Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, October 03, 1903, Image 7

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i Jgf
f, n
"Sale of House Where
He Was Born
(Speolnl to tho Coast Mali.)
London, Hcpt 20 Oiriernl hope is ex
pressed In lltvrnry and mtletln, circles
thaU tho liouto In which Olino
Djckon wm bom, 357Cominorelitinond,
Landport, l'oilsiiioutb, which wos put
up forsalo nt puhllo auction Max, tuny
bo acquired olthoi by (ho (own nuthoil
tles or eoino eocluty and converted Into a
Dlutlns Museum,
For vory many years tho houre.ha
been tliB properly of thu I'oarco family,
nf Porltca, and (ho ftrandfathor of .Mr,
I'oarcc, tho proront owner, was (ho land
lord of JohnlcDklns, nud to spoken of as
thoorlgloal "Mr. Mlcnwbor." Among
othur articles in (ho potsesrlon of (ho
JVarco family Is tho rent bock, which
proves the novolllts occupation, of the
Chitr. Dickens was born In the house
on IVb. 7, 1912, .nud vtnn tho second ton.
Ills falhet wee r c'.vik In thu navy pay
ufllcc, and had married thn Miter of a
follow clvik. Tho hiusn lias six or sewn
rooms, with n f ardcu ul tho I ark, SLd
woi old-fathluncd throuuhont.
BombarJment of Vera Cruz
Wo are Indebted to Mr. Kobert Star
key, of Marohflotd for tho following ac
count of tho capturo of Vera Cms and
tho Cattle of Ban Juan do Ullna, In
March, 1817. In which ho participated
during tho Mexican War.
(lonorol Wlr.flold Scott, wan In com
mand of the army, and Commodore
Mathow II. Perry nf tho navy. The
naval br.ttery on shore, was In commmd
of Tost' Captain John Aullck, Frigate
Potomac, Second In commtnd of the
Tho doicrlptlon of tho bombardmoct
is from tin H!ii of Ltoutenant New'on
who died at Fort tiwall, Texas, In Aug
ust 1853, being then n Captain of Mount
eJ Killer.
"Dear Sir:
Doing obliged si an ofllcer of tho guard
to sit up all night, I thought I would
- employ a dull hour In detailing to yon
the stirring events that hayo takon plaro
within a month; In oil which I was an
eye witness, or boro a part.
It Is unnecoHiary for mt to stato that
Vera Orui and thoCasttoof 8an Juan
de Ulloa have fallen; undoubtedly you
have read tho mode by which its down
fall was accomplished; one word tells
tho whole story shells, Those demol
ished the hcusea and compelled tho
Utbialtar of Amo;Ica to sitrrondor, not
withstanding both city and cnstlo were
defended by 400, guna of enormous flso,
with mora shells, shot and gunpowder
than could bo fired away In a month If
each gun sbonldflrp ovory fiftcon mln
utrs, Ilosldos, ho Mexicans are first
traJo artillerist, They wero known,
during tho slego, to flro a 01 pound shot
at a dIurIo man tho dtstnnco of two
m Hen end kill him dead, This tlioy
did eoveral times, and Captains Vinton
and Albertls woro tho victims of thutr
snapshooting ; also ono of our riflomon,
a A nnd II Oompniiloo woro filing ulong
tho sdudhllU two and n half miles from
thobattory, with only a small portion
of A conjpmiy In sight, thoy flrod a shot
at us, which et rlking tho riflo o(
ono of our men, knocked It agdinBt hie
head killing him instantly. I wne with,
in a low feotof tho spot, anil tho con
clusion of air was so great as to nlnioEt
throw mo to tho ground,
Long boforo wo commonccd bombard-
lug tho town thoy wero continually flr-i
,--, , . . ,. ij -
sand iilils protected us; ha'cf ll not beVn
for those, ihnny of our men would have
lost their llvwr, 'Diiloro tho bombard'
iiioi.t coiiiiueriL-od, thu city was com
pletnly siirroupdid by our troops In n
lino flvo milosjiu Imiutli. On tho 21th
our (runs w,ro plncod In battery south
of tho city, but buhlnd a thfukof, so that
the Mexicans uotild not dlioonr Its loca
tion (111 the firing commenced. A flag
rvntto demand a rerrendor uiu mot by
a potltlvo rcfutal; when nt 10 mluulos
post, 4, p. in,, tho most tremendous can
nonndlug in 1 1:0 oars ever hoard, opened
with thot nun aholljtipon thn town, The
Mexican butteries promptly returned
The fire and iu half an hour tho wholo
city mid tho bntterlosof our army woro
enveloped in ndoneo smoko that hid
thorn complotdly from view. Tin firing
continued durlig tho ovcnlnr, when tho
liugo cannon vomiting forth smoko and
llnmo, and tho explosion of bombs In the
air, spppnrcd llko tho bursting forth of
a raging .volcano. Thus contlnulned the
battle fur four ilnye, when tho firing
ceased, nud tho city and cattle surrend
ered. I vMtcd both Immediately, and
uch n destruction I never beforo wit-
nested. Almost ovory houto hud been
visited by a shell, Tho south put br-
ntiamit. anfl'nrf.rf mniit. Hlioll aftnr
shell had driven In their roofs, tholr
chambers and lower floors, forced out
windows, scattered down walls, leuvlng
thewholuau rtidlstlngultbable mass of
ruins. I visited tho hospital), whc.ro
the loss of arms and legs plainly Indi
cated tho loss of life.
' Noah Nkwto.v.
Ipeslal to the Maft.
New York, Sept. 28 Tho bearing of
the charges brought by Yi. It. Hearst
against tho Philadelphia x Reading
ofllc'ors was continued today before tho
Interstato commerce commlltco, after
an Interval of sevoral months. Tho
charges are that defiudants control coal
mines and arbitrarily fix prices,
pedal U the Mali. -
Ban Francisco, Sept. 28 Tho United
States commissioner intimated today
that he would oidei ex-Postal Inspector
Erwln sent to Washington. rwin has
been fighting against this.
a H
(Special te the Coast, Mai I.)
Now York, Sept. 26 Tha sltnalion
on the stock exchango la a eourco of
much worry, A number ot conferences
wero hold today after the closo of which
a numbot of Important Interests bandod
togothor and will nt oil hazards, prevent
a panic Stocks closed weak.
Prlnovillo lo to havo a big raco meet
Octobor27 to 31,
Thoro will bo' no foot-ball team In Al
bany collcgo this year.
Hops nro going up. 21 conts hni boon
paid for entno recontly in tho vnlloy,
Tho District Fair at Eugono boglns
Ink shot" and shell at ust hutHehlih'
iviii i iv11 .fA,
t ''1
Goes Asiiore on .Cali
fornia Goast
tipeolal to the Mall.
Hnu Francisco, Cs'. During a heavy
fog last nights. British Ship, supposed
h bo tho Glfford, went ashore at Mussel
rock, 15 miles below the Golden Gato.
She was Just arriving with coal from
As tho weather is rough' the will
probably be a total loss. She. was con-
signed to J. J; Moore & Co. The Life
Saving crow rescued Captain MIchio and
alt bands.
Tho wrecked vesslo Is the Giffofd.
SIio went ashoro nt 0 o'clock Jait night
and tho wator Is now filling her hold.
Captain MIchio and tho first mate arc
Tho waves aro dashing
clear over tho thip.
Special to t)iaMalU
Redding, Cat Sopt. 20 John Morrillo
and C. Mot Ino wore killed while unload
ing logs at McCloud this morning. Both
were crushed to death by two logs that
rolled from above.
Special te the Malt.
Fort Worth, Texas., Sept. 20 The
conference of miners and owners closed
today. It was a victory for the miners.
They got eight houra work -and on In
crease of 17 1-2 cent per ton. The
owners say the Increase will amount to
a quaiter of s million annually,
' r1lCTv,
Enraged at Inability to
Get Pay
,-wiv vrft
U '
Militia and Regular
Called in
Special to the Mall. '
Bault St. Mario, Mich, Sept, 23 Fif
teen hundred Flans, enraged dt their
Inability to rash checks on tho Consoli
dated Lako Siirerlor Company, stortod
n riot nnd attacked tho company'fl oillcoB
this morning on tho Canadian eido,
Tho pol'.co woro unablo to quell tho
rl otnlcno und eccurod tbo aeslehnco o(
Company of Mllltln from UicAmotlcin
SBditioXdlspersed ib9 crowd.
r Mi
All the saloon and hotel barf
been ordered closed, The streets'
. ,
crowded and s renewal of the trouble r
fearnd tonight. The authorities this af
ternoon telegraphed to Toronto for regu
lar troops to preserve order.
Tills afternoon the officers and the
mob clashed, and two policemen were
elubbed and stoned Into ancontclout
r.csf and were removed to a hospital
Two Frenchmen were shot, one through
the neck, the ottier in the' leg,
Ball cartridges have been Issued to
the militia with orders to shoot if
nccesiary. The ferry boats are now tied
up, to prevent the rioters from ccming
over and attacking tho Michigan too.
Young Fool Shoots Girl
TJien Himself
Both Fall Dead at Door
of Her. Home-
(Special to tho Coast Mall.)
Wtnrrancltco, Cut., Sopt. 29 Edward
de' Labrouffo shot and killed Merle Jor
dan at noon todey. Then he put a bul
let into his own head and will die.
Tho deed was premeditated as he left
a letter for bis sister, which states that
bo loved the girl, bat her sisters prevent
ed him from eeelng ber.
De Labrouffo and tho Jordan sitters
worked in the City of Paris store, Marie
working in another department Blore.
The killing waa dene at the lunch honr
in ths Jordan homo.
Labrpuffe wont to the store where thu
girl was workinj and together they set
out for homo. On the way they quar
reled, and when they catrie to her gate
both walked into the little garden, when
Labrouffe grabbed her by tho thoulder
and fired two bullets into her. She- fell
groaning to tho grass. Tho murderer
placed the smoking revolver to bis ear,
but tho pistol did not worV. Ho then
shot a bullet into tho ground to see if
the gun was all right, when ho put a
bullet through his head, Both were ly
ing together.
, (Special to the Cowt Mall;)1;
Ban Franclrco, Cal., Sept. 29 The
California & Northwestern striko was
settled' this morning. The company
agrees to take back all tho men who have
done no property damage to the road.
There will be no increase of wages, no
change of hours and no reinstatement
of the men who caused the Btrlke,
Inspiration may bo a good thing in
advertising but tho man who depends
or inspiration will find it 'disappoints
him just at tho wrongtime. Keep the
advertising up to na high a point as
hard work will tako it and remember'
that what has boon accomplished, by
hard work can bo continued by hard
atftbun ?
r,r .m 1
tif '
Take Part
Special to the Mall.
New York, Bhpt. 22 Foot ball la her
for the iraion of 1003. Gr.mes of tn'
practice vaxkty befan this week it
nearly all the collegei throughout tl e
east, and another week will fee the
... - ' v
playing icaton well lnat'gurate.1.
Candidates for the various clevet s
have been in training at ei-vcral of U e '
prominent Inititutlono for fccvcrfil
weeks, Co."che8 havo been bneyetudyir jr
the rules and skirmishing tor prominent
players, and the rooters have all e.u!y
boun to dream of the victories atd
championships which are coming to
their fawrito teams as surely as dos
Thanksgiving day. From today until
:he last of November the long-hair d
youths all over the coantry Will hold
undisputed possession of. the athlet'c
Thsro Is every Indication that tl e
football season will be ore of-the mott
successful elncn tbei.ntrndnctlon of the
gime into American college life.
With tho exception of 'the differences
between Annappolis a.id WVblPoin alt it.
harmony among tho prominent institu
tions. The schedules for tho most part are
practically the same as in part yearp.
Where changes have boen made they
have been in the way 1 renewing eld
ties which bad been temporarily brok
en. The,' outlook Is teported nnutuslly
blight at Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Penn
sylvania, Princeton and Colombia while
tho smaller Institutions .are likewiro
looking forward to a very successful
The p'lnclpal garr.es scheduled for the
Eatt today arc. Harvard and Williami
at Cambridge. Columbia and "Wcslyair
a 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n
r.- 1
That is what we have to sell and we can,
fill all orders for any and all kinds.
The quality in guardhted and the price
is Right.
- ' .
Our Stock iuoludes anything required in
Fir, Spruce, Red and White Cedar.
phone main i5i NORTH BEND, OR
Hi H-t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 j n K
at New Turk, Cetndl attd Jfofcortr!
tthM,AR.Urst,asdWiUkt Am
beret, Georptows and Maryel ' AtU
mmwymh u-
MIIlUryfAs4eav ad CIegt at Wt(
fiAmi, UutVerstty cSHylvaAki sil
fayeito and Ohllandet at JSates,
, (8pflal te the Coast Mall.)
'New YeVk, gept, 38 The Lueasla sr
rlvedCteJay, (r Llverjieol, )he has
the dtstlHctloB ef feeing the first veiseel
! to cross tbe Atlantic in constant wlrelets
communication. Sbe exchanged mu
sagee with 10 veseefa (arosta. " 1
Bears are fc rowing 'qtilU aiwereu at
Bt. Helens.
The recent rBrria,
of s coipk of crippkf,
ark Ivtr ohIv halt
ktne premet ef-
. ment of una
and leg,
Boted V tk
lnnDia.1 cano-
lUy." But wko
Isotea tne max-
riaga whtch
occur daily ia
which both pr-
tiea are crippMS
in nearw.
Crippled health
sieam, aa a rale, In
avfficient natritkm,
aad Uak of nutrition .
aoiata to diatase ot '
the atotaach and di-e-estive
tract. Doctor Pkrec'a'
Gc4de Medical Dis
covery WM
of the atotaach
other organa of difeatiosi
aadnBtntioa. ItaatalHaa
the perfect nowcUhmeat
of the hedv. aai so batUfas
k p ia sound health aad ataaagtk.
I had bca a rreat lySarwr Btom !!
for the laat ( r""!.' aiMp Mm. mSimfm
SUscU. of Owtaa MflU, iSkmofi T. htZ
I wm facta W 1 lilt H 1 iiwi 11I d Hi m aaar,
but to-dr om sar I ti Uw nolhf imn,
I hare Mircd rauchsai taatiaf good xam Dt.
rieice's Ooklce Medkal XMteoiifr Vavartte
Fctaiettoa. I hart uhca twMtr-Av hoMWt ia
aU. aad followed the adriee of dr. R. V. lime.
aa aa Mppy to tmf mm m- wmu btim
X tbouaasd tbaaka for roar tnalmeat,"
Do not be cajoled into tradaaf a sob
ataace for a shadow. Any aabetkat
oslered as "jaat as good0 aa "Golda
Medical Dbcorery" U a shadow ef thaf
medicine. There are cures behind averf
claim made for the "Discovery.'
The Common Seaae Medical Advkar.
100S large pages, in paper eovars, ia aeaf
frte on receipt of tweety-oae oee-cent
stamps to pay expense of malllag only.
Addres Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffafe, N. Y,
1 im ii 1 111 11 1 n 1 m h i , j
tu .,
i 1 1 1 1 II II II HI II I II n n
1 i.
' K