fi r -r f vj- P? -v..1r -, 'W lj r -",'-i 'PW,Tr,w n" I I. y y w ? tr' i- "if'yn r r' H -v , f . ti-rt -nrt -. jfmv-ttffTf, -' 1 (i - i in n i 1'innmtriyinnnpi i tnn()i , W ltcWSS&WSf v" fc ,J- 'to ! - h - ,-), A MUSICAL COMEDY By 10113 JOSEPH VANCE CovvrivhU w. ! T. tt WeClur ntimufconn V The ulKlit win Mill In! utillry, hint- 1 111; or mill, In llio tnint a low moon nu'tiMK bood red nbovo tho hill. Its rny crln.Ktiiicd 11 jmtli ncros tlio hIiir- x ft'lsli and sllont, waters of tho IJInck river. Wlion it nllirlit Hno nomo dhttnnrn from Jin western hnuk Colonel 1'nmticu of (lie Ninth Mississippi, 0. B. A., Kneed loiiKliigly nt tlio dim, inlnly lights of Tiiseiiloorn fur Intel: iiponhn opiwsltn shorn. Tho body of thu yotititf mini won ni'iilly liicamil In u now uruy uniform, iiii.I thu dual of tljo colonel wns with tin' Confcrkrnto crtiimi, tmt tho heart of hltn wns within Uiu Union Much, nnd ho wns sore distrait, for tlio Federal troops held Tuscaloosa, and Tuscaloosa field runny northern oillconi nnd tho pcrwiii of Miss Hetty Tnyloo, nnd, fur ther, .Miss lietty hold thu affections of Colonel Prentice. Now. Ibindolph Prontlco hnd fonfjht tho oppresrfors nnd Ixmtod tliom nnd lind Imhui defeated hy tliom. Ho hated thrm rlKht heartily nit nholitlonlnU, mid h admired them licyond expres sion n n K'tlliint food. Therefore Lo ml- All AU-lKKlll MUHIC, UK UIIAWUID. tnnitod their nhllltles In tho way of InvdmnkliiK. A man who fluids Koiicr oindy ximl chivalrously In not, im n rnln, cxcuwdvoly bashful or unduly tongue tied In tho presence of Indies. Presently thu colonel stamped his booted foot nnd swore beneath IiIn brvntli. The unlet nlr curried sound fnr nml olonr, nnd to IiIn enrs there en mo fnlnt strn'ni of niiiMtc, Hut hum of n tfUltnr iifnl an enormous baritone rained In noiiK Then tho colonol retired with in tin urovi of trees to rt'npiionr Hhort ly with two of IiIh men. They rim tlotixly oiidinrUod In n mnnll llatlwiat wlilch h d Imtii conreuhxl by n clump of undori;row(h. Tho ohllidnir moon Und rtroiitd behind n cloud bnnlc. ln tho parlor of tho Tnyloo innnnlon I hi- Within won low even cnndlcn won rtonr In tho wiutli iowitnl tho clono of tli- ir-but tholr dim ni.v could not Sun Stroke Shattered My Nerves. ,. Gave Up Preaching For Two Years. Dr. Milos' Norvino Put Mo .On Active List. . Are rou well? Do you lcep well? Dq you et up retted, frrtli ami vicoroin? It your mind clear and ictlve? II not read the lollovviiii;. Sec what another has lutfered and how he rtcovcicd. . "Some yrnrn nL'o I wan nflllcted with sun (trokc which lull me with u shattered iierv phi system nnd cxceerilnclftpoor health. I suffered tetrilily with jiatn In my head, the top of my head would feci hot. I cou d not study, and after striving for two years to wrar the trouble off, I was compelled to nlve, up my pastoral labor and retire to my urm where I spent nearly two years tryinp to re cupcrate. It was nil of no avail, 'hylcliu treatment ami patent medicines (nllrd to re l:vi tin. I wai i-xceedinrly nrousund I iluble ind imetimeswoud ii. tcjr!blv. 1 could I ot b :u no noise A tl. ten t er c ta n the blood wouVl i v m, ti'-e and head. "1 wo years ro 1 was Induced lo t-y Dr. Miles' Hestorntlve N-ivins. After utmi; one bqttle 1 could see improvement in my condition so I continued tal.iiiL' it (or nearly a year. I am happy to say I no loncer have those pains in my head or nerv ou spells. My appetite is food and I am bi to preach three on .Sunday with out f.itiw'ue. I crmstdcr Ur. Miles' Nervlno Hit moil wonderful medicine ever discov ered," Re, I). Alex. Hoiman, Pastor U. 11. Church, Marlon, lnd. All druL'c'sts sell and guarantee first bot tle fir. Miles' Kemr dies. Send (or free book . on Ncrvoun and Heart Diseases. Address 'Ur. Miles Medical Co,. EUthartUnd. I COHCOfll trio hefititr ot tfto KIM trno nut loyltmly upon n ofa, each with nn nrm nlMitit tlio other, TIioukIi thoy woro nlfttuni, ono wnn dnrk nnd itiln olilovous(ia youtiKor, Alloo Tnyloo wlillo tlto otliur wna tnll nnd fnlr nnd roriotiM, Hoth woro vory Kood for n noltllor innn to look tipon. To tliotn came n nong from tlio ntgtit without. Dlclc AmynR, crtjifaln of tho Nltiotootith Ohio, nnd Llotitonant Hon ry woro of n mind that no tlmo moro tlmn the jironont wan AUMplclout for tho wool n k of n mnld or two, Tho Ktiltnr biitr.ttl renonnntly under tho doft IliiKt'rH of the cnptnln nnd tholr commltiKled voices wnrljlod n melting norvnndo. eimultnneotiNly tho four oyoM of thorn wore Mendfniitly ohnon' nut of tho vino twined pnrlor enno munt. Thoy wero oxpi'dnnt of nti In Vltntlon to (inter. This wan not their flint duot hoiienth tho window. In dued, It In to bo flunpocted that Minn All co wnn In no wny nverno to tho con' qtient of tho north bloodleiuly nnd by UtlltH. Throo Knijr ntudowa ntolo up behind tho two. Colonel l'rontlco hold tip n wnriilng hand nnd pnuncd, llntonlng'Vri .V. ', .'..' will. l.n1l rl.l1 nr- In fl,A ,,7. O tllln hllblt llO OWOtl milCll Of llflt MIC with hardly ravlahed earn to tlio con eluding bans of "Tlio Jiluo Juniata." Ho nodded In appreciation of an ex cellent rendering, but when tlio nong enmo to an end nnd n plenned murmur llontrd throiifib tho caaomeut tho benrt of tho Confedcrnto won hnrtloned. "Gentlemen hmj" ho obnerved oott ly. "Could All pthnuodo ych to repeat tho effohtr Tho gcntlomen with ono accord wbonlod nnd gated with Intercut Into tho mustlen of a cotiplo of nnvy rc volvcni. rrentico recognized Captain Amyna. "Ah ndTdol munlc," ho drawled. "Prontlco!" 'Vo liiuiililn tutrvMOt JJllhl" "Hdw iiMiny men hnvu you, confound you 7" "Hovornl, gentlomon a miufldcut numbeh. Ah repent, can I pehnuado yohr "You cnnl" ropllod LIcutcnnnt nenry promptly. Tboy obliged con nmoro. "Vo'y filr." commonted tho colonol when tln-y hnd flnlilieil. "And onco monh. If .veh-plenw. "Itandniph, I'll bu oven with you for thlnl' Amyan threatened hotly. "Oh, nlng mmethltig olso If ych pre fer," Indifferently. Tfy nnng. At tho window thero hnd been A brenthleiM nurprliw ut tho repetition of tlio Ming. Now, nurmhdng thnt nomo tiling wna nmlsn, Minn Hetty Htoppd out upon Uw veranda, tiho Blinded hor oyen, peering down upon tho group. . "Kniidolph Prontlcur nho cried. "In it truly your "Yn, Mbw Tnyloo," ho mndo nnswer humbly. "What do you moan by thl7" HIm cycii ulioiio, twinkling. "Ah dd donh music." "Hut you hnvo no rlghtl" "Doe It offend ych, ma'am 7 Ah'm ro thotiKhtleaa. Shall Ah mnko 'cm ntopr "Hut but whnt do you proposo to do with tlieiu?" "Hang 'om. Miss TnyJoc. Gentlemen, plonao don't slug no fab off tho key. Hut don't stop. Blng something monh nenttmeiitnl." Ho beckoned to his men, "Ah'm going in," ho nnnouueed. j "tjco thnt tho ucntlomou contlnuo to--1 nb sing. If they stop or try to cscnpo ' well, dlscourngo 'om." i It wns Miss Alice Tnyloo who greet-' ed hltn nt tho door and dosorted him bnnely on tho threshold of tho pnrlor. Tbo colouo pntined, awkwanlly fltiRer-, lug his cap, his supremo nssurntice quite Kone. Ho hnrdly dnred to lift his eyes to Betty, but when ho sum moned up tho courngo ho uaw hor shotildors shaking. Without, "Ilosallo, tho Prnlrlo Flower" was In spirited execution. Tho colonol grow moro bold, advancing fully throo paces. "Now, sir," cried Miss Hetty, fnclng him suddenly, "what hnvo you to any for yourself?" "Vo'y little, Ah'm nfrnld, Miss Hetty. Ah Ah wns hoping ych'd consent tp bo inah oxctiso." "And for whnt. sir?" "Fob mnh dnhlng"- "Your during!" "To approach yob," ho added hastily. "You've no excuse for risking your Jlfo, sir, Tho south needs you." "Yes, ma'am.'' llq twisted his cap helplessly. Ho felt anything nt nil but Imld, and wonls choked In his thront most uuiiccountnbly. "Hut, Ah-MIss Hetty, Ah heed ych moah'n tho south needs mel" Ho wns utterly abashed by lils temerity. He could nay no uioro, but his eyes npoko for him. "Hetty I" "Hnndolph Prontlcot" "Could you. Hetty?" "Could I wlmt, Colonol Prontlco?" "Korgho uio?" "Huii-Ilnndolpli. there Is nothing to forAlvo." Her eyes wero downcast. The loilu Insbca trembled moist upon her oheelr. a inin. nunrior nf nn Iinur hnssod. Colonel l'rontlco renppenred upon the . noldlera In Porto Ulco so tiuu'd theni vcmndn. I 1111 hloutoimnt Phlllliia was nmoug "Ccaso tiring, gcntlomen," ho sattt 1 tholr numbor, gnyly. "Ah'm inflnltoly obllgwl to Whon bo flnally lay down on hs yeji." J camp cot thoy took their stations, one "Hung . von, Pmitlcol I, call this ycry ', upon his pillow, ono ujiou Ida cUest, iiiihahdHbino of youl" , Thoy know Instinctively that ho did "The end" firmly "justifies the; not like to hnvo them on his face, for menus, goiitlomon, Now, will yeh J whoiiovor thoy trespassed on this torrl; pigintHo to mnko no dlstu'bnnco while tory ho moved. v restlessly, but tholr wo ire within tho lines?' Ah don't oresuueo near liW hico was qulto siifll--. , ; ..a, I . XTI .M, tHint x6 mk yerlr , ' heht'to Keep inout or trid men nwny. "Wo proinUo," nrtfd Aniynrf BUlfcfily. While tho lieutenant wan making all "Wo n ro your primmer"." tlieno prepnratloini for his aleatu there "Then tliniik yoli nnd good night." win an unplvHantit oy watching Jijm Ho lonpod Ughtly to tho ground and, through tho open pnco left by the lift cnlllng io bin men, ntnrtod nwny, log of tho bnck flap of Uio lent. Tho Hut, rrcntlcol" cried Amyno, nninzod. "Voh promlncd to ho wnrnod thorn. "Hut" "Ali'm taking no prlnoner tonight, gotitlenieii-IoaiitwnyH no monh than ono. Will yeli roitgrntubtto mo upon winning ,tho hand of tho mvecteflt girl In tho land'" "Whlclir demanded both" In a breath. "Thnt. grntlcmon, I munt lenvo to yolwelven to find out. But, bcllovo inc. Ah thuiik you. (lood night." A fUnry ot (Jorrrnor AVnulilinrn. Governor WiiKhburti wan a thorough gontlemnii through and through, cotir tooiiH, wi II bred and with an entirely nuflk-lent hviiho of IiIh own dignity, ilut lie Imrl little renpect for nny fnlao no tloiiH of gentility and had a liablt of conn In life, A very nmtiHlng utory wnn told by .Mm. Wimlibuni long. After her hunbrtud'ii death. ' ' ' Her Mtory wnn tlmt ono tffne'wleti Judge Wanhbuni wan governor tho motnborn of bin ntaff came to Worron' tor ou Homo public occimlon nnd were nil Invited to Ida houno to npond the night. When ho got up In tho morn log ho found to bis conntonintlon that tlio mini who wnn In the habit of doing" niich norvlcen at bin houno wnn nick or for Homo other rennon hnd failed to put In an nppen ranee nnd none of tho bootM of tho young gentlemen wan blacked Tho uovonmr wan manter of j-yo;o-oyooo- I. C. BRAflD By COWARD MARSHALL Copyrlaht, llJ. if T. C. McClnro 000&0yy Lleutetintit IMillllpa, U. ti. V., hnd boon Innpectlng govcrnmont property out In tho corral, but tho heat hnd driven hltn into bin tent, which wni pitched JiiHt on tho edgo of a coffee plantation. It wns.nt tho time when our govern ment was withdrawing from Porto Itlco tho vast uumlKir of horses, army wagons and other trnnnportntlon pnra ph'Ttialla which had been necessary during tho war. Inspection duty Is only given to men who arc thoroughly trustworthy. Especially Is this truo in Porto Illco. nioro were Inrgo quatit titlei of govonuncnt property them after tho surrender, most of it in good .condition. Thu planters thereabouts, who had lont n senson's crops through the wnr. were unxlous to cheaply re oijulp their plantations with wagons. hurves and mules. It was because tho honest gentlemen hnd n tendency to offer "Inducements" to Inspecting of- Uwm to condemn gool projert-, which tue piniuerM cocm imurwuni imv iur n wing nt the miction, thnt especial enre was used In tho selection of In specting olllcors. Lieutenant Phillips was one of tho elect On such govcrnmont property ns Is condemned the "I. C." brand Is placed. "I. C" mentis ltiiectcd nnd condclnn cd. It Is not wlsojfor n clvlllnn to hn'o In his riossonnlon nny'propbrty which bears the murk "U. S." and docs npt nlwi bear tho ninrk "I. C" Hoth nr6 Htonclh 1 hi black paint a: tentago can vns, blankets nnd stieh l!ki buriiml Into tho bodies of wngons mid other woolen nrtlcles nnd branded on tbo llnn.H of I orsi- nnd millets I'ut-:ii n' T'lillllr1' kept Mie irons tit his own iwwoislon for fo;ir thoy might bo used unsi-nipulouKiy. He carried then, v Hli tbolr bruzlor still hrlf full of Hot cuiIf to tho ivnr f bis tent so thnf wh't HrMo tiroero thoru was would blow thu he.. i nwny from him Then ho lem-vtil bw heavier gnrinnts. It hnd tiron a hard day for tho lieu tenant, l-arly in tho morning he had been chief w.imu U a court martini which had convicted nn American sol dlor of ! awa. crtnJly tuutvd hU wire, a beautiful. Porto Rrcan-uIrUnntlm. j,i- , tuwil, I.uigl Ar.imado, vna a swarrby f.'IIow of lur...n r ir ntno LI. .-.10111111: Phll...m remen'jored wltlv discomfort tho tlerco look tho niim had , thrown ut hlm as. handcuffed, ho h-ul been led away to tlio gunrdhouso. Hut, although tho lieutenant hnd tho pink cheous or 11 gin nnd novw n hushcioh of 11 mustncho upon his upper Up. ho hnd a reputation for fonrlossness. Hoforo ho sottled down to sleep ho relPiiHcd from tly voiHllated box a pair of ltttlo lizards. They nro of the variety culled chnmcleons and can be ouslly turned by nny ono who will dc - ivlvii tlimii 11 ult nt umpni hull . . . . . .,... 1 v"7" ' . . Ii 1 1 , water, a fow flies' or somo other dnln- ties dear to tbo heart. Mnuy of our K cto waa In tho hend of tlio man whom 4sStifti2(hw , the lieutenant had given evidence timko no t)0lBO,"vngnlnst that morning. Ltilgt Arnmndo had OMcnped. Helow tho eye, but whol ly hidden In tho Ininh, tlioro wero two hnudn, and In ono of them thero wn n knife. Tho man wan waiting until tho lieutenant nhotild fall anleep. Tho tcnl'H flnpn moved lazily In the iiioepy lirK-zo. "ftw ana tncu ouo oi tho little Jlznrdn made n lightning drru nnd n fly had porlnhed. The lieutenant alept poncefully. Everything wan n It nhould b when noon appronclioti In die tropica. Still tho figure crouched, watchful and nlhmt. At length tlio man crept forward .till ho wnn full in tho tent; then ho ntopped nnd drev from his bloiino a tUiy vlnl. He wan near enough to hnvo used tho knife, but ho evidently had other purponca. Perhaps" ho -wlflbed to gloat over hU victim be fore the blow fell. His glanco had fallen upon tho broiler nnd tho brand ing irons. Blowlr nnd noinolensly ha rono to hli fcot V wan n mlntnkc, for 'It ntartlcd tho lizards. Disoticylng their training, Uiey scampered over tlio face of tlio sleeper. It half woke him, and hs looked up lazily, but before ho could more thuu cntch a gllmpno of tlio evil ryes nnd gleaming blade, before ho could halloc for help, tho nlan flung himself tipor him and In tho lieutenant's nostrili entered tho dcndly" fumes of chloro form. Then ho lost conHdounneiw. Tlio 'Italian mined himself cautious ly tho stupor might bo feigned Bui a moment's scrutiny roiioved his fears In a twinkling he bad bound tbo lieu tennnt hand nnd foot and thrust a gat Into his mouth. "Killing wouldn't be enough," tin desperado muttered fiercely. Til marl Mm for life, no I will." The lizards mennwhlle had darted ut on tho canms of tho tent They had done all that thoy could In waking tb( Untenant. They could not fight fot him. And wlitlfi the lizards watched witl 4,:irir.irVv.- V lnfniop-ii". tho Irons into tho brazier. Tho lieu- tenant's cyca were open now, for the force of the opinio wns spent. Tho lies Icrado tnrned and caught their un daunted glance "Pig of n lieutenant!" ho eaid vicious ly. "It Is now I who have tho power. I will wult until the Irons heat, then wo slmll boo whnt wo shall see." And ho kicked tho helpless figure before ho turned again to the brazier. As ho watclied tho motal turn from blade to gray and flush Into redness, a cruel smllo disclosed his fangllko teeth. " "Tls most ready, my lieutenant," ho raid tauntingly. Noiselessly tho tent flap swayed, as If moved by a gentle breeze. Tho man's back was turned. Ho was too Intent on tho brazier to sco a slight figure which slipped through tho aperture. It was Ysabcl, his wlfo. v Tho furl's eyes illlnted with horror ns ebo glnnced from tho bound lieuten ant to tho dfeadly preparations of his enemy. Then with n, Httlo movement alio snatched tho pistol which lay on tho table. At the sound the man at tho brazier turned and found himself looking Into tho barrel held In her 6tcady hands, no was a coward, nnd ho quailed beforo hor. "Take thoso ropes off," slio said im periously In her musical Spanish, pointing to tho nontenant's bonds. "If you do not I wJII shoot you." Thoro wns a .tremor In her voice, but her eyes wero unflinching. Tho lieutenant watched her, fascinat ed. Her husband, sullenly accepting dofent. lieinm to untie tho knots. At lengtli the cnptlve wns rclcnsed nnd tho two stood silently beforo her. Hoth Boomed ovomwod by tho bcntity and fearlessness of tlio woman. Still pointing "with hcrt pistol. Bhe cried: "Now, go go go, Lulgl, nnd never come back again." Without a word tho desperado obeyed. When the tent Hap fell behind him Mutni iiramuxl from her trcmbllnc flgers nml Hho leaned against the table m ,f for Bp,wrt "Wna It wrong to lot hltn goV" sho said nniioallnslA. "You would have uu,p(1 hlm it ,,0 ,md 8tny(Hlt avi could not have stood that, 1 loved hlm once," Thoio was n sob In hor throat "Now bo will nover dnro to wni0 ,)ack n ,,It , 8,m be froo froIl, , u you w, ,ct ,,,, g0 for my J Bft).0?.. 1 Afl thQ Hellt(mnnt cianccd from tho ' ,rong tnm wh,ch fiM0 ,,nil 8aml ,)Uri 1 t0 hor ,eadlllg aco hQ couUi ot but Vet 8 8ho, to0f dlsmpponred 1 Mn(1 tl0 wKeo l(US,(e8i hQ ubtthl i,r .... ciioKing son. . , , ,Uo wuy of a womon ia hutd," said tho nontenant. , i : It Tooi tlio Cnlco1, t The lute : j.duTfon to tlwGerman language U Cn word "knusnVrcJmu," mennlng n little thlfig tlnit'CHii bo nib bled. 'J'hls in ibo M'oid tjmt has Just taken tlio prize offered by soiuo Gor mau euentlotiI po'-'letJ' Pr the best tra'nslMno ,if tlics hnun, ciko."i r nfiiYtirfrii. i ftllglmflyer, n German goldsmith In tho first part of the Inst ccjitury, hnv Ing nn ambition to attempt larger works than nny ho had accomplished, went to Naples In order to see tho cast ing of Canovn's stfltno of Charles III., but was denied the sight of ccrinln se cret technical processes. Stiglmayer found thorn fltit for himself neverthe less and as noon as ho wont homo jnnde his first experiment on a statuette of Venus. Many delays occurred, and the excitement Increased as tho end drew near. Hy tfornc mlntnko ono of his as sistants poured his molten metal Into tho nlr bole. Then the casting came to n stand till. "Tlio crowd of lookers on," writes tho poor founder In his diary, "stood first dumb about mo and,thon slipped out ono by -one and left mo with my pain." In a month a second canting was Iw guft and failed. With unbroken cour age lie began tlio third cast and on Christmas ovo tlio metal was again poured la. It ran Into the mold nnd spurted Joyfully out at U19 air hole. "Our Joy know no bounds," ho de dares. "We raised a loud cry of Joy nnd embraced and kissed each other. Pasqualo. tho helper, kin! tho bond of Phldlnn coming out of the broken form nnd burned huy montli, for It had not hnd tlmo to cool." . - Cniiry n Crltao In Ifanarnrr. It is a criminal offeosc In Hungary to lend money at usurious rates, and a Pressbtirg money lender was sentenced to twelve months' Imprisonment for that offense recently. MUliona of VetretarlanM. In considering the practical side ot the vegctnrlau qucatlon'lt should bo ra membcred tlint at least Bcvcn-tcnths of the iwpnlnllon of the globo never cat flesh meat In India, China, Japan and adjacent countries there arc about 400, 000,000 people strong, active, healthy, long lived who cat no flesh meat In Europe are tho peasants of Russia, tbo Corslcan fanners, tlio Scotch highland era nnd other vegetarian peoples, well developed physically and capablo of great endurance. Odd Bpltapb. On n nowly erected memorial sf ono In Yarmouth. England, appears this In scription: "In memory of -. who died of disease contracted In South Af rica. The Lord be praised." Wilt shire, England, has this-epitaph: 'Be neath thU soil a lump of clay lies Am bclla Young, who' on the 24th of M'.y began to bold her toncuo." stSHHaaaaaHBBBBiBBBaBaaiBBBBiBtan Ithedfobd's BlMKWWcMT THE GREAT ...,-iai.l nEDIUNF i Thodiord'a Dlack-Draught baa saved doctors' bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion) hard colds, bowel com plaints, chills and fever, bilious ness, headaches and otker like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorate and reg ulates tho liver, assuts digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, purifies tho blood, and purges tho bowels of foul accumulations, it cures liver complaint, indigestion, sour .stomach, dizztnees, chills, ' rhetunr.tic pains, sidcachc, back- acno,Kumo"irouDiej, constipat- n, d arrho-a, biliotncss, piles, hard colds and healacho. Lvcry irr" pist has Thcdford'tr Dlack-Iran.c in 25 cent packages and in mtun inotli giro for $; Hover noc .t n substitntc. Insirt on having tuo original made by the Chattapooga Mouicine, Company. I btllcve ThcdfortTs CUck-Draaght Is the bsi mcdl'Lie on csrth. It h good for fly sad everything. Iluvt I a family of twelve children, snd for I tour ywrs I have kspt them on loot andhulth with no doctor but Disci- Draught. A.J.GRIiElJ, Wewsr. U IHUmiHIIIIIIMIIH-tK Get The Genuine. The groat popularity of S'ENCSTACKEN'S' WHITE PINE EXPECTORANT, as a courh euro, has caused Imitations to be placsd on sale. Thosq are Inferior In every way, being muddv unsightly mixtures, usually with a "shako label" attached. The feenu. Inemediolne Is clear and bright, and Is1 made at GENCSTACKEN'S only-le sure bf themame Seiigstackens White Pine i I ' ','''. ' Orange colb Dackagis ji liii i ii tfiu tit 1 f Hiiii'itC ri 1 1 1 mi 1 1 m i - (i'n iii Will iStf BEST FOR THE BOWELS It you tinT.n't rrroUr, hrftllhr Hwrewim of IM bov1 rrTT !' yoa'r III or will b. lot rwil )oiol, rn,nilt). well t'orc.ln tilt- Murwif TMA (nnl J)liTrleorplllfolft,l (Uncrrm. TB MtiftlBS ttt.imiHiil, motttrt(,twjr of kplB tM Mwttt i.rnd cln I) to tko OANDY OATHARTIO EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY n.u.iit, riitii, rotnt, Tt no!, .noo(t, K.Tor BlekM, WkM. or Urlp. M, . mt tfi etnti f"ir.boiu '.VtU tor fro mt, ta4 keaclot mmuffl Minr cesfiirr, cHtcise r ntn tesv KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAI. The Ashland Normal ll - Southern OroKOii State Normal heuinn thfrf yesr's work Hoptem tier Kith. AlarKQ working library hap Mt-n dd-' the nhynicxl nsd chetn'csl fnbrntory hatbei-ulully t-qslpped; a now viui nf-iuni buililinx h belsg erected, .ml h ianitf mid Imndkonm eohool btiild- if nt. ring ccmrlotfon. The school jfn nnds ro leintifnl and pictnreeque. Tl hi-alih conditions aro of the best' and the roc'al invironmentjs pure and utiinufctlns ; tho course of study has bsm HrHu-hncd and Biai'e more practical ! i- ilty has Iksph Increased in num -j nn the tohool la now equipped to ..i i'k of the highest order. riii chool belongs to Swithern Ore c1!.. It dpsires and merits the patron--.f nt the people of this great section. f,ir citafognoaddren, HESiAMI.V F. SlULKBK,PrC. j. H. Thomas, Sec't, Our Moatlily Publicatiaa will keep yon posted en ear work and methods. Mailed Free to the ADVERTISING MAN of asy responsib)e home. t-v 1 f 1 1 'rFATIil1 MM'HT 150 "YEARS', EXPKRIKNCI Pll hirAi i t3 taB M ' Tradc Mkmi DrmaNB finavmauTi Ac Anron tendlns 11 klh and dacrlptlqa mi? qulrklr Mwttaln our cplnloif ro wtnr i .itrtntlna ( prolmblr rfitblo. Comsnainv Uontrltiroond4anUU. HaoabookonrnUaU tuni froa. OldMt uoaey tor tvmtifia pU. I'lltSM uiu. luronsa a vaa nwv 1 UdnMlt, wltbont thanttMM Scfetttific JFiwerKaii. A. nunaiomtir unnnm wir. wrewwr iUUea ot anr MlMMlf torL Ttrmt. N a -ert four raoUi, fl. ktAdbjan ewtl4Irr. MUNNCo.3'B'"'NewM braacii VBteo, MS V St. WatMcMo. IX C. HI HI HW I 1 II I -H-W-s-H-r- Expectomt. ' . ' S2 JCT'ftw' "- jtfttF' " : 1 si 1 tl 'l rn h$ v ,tf-,T3,'f fttf,' 'M ij rs . 9 7.',V .: ft i v gamaaatam