Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, October 03, 1903, Image 8

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From Thurtdiy'a Dally.
Nola Muesen brought a stalk or corn
to town Wcdneedny over 15 (eet tall.
Mrs. J. T. McCormac returned from a
"few days' visit at Bandon Beach (yce
The electric light plant at tho Bny
City mill is being put in order for tho
Toles were erected oaar the city hall
on Front St. yesterday, for tho now elec
tric light.
Mrs. Antono Anderson, of tho Life
Saving Station was shopping in town
On Sunday the residents o!
'Marshfluld erected the poles for
new electric light.
Magnea & Mateen rccclevd a beautiful
double setteo for tho convenience .nd
comfort of their patrons.
Carl Mynatt has resigned his position
with the electric light Co. and John
Bapp is bis successor.
Wm, Meeker and family of Elkton
was in town Tuesday night on their way
to Coquille where tbe7 will reside.
Mesne Rohrbacher and Callender
havo bought Anson Kogera'emall launch,
the fineet of her size on the bay.
M. Moon, who has been actinM so
blacksmith at the Daniels Creek camp,
has gone back to his farm at Elkton.
Rusty Mike's Diary, Sept. 30 As the
ad writer puts human Interest into his
ads he puts cash into hia employee's till.
John Ilendrickeou took homo a brand
new wagon yesterday one of tho cele
brated Baino wagons, made In Wisconsin.
Capt. Cbas. Norrls is in from the
Tenmlle lakes, and reports that the lute
rains have brought tho troat agp'n to
the top ol tho water.
E. L. Bessie of South Coos river
bought ono of those old reliable Baino
wagonB while down Wednesday irom
the Pioneer hardware store.
Tha Electric Light Co's. scow swamp
ed with a. load of coal In the mouth of
Mill Slough TuesJay afternoon, and an
effort is being mado to float her,
Gardiner Gazette. The railroad sur
veyors nro running a lino on both eidcB
ol the river hero, Tho ouo on this
sido passes along tho water front through
tonn and the ono on tho opposite Bide
foilowB tho rivor bonk fromRaedeporL to
WincheBtor Bay.
Broko Into His House
S. Lo Quinn oi Cavendish, Yt.. uas
robbed of his customary health u
invasion of ChroniuCotibtipatlon.
iJJr. King's Now Life Pill broke iiut ii.b
houee, hia trouble wab arrested and now
iie'e entirely curod. They'rcguaranleed
to cure, 26o at Prouss' Dug Store,
Dr. J. 0. Cook, u( Empire was ft
Marshfltld visitor yesterday.
The illustrated entertainment given nt
tho Baptist church last night by Meters
HoHum nnd Hrttidaakcr drew a lair
houeo nnd waa well received. Slide
and moving pictures not hitherto seen
In Mnrebfleld, wore shown nnd the
audience was kept In Rood humor.
Wo recently ueed nn Item to the eflect
that I). W. Email had moved eorao ol
his grnding outfit up from the econo of
his operations on tho Belt Line. It
teems thnt what ho really moved was
a piano, but it need not bo Inferred that
ho had boon trying to grodo a railroad
with a piano.
Early Closing
Tho early closing question is again be
ingdircustcd. and there is a strong senti
ment in favor of an agrcomeut to cloeo
allstorosatO o'clock, except Saturday
If this program could bo carried out
it would bo a good thing for tho eoolal
llfoof tho town, allowing both clerks
and proprietors to havo their evenings
to themselves, without decreasing tho
vplumool business transacted.
A Launch Party
The visiting Grand Worthy Matron
and Grand Worthy Patron of tho East
ern Stars wcro treated to a launch ride
up Coos river Tuesday by tho past and
present matrons and patrons of Doric
Chapter. The party left town at I p. m,
and Went up the South fork as far as
S. 0. Rogers place, enjoying a very
pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Gatch, who
is one of tho best amateur photograph
ers in America, secured several views of
the scenery along tho river.
Besides Grand Worthy Matron Gatch
and Grand Worthy Patron Wiegand,
tho party included Meedames Wm Nas
burg. F. M, Frlcdborg, W J Butler, R
C Lee, J R Rochon J H Taylor; Misses
Alico Butler and Elsie Bennett ; Messrs
F M Friedberg, R. C. Lee, 0 F McKnlght
anl'T W Bennett.
Unda.med Letters
List of Unclaimed Letters remaining
in thoMarahfleld, Oregon. Fosto3!ce Oct.
1st, 1003. Persons calling for the came
will please cay advertised and pay ono
cent for each advertised letter called for.
Badrick Cbas D, Bartlett Mr, Beiker
Albert, Bemiss L II, Boyle Mrs, Cantrell
Mrs J T, Carltion Robert, Comstrom
Miss Mary, Cox Tobe, Dayton Wm,
Dover Mrs P. Devean Joseph, Done II 8,
Ellerby Mrs Thos, French J C. Ford
Will, Ford Mrs II A, Foldesy A. Forest
Chas W, Fuller Horace, Geerdern G W,
Glover James, Hanner Mrs May, Hale
Jeece, Hagadone Jbb, Harris Miss Isabel
March, Hendrickson Heribert, Hedeton
Misa Ethel, Hilstrom Wm, Hooley John,
Honoll Wm, Holmes Mrs Stella, Jack
son B. JohnBon Darwin , Johnson Anr
drew 8, Jones Mr, Jones Mrs L C, Lewis
George G, Leahy M J, Mallet 0 W,
McDonald Miss Ida, Myers Albert R,
Manfolk John, Morris John 2, Nash 0
M 2, Norrls Wm, Noel Bay, O'Toole
Mrs May, Payson E A, Pridgcon Robert,
Patrick Wm H, Price Chas, Reed Billle,
Runckel Wm D, Smith Delia, Seng-
stacked Alton, Suf t Chris, Wylle Flojd,
Yrbrough Lewis, Wilson Thos A, Wick
Johan. W, B. Cciitis, P. M,
The Oilier Side Heard From
ToMus. T.E.Dow:
Through courtesy Daimt Coabt Mail:
have Just read your article on the
Negro children Bchool question, as ea-
poueod by you, I supposo you are ein
cere, but if your grand-children were of
mi ne to occupy a seat with each one
of thoso littio NegrooJ for ono lay and
breath tho aroma therefrom, they would
paEB Judgment ngainBtyou at once. '
Tiio white race Jiaa always been, is
now, and forever will be superior to the
blacKsr" What ia tho ubo of you, or any
other eauo person trying U contaminate
over three hundred white children with
the PBEOciatlou in echoc! of two or kthreo
Negroes. Two or three drops of ink ia a
oryetal pall of water will blacken the
Yon have certainly Hot Informed your4
solf as to tho order of animals whom
you are tyiing to crowd onto a reapcota
bio school. Your Negro friends are a
nccestary evil, b it If you are so thor
oughly Interested in their education why
not tench them yourself. Time Kerns
to hang on yourhanda.t
I am not alone in this matter but havo
tho hearty support of nearly ever
teacher In our school, and tho majority
of its patrons. -
Take Umo Mrs. Dqw to Investigate
this mattor before going farthor with it,
and you will drop.it like a hot potato.,
Yours for tho good of tho many, re
gardless of the blackened fon.
A Patron or tiik Sckoot.
From Frlday'a Dally.
Tho schooner Molancthon .wip.wedj
In Thursday.
Tho Areata will sail from
clsco at 10 a. m. today. '
San Fran'
Misa Mamie Mahoney will go tOan,
Francisco on tho Areata for ft short visit.
Tillamook has commenced early clos
ing aud will closo all business places at
S p. m.
Fathor Donnelly will bo home to bold
regular eoivices in the Catnollc church
Chas. Stauff who has been seriously
ill with typhoid fever camo down town
yesterday for the first time. ' '
A Lovo Letter
Would not interest you if you're look
ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores,
Burns or Filer. Otto Dodd, of Pondor,
Mo. writes: "I suffered with an ugly
sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's
Arnican Salve cured me. It'a tho beat
Salve on earth. 25c at Preuss'a Drug
Rusty Mike's Diary, Oct. 2, 1003
Common sense backed by energy wjll
achlevo more than much money.
Tho now schooner Alpha, having
iabed hor load at tho Porter mill,'
towed down tho bay yesterday, and will
rail on fier maiden voyage today.
C. A. Woodward, foreman of the
Neas, leaves next week on the Areata,
for Tularo county, Cal., where he will
take charge of one of the Job ofllcos
The A. N. W. club met at tho home
of Mrs. F. X. Holer (Thursday. An In
teresting business meeting was bad.
Tho club will meet next week with Mra.
y. P. Norton.
A Correction
From the item appearing in yesterday
morning's "Coast Mall, "in regard to tho
'Launch party" it would lead to the
impression that tho party was made up
of past and present matrons and past
and present patrons, while In fict, only
the present matron and patron, and
one past matron and pajron, F, M.
Friedberg and wife, were present, the
other members of tbe party being new
members of the ordor, never having
filled an elective office, Past Matbom.
Foot Amputated
Ernest Foleom suffered the amputa
tion of a portion-of his foot yesterday,
Dr. Horsfall performing the operation
assisted by Dr, Mingus and Miss Perch.
Whllo working at the Minard & Fol
eom mill, 3 miles below Dora last Mon
day, tho young man was lifting a hoavy
an't when hia foot slipped and tho bot
tom of it camo in contact'wlth tho cir
cular saw, cutting a gash Id to tho boneB
near the toe. Ho waa taken, to Myrto
I'oint. whero tho physician, endeavored
to eave the foot.' with tbd .'result that
gangreno euttn arid amputation .beramo
necessary. Th"9 foot was taRen off. ba$
of tho ii:8top, leaving tile heel intact. If
it hints' without further trouble, thY
young man will not bo badly crippled.
His prother, Bert Foleom is with him,
Confessions of m Prist
Rev, Jno, 8, Cox, of Wake, Ark.k
writes, "for 12 years I suffered, from
,Yellow Jaunrile, I consulted, a number
of-phyelclans and tried all sorts of rnnll
olnes, hut tot no relief. Then I beinn
thoutoof Klestrln Hll'ors and loi-l t)i
I nm now cured ol n dUonso Hint lit
-wo in lis gri lor twelve year," If
yni wnut a rtllnhlu mrdlolno for Liver
nml Kidney trouble, nmmnch illMird'tr
or general debility, got Electrla Hitters.
It's guaranteed by John I'rouia, Only BQo.
A New Gun
J. A. Matsou hna Just received n now
22 calibre rllle.tho Automatic, Iho latest
product of tho Winchester factory. All
you havo tu do Is to pull tho trigger
and it will flro, eject tho empty shell
and roload automatically, and you can
tiro ten shots ns (nit aa you can wiggle
your trigger finger. It ought to provo a
great thlni for tho cartridge makers,
ftis It will Incrento the consumption of
ammunition whorover it is Introduced.
Instead of wasting only ono cartridge
bh'a tqulrrll, you can now flro at him
tou times before ho can dodgo around
tho tree. Tho uow gun Is about tho
smoothest piece ol ordiinuco yvt invent
The Autumn Millinery
Tho soft whito and light-colored felts
that tako tho placo of tho straw sailer
and tailored hat in iho Autumn outfit
nro this season moro attractive than over.
Their tovorollnos arosoltcntdby breast,
romnona and nullls. tosether with a
drapod ocarf of silk or bread ribbon.
Tbe novcltios producod for this season
show a decided tendency towatd smaller
shapes, and the newest toques havo tho
brlma rolled up in front and at the sides
and the crown low and tint. Birds and
wlnga aro a notlcablo featuro of tho
early season bats In some instances
birds aro arranged to llo flat on tho
crown with wings extonded, whllo others
decorato sidesnnd rolled brims of toques'.
Wings and quills aro frequently com
bined with largo flat rosettes; this trim
mlng is Very effectivo on hats intended
(or ordinary wear. Nothing ro ddllng-
uiahes tho dressy hat as tho ostrich
plume. Its popularity Is moro pronounc
ed than ever; and It was nevor moro
effectively used. A corspicuous fancy
of tho pretent suion Is to uso th(e
plumes in delicate tints. Palo Iliac
shaded into pink, cream intogoldon yel
low and palest blue tipped with white
aro given preferonco; puro whito Is, of
courso, a safe choice and advitabio for
the moderate wardrobe Bonnets will
form an important item of tho Autumn
fashions, and they will by no means bo
worn oscluaiyely by elderly women.
Black chenille braid forma some of the
smartest of those. From the Delineator
(or October.
From 8aturday'a Dally.
The Alliance is scheduled to sail from
Portland today.
Miss May Magee, of Empire, is
log Mrs. P. M. 'Wilbur.
J. W. Flanagan has returned to North
Bend from his trip to San Francisco.
Jack McDonald is tending hook for
one of tbe donkelea in Pony slougb
Fred Noah and wife came In from
their camp above Allegany yoalerday,
on business.
Look out for yoar optics wlun you
pass George's store, His now porceluln
window signs etriko the eye,
John Preuss will go to San Fruncleco
on tho Areata, on a short business trip,
nnd will ordor n largo lino of holiday
T. U. Wimpe n Wisconsin Timberman
hits eued tho Cobb KcnIEotnto Compnnv
of Rotehurg foi 3,O0O. Tho company
Bold him timherlaud which wus lo havo
scaled 7,500,000 foot of marketable tim
ber. It la alleged by plantiff thnt 2,000,'
000 feet, and poor nt that la all that can
by found on it.
Thi atir lehooasr BlgBal Mm up
to thoIHww IIII tanker (or fuel yss-
Itrday, preparatory to, loading, lumber
at North Bend.
Henry Mlokolbrlnk Is hivvlug a Utile
experience with Job's comforters, and
was laid up yesterday with ono on his
Tho Washington I'alr Commission
have agreed to pledge $10,000 ns a pre
liminary fund (or the Lewis and Clark
Mr. and Mrs, A. Wlrth will start In a
few day (or Missouri to visit Mrs.
Wlrth's aged parents, and will probably
ipond tho Winter thoro.
Rusty Miko'a Diary, Oct. 3rd-Tho
most successful advertisers ol today aro
thoro who have learned tho ynluo c(
Capt. Nelson oi Capo Arngo Ltfc-Sav-Ing
Station returned Thursday fiom bis
trip to Ban Francisco. Mis. Nolron will
return by steamer. i
Mr, Mclllnch who has boon experi
menting with tho clay at tho head cf
Isthmus slough has a small k'ln of
brick nearly ready to burn, across tho
slough from King's landing.
The Port Orford Tribune has again
changed hands, W. F. Riley having sold
out to John Sutton, aton ol Hon. Walter
Sutton. Mr. Riley will engage in a dll
(front lino of business.
S. R. Davli camo down Thursday from
Cooi river, where he has been getting
out hard wood timber on tho McKnlght
placo. no has 400 logs tho bank and
will bring them down on scows for ship
mont. Tho boyi of tho Seventh and Eighth
grades of the Marsbfleld school challenge
tho rest of tho school to a football gnmo
to ocour at the convenience oi the chal
lenged parties. A hot game Is predicted.
Jack O'Maliey, proprietor of tho OaI
saloon, and hit best man Chat. Kron
holm, went down to North slough yes
terday via Whcelor'a launch for a days
duck hunting, and expect to bring back
a good bag of ducks. O'Maliey is claim
ed to bo one of the boat shots on tho
Pacific coast.
Saves Two From Death
"Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough and
bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. HavJ.
I I - 1- --L. XI V lll.i. nfl.itr. all
other remedies failed, wo saved her life
with Dr. King's Now discovery, uur
nlcco, who had Consumption In ah ad
vanced stage, also used tms wonueriu:
medicine and today she Is perfcctfully
will." DosDerato throat and lung die
eases yield to Dr. King's Now Dlscovory
as to no other medicine on earth. In
fallible for Coughs and Colds. fiOo and
II 00 bottles nuarantced by John Preuss
Trial bottles free.
Episcopal Church
Sunday school at io o'clock a, m,
Evening Services at - - o'clock p, m.
Baptist Church
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching
service at 11 ft. m. Topic, The blood of
thoCovonant, Text. Math. 20:28. B.Y.
P. U. at 7 p, m. Evening service at 8
p. m. Topic, What does God Require of
Man, Micab, 6:8 Thursdays Prayor moot
ing p, m. All are cordially invited.
A Big Timber Buy
(Puget Sound Tlmborman)
Tho H. McOormlck Lumbor Company,
of McCormick, Waal),, do not propono
to got caught short on timber. They
havo recently bought 180,(00,000 foot in
Lowia county, which makes them the
owners of ovor four thousand acres.
They nro cuttlDR it off protty fast,
Council M':t
Tho city council mot Insfnighl in reg
ular Ecasion.
TJie matter of two now flro housoa,
ono far Weat aud onn for South Murah-
flold waa discussed and notlccsjior bids
ordered posted,
The question of. ft street, sprinkler (or
next Bummor was discussed, It wai
found that ft large tank for water would
be nccosary. Also a windmill for
pumping tho bay wntor Into enmo.
Tho plunking of A streut was nccoptm,
Tho total coat was (1, 200.01) for I fit) (not.
Thin costs tho property owtiora a little
ovor CO por cunt moro than slack nnd It
Is thought will Inst about 10 jenrs, Tho
A street Improvements will mako this
ono of the finest ntriotn In tho qlly,
Dora Items
Mr, Folsom Is building n now houto.
Miss Gladys Hasten tins gonu to AN,
bany to attend collvgo,
Several Inrgu benra havo boon killed
in this vicinity of Into.
Mr. J, B. bmlth Is hauling lumbor
proparltory to building a nuw.houso.
Mr. Clark nnd family of Oklahoma,
arrived hero Inst wook lcluudlpg. to
t. A, Pioreon is to tciHi tho winter
term of school at Plnsnnt Hill, com
monclng Nov. 2nd, 1003.
Mr. McCormnck nnd family of Olon
coo, Okln., son-in-law of J, II. Smith,
arrived horo about ono month ago and
Intend locating.
F. E. Hcofleld preached an Interesting
flermon on "Visions" to n largo cougn
gatlonat Dora school houto last Buuda.
Ho Intonds preaching again the second
Sunday In November.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Benuult Hwanton, of
Mnrabfleld, havo been visiting Mrs.
Hwanton' pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. Aber
nethy. Mr. Swnnton returned today
taking with him Miss Daisy Aberncthy,
his wife still remaining at Dora.
Edwin Aboruethy having recelvod the
contract for sawing lumber to plank tho
Coos Bay wagon road, movoJ tho saw
mill from Myrtlo Point to Fslrvlew.
M. C. Miller and S. O. Bunch have tal
on tho contract for furnlihlug logs to tho
mill and aro now hard to work at same,
expecting the saw to bo running by te
first of next wook at lean.
Special to the Mall.
Ban Francisco, Hopt 30 Tho condition
of Edmond Labronsao, who killed Mario
Jordan yostorday, remains unchnngc-
Ho Is still conacioas, though tile ballot
In hia head Is unlocatod.
ROOKE In Marflhllutd. Or., Oct. 1,
1003, Helon M., wifo of James Rooks,
aged CO years, 0 months and 90 dayi
Tho maiden namo of tho deceased waa
HolonM, tfurney. Bho waa born in
Iowa Dec. 12, 1&10, Bho ramo to Ore
gon in her youth, arriving at Coos Bay
In the Spring of 1858. In the Fall of
the same year she romoved to Douglas
county, Oregon, and thcro sho was mar,
rled on 3ept. 17, 1603, to James RooVi ,
who survives hor. Two sons and three
1 daughters wore born to thorn, Thos. R ,
Jae. W., Mra. Ivy Condron, Roso ,,
and Elizabeth, All but the last named
are living and resldo hore, and all weto
present during tho last hours of thor
mother. For many years Mr, and Mn
Rooko lived on a form on Oooa rlyor.
Thoy moved to Marahflald in IM,
whoro thoy havo rosldod over since, en
Joying tho fruita of lliolr iuduBtry. Tho
deceased Joined tho Mothodist church
April ,21, 1808. SIio was an earnest
workot in tho caute, and her last hours
were groatlj comforted by hor belief,
Bho had bcon in failing honlth for nuny
months and gradually ennk tc a pouc
fill ond, surrounded by thoso eho levud
bust, and enjoying Mio roupect of all who
know hor,
Tho funeral will tako placo ut 1 : 10
p. in. Sunday, from tho family rot
douco in South 'MnrHiillold, Rov,
llorefnll oiliolatlng. '
? i
. i. .. il '&mbifCHtm-Ut-U - iCtXttMi-JijiL. A.i . t4iiii.JALUJ Jit
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