by git tin mad 'bout it" "What was goln' on between you and Tom?" "Oh, Tom when he passed mo usett to look at inc with n kind of n smirk, as much ns to say, 'I'vo got your gal.' and I looked at hlm as much as fo say, tluess you'll find out somethln' blmo by.' They say men is nlwuys llghtlu' 'liout women. I dou't seo 110 chance , 4 " , . . .11 T.t .,..?.., ' foolln' Uio men Ull tho last minute, .... l...t nst !...t. n flirt .. .. 1l. l.nfln and then there s no uso of tlghUn. Ati nny mto I didn't want to tight Tom. "" ".' .7 ....."....... i.;,... ..." SZZ "' ,." ,u,1 .T: . . ",' il-Jili. itt itIUl. iJUi U.UIVUJ gUi HIW bavin' him tako un so much of Molly's time. "You seo, lots of Umes when 1 wanted hor to go rldin wIUi me or to tako her to a dnnco or unythlng llko that she'd sayj 'Why didn't you speak about it sooner? I J 1st tolo Tom I'd go with hlm.' But 1 had lota of fun at dauces when I see pcopto looUln nt mo llko n3 If tlioy pitied mo, for they didn't know Uio game wo wus pluyln'. "Ilowsomevcr, at last I mado up my J mind tho thing had got to end somo tlmo, and, knowiu what kind of a fix Molly wus in, I Jlst thought I'd do somotiilu' to end it myself. I expected Molly wouldn't llko It nt fust, but wlien It was all over and sho was out of Uio scrapo sho'd think all tho moro of me." "How did you manage It?" "I went to Tom nnd tolo him that Molly had got mixed up lu other peo ple's affairs and sho'd found It neces sary to keep company with hlm awhile, but thero was nothln ln It nnd if ho was a senslblo feller ho'd drop her." "I (shouldn't 'a' thought ho'd 'a' taken that very well." "Ho did, though. IIo said ho was ! much ohlccgcd to mo for tcllln' him. It was Molly that got mnd. He tolo her "what I'd said, and tho next Umo sho saw mo sho tolo mo I had no busi ness to., interfere in tho mutter and I I ..T-- ------- --- - ..,.. . .. - -hurTghnlnd ome-'other gal. for she'd bad.eno.UjBh.pf moAan.4 my fiokln' my nosirinto orncT people flnll. "You expected hor to bo mnd nt lust" "So I did, but I didn't expect sln'd go plumb back on mo for a llttlo thin; llko Uiat I don't fieo how sho could expect mo io ha,vo her glvln' up all hor tlmo to Tom forever." - ' "What do you mean by her goln' plumb bad: on you?" - ' -. "Why, havon't you hecred? She nnd, Tom Is n-galn' to bo ' married next Tlruroday." ANTHONY "tfE ANTS." NATIONAL AID. IIott to Grt Cnclo flntn'M Help In Dallillnir Ooo.I Hoaili. Colonel J. II. Ilrigham, nsslstnnt 00c rotnry of ngrlculturo nt Washington, In n recent speech nt a good tnuds con vcntlon said somo things Ui.it every body ought to road. Among other good things ho said: "I eoo no reason why tho general government should not npproprinto a certain nam of money to bo expended In Uils groat work. Of courso tho etnto, countlea and local communiUot should bo cxpocted to co-operate. A llttlo aid from Uio general government would bo n wonderful encouragement to all tho people. "I hoar n number of speakers hero Baying that wo must stir up congr" Now, I want to Impress you with tV idea thnt wo must first educate Uio People. When the pooplo are In favor onn' nM In ns Boort ninils congressmen will bo In favor of It and mtmtil n. They nro not going auea(1 of 0 people. ur ., -,-nn -t. i, nnn,,t ow "" "- ....... government nhould not roach out Ub Btrtmi? nrm ttn(1 hcIp tll0 pp of thH country got better means of communl- .cation. I wnnt to seo this movement pushed wIUi nil tho energy that Is char- nctcrisUc of the American people. When wo undertnko to do anything In this trfit tr itrt If nrwl An If .nll W ,mV(J Btartwl oflt fof ia un(1 we ro , . toexfard ou ,ln0 till wo hVo as good roads as can be found nUpvhcro in tho world." ln thm mnnrkB Coloncl nrlgham hns soundctl tuo uoynoto of tho good .,. ,.nmnn!trn. Tii.. mnm nf stm pnonle mast bo aroused and educated. ........ .rni -.- .. - - OranlzaUon U Uie prlnclDal mcana to lx employed. Conventions should bo to held nnd associations should bo organ ized In nil tteettoni of tho countrv. It ta ... ...,.. fn rot nut .. mni nt nmfeinnnl mn.l rformr to mnkn speeches and pass TesoluUorts. Tho ob- s,.ct in view is to Interest practical and Plural Delivery Notes J AssodaUons of runil delivery car riers uro being organized In a number of Btntes. Tho chief objects of tho car riers ln organizing an to effect im provements In Uie service and better their condlUon. Hereafter ntvrnrnl tma silvery rou' will bo pst.bmi.ud unless at least 100 residences will bo sorved by it There are now ou flic about 13,000 plications for now route audthero Is hardly a stnto thnt has not nsked for moro routca than can bo put in opera Uon In Um next three years. Owing tj Uio limit of tho appropriation but on half tho routes asked for can bo al lowed. Tho department will hold strict, ly to Uio rulo of keeping withiu tho ap proprtnUou and wUl not permit route to bo established, as heretofore, with Uio Idea of taking a deficit to congre?i to mako good. " Goba LUtoutnst: " """ Good talking Is largely dependent 00 "goosl hearing." Tho fact Umt am:'' Is nblo to do hla montal powers the Ji tlco of brilliant expression may bo dn to tho presenco or somo receptive muui .st- init mi ..nnrorinto. wit. to Uio presenco of somo receptive mind 7 oZn A iho nolnt of deafening " -- "" "- - - themselves. Tho sympathoUc and si j lent listener Is tho buffer between. , Uuskln Is said to huvo been excellent company. Ho spoko in a tono of "gen tlo and playful earnestness. 110 nan Hoods of thought and knowledge to pour forth, if only ho could get Uio right hearers. Dut Uiero were tho bar ren occasions when listeners were ab sent Ouo day a friend gavo a llttlo dinner for him, Dr. Jowctt and Dean Btnnic I Rut no Booner had. tho dinner begu than tho host realized his mlstako. 1. had provided no Boiuugior ma juwe no juuiur men ns Uvurors. -iiu wnntctl to mett ono another," ho sal "It should havo gone off brllllan but tho soup came and tho ush follow ed nud they simply would not talk, f last I said some stupid thing to Stan loy about tho architecture of West minster nbbcy. nnd that drow Rusklu nnd started us nil off. Then all went woll. Rut I shall never mako' tho samo mlstabe ngalu." Youth's Com panion. Wmt Wiiitm Va Ocrtomnln. In Colombia railroad soctlon men 60 cents a dny, common laborers . cents, street car men 00, cents m dairy hands 40 cents. 'Tho hlghe wage Is $1 a dny, paid to rvr jp' ,leen, ir . .--si, I m Wl .'r - . iv .'VI, I J.w.- ftlHA(f, ' A' 's-l ' . ,