Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, October 24, 1903, Image 4

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RA' 4
Weekly coast iaii
WereC in tha Pcitof.'kf at Xarshfidi:,
as Second Class Matter.
r . i.. ,. .'
;?.C, LEAR, F. X. nOFER,
,'? " Editors nnd Malingers.
0. W. WOODWARD Foreman,
Issued Evry Saturday. Terms: In Ad
vance, 2 1.50 a Year, St. 00 Six Months.
DAILY: By mail, for advance payment
only, 30 cents a month; 4 months for
$t 00. When not paid In advance the
Irice is so cents per month, straight
ssned every morning except Monday
Brave CapMclntyre
(Continued from First Page.)
to me thatjtho laly tank. .1 kept tho
bar by me. When I climbed into tho
bolt it was filled iith water, to tho cap"
tain made ns all git "in the bottom so
ihit we wonld bo no weight on tho boat.
The water was then np to onr necks.
Just then Leslie Baker and a little 12
yeiroldboy named Gny Bent ' carre
Hosting over to non a mast that hud
boen lost ont of the life boat. We had
an oar and tho bcatiwnin made another
b' the mat, and with the assistance of
the oar I had caved we managed alter
14 honrs to reach the shore one halt
mile south of Port Orford. We could
not (03 a star, all night, and any
momnt we expected to be pitched on
the rocks. Jaetat the break of day
we saw two islands, and wo felt confi
dent that tho shore was not far away.
Bad '.t not beon for the captain a::d
tho chief officer not one of ns would
hive been saved. The were cool and
deliberate throughout it all,
The following sworn statements were
made before the coroner's jury:
First Officer Brnce Ship struck at
4:10 p. m. on Oct, 19. I was on the
bridge at time of strike. I stopped the
ship. Capt. Mclntryre came on the
bridge right after and called all hands
on deck to lower boats in case it was nee
pessary. Captain took ?charga of the
first boat leaving. The reason be did
so was at my request. I think the
captain did all in bis power to eave the
lives of the crew and paseengers.
John Druscoll, oiler Was on watch
when ship struck. I feft ship strike and
came on deck. It was 20 minutes after
ward before I got permission or orders
to go on deck. I do not know who it
was, but some one Seal led out, "all
bandBontof engine room," Whon I
came up out of engine room two boatB
were lowered and one hanging the davits
turnod over. I left tho ship on a raft.
There wan one raft and one we made
impromptu. Could Jnot tell how (one
after ship sUuch (ill I left htr. Ship
was afloat when we left her and pulled
away as we were afraid of the suction
when eho wnt down. Biionld think it
was one half hour after the strike. t
saw the raft we made after the ehip
went down, nnd sh was to the west
ward of us and wo were close to it one
time. When I caino on deck could see
more than 200 yards, Plnglno v as Btop
ped when we struck and started up
again afterwardr. It was after tho
boat left the ship, the mate ewld. "I
will try and get her in as close to shore
aa 1 can," Shu im.st havo rtin about
fifteen mlu'jteH toward shore. There
was two inon Kwwm from the raft we
made' to tho one wo were La.
Leslio Baker, pautungor When the
ehip Btruch 1 was in my berth. I came
ond'ck inuiiixluiuU. Loft tho ship on
boat number 2. Ii wan .Captain Mclu-
tyre'a boat. In lowering of boat every
body scorned to have charge. I helped
yjaaics mw me ooai. joai mrnea over
butiwaa righted aaib. We only had
one oar And wo tried to pick up nil 1 00
li'io bin. I ld not kno' ilcetiMd,
cnly hiuv I1I111 on hoard. Ik think tho
cnplalu did nil lit- coil hi to save lives.
Ho did no'i (to out Irom Port Oxford to
look for raft for I think ho was worn
ont. Ito was up all nltfht llrtt nlisht
coming down ti rlvor nnd next nluht
up whit a sick Imly. duij, Meltityrv'a
boat was the llret boat to leave tho ship.
I do not V no what iho. t'aptlu war
1,1.... -. -- At I I J.... f I ..
Iuumi: hi wie urn'" u' iuni'iiu tii mini.
F'rat I paw olhim was when I raw him
in the small boat. I saw auotticr bout
uiriitn tnori instance away wnen we
rero in davits. T'-t-rl? wore live paien
iters In tho boat nnd the boat turned
over when wo struck water. When 1
wine up I sot in the boat again. The
war the rxm KOt loose from tho steam
or, they toll me, one ropv wtnt through
the blocks and the hook came lo on
thoothor dnit. Did not reo any one
with life preserver on. I wont to et
one for a lady nndcouUt not find any.
John MeKeowu, oiler Wis in b-d
when the thin struck. Got down In
engine room 10 minutes later. Was
ro'a"l on a raft when I came on dt-ck.
Do uot know who was in command of
tire "hip. When I came up on d c
the KAti had left the ship nnd we hti'
to work KOttlng rafts rvndy and oyr
bord. Tho matueajd, "Boys, get the
rafts ready ; ah will yt down in a few
momenti." When I came up out of tl-
engine room the bodti wercpoue tnd
only one raft remained ami it would not
hold all the eople. so we had to make
another raft. The steamer did not blow
any whistles after she struck. The cap
tain co'tld not havo stayed lone, aa lie
was gone when I cime np out of the en
gine room. The mate had ship started
and tried to run for the beach.
The coroners jnry'called by E. W. Jen
sen acting enronor, tohold an inquest on
ho body of Chas. E. Ilnson, who di t
Ja the life raft, alter giving their find-
41154 ai to namo of decoased and cause
f death, add Uo following: "We the
indersigncd further find from the evi
lence that Capt. J. B. Mclntrye wat--riminally
negligent in his duties as t
master abandoning the wrecked steamer
oeoro eeeinj: to the safety of the
ja!engers and crew."
The tog Columbia which went down
Toe-day cmo back yesterday fo
'uel, having seen nothing.
This Llfe-aaving crew from the Cape
Arago 8 aticn started for tho sceno yef -;er
'ay, expecting to pick np ho tug.
bnt seeini? her come ba?k they went
i'hore at the light homo and ent a man
to Empire to see if the tug would come
and take them down today, os they did
not desire to leave the home sUtien too
long unprotected, without a tug to bring
them back. Tho Bandon Life-Saving
orew were on tho scene vesUrda),
tearching for the survivors,if any more
there are, the second raft being still uu-
accounted for.
Lato last evening a message from San
Francisco brought the news of the ar
rival of the steamer Spokane with four
survivors, having picked up the miseing
tfpeclal to the Matt.
Denver, Colo., Oct. 22 Tho principal
business before today's special meeting
of tho ftockholdera of tho Denver and
Kin Grandn JTnilroid Company is to
authorize the purchabo of tho Crystal
Uiver Itailroad. For the purpose of
making tha purchase and for future
capital requirements tho first preferred
capital stock Is to be increased by f5,
tiOO.000. This wili raise tho total flrrt
preferred capital Btock of the Rio Grande
to $50,000,000. The regular annual
meeting of the road will be held here
TO tffrATH
In Heart of San Fraii
(Special to tho Coast Ma
San l-ranclfco, Cal, Oct,-32 Tho 6
ye.ir old daughtiir u( J. M. IHoon, color
od did olstarration last nlUt in tho
luvAttot the city. Tho nnMlior trill
probablv bo roMiored to a hoipTtal.
Ilor husband boitt her and took her
clothes nwav and IHtnofood. Showas
nnnbb to ge out on acionnt of the
beutitu'. Tho husband has ooen goni
a week,
(Special to the Coast Mall.) :
New" Yorit, Oct, U2 There ii consld
erable speculation iu local sporting
circles regarding the future movement!
of Jim Jeffeiies. The champion left his
home in L04 Augeles Inst week and la
expocttid to arnvo in this city today or
tomorrow. Just what Jefferics is com
u Eat for hns not been dltulgeil. It
is underttcM that ho corner lor the
ptirixvu of nrranging a" ffht with
Jark Munroe, who has eludedjtho JCdi
forntun thus far' Jefferics is willing to
taek'e Munroe heforo ono of tho San
FrantUco caiba next Winter if tliu
Bute miner will coniont. Failing to
et on a match, it is said that Jefferics
tflll ijcnfn go on tho vaudevCle stago or
take a trip to Europe tinder tho manage
mont of Billy Delaney.
From Friday's DaU.
Following is tho lift of cr,uw and pa
eii7r nf the lll-fatod steamer Foutli
rtland. a jivon ty tho Portland.
Telegram, of Tuesday:
Captain J, Mclntyru.
Kirot Ofiicer Bruce,
Second Officer Kiltaoro.
J. Ward, Chief Knfjlncor.:
C. liuton, idt Ami. Knijr.
O. Monroe, 2d Asst. Engr,
Kmanuol Pueoniemis, cook.
Geo, Jickson, 2d Cook.
li. Doherty, Fireman.
P. Wolf, Fireman,
John Drifuoll, oiler.
II. Chrstifen, Seumnn,
J. McKeown, riler' '''"
Otto Brandt, Fireman.
V 1 Mo'.man, Steward.
Maiiujl Rioe, wuiter.
C-.o'. I'etereon.'eatnan.
F. Johnson, Seaman.
John Reams, Sailor.
Abe Maddox, waiter.
C. Iiollenbeck.
Paul Kriuauth.
II, Weber.
Mre. W. E. Tyrrell and 'son?
Chas. Blenk,
h Baker,
Guy Bent.
Al Bailey. j
D. MKay. '"
J. O. Wright. 'V. ,"'
J. Watson,
Mrs, Fletcher Bsrit,
F. Mqingo.
J, 8. ljakby.
Places Capt Mclntyre
in Bad Light
(8peclal to the Coast Mall.)
68 Fnnclsco, Cal, Oct 22 8co itld
Otllcer Havens of tho lll-luto.l steamer
South Portland wns ordotud to tliu n ro
portol tho disaster with tho .Inspectors
of IIulU and Hollers this tnoJntng,
Hn madon doUllel stateutiiit of (ho
wreck which places Capt. Metutyro In
a bad llghl. Itavona says tho captain
did not know tho position of .tho jthlp.
Tho captain was the first to Innvo, Uov
ns last. Ho thinks ho remained aboard
a hour alter the vessel struck tho reef.
Captain Moiutyro will nrrivo Sunday.
Kavensaud three sailors woro picked tip
by the steamer Hpokano and brought to
(8peclal to the Coast Mall.) '
Washlncton, D. 0. Oct, 21-Tho of
ficial speed trial of tho new cruljor Den
ver tikes pine.) over tliu Government
con rro bet wee 1 Capo Ann and Cape
Porpoico. and tho remit is awaited
with considerable intereifat the Navy
Department. Tho ship ia in commnnd
of Captain Sllman G. Chaeo ai.d carrier
a crow of picked men from tho ynrd of
tho builders, N'ea'lo ft Levy.
The Denver Is an unarmorcd, iteol
protected, twin-screw Titieor, and one
oi tho smallest Jlhttri(f yoetels in the
United States Navy. Slio was dosiguod
for sorvieo in tho Philippine Islands.
Under tho terms of tho contract slio I
requirml to develop an average speed of
10 1-2 knots sn hour.'
From Frlday'a Dally,
Early Closing Assured
Tiie clerks havo succeeded In yettlr k
all tiio merchants to auree lo close their
(stores after Oct. 31 at 0 p. in. txcptin
Saturdays. This is a wieo move on tllio
part of the merchants.
Six o.clock Is a reasonable hour, for
tho majority of working people find on
tho aveniKO, nine hours to bo lon
enough to contribute a day ; why should
not tho clerks? tholr work hlong nnd
tiresomoand is no snap, und why should
thoy not have tlmo for pleasure and oth
or work as well as behind W:e counter
We aik tho public to look at title mat-
ter iu a uew.lluht and help us make a
.uccessof the uudortiikint; at you all
know that you can all attend to your
husinots before 0 p. m. if you will make
an effort to do so,
Six o'clock closing is an established
custom in all up-to-date towns and there
is no reason why Murahflold should not
bo In lino,
Tho clerku havo worked hnrd to se
cure thii early closing und it is now up
to the merchants to see that this ruling
1b obeervod.
Things may not run as smoothly bb
expee'ed for the first week or two, nnd
it is hoped that tho nioicliuntd may
overlook any small friction that may
creep in at the start.
it is now hopod that North Bend and
our othor neighboring towns will follow
suit; CLuukh
". p,
Williairf R. Jollying
(Special to tho Coast Mail.)
Atlanta, (la. Cut. 22l.talior.ttn ar
rangements have h en mndo to lnjict
now life In thn Hearst boom for tho
prestdetital iininlniillon on tho Demo
emtio tluket tomorrow,
lli'HUt arrives ttiln morning ntvl will
tm'tho guest of tliu Interstiito Fair Aiso
i itlnn. He meets tho edltqrs of nearly
all tliu Georgia papi'in.
Reported by I. Hacker Abstractor
of Titles
Ktnto of Ore to itosa M Smith wot w2
ofel sec in t 2li rll tUOoO.
Statoof OrotoLDHmlth sol of ow4
of kI.ic8(5 3U t2(J r 10 f 100.
Y M Lowntolt 0 McKinnli
lots 1
hlk 3 nouth llaud'jii f 10.
Marvel J IV II sou to John l.nhner swl
of we of sw I ol ic 10 wet onwl nwl
of ivel sec 15 t2d rll. ttSOO.
Klla and 7. C Strang to 0 M Horn
inaiiii 17 acres, iu wc2 rec 20 t 2'J r 12,
Jacob Croy to fieo Punhroke lots 3-1
blk 5 Nosh-rs add to O ijulllo ll2Ti.
W T Kerr to Addle Kerr Iota I 6 II
hlk 4 Noxler add to Cixpillle,
WA Pfenntl toC F Don timber on
iiwj- of swl e3 nf swl rec 23 t'l of tt-i r2
nf wet 4rc M we I v! :L"i a 5 of nwl nw
of swlscc2(lt2'Jr II. i7(S0.
L J Himpson to C H Stnrhuck lot 0
r.lk 32 North Bend.
Harvy Lowellon to K N Kmith w2 of
lot 7 hlk 10 Mynle Point i"00.
L. J. Simpson to Cbaa I. Parker lots
t ft blk .Vg North: Peud fXX).
L J Slmpon to It C Holmes lot 1 blk
25 North B-ml.
0 CHanford lo M 0 Hoofo 2.0
ncrcs in Bel of e2 h.c 3(1 1 27 r 1 1 f 100.
R D Sihford to (J O Drvdon lots II 12
It hlk 1 acidiimy mid to lUn.luii vfllO
Petca Pliun lo Alfred folmxin timhor
on sol of e3 oi 20 t 21 r II $'(.
K.- -' " . . i.J
Hill I In
Oood.Oloihes FORDoys I
mill ' ' ' iiiiii
iiiiii iiiiii
tiWk HvWfjlwja mMsfc&
MM :';1' WwM
mitts Jul!
Mfrgnes Matson,..,,
s -.
Jll Holirni'dor adinr nf ortlnlo of ii
0 HiMiruo hi to (leo M lll'o IWt'M'l funt
w nil 1 11 (M I'o'ttrtlt dt Hptliioii Heights
(loo M IllUi to Jacob Uroy (nbovo)
f:ir,i). .,
Win A llordor wlfu lo H W (Xinyn
lo- 8 blk 17 llordor A llutidiir add to
Myiilii lnlni fTA.
eimon wl aec II I at
i) II Johnson K 0 I)inii Wm flllugsiiy
Iv V Ihtvi'iiporl to C(Miilli Vrttlity i'liclc
.limUo. lot I I.Ik IS Myrtht l'olni HDirt),
Win HllnRliy ) V Davenport lo Of
qnl'lo V.i)ey lMeklng Co parol (In w'o
, 11 uO r 12 1-3 acru near Mprtlu l'olnt,
I Crtllln mid Letter Spiltlt to S (J Itog
ora awl seu t3 1 2(1 r I2U(),
Ona Central Land Co. to jOluis
Kekhoff hlk 8 lot 2U IK) .11 U2 hlk 7 Ban
uor, TW HironirlnUII Ohaiidlcr nol of,
nwl wee U, t 28 r 13 IWKK).
0 II Metchunt to I'riuicl McCk-o lots
2V eo hlk 22 rr add In .MitrshuVd.
Q W l'urklda to Miriam M Toy w Ho
feet of lot 8 hlk V Myrtlo I'.ilnl fllOr
I.J riluiprnu to L M Nohlo lota 1(1 ID
blk SU North lloud.
Alex Taet to Alex Atidetson, lot2 4 5
blk q w M.I.I to Marslilleld. f 1(H),
Henry Huaton I.tirn .to Jesse A I.uro
ulid 1 12 of lido hind lots in Bennetts
add so Maikhllelil.
Olirln Itiin.iMi'ii ta Jamus lilhlmrd
W in Wk 0 Domi Co erond add to
Md. fSOO,
' Hauker to II engstaejten lots 7 8
hlk I2t KinplrijHr f 10,
JesiHt Par rln to Prut Johtifon lotw U
hlk 1ft rr add to Md.
J J Bauer to Franco Williams nil
set eo 23 s2 of tnl nwl of is'ku2I 1 23
s r 13 w
I) Jno Lowe to Annlo Woloott nwl of
swl ec 10 1 28 r 1 1,
LvH Niloy to Cor.l.'llo PnlteJiOn hits
1112 tdi. 71 Nntlynilil to io.iilll.. J'.VO,
H W D i.ihar.. It II MmH and 7, T
Hlultn lotx 16 111 17 18 hlk HI Diiuh.mi
tiild to P.tiiuJoii. f'JOO.
C. an II Uarklow lo Marshall Mucklin
3 nere Iu lot I rec 17 l 2) r 12 f575.
cunu you
I l.
.Elys Cream Balm
tiy sud Llunt to
hi 1. foniAinj no In-
Jjtlnot druij.
h Us 1 ckljrtKftM.1,
t Utiitt kt ontu.
i It fltina anil fitA
HmIi anl I'mtMU th Mtmlinn. H.itorM Ua
H -inf Tutonil fl:nll. ljg B(i, 13 otntj al
Omeiltunr lr mlll Trll Pit. tornU br mll.
1LV llJKWKUa, 64 Wurmn SUmU nw Tork.
'-itrtii-ijiini iMiiin jjJryi'iin'llTif