Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, September 26, 1903, Image 7

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    'rv fitUvtrT"'
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&0r 0, F, Now. in
Session .
'V """T
. i "
' , " FROM
.rWaFolsom Escapes
Colombian Congress
All at Sea
Wm. P, Gamble Com"
TenCavifyers Emptcpj
in Missouri
On Defense
' ';' UNION
Sends Roosevelt Note
of Censure
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Washington, Sept. 19-A cable dis-
. '
-' '
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Unlllmoro, Mi! , Kept. 1U 'f ho seventy-ninth
nniiunl comtniiiilrntloit of tho
8jvurolt!n Oram. Lodge of Ilia Imlepr-nd-out
Onlor of Odd Follows will bo liolil In
Baltimore beginning tomorrow nnd con
tlntt Ing throughout llm wrek, Tim tov
erign grand lodgo Id composed ol about
VAi ropreionlullvos ol grand IoUkoo of
Uio ordor in different alnlce, territories
and foreign counlrloi. Auxiliary organ
ixntlons will moot during (ho week.
These Includu ihuitobokahAesernbly mid
ttio 1'Atrlkrclio Militant.
Tlir cltUons ol Baltimore havo coin
11 c tod plans on An elnborata ecnlo for
tlio entertainment of tho visiting Odd
Follows, Besides tho main felnros of
the unUutolnmont proKrnmmo, Includ
ing public rcuuptloim, ronccrlo nnd a
grajid Ijnll, thuro will bo special and
nt'racttlvu fenturoln'houorol tho R
bekah sisters nnd tho ladles aecorc paiiy
tag tho Odd Kullowf. Uvery evening
during the wool thoro will bo degrco
taim contest In most of tho lodgo rooms
of .lit city, Tho winner of the degree
tea in content will recc-lvo prizes.
. campaign
r .
; . (Special (o the Coast Mall.)
Chllllcotho, 0., Sept. l-Tho Kopub
licun etato campaign was opened with n
grunt hurrah hero today. Tho demon
stration was hold at City park. March
ing clubs nnd bands from LMjton, Col
umbus, Cincinnati, Clovelaud nnd other
cities helped to uwell tho crowd that
poured In from nil ndfacont country,
fiovcrnor Nash presided over tho meet
Ins and tho speakers Included Honntoro
IlamiA nnd forakor nnd tho etato enndi
date, Col Myron T. Horrick and Wnr
reit G. ilnrdinir.
c moth
! tOUCll
the soft
la too well to
I toguufts, nml
the moment
inters into the
puyrul spirit or
the child and for
gets btr toil and weariness. Then a
suddeh movement sends a thrill of pain
through her and she realizes that though
lovo may lighten labor it cannot lighten
Thousands of women who have suf
fered from backnehc, headache, and
otuer consequences of womanly disease,
have been made well women by the
use of Dr, Pierce's l'nvorltc Prescrlj)
Hon. It establishes regularity, dries
unhealthy drains, heals inflammation
snd ulceration nnd cures female
I cannot My enough In pr&lne of Dr. rlerre'i
I'uro'ilte l'reictintlnii n It lint done mo m imicli
Kood." wrltt
Kooit," write Mrs. Usury HarrcII, of Trloro,
N.C.Uox lb
t n
ioo. "i wan swollen no i eou a linniiv
walk wlicu I lieran tnkluir the ' I'avoritc 1'rc
(crintloii,1 I nlo had iHerlne trouble and could
ticiuior pnt iior dice), only u i iook inorpniue.
Tried Tour diflVrctit doctor and tliey nit fulled
to do me tinv unod.'M one of inv friends recom.
Incndcd your ' 1'nvorita rrescrlptioii ' to mo.ond
tool: only thr-'c- bottles and mil now well and
icarty, Can do nlmcjst any kind or work."
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets lire the
most desirable luxativo for delicate
'' ' !
MOB Z-aA- Wl u
lUflf 1 V y tin
u -
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
WflBhlngton, Hept.. 10 President
ItooHoyelt ha rrcoivud tho unfriendly
reiolntlons from tho Cuntral labor iiulon
of Washington. Ills iccrctary eonl a
formal roply nnd merely acknowlcdgod
their rrcoipt. It id not probnblo thijt
thuVretlJunl will vouelunfo any furth
er antwor. It in nlmotl certain that ho
will not necodo to tho unions' demands
by dlsinUeing Mi'.lor.
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Ban Vrcucleco, Sept. ID Patrick Mac
Mantis, n cchool teacher of Snu DIoo,
Is dead from aephyxistion by gnB in A
Mason street lodtfiua house. It wp3 ac
Advancing In Importance More Than
Any Other Part of His
..; .
From Sunday's Dally.
. f . Am.1
DitcuBsini! tliu railroad slluutlori In
tho Northwest, tho W'M Sir tfJm)
,.. , j7VK'
aye; mu juujinrawuxj oi'
Short Lino to handio a graatlyllMriwd
Lusincas throunh Fait l.nko OKgjisjuW
sizos tho fact that within tho pSwMwo
years tho far Korlhweit has ndvancod in
trafllc lmortnDco rolatlvuly faster than
any othor territory covened by tho Ilar
riman lines. The advanco ib duo prim
nrily to J. J. Hill. Portland has consis
tently held that tho Hnrrironn lines
iiavo not dono for Portland and tho
North Pacific Cont ns much ns for San
Francleco and tho South Paclilc Coast.
T hrco montbE ago tho Portland Oro
gonian openly crltlcked tho Harrimnn
policy ou tho ground that it had lost glo.
rious opportunities nnd had not dono
anything to prevent tho advanco of tUo
ports of Pugot Souud nt tho cxponeo of
Portland. It nko intimatod that if Mr.
Harrimnn did not think it worth whilo
to do something for Portland, tho city
know of eomo ono who did.
"Slnco tlint titno tho Korthwoet has
received moro attention from tho II.ar
riman forces than any othor portion of
thollarrlman territory, It t ports linvo
rcuchod Now York many tiiuoa thai
corps of surveyors wore In tho Hold bo
twoen tho main lines of tho Harrimnu
syotom nnd tho const looking for now
routes through Control Oregon and olec
whore. Harrimnn plana nro never ofllc
ally nnnour.cod until woll undor way,
but it is notovrorthy thnt nono of theso
reports havo boonofllcally donied.
nimoimtou- or tlio olUvnm.
Tho largest filnglo stnieturo in tho
world foe nudloneo iintl Hpeetuculiir
purposes Is tho Coliseum nt Homo, It Is
in tho form of an ellipse, Its long ill
nrnotor is 013 foot; Its Hhort, .110; tho
height; of tho outer will, 101. Tho nro
Jin Is 2S1 foot long by 170 tyroiul. Tho
ttora of Bouts uceommodutu 100,000
. itf caiuo,
' If glue is BoiiUod lit fttcr till Just
soft nnd thon dissolved in Bllghtly
heated lliiHwitl oil, water or damn will
havo no effect upon it. .
mits Suicide;
(Gpeclal to tho Coast Mall.)
Ban Francl'tpo, Fopt. It? lVIIIIr.rn P.
Gamble, tho disgraced United Stales
marthnl, tuictded in L'ucna Vista par,
this morning. Ha left n nolo addronod
to hts hIo saying: "Oct off tho Halgnt
street llt.ont Uakcr. I will ha eorr.o
whcrO among tlio trcoj. Poto.'
Airs. QcmbJo told hjr brother, who
wont to tho park and fdund Gamble
hlddoa in tho buobos dead, with two
bullotoln his head. Ilia own revolver
was clutched in his right hand..
Gntnblo lately confosacd to fraud in
substituting Chinese for donortation.
Riotous Cripple
(Gpeclal to the Coast Mall.)
Cripple Creek, Sept. 21 Habeas cor
pui proceedings woro resumed in the
district court this morning. Tho judge
gavo tho military nuthorics until two
o'clock this aftornoon to bring four peti
tioners from tho bull pen into court.
Chato announced thnt ho would bring
tho prleoners, but undor guard of a
heavy detachment of eoldiors Instructed
to resist any attempt at rcEcue, on arri
val of officers to t.iko chargo of tho men,
1 T1t
(Special to tho Coast Mall.)
Ban Francisco, Sept. 21 Iho Callfor-
ilia nnd Northwestern railroad is running
its ferry today, notwithstanding tho
strike is still on nnd 220 moh out, Pae
songer tralne nro running on timo, but
frolghts nro delayed.
(Spoclai to tho Coast Mail.)
Glasgow, Sept, 21 Designer Fife ar
rived homo today, Ho advanced tl.o
idon Hint Hritlsh ehipbuHdora mubt col
lectively oreato tho noxt chnliongor, Uo
i i. '
anya tho Americans eppicd tho design of
ShnmroeU III nnd improved it, nnd thus
produced tho tiellance.
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Woborly, Mo., Sc-t.lU-Ttto men claim
ing to be members of tho gang that es
caped from Foliom boldly robbed n cloth
ing storo nt Clattc, 1 1 miles north here,
Monday night.
Tuesday morning they went to a farm
near Edward, and et'tbe point of a re
volver took: a wholo family captive, com
polling tho women (o prepare three
meals and a quantity of food.
Thoy refuted to allow any ono to leave
ttio honeo tho entiro day. They boasted
that they wcro from Folsom. and that
they would mnko MIeeourl understand
tho way Tracy eicaped, and they told of
tlio clothing store robbery. They depart
ed at night after threatening MorlonV
death if be gavo tho alarm. These fact?
wcro learned today.
in in
But Business Must Be in Sight if
She Starts.
From TueaUay't Dally.
(Portland Journal)
"I'm going to make a trip to tho Coos
Day country next week," erid E. J. Ho'l
general manager of tho California &
Oregon Coast Steamship Company,
"and fu41y investigate tho situation there.
If I am convinced that better steamer
eervlco is needed with Portland I will
put on another boat. It ia my opinion,
however, that tho present sorvico is ful
ly adequate."
Mr. Holt arrived in tho city this
morning from San Francisco. Tomor
row ho will roako a trip to Seattle, and
expects to roturn to Portland tho first of
tho weok. Ho is on a Eort of an inspec
tion tour, Ills company owns nino
ttoamers on tho coait, among tbom vbc
ing tho Nomo City, which plies between
Pugot sound and ports in North Alaska.
Among thoto oporatod from Portland
regn'nily are tho Alliance, tho Dispatch
and tho Aberdeen. Several othora run
from San Krancieco to porta in South
orn California,
"I thfnk wo nro looking after tlio Coos
Bay trado protty thoroughly now," con
tinuod Mr. Holt, "Wearo handoling all
tho freight that is offered, nover yet
having left any bohind on account of he
ing crowded for space. So far. tlio do
volopment of that country has not met
with tho expectations of tho boomers,
who havo talked loud nnd long of what
was'going tJ happen.
''I fully roalizo, howover, that Coos
Day has great possibilities, and intend
to oeelat in fostering jtll development
thero by giving thejrealdonta good trans
portation facilities. But wo cannot nf
ford to run n steamer nt a loss, which
would bo tho caso now it we should put
on another boat in addition to tho Al
lianco, which stops thoro regularly. We
stand ready to put on an ndditiounl boat
tho momont wo nre nssurcd that she can
makoa email profit,
"If tho people at tho two onda of -tho
ronto aro really in enrneet about want
ing another steamer, thoy can get ono
immediatoly if thoy will guarnntoo that
sho will inoko espouses. That Is about'
ns fair a proposition ns will over bo ol
fercd thorn."
By menns of tho hydroacope, an In
pendus Instrument, tho human cyo can
view tlio ocean depths und olcnrlr dis
tinguish objects u inilli bolow tho Bur-
UV.V, , ..,, i...,flft,ilA
pitch dftlcd Sept. 17th received today
from Minlstor Borupro, at Bogota, eayt
there is'no change in tho situation, Dis
cussion of the canal question is appar
ontiy in a naipiets slate, ana prouauiy
tiie Colombian congress may not ed
jovrn before October 20tb.
(Special to tho Coast Mail.)
Cleveland, Sept. 21 Henna denies
that be intends to withdraw .from the
chairmanship of the Republican nation
al committee on account of ill health.
Coming On Alliance
Gpeclal to the Malt. . -
Kureka. Cal. Sent. 21-The Alliance
leaves Kureka nine Taesday morning.
Following aro passengers: Mcaira A
Hootfer, Wm Strang, F B Wade, E E
Thompson, Wm O'Connell, John Olson,
Bam B Soy, 11 F Lyon, W F Johnson.
Chas Butler, Kobt Levcsay, W Towner,
U M Marwick, Warren Davis, A Ander-
ton, A Madson, D J Childrr, S H Stron.
J W Hoover, James T Mars, 0 S DavU
W Kistnor, A W Kiene, D Gross, Miss
Alico Aiken, Clara Johnson, Neva Camp
bell, Anna Nelson, Hilda Nelson, E on
nell.E Meens. Cbaa Lorenz, Mrs Hoov
er, A G Aiken, J W Brown, F W Gay-
lord, V Towner, Leaves CoosJBay Wed
nceday noon.
Bowers Murder Gase
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
San Francisco, Sept. 21 Da putie
Sheriff Burnett, Daeha and Dompsoy
were released from custody tpday, fur.
niching 2000 bail each. The United
States marshal intimates that certaiu
attornoyawlll'be investigated ia con
nection with the Chinese llboiatlons,
The preliminary examination in tho
Bowera caao waa resumed, Tho proeo
ution co far faitod to show any inotivo
for the killing of Bowers, thia fact hurt
ing their case materially.
'fee".' '
Tho Americana nnd English, nJtbough
rhoy consumu twico ns much8Ugor as
tho French ,anil Gormuns, hnvo-much
bettor tcetli.
Fly SLsinumlred Mllea.
Tho nlgoon'8 Ciibaclty for .light Is
murvoious. iMauy havo flown from
Nnntca to Lpjlcnslilro, 410 miles, lu i
day, nudiUic winner ota rnco from thO
ShoUaUdo'toLomton, over 000 mllea,
made tho ;Ja liruoy In sixteen hours at
an nyruo ijpbed of tuirty.sevea uillM I
Colombia, 8. 0 Sept.;, 21 The case
of Jamefl H; Tillman, charged with tho
murder a year ago of N. G. Gonzalec,
editor 61 tho State of this city, was call
ed for trial today at Lexington before
Judge 'G. W. Gage of Chester. Both
aides are ready for the trial and it is tx-
expected the case will prooeed without
furtherdalay. ' ' -
The shooting and kilting of Gonzales"
on. the streets of this city attracted
natiooal attention and it expected that
the trial likewise will be followed with
close interest throughout tho. country.
It is probsbly that no man who has evar
before been tried in South Carolina had
an array of lawyers to defend him aa hag
Tillman. Immedsately on securing the
change of venue to Lexlnjlon last June
the defense, which already bad five at
torneys, employed five lawyers at the
Lexington bar a'lmoat all of the It gal
talent there, ia fact. Tillman goes to
trial, therefore, defended by ten lawyers.
Ho is a lawyer himself and takes an ac
tive partJ'i hia own defense, while Sen
ator Tlllmann, his undo, will' sit in the
case and make suggestions.
Chicago now pay her superintendent r
of schools ?10,CCO a yenr..
Out of 40S pormannt lecturer's at tho
Berlin university 170 belong to tlio
medical faculty.
Tlio rural schools of Now York aver
age twenty-soven pupils each. In each,
of 3.C2S schools there nru ten or less.
Tho proportion of university students
Increases in the Uulted States nt tho
roto of 5 per cent per annum; In Ger
many the rato is 0 per cent, wullo
Great Britain la stationary.
Tho College of Confucius, tljo oicT
university of China, has for 3.000 years
borne the name of Kwotszckler. Us
main building, the finest tcmplo of
Confucius in Cliinu, has 300 volume In
its court, ou which are engraved the.
names of its 00,000 graduates.
' Ocean 'Depttii.
Tho nvcraRo depth of the ocean be
tween CO degrees north and CO degrees
south is nearly three miles.
Smith 'American .Moakera
Monkeys nro very numerous along
tho nortlnvest const of South America,
but are not found wct of tho Anden
from northern Peru to tho south end oC
tho continent Their home In South'
Arrferlca Is chiefly in tho great Amawm
basin and along the fluvial system of,
tho upper half of tho Paraguay aud
tho Parana rivers.
Threo persons bollovcd to havo boca
submerged twonty-flvo minutes, two
fifteen minutes, ono fourteen rnlnutea
and ono threo minutes huvc been rc
Buecltated. Tying Shoe Lace.
To make tsuro that tho lnccs of your
shoea will not coma untied make au or
dlnary bow and before drawing it tlghf
turn tho right luuid loop from yoa
through tho conter. Then pull hard otr
tho loops. Untlo by pulling tho ends'.
1e Ualr.
To keep tho hair from becoming thin
and splitting 'at tho ends clip It overy,
two weeks. Shampoo It onco a month)
with castllo soap, avoiding tho bm ot'
boMuc and ammonia.
It U seldom tlmt ono sees a bolted!
fish alive, yet there aro such la tb
boiling hike of Amntttkn, Guatamala.
A epocloa of fish wna lutoly scon-thwa
by a French traveler. Theso fish, ha
assorts, often pass days lu tlio boiling
wntor, wiiich comes from nnmfrariKW
hot springs, ri I
Our WlBtUeat Bei, '
Although tho riiddc ocean to coin
parably free of storms henco Its name
Folnt Reyes, Cal., Is tho wmdUtt
place iail UnlUHJJtfttoi.
(8pclal to the Coast Malf.)
r '--i-i-vMJMW)Mttewwi
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