. tmoulwMliMt.Mt. m i t" ., wiw p.,i.m'i I A...T 3. LDOAL . r prom Saturday's Dally, t Walter Hud ir CoqntHa eati'io or to MarsbCo.d yesterday; Mrs. Wherat nd children flino over from Bamlon yesterday. Tho A (trcct water main broke ncrr; 4Dr. McCormao'a rei-'eiiro 'it evening. it-.e .,n .in I.MVA it,n ..., a bulkheads his residence repaired and etruutfthfti I. Deputy U. S. Keveune Collector Hnbbs, ia on tho Hay on on inspection tour of this district. h. Mia Gr i . Cormsc ii spending a eir dayc oil Catching tlough itiung Miss Mary Black. J. N. N Icon liai . lumber on the gronnd for improvement to hi atore building on Fioi.t ttteet. If troubled with a weik dipes-tion try Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tab- lots. They will do you good, tor tale by Jon. Preus. Goo. Baxter baa resigned his position with tbo North Bend Citixen and will take iu the Uu letin office. Bulletin. Rala' Starr lag Lairs. In Russia people must marry before eighty or not at all and may nmrry only uvo tltDiUk Wm. Xtfrger, Coquille's noted "south pxw" of the last three seasons' baseball games, left Tuetday for his borne at Oregon City. Bulletin. Tort Orford Tribune There aro large runs of salmon in both Elk and Sixes itiver, but none are being caught except to tupply the home demand. J. T. Hall. J. II. Milner and others went down on tbe Gasco to the huntera' paradiee in tbe eand hills yesterday, to spend a few days in quest of duck. Mr. and Mrr, J. S. Coke, Mr. and Mrs. H, Lockhart, Mrs. Kasbnrg, Mra, J. A. Luso and J. W. Bennett went up Coos river yetterday on a fishing trip. L. II, Hazard, wife and littlo eon Austin loft Friday for Ashland where Mrs. Hazard will remain with their eon this winter in the hopes of improving the little one'a health. Teams were at work yesterday, put ting fireclay on First street south of C, A strip wido enough for wagona will first be put tbrongh to tbe Mill slough bridge The county court has bad the circuit room rearranged, placing the jndge'b otand, tbe Jury box and the.clerk'a desk in tbe east end of the room which ie much better lighted than the west end. Bul'etin. Port Orford Tribune The revenue Cotter McCulloch lay in our harbor one day last week, to escape the heavy northwest wind which fprevailed oot eide. She bad in tow a email cutter which she wae taking to Paget Sound. We have had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Miner, who has taker tho place of Mr, Clyde Dalton Mr. Miner is one of those good genie! companions who is not adveree to tho pleasure of life We hopo to meet him again and renew of geniel acquaintance. Alex Scott has given up the W. A' Lbsa farm on Coos river and has moved with his family and stock to tho Hen derson place near Jarvle landing, when ho wilt go into the stork bueinejs exten sively. w. r n Bandog Recorder Thoro has been a heavy run of salmon In tho river (or tho past two weeks. Tho cannery haa hnd Ml it could Uko cate of, while ttio fish ermen have boon limited a great portion of tho timo at to tho number they might catch. Tho last two days the cannery has not been nblo to Uko fish. It lit roportod from good and retlablu authority that Jack Marsdeu has gono d in tho bay to kill enakos wo know I Jack wMJ bui of Into there has beon ' eomo inattention to busiueas but tho widow, are somewhat to blame. Jack ia I alright but ho will try ana convince hltns.of that ho is u Niiurod and n h u.ior hut the deck If rgaintt him. and when ho return wo expect to have duck and salmon trout for many a long Jday. Jack la a good boy as wo all know but. this hunting question is out of tin qoes tion, tor ho can tlnd all tho rbiuo he want a in Marshfield. How Old is Ann? The followine proh'e"i has ueon agi tating the minds of Fa tern people aud has now c- tnmenceJ ravaging t. is coast. Can vou solve it? Mary is it years old Mary ia twice as old as Ann was when Mary waa as old as Ann is now. How old is Ai.n? Five Men Burned Five men wero severely burned in tho Reaver Hill mlno Thursday The acci dent Is said to have been the fault of one of. tho men, who carriod an oin llk'ht into a placo where he had been forbidden to ct. A Precautionary Menaarw. Mr. Kidder Ah. bow-iler-do. doctor? If yon have n few minutes to spare I wish you would come over to my bouse and chloroform my youngest boy. Dr. PriceWhat Is tie matter witb n 'aJ ii. iviuuii vii, uis Luuujcr nauu in tomb his lialr. Harper's Bazar. Ready to Saw Ed Abernathy was in yesterday Iron Fairview, where he has his portable saw mill located to taw plank for tin (iHia Bay wagon road. He has the mil all ready for work, and besides the roau pUuk. has contracted to saw about '.IbO, 000 feei for the iarmersin that neigh borhood. Bettor Than Pills The question has beenasfc:d Iu wh1 wy an- CbmrMrIntn'!t S.otuach ano Liver Tablet:) Miunrior to the ordinary cathartic and live pills? Our ant-rfr i They are easier ami more pleasant t lake and their effect is H) geutle and n turre-ablo that one hardly realizes thai It is produced by a medidri Then tlie not only move the bowels but improw the appetite and aid the digestion. Foi sale at '25 cents per bottle by Jno. Preutr. Evergreen Wliist Club ThuraJay night tbo Evergreen Whist Club was entertained at t!e home of Mr. and bin. H. Sencatacken, it being the regular monthly meeting of the club when tbe ladies entertain tho geutle men. The. spacious new mansion was uniquely decorated with Cooa Bay verdure and all the players seemed to be poEeessed with a spirit of playing which tokened "win." The prizss were won byH. Sengetecken and J, U.Taylor. Mr. S. winning first prize and Mr, Taylor tbe boo'iy. " The host and hostess proved them selves thoroughly versed in art of enter tainment, thus making even the meet unlucky players feel aa though they were winning tbe honored tropbye. After tbe round of whist then came re freshments which all did ample juetico. Evergreen Whist Club is developing some remarkable whist pi ay era aud scientific whiat ia becoming more popu lar than ever inMarehfield. 'Ontnena, The bookkeeper buzzes the blond atenog. The ofllco boy loafs about. The caubeT The boss la out, of course. Tho cfTcctT Why, the bona la out. your Health and STRENGTH with JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, - - - 't t"w" iiumur;ui .CHILDREN, and MEN. From SuneW'a-Dally.- - ' Hurluesa.raea report a lively day yes terday. t Tha tug Hunter came 'in last ovenltig from Gardiner. 'VStw W. 0. Mustek, of Sumner, was in town yesterday on business. J.W Lang worthy and sou aro starting for a trip into Lurry county by tetui, Mits Dell Fox returned to hor home at Coqulllo City yesterday, alter spond tso weeks in Matshlleld. Mrs. Nauuio Fellowa returned Friday froma to-weckf' visit with bur rela tive iu Coquillo City. Tho drinking fountain which the ladled aro going to erect will bo for both man and beast. If you art either, buy a ticket. Mrs. P. P. Weaver and Mr. U. M. Hoork havo returned from a vblt with Mrs. Weaver's daughter, Mrs. Walker, cross tho bay. His 0 .iject Cilittiuu ' 1 set) you raite your own vegetables." Suburbanite "Ncl I simply plaut n small garden so as to keep thechlckeni at lioaiu." Life. Taylor A Stecklwof Coquillo tLo ft-a ti er r?tievHtor expfct to strike Marsh field next week when tho town will be cauvutked for their butduee. 'What do ynn expect to be when you become ol age, my little man?" etked the vibltor. "Twenty-one, sir," was the bright one's reply. Youkers Statesman. Bon Eatop, eon ol Dr. II..H. Eaton, of this eity, leaves this morning via Koaebur,; for New Mexico, whero bo has accepted a position as druggist In a drug store. Mrs. Jar. Catching, of Sbmner was trooght to town ye-iterdaytotm placed mder the rare of physlrun She was ticcompanie.l by Mr. Cali-hiug and by their their daughter, Mrf Mary NorrU; fhe example of Dr. Horslall is strong ly commended to other propel ty owners along tho streets recently covered with fireclay. By keeuing the grass cleaned away, he gives the ttreet adjoining his property a very noU appearance. The Evergreen Whittl Cub met at.Mra. F. X. Hofcr'a on Saturday afternoon. Mry. Ih Lando won firit honors and Mrs. Hans Heed was awarded the booby The club will meet at tbe horn.) of Mrs, J, T. McCormac, on next Saturday. Toe young people of Marcbfield aro ex pected to attend the Halloween Ball in goodly numbers, aa thu money they pay in this wny will return to them many times in sweet refreshing draughts from tho drinking fountain. R. Desmond, has just returned from Black Diamond, Arizona where he has been superintending a copper mine. Mr. Desmond will remain here a few weeks when he expects to go to Shasta county California, where he baa a posi tion awaiting him. If tbo kind genitemau who picked up the e itor'fl mottled "Waterman Ideal fountain pen in the Bunk Friday, and walked off with it, will have it at thu Bank or at thia office, he will confer a favor, W. D. L. F. Smith arrived yesterday from Boflwell Springe, where 'he has spent several weeks, Becking relief from rheumatism. He ia well pleased with the benefit he has received, particularly the cessation of thu paina from which lie formerly suffered. He report It. B. ' '' uivsuiiur iui tt vi'iavif tho r Father Poonully hopes with good weather to do some work thla Fall on the foundation of tho hospital at North Bend, Ho has the privilege of gettiiR rock from either tho government or Jacobson quarry, oti Cooa river, and will soon make an examination to see where ho can got tho most unliable material. U. 0. llohnoa, of WaIIa Walla, Wash, arrived in North Uend, Friday, with his family, coming via Cooa Day wagon road from Koseburg. Mr. Holmes has rented the Kuminell hulldliiR there and will put In a full stock of general merchan dise and do somo real estate buslues. He soeuis highly impressed with Cooa Hay and expects to make his homo here in other words, Is hero to stay. Baudot! Recorder Attorney James M. Upton boxed up his law library, last week, and moved to Marshtleld, where ho will pursuo his profession. In tho leaving of Mr. Upton, Baudon loses one of her early citizens and au ublolawyor. iit. Upton has been associated with tho businoa of Bandon almo 1SS7, and will be missed from her buiiners life, iPr first work here waa when he transplant ed tho Itecordor from Curry county to this place, and although ho has been severed from the Journal for fourteen years, it baa always a warm regard and a kind wish for ita former editor. Causo of Lockjaw Lockjaw, or tetanus, Is can ceil by a bacillus or germ which exists plrtitllully in street dirt. It is inactive so long a exposed to the air. but when carried be neath the "kin ns in the wounds catired by percuttion caps or by rusty nailr, and when the air is excluded tho germ It roused to activity aud produces the most virulent poison known. Thrsn vtm may be destroyed and all damrer n( lock jaw avoided by applying CI ik-rlln' rain lialm freely a soon aa (tie Injur) ia received. Paiu Bairn Ie an antiseptic and causes cuts, bruises and like injur ies to heal without maturation and In one third the time requited by the usii al treatment. It is for sale by John Prouts. Birthday Tarty Miss Lillian Merchant arranged a sur prise Saturday in honor of her.mothrr'r tiOth birthday. It was a comploto sur prize The afternoon was most eul'iy ably spont. Those Attending were Me dames McCormac, Nhnbtirg, Kochon, Friedberg, Bear, Pluegur, Kick worth, Irving, Eaccbi, Forty, MiCarty, Lee, Desmond, C, II. Merchant, aud Mitsei Hose Hooke aad Lillian Merchant. Many valuable gifts were bottowod. Hereshmcnta were terved in dno time aud au excellent time wus enjoyed by all. Patronize Home Merchants When au agent comes along to tell you a floor rag or take your order for a ready made garment toll him you buy your goods of your home merchant, one whom you know sells only reliable goods and if you should not get what you have order ed he la always hero and ever ready to moke good any shortcoming you may find. Whon you buy of one of the tramp-dealers you have no recourse. Then again, thu peddler will not trust you for a bill of goods when you happen to be hard up. Stand by your homo merchant and if be hae not what you want ho will send and get it for you. Marshfield hae been canvassed recently by a lot of transients. You should turn them down and give home merchants an opportunity to supply you with tho article you would purchase from tho peddler, whom you may never seo again, Ilerroti also well pleased Villi aprlnga. . William p. Granger Tho Springfield (Mass.) Ilepiiblican of Oct, tith contains u long review of tbo career of Wni. P. Granger, the civil en gineer who built tho Southorn Oregon Co, mill at Empire, who died at Ilooaac Tuunoll,Sopt. 30 of acute nephritic, af ter a brief illness, at tbo age of CO years. Mr, Granger waa a native of Mas sachusetts. Although he attended school but ono term, he managed i to ac quire an education and adopting civil engineering as his profession he rose to tj"'lll V a high plans lie ran the lino .for tho construction of thu Huoran tunnel', then a great englnaorlng work, ami fie loft other nv nuiiitiit to hi ability as an engineer, Since leaving Coos Buy after building the big mill, ho had been prac ticing his profession on large engineer ing works in California, until Palled east on buslnnp about three yearn Ago. Ho in survived by a widow aud ono daughter, Mrs. Chiirlos Maclay, of Sail I'Vimiido Cnl, During his stay on Cooa Day, Mr. (1 ranger won the respect and regard of many, who will regret to hear of his death, Notlcic" Underwriters' Halum, Oct 16, lfKM. To tl r'iio lumiruiico Agents In the atnto of Omvoii, Dear Sir: ThlsotuYo Is In receipt of an inquiry, asking to a Informed of thu Millers' National liimiranco Company baa made application to do bualnuM In this State, and If not, whether In our opinion, It niaylssuupolhliBon the inttUI plon.l through agent without their complying rith thu requirement of thu statutes, In reply have to advise that tlu Mil lers' National liisurniicu Com puny hae not miidn applldtioii to do buslntaa within thN Kiatu and Is not I'cented. ThU ulllce hold that mutual firu In urance compaulu, organlzel under thu taws til other Ktnto, are not exempt from the laws which are applicable to tire InMireiii'oromi'Anlfoteneinlly which desire to enter thla State for the trau acMnu nt liifiiiatiie bu Ine but that such coiupunie their atent and em ployes mtiM romp'v irieily wlb ihi-yeii. eral laws which govern in the rate of foreign tire Iniuranee compatiles, Till a lurelgn niutiinl tire Insurance can not !; hrnce, tuch ranuot lawfully, In our opinion, tratiaai't biulnws In Oif gon. Any perron tindertuking to represent tbe Millet' National luturniice Com Iiniiv n agrt.t, I violating the IiiXittat ce tatntes, and the matter should b n ported to tho, Proserntlug Attorney of the county in which aiich agent may be Ot orating, Youre respectfully, F I. DUNtuK, Secretary of State and Kx-olllcln Iutiirauee Coiiimlsslouer. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Reported by I. Hacker Abstracrto ol Titles L J Slmpoii to Mathilda Brown lot 7 blk 27 North Bend State of Oiegou to Georgia Arinttrong ret of rei mc JO t 80 r 11. LJ Simptou to Emma tVlug lot 12 blk IU North Bond. Ureal Central Land Co to Emma Wing lot Hi blk 11 iiungor (225, llttirs ol J A l.yon, to li.nuM i.yona , .......! lot with creamry ulk 1 ami lots wltli Htoro buildina la blk li Coquillu. Evan Hod son to W F lioduon 87 aero inOtUSr 11. U 8 to Win Hddsou e2 of awl wo5 or swt nwl of sol sec 3 t30r II. .Sarah Murray to W It Murray to ffeo, Sanderson c3 of eel set sec 3 1 t !U) r 11 260. A E Baker to W M Carver contract of E M Smith for Iota 4 0 0 blk 2 Smith add to Mprtle Point. From Tuesday's Dally. James Hutchinson caught' two fine Salmon Sunday. John Preusa returned on the Areata from a business trip' to Sun Fraucleco, KuBty Mike's Diary, Oct. 27, 1003 Ihere ia no ambiguity In good advertis ing Tiik Mail Is in rrcelpt of a solution of the problem of Ann's ugo, whluh will be published tomorrow, .-Captain C, F I'Mwm1m hnH bought t hleaijjei Anna ol a, (J. It ,U)it, urn! vvillhifeJier on thunoith fork of Cooh riverlu couuuctiou with the Aieit, John Porter one of thu plouuur fnrup trtif Allegany wan down yesterday with h lot of Him upplen, J, L, Hounds and Jnok Marsdon re turned Sunday from n fow days Hojotirn In the aand hills, "' .-. An lowauxahtugo contains tho start ling now that noarloitd ol brick ui'tno In for i walk through thu park. Mr. nud Mrs, 0, K. Nloliolsou and Mr. and Mrs, P M. Wilbur spent Sunday at the Mihrdsou ranch iu tho sandhills. Nine !.! walks wcro laid yesterday In front of DeaiiLumborOoa fltoro, thuUri. bn Butcher Shop and Mrs. Hanson's fruit utom. ' The lohoonur Ivy laduu now, being onroute from Hut Prauolsco horo, Hli'i has on Uiard a now gartolhio launch (or 0,,n' vnagh, of Hay City, Mr. and Mra. Q. A. lloblnson and ,la two alatorn drove uvor from Coqtilllf. Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs, Lawlu. returning Iu thu avoniiw. Nlgbtwatch Qravos hat haudod iu bis resignation, to take effect Oct. 3li, and Uort McCulloch has Loon selected aa Ida successor. J. O'Malh'V, proprietor of the Owl Saloon I atxmt to take a trip to Dulillh, Minn., where he has some properly In terest that demand his attint'on. E. SV, Smlt has sold tbe lugging team wh'ch he was working at McKlnloy to the Waters boys who will continue the logging bosliiess In that vicinity. Tne Secretary of War hat notified tho Oom ll.iy Chamber of Commerce that Ita request for the establishment of the harbor line below Empire can not he complied with. Attorney J. M. Upton, who recently moved from Handon, ban fitted up an olllce upkUir over '.he O'Counell hold ing and la now comfortably situated therein. Al lea) half a dor.'ii launch" were hung up on 'be mud tlt Holiday night and ihelr occupant wl'lled away tha , blUrful hours 'till earlv dumi. when moat of ihiiiu i'liiiie sneaking home. l.o M.iton and Fied HiigeUteln had a runaway and eiiiunli-up Sutnlay, whlh taking a hugvy rldii to Rmplrn. The buggy wan rapslfed ami somen bat daimiKed, but lut young men cHCiped wltli a few ftcratchos. Wallace Crouch, formerly a Co.jb Bay fty, who left lrvro Hi year ago, rutnrii mI on the Areata. Ho has been InAlait ka and ull over thu Pacific coast diirlntt hla alienee. HI relatives will tr 'i " HrHUuIl, ,)im ,0 rcmil,cro,, eru.au. nf ly. S. B Caibcart returned yorterday from Portland where he has boon In tendance on tho Good Hoads'conventl . Ho report a very lnturetlng con"i tion, with iiiklrucllvo addresses did encouraging talk on tho subject of goad roads lu Oregon. E, Colby, of Grants Pas arrived on thu Bay Sunday, bringing stock mid household goods, Mr Colby has rented the Hose placo across the nay. Ho ox. p'octa to make thia his future home. Ho eaya several other .families aro to follow soonT ChamberlalnsCouqhftomody No one who is acquainted with ita gi.od qualities cuti be aurprlsed nt tlio greut popularity of Cliainberlnln'sCotigh Keiuedy, It not only cures colda and grin effectually and permanently, but pnivontD th to diseases from resulting in pneumonia, It in ulco a certain euro for croup, Whooping rougii Is not dunuer ouh wiieu ihlH rtmitdv Is giveu, It eon miiiHiio (iiiliiin or other harmful Mib H'ancu and may bo u'Veu aa confidently titdlMhviiv to an adult. It Is al-o ihiaiiaki. io lake; liuu all of tlieM) fuel are tak"ii Into coiiHlderutloii It in .! ui t-n Uu llirii pe -oh in forelvii ImimW. an wtii an at Home, unttum thin remedy very hlnbly and very few ero willing to tuke any other after having once ucudit. For imju by Juo, I'rourfl, . 4 m rG H fro yw Drujj, U !).. t l l ' . .i4 'JiSA.-fSVi-. . J tmmfifffmmgVt f t ,.-