Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, October 24, 1903, Image 7

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    Jnp. mp$Kbj?
T ' ' ' ! . I . I i
rl rt" ' ' 'i . f" . ' viiiso i." '. . . -
' ' CLAIMS,., .
.'s OF PAN
i- .j'H -if
Three Small Children
Caused by City of Mexi
Fiye".' in That' Many
co Bank.Fajing-
Hours .'
' 1
I y r i - i
.Canada Disappojnted
', by Award.
0f Alaskan Boundary
(Special to the Coast Mall.) .
London, Oct 17 A verbal agreement
has been srrrvod at between tbo mem
bon of thu Alaskan commission! by
which all tbo Atnerjcan contentions will
be (ranted, except that Portland canal
goes to Canals. A formal agreement
will be made' Monday.
Vnncovjj, n. O.Oct, 17KipreHlov
o displeasure aro;heard on all sides her
over tho roault ol the Alaskan bound t
award. It la elated by a number pf
prptnlnont men Interviewed that British
polltfcana urn limply continuing tint
plve-away policy where Canada U con
orned. Homo ol thorn wont 10 far ai
to say Out Ilrlllan rum the rlik of
losing Canada altogether.
Tib molt woi anticipated horo but
the annoyance In realising that Canada
will not, to havo a port of entry to the
Yukon la uono tho lees keen.
arronnd Intra Aro RrerTfatB;.
A fnrmur inny not keep hi own fences
and buildings In good repair, but ho Is
quick to notice signs of dilapidation
about n villngu. Ho would rutlicr drive
thrco iiilliii farttwir to a bright,' tidy
town than to do hi tradlug whore thu
surroundings rum hid hUn of neglect
ami bankruptcy, Morchants should un
dfrrstmid this frollng nnd cntT to.lt. A
store mode bright nnd cheerful by
pnlnt on thu outnldo niul a tasty ar
nuiguuient of goods in tbo show win
dows will capture many a dollar that
might go elsewhere. Wo Ilka to deal
with succcMiful men, nnd wo Judgo of
a man's success by his surroundings,
rienty of soap nnd paint should bo
Used If you would boom.
Mltl-raclflo Harbor.
It is eouonilly conceded that Pearl
hnrtpr, in tho Ilawnllau group, and
that of PniiKO-PnuKO, In tho Bamoan,
aro far tho beat If not tho only valu
bio harbors in nil thq mld-paduo,,
The Trylig ThK
In a youtiir girl's life .Is reached when
Nature lead her uncertain steps across the
Hue which divide girlhood from woman
hood, lunoroncc and noglcct at this crit
ical period are largely responsible for
mucn oi me ancr
misery of woman
hood. Not only
docs Nature often
need help In tho
rci'tilur establish,
tnent of the wom
anly function, hut
there in almost al
ways need of some
safe, strt-ugtheniufr
tonic, to overcount
the languor, ncrv
oitfiuciiii and weak
new, commonly ex
pcrlcuccd nt this
If there Is au In
valid woman, suf
fering from female
weakness, prolap
sus, or fulling of
womb, or from ltu
corrhca who lms
used Dr. Pierce's
l'KVor te rrcscritition without coma
without complete
success, Dr. Pierce would like to hear from
such person and It will be to her advant
age to write as ho offers In perfect good
faith, a reward of fjoo for any caso of the
above malndlea which ha .cannot cure.
" I wish to tell you the benefit wc have
received front mini; your remedies," writes Mrs.
Dan Hall, of UrotlTicad, Orceti Co., Wis. "Tuo
year aeo my diiuglilcr's health bu to foil.
JtvrrytlilnK tlmt cuuld tie thouf(ht or was done
to help her hut it was of no use, Wheu she
titKO'i io complalii she wn quite stout t wslshed
170, the picture of uood health, uutll about the
bkc of fourteen, then lu six mouths she was so
run down her weight was but ijo. Bhc kept
falling and I wive 'l, thinking there was no
use, she imit die. l'riends all said, 'You will
lose your duuuhtcr. I said I fear I shall. I
mutt say, doctor, that only for your ' favorite
l'rescrl)lloii ' my dsiiffhter would have been hi
her grave tolny. When she had taken one
half bottle Uie natural Auction ni established
and we boiiKht ntiother one, making only two
bottles ia till, nud nhc cotuplctely recovered,
Uince tlit.11 'jc iit, as well as can lie."
Doctor ricrc's Common Senile Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, Is scut free on
receipt of ai one-cunt stamps to pay ex-
iicnnu of muillim only, Address Dr. It. V,
Jcrce, lluiT.do.N.Y,
tW ..aasasv tBH
The Victims
Brained by Inhuman
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Ashovlllo, Ocl, 17 Dr. Jay, a well
known physlolan of ilarnardaville twen
ty mllea from here, this morning mur
dered hit three children aged six, four
and an Infant, with a claw hammer,
while thoy were standing In front of the
steps at their residence, crying for their
mother.who with a aense ol impending
danger was speeding to a neighbor's for
The first two victims were Instantly
killed, bat the last little tot threw hor
arms around her father's walat crying,
"Papa, don't hurt me." Tho father
struck repeatedly befpre he kilted her,
and It was a sickening sight.
Tho man tlion attempted to burn the
house. The neighbors collected and he
waaiolced and promptly Jyncbcd,
Delegates and Visitors
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
fian Francisco, Oct, 10 Every incou
ing train today has brought largo parties
to tho twonlyninth annual meeting oi
the American Hankers association
which convenes at 10 o'clock Wednes
day morning in the California Theatre.
At tho headquarters of the local set
retary there was a busy scene today.
The registers were the objective point
of a large crowd ol bankors and visitors
from abroad, who had to wait and tako
tliolr turn at registering and receiving
the official credentials In tho form of a
neatly engraved card and case, and a
button to display on tbo lapel of tho
Tho exorcises will be opened by Presi
dent Caldwell Hardy of Norfold, Vn.,
and addresses of welcomo will bo deliv
ered by Governor Pardee,. Mayor
ScbrnlU, and Hon, James D. Pholan,
representing the San Francisco bankers.
The president's addicts and the reading
of various reports will occupy the re-
maludorot the day.
"Ah1 Morse la'rieft'sed.
Richard 0. Morso, for thirty-three
yearn genurnl secretary of tho Interna
tional commlttco of tho Young Men's
GhrlsUan association, has Just com
plotod n tour of tho world, in which ho
has vlBltcd tho associations which havo
grown up undor his oyo and enro until
thoy now number 0,000 organizations,
with 000,000 members.
' The x'riay'ln Cancer 'Treatment,"
Tho valuo of tho X; ray in tho treat
ment of cancer depends upon tho fact
that tho ruyH lnduco futty degcudra
tlon of tho cancer cells.
(Special to the Ceast Mall,)
Beattlo, Oct, 10 A local branch of tho
International Hanking Trust Comparly
closed Its doors this morning. Its em
barrasimont wB doe to the failure of
the main bank ol the city of Mexico.
Locally there aro hundreds of small de
Bau Francisco, Oct, 19 Not lew pp
edon llio doors, of the Internattopal
bank & Trust Co. this morning says
"owing to the auspenalon of our Mexico
Cty Bank, this bank is closed, pending
an investigation by the bank cosamia
loners." i
Odd Khm,
In n cavo In the Pantheon the guide
by HtrlkiiiR tho flaps of bis coat'make
a nolfio equal to that produced by firing
a twelve pound cannon. In the cavo
of Btnellln, near Viborg, Finland, a
atono thrown down a certain, abym
makes n reverboratlnfr echo which
sounds like tho dying wall of some wild
Water la tb Ilamaa Bodr
Tho proportion of water In a child
it birth la 75 per cent; la tho adult CS
pot cent.. . . ,,
About 050,000 tlea, now being- deliv
ered, will bo used In building tho SL
Louis, BrownsvllJo and Mexico.
Tho Dig Four la now using thirty
twq paMcngcr engines, fifteen now
ones having been delivered recently.
Tho rnllroadu of tho southwest have
been incroaslng their earnings heavily
of Into In spile of floods and other
Tbo Wild Gooso railway, seven mllci
long, from Nomo to Anvil creek, earned
Its total coat within thirty days of It
opening and shown Increased earnlngx
each year.
Gorman railroads have Issued an or-
dcr prohibiting royalty from riding on
engine. Tho ofllclala claim that per-
sons riding on engines after 0 o'clock,
dJatract thQ attention pf the engineer
and lncreasoithe chaocaf fa wreck.
TIse'aTeaaaaa ifatMC
Tho single eyeglass, pr monocle, nev
er foond many admirers la this coun
try, and only a row transplanted Eng
lishmen cling to It An ocnlls, discuss
ing tho tree of the, monocle, said: "Dr.
Kitchener back In 1834 thought It a
good thing. He advised Its alternate
OBo, now In the right ,je, now ta the
left one. He said In taW.boofc that be.
bad cultivated tho habit of picking up
tho gloss each time be wanted to oeo It
with a different band. 04 course
picked up with tho right band 'it bad to
go Into tho right eye, and vtea versa.
As a matter of fact, the tingle eyo
glaaa ia Injurious. It throws all tho
work on ono eye It destroys tbo' har
mony of tho optlo moscles and nerves.
I know on Englishman who has worn
for n myopic affection a monoclo ta his
loft oyo for twelve years. The left cyo
ta all right, but with the other 'the. man
can boo practically nothing. The habit
of tho monocle ctjntlnuea (a live among
tho English hwcHs."
'Caceae Tteeer&a. J
A brldo In aomo parts of Switzerland
receives from her friends a Oruyero
cheese. It is not eaten, but Is preserv
ed by hor, nnd nil tho Important family
ovouts aro marked on tho rind.
OaUs aad Beeeaee,
Tho threads of fungus which flourish
upon tho roots of oaks'and beeches Bur
rounded by decaying leaf mold turn
tho latter Into nourishment for the
trees, and tho seedlings of the trees
nro unablo to grow amid such sur
roundings without tho aid of the fungi.
1 1 i - ,i i
Qaat Chevrtasr.
Gum chowing Is not an Invention of
Amorican schoolgirls, as many sup
pose. Prlmltivo Australians chew eov
oral kinds of gum, attributing to them
nutrient qualities.
One man may cat half as much
again as another simply bocnuso ho has
got into tho habit of eating largely.
Thoro is no doubt that almost all of us
eat more than is really needful to koep
us In a proper state of health
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Oakland. Gal,, Oct. ID George Not
tingham, gatnrday night at 8 -o'clock
held up h saloon and robbed it. At 10
o'clock he held up another, a 12 o'clock
he held up a freight train, 12:30 he held
up and stabbed Larue Carr, and at 1:45
he had a rnnning fight with a police
man. This morning he suicided in his
own homo, while the bouee was watch
ed by deputies, who suspected him. He
left a note raying Iir was under the In
fluence . of a drug Saturday night. He
suicided in Ban Francisco.
Nottingham's companion and his
brother Walter were arrested,
A Woaderfetl Retto,
In the Roman campagna nt tho sepul
chcr of Metalla, wife of Holla, there Is
an echo that repents, five tiroes, each
being In a different key. It will also
tspcftt a hexameter line or another sen
tence than can bo spoken In twq and a
half eccondfl.
A Worr South Wales Well.
An artesian well In Now South Wales
la 4,080 feet deep, coat $31,783 and
yields 750,000 gallons of water dally.
A IlttTBrtan Holiday.
South Germans sclzo upon every pos
sible excuse for n holiday. At a Bava
rian vlllago not long ago a postman
who had served twenty-five years was
mado tho hero of n celebration which
constated of a proewwion followed by
a concert and. a banquet lasting till
late at nlhL
foadoa Store Deteertvca,
The women who are employed aa de
tective in London department stores
receive about $10 a week or twice as
much as the saleswomen. When a wo
man Is caught stealing the usual meth
od Is for tbo detective to ask to eoe her
bill Just boforo It Is paid and to add
tbo cost of tho stolen article.
Wemss Ia Eastaad aa4 Wslss.
In England and Wales from 16 to 17
P" OI J08 women aoDotmai
ta koodoo, tho percentage fc twenty.
per cent of the women do not marry.
Seatrr Deans.
, The military poets at the German
naval port of WUbclmsbavcn are fitted
out with watchdogs. Each sentry has
ono dog by tho leash and lets It loose
when suspicious pcopld refuse to stop.
, Oprlcal Illnuloo.
I Thta to tho hand o our parent dear,
Wnoso ways axe sweat aad manners
BJtld: 7
I at this Is the way tt looked to us
Wbeo It chastised us as a child t
Cincinnati ConuBercialTrtbuB,
Bcsalo Tho wedding Is a long way
Off, but I get dreadfully nervous when
I think of It
May I don't blamo you for worrying.
Wouldn't It bo torriblo If bo should get
rich suddenly and not havo to marry 7
Indianapolis Sun.
A Ltvtnar Proof.
Willld Bapphcddo No; I have no
bwothcrs or slstahs. I'm tho only child
Of my pawents.
Miss Oldostllo Dear mol And then
aro pcoplo who will persist In asserting
that marriago Isn't a fallurol New
York Times.
"TIicho tilrW.-"
May Do you bcllovo Bho dyes her
Juno Ob, no. I pm qulto sure sha
gets a halnlrcsscr to do It for her.
Brooklyn Llfo.
OmtaoBM, '
The farmers threaten to create
A corner to control the wheat,
In which event tho old crossroad
, For terrors will havo Wall atrpet heat
"-Waahlrurton Star.
Two Wars.
Mi"ou can geuorally judge a man by
what ho says."
"Sometimes it's better, to Judgo him
by what ho doesu't say." Chicago Kec-ord-IIerald.
v v - t
nr the Forelock.
The man who's coaled In summer,
Though strange the truth may nound-
Xlaa llttlo trouble kooplng warm
When winter rolls around.
. ,trott rjnv Press.
First Time in. This
(Special to the Coast Hall.)
Washington, Oct. 10 -The aseemhlhg
of the pan-American conference ol
. . 1
Asgllean IJiehops, whUh insets tomor
row at the Pro-Cathedral of the Ascen
sion, is one of the moat, important con
ventions of the -Protestant Eplf copal
church ever held. Its deliberations will
be followed with Interest by church
members everywhere on account ol the
momentous questions to be discussed.
The conference Is the first of itp kind
ever eld in the western world and is
modeled on the lines of the world1
Episcopal conference held at Lambeth
year or so ago. Those In attendance
will Include besides a large majority o'
the one hundred bishops in the Unittd
States and Canada the bishops in Ja
maica, Porto Ri20, Hayti and Honolulu.
Ko Axed program has been adopted
for the conference, but it will probably
devote its attention to the consideration
of church-expansion along missionary
lines. Among others, the question re-
latlng to the adoption of the osesed
misiionary canon wilt De sreeatii up.
The purpose of instituting this cacoa in
the church, it Is stated, will beito brinp
the missionary work of the church in(
closer organic relations with the work of
the denomination. Other matters to
come up for consideration inclnde the
question of -divided Jurisdiction on radi
cal, as on geographical lines, and also
the important matter of primates.
Teit BWWaaat Tire e Bar.
A certain English musician is a good
story taller, according tok a London
journal, and has & fond of amusing
personal experiences to araw upon.'
one or tae peat musician's best stories
la about a provincial church organist
who was once a pupil of feta. The
young man was appointed) to an lm-,
portant church In the Midlands. "Ia
coarse of time be married. During his. be necessary to build about 8 miles oi
absence on his honeymoon bis voiun-, -.j i.. ..,, . , . ,.
tariesweremochussedbythecong 0dInCoM county "ud 4 mU" m
gatlon. They bad always been apprer Don8las, county, Coos county stands
elated and their renewal was looked ready to da her part by bulldiug to the
forward to. "Imaglne,,, Bays Sir Fred- n u r i . . ',
crick Bridge, htamvmwSitiUa0thnil)oa'il&acoaaty wemB to ba
of tho pcoplo when tho newly marrlei reluctant to build the portloa which
organist gavo as his first voluntary up- lies In her territory. One reason for
on his return HandeTB 'Waft Her. .:. . t .. . . , .
Angels, to tho Skies.' " thIa eemB t0 bo that loworful interests
Xtm Deafness.
Inqutsttlvo Party Do you write al
bum versos?
Footleal Party (whoso hearing !r
very defective) No, not all bum verses;
but raost of them are, I'm sorry to say.
Baltimore American.
Ob laa all Hw-
jnrst Marksman I seo you'ro not
shooting today, though you're, looking
trig enough for anything.
Second Marksman That's Just It I
was feeling so trig I couldn't feel any
trigger. Baltimore American.
Oat of tae War
The youagaters turn their tear dtmaMd
Toward their books t to fate they bow;
Vacation's done for them, but for
Their parents it's Just starting nowl '
Cincinnati Commercial Tribuae.
Usually U!
Tommy Pn, what 'does "obvious
reasons" mean?
Father Usually, my son, it moans
reasons tywt tho writer i3too,lay'ot
too lgncwant to expNtln. Philadelphia
tove's Labor Waated.
Lcmg. long ho Btrovo to gain tho height
And thereby win her heart.
Then learned, poor victim, that he ralsht
Kayo bad her at. the start .. . .
Up Train ;
Fifteen Thousand Dol
lars Wanted
(Special tf.the CqastiMall.)
Helens, Oct, ,19 It developed tody
thattbe'Grest Northern railroad o
eeived a, letter demanding flfteefi'tfeoas
and dollars e threat of dynamiting a
train. This U believed te e the Msue
blackmailers who have bjea iatloiisllng
the JforUiern Pasfrie. 8ciet served
Baea-haye jqm to Cttetdt where tbd
. m ' 1- f
letter was saslUd, Toe CvApaay was
gives o&tll tomorrow to reply.
I jj
Captain Harris Impressed W,l(h 1(3
Hesqurjjes '
Frsm Tueedes Dally,.
Captain Hsrris-of EHsaaer, -accon?
anied by his brother-in-law, 8am D :
freese returned yesterday from the Loon
lake country. He was tench impressed
with the possibilities of that sectioc;
which only needs wagon rose commusi-
catioatobe a fine field for dairvin?
There are seme 3600 acres of good bot- -
torn land in the viclrdty of the lake,
about 100 acres '.in cultivation s4 40f
acres partly cleared.
The settlers are beqoiing sasch in
terested in getting a. wagon road throajd
to Allegany, so that they can so itt$
the creamery business and baal their
product to a market on the bay. At
present there is no road to the lake.
About 0 miles of road has bees built
out from Scottsburg, leaving about 4
miles of a gap, pack trains being asd
for transportation. The lake is about
miles from Allegany, and 4 Bailee bee
yond the pouglan county line. Some
8 miles of road 'has been bnitt extendi
ing from Allegany neurly to GoVlea Falls
where Coos county has alio done eoa
siderable work in the way of blasting a.
road up the bluff at the falls. To give
&n communication this way itwoulil
on the umpqua desire to sae the Loon
lake country kept tributary to Scotts
burg. Captain Harris yisitsd the outlet of
the lake, and tho waterfall about which
there was some discission last year.
He says that when he saw it at 1000
miner inches el water was flowing over
the fall and he considers it a valaable
water power.
There is estimated to he H5.0C0.000
feet of timber on the Boon fake water
shed, and it would seem that this will
one day be a fine site for a saw mill, fat
the mouth of the lake. The fall
would not only furnish power for the
mill but water for a flume to transport
the lumber to deep water on the ' Ussp.
qua. ' "
4 Carleaa ttquld 'Alr'KWeets.
A ball of India rubber immersed la
liquid air becomes brittle and If drop
ped to. the floor breaks like glass. A,
lead hall when put In liquid air av, .
quires, elasticity and will rebound. Vkil
tho rubber ball In Its' Borisal seatsj. f '
i. V