Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, October 24, 1903, Image 6

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    1 S . . v l4 yw fewr"'
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Frem iwnsJsy'a Da4y!
Miss Little Uarrls of Sumner was In
town yesterday.
F. Q. Getty wai
1UI1 last evening.
down from Beaver
Tho Areata arrived Friday evening
and.wlll Mil at 9 a m today.
F, M. FrJedberg has finished his
barn in West Marshfieid.:
D. Mcintosh is reportetl Qtilta rick
with heart trouble at his home
cross the bay.
The 0. C. & N. Co. are darting a new
tunnel into a new vein if coal at the
Libby mine.
Geo. Farrln of the Broiler went to
Empire h sL night to terra tho banquet
for the dance there.
A Love Letter
Wonld not interest yoa if yta're look
ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores,
Barns or Piles. Otto Dodd. of Ponder,
Mo. writes: "I suffered with an ngly
sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's
Arnicas 8lvo cored me. It's the beat
b'alve on earth. 25c at Preuss's Drag
The Alta arrived, , from Rogue yester
day with 30 barrels of salmon and
some miscellaneous freight.
The Alliance was advertised to leave;
Eureka at 6 p m yesterday aad to sail
for Portland tomorrow afternoon.
V. L. Eaundera' aew house oa Broad
way, work on which was commenced
Monday, is all enclosed and the roof is
Robert Mareden has been clearing
the bushes ont of the back yard at the
biewery in preparation for contemplat-'ner
ed Improvements.
Services today'at the Baptist church
both morning, and evening. Young
People's meeting at 6:30 led by Mrs.
Ha, any one in Marshfieid the nerve
, f 1
to write oi a communication on the
subject of a sidewalk to the cemetery?
Don't all speak at once.
The Bay City school, of which M1m
Ida Gamble is teacher, is preparing to
give an entertainment, basket social and
dance next Ertnrday evening.
Emerson Ferrey will take charge of
the saloon which he recently purchased
of Chan. Dungan, on Oct. 21st, instead
of Oct. Slat as baa been stated.
Tbo electric light plant at the Bay
Bity mill being out qj order, an engine
and dynamo bayo been borrowed from
F. M. Fried berg, for temporary nee.
The optimist t Grandpa "Well Horace
we haven't caught any fleb it's hard
lines.' Horac "but we had good
luck digging worms." Chicago Ifows.
; Robert Myren has built a walk lo
South Marshfieid, Jcondecting with the
Fourth street bridge, and making a cut
off for the reeidentB of a large part lof
South 31nrehfleld.
Swapping confidences ; U&y-"I hoar
Belle had a great talk with Harry out
on the beach." Clara "I should Bay
she did. Wbyj even her tongue ia sun
barned," Ex.
bbbbbK"' TrVeasBBBBsr -
isi-mT "sst . .
Hit- Empire and ArcAtn, esch taking
a load u( coal from tho Llhby ihinkera
relieves tho blockade which has vxlatetl
Utoly, tho Ibunkers at Llbby bating
Iicph (nil ct coal, as well as all available
Elder Neff, of tho Liberal branch ot
tho United Drcthern church, clewed n
two works series ot revival nicotines at
Unity chapel on Catching slough Friday
evening, llio meetings worn interest
ing and well attended.
Jay Tower recently mounted n beauti
ful specimen of th Owl trlbo for J. 0'
Mnllcy. It is a fine specimen o( taxider
my looks very fine. To the lover
of the beautiful it will pay you to step
in and teo It.
The Evorgreon Whist .Club met at
Mrs. Hazard's Saturday afternoon. The
first prizo was awarded to Mrs. A. Mat
eon, and Mrs. F. P. Norton captured
the booby.
C. U. Merchant thi gardner, was
wheeling fertilizer out on his garden
patch in South Marshflold yesterday, in
prepration for a profitable business next
Ernest Lilleberg was brought down
from Allegany in a small boat Thurs
day night, having gashed his leg near
the instep with an pie, in Carl Johnson's
logging camp. Tho injury is not seri
ous. Who wonld you rather sell goods to,
the man who pays cash or the mo who
buys on long credit? If tho former,
then do your advertising in the paper
that goes (0 that, class ot people. That's
the Dailt Coast Mail.
New Catholic Church
Father Donnelly returned from Gardl-
this, week. Ho reports progreea on
the new Cafhollc church there. The
' building is 4x40 and will seat 150 or
I DJ'e' Uo excie to have lbo bal,dln
t well under way and tue structure under
cover this week.
Iroko Into His House
j" K . X VZn . U In!
r 1 -t - it.t. tr. ..
invasion of Chronic Constipation. When
I Dr. Kiuit's New Life Pilh broke into his
he's entirely curedi They're guaranteed
to core, 25c at Preues' Drug Store.
The Coos River Hatchery
Frank Smith, auperintendent of tbo
C001 river batcbery, who has been in
town for a couple
V '
of daye, reports tbatjtibcrty DJepatch and Rota, the Refa
lery is much farther beI) to c arry lho y maH, eoas
work at the batcbery
advanced than last year at this time.
xney nave anout idw eaimon corraiea, -
while last year they had none, and
tbey have taken about 750,00u eggs.
Tbey will get all that they can possibly
bandlo. Wesley Brown and Olell Hod.
aon aro employed as assistants.
Hallowees Baff
The members of the A. N. W. Club
are arranging to bold a grand public
ball on Halloeen night, (Oct. 31.)
Tbe proceeds of this ball are to be add
ed to their public drinking fountain
fund, of which mention haa been made
in these colnmna.
Tbe ladiea have procured tho best of
music and tbo hall will be profusely
decorated for the occasion. It Is the
desire of the ladies to make this tho beat
affair of the kind over Liven in Marsh
field, and for as good a cause aa could
bo wlehetl. The ladiea are undertaking
to raise, with what tbey already have, a
sufficient ftind to eroct a fountain that
Ah almost fallible reiiitdy tor
Lunis, Ktiown aiid uid tha wofld wt for almit a ctntury '
&XmM&xt,- j?immm
wjll tm mi ornameul to th t wn. .
Tho ball will not be oun thtsllft con
volitional ones, but occurring when II
docs, on the night "when the wltchee
aro abroad" and all kinds of nrnnks
hi nxCivtf. nearly
everybod can
enjoy nltttlo extra f tin. Thoio who at
turn! this public ball will not only enjoy
the ball but the money they spend for
It will always bo In evidence.
From Coqullle Exchanges
(Coqullle Bulletin)
The Adventlst church of this place
has just received a flno, largo boll,
weighing about n thontand pounds, and
wo aro told this ft the largest belt iu
It Is reported that tin Coqulil Mill
and Tug Company are going to(put up a
aow mill a much larger and better
plant than the present ono ami that It
will be ono ot the beat equipped milts
on the coast.
County Treasurer Dully has. receipts
in full for all taxes dun from Coos conn
ty to tho state, 'he last payment being
raado Oct. 10th and amounting to f253,
75 atato agricultural college tax and
$176-3.25 state general fund.
Tho city council made a tour ot In
spection to tho now reservoir for tbo
cttr water works Wednesday and decided
to have tho contractors; put on an extra
coat ot sand and coment halt an inch
thick initeAd ot the coat (ot
asphi'ltum ca'lcd for Jn the contract.
The contractors agreed to do this for
275 additional.
Ira D. McCoy, auditor of tho P. F. &
L. Co., arrived overland Irom Koseburg
Monday night on his return from Los
Ancoies, where ho has been to look
after the affairs of the company, which
seem to be rather mixed up ot late. lie
is straightening np tbo affairs horo, pay
inn off tho claims, and expects to havo
the mill runnlngsomrttmo next week.
,. (Bandon Reorder)
E'bcrt Dyor returned Inrao Monday
evening, mm a business visit to Bun
Franrlico, and wo undorstnn I that he
will ntart up the broom handle mill in
a few days.
There is somo Improvement going on
In Dunham's addition to Bandon. J. B.
Marshall !: Son, W, Boyd and Mr.
fapJlD ddIt,n to
their bouses in that quarter of town.
Tbo freight and passenger war, especi
ally that for the passenger tarafllc,
teems to be on with tho Coquille (trans
portation companies. Three boats
leav"e Bandon oach morning, now, the
to nnabla tbe steamer Dispatch to make
Deer Hme
The steamer Favorite
leaves Coqolllo in the morning and re
turns thero In the ovening, and wo
understand that tbo Antelopo will bo
put on that run when tho Ashing season
enda. Thia will make five steamers
plying between Bandon and Coqullle
dally, if nono are taken 08 tho route.
Tbe pcopio of Bay City are having
their hall improve! by removing a
petition and laying a new floor.
Acblcken that waB hatchod last
spring in Pendleton in J. B, Despaln's
poultry yard, and has nover been off
Mr. Despaln's premises, went to tho
block yesterday. When dressed a piece
of pure gold a virgin nugget was tak
en from tho crop. It ia irregular in
shapo but ia worn very smooth. It Is
the tt e of an average grain of corn, and
is worth, about 40 or CO cents. East
distttf! of the Thfoir&id
from Tuesday's Dally,
Matt Nolmo la putting a picket fencu
around his place In West Mnrshfleld,
John F. Hall d taking a rest from hi)
legal duties and is building a woodshed
at his homo.
Work will commence today on re.
pairs to the wharf back of tho Bonaett
Walter building.
G. Ritchie, a skilled taylbr from San
Francisco, has nccoptod a position In
Norla Jensen's tailor shop.
W, 0, Dutbnor ia now hammering
away in the blacksmith shop which
he has built opposite tho old stand.
The Alllanco did not arrlvo yestorday
as expected. It Is foggy outaldo and
this may be tho causo ot her delay,
A. W. Neal's plledrlvor was brought
down yesterday from Maxwell having
finished driving tho piles for the Ores
cent mine.
D. Mcintosh, who has boon qtiito sick
for several days at his homo across tho
bay la reported loolng much hotter, and
was out to ths creamery yesterday.
P. M. Friedborg has placod
n com-
mission the ecoy recently completed at
Reed's ship yard. Sho ia 53 feet In
length, H feet b'.am and 3 foot 0 Incht-H
in depth.
Sunday-school teachur "And so Lot's
wife was turned to salt Can any one
toll why?" Wicked Willy (from tno
rear).-"8ho was too freih." Harvard
Tho gasoline engine of tho Alia is ont
ot order and will bo rcpalrod at Fred
Nelson's ahop, and aho will probably
aall for Rogoo river Thursday.
Myrtle Point Entorprlte -Owing to
the increased attendanco in our public
school another teacher has been employ
ed Miss Mabel Endlcott. Thero are
now i'40 pupils in attendanco at school.
W. Vanberger, ot North Slough waa
In town yosterday. Mr. Vanberger la
an old sold lor, and ho had with him an
interesting relic of tho Civil war, in
the shapo of an ivory poker chip which
was brought out of Llhby prison a
Nothing to bo ashamed of: Lady
"Aintyou ashamed to bo tying tiro
works to that dog's tall?" Boy
"Ashamed? Ilully (Joel Aint be an
English bull-dog, and aint die do
Fourth of July?" Puck.
J, Fcjtcr Wlcon, of Bumnor, was In
town yesterday on business, 'iio re
ports that ho haa been ganted rt pen
sion of f8 a month, and has also receiv
ed $162 In a (lump, out of his Indian
When yon placoau ad in tho Daily
Covbt Mail do you know nt tho least
calcuation about onojtlioaeand iereona
road it. Thoy aro all peoplo who hnvo
tho money to pay for what they want
and know what they do want,
A yonng woman of Marshflold was
compelled by frccklou to woif'r gloves
a good deal of tho tlmo, Sho declared
that after sho was married sho would
have no moro klda on her band?. Shu
ha& been marriod for bomo yecro now
and strange to oay, she has a pair of
kids on her bands that till hor arms afq
well. pr-ent;ptlalstatemonts mayn be
taken wltli'some degrio of allowance.
8 awes Two From Death
''Our llttlo daughter had an almont
fatal attaok ot whooping cough and
bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. ilavl
land, ot Armonk, N, Y., "htvt, when nil
other remedies (ailed, we suvrd her llto
with Dr. King's Now Discovery. Our
titeco, who had Consumption In ait uil
Vanred slmto, also used this wouUeilu!
medicine and today she Is perfootfully
well." Desperate throat ami lung dls
nates yield to Dr. King's Now Discovery
na to no other mediolno on earth. In
(nibble for Coughs and Colds. 60u uud
f 1 (X) bottles guaranteed by John l'teuss
Trial bottles tree.
For the Colored Children
l'rluclpiU F. A. Uolden, of the Marsh
fieid publlo school, la looking for a roem
to rent and a timelier to employ, (ot the
purpose ot carrying out the instructions
ot the board regarding the colored
children whoso admission to the school
was requested somo woeks ago. The
mother ot tho children Applied to Ff In.
(lolden last Friday and ho la now look
lug up room and instructor.
Phenomenal Hens
8, F, Dow's chlokona are bound to
keep boforo tho publlo, Somo llmo
ago, ono of thorn got In the habit ot
laying nix eggs n day, At least six efgs
wero found In her nest every ovenlig,
until the fact was mentioned In the
Co a at Maii, and tho nolghbors cfan
munced shutting their chickens np,
Removal to South Marthfleld seetni)
to havo stimulated tho lllddles again,
and a tew days ago the children came
rushing to their mother with tho start
ling luformstlon that ono of the hens
had laid four kittens, and thor proved
it by fact that tho kittens wore still
cosily stowed In the ncot..
Real Estate Transfers,
WRPantorto Wm Kicking timber
on v2 ot ro-l c2 ot sw 1 ot ace 13 t 27 s r
II w fSQO. I
0 11 Merchant to Loronzo Noah lots
3 block 21 Rr add to Marshflold, $110.
ifimmh B Kinnlcutt to Ellzobcth A.
Sell rarcel iu Rlvorton (225.
OTUemler toJaa Miller lota 5,0,7
block SO BoJder A Bendors ado to Mt
I't, 200.
J K Simmons to Wm Escot lota 0 10
block 0 South Marshfieid f 800.
John McLood to Hannah Kinnlcutt,
parcel in mverion. fiw,
John G Hook to Albert Abraham sol
s H8 125 r 11 w. flSOO. ,
L J Blmjson toChas L Parker lot 5
blocl- 32 North Bend 20.
Wm Kowcn to Mary WIIon lots 1,1
12 block 71 N'otley -dd to Cormlllo f 1C0.
Mary Wilson to Leo Neeley (abovo)
Dorn Hermann to ICmma E Easton,
lots 7 8 sec 6 t 28 r 10se5ot wot eS ot
nnofeclteo 12 t 3S r II. 17tO,
Confosslons of a Prlost
Nov. Jno. S. Cox, of Wnko, Ark.,
writes, "for 12 years I suffered from
Yellow Jaundlco. I consulted n number
of physlclana and tried all sorts of medi
rines, but irot no rollnt,, Then I bavan
the usoot Khctric B!ters and feel that
Ism now cured of adise.iso that had
mo In its grasp for twelvo years." If
you want u reltaulii meuicino lor uver
and Kidnoy trouble, stomach dhordor
or guueral dnbility, got Klectrio Hitters.
It'sguiirontecubyJohnl'reuss. unly WW.
Tho rric3 of hops bin declined to
cents pur lb.
Tho Farmers and Merchants bank is
the now bank nt Foroit Grove,
J, M, Yatos a Bunnyside grocer wai
stung by a tarantula last wook and it
waa only by hard work-of his physician
that ho was saved.
Drying propnrfltloni simply tvt
op dry cotarrh j thoy dry "up tha aoorfttlona,
whJoh adhtro to the rnombrnno and deoora-
fiose, causing a far moro serious troublo than
bo ordlnnry form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
fug Inhalants, fumes, smokes ruid snuffs
and use that which cleansed, nootbos and
heals. Ely'H Cream B&lm La such a raxnsdy
and will euro catarrh or cold In the h4
eaaily and pleasantly. A trial alts Will ba
mailed for 10 cents. All drugfrfsts aoll the
50o. aizo. KlyUrothcrs, CO Warron St., N.Y.
Tho Bairn cures without rain, does not
Lrritato or cause nnserlng. It spreads JUoU
oror nn Irritatod and angry aurfacs, rolloK
leg immedlntoly tho painful inflammation.
With Ely's (Jro&in llnlm you aro arae4
against Kaaal Catanii and Uy Forcr.
Tho most Important improvement nf
tho auo ip tho art nf penmanship mnk.'s
tlio poorest writer a splendcd pontnnn in
B.fewwonkflby idb use of this ring
Hndorscd by promliint College Presi
dents and Iloardd of Kdurallnn in Kit
rono and Amnrlcn. Sauinlu ddzen as
sorted bIzop rent ioBt paid for $1,00, sin
glo sample lho, Whon ordorlng a slncle
ring, atato whether for man, woman or
child. ' (
No. 119 0, Fourth 8t, PhlUdcIli
"(TX. rTM.Vff.Tftotoltf
the (nan who wears
mttY. If lil M itn't
iwarr wllwiu.
1 S ' imi,si ai r.
Sttl rkrMt, Ht.
Only Regular Line Between
VIAf ?
California and Oregon Coast S S Co
GEO. D. GRAY A CO.. Gpnoral Agents
421 Market Street, San Francisco.
I'henatfll I Couch St. Doch
The works nrc Elgin, Waltlmtu
or Duebcr's, nuy yradc or she
you choose nt rjgjit price.
1 I
Watches nnd Jewelry rcpurinp;'
flouc on short uotice, aud iu up-to-date
style at the
UnlletJ Slntej Untl OfTicc, Roschurg, Oregop
Vtb. 5, 1963) t
MiI-m I. Ii..tti. rilv.n llml Ih mninlT.lnce wilf
lliu iirovhlont of llie act of Congreii of uno -j.
1878, rntlllci! "An nel for llin wlo of ilniljcf
amfi In thcSlnlM of California, orc;on, Nc
vada, nnrl Wahlniori Territory," as ostenclecl
to all tho Public Unit SUlcs by net of Augiiil 4,
' vvii.i.iam w rniniii.i.
of 191 Monroe St., PortUnd, coimiyof Multr.
rnuh, Suite (4 Orrgon, lm tbls !ny fllod In this
office his sworn st.Unnrnl No. oj, for the pit'
cImms ot the SKi'.l, ol Iv-c. No. 1 1, Tp 6 S, It
ia wfst.nntl wilioll'cr roof to ihoiv that the una
loiijjht is more valuable for Its timber or Hour
than for ngricultutnl pnrpows, nnd to e(abllfi
nis fWini wsaiu mini uriorc iiib iciici nm,
v. t il. 1. i..n- . liA.Atiiirn f.nnn tin
Itrccivcr ui 11119 umilu tu ,uvw..i, w.t.bw., w..
Wnlncsilay, tin 9 1ay of Dec, 1903.
11.. i..im n. u(iiw..ii'. fWr.ir K.ilw.iril.i.
of Onklftnd, Orrj-on, Geow Flnlcy, Oaten V
Ktimp, of C'rnwffirdnvllltf, t)roon. Ii N Hinllli,
of Myrtle I'olnl, Oregon, ...
Any nnd nil vrorji clnlmlpg diversely the
nlwvc.dcwrll)cU litnili nrc reUMted to nlo their
rLilms In this officii on or before wld g day
of Pec. 1013. . .
V",9"l i """""I "
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors finpl
A good prescription
For mankind
Tho Scant pnokot Ih onough for usual
occasions. Tho family bottle (00 cents),
contains a supply for a year'' All drui
gists sell them,
I jvji 3fc ' iA
B J AT W 0 "bbbbbbW
fe. '
v . '
-Xi&lxtMi se ir.