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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1903)
. 'V "' - mmmi ")" T "i frsr&H. ;,$ "5",tMT'V' JW' vr li 'r"f- . 4 .. J . ;rr. .J?,r'U?.;.)A$(MJ9)E j 5 " "FfghiHg Jim's" Claim Orbrinnt. III tJio ilnyii whim tho, forfy-nlnors In California worn hunting for tho blf milieu that nftorwitrd hvciifito boiinii- run it iiiiiii uppeanul In Million gulch llllll lot'll It'll II Cllltlll. lit) Willi II iMiwor- fill fellow unit n iMilly, mill It was not long before liln nutKlibnrM wuro ufmld of him. IIo didn't trotililo tiiuni to ro moiiibor IiIh name, nnd tlioy gradually, got used to culling him "righting Jlni," Onn lny Jim (old his nolghborn Mint ho wiih going to Frisco. Mo luti'iidcd leaving liln enlilii unlocked mill his clnlm unprotected "Just for tint fun," lie until, "of Hi'oln' noinu gnloot Juiiiimt, when I got buck, bunklu' In llii) odd or uurliln' tint other." Then ho added, On 1ny n pnrty of professional into opornjoni iiptnrcd In tho gulch qtxl oponod up Jlm'fl clnlm, which proved to bo ono of tho blggoat inlncfl In tlio country, "Who nolil you tlu initio?" (juorlod tho gulohont. "Jiiiiioh Flint mid Jemima Flint, IiIk wlfo. Flint miuo out nnd pronpcctcil. Tliun IiIn wlfo cnnio out, nnd It wiih she who wont ennt mid negotiated tho wib to tlio winpimy. They got u mlllloii for It." HAIIAII HAUL TWMI5I). OTSURRECTION "Yu'll nee Mouiepln happen." With thin ho departed, Thero wiiii noiii) of tho peoplo of Mil linn gulch ho in nil mi to Interfere with either of Jliii'n properties. Hoverul stronger ciiiiiii tilting, took a look ut tho cliilin, wore duly wnnied mid do purled. JIiii'h belongings woro coiinIiI. lint iih Hit fo iih If ho tinil loft u duxen uiuii for It" protection. Onn dny ii young follow rnmo to tlio gulch, linked n writ iimny ijuostlous tilsnit tint protpi-ctH of gtdd, claims to be hntl nnd cIiiIiiih not to Ini IiihI. 1 ticl di'iitnlly JIiii'h clnlm wiih montlotiM, with tho timiiil warning. That ulKht n llKht wiih olmfn'ttl In JIiii'h cnlitii, nnd tho uoxt inoriiliiK tho Htmimor wiih nt worli In JIiii'h clnlm! A milf voiiHtltutcd uuniiilttt'o of tho niiMtt pninilnt'iit cltl r.omt proo'iitml to tho hido thnt hud lii-on iIiik mid Kindly Informed tho ytuiiiKNicr thnt ho wiih not only wiihIIiik tiln Unit, hut that Jim, when h ro tuniixl, would iHti'HMltnto tholr liurylui; tho JiiniK'r nt tho puhllc mpoiiHo. Tho fellow put hit lintitl In IiIh pofket nnd, UikliiK out ii Iiiik of Kultl diiHt, ro miirkvd; "I'm no nponpi to lirlmf uuniiviLiiiry tiYpvimo on my ni'ltfhlHim. Tnko thnt for miciirlty." With thnt ho n'Hiiiinil IiIh plek mid tho coiuuiltteo depnrtetl to M'triul tho iiowh through the Kuh'h that thero wnx n luuiitlc worklm; JIiii'h clnlm nnd tho Kiilch wiin niiro on JIiii'm return to U) dlhKnmtl hy ItH llmt luunler. In a nitiplo of wokH Jim returned. Ho Kiitheretl nil he met Into the prio ri pal kiiIimiii of tho town to drink to hln return, nnd rwvontl dtlxenn took in wtutttvo of tlio fnct to break tho iiowh of tho JtimpliiK nf hN nibln nnd IiIh rlnlii) and to Htriv to luduco Jim to, bdiiK no iIInj.tikm' on tho hlllierto ience-1 nil community. Tliolr eirortn were vnln. Jim tmtl Hnirrely hennl of tho oiilrtiKo whon, hitching IiIh mvidver forwunl, ho loft the mjiIimiii In hot lin.ilu to wn'iik veiiKonnco on tho NtmnK'r. Tho crowd followeil with hnted breath. On milting tho uilno tho peiRvful Hound of tho pick won liennl Jim, til' tlulnlng to tnko nd;intiife of nu un wn nuil enemy, Htrodo up empty luitid hI to the Nldo of tht) hole. Tho Jumper went on picking tho earth, and Jim , growled: "Hello, you, therel" The yiiimgHter turned IiIh ovnl fnce, dollente except tho mouth, which wim linn iih udiimant, and replied: Ihillo. Jluil" Jim Htood paralyzed, nnd tho Jumper continued' "I've untli'Dttooil fmni tbeno people tmit yro gotir to uuiko iiiihii o me. If y do, y'ro a ginul ileal changed from xClint y' wvro IiihI tlmo I kiiw y. I reckon tlilu wcHteni nlr tnimt tin' put u lot o' Hturch Into y'." Mill Jim Htood iiiiito, nnd thono who luitl come to hod him "chnw up" tho fitrn tiger wondered. "I wnnt y' to uudorritnnd," tho Jump er continued, "thnt thlH clnlm belongH to inn. While y'vu Imhuj foolln' yer tlmo uwny at Frbico I'vo lioen u-work-In' It. Now, gtt down hero nnd go to work. flontlomon"-- addromdng tho cniwd "the hIiow'h over. Thero Isn't n-golu' to Im) any fuuoral ttnlay nor to morrow nor nono nt nil. Ho y might nH wiiii go about yor IiubIiiohh," Tho party wnlked nlowly awny, leav ing Jim and tlio Jumper togotbor. From that tiny Jim wiih n changed num. Ho talked no more of lighting, kept nway from tho miloon, devoting bfri tlmo to tho working of tho claim, which hud apparently piiHtitKl Into tho Orlidnal.l "My filund, I will trotiblo you for your clothcH." I wiih tnrtln to crowi u long mil rond brldgu on foot. ThoroviiH only n ntuglo truck, and tho tlmo wan 10 o'clock at night. I know tho dnngor yt croimlng tho biidgo, but I bud been nliMi'iit for montlut, bad Jtmt allgbted ut tho Htatlon half a mlbi awny ami wiih In a hurry to reach my homo. "My clotlieH?" I exclaimed, iiNton iHhud. "If you bnd UHltod for my valu ubltiH, I would not bo nurjiriHedi but my clotboH nro un old milt I iiho for truvollug." "Tbo agi dtKn't matter, nnd tho vnluubloH gieH wltli 'om. Come, get 'M Will Tho mnu wan armed with a hludg ikiii, whllo I hml nothing for dofcuHo. "Ob, I hcjI" I unld. "You nro being hunted ami wnnt to uvudo your pur- HUtirM." Tho fellow Imd n denporntu look nlmtit him, nnd I bognn nt onco to til vent mymdf of my gnniientH. Ho bur rletl me, bu I ho(KHl to hiivo noiiio pit IK.'m them wort) In my pocket nnd Htop petl to tnko them out. "It 'om nlono," bo hiiIiI. "I wnnt 'cm for Idoiitlllcatlou." In a few mluutcH tbo man bnd on my clothcH whllo I wnn obltgetl to put, on IiIh or go naked. 1 did leave off homo of them, but bo forced tnu to wear them, douhtlemi knowing that If tlioy weni found they would tatrny tho oxchnngi.'. "Now," bo Haiti when wo werti drtHi ii, "you go bnck U) whom tho mud croHMoM the rnllmnd, go down tbo bill nnd cniHH tho ftKijbrldge. Whon you got to tho bridge, glvo mo n wblHtle. 1 don't propotti) to lot you got fur enough to glvo mo awny lxforo I enn reiicti tbo other nldo of thin thing, and It '11 Imj hIow walklti' for mo." I. concluded thnt dbtcrotlou wiih the Ik'Hit intrt of valor nnd did oxnctly n bo illrectiM. When I reached tho foot bridge, I hiiw IiIh tlark llguro In hllhou etto ugnliiNt tho Hky Htiiutllug where I bnd loft blm. I whlHtled, nnd be Htitrt itl over tbo brldgn. It wiih n mllo fnrtbor to my homo by tbo routo I wan forcrd to take, hut I wiih rolloved to get nway from a tlen pernto mnu nnd wnlked brlnkly, won tiering what my wlfo would wiy to nee mo coming In In hiicIi wretched clotbott Kuddonly 1 liennl tbo Kouud of hor boofK behind mo clattering over the narrow fiwithridgo ami knew tho rider tmiHt Ini In a burr' to take hucIi ii rink In fnct, I HurmtHod bo wiih after th criminal, and I would have hidden to avoid tmublo bnd them Uvu any incline of comvuhiient. Hlncti then) wiih iioih I resolved to innlto n virtue of no cod ty, aiul an tbo horucmnii came up I cnllcil to blm: "If you nro looking for nn iMcupef. vllliiln, Iio'h JiiHt croHHvil the nillroaO brldgu altovo." "I am IfKiklng for a criminal," bo re plied, covering mo with a revolver, "ami I reckon you'ro tho man." Ho wiih In police- uniform, nnd with bit revolver cIoho to my fucu I mado the hfHt of the oltuatlon. "Homo men," nld Undo IJbcn, "altn down nn' docx n dny'H lonfln' nn' calln It t)oln' patient nn' rculgncd." Wash togton Htnr. Tlio Joiit Imcn ltn point wlipn ho who mnkcj lt,Ifl,t!io first to laugh. Schiller I Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to tho ADVERTISING MAN any r'aponnibh) bo'tce. ymtfPSstt 3m 9aL?'piu " W-3WTJ K vVYi JAr?rjs, r 'i "mWi trf w-. ;J0TTT1 f&o-Sa: tf&B:Vp urcompnucffM oy wmr HhnrKs n Htio rnn Into tlio kitchen. 1 followed her, and who run out tlio bnck door. I)l. dnhilng to purouo lior fnrtbor, I ro nolvcd to look ulHowhoro for n hoIu(Ioii of tliu myHtory that wnn growing more nnd more nHtonlNhlng. doing ngnln Into (ho Hlreot, I mot a friend who h tn red at mo In iiHtonbilimout, "For hoavon'H Hake, Htlvcri, whnt (loon thlM mean'" I nuked. "Aro you really alive?" "Allvol Of courno I nm." "You were burled yenterdny. I know that, for I attended your funeral."' "Como, toll mo nil nbout It," I nnked conxlugly. "Why, tlio night you wrre expected homo a man wan killed on tbo railroad bridge, droiwd In your clotheH nnd having your pnperx In bin pocket. He wiih mutilated beyond recognition." I went homo whllo HtlvorH wont to bring my wife, Hu found her In tho cpmeUiry plnuflug tloworn on my gravo Ktid watering them with her tent-H. ' PHI Ml' T. HAKKIt. Linen l obtained from tho flnx plant, s imiall, dullcato niiuunl with n tiny blue flower. The plant 1h pulled by hand In tho Hummer, tho Hecdo, known In commerco nn IhiNced, being removed nntl tho Htrnw nubjected to various proccHHen to Hvpnrnto the flbroiiH pnrt which comitltuteH the linen. First It In Htocpud In water nnd then pntoied through it drying nnd heating proccHa on revolving wheelfl until nil foreign uintter Ih removed. It Is then ready for miinufucture. Flax linn been lined from remote ngc h n textile fabric, cBixjcInlly In Egypt Mummy clothn arc often found to bo of exceedingly lino texture. Tho chief linen producing countries of the present ilny aro lrelnnd, France, Helglum nnd (ioruinny. Tlio flnx fiber Is round ami Irregular, Ih very durable and 1b ca pable of extonsivo bleaching. Plain linen hn a fllmplo weave, with tbo weft thrcndH nlternntely Intcrnpernlng tho wnrp oneH. When woven with n pattern It Ih UHiinlly called damask. Ah a clothing materlnl linen Hbould not Imj worn next the Hkln bccnuBo It la n very good conductor of bent. , Jute and hemp am from plnntn which are until In mnuufucturlng only very rough mnterlnlH. In fonn they resctn bio verj- conrne, Inferior flax-Atncrl enn Queen. Trnlnrit Niinnin Wlift I.nnf. "When n doctor flndH u nurne .rending n book nbout her profession and not n novel whllo sho wntches at the bedside of a patient." paid an uptown phyid clan, "that In tbo nunc be likes to biro nntl to help. If the enso turns out well the doctor Hometlmes makes her n pres ent of n Imok with up to date ItlciiH on her profetiHloii which nho might not bo nblo to buy. One-hnlf tho trained nurxes of the city nro tlependent upon the recommendations of physlclnns, nnd half the hiiccosh of n phyclclan de pemls on a gootl nurse; therefore a doc tor likes a nurse who rends nbout ber htitiluoHH, nttentls lectures nnd keeps up wnn tlio times. T, Tlirho-A-Week- World "You would bo nstonlshed to know brilliant rucevfs in tho bettlntiinx nnd how tunny lectures nro given by phy- has been etentlily growing ovor einco. Hlclans In New York every month that 'Tlmo is the lest of ull things, nnd has are open lo trained nun-eu, but which Isetlte seal rf tipptovnl on tho Thrice-A few of them attend. There are a good ' Wcck Wor-il. nMch is widely circulated tnniiv loafo mnonir the trnlne.l niiMes. cvrt cl.u,u "", """ "' "' zcrz jM 1 1 M I H 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 III I HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H f 3S? CENTRAL HOTEL Comer of Front and A lreet, MARKHFIBL1), OREGON, ONH SNYDER. : t j j : Proprietor rnHIS WKLUKNOWN ANDKAVOKITt J I IOTKI. has lust tccn entirely refilled and rrfnrnUhcd throughout and is again 0cn to the public for tKttronafc. New Ai .ind spring mAtlrcsv: h c lifer placed in almost every sleeping room of this liouM antl neither trouble nor expznv- ha; beer (nrcd to put everything In first-claij order. ItKMB, Hoard n dKing, per week 'js-- lioard.p: week &j.o Snr.leMff .. ,.. a$ LUMBERS t tataBKesrcT rTmnwrr GKOSSM ANN'S PATIiNT WRITING RING Tbo most importnnt tmprovembnt of the age in tho art ol penmnnthip makes tile poorest wruor n Bplerided jMrnmau in n few weeks by tbo life of this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presi dents nnd Hoards ol Education in Eu rope nnd America, Sample dozen ns forted eizt" rent vet paid for fl.lK), sin gle sample 'J.'c. When ordering n tingle ring, stato whether for man, wo-nan or child. PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO. No. 110 6. fourth St, Philodclph That is what we have to sell and we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. The quality is guarantcd and the price is Right. Our Stock includes anything required in Fir, Spruce, Red and White Cedar. SIMPSON LUMBER CO., HIIOSE MAIN 151 NORTH BEND, OR 4111'inmimiiiiii w-w -I liiHiiiiimiiiiiiiiinl TUB NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION Rend wherever tho English Laogn.iEO :b Spoken THE STEAMER ARCATA. jr. C. XJSL&OXf MasU t . Will .IXiiUe Uccnlar '1 rip- BETWEEN COOS BAY AND SAN FKAMJISCO CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREiGHi AT - LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., Proprietor. BO YEARS' EXPERIENOE 4$ a$2 flfffT flfl m fS M-Jk ftfw4M Traok Marks Dcsians COPYRISMTB AC Anr ont ir.Jlo m ikttUi and aalctUr raw ntektr lUNnaln oar opinion freo butw ao nntloa uproDooif rxvxwtAOia. umnuu loiurtrmlroonDdMitUL llanuoooK oo rauau ant km. tloiu nrtttlr eonflfl . UK1MI iw i tAkoa laroaah mbiui Jk i rpcial notuL wttbosl ixw, lo tb JMtrt iwroaar fori I'attQU latum ibrosaQ Mann rteur rlfc A Uo.roJTi SckMfilk Hwcrica K haaitjotadr UloTMl WMklr. enlAtlo or anrvoianucfl jomjL Trrai.f4 rwrt rfir momiht. H. goMtjyMl BffnimHam, ftiUNN&C0.3o,B"rl8WTgrt was a KB.DOW, Acent. Marfihfield. Orecon M.O. CO. Auut, Euipiru City, Orejoa lin nml t ImriiAiiAw llinvit n nrIft tlir Tbey deem to think tliolr Htudy ended "-J S'the; tonBr.. when tbey got tliolr dlplomu8."-Nev tIiIn pvr for the romitiR winter nnd York Press. I the yw 110.1 will mnke itP news wr- ' viee, 1( poiiible. more tmunruvu than Mriiiiciii nn Thirteen. 'ewr. All tvoiitaof importriice, no mat- SImleni oceultlstH mnlntaln thnt tho Mer wher titty linppon, are ro- ( We promptlf obtain D 8. and Jbretgnf number four pluyH finite nn Importnnt n part In immdnno ntTnlni nit the mini ber thirteen, nnd for tbo following ren nous: There nro four cnnllnnl points, four wlndH, four fiensous, four rules for txirted accurately and nromntly. rho subscriber, for only one dollar a year, Rota three pajHire every weok and tuoru news nnd general rend ini; than moot great dailies can lurnieh t Ave or eix tiince tho price. rno Thrico'ii-uelik-woriu la auao- luetl my clothea. "Not much risk nbout taklmi you In," be wild. "Uot any wouikius?" "No." IIo flonrchel mo, finding nothing on me, tlion, hIIpjUhk a "bmcelet" on my wrlstfl, led bin honw nnd walked mo hack to tlio Htntlon. Thoro wna a U-nln i duo from tho dlroctlou I wished to ko, nnd ono bail rocuntly pniwod goliiK tho oUior wuy. IIo Krumblod nt not hiiv Iur cuiiKbt tho latter train nnd when control of tbo HtrnnKer. Then Huddon-I tho ot,.lor c.nmo ,on nnl! It with "I'll ko with you. Do you know tbo mnu you'ro nfter?" i arithmetic, four conjugations nnd four lntely fr iti its political nown. Par "I know thnt lie wears n dirty yollow i quarters of the moon. Moreover, tbo tienn bins ia never allowed to nffect its milt," hu replied evnslvely, nnd, ills , Olympiad biHted for four years, n pack nrwa colnmtiB, nnd Democrat and Re mounting, he Htruck n match nntl cxnm-' ' crl Jh composetl of four cqunl Pu,.,l,5a1n ft'lkotcan, t?,"i ln WW parts nnd of four suits, nn hour Is til- '' ' whiriou iu. vided into four qunrters. nnd most cM iTSZ'rx to all the newP, thn Pieces of furjilture bttvo four legs, llio Turlce-n-Week-World furnlsboa. tho occultists oven point out mar every mi- beat I'orinl Action, elaborato market ly the Jumper illHiippenreil, Ah soon nH bo lmtl gone Jim stopped work. I (Is old iiHsoelutes expected that ho would rovoul tho mystery, but bo maintained nbsoluto hIIoiico. Woelts piisHetl, then mouths. Occasionally Jim would wan der Into tbo saloon, apparently to kill time, but was careful of bis potations and his words. One day a letter camo to Jim bearing a Now York ixmliuark. From tho mo ment of ItH reception Jim was again changed. Tills tlmo it was a different cliaugu; ho was hilarious. IIo gather ed the people of the gulch Into tho sa loon and treated all round. Then he went to his cabin anil to bed. The nct morning tho enblu was empty. Jim had disappeared. "It's as plain as tho uoso on yer ice," Haiti the chief citizen. "Jim wits 'anted for murder, It wouldn't do no gooU for him to kill tlio jumper, i boiico he'd been located; ho hu bribed mo nnd took mo to a town twuuty tulles distant nnd lodgod mo ln Jnll, I wua kept waiting soveral dnys for a keoper to como from tho prison from which tho convict bnd escaped. IJvery hour I expected my liberty. When the man arrived nnd looked mo ovor, ho saw that thoro had boon a mistake. I told Iilm my story nnd wiih roleiibed. I was so dollghtod to got out of a bnd box that I refrained from abusing any ono for ni' dotentlnn nnd, being fur nlsbed with n ticket, took a train for homo. Heaclung tho station, I took ndvantago of my lesson that "Iiasto makes waste" nnd Instead of crossing tho railroad bridge took a depot hack nntl rodu home. Though It wan 4 o'clock In tho nfter noon, my houso wus 'locked and every shutter closed. I supposed my wlfo would be at hor mother's and drove thoro. Thoro was n "shut up" look nbout tho plftco, but I opened tbo front door and tnnrched In. A Borrnnt was man being has four canine teeth, that reports nnd other features of intproaU n fork has four prongs, that corpses nro i'ho Thriee-n- Week-World's regular placed between four nlnulu and prison- PUbFcription price is only $ 1.00 per vonr ,1 Cl UilUI eekly year tor era between four walls, nnd thnt nt n n ' U,iB I'T ,for m 1a,,or8- , funoml tho millii i tisimlK- !orn i.v lhl8 ""equaled nowspner and W runerni tlio collln is usuullj borno by C0AST A1A1L tOKOlhor ouo ycai 12.1)0 Tho regular subscription price ol the two papers ia 12.50 four persons. A 3tcro Miiu'm til on. - - "First Impressions nro proverbially dnngcrous guides unless ono happens j to be of tho sex which ulways has tbo gift of making Its tlrst Impressions , TIMRER LaND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 rbymo with tlio lssuo," snys u recent! NOTICE VOR PUBLICATION. writer, uui a womuu niwnys awaits! iiiiiir- iiiiii iiim ri'iiiMi in. t Hiirvniir iiriiu him to go back nnd clear tho const for tll Mw, ,, , ,, ,,, nu ,. to tnko to other cover. That letter I ,. . , ,,rnrillV ,., ,. hlui saw mo dropped n plntter sho was tolo him that thu p'llco hd been fool- Wfflnii uud u brQkfl ttauiimitl. Unitctl Slates I.nntl olTicc, Rosehurg, Oregon, lib. s, 1903. Notice Is lirn by Riven thnt In compliance with the provisions of the net of Congress of June j, 1878, entitled "An net for the sale of timber .uitls in the States of California, ongon, Ne Sir, T,:cr on,y "ftor &tofflEft'ntZSz ...v . . V...K . .i.u, iiuitvivi, jo u uuuuvaa t issga. the lssuo beforo sho contldes her real tlrst Impressions to tbo outside world. Slid may "say things" which tho mnle outsider may mistake for her tlrst Im pressions, tmt tbey nro not her real Flanagan & Bennett Bank DIRECTORS : T. R. Shori tlnn.J. V. Bonnctt; PRES.; and .' H. Flanagan, VICE MIES.; H. F. Williams, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. MARSHFIELD, OREGON Horn! moati.iktiicii or photo otlnrtntloa lee iruoropon oa rnlenutiUllT. For & book. I-atentsnnd I nAUt-MAKKd to OfTlei5 'DDOSlta U. S. Piatn tuiisisii.stSui M BBiaBetiHefa!EarieiQ(:ii2a h, a WfktW digression. DEALER IN .GROCERIES FRErfll Fit JITS, VEGB TA BLBS PROVlfalONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC,, OF THE BEST Q UALITY. PRICES REASONABLE. FROZEN OYSTERS EVERYDAY. t : t WILLIAM W PRinill.K. S of igt Monroe St., Portland, county of Miilm, rn. . . .r , t , , man, Stnte of Oregon, Im this day tiled in this , J A btrcet, Alurshuela, oinco 111s sworn statement No. 4403, lor tlio pur-1 rj cnase oi me ar-.i..j, 01 ec. .No 14, l p 2(j.n. K is uest.nmt will oiler proof to show that the Liuil soiiRiit u more -niuauie tor its timber or tont than lor neriaihurnl urloes. niul 10 cslnhlish , his claim to saHl land before the Ht'giter mut A .linn o Knor. One of the chief Joys In l!fo la to know men by whom you can swear, to know a man here ami there over the world of whom you can say; "Wher ever ho Is totlght. Is hi'lpfiilRher iiuuum, muvuiv, wise, iiiiuingeiu an i weuncsiiny, ine 9 ony 01 Wee, riK3 educated gontleinnn; educnted In every ,ls names as Mimessus. 0ur Kdwards fncutly of his being, In thoe things of Oakland, Oregon. OeorRc Kinlcy. t).Ien V .t.i.i.,1..,.. i ... 1... .1.' 1 1. , Kump, of Cmwiordsve, Oregon. EN Smith, which go to mnke the body a thing of 0f Myrtle Point, Oregon. delight mill beauty: educated In con- Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the scloiice, ao ti.itt even as lu eye seeks nlxne-ilesulUU land utc uueaud ; to file their tho light bis conscience seoks tho right; i' ""' oa or ulbre ba,tl 9 lln) educated fullv nml bomniBtelv.o 0I t .'.2' . .., ' f'tk" ! i, UHiuukn, ncifuuT. Ore m m a m m H HI jit DR. JORDAN'S etiSfvrv' MUSEUM OF MuTONr Wl BiUSTM.tUSPUSmO(.Bu t' Lsr Anntim'.a Ku.rkM ftf A 4T M CoawtM wan 1 f ft F Htt 4AkM... tf MA .wn. ?Vfl"'"'M' Lylteotdot i MWisM bkiJan. ( !? s fry n.i.a sti. ,. n fiwian, ActlakMriv a m .... as.--;. .41 T . Nr Dr. Ift-u' imSSJC nnttodk " i rr&.75?z?E: joacua&cQLfQftiteMnat.a.t f t nrffai cw PI udHHMHHMHiflilMHNHl f IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS M ( ANYWHCRB AT ANY11MU A Call oa or Writs jB.C.DffiK'S ADYERTiSIKG AGEHCY 64i6s Alcrclianta' Eschaaga X SAN PRAWIACO. CAL. J, educated fully uud completely." R-I-P-A-N-s Tabules Doctors find A'good prescription For mankind Tho 5-cout packet is enough for usual bt-cneions. The family bottle (CO cents) contains a supply (or a year. All drug4 gists sell them. THtt IU0X1OET BKX8ATI0S BVKnTWHERB LiLIPUf Colapsable Poolcot -STEREOSCOPE APPARATUS Tho Bmallest Stereoscope with the strougost optical effect. Highly finished in different colore with rich gold antl silver decorations (mountings), Includ ing 20 Y. F. rhotogrophs, Views of art (genro.). l'RIOE ONLY f 1.00. 8oi everywhere prepaid ln letter foi . AGENTS WANTED. L1LIPUT STEBEOSCOPD CO, FORREST BUILDING, Philadelphia v'l ..Vil. n 'i H f i I . .' .1 1 t ( .., , , "ir