Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, September 26, 1903, Image 5

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    'iSy iiHtF(f "
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piolai te the Mali.
Norfolk, Va., Sept, 31 With the txc
button of Olllton Ilranham, which l to
toko pin co at Wine court house totnor-
row, n romarkablo career will ho brought
io ii close. HrnnliNin wop convicted of
tho murder of hU blind wlfo. IIu In
only forty years old, but in n eoore of
year ho hint managed to bn ft fanner,
Irappcr,' woodsman, proacher and twice
ft murderor. About twonty yoan ejjo
Ilranham shot n;id killed "f.oiu; Henry"
Vtuiovctr lu I.otolior county, Ky. After
r-srvltig a doion ruoro of years cf ft nlno
iy'tiluu years sentence ha was tflvon
conditional pardon by Governor Dock
ham. Returning to bU homo In Wlao
county ho found that hit daughter had
married during his imprisonment, ntid
loon there was a row between Brcnham,
nnd his son-in-law. In tho flylit that
ensued Mm. Hronham Interfered and
wni (hot and k 1 1 1 ml by her huaband,
Iho lattor fled to Kentucky, but wai
toon cuptumd near Lexington! aud re
turned to tho acenuof It la crime, whero
he wot tried and convicted.
Lifclitweiglil Foctball Team
Tho Lightweight Foolbnll Team was
organized Thursday evening in Jay
Montgomery's rooms over tho Goldon
diug ttoro, aud tho following ofllcors
woro elected j Henry IlnKololioti, man
agur, Irving Chnudler, nwilatntit inun
egor, Jny Tower, treasurer, Albert
Campboll, captain.
It was decided to issuo a challenge to
my team In Coob county averaging not
oror 1S3 rounds.
Alliance' Close 'Call
Pufs Back to Coos Bay for Repairs
and will Go on the
. Beach
Pr?m Friday's Dally.
!lho steatnor Allianco which eailod for
Portland Wednoiday oyonlng, returned
yesterday in n lonkiug condition front
iho effects to striking whllo crossing out
over tho bar,
Tho steamer started out (1:30 p, in. It
was foggy, tho tido waa running out nnd
It was nearly low water. Tho bar was
supposed to boatnooth,buton ronchingn
point hoyond the end of tho jotty, whoro
tho bar could bo scou through tint Imro
it waa u scovorori to liu ronuli mill broak
Ing across tho channel, butit vvus then
too Into to turn back.
At (his point it Is uecotaary to koop
oloso in to the lino ol tho submerged
end of tho Jetty, which oxtonds eomo
600 feet boyond' tho oud of tho trostlo
work which still stonde. ,
It waa too thick to distinguish the lino
of tho jotty which usually servos as a
guido, and the black buoy bolng gono it
Was dlfllcnlt to got exact boarings. As
tho lino of broakora oxtendod acrosa
tho ehannol, thoy woro no guido and it
is thought that tho steamer's course waa
uida littlo too far to tho north. Tho
rosuH wab that sho struck aetorn several
tlmeB nnd nt (eaat oneo tho concussion
was qulto heavy. Bomo ot tho pasBoug-'
e.us uxprots tho opiuioa that the
steamer struck ou tho submerged' snd
Of thojetty, .
She waa hold on her courao aijdjetfrflfo;,
jfd out ovor tho bar, when sho wasUts
coversd to bo loaklng, Tho pumps'
handled'tile' water without troubls, but
QapUia Hurdwick, thought lt boat, to.
V . f .. ' '
put back aad awertaln the extent of hli
damages, lib accordingly laid off and
on until moWng nnd came i back into
the bay, running up to Marihdeld.
Here a lot cf her.'frelght was taken off;
8ho will be loaded down' by the bead
nnd taken to the beauh nrar North
Bend, where her item will be placed at
far tip on the beach as posilble. It Is
not kuowtt how long tho steatnor will be
delayed, '
It Is extremely fortunate that the
mishap waa not much worso.
There were about 00 passengers aboard
aud the conditions were all there for
the worst dlsatter evoi witnesied at tho
Her Injuries Thought to be Com
paratively Slight
From Saturday' Dally.
Tho Alliance went down the bhy yes
terday afternoon to go upon tbo beach
at North Bond for examination and re
pair of her Injuries. 8ho had been
lightened by unloading part of her cargo,
and trimmed down by the head by mov
ing cargo to the bow and pumping out
tho water tanks, Jiy thoao means tho
stern was lightened considerably. Tho
toilers and engines of the Al'lftnco are
so far ft'l that her stern could only bo
raleed to a limited rxtcnt by loading
down tho how, but it is hoped that iho
can now he hauled far enoueh up on
tho beach so that hor injuries can bo got
Captain Ilardwlck thinks that somo
of tho oakum was started from tho
srams near the sternpost and that this
will bo found to bo tho extent of tho
dnmrgo. It is evident that no bad leak
exists, for tho stream thrown out by tho
pumps was comparatively small. In
fact, tho leakage would not havo inter
feared with tho steamer continuing on
hor way to I'ortlanJ but Captain Hard
wick did not caro to take the chances on
Its getting worse when off eomo part of
tho coast where many lives as well as
well as liis ship might bo lost.
If it is found that tho working out of
somo of tho calkins Is tho oxtont of the
damage, tho repairs will take but a
short tlmo, provided tbo voseel can be
beached high enough to get al tho
Resolutions of Acceptance
"Whereas, Mr. L. J. Simpson has pre
sented (500.00 to the members of tho
Marshfiold Fire Department who assist
ed at tho rcceht Are at Porter iiow,
Bo It Itesolvod that tho members of
the MaishAold Firo Department who
assisted at said Aro accept said (500.00,
and that Mr. Simpson bo tcndeied a vote
of thanks for, his muniAclcnt apprechv
tion of the servicos rendered.
Tho above resolution was unanimously
adopted at a mooting of tho members
of tbo Marshfiold Firo Department
who assisted at paid firo, hold September
'J3, 1903. .
Gxo. N. Farotk,
Frbo Juunbon,
Mysterious Disap-Karatfce. .
Otto Schetter says he left A largo
ockeye salmon on our otllco stops yes
terday after ho returned from trolling.
Thanks Otto, for your liberality, but tho
other fellow, ia somo mystorlous manner
has got ahead of us in finding tho Ash.
Judging from the liberality of Otto he
must huvo caught atoon or so. The
Brollor man wore a vsry knowing smllo
yesterday when wo onqulrod as to whero
hO bought his Ash supply.
", J, A, McNamorn, ono of tho mon who
escaped from tho Jail at Uillsboro wad
arrested at Tho Dalles on Saturday, J,
U. Burko, the man who. escaped with
him, tho man who got mouoy on forgod
notos, ono at Lebanon,, U. thought to be
in, tho,qiuao lQlt)Jty - ' , .
t? , i2J
, .,..
Chicagoians Celebrate
(Opcelal to the Coast Mall.)
Chicago, 111., Bopt. 23 Tho work of
decorating for tUocentennlal celebration
was begun in earnest today, and by to
morrow night Chicago will bo in such a
glory of color that It will not know iteclf
Tho decoration)) consist largely of the
national colors and of the familiar flag
of terra cotta and white, the dcatinctire
cmblom of tho city. Electricity will
bo an impoitant factor in the work, and
the streets will be a blare of flro ovory
Prelimlnory Indications aro that the'
railways wilt bring at lcait 300,000 peo-,
plo into town, and no ono will go away
wilhont having a good time if Chicago
can prevent.
The committee on arrangements an
nounced today the practical completion
of the festival program. The festival
will open tomorrow afternoon with the
dedication of eight memorial tablets
marking tin cjonts in tba history of the
In the evening Chicagjans will bohold
tho burning of their city. 100 tons of
rod Are will be placed on top of'all the
skyscrapers and on tbo roofs of all tbo
tall buildings in the area covered by
tho great flie of 1871. All the powder
will be fgnltod simultaneously and kept
burning for an hour or so, At what
used to be tho O'Lcary home on DeKov-
cn street, where the Are of '71 waa start
ed, by tho famous O'Loary cow kicking
OTOr fl lamp, thero will be an oppropri
ate display of pyrotechnics.
Sunday will bo' given to special serv
ices In many of tho churchos. In tho
afternoon there will boa big protracted
mass meeting, and concerts will bo
given afternoon and evening in the Au
ditorium. Mondsy tho reproduced Fort Dearborn
will be opened' to the public in the
morning, and noar by will Ijo tho Indian
vllllono, In which the descendants ol tho
rod men who lived on Chicago torrltory
in the earliest days' will hold thoir pic
tureaque sporto,
Monday evening on;
Automobile pirado will bo given.
The Industrial parade plannod for
TncKdny night will be something to
mark a new era in that sort of, thing in !
The history of tho city will be symbol
ised in tableaux and in a pageant show
ing tho strnegle of youth and the 'ac
complishment of maturity. The parade
will contain the city's old and new Are
departments, its old military organiza
tions and lU proaent Ane militia rcgl
monts, '
Wcdueoday morning the stockyardu
will be thrown opon totne visitors, and
all the plunta will run' with full rapacity
to Bnpply a speetanlo to sight seoie.
Wednctday afternoon the aquatic
sport's begin In Lincoln Park.
NVoduosday evening a t20,000 display
of Aro works will be given on tho lake
front. Tho samo ovenlng ho Daughters
of tho American Revolution will glvo a
rccoptioiv to distinguished visitors; iu
Momora ball. The hall will be docorat
ed In-the, sty loot more than a .century
go, and the refreshments will consist of
oidfaVblosed dishes,
' Thursday afternoon, besides the sec
pnd day ol ecquatlc sporli libera will be
an old settlers reunion InMemorial Hall,
. ', .'1ft'f'in
In the eyeulng the jubilee week will
' '
clow wl$ a banquet io the mayors of
the.Jajgcr cities In Jbe Auditorium
Theater, where covers wji be laid for
1000 banquolers
State and Generolj
The Homr is making her last trip to
Alaska. t
Tolk county carried off the first prize
at tho Slate Fair
Tlte Boteburs rialadealer r baa again
changed its size.
Fred Ely ia the new manager of the
Portland Browns.
Sjrn Vignanx has resigned as msBr.-
gur of Portland Browns,
A peanut vender in Balem was robbed
of (250 during Fair week.
A Nome miner found a chunk of gold
worth $3285 on Anvil creok.
The body of an unknown man came
ashore at Aleea Bay Monday.
Tho Northwest Photographers Asso
ciation is in session iu Salem.
The Knights Templer of Oregon are
in session at Albany this week.
An Astoria man has boon arrested for
throwing amonia and blinding a dog.
Linn county is io have a new railroad
from Brownsvillo to Crawfordavllle.
The Oregon supreme court has resum
ed work after the usual summer vaca
tion. Thirty-eight horses are sow in train
in g at Klamath, Falls for the coming
0. W. Colvig of Grants Pass has re
signed as consul at Carranquilla, Co
The Genorat Freight Argents of the
transcontinental railroads are in session
in Portland.
lnerearenxx more paplls enrolled .
in Portland than there were at this
time last year.
The Land Office at La drando ia still '
closed pcuflinB Instructions from the j, a. Parker, bnsinesa manager of the
Interior department. rhllomath College,
TbeO.A.C.ofCorvalliahas secured John slmona 8na Edward Weg2aiit
the fino Nevada foot ball team for its 0f Mt. Tabor were blown to shreds MorH
Thankrgtving game. day by the explosion ot Z0 pounds of
Dir.ctorGeneralGoode;ofJthe Lewls'dyngmUo, .The explosion occurred
A Clark Exposition is in the East in the
intf;ret of the big (air.
. . ir
Klamath Fallals to have a brick yard '
and brick blocks will bo tbe rage when
Guilders get a move on. I
Eugene has ukon a backward step by
allowiug its olectric ear line to dlo for
want ot patronage.
Seattle now claims population of
163,000. Itaow behovee" Portland to
make another count.
The Tillamook a ad Neb Alum bars
havo shoalod latoly so it io riot safe for '
anv. klnd ' MaolnB ora,t'
', -. t
Sept i'J to OcU 3 inclusive".
Tho Gold IfJng mine neir Grants Pass
wlllroauina w6rk agalu The mine has
been idle iot somo time; '
Tho raembers of, th'j Oregon State
Militia, aro happy that they havo been
paid for their entampmeot.
Grants Pass now claims population
ol 4500. The' population baa nearly
doubled during the peot year.
About (1500 worth of exhibits at tho
State Fair have been purchased to make
an exhibit for the St. ouis Fair,
, Tbe price 61 logs on tho lower Colum
bia has dropped from (8 to (7 per thou
sand feet says jho Astoria Budget,
Harry Allen a released convict ia in
the toils agajn, haying buueoed tho
former prisou farmerout of $76.
The Salem Imnrovomeot Club ls,.
makirig war ondirtjj iBUta and bay
already cleaued a number o'l. streets, ,
O; Wwllurdoi Floronce naa built a
AiioaruamftlscherCW will Play ajltledtt0 omJ J)er mthly car6or Jait
week at Euceue. dutiito- thnUlalrict Fair' . . .... -.,.
',mim mnlifrMm
small teste! and will pot it on the run
between Ban Fraaelsco mA Newport.
p. I'. Nettletoa.of Gaadelope, Texas
committed salcide at the Hoffmanllouse
Eugene last Thursday, by shooting him'
Hise Avlila Elliott, the :dMt woman
in Clatsop county died Snriday, Hhe
was i)4 years old. Came to Aatirja fa
The city council of Seaside will license
all gambling. A gamelng table (25 per
quarter, and slot macklng (6 per quar
Gaorge U. Piper, a well-knowa Ore
gon newspaper man was recently' mar
ried at Seattle. He is now on the F. I.
at Seattle,
Salem papera actually admitted that
Albany had the lirgwt population when
they said that 7000 Albany people at
tended the fair in one day.
A Portland milk man baa been fined
(50. for watering his nilk, Ha may
get after come of the other people who
water their stock.
Albany will hold the bl-ennfai. city
election In December. . A wared
campaign Is anticipated and there are
candidates la sight now.
A rich strike has Juftt 'been made In
the "Pumpkin Boiler" mine, Ashland.
A two. foot ledge literally seamed with
the presclons stuff has been found.
Bcappoose Bay fs among the great Im
provements the prjeont Oregon delega
tion is about to pull for. ccappoose
Bay is a tributary of Willamette slough.
Tho members of the Oregon Etate
Veterinary Board, which was created
last winter will be named by the gover
nor this week. There are over 20 appli
cants, The contract baa been let for building
a bridge across Snake river froni tt'eis
ner, Idaho, to Ontario, Ore. The Ameri
can Bridge Company of New York have
the contract for $32,702. ' '
. i
Cuss. 0. Johnson, ot Portland; rerenl
ly killed a. deer which had a pe"l..
impaled upon his horna and killed l I .
Too pantner umpea irom a Drancu u;-1
on the deer and was caught ia his horns
Philomath has a now paper called the
Philomath Rustler and it is seml-m -ntb
i- a fnnr .! nbeet and ia adlted bv
wnue clearing etumps from land.
C. M. Donkel, of Deschutes, la under
rreaton 8U8p,c,on rf murderlhg hi
. .. Th ft lwwltf n, thm ,UmA mM M
.. ... ,,. . . .. .ant
1UUUU nuiiu;vuiif, auuiu upa vawwvM-
ttom bomo. It waB foand underneath
-.flr0 burled threo feet deeD.
W, i Hopper, of Buena Vista, waa
arrested Saturday. He is charged with'
Intent to commit assault upon Lulu Ba&
ker, aged 0 years. He plead not Ruilty
and was bound-over to appear at next
term 0f court.
Mhs QuIncoC inamoron of Grants Fasti
ThursJjy morr.fng by taking poDhn;
She wps raved b.y the prompt rid of a
physician. A love dieappointmerit a
the ecu's?.
Gcorgo IV. T,effan, of Ashland,
prominent la wye.', also engajed in ine
realettato anil Insurance btiainess at
Ashland, bag bijeu arrestel charted
with forging -a rctfe.isa ot a mortgage
and placing 'It on lecord. It hna caurd
n'aoncatlnn 'thrrn I
- WM. .VV
Fourteen srctl3ns of land in Oroi.it'
son tty, wer a tlrown open to the publie
thi.i weok. A hog -with a lot of leu land
script the present; admintstratka'haj
fob ted on the peopJe wbb eeeond in Hnej
y ,
keeping b is placa rill night end gobbled
up 5,700 ecre?.
I '
,Tho 10-year-old, 8n ol Mr rnd Mrjf.
galley Dustin'ot Sumpter Or., waa eeri
ouoly hurt at the.' jace'.ack at hat place
Saturday evening He was rldiaj in a
agon with tovtr aether ptoplo,. when
Uie sidoloard gave;'.) ay and the boy waa
throws aadef the wheels;
wm Jajsred
And now the Grants Fam Observer
has beea saed for 10,000 damage to ft.
D. tf ante, the wellTcnowa eannerymaa
andtmcker ofCarrv eeantr. The ease,
will be heard ia tbe eemieg tern & tHe4 ..
Josephine county cireait eeurt, Sreth v -frGhausMof
the Obseryer better pay
fhef 10,000 as he will never raise it,
wfflle a salt of this kind Is awfully
(.' b -
(Sbr.cUl ta the c6aM,MaltO
i J ' T
Baa Francisco, Bepti 26 Tl A . 0. U.
W. convention was addressed ioday by'
Past Supreme Matter Wilsor, of Mkhl-"
gan, explained the plan fat relM.' of the
debts, which' sire piUag np arr.ttitlatz to
a quarter of s mUba dollars.
He said that California took in 16,000'
members wittiin three yean, about 29'
years ago, an'dtUe$ members Jare how"
rapidly dying. Thapkm to meet tbe
obligaIona fa an inbreaee of tbe Bionth
ly aseeHmeate on all members between ;
i , k
61 and 05 years of age to (4.20 a month.'
Unlesa a plan like this Is followed It
will take (30,000,000 to pay death bene
fits in California in a few years.
Beats are1 growing quite numerous at
St. ilelens. ' ' ' "
Arthur Freel of Astoria Tas coovicted
of Jj. very Tuesday. , '
. e-
t kitnokawa on the ColumbIM river ia
l . o&ve a new cannery.
The state, Prees aseoeiatloa will meat
a Salem Oct. 2, 25 aaad W.
(l .'Uh,.l
I A balance ol S3C00 staMi to the credit-'
$u of .
United Statei Land office, Roseburg, orton, .
Feb. 5, 1303. 1
Notice U hcrrhv rrfvea that In ceinmknce with
tbef provisions or the act of CoagrcM of June 3
iiji, cntlUed "An net for tbr. sale of timtxy.
Mncfeln the States or California, Oregon, Ne
vadd. anrj Wasbingtoa Terntor)'," as extended
toall the Public Land State by act of August 4,
o( igi Monroe Sl, Portland, county of Multti. .
man, state 01 vregon, na. inn uy nteu in ma
otTico hUsorn ititenicnt No. 4403, for the put
che'ot he SE4. t)f Sec. No. 14. Tp t6 S.i R,
13 wea.nnd w)ll.otfer proof to show that th;Iandv
sought ) more valuable for its timber or,stofte.
than foe agricultuml purposes, and to estjbHti
flis ciaim'ta Mid land before the Regiifrf and
Reeejvf r of th,is office at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 9 day of Dec, 1903.
. Ho names as witnesMs: Oscar Edwards.
of Oakland, Oregon, George FInley. Galen V
Kump, of Crawlordsvillc, Oregon. E N Scnitli,
ef Myrtle Point, Oregon.
k Anv and ail persons claiming adversely .tin
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this omce on or bciore sua 9 uay
of Dec. 1903.
o-io-p . i.UKiout, iqj;aier.
. f
I aW I
The Ashland Normal
Tho (Southern Oregon 8tate Normal
School begins tbia year's work Septem
ber Jflfh. A large working library has
hMin addel: the Dhrsiral and chestleal
labratory hasbeen fally equipped ; a new
Kyntr,aNium building I. oeing erected,
and a large aud handsome school build.
lo IsneoriuK completiaa. luescnooi
nmnila are beautltui aim picturesque,
'ho hoklth conditions are of the best :
and tho eociul invironment is pare and
stimulntlnK ; tho course ot study Pas oei n
strensthened and made more praetiaal.
The faculty has been Increased la num
bers and the eohool is now equipped to
do work ot the highest order."
ThJs.scuool beloaga, to Boutuern ure.
,011. lt'deejree aad merits thepatron
Kaolthe people teL this great section,
(oj-catutogue address, I
- mjauikF, Hvuxx,Vm,
D.H Thomas, ske't, ' x i
kv. 1
f 1
vtilmMie- uj