t r . ti.l. x, ' K? WEEKLY COAST VOL XXVI. MARSHFIELD, COOS COUNTY, OREGON Oct, 3. 1903 WO4Q ' -w i mv wm sbbbb aasssa "'j'r - TM .'-. i- fs THREE. BROTHERS ELECTROCUTED Will Be-Shocked Into Eternity pedal tt Hit MaN, Clinton, N. YM Bopl. 30-At nn early hour tomorrow morning, wlicn Uioiun is pocplnn over tlio IiIIIb boaullful In tliclr autumn foliage, tlio eotnbro death chamber ol Dsnncmora Prison will be tlio icono of ono o( tho most dramatic executions in tho annala ol Non York State. Tho victims will bo tho throo youthful Van Wortnor brothers, Willis, IJurtonand Prederfekr- wbo mutt die In tho electric chair for tho murder of Iholr aged undo, Peter A, Llaflenbcck. Tho fow persona that will be admitted within tho prleon walls to witness the state executoltiivottgeance for the cold-blooded murder of one of lln c'tlxsns will see three brothers, the youngest sccarcoly twenty-one, pass, one after the other, to that teat in the grim engine of death. First ono of the brothers will bo led out, and, after re ceiving the rites, will be placed in the chair and shocked Into eternity, wall tho other two, humanely prevented from witnosiing his death throes, will await their places in tho grim procotslon. Today thj wnrdon and his assistants got every thing in readiness for the triple r 'ccutlon and exports totted tho death apparatus in order to mako euro that no occldont might occur whon tho fatal hour arrlvos. Tho condemned youths sptnt tho day much in tho samo way that they have passed tho many days of tholr conflnomerit in prison, A quiet stolid reserve has boon glvm way to tho flippant manner affected by the boys in tho earlier days of tholr Imprisonment, bnt their courage evidently has not de ertod thorn. Tho authorities expect all of thorn to moot death calmly. They embraced tho Uatholtc religion aomo time ago and it Is probable their lest hours will be parsed in tho company of prlost, Tho Van Vormar coys were living in Kindcrhook, Columbia county, on Obrlttmas era, 1001, when they started )n a'oarrlage for Oreenport, with their cousin, Ilarvey Bruce The boys, who were under the influence of liquor, drove to the home of Peter A. Hallenbeok, their uncle. Thoy wore falsa facos and also wore their coats turned inside out. Hollonbock, who was a very old man, oponod tho door In responeo to tholr 1-locking, and as hu did eo thoy ilrcd upon him, inflicting wounds from which ho died in n Bhort Hmo. At tholr trial, which lusted about two wooks, tho nc ciiboiI youths declared thoy wont to llal lunbcck'a liouso morcly for tho purpose of trightonlna him, with no thought of injuring him, Brucu escaped tho chair by turning etnla'a ovidonco, Rlvlug tosti niony thm brought nhout tlio conviction ol tlio uthor, threo for rnurdor in llr&t dogrce, CANNOT' ENDORSE; ROOSEVELT Buf Comes as Near as the Rules Allow Executive Committee in Session, (Special to the Coast Mall.) Chicago, Oct. 1 At a meeting of the executive committee of the Republican National League this morning, the dis cussion as to tho city in which the next national convention should bo bold brought into prominence tit. Louis, Philadelphia and Indianapolis. The committee evaded tho prohlbl t'na against endorsing candidates by adopting a recolution extending a cor dial greeting to Theodore Rooasrelt an4 wishing him continued good health, The Roosevelt supporters say that they obtained all that they wished. As executive session is being held to disease ways and means of promoting the 1904 campaign, Mayor Beth Low la eae el that atett arOaainear aaea la At. tea'dance, PILOT ENDS HIS CAREER (Special to the Com! Mall.) Ban Francisco, t Oct. 1 Captain M. Meyer, a pilot, suicided this morning In Golden Gale park, by shooting him self. CO-OPERATIVE " GROCERY . (Special, te the Cjae Mall.) Seattle, Oct. 1 The Btreet oar men frosen out in the recent strike, have formed a cooperative company with a capital ot fifty thousand dollars to oper- a grocery butinesi, Cause of Lockjaw Locklaw. or totanus. is 'caused by a bacillus or goim which exists plentifully in street dirt. It is inactive so long as oxposod to tho air. but whon carried be neath tlio BKin as in mo wounus causou by porcusslon caps or by ruBty natle.Jand whon tho air 1b Excluded tho germ is roused to activity and produces tho moat virulent nolaon known. Theao norms may be dostroyed and nil danger of lock law avoided by applying Ohamborlain'a Pain llnlm freoly as snou as tho injury is recolvod, Pain llnlm is nn antlsonttc and onuses ante, bruieesnml 111:6 injur ios to honl without mnturntion nud In ono third tho time required by tho new- nl treatment, it is (or Etuo by Jonn Proms, EXPECT ,.WAR IN l VI BALKAN,8 Spring Will SeeJ.4 tilities Open. Molal te the Malt Vienria, Oct. 2 Die Zelt, tba.govera ment newspaper, learns from a court source that the ministers of foreign af fairs to botb Austria and Russia expect war in the entire Balkans la the Spring, and are trying only to keep hostilities confined to a small space, hoping 'thus to avoid eLdangering .European peace. t -I w GOULDS, GLOBE. if Kti EXPRESS (Special to-the Ceart Mall. Denver, Colo., Oct. 1 The Glob, Ex press company with general headquar- ten In tl la city, and wltha'reapltal stock of rB,000,000, comaieeeee . attire - -.. . . ... .JH- eperaiKma ioay, socoeodiBfMo me business of the Denver and'ltlo Grande express company and Western tfcxpms company, and taking over alt their con tracts, stock and operating equipment. The now company is backed by the Goulds and it is understood that Iti field ot operation! will Ibe extended as possible throughout '.the entire Pacific coast territory. MEXICAN RAILROADS COMBINE (tf otal to the Oeat Mall,) . . City qf Mexico, Oct. 1-The eoasolld atlon of the Mexican Interaatloaal rail road and the National railroad of Mexi co became effective today. Hencforth the International is fa be operated from the general office ol".hiitfatftirja. Jn 1.1 tha city. CHANGE IN ARMY CIRCLES peolal to the Mall. Washington, Got. 2 General Ohrffoo wna roliored of tho conmnnd of tho de partment of tho Boat, and assigned na first naaiatnnt on thoRonoral staff, icllov ng Gonoral L'orbln who wna placed in command of thodopartrnput of tho East. SAVES"- SfATE ' EXPENSE ' a Murderer Dies Under, Surgeon's-Knife aates. SaeelaMe the Man. Seattle, Sept. 30 -Wm. S, Thomas alias Kid Smith, held for murder of Patrolman A. C. Bchaneman. succumbed to a surgleal operation this aeorniog. Tho doctors say that cowardice was the real cause of death, as Smith always feared lynching. PHILIPPINE POSTAGE ' vQTAUPQ (Special to the CoaM Mall.) rVasblngton, D. 0., Opt. 1 On and after today United States postage stamps overprinted "Philippinee" will not be accepted for postage on matter mailed .within the United Etates, and United Btatea postage stamps without the Phil Ipplae OTHia) will set be accepted witnia toe riiiuppiaa lsiaaas.- a aotiee to this effect has been cent broadcast throughout the country by the Post master General. TO GREET BRITISH SOLDIERS (Special to the CoaM Mall.) Boston, Mass . Oct., 1 The members of the Antideat and Honourable Artil lery Company pi London who are due to arrive in Boston tomorrow on a fra ternal visit to their name-sake organlta tion of this city are assured of such a welcome as never before was accorded British soldiers la "the cradle of the Revolution." They will be met on their arrival by representatives, of the stats anil city, delegations ol patriotlo and other societies and the entire Ancient and Honorable Artillery tJoanpuny of of Boston, The period ol their stay ia Boston will be marked by a continuous round of banquets, receptions and other forms of entertainment. Tho steam ship Mayflower, on which the Ancients are passengers, will be sreetodon its arrival in tho harbor by salutes from tho United States cruisor Chicago and Chicago and tlio British crulter Rotribu tlon. Picsidont Scott of tin Oregon Good roads Association has Issuod a call to tho members ot thooxccutlvo committee for a mooting to bo held in Portland noxt Saturday when the mattor of changing the dnto of tho next state con vention wlU como up for diecuEsiou, ANOTHER . MURDEROUS ' ATTEMPT To Wreck, Northern Pacific Train Nitro Glycerine, Found By Track-Walker e (Special to the Coat Mali.) Butto, Oct. 1 A gallon can of nitre- glycorine was fonnd on the track of tho Northern Pacific railroad six miles cast at a high trestle. The persons who for some weeks have repeatedly attempted in various parte ot the state to Jynamlte Northern Pacific trains, are believed to be guilty. Tee explosive was foaad by a track walker shortly before the passage of the North Coast limited, NAVY i YARD Discriminate Against Nonunion Men Roosevelt Reiterates His Position Norfolk, West Varginia ,Sept. do- Notwithstanding Prerideat Roosevelt's open 'shop policy, the navel offleers at this statlotf assert' that aavyyard boesea discharge whenever Uey eas, aaechaalcs not identified with the trade unions. J Mecbaales Just discharged tor this reason appealed to the officers and the commander ol the yard, upon Investiga tion ordered the mens' immediate rein statement. BeaUle,4 Wsb., Oct. 1 Milkman Hoppe and Farmer Smith are held re sponsible tor the death ot little Carrie Oonstancetlne by a coroaer'a Jury. They will be arrested for selling for maldehyde milk, under the state law. If developments further implicate them in tho poisoning ot the baby they may may be held on a oharge of murder, 'Governor Chamberlain Tuesday re ceived a lotto: from United States Sena tor 0. W. Fulton, tondoring hia roslgna thon aa senator from Clatsop county. The resignation was accepted, and t'ie vacancy will probably bo flllol at tho next general election, which will bo hold tho first Monday 'i June, next. BOSSES MILKMAN AND. FARMER . - ARRESTED. For Seliing'Poisonqus Milk. (Special !etha Coast Mall,) Waehingfon, Spt 30 Ifle believed here that Mr. Compere ,'' not surprised by the President's reiteration' meeting last night of bis position if discrimination between naioBii roa-unionists ia goveraaseat eatmor It is knows that Goaaera ceatldered ' t . the stirring upof the Miller ease as Ill advised. Ia fact, the Miller Batter seems to be dying out la this city.; I DEATH OF PROMINENT ) DIPLOMAT fwelal to aha Malt London, Sept, 90 Sir Michael Her bert, British asabaseador at Wasbiagtoa died at Dam Platz, Switzerland, this) LORD "C '. MILNER DECLINES Ssaclat te the Matt. London, Oct. 2 Lord Balfour aa nounced thla afternoon that.Lord Mllaef has declined the colonial secretaryship ot England and has returned to the coo tiaent. TALK OF REDUCTION IN WAGES e'.'aBB'f W aaaaj SPHafW Chicago, Oct, 2 There (s a rumor car rest ia' finaaeial elrcles that oa January 1st, the wages of the eployea ol he Poaaeatead. atoel mlU4 will be reduaed fj pereeat. The reduction, it la atatpd I tha foreruaner of aimilar reduction la all the plants ot the steel trust. Tho taxable property ot the state has reached the sum ot 1170.000,000 an in crease of (25,000,000. The new county Wheeler, had a squash raited by John II, Tilley of Fossil at the state fair, welgb'ug 183 pounds. It came too late to be ontored. The ono which tcok the prlae was only GO pounds. The big equash was only one of 15 which grew on tha samo vine, tho average weight of which Jwaa 80 poundj. , fa'T i-atf. 'X 4 K . 1 i - . -K f-r '-mA'.mrljaa&3i WWvn-nW-WMtiMiiMfJWsaw ii' t ? rV ,