"TTfl ifytksisrtiififh i$'teHm V . HrS v ik. v .r --i 4 V' "f '.J ! it' M I f . . r M idil'Timi mhii 1 MVbfetUi ..?? THE OLD RELIABLE mi Geo. W. Pa via formerly clerk of tho State Lund Board, who floured In the defalcation ot (90,000 of state money la bow working aa a carpenter In Califor nia. Tho Dt. vis defalcation, it la new Lnown wsaacaso whero ft woman did the misihief. &AKlK3 POWDER AbsoItiftoVKPai JKagJS.NOSUlBnTUTE From Thursday' Dally. The Home Bakery Building ia being resbingled, Deputy Sheriff Ed. Gal Her has the numpa. Whal'a the matter with haTibga side walk ta the cemetery? Tli8 Jessie Minor went down the bay with a load ot lumber yesterday. ' Rusty Mike's Diary. Oct. 8, 1903 Strcngth in the ad pata strength la the thftjjnsinesa. A Grange and l'eople'a Fair will bo held at Myrtle Foint tomorrow and the ce.it day. The Albany Democrat ia respectfully informed that the Venoa ol Milo isn't a "be."! Atty'a. McKnlght and Bcabrook re retarned from a few day a1 outing in the Eand hlla Wednesday. Eaccbl'fl display of fancy groceries never baa beon equalled on the Bay. If you don't believe ihia, go and seo. Cit Peudergrasa rcpo'ta the wreck of a echooner on the peninsula Monday. It was Ohaa. Sclstrooni'i prairlo tchoon- cr which was standing on'tho sand near the ataite station and ni turned bottom up by tho wind, which blow 'with very unusual fury that day, Tratcl by Sea Fmengera from Marsnfttd Sooth on the Btenmtbip Alliance tailing today Mr. and Mm. David IN Griffin, Mrs Jones Milter, Mrs Mathers, Mra Smith, Mias Rosa Gibba, Mra Nollncr and two children, Misa Evelyn Jackson, Mrs Thos Deveraux, Misa Stella Santord Mr and Mra J A Yoakam, Jr., Miss Agnes Ruth, Miss Kate Mollath, Mies Mamio Manning, Mrs Jeteie Chlsholm, Capt A M Simpeom, Martin Wallace, Mrs. Kelson, Mrs W M Lawlor Br., Mrs Wells, Mrs Kiapert; Messrs II F Lyons, Harry Nasburg, C A Woodward, M WooJward, J E Johnson, J A Tardy, W H Smith, Wm Loano, Neil Archer, Geo Bsnlx, Herman Hongell, John Mat- son, J R Bounds, Victor Rudnas, F Holm Ernest Wittick, H Eoper, RE Do Arsa- and, Jamce Brickliu, E E Thompson. Geo Lawlor, Sam Lando, ?) V" W s bacillus or kerm which exists pltntilully In street dirt. It Is inactive to Ionim exposed to ho Rlr, but when carried be neatli tho kln as in tho wounds 'caush' by percussion caps or by riJvy nail-ftiM' when the air is uxcludod tho mm L toured tonctlvity and produce a the ntnst virulent poison known. Theso Reims' jnny be destroyed and all danger ofloc'i law nvoidetl by applyiuR Chamberlain's I'alu Balm freely as soon as the Injury is received, l'aln Balm Is an authentic and causes cuts, bruin ami Hi-.. !,,.. 10s to heal without maturation and lu ono thltd the time required by the m l malmont. It Is for elu by John rreota. W. tl, Smith was in town yesterday goiting rnlt and barrels for his aalmbu packing operations, and expects to make a shipment shortly. placing the fountain at sdme central 6o;ner in our city, The ladies should have the hearty corporation of the cllt toniot the tiwn Rtul each duo having tho prtdu of Marshfleld in viow will gtvo the new enterprise n hulp'iik baud. Tho I,V'y MAM.wli'.iratho uudortnk'iifisu cess and congratulate the hitlba for tak Ing this initial move in tho lino of civic Improvement. Tho commltto Wi.o have iho matter In bund am .V a, O. J Foeloy, V a. J 110. Cearand M s. F. X. Ho'er. - MM. from Saturdaa Dally. A. A. Simpson wua In from his dairy farm yesterday. 1. ... fcf tflt Church Saaday, Oet. etli. Sabbath tshool at 10 a m, pWblag at li a m, Young People's meeting at O18O p m, Tnnd at 7 130 tliora Will bo ft BojigWvlce. Spec ial mimic by tho choir umlur tlfu leader ship of Trot Ayro, Everybody wolcomo. Jaa. nutchoson and Aug. farley staa this morning for Portland to attend Itbe Grand Lc-lge, K ol P. to which thoy a'o dolegatoa from Myrtlo Loduo No. I. B. F. Mu! key camo over from tho county seat yotterday to stay until Sunday. Eheria Stovo Galllcr Is making qulto a stay on the bar. whlln he inventorin the aitached property of tho Coos Iky I Mill & Lumber Co. Tho Cruiser bus a now whistle of much ruo'u melodious trno than tho old ono. Tho three masted schooner Fanuy Rutard camo in the bay yesloruay and is ni iuu rauroau wuan raxing on a load of lumber. Mr, Dodge, late ol Seattle, has ac ceptcd .a position in tho ilagoletolu. blacksmith shop. M. E, Ladles' Aid Tito Ladles' Aid ol tho M. K. cburoh met nt tho homo ol M rs. J. Heat Wed nesday. Tho olilcora elected for tho o-i. suing year were: Mrs. L. Dolaiier. president; Mrs. J, Beur, vlco-preililont; Mrs. M. It, Biclth, secretary; Mrs. P. H. Weaver, treasurer. Tho member and friends of tho aid aro requested to meet nt tho M. K. church Wednesday Oct, IS nt 2 p m, to mako plans for tho next year, Jif,?ii IUU I I if , 1, ,f4 Tou can't do bualass then dftfs with out advertising In the dally paper's, any more thr)Q you ean sell h piano without playing tho Inelruinont. Tho mri whodOOH not adveitlim.flowly butstio-' ly drops outol tlio triuie. BhIoiii Jol-ri mtlt ROAD BUILDING BY CONVICTS Governor Chamberlain Will Demon strate Whether ItCan be Done Steamer Aberdeen will sail Friday from Portland with a cargo of freight for Coos Bay and a lis; of pas&engera. S. B. Cat heart went up on the Alert yertcrday with his surveying outfit to do tome work for -Carl Johnson, above Alleganey. Tho Cxarlna will sail from Ban Fran cisco at noon Friday Instead ot Thurs day, having been delayed a day to go on the dry dock. Tho bar waa still rough yesterday, and none of tho steamers got out. Tho Alliance returned to MarehQeld and 11 take a fresh start today. John Bear has tho contract for put ting Telegraph hill ball&Bt on Washing ton Avenno from Burnett street to Gra ham street, R. A. Easton, of Dora, waa in town yesterday, having como in to clote a deal with John F.Hall, tor thu purchase ot the Mrs. Xormen place above Dora. i. Mrs. 0. J. Seeley gave an afternoon Coffeo Wednesday afternoon to the members of the A. If. W. club. A most enjoyable time was had and the ladieB voted the hostess a royal entortalnor. If it takes the United States expert road builder with all the resources of the Government at their backs about two years to complete a sample of road work Loir long will it take a county lika Coos to get piece built according to plan. tter Than Pills The question has been asked In what Way are Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets superior to the ordinary uatbartio apd live pills? Oursmawof ie They are easier and more pleasant to take and their effect is bo gentle and so agreeable that one hardJy realizes that H is produced by a medicinfi. Then they 1 fist only move the Bowels, bdt improve thM .ntiAtita and aid the dteaation. For tela t wats pet bottle by Joo Pit use; Tbe bu'lding of afiist-class perman ent public highway from Portland 10 Salem by convict labor Is a project which Governor Chamberlain believes can bo profitably undertaken by tho state. He will soon begin work with convicts on a road leading to one of the state insti tutions and if the rojults are as satis isfsctory as ho belioves tbey will be ho will recommend to the next Legislature the passage Of an act providing for ex tensive road buiidins with a view to furnishing employment to all convicts. Governor Chamberlain's pnrpoao is to find empjoymsnt for the convicts with out bringing them into competition with free labor. At prcsont tbe state prison ers are employed in the Loowcnberg- Golns Company's stove foundry in the manufacture pf stoves, which aro sold in competition with goods manufactured by free labor. As a result men who desire to engago in tho manufacture of stoves find that It is unprofitable to do eo, If you haTo any idea 'of Jying, tho Mall suggests that you put it off until Spring, when your friends can get out to the cemetery without wading 300 yarda of muddy road. Ihqru haa beon enough old plank thrown away this Summur to build a stduwalk M) feet wido to tho cemetery. Jaa. Hlbbard baa marketed part of his cranberry crop, which la not ao largo as expect. J, but is of tlno .quality. Tho A. N. W. Club met at the homo of Mrs. F. P. Norton Thursday after- noon. Tho next meeting of the club will bo with Mrs, E. O'Connoll at tho homo of Mrs. F. X. Uofer, it being too muddy to walk to KIttyvllJo. If troubled with a wcik illnottlon try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Thoy will do you good. For sale by Jon. Preuss. ChamberlalnsCou;hRmedy No oao who is acquainted with its good qualities can ho surprised at tiio great popularity of Ghamberlaln'aCough Remedy. It not onlv dUrua colda nml grin effectually and permanently, but provents these diseases from resulting In pneumonia. It Is also a certain euro for croup. Whooplngiough is not danger ous when this remedy is given, It con tains no ofdum or other harmful sub stance and may be glvfh as confidently to a babr as to an adult. It ! alio pleasant to take: Whon all of those facts aro takon Into consideration It Is not surprising that pooph in foroign lands, as well as at home, esteem this romedy very highly and very few aro wilihiK to tiko any other after havlnu once utedlt, For sale by Jno, Prouss, Card of Thanks James Rooko mid family dsslro to c. press through tho Com Mail their ip preclatiou of tho Minimis mid Assist ance of their frlondt mid nulghbora thr ill? tho last llluens of tho lato bulovi I wife and mother, and nt tho tliuo of her death and burlnl, and especially for the large qtinntjty of beautiful flowors which wore so kindly contributed , Jam in Rooks, Thomas P., Itooxv, Jambs W. Rooxii, . Mum, I vr Common, Rosa E. Rooxa. 11 FSYK-At McKlnioy Or. Oct. 7, 180. to Lie wife of John 0. Fryo a son. From Friday's Dalrf Mrs. P. C. Levar is visiting friends in Sumner. Frank market, Sleeper has closed hfs fish Tho North Bend boya have organized a football team, Good Adrcrtitiag The Salem Statesman's Harvest EJ ition is on our exchange table and it is an exceedingly Ono number and will do considerable to bring beforo eastorn pco plo tbe good qualities of the WJllametto va'loy. Such newspaper work ia com mondablo and whenever an opportunity ariaeaa community abould do all in It power to got in on ono of theao splendid illustrated editions. Tbe Statesman never does tninqs by halves and is as well equ'pped as any concern on the coast to do good work on a large scale, Southwestern Oregon needs such an edition to aend out that the people oven herelin our own s'.alo, may know what riches are lying undeveloped. A. r. uwon uas received a now pea nut roaster and a safe in nhlch to keep the inonoy ho will mako culling fresh roasted pcaunts. Z. T. Thomas, of Allegany, wad in town on businels yesterday and reports apple picking an j potato digging going on in his section. ' Ernest Smith baa aaoved his logging outflt to Capt. II. E. Wilcox' place on Middle creek, whoro ho will haul logs for the Waters boys. Bostfdl Springs Capt. EJwards returned from a trip to Boawelt springs Thursday, leaving h'a daughter Nottle there. Sho will re main some tlmo yet, having beon much boucflltcd by tho bath. Tlio'o aro sever- al Marshfleld poploattho springs yet, W. D. L. F. Smith. Robert llur In nml M:s. Yonaai, Mr. Edwarus says it is romaikabln what cures aro mado tho.o. 1 ho charges are qoito reasonable con sidering tho soi'vlco rendordd, flO pur week ami up. Boswoll is situated I miles from Drain and an ideal p'aco to spend a fow weeks for pluasuro and heallii. The water is not naturally hot but is healed art flcialiy. '--' HAVE YOU HEARD.. Tho Now Two. Stop "ACROSS THE HOT SANDS.1 MUSIC STORE HAS IT A strip of fireclay has bean laid across First street at ',C, enabling wagons to cross without carrying the yellow clay along tho latter street. Good job. 31 r a. Jas. Cowan hava moved up from Cowan logging camp on South slough, and will livo in 80011th Marshfleld, while (Ho children attona school. travel by Sea Departures for San Fianclsco, in addi tion to published list, by AIianco Oct. 8th: Mr and Mrs 0 F Dillman, J'ayson. S.S. ALLIANCE HARDWICK, Mister E A Ralph Green was up yesterday after supplies. from Bangor W. 0. Williams la helping cut meat in FJanazan'e shop for a few days. F, M. Fciedbrg sow has the wire strong for the new street light in South Marshfleld. An Appeal to the Public The retail clerks have organized to secure the closing of retail stores at C p. m. except Saturdays. Our request is reasonable and ono which no decont merchant should refuso to grant, that all retail stores cloee at 0 p. m. except Saturdays. Wo aro willing stores should keep open Saturday evening until 0 o'clock to accomodate thoso who cannot buy at other tlmo?, But It is unreason' able arid unjust tbatclorks, mon, women and girls should bo compelled to spend evcxy evening behind a counter, and 'wo jarosu e tho trade docs not demand it. We want our evenings to dovoto to our f?mi"Ioand friends oraolf Improvement MaCo your porcheees before 0 p. m. Tho publi'can holp us in tjls movement by eakiug your dealers to c'.oso. Kospt. Yours. RrrA-i.Cxi.aKS. The Steam schooner Aberdeen, of (he Gray S amsbipCompany arrived in the bay from'Portland yesterday. The bar smoothed down enough yes terday, eo ao to allow'ibo' steamers Ar eata and Signal to cross out. f ', , Rusty Mlko's Diary, Oct, 0, 1901 The road to success is lined with imitatoia who are forced to mako way for those who create. J. E, Fitrgerald was down from Coos river yesterday. He has commenced digging his potatoes and finds thoy are I turning out wall. Civic IhipfOVCfDnt The A, N. "W. Club havo ('ocided to devote their atton' ou to come kind of civic improvement, and decided nt their meeting Thursjay to erect a drinking fountain somen hero in Marshfleld, A committee has been appointed to Inquire and report at next mooting what a foun tain can bo procured for and such olhor necesba.-y matters pe-hlning thereto. This is a very luudlblo undertaking on the part of this club of MarehQeld ladles. The club has a starter of a fund and havo plenty of getup to cairy out any such undertaking No doubt tbe City Coun cil will grant the right and privilege of j Tho Allianco and Aberdeen loft the Marshfleld wharf at tho same tlmo yesterday, tho former bound for Hsu Francisco and tho latter for Portland. Mr McIIinch, who has beon prepar ing to burn an experimental kiln of brick noar tho head of Isthmus slough, has been dclayod by tho rain which has spoiled some of tho briok ho had moulded. Messers Bonnott and Welter viro deep in consolation yesterday with carpenters and brickmasons. Tho front of tho Bonnelt-Waltti brick Is showing a tendency 6 bulo and de mands romedial measures. ' How much hotter some- 0 those old planks would loo' if strung out along tho County road ,0 tho cemetery than dumped over tho rade.ln North Marsh fleld, whore thoy will bo an oyo sore to ovory ono traveling on the bay (or tho noxt ten ycarf, Departnres for Portland by atoamor AberdeonOct. Oth: Rev Thoa Irvino, Mr and Mrs Wm Townor, Master Geo Baker, Mr and Mrs Jesso Farrln, Mrs James Yates and 8 children, Mosirs W Hampion, I Hampson, M Ilutcho- son, N G Fairchlles, G II Weob, R Pa ton, 8 Cox, W Codarstrom. Only Regular Lino Btwen SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND ...VIA... COOS BAY and EUREKA. California and Oregon Coast S S Co GEO. D, GRAY & CO., General Agents 421 Market Street, San Francisco. BETTER WAREHOUSE FACILITIES Proposed Co-operallon of Three Steamer Lines the T. Nicol performed the rcocuo act Thursday, Ho found a small child of G, J. Hanson stuck faot in (tho yollow mud of First street, lu that small stretch not yet Covered with fire clay, and unable to pull either foot from the sticky mass. Nicol ottricatod tho kid with somolliUkulty. - Episcopal 'Services 'at tho Episcopal 'church morning and evening Sunday acbool at 10 a. mt Nejjotlans are under way with pros' poets of success, whoroby tho three linos of steamer! running to Coos Bay aro to pool their issues so far as dock and warehouse facilities aro concerned, tho agencies also being Jolnotl. Tho prOjiosltion Is to loaso tbo Dean LumDor Co. warohouso and the ahip- yard property ; convert tho shipbuild ing shi'd Into a warohouso and bIpo en largo tho othor warohouso. Tho plan dontoraplates( a plant fully adquatu to handlotthe large amount of freight which goes and c&mea by steamer. A coverod slip is to be provided whero scows and small craft may bo unloaded and tholr cargoes pulled up on an inclin ed track. Ample room for toxins to come and go without interfering with each other Is also part of tho plant If I this schome can be carried oat It will reoult In greater conVouionco for ship pers. In this connection it It in. mated that if the town dsslre tojoxohango that portion of 0 street from First etreot to tho wato; front, for tho vr :ant proporty which would extend B streot to tho water front tho deal could be Arranged, DXAN LUMBER CO PhontiCi MARBHHIBXD, OR. K. UAUMOARTNKK Couch at. Dock PORTLAND, OR. here are the , Watches' for Vou. The works are Elgin, Wat' 'mm or Duebc.-'s, any grade or size you choose nt r ght pries. .BBaLLLLHsaftBah Watches and Jewelry repairing done pa short notice, and in up to-dnte style at the j- ': RED' CROSS JEWELRY PARTMENT. DE- -z: rrx .-i. -1 :5ssa!t'- t? 't'l''VtoinMui fi i 4rtjttt . ttity 2C ?-iie. . t jv fc.