ttVtt i ,- !, l in 4k u, S 'if 6s, &. V -v V'r -4' , Bv, 5i -vi P ft M l&nas wm-,-, wvyiivij! 'i r r ' pmoLomuMmu mi Gram! Marshal Robertson, who It Bald to be the boit drill matter la the atate. Graad Master Marcdll went to Florence Moaday to visit the lodge there. KI POWDER THUZJZNO SUBSTITUTE i .AJSTX) LOCAL From Thursday's Dally. Mrs. Chas. Lavine, of Beaver Hill, is visiting In Marehfleld. She Wasn't a Back Number Some time ago Marshflold mother told her prelty daughter that the young ffiaa whocallei so ottett was staying too long and lato at night, and called her attention, to tbo Impropriety ot tho I thing aad insisted that tho must tit i aown oa una ana mat witnout any fur ther delay. Tho young lady remarked that was just what she had beeu doing every time he called. She afterward told her mother that eho needn't think abe was a back number. Bucklon's Arnica Salve Ilna worlJ-wldo (amo tor marvnlnim cures. It turpaaaea any other alv. lo. tlon, ointment or balm for Cute, Corns Dump. Boil. Sore. Kiilnnx ITI..r. T.. tor, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands. 8kln Eruptions; iutallibln for PI IBP. Ciirn cnamnttux! Dnl or, Jno. Freuss, Druggist. Mrr, C. Jordan, of Day City, was a visitor in Marthfleld Wednesday. J. O'Malley if haviag the interior of tho Oirl saloon papered and painted. W. 0. Bickford, late of the. Daniels creek logging railroad, is now employed at North Bend. A farewell party was given for Mrs. Arthur Noah and her mother, Mrs. reacbey, at their residence in East Marsbfield. Sept. 21. Tho following guesta were present: Mr. 'and' Mrs. Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. Davonport, Mr. and Sirs. Llewellyn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Humbert and family, Flossie Jennings, Liule and Jennlo Tollofsen, and Mr. George Hughes. Mpeo'ally, frleadly with! Jack, whom they rcouli3 as a rlend who deet uot abuse their coatldanco. Ho, brosght them up from North Bend overland Monday venlug after dark, aided by feylvester, and it la said that a aluiplr account of thu trip hud its. advestures would All sevornl tiacrea of tim PniBT Mail, Mr, Marsden 4ept an uncertain control over the cubs' movement .by meana of two short chains fastened to collars around their necks? Tho thrilling moment is said to lmvu been when tho boars started 'up n trco and took tholr 'guide, phiktophor and friend with them. Fortunately Sylvester was near enough to rupond to an agonliod call for help and managed to sclxe tho vanishing legs of his com panlon, and tho combined weight el the two men was sufficient to bring tho cnba back to tho 'ground. On arrival in Marsbfleld they wera shown tho elo- phant, and" they took to tho Ufa ot a rounder as the duck takes to water. Utlt they teemed yesterday to bo In tho throes of the swearing off impulse,' end while they were opn to the seductions of nuts and sugar, thoy evinced a lordlr disregard for the allurements of beer. Their stay in their present quarters will probably bo brief. ' Tho Coqnllle Herald reports that M. J. Wllnon has sold bis ranch above Fair view to Johu Lohnor, lato ot WIdoousIii. Mr and Mrs, Tuttlo were moving yeatorday from South Marshflold to their now houso on tho hill In railroad addition. F.cJ. Samuels, secretary of tho Beavor Hill Coal Co,, has been on this Hay this week, looking ovor tho company's pro, petty hero. Rusty Mlko'a Diary Sept. 23, 1003 Kvery buitlnoas has somo good points. Thcao points, It constantly advertised, will bring business. Fearful Odds Against HI m Bedridden, nlono and destitute. Such, In brief was tho condition of nn old so dler by namoof J.J. Havens, Vr aaile. 0. For yttara ho was troubled with Ktdnoy dleoaso and nuhlor doctors nor medicines onvo him relief. At length no trloa Electric Bittern. It put him on hla (eat In iliort order and now hotostlfloe, "I'm on tho road tocom ploto recovery." Bout on earth for Llvor arid Kidnoy troubles and all forms ol titomanh and Bowol Complaints. Onlv 50o. Qoaranteod bv Juo. I'muie. ilnu-- gist. Kd. Cole Is now at work patting It) the (our new "treat lights, s A, J.'.DavIe, tho North Bend mnrohant, was In town yosUrdy, K. A, Anderson Is having hlsconl scow rebuilt at Heed's shin yatd. J. M. Walker of Coqulllo has moved to Marshflold whore ho will rotldo, Th6 Alphu was towod from Porter to North Bend yesterday, to finish hor load. Jits, W. Cowan Is pnttlng another story on his houso In South Martbfluld, Presbyterian Chyrcfi Bahliath school at 10 n, m. Ray, Duncan Molluor will prenoh at U a, m, and Itov. F, 0, Blrtumo will prcaoh at North Bond. Y. P, H. 0. 15. nt 7 p, rt, , Thu( pnslor will prcnoti nl fl p, m, Bicclal mttilo In thoovonlug, Mr, and Mrs. Sawyors of tho Allegany hotel camo down Thursday and stayed ovur night. The schooner Westorn Home arrived yesterday, bringing some miscellaneous freight for Marehfleld. C. H. Starbnck ot North Bend left for Portland on tho Alliance and will spend the winter there. Mrs. A, Q. Aiken and her dauttbtcr, Miss Alice, returned on the Alliance from San Francisco. J John Johnson of North Bend left .on the Alliance on bis way to Oregon City where he goes for his family. Empire School Ohen School opened at Empiro Monday. There were 31 enrolled. The earae teacher, Mies Weaecla being employed. The Empire echool is in good bands under the tutorship of Miss Weeeola who is an English as well as German and French echolar. Travel by Sea The Alliance arrived yesterday bring ing tho following paesongors in addition to tho list received by wire: Mrs E J Holt, Miss Rita Gist, Chas Baxter, Wo O'Connell, It Kaino, S J Dofreeso, A Benson-, M Olson, M. J, Anderson and wife. . The A. N. W. club met at tho homo of Mrs. Wm. Nasbnrg, A very profit ablo mooting Is reported. Tho club moets next tlmo with Mra. F. X. Ilofer Ohas. Ueorgois having tho electric lights In hla sioro rearranged, adding to tho display. ' . , Mrs. 0. A. Lock wood and children of Myrtlo Point, has been on tho bay sev eral days visiting friends. Card of Thanks Mrs, F, Hagoletolu and children wlah tothitnk tholr friends and neighbors and tho ordors ol I, 0. 0. P. nnd A, 0. U, W, for tholr klndnois ntnl sympathy nt tho tlmo of tho sickness and doalli of tho lato bolovod husband and lather. OBITUARY Instead of with Mrs. L. M. Noble, lattor being absent from tho city. the Geo, Osgood by was up from North Bend yesterday, being still obliged to wait with a rrnirh nnd rano f,m l,JPPWCe, effect of his recent accident. . Did Some Shooting T. F. Crawford (Gumboot Kelly) was brought before Justice Hyde yesterday on a cbargo of assault with a dangerons weapon, it being alleged that he took a couple of shots at Gus Peterson the day before. His examination was tot for 2 p m today, and he gave bonds for bis Mrs. Helen Stafford, who has been giving health treatment hero for some time, is a pastenger lor Portland on the Alliance, expecting to return later. Miss Mary Quick, of Coquille City, is ft passenger on the Alliance, on her way to Monmouth to attend the State Nor mal echool. A. H. Gaffney at North Bend left on thli; Alliance fo'r Hancock, Michigan for his family. He will return to Coos county in November. Speaking of tho ''Yankee" crew of the Reliance, a SpandinavUn paper points out that Captain 2ar is a Scotch man and all the rest of the crew ore Norwegians excepting two Swedes and a Dane. We wish someone would engineer a successful movement for closing all etores at six o'clock. Then we might have light enough to see by all evenlug, without waiting until the turning out pf the lights in the stores diverts enough Juice in this direction to make the (amps really incandescent. , A well known local surgeon was tell ing Tot an operation for appendicitis which ho had performed, and diecorcr ed that tbo seed of a date had caused the trouple. "How long had tho eord been there doctor?" Baked a listener. "I really couldn't say," wbb. his reply, "I couldn't find the date." Free Industrial School Tho Freo Industrial School held preliminary meotine in tho room ovor! the CofTee Club last Saturday. It was a email beginning in every thing but the number of boys and girla and in enthusiasm. The seats were mado of rough boards laid on chairs and boxes, and as thero were not enough to seat all wirhout crowding, it caused much mer riment and some confusion, Mrs. Dow told the boys and girls the object and aim of the work, and C. H. oiamu gave mem a snort talk on "woods" and where found etc., to which they listened atttentively. Owing to the departure of Mrs. Dow soon for Chi cago, tho work will bo postponed for a while, to be taken up on her return, whin ehe hopes to have tho room com fortably seated to accomodate all who deeiro to attend. Tassengers on the Alliance for Port land and Astoria, Sct. 23: Mr andMrs L H Roberts.Mr and Mrs A F Kees.Rev and Mrs B J Hoadloy.Miaa Mary Quick, Mrs L G Stockel.MrsLG Cursons.Mrs D Dreyer, Miss E Droyer, Miss Mary West, Miss May Pureell, Miea Blacker, by. Mrs Mamlo Noah, Mrs Nettle Peachoy, Mrs II W llawes, Miss Alice Fields, Rev Duncan McRuor, Messrs Leon Maneur, James O'Connor, K 0 McDowell, Mil Horsey, L W "Record, J W Hanks, C F Lindley, J Robllllard, Jamca R Wall, J 0 Whlltlngton. L L I Bunch, H Toelle, F G Buncb, Albert F Merchant, James M N Merchant, W H Mitchell, J W Reynolds, L D Kinney, Axel Hagstrom, Ulrich Johnson, 0 H Starbnck, Herman Peterson, Oscar Peterson, Siegfried Peterson. W P- Bhiveley, LD Blue, Charles Beattle, A HUaffney, W G Wilshlre, Sylvester Johnson, A J French, W M Burgess, B P Hanawalt, 8 in stearago. A. B. Jenkins, immigration agont for tho Southorn Pacific ia at Coos Bay on a tour of inspection, getting somo Infor mation about Coos Bay eo ho can Intel ligently talk of this locality when peo- plo mako inquiries through itho immi gration department, Ho has received many enquires of lato about this county, F. S. Dow aud II. II, Sporry went up to Allegany yesterday for two or throo days of hunting and fishing. Captain A. M. Simpson arrived on tbo Bay Thursday on his way back to Ban Francleco, coming in by way of Drain, Hans Reed brought tho lumber up from North Bond yestorday for tho now scow which ho will build for tho electric light company, Kelly Discharged The caso agasnat T. F, Crawford, charged with assault with a -dangerous weapon, was dismissed by Juitlco Hydi yesterday, for lack of evidence. Rusty Mlko'a Diary, Sopt. 38, 1003 The business you do today ought to holp increase your buiinoss for tomor- a row. Fred HageUteln arrlvod Thursday evening from Wash., being tao days late tho funoral of his father. overland Hoqtilam, to attend Episcopal Sunday School Tho Protestant Episcopal Sunday School which has been closed during tho summer months will reopen next Sua day, September 27th, 1003," Everjosa cordially invitod to attend the tervtcet nt lf n'.k . ' T-." u. .w v wiwa a. tu. Suicide an Unknown i. fas ." X i uco 0. II. Merchant, F. M. Friedberg and J. T, McOormac have been appointed appraisers of tbo partnership property of Duebner & Hagelstlen. J, D. Dyer was down from Sumner raeterdav. Ho renorti that farmora In that vicinity are commencing to dig their potatoes. The scarlctlna patients are all recovered. What Is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that It Is under atnet law. Abuse that law oven slightly, pair results, Irregular living meana de- ranCfiOIBnt Of Ihnnrn.n. .o.i.l.l l Constipation. Headache or Liver trouble Dr. King's New Life PJIIa quickly ro adfusisthis. It's gentle, yet thorough, Only 25 eta at John Preuss' Drug f toro. From Frlday'o Dafy Mrs. Geo. Schroeder is visiting friends nt Coquille City. Norlh Bend Improvements (Citizen) Tho Common Council of tho City ot North Bond-met in special eeasionf Sal urday evening for tho purpose of con sidering bids on the city wharf, (to bo constructed according to the specifica tions drawn np by Mr. Loggle,) and aleo tho city jail. Tho wharf contract ie to bo let to Mr. Painter who Is to do tho work, according to his bid offered, for $2.30 per 1,000 feot: all material being furnish upon scowb at the wharf. Tho jail contract was given to Horn & Lrwlf. wood, who aro to build and furnish material as well, for (340. No other business waa taken up at the meeting, John 8. Coke mado a business trip to tho county seat yesterda. A Rosoburg dispatch says: Ju J. A. Buchanan hold an inquost yoator day over tho remains of n man who committed suicide by banging, tarco miles west of Olalla, noar the foot of Camas Mountain. The man was appar ently about 45 years of ago, 5 feet 8 Inches tall, woro a brown coat and vesr, cosduroy, trousors and black foil hat. He bad blue oyes, medium heavy sandy muetacho and a beard of two weeks' growth. No clow was obtained as to his Identity. Ho had a roll of nlanket. throe pipes, a'good supply of tobscco, a razor and strop and 20 cents In coin. Ho had no papors whatever about his effects or person., Mrs. Ruth Collvor wan born In Portage county, Ohio Octohor 4, 1827. Hho lived lu Ohio until she was elovon years old, nnd with hor parents Mr, and Mrs. Win. ltlco moved to Iowa In 1830. 81m was married lo Alfred Daliibrldgo Collver at Uur-Onk Illdgo, Iowa, Docomlicr 25, 1811, and to this union a family ofven hoys acd four glrli woro born, all of which aro living except two ulrls. They lived togathor until his doath May 7, 11)01. X They loft Tipton, Cedar ctUnty, Iowa tho flrat of April 18T.1, rrosred I ho Plains as far na Salt Lako City, Utah, nnd stayed ovor winter with tho Mor mons. Camo to Oregon In tho fall as Oregon City. Iho next iprlng inovod to Long Tom, Lano county, Oregon. Tho next fall moved to tho French mitln. ruont In Douglas county, Oregon. Thoy moved on Coos river in August J657. In tho spring of 18HI thoy moved to Catching Slough that being hor homo uutil hor doath, September 18, JP01. Hor ago was 75 years 10 months and . 10 dayti, --'-aaaitij BORN MUKOI! ANT-In Marshflold. Or. . Sent. 20, to the wife of V. T. Merchant, a daughtor, DIED. I)UNBAIt-In this city, August 18, 1003. Margaret, beloved wlfoof Kobort C. Dunbar, a native o.' California, aged 23 years 8 months and 1M day. Abon ia takon from a fian Fran cisco paper Tho doceaeeJ had many friends in Coos county, . As an exemplification of tho uae of printers ink we with to call attention to tho fact that an adannouunscing salo of honsohold goods inserted byRe'v.F.n. Strangohas had the result on soiling nearly all his goods, and those who waut somo of his goods should call at once. Ho baa somo good bargains loft yet. The Czarina is scheduled to sail from San Francisco at 6 p. m. Saturday, A new roof ia being put on the Eric son residence adjacent to the- Lutheran church. Boxing Contest Arrangements aro being made to pull off a 15 round boxing contlst at Manh Held, provldod a match can bo arranged. Mr. D. L. Chllders, mnnagor for Solk-yi Deputy District Attornoy Farrin mado a flying trip to Coqulllo City to day to proaecuto tho caso of tho Statu of Oregon vs George Schmidt. Schmidt was charged with the larcony of a pair of shoes of the valuo of 5 from a dwell ing, The dofondant was bound ovor to tho next circuit court under a bond of f 1000, in dofault of which ho ia now registered at tho Hotel do Galller. Dr. Horsfallla having tho finishing touches put on his yard and will reul the same to graaa for a lawn. Otto Schottor claims to bo a hot num. ber at trolling for e almon, but wo haven't seen any of hit floh. Condon Recorder: Public school started hero latt Monday, with lt:i J . .-f) w VWW(I 0 W -----. ... Stroup, tho Halit weight Champion of,Bcbo,ar8 ' attendance. Mrs. E. M. Pittsburg, Pa., is hero mokinc tho.fiackott Is principal, Mr. , B. Robortsob, Grand, Marshal of tho Oregon I. 0. 0. F and Dr, J. 0. Twitch oil, who came hero last week with Giand Master Marcelli, leaye this morning tor Gardiner, on their way home to Rose .. barg. The lodges bere.have been receiv 'Jb jtttf vsJuabli Instructions from AW .14) Two Tame Bears Jack Mareden ie tho proud proprietor of two large bear cubs of the black vari ety, which ,he keeps in the back yard at the brewery. They take k'ndly to a civilized life and are very tame, being The schooner Josea Minor arrived the bay yesterday and the Charles Falk- was taken to the lower, bay, Wm Bremer, ol Allegamy, waa In town yesterday. Ho brought In somo fine Gravenstcin apples, wnlch wero hn.,0M by H. fleugetackon for shipment to San Francisco, arrangements, A contest with Stroup was econlly pulled off at Scotia In which Solloy worsted his man In the Oth round. These gentlemen are employed at tho Libby mines and aro permanent real- dents anJ will soon givo somo sparing exhibitors. A challenge oppoars In another column. From 8aturday'e Dally. Isaac Laudrlth, tho carpontor, is on elck list. Milton Ed- munds, atslstant, and Miss Pearl Walk er has tho primary room. Mr. J. C. Logan was to tako tho intermodlalo de partment, but concluded otherwise, and Miss Wakoinan.o! Dalryvlll, will (HI tho vacancy. Miss Wuldyogol baB charge-of tho room this week. Nor'.h Bond mill has shut down on ac count of the scarcity of logs, ' A Boy's Wild (lido For Life With family around exectlng him to dlo, and a rou riding for Jifo 18 miles, tn (Ml f)r. Knu'h Nw lllnpnonrv Inr Consumption. CouvIih and Colda. W. II. Brown, of Loeavlllo, Ind, endured death's Hgonlon from asthma; but this wonderful medicine onvn Instant rt1lif and soon cured him. IIo writes: "I now sleep soundly overy night." Like marvelous euros ot Consumption. Pneu monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove ita matchloaa merit for all Throat and 'Lung troubles. Trial bot tles free at Jobti Preuii, IIAGELSTIEN-At at hla homo In Marshflold, Or., Bapt., 10, iooj. Fred Hngclatlon, aged 01 yoars, 0 months and 21 days, Fred Ifagolatlen was born In Holtteln. Germany, March 2y, 1812. He camo to tho United States nnd lo Coos Bay In 1875. IIo woikod at his trado of hlnrk- smith at Noith Bond nnd lator at Gar dlnor. In tho Fall of 1870 ho undo a trip bark to hit nallvo tond whoro ho waB married, bringing his brldo back with him. Tho following year ho formed a partnership with Win, 0, Duobnor In blaclttmlthlng btislncsi, nnd in their shop oppoelto tho ship yard ho has boon on duty nearly ovory day in ti, jnHt twenty-three years. 'Jh fact lllut tratos tho character of thu deceased. Il,i woslndustrlour, faithful nnd tiustworlhy In thu fullest sonso of tho erm, nnd no man in tho community was moro uni versally respected. Ho had served on tho city council, and at tho tlmo of hla death was a mombor of tho honrd of directors of this school district. I Jo waa a incmbor of tho I. U. 0. F. and tho A. 0. U, W. About throo wcoka ago ho wan8ttddenly'takon 111 whllo at work in tho shop, with somo complication of the heart. Ho had boon conflnod to tho hoiiBo.ovor eluro, but was up on tho day of his death and was visited ty' Mr, Duobnor nbout 12:15, whon they ' talkod ovor affaire at tho shop. At that tlmo ho showed signs of relapso, and about an hour later ho passod away, Be- sides tho widow ho loavos two eons and throo daughters, Fred, Alloo, Honry, WUda and Elsie. All aro at homo ex ccpt Henry, who la In Seattle, IIo has been fiont for and la oxpeotod to arrive by Wednesday, the funoral bolng post poned until he gote here, i. ; a a-raf'-tjfl-jMjw- (-. X ' v-w..