Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, September 26, 1903, Image 6

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I AitjdXiOOA
From Qunday'n Dally.
1 Major L. I). Kluner wcs up
Bangor yesterday.
Sirs. W. D. !i. F. Smith and Mr?, W.
4 II. gammons went up Coc .river yestcr-
Copt, llnrrlfctook uo a tcowiond of liny
yesterday or the stage elation at Sum
ner. R. E, yhlno and Major Tower of Em
pire City, wero visiting Marshfield yes
terday. Scarlet fever Is roporled In thn fam-i
lies ol J. W. Cnlclng and Jaa. Btock at
Eamner, .
ThoL'Rotcoc, tho new SinMaw tug
recontly built in Portland, arrived last
E, A. E'r-y worth is at vork again, his
sprained nnklo cot giving the trouble
"Funny business" is always ont of
placo in an advertisement, unless there
is a place for it.
11. Waltor, .Mr. and Mrs. Dr. "Walter
and Emma Bear went up Coos river on
the Alert yesterday to try tho fishing,
The rchooner Alpha, which has taken
part of her load of lumber at tho rail,
road wharf, was-towed to North Bend
yesterday, to finish.
Mrs. A. I). Boone, of Hnmner, came
down yesterday, accompanlod by her
"daughter, Miss Myrtle, who will attend
the MarBbfield high school this winter.
It has been decided by tho members
of tho Epworth League not to hold o
meetinc until the beginlng of the com
ing conference yoar. Tho announce
xneno made in yesterday's paper for a
league meeting Sunday evenin g is here
by recalled.
After a nowspaper man has hollered
himfiell hoarso persuading the people to
patronize homo industry and accidently
runs into tho fact that some of the fel
lows whoso interests he has been boost
ing aro. Bending away for their printing J
and stationery, rathar shakes his faith
in mankind and makes reciprocity look
like a renny with a hole in it.
Card of Thanks .
I desire to thank tho citizens of Marsh
field and particularly tho Marsbfield
Fire Depattinemt 'or their "timely aid
and RE'islauco at tho fire Sunday night,
September 6th, at Porter.
Tho assistance of the Firo Depart
ment, in a great measure, rendered
it Iposeibloi for us to obtain control
of the firo before any great damago
was done, and the will wltw which both
the Firo Department and theMarehflald
people entered into the work by fighting
the fire will always ba remembered and
appreciated by both the Simpson Lum
ber Company and myself.
Yours very truly,
L. J. Simpson.
iiandon Oil Well
Havjng occasion to be in tho vicinity
of the oil well the other day, we hunted
up Mr. Button, who showed us over tho
plant. We wero much pleased to find
the work going along with eveiy pros
poet of eucccsp. Thoy have n first class
plant, the boat that money could procure,
and nndcMr. Button's supervision, tho
'bite" ere not allowoJ to remi.in Jdlo
very long at one time, This work should
roceive the support nnd encouragement!
of every person (a tho district. Should
it ptovo a succcsi, and everything points
thr.t way at present, It would prove the
biggest thins that has eve'r been taken
hold of iu this Erclion.
ThoPropor Troatmontfor n
Sprainod Anklo
,r. rule a wan will feci well snttsfiul
If he can hnhblu nround en irntchos two
orthieo weeks after rpralnl.it: hi; ankle,
and it it usually two or thno montliR
before holms fully recovered. This is
an uuueccessary loss of time, for iu
meny cases in w hlch Chnmberlalh's Pain
Iblui hns been promptly nnd fieely
applied, n completo cure has been effect
ed in lets tliau olo week's time, nnd in
eotne rates within three days. For sale
Farewell Parly
MissEvelyn Tyrrnlgavo a very delight
ful informal reception Thursday even
ing at Southern Orc&on Hall, Empire,
for Mrs K. L. Robinson and mother,
the occasion being a farewell.
Tho Hall was beautifully decked with
dowers, treo'fern, huckleberry vinos
nud cedar of Lob.vnon.
Thcs'.age was a bower of tlowers,
ferns and llluny huckleberry vines', with
a cosy, cornor laid under a minature
forest of cedars by which stood a table
loaded down with delicious refreshments
which wero Eefvcd throughout tho
evening reminding the youth of Empire
there, of the good old Summer time,
A dclightfnl musical program, includ
ing the brightest music and (.elections
was rondercd and received with much
Tho gowns worn wero exceedingly
handsome giving a winsome cppcaroncc
to a tort of a dreamy-land sceno.
Dancing continued until early morn
ing, when the merry makori departed
while the stars were yet twinkling, all
feeling that tbry had had an evening of
rare enjoyment lone to be remembered.
Thojo present were; Messrs and
Mesdamcs Geo Bolster, Leo Cook, Dr
Cook, Mortm, Chas Getty, Capt Ilookc,
Mcsdames Major Tower, Morton Tower,
D Mor.e, Lennon, Tom Law horn, Ccpt,
Mcgeo, Wcekman, Weekland.J Falkner,
E L Robinson; Mitsos MaeMagee, Roso
Marshall, Susie Marshall, Ida Weekmsn,
Annie Weekrnan, Settle Morse, Aguata
Berry, Annie Berry, Alfn WVekland,
Stella Wcekland, Flofaio Etickson, Eve
lyn Tyrrel ; Messrs Charlie Mogee, WIN
He Megee, Dick Marshall, Arthur Getty,
Mark Getty. Edmund "TCeane, Alton
Sengstacken, Androw "Weekrnan, Heury
Wcekman, Michcal J Flood, John Mm
g.in, Dell Lennon, Henry Diora.
(Oregonian) '
Mjor Lnngfitt returned yesterday
morning from Yaquina Bay. A special
board of Government ongfneers,of which
he was a member, has inspected tho
harbor there with n yiew toward in
creasing the depth of water ou the bar.
The other memberB of tho board wero
Lieutenant-Colonel Ueuer, of San Fran
cisco, and Major Mills, of Seattle. Ma
jor Langfitt said yesterday that the
board had cot yet submitted its report
to tha Secretary of War.
Although Major LangGtt will not die
cuss for publication tho recommenda
tions of tho board, it is taken for grant
ed iu knowing circles that .tho board
rill advise tho extension of the two jet
ties which now constrict tho entrance to
tho bay, This was the recommendation
jf a similar board in 18Q5 and the con
ditions are practicallyTho enmo now as
thoy were then. That board was com
posed of Lieutonant-Colonel Amos Stick
ney, Major James C. Poet end Major
Clinton IS. Ream.
From Tuesday'o Dally,
Wm. Norton of Catching slough, .was
in town yestordcy after medicine for
two f'i his children who are oick,
yom Health and STRENGTH with .
a pleasant, potent, and permanent Invigorator for WOMEN,
CHILDREN, and MEN. - . jttkfroMyourDroggiiti
The Areata tails from gnu Francisco
at 10 n. m, today.
Jiulgo D. L. Watson was down from
his Cocs City farm yesturdny, .
I). W. Small wns moving somo( ofj Ida
outfit from his grading camp yestcrdty
Mr. and Mrj. Wm Croy of Ccqulllo,
are visiting rvt tho homo of Alva West
Continuous advertising carries with it
the idea of reliability, tiuco no dishonest
advertiser can . uucccsslully coutlnuo in
Tho funeral of tho late Fred Hagol
slien will tnko placo this afternoon uu
the ausp'ced of the'l. 0. 0. F. and A. 0.
U. W.
E. M. Smith, whllo hauling logs nt
Alvin Summerlin'a placo near Leo Inst
week, had the inlsfortuno to ioso a yoko
ol ca'tlo by a log running ovor thorn,
Miss Flotslc Ericson of San Francisco
is visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Murphy
and family. She will remain one week
and roturn to Sun Francl'co on tho Ar
rata. Tho citiicns of South Marehflcld did
some volunteer workSuuday, nud raised
tho poles necessary for tho installation
of tho now electric light on the corner
of I and 11th sts.
Young Theodore Dow, of South Marsh
field ran a splinter under his toenail
yesterday with such vigor that it was
necessary to bring him down to a sur
geon to have it extracted.
Tho Marshfield School opened Mon
day. All the now teachers being proi
ont, one arriving on tho stago shortly
boforo school opened. Tho attendance
was good for the first 'day, 314 being
Chas. Gcorco and Robt MarEdon took
a briof but pIoaEant outing at Flagstaff
Sunday, going up on a launch and walk
ing back in tho evening, after a short
visit at the home of E. 5f, Smith, Mr,
Marsden's son-in-law.
Stomach Troublo
"I have been troubled with my utora
ach for the paot lour yearn," pays D. L.
Beach, of Clover Nook Farm. Grecufield,
Mass. "A few days ago I was induced
to buy n box of Chamberlin'e Stomach
and Liver Tablets. I have taken part
cf them and feel a ureal deal bettor."
If you havo any troublo with your stom
ach try a box of theto Tablets. You are
certain to be pleated with tho result.
Price, 25 cents. For sale by Jno. Preuis.
A Goodly Check.
W. P. Murphy, chief of tho Marshfield
Fire Department, recoived Saturday
from L. J. Simpson a check for oOO, ac
companied by a lottor printed elsewhoro
This came as a graceful and generous
recognition by Mr. Simpson of the cer
vices of the firo deparrmont in saving
tho Porter mill a couplo of weoks ago.
While the Marth'fiold people who worked
to eavs tho big mill from destruction
did so freely without expectation of a
reward, Mr. Simpeon's act will bo high
ly appreciated.
Road to Loon Lake
Henry Laird arrived yesterday from
Eugeno to Btay a short time on the Bay,
Ho has boen spending mott of his time
for the paBt two years at Eugene, where
he ownsa farm which ho has now rontod
out. Uo came lu by way of Loon Lako,
visiting his proporty there. IIo reports
that thero is u prospect that tho Loon
lake country will yet bo tapped by a
wagon road from Allegany, though tho
proposed road through to Elkton, on
this end of which the county haa spent
considerable money, has been knocked
out by tho refusal of tho Douglas
county court to do any thing on their
end. This county in willing to build
the road to tho county Hue If the
settlers who llvu beyond will build
ono to connect with it there. Mr,
L:ird reallxos that tho Loon lake people
can find a much better market by coin-
Jug this way, tha t by going to Scottburg
and tho others nru beginning to see it.
For a bilious attack tnks Uhamhor
laln'H Stomach and Liver Tahlutn nud n
quick uuru is certain. For (lo by Jno,
Work on Coos Bay Wagon Road,
Tho portablo raw mill which is to dnw
out lumber to plank portions of thu Coos
Hny wagon road 'as been taken from
Myrtlo Point to tho Stetnon place, noar
Frtlrvlow, where- tho first work will bo
dono. '
D. Mcintosh, county commissioner,
informs tho Mail that tho Intention is
to Work on tho raotorn dopes of tho
hills first, as tho heavy mull Is west
ward bound, ami the stages go back
light, to that tho improvement is mott
needed whore thu loaded stages have tp
bo hauled up.
Thu county commissioners, on their
recent, trip ovor thu rwd, had ocular de
monstration of tho good results of cut
ting tho timber back from thu road to
let In tho wind and sunshine, hut it
seems that this years' appropriation
will bo expended mostly in planking
tho road whero rolicf for tho coming
winter is most urgontly domanded.
Attention, Firemen
North Bus, Sjpt. 12, PO.I.
Mr. W. P, Murphy. Chief Marehflcld
Firo Dcpt., Marilifluld, Oregon. Dear
Sir: Herewith I enclose check for fJIQ,
which I wish to present to the Marsh
field Firo; Department n nil expression
of my appreciation of thxir gallant cer
vices at tho firo at Porter last Sunday
evening. This small token Is yours to
do with as you vrih. I would ask jou
to express to each innivldual member of
tho Firo Dophrtmvut, who helped to
fight tho firo my gratitude to them for
their timely assistance.
Yours vory truly,
L. J, Snn-fio.v.
All membors of tho Marshfield Firo
Department, who worked under mo at ; opened Monday; F. A. Golden, prtucl
he Porter fire, oro requcstod to meet nt ,ml . ,iIb(S uonmis, 7th and .8th grades;
tho hall on Wednesday evening nt8:W.jMiss Howard, late cf Dos 'Moines, ffl-li
W. P. Mem-Jtv, Chiel. tRrBde; Miss Mann, of Ilillsboro, 5th
grade; Mils Homes, of Astoria, I'll
From Saturday's Dally.
Watt Short will goto Myrtlo I'olnt
today for n short visit.
E, It. Hod son, of Coos river, was do
ing business in town yesterday.
Matt Matson was in town yesterday
marketing so mo of tho products of IiIh
Catching slough farm,
W. T. Merchant nnd Jack McDonald
went to South bIourIi yesterday to look
at eomo timber, g
; 0. MattiCBon, the painter, of Coquillo,
accompanied by his wifo, nro staying at
the Jensen bearding houso.
Frank Farrin returned yostordayf rom
his homestead. Ho shot a '1-point'huck
tho other day with n pistol.
Rusty Miko'a Diary Sept. 22, 1003
Women aro interested, by trifles, If ad
vertising to interest womoh, glvo the'
Mies Floealo Erickeon, who is visiting
at the homo of J.T. Hall, will roturn to
her homo in San Francisco by tho next
E, G. Flanagan received 13 fat cattlo
Tuesday ftom Victor Stauff frcm ncrois
tho bay and 30 head from the Kniiht
place near Myrtlo Point.
J. E, Fitzxoruld, who recently went
to California on account of hie hoalth,
writes from Alma, in that btntc, ho lu
comewhat better than when he left here.
Tho Marshfield schocl was closed yes-
Jterday afternoon, on account of the
funeral of tho Into F. Hogoltticn, who
.hold tho oflko ol director.
CI, M. Short, unmo ovor from Myrllo
Point' Monday and will rolurn today
r.ccoinpanlod by JiIj wife, who ban Dcou
mnklng n short vltlt horo.
Mr. and Mrs, John Coku went to
their liomcr-tcnri Saturday, whero Mr.
Coko will tr.ako (onto Improvement.
Mr. CoUo's mother accompanied them
to Urowster valley.
Jack Quick has tul;en tho contrr.it (or
hauling 10,0 tors ot coal from tho Finn
ngun mina to the Pony Slough pumping
station. Honors 'nnd ron aro doing thu
mining and keep' tho team's busy haul
ing. MI'S Jennie EnJicott, uho hns Icon
nenlstlng iu tho culinary department nt
Pony tlough camp, goos over o.i todny'n
train to Myrtlo Point to join her parents
who arc about to romuvo to W.tihSngton,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. U. Douglas will tnko
an outing on Tcnmllo M;vt lor a week ! , .orn.i Woodward; Mr. C, A.Woodwnrd,
or so. Mr. DouglAi has a plcco of land ,. JohiwonllJohiiBon, C. It. 'o6d
out thero, and ho alco chorishco a hank-1 Wftf(, , Mnt)tcr(l Fny witltc. Itny Cnmp
erlng altor tho tlllncnco aud i-nto oi n'tu, Arthur Woodward, Elton Motlln,
farmet'slifo. Itlilt Coko, James Johnion, Schley
Wm. Klckworth has built a coal'
b'inkur at tho Flarunn co.il rnir.o nnd
is now bijlldliig ntn'.hcr nt thu pump
ing station with n capacity o! ISC tens
and will havo It completed by tho 'end
of this week.
Contractor Clausen has tho- frame
work for tho first story of tho now Ma
sonic Tempto nearly all bp. From the
nnmbor of good largo posts lu tho audi
torium ol tho now theatro it is evidonl
that thorc will bo no danger of tho up
per lloor falling on an audience.
Rev. F. G.Strango hns handed in IiIn
resignation as pastor of thol'rotbytcrlnn
Church hero nnd it was accepted nt a
business meeting. It will take effect
nfter the first Sunday In October.
New Sclioolinn'ams
Following nro the teachers employed?
. . . lw
in llio Mnrsnnoiu puuitc suuooi, Vtiiici
srado: Miss Vanghan, of Portlind, 3rd
i Brmle; MI" Andoroou, 2ud Krodoj Mrs
(Wilbur, lit grade.
An Unknown Suiudc
The stago arriving nt Myrllo Point
Monday morning roporled tho finding
of tho body of a man hanging to a tree
ou Camas mountain. Tho namo ot tho
man was not learned but his descrip
tion tallied with that of n man who had
stayed in Camas vnlloy the night boforo,
being hound toward Itosohnrg, walking
and carrying a roll of blankots, Ho had
taken tho rope off his blankots ulth
which to hang himself to a tree.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Plarrhooa RomocJy
"II, L Uyor, a well known coorjer of
this to n, euya ho holloveu Chamber
luin'd Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe IJo
medy Baved his lifo last Hummer. Ho
had been sick for n month with what
tho doctors unllod bilious dysentery, and
could gut nothing to do hint any good
until ho tried ttila remedy, It gavu liirti
immediate roliof," says IK T. Little,
marcnant, UnncocK, mu.
Jno PreuBS.
or sale by
Funeral of P. liagelstien
Tho funeral of tbo into Fred Ungul
stlon took placo yestorday afternoon
from tho family rcsidonco, nnd wns
largely attended, especially by tho old
residents, evincing tho esteem in which
(ho deceased was hold. Uov. F, Q,
Strangn conducted thu rollgtouo euryices
nnd the burial wan under tho nuBplcos
of tho Odd Ft-lloTO and United Work
men, in whiuh'thu deceased hold mem
heirship, 'i'ho pnllbratoru wero Uco.
Stuuff, Itobt, Krugor, II, fiehstackvn,
y, Tlmmormann, Wm, Uiirniitf, and,
A. Uagemiester,
Ou.Uttlwl u 1
Ait Hi UO ltMf
Miir ilit inlof-lh
tin J tdtt t trwt.
imim ii tu.iy. aii
.lie. all till... lit Ml
' l(MltlftWillll
kl.ll.f .lk.
ii, H, pmmiiM),
p.i. Mint,
D..I ( .Mbt Ma. HtM
Surprise Party
A very ple.ennt surprlto party wr
given nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. L
Wltlto Tuesday ovonlng, in honor of tho
tenth iJlrthd'ny ol their Hon Fny. A
large uumbor of his young friends tvero
prodnnt and had n jolly tlmu playing
gainus, otc, and the Hllio lolks wero
alto treated to n feast of good things to
fhojo protont woro: Mlison.Wln
Longstnff Ayro, Heeslo Ay re, Llite Cox,
Mytllu Cox, Allco Curtis, Heglmt Mat
Kou, llnnnnh Sanduulit, Allco Cox,
c , jolinaon. Iltiliv Camnhull. Mary
Prniti?, tins Pruntlr, Amil Matson,
l Frank Curtis, Georgia WoodwnrJ,
And they romembored thu printer,
Spilled Out.
II. E, Shlno nnd J. 11. (iilborl ol Em
pini whllo ou their way home from
Marshfield yesterday, mot with n mis
liAp which fottunnlcly did not result as
seriously as it m'ght have.
It teems onn of tho thllla hrok while
they were driving homo from Marshflnid
to Empiro and whuu near Ferndclu
thu horeo becamo unuinungcablo and
began to kick nud finally turntd thu
baggy over, throwingllia occupants out.
Mr. Shlno was nono thu worso, nslJo
from n shaking up but Mr, Gilbert had
one oi his nrmstiovercly rrenched nnd
utherwico ehnkon up, '1 lie horeo disen
gaged II self from thu buggy and ran Into
tho Furndnlo browcry.golng right insido
wheio cornu men wero nt work,
toro ho knocked things ondways nnd
im'UhA to paint things horsufnihion.
Ilia frnctous nnirnni wns finally subdu
ed without much dnmr.no to tho build
ing. Mr. Shlno enmu back to town and
procured another rig, returning to Km
plroullO. K.
Comploto Now Lino of
-Pianos and Organs-
Ely's Cream Balm
Eaiy nnd nltoiant to
m. Contafuj uo In
Jurlom (true.
It l(julrklyaborbed.
miyci utuor ai nncu.
IImIi and I'rotectt tho Mombran. IttitorM tht
Btniei ot Tut and Nmtll. IJirge fl(i. so onU m
JJriiiirUUor lirmall; Trial Bii, lOonU brmr.ll.
, XWX mOTlWUS, M Waxro iUwt, Ittvr York.
visit DR. JOHDAflri n-ri
1 osi niLKginkuxmscmM. I
Tin uMtiMnna nmt
dl.M- bm'JI7(
tnccUllrtoniritCuuc MMl
on. jorcar-oissmu if mt
DVVI1IMU ituHMulAjr rradJoltd
(ton tyxttta r(rl.oui
Itn un'lu)
miullatlnn d 'iil (UlrHxpriitK. Truluimiptf. i
ulltf (.1 jV l.rl.f. A luttif Vur In mi liu I
I uu. .!.,, wiu (v 11 mi,. viinjuHoxftv .r 1
l .WTPI-J l W, -IU.
i, --
jT tP.1i