Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, October 17, 1903, Image 5

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    - "
9,W'W''W'wv''W w W W 6
:: ONE GOLD u&an
CvtvrUiht, UOi, ll T. 0, MtClurt
y-fr----.-..-..- ..
"Well, I'll bo-hniiKOrtl"
Illnkoly CIowo IIiiIhIiucI liln oxclnmn
tlou of auriirlto wiih a nilldtir word
tliiin ho Imtl In iniiii), which wiih nil Ini
I'olito ruftrruiii-u to tliu next condition
imnulurly mipiiowd to follow Imme
diately nftor tho oiio mentioned. 11 tit
iiomoliow tlio iirofiimi word Htuck. It
m'tiiiii'd mi iiffront to tho Jilclund fnco
"which looked up nt liliu from tlio tiny,
heart m!iiikm1 lot-hot ho Imd JiiHt pickwl
tip from under n tlioltorltitf baimim rind
on lower Jirondwny,
J to it(iied tin oiio who mimhi a Khott nt
the trinket which Imd bitm conrniU-d
from tho iyu of tho throng In tho
crowded Htnot only to romo to him,
, for tho yotiiiKi Minllltifr. whlto browed
infill' fnco which wnn vnahrlnod In th
little void heart wiih hi own.
IIIm own, yet not hi. 'It wna nnothor
,Ililkely (lowo of n former oxlatonco, to
Ioiik iiko, ten century yonr. ,A wholo
lifetime ho hnrt lived tlncw the tlmo ho
hum; thlH loe.ket over Dolly Kirk' trna
little henrt. Ho hnd koiio went thortly
nflmvnrd to mnko thnt eluslvo kohI, a
fortune. Itntichln nt tint In Montana,
then wenryliiK of tho slow procutt nnd
tho Ioiik wait h'fnro Now York and
Dully could ho counted among tho ra
(limit poMlbllltlcii of life, ho had kodc
to the Klondike.
U'lmt yeuni of ttrtiUKto and nuffcrlnir,
prlvutlon nnd dnnuur had hcaii hint
What wumlerlm." over tho frown
idnpet nbout tlio Kiiimt pcakn of tho
(,'lillkoot. and nil to no purpo" Dlit
lifiirti'iieil at tiiKt, ho had deemed It tho
only manly tliluu to do to wrlto Dolly
beforu plunulnjr farther Into an iiu
known country up tho Yukon not to
watt for him nny longer. Ho "was up
UKnlntt It nnd iihvaya would Iv," nnd
whut rlKht had ho to ipoll her youni
Ho had completely "lost Ida (Trip"
lifter that mid, not ciitinic whltlier ha
went, hud drifted. At laiit after flvo
weary your, henrtidck and homo hun
gry, he hnd turned IiIh faro miiitliwnnl
toward "(itKl'H country." He lmd"tH,nt
liU ivny" acroKH the continent from Ho
iitlle the mouth he fore nnd, nnhnuut
In Ida tntleml condition to apply for
help from III old friend, had boon
himtliiK for work ever tlticc. Ill hint
job had taken him Into tliu hiity ntnku
of thi' itubwny workvr. .
"I-ordl I hadn't known what It In
to be up tiKiiliiKt It then or I couldn't
have looked like that!" ho groaned nt
ho mtuiIuIuhI tho UoyUh coiiutcnnncu
of that other ti-lf. "And llttlo Dolly
I wonder If ten yearn have changed
her much!"
He pulled hit watch from IiIh frayed
pocket. In hlit wornt time liu hail nev
er yielded to the temp'tntlou to Hell 1L
He (tried It open now find held It up
itlougtfldo the locket, ntepplm; Into n
cunvoiilvnt doorway to bo out of tho
What lit miw photoKrnph'ed on tho
Kld wnH n tweet jtlrl fnco, clouded
iitMiut wljh miiKKPM of dnrl; hnlr nod
the wholo framed In n ki-iivuii, henrt
thnped nrnbeiifjuo, to match tho lockot,
he hnd told her.
"A lino looklnjr pair," people had Htdd
of them. Clowe ulnuctxl from tho like
nest Into n pinto ulnta window nonr
nnd itmllcd drearily lit tho contrwit. nu
Kuunt. iiiiHlinvoii cheek nnd prema
turely KrnyliiK temple nnd rough
clothe made tho dlairuUo comploto.
"She'd never kuow mo In tho world,"
ho ruminated ruqfully, "and I'm hun
gry Juat for ono look nt her. If I were
to put nn nd. In tlio paper how I think
I can tempo up tlio nocoaanry pcnnlea.
Iy Jovo, I'll do it!" And ho started
otr brliikly toward Park row.
IIIh nd. wns short nnd concise, but It
covered the ground:
PouiuL-Corner Ilroadwny nnd Bprtng
ttrect, una itold licurl containing photo.
Owner can have tamo by communicating
with Vulton, 140.
The next moriiliiK ho wiih tho first nt,
the window nnd wnltlng In foverluh
lmpiitlunco for tho clerk to nppenr.
AVhun ut liiHt that Important function
ary enmo ho Khiuccd ut Oowo und ro
marked yinvnluKly: "Yukon, 1407 lltm
you nru. Noxt."
riuatlly lie tore It open nnd rend:
Yukon, MQ Cure Whirlwind, Downtown.
Deur till' 1 nw your nil. In yoatorduy't
puper. l.do liopu it iu lay lockut you liuvo
found, i viiluo it moat hltfhly nnd will
pay inoro than IU Inlrtnulo worth for" IU
roturn If you will cull or lot mo know
whoro to go to Idoutlty It tomorrow morn
tiiK about 10. 1 hud notlcca limortcd In all
Uio Pkpera yvutorduy. l'orliupn you taw
Uicia. Vourn auxlounly,
No, Coutrul l'arkWoat.
Of conrso-ho mijjlit have ktiowu alio
would udvertlHo ho hud been 'bo nb
Borbed lu hla own plan for tho restora
tion of the loukot nnd for n Bight of
Dolly thnt ho hnd not thought qt that
Ho hud upeiit his laut nlcltel for u men
for brvukfuat at tho Wnysido inn. Nov
or mind, ho would walk;. ho had the
ttranfith of ton now. Thut'littio mut'lc
word "Kirk" In hor uoto hud given hhu
uow life uud hope.
Bho was uot mnrrlcd then, nnd alio
still prized tho llttlo gold heurt bo hud
given hor enough to offer a rowurd
mora than its value. Why, ho would
JN Q wWJCLliftJUliWAXjQr jLUxwbcro, .
lie could llV'o on 40 wnin n day nnd
naro 00, Thou when lie had oiioiikIi ho
Ivvould buy Homo decent clothex nnd fio
to Unlbur;i, in Wall ntreut. Ho could
do BomuUiliiK for hlm-rgct lilm n ood
pofiltloi; perluipn, and thou Dolly!
Oncv again IiIh foot kept tlmo to the
old rpilckHtop which mnkcH tho world
go round. All of Ufa wiih oiico more
net to (ho tweet nnifllc of n woimiu'i
nnmo-"Dolly, Dolly! My Dolly!"
"You wIn!i to fiou MInh Kirk 7 It II
About tho locket7" tald tho Nwcotctd
vblco In nil the world. Dolly nt iwven-
tw Ymd' lon lovely,' but' Dolly "At
tweiity-Hort'ii wn infaro; beautiful. How
ho longed to take hor In IiIh nruiH ngnln
-IiIh long empty nniiH that Imd nched
to often for their procloim burileiil
All ho noedwl to do wiih to hIiow her
hhl wntch with her photo etched In Aide,
lint, no j hlio might oven think ho had
Ntolnti It Hhe would never recognlj
thin bruited nnd broken derelict for her
lout lover. Ho went whlto under tlio
tan. with tho effort It cont him to ro
main unrecognized. Ho hold out the
lockut townrd hor and bowed; bin miff
rued lip refuted hl wordt. Kcelng
lilt nHiirent iimbarriumtiumt, Djly
eielti-d to klndncwK.
"Ym, my good mnnj Uint bt mlno,
nnd, oh, I inn to glnd to get It bnckl"
tho broko out Impultlvely. "It wnt
given mo by tho U'Ht frlond I over hnd
In tho world. I will rownrd you liber
nlly." Kho took front her clintelnlno at her
belt two crlup U'li dollar bllta nnd held
them toward him. Ho Mtlffcned at
once. He hnd not thought of tho re
wnrd. Then nil nt ouco lid rcmemlicn'd
uud took tlio money with n hand Uiut
"I thnll lw profoundly grnleful to
you." ho wild, with eager eyiu on hpr
fnev, "If you will permit mo to cnll It
merely n loan. I will npny you at
fiu rely an tlio tun rbu-fl tomorrow morn
ing." Dolly ttlrrod unennlly. Who wnt
thlt Ntrnngt. unkempt man with the
haunting eyet and tho npcech of n col
lego profeH(tor7 I'oor follow, ho looked
hungry, t'erhapt ho had had to much
trouble It had turned hit brain. 8h
rotto hnntlly.
"Why, certainly, Mr. Mr. Yukon,"
tho HtammereI, "nnd thntik you to
much. Gixxlhy." And to her own
nmnxomcut, compelled by thoHo eye,
tho put out her hnnd. He tulzed It
and (intwied his dry, hot llpn upon It.
then ran down tho tiruwimtone Htcpt.
Ho worn Ktnilght to a hitbordaMiory.
n bnrber thop und n cafe In turn. Then,
tratiHformed Into n keen fnccil New
York builnetui uinn no much for (jut
Wnrd npiyiirancvprcHonted himself
ut tho downtown olllco of th Wall
street broker who hnd been bis father't
chum nt college.
"Thoro, my drtrllnjj Mrs. Oowo, It the
twenty I owe you."
Dolly looked up from tho dreHlng
tnblo where tho wot "doing up" her
cloudy hnlr. Her hUKbnnd never 1 1 red
of watching this fntclnntlug operation.
"You hlg iuIhcIiIcvouh boy," hIio Biild
fondly. "You lovo to team;, don't you?
How do you happen to owe mo twen
ty?" oxtoctlng to henr his oft repented
declnnitlon thnt ho owed everything
In tliu world to her.
"Itecnuto I borrowed It from you two
yenro ngo," ho replied BoU'tly, "nnd
gnvo iiH security a henrt shaped gold
And then ho told her, with Ills fin
gers burled In tlio soft mnns of her
wonderful hnlr. When ho had finished
hor llttlo hnnd Htole up to his and car
ried it down pnst i tear stuiued check
to two trembling lips.
"And I gtvo you back ns security,
donr," sho snld, "n llttlo honrt with
your fnco engraved In It to bavo and
to bold forovcr."
Btnmpod tho UiinIIiuinn. v
"Mv wtfii ndvertlsed fop n cook iht
othco day," suld a Columbia height
man, "and among tho applicants for
tho Job woh tho blackest woman I cvor
saw. Hut sho pasted muster all right,
and my wlfo cngnged her. Wo hnd'nt
dlnnor thut evonlng n young Kngllsh.
iiiun, ii family connection, who had
only been In this country n couplo of
weeks. Tho Englishman happened to
cntch it gllmpso of our uow cook be
fore dlnnor wns Borved.
" 'Hy Jove, y' knnw. what nn uncom
monly blnck person I' ho oxclulmed
umawdly, after seeing tho cook.
" 'Hlio Is Bomowhnt dingy, Isn't she?'
tnld my wlfo nmuuodly. 'What do yon
uppoHo hor uumo Is?'
"Tho Englishmen gnvo It up, of
" 'Hor nnmo lu Goldlo,' said my wife
hiughlngly. .
"Tho young Englishman looked pux
eloil nnd iih boIoiuii ns tin owl.
" 'Ooldlo,' ho repeated mystlfledly,
'ITnwncyl By Jove, now, that's odd,
y' knnw! Why Bhould sho bo called
"Goldlo" when she's bo or uncom
monly black, y' knnw? Wouldn't you
uaturnlly think, y' knnw, thnt "Goldlo"
would bo n moro npproprinto nnmo for
-cr n blond, y' knnw?'
"Tho young Englishman was my
gucat for four days af tor that, but wiif
still mnrvollng, with tho utmost serl
Dusncss, over the mysterious signifi
cance of 'Goldlo's' nnmo when ho tooU
Ids departure" Washington Tost
Pitcher riant.
Quo of tho Mnosi reinnrkablo car
nivorous vegetable Jft tha world It tlio
pitcher plant of the tropics, It Im safe
to tny at least that no other plant In
IIh (Ingdoiu Is more Ingenious In on tell
ing its prey and In disposing of it
The plant Is shaped very much like
n'pltclior, Willi tho mouth, of course, at
tlio top, Tlio pitcher Is, moreover, per
fectly wnter tight nnd Is usually w.ell
Hlled with rnln water. The sides nro
'fry smooth nnd Inviting.
The plant, thun equipped, lies In
tvnlt, If tlio expression mny bd used,
until some fly or smnll Insect cnten
or fulls Into tho water compartment
Bo smooth nro tho sides thnt when the
prey Is once In the water it has great
diflleiilty In getting out nnd, ns n rule,
quickly drowns. Tlio Insect Is then de
voured by tliu plant.
Tim Old lliil.lt.
Towne I tupjioso you hnvo henrd
that old Lawyer Hlmrpc Is lying nt tin
point of death?
Ilrowno No. Well, well, tho rullna
pnsslou strong In death, ch?-riilladel
phln Press.
"cTAME8 and 'daughters."
Lady Hwcttcntinm Is considered ono
ef tho handsomest women hi London.
Mrs. Curzon, who wns Mnry Letter,
wear n regal stylo of gowns and gar
niture that mnko her look tho thor
oughly queenly typo of woman thnt sho
A history of tho Illinois Stnto fed
eration hns been prepared by Mrs.
Baldco Gray Cox, who wns for throo
yenrs recording secretary of tho feder
ation. Nearly forty years as teacher in ono
chool, nnd that tho school where hIio
studied as n girl. Is 'tho record of tho
Into Anna E. L. i'nrker of tho Franklin
school lu Itoston.
Mrs. Annlo HoAcnbcrg of Laramie,
Wyo., Is tho only woman undertaker
In tho Ilocky mountain region. Bbc
holds a certificate of competency from
tho Colorado board of health, having
first ongag'cd In Uds business In that
Lady Honry Somerset It so thor
oughly devoted to tho advancement of
tho tex that tho has only women serv
ants In her houses and on her estates.
Tnll women nro her footmen, n stout
womnn Is her butler nnd women hnTO
chnrgc of her stable.
Mine, Lottlo T. Wilson of Hloomfield.
N. J., tailed recently for Dublin, Ire
land, where she hut been engaged to
sing nt the Church of tho Holy Cros.
Mine. Wilson Is well known In niuMenl
circles throughout New Jersey und has
n large circle of friends.
A now homo for cripples Is being
built by n iiuiuIht of wealthy New
Yorkers on tho outskirts of White
IMiilnt, N. Y.. nt a cost of $100,000.
Miss Helen Gould, who will he ono of
tho board of muungers. Is ono of the
principal contributors.
One of Mrs. Alfred Gwynno Vnnder
bill's moit admirable traits Is her sin
cere lovo for llowers. Mnny women
with every opportunity never think of
wenring a liower uud prefer by far
the glint of the diamond. Hut uot 60
Mrs. Alfred. Winter uud summer sho
Is seldom without llowers.
The downger empress of Chlnn hna
tssued nu edict declaring that hence
forth she will eat only French cooking.
Queen Alexnudrn has n favorite tea
pot, which Is often lu u?o when the
queen Is nt Snndrlngham. It Is ex
ceedingly curious, very old nnd Is snld
to bo of priceless value.
King Edward is , tho first king, of
Great Hritnlu nnd Ireland who has
over traveled on nn Irish railway.
Whon Georgo IV. visited Ireland In
1821 there wero no railways.
TheJMnperor of Germany hns ndded
his 'opy-fourtli residence to the fifty-'
three ho nlreniiy owned by buying tho
cstnte of Dnmin-Muehle, called "tho
Tonrl of Hmndcnburg," for $500,000.
Professor Lodgo contends thnt wblln
Hfo ennnot Kcnernto energy It enn oy
ert n guldlv forco upon energy.
No one kuowa us yet, saya n London
scientist, why n radium salt tnkes u
month nfter Its preparation boforo It
begins to glvo out light nnd hent
A Viennese professor, tor. Guortncr,
hns invented nn nppuratiiB which Is
fastened to tho wrist of patients nnd
reconls with grent oxacbicss tho faint
est pulso beat. It will reduce tho dnn
gor from tho uso of chloroform or ether
to a minimum.
Hcrctoforo medical mon hnvo used
the Iloentgen raj's chlctly to innko tlio
nolld parts of tho body translucent. At
a recent lecturo a Gormnn pliyslclnn.
Dr. Stcgmnuu of Freiburg, showed
that by using nn emulsion of bismuth
and olive oil tho liver nnd tho kidneys
and tho vascular Bystcm can also bo
nuido visible.
Solent Iflo Discovery
Ho Is a learned uclontlat.
Who's found tho ronaon why
Egyptians mummlflod their cats
And sot thorn out to dry.
"It was," ho saye. "tho only way,
(At least ud I nm led
By research to bellovo) that thsy
Could mnko their cuts stay dead!"
Cincinnati bommoxclal Tftbuna.
::jn defiance :
...Coptrlfflit, MOS, br T. O.- Meaoro... a
"Tlicro'ii nothing," Ellon O'Connor
rnnflded to hor teacup as sho poured
iho fragrant fluid into tho saucer
"thoro'n nothing so comforting ns n
drop of tometlilng warm. There's Miss
Jnno. 'TJs ourcr tlinn nny crab npplo
she Is Iwforo breakfast lint Just let me
wot the bit of tny or coffcoj You can
soo tho puckers going out of her fnco
with tho flrpt sup, nnd to tho tlmo sho
(Ills out the second cup you'd think
'twns In a different world sho wns liv
ing." It must bo said In defenso of Miss
Jnno Norrits that, though her waiting
woman's eo'lloquy wns true, dressing
la a cold room, wliero tplndlo legged
furniture,' worth Its weight In gold, was
Jotitlod and supplemented by cheap
pine, was not conducivo to cheerful
ncsfl. Also upon Mis Jnno tor tho past
thirty years had fallen tho burden of
making both ends meet out of a very
Blender income for he reel f and Miss
Hut as sho walked through tho vil
lages of I'lrttvlllo Mim Norrlss' thin,
nqulllno noio held Itself ns high ns
whon her family had represented the
wealth of th it select community. They
wcrO still tho Norrlsscs. Thnt was suf
ficient. Ndvcr by tho flicker of nn eyelid had
Miss Norrlss acknowledged that she
was nwnra of tho existence of tbclr
neighbor, 3 r. Jabis Habson, yet for
the past threo years bo had occupied
the handsome old bouso adjoining her
two. It was undoubtedly one of the
trials of 511m Nonits' Hfo that her aris
tocratic findirs were compelled upon
tho Sabbath day to drop their ten cent
plcco into a contribution box held by
the plebeian hand of her obnoxious
hclgbbor. Upon such occasions her eyes
wero BtcsdfnBtly fixed on tho stained
irlass window opposite, a gift from
her Grandfather Pettlglll, whllo ever?
spiral ornament In her bonnet quivered
,14 if It were n scntlnol defending tho
Pcttlglll-Norrlss family "pride.
Miss Penelope could hardly tell when ,
she began to regaru air. uauson wiui a
fooling far different from aversion. It
might hnvo been upon a certain Sun
day whon, having mislaid her small
coin, sho raised her eyes in a fluttor of
embarrassment only to meet a look so
admiring that tho money was forovcr
lost to the parish of Plattvillo.
That night lu her own room Miss
Pcnolopo took out hor terrlblo secret
und thought ovor it tremblingly. Sho
tind soAtod horsclf nt tho window with
hor candlestick on tlio wide sill. Sud
denly sho bocamo aware of a similar
Illumination fu tho adjoining house.
Scarcely knowing what Bho did, Miss
Pen movod her light along tho window
ledge, Tlio movement wns Immediate
ly answered. With a heart boating to
suffocation sbo raised It high ubovo her
head, hor cheeks flushing Hlio a girl's
as the taw the small flama opposlto
take the some courso.
After that the days to this llttlo colo
nial dame wero somotbuig .to bo got
through ns best Bho could. At night all
the thoughts of her heart wero told In
the interchange of algnaUr
Hut there enmo nn evening when
Mlse Penelopo watched through lortg,
Bllent hours of agony for tho light
which did not appear. A dull red glow
showed through tho lowered shndo. At
midnight a carriage drovo up and
stopped at Mr. llabson's gate. Then a
sudden JSereo resentment against her
Bister Oiled Miss Pen's bouI. Ho was
111, dying perhaps, and sho wns barred
It was near dawn when tho lamp's
dnli glow disappeared and tho small
point of llama caused by ti-candlo
"thowta bear tn window ititt ttaSF
.ope fell on her knees, with heavy
breaths tearing her throat, while her
clasped hand were xnlad in mute
In tho morning Ellen was full of tha
latest neighborhood news whllo sha
waited on the ladles at breakfast.
"Oli, sura 'twas like to'vo died, Mr,
Bflbson did, In the night, ma'am," she
began. "D!o was took bad with pains
In hU tide about 0 o'clock, and Mrs.
BlcGrath sent Peter McGIll flying for
tius doctor. When they got back 'twn
en tlio flat of bit back tho master was,
Peter says, not knowing map nor mor
tairan'd' Mrs. Mc'Grath' nibbing ' him
with her two hands. And when he
:omo out o' that 'twas only raving
about a candle he was and putting It
In tho winder until to quiet him"
Miss Norrlss volco' Interrupted hot
serving woman In quick alarm. Miss
Ponclopo had fallen forward in a limp
heap with bcr head on the breakfast
Half an hour sho lay white and weak
in her bed, whllo BOa Norrisfl sat
stiffly beside her.
"I think," MIm Penelope said In a
faint voice, "that I must have loved
him from tho rery first."
Miss Norrlss' thin nose drew down
until tho bono showed white through
tho skin.
"Dear" Mlsc Penelope stretched out
ono slender hand "If ho lives I think
I ought to have tho right to take care
of him."
In silence Miss Norrisa roso and left
the room.
Hut Ellen boro a note to tho bouse
next door that afternoon. Pctor Mc
GIll brought the answer within five
minutes, with a huge bunch of roses,
a special pale pink variety of Mr. Bnb
Bon's own cultivation, which ho bad
named tho Colonial Dame.
Mr. Habson still passes tho contribu
tion box hi church, but ho now returns
to a seat beside a lndy In silver gray
Bilk, whoso face holds 'the bloom and
happiness of youth. Miss Norrlss sits
rery straight at the other tide of the
lady In question, bcr eyes uxed reso
lutely on tho stained glass window, as
if sho would propitiate tho ghost of the
departed Pettlgill.
The Sabarbaa Home.
The suburban bouso expresses free
dom from restraint; it is tho home of
children; It means purer air; It means
moro room to movo around In; it mean'
gardens, and it Implies a social life
which yeare of city living mny never
engender. Those arc matters of first
importance, and when to Uicm is ndded
tlio material advantage of lower rents
the superiority of tho suburban bouse
over the city dwelling Is established.
Thcro nro long rides by trolley or
train; there is tho necessity of keeping
early hours; thcro nro difficulties with
limited grocery, butcher and bakery
service; there nro other practical draw
backs. Dut over and beyond theso is
the abiding space of freedom of move
ment, of nirplo air and sunlight, of a
place to llvo In.
And that Is exactly what a bouso is
for. It is neither to look at nor to
servo as an ornament to a highway.
Thnt it should bo ornamental and
should bo viewed with interest are
matters of courso that are extremely
desirable, but nfter all It is tho houso
within that counts; that makes Bub
urban Hfo bearable," adds to. its joys.
Increases its advantages, cements its
Buperlorlty to every other sort of liv
ing unless it be tho country Hfo pure.
and undcflled. IIouso Beautiful.
A Jtarrlou Memoir,
Cardinal Mezxofantl was possessed
of a very wonderful momory, which ho
applied to tho learning of a great num
ber of languages. Lord Byron de
scribed him as "a walking polyglot, a
monster of languages and a Brtarcus
of parts of speech." lie could learn a
new language in tho courso of threo
weeks on occasion so as to bo able to
talk fluently with those whose tonguo
It was. At tho ago of fifty-four Mezxo
fanti know fifty languages. Beforo hla
death ho Is said to have known seven
ty or eighty. Moro of these wore Eu
ropean than most people would Imag
ino to bo tho case. For" Instance, Wal
lachlan, Illyrian, the HoMiaul of the
Alps, Lettish and Lappish figured
among tho twenties in his list, for the
rcmnlndor of which ho went to other
continents. Mezzofunti's system of
learning languages was simple enough
where books wero available. Ho read
tlio grammar through, after which ho
was Its master, for ho ncvor forgot
what he had read. Many of bis lan
guages were learned from prisoners
whom ho visited In their ntUlctlon.
Tho KIMBALL Fiano has
beon selected by this com
pany, which is playing at
the Tivoll Opera House, Ban
Francisco, as the oilklal lu
struraont nl tho troupe.
"for afxyear f was m victim of ritt-
eBfttn in Hi worxt form. I eouki tat notlunt
ut milk toast, and at timet my stomacu woalii 1
noireiniMMW owMiovgpinat uwwnrcti -began
tB CMSOAKBTA ttxl Ibm then (
hnvo ntmy Improved, a&tll I tm at well m I
ow wMlamy life." ,
iuyih II. MUftrBr, Newark. O,
Plnunl. rllahl. I-nfurt. Tatti) 7.wt. Da i 1
Omx), HTrSletca. W0ftkB.or0ripo. WiXc.IM. ,,. ,.
llMfl.f tm4f tmrtrnf, (UoW. llMlml, ft" Ttt. 911 ,
n.Til.lle amljrowntf!bf ulldrii-.'
nv w mnw iuh uvbbtomicco
io UahV.
The works arc Elgin, Wallhaui
or Duebcr's, any grade or size
you choose at light prices.
Watches and Jewelry repairing' ,
done ou short notice, and in 'Up-r. .u
1 . t . .1 v .
lo-aaie siyic ai ine (
" " ,
United States Land office. Rojebury. Orecon, jl,
lb. s. iW3j
Notice It hereby Riven that Intompluncy $ t
tlic provisions of the act of Congrc of June J,
1878. entitled "An act for thi- wle of timber
Andt in tha State of CHIifornU, .Oregon, No
vacit. nqd Wtihlngton 'rerntofy, as extended
to all the Public Land States bv act of August 4.
of 191 Monroe St., Portland, county of Multiiv ,
mah, SUte of Oregon, has this day filed in this
office hi som atatement No. 4403, for the pur.
chase of the SEi-4, of Sec, No. 14. Tp a6S. K
12 stett.and will offer proof to show that the Und
sought ii more valuable for its timber or Hune
than for agricultural purpose, ami to ctahllh
his clairn to ld land before the Rrguier and
Receiver of this office at Koteburg, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 9 day of Dec, 103. -
Hi r&mes as Mlineswt: Oscar Edwards,
of Oakland, Oregon, George Finley, Ga!en V'
Kump, of Crawfordsville, Oregon. E N Smith, .
of Myrtle Point, Oiegon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely thu
above-described lands are requested, to file their
dJims in this office on or before Mid (9 day
of Dec. 1903. .. 5
o-io-p J.T. DrIDGEK, Register.
H ,
the Ashland Normal
The Southern Oregon SUte Normiu
i.w .al l.aiiin IhU vimr'a wo) k Htmli n.
her 10h. A largo working library liu
DMJII suilf'i; IIIH pnyBiCHi hiiu uneuni-m
Inbrutory has been fully equipped; n nvv
Ki.nii.uiliim hnililinL. in Iwfiii? fri'Llni.
und a laruo und handBotuo echool builu
liK in neurit) coninlotlon. TUtu-hi.ol
grounds are lieHUtiful ami pluUinMii--.
The hoftltli condition!) era b the beaj j
and tho rocial invironmont la purt hih!
dilmiilHtltiKjttiorourseot ajuuy oat d- 11
Ltruiu.tlinntui nnd maJa more uraatical.
The inoiilty hat been IncroHWd in num
bers oml the tohooi ta now rquipp&u m r
iio.wotk 01 me nigneei onier, , , .
VnlB tcnooi uwonp 10 couwieru ut v
KQn, I dfeiret ahu tnerita Oio pdtron'r. '
jC ol tha .people ol thia great tctibM
for catalogue address,
BxnjauinF, MtrtKRHjI'roe.'
0, U THoiUa, Bec'u, v
. . i.i, . c &i r-.. 1.
t m Wi?'
iiiMi Imrf mn,yipntmii"r
j. - -yc-J
1 "lHtijJf
' mm in 1 jW