1J4 -.m,xuv, ,.,- , II i"mmmmmmm ' -' ? V;t ' . JEWISH! . , NEW YEAR ' i , World Still Young by Hebrew Calendar Ceremonies Continue Three Weeks Special to the Mall. ' ;., Now York, Boot, 22 According to tho Junlsh cnlondnr tlio 5,001th yenr sinco tho creation of thu world beglne nl suuJown tonight. Tola bolng tho Jewish Now Yojr, It la ono ot tho meet hnpnrlant fcntlvllfon known to Heinous, and elaborate preparations hnvo Leon mode for its observance nil ovor tho world. At sunset tonlKht tho enrcmoti U'l bor,In, nnd thoy will contlnuo (or throo wcoko. Tho opening ovont is tho , frail of trumpute. Thruo days honco falls thu fast ol Guedollah, whon tho orthodox Jaw abstains from food, and even from wator. Other Important tin ye during tho fostlvnl season nro the feast of tnbcrnnclrs on tho fifteenth day, and tho rejoicing of tho law on tho twcnty-flut, All thcio corumooios nru required to properly bogln tho Jowiih Now Year, Tho first day of the yenr Is regarded by tho Jows ns tho day of Judgment, bo cnuso thoy say Hint on that day Qod sits i judgrnout on tho deeds of individuals nnd assigns to avory ono his Into for the coining yenr death or life, oc tho kiadof death duo thoto who dlo, such as death by flro or water. Tho prnyor offered, on tho first day Is that the namos of nil people may bo written In tho book of llfft. Now Year's day hat for ito distinguishing fonturu tho blow Ing of tho "iliofnr" n strnight horn of nnlulops or goat. This trumpet call is doslgnod to servo ns a summons to all Itraol to outer upon tho work of sunctl llcntion nnd propnru (or tho day of Atonement.' Tho Jewish Now Year is a movnblo I hnvt had oeciilon to uit Your Fni-k.nrimht Slack and Poullfi Mtitl. rln anil am nl'Sltd to lav ihat I tuvar uitd anythlmj for stock thatgm hK u good satisfaction. I luartlly rccorn. mend It to all owners of stock. J. B, UEISHER, St. Louli, Mo. Stole stock or ixniltry should not pnt cheap stock food any moro than sick persons should expect to bo n.iced hv food. When your stock 3 nnd poultry nro Blck givq thcra mod H icine. Don't stuff thorn with worth- Irss HtocH loons, unioau uio uowois nnd stir up tho torpid liver nnd tho IUIIIIUII Will ' wiwiiu IV ju uuoji- lilo to euro it, iJlack-Drnuaht btock and Poultry Mcdioino unlotids tho bowels niul nlira up tho torpid liver. Jt cures every malady of stock if. tttkcu in tiuio, Sccuro u 25-ccnt enn nf llluck-Draunht Bl.rck and Poultry ID Medicine nnd it will imv for itself ten atimwovcr, llorwmvorK better. Cowh rrivu more millc. Ilorra oak flesh. And lienn lay rnoroeggs, It rolvei-tho i.roblcm oil making as much blood, flesh nnd energy us pojsiblq out or tho wiiuiu 1 n: loiuit or loou con- cumed. Buy n can from your dealer, .llli. (oast, like tho Christian festival of Ifnstor, and Is fixed by the changes of the moon. The longest your has 385 days nnd Uio shortest 3G6 days, but the completed cycle of nlnoteen yenrs cor responds with nlnoteen solar yenrr, Tlio leap years, arranged to mnko tho years synchronize with tho scneon, con tain thlrteon months. On this day 5,(WJ years ago, tho Jowarny, Clod be gan tho work of cieatlon. On tho.lower Kast Bide there la scarce ly a hall to be found which will not bo occupied for religious purposes during tlioholiJpy.'. Tho theatres, nro nil cpn vorled Into synagogue, adorer turn can tors, and sotno loJgcs nro oyon forced to hold sorvlcoa In tho rear of saloonr, During tho last fow days Cnonl and Grand etreuts have becomo Jmoro and moro Impassable ns tho holidays ap proached, Clothiers, In particular, have reaped n harvest, HABEAS ' ' CORPUS ' .HEARING fpeclal to the Mall 1 Crlpplo Creok, Colo., Bcpt. 22 Argu meuts nro bolng heard in habeas corpus proceedings today for tho relcato of four prisoners confined in tho bull pen. OLD MAN - -TIRED OF LIFE Commits Suicide in a Gun Store epMlal to the MafL . .. Ban Diego, Col., Bopt. 2311. T. Tcel, ngod 80 years, walked Into Peters' gun storo this morning nnd nskod to look at n rovolvor "that would kill a dog." Fetors loaded a gun, Teel took In, put tho muzzlo in his mouth, pulled tho trigger nnd fell dead. He loft a noto saying that ho was ill and had no pleasuro in life. Ho loavoe an aged wifo and ono eon. GRAFTER IN THE TOILS W .) .-, "r.r'tkt j Woods Arrested For Pension Frauds ttpeolal to the Malt !.vJjKV Portland, Ogn., Bopt. 22 Captain T. A, Wood, Grand commnndor of tho In dian War Vcftoraue, wbb arreitod horo today by federal nuthorltles, charged with ponslon frauds. Coming On Areata ) i-;,l f. Special to the Mall. "I '. Ban Frnnclaco, 8opt, 22 Steamer Areata sailed foi Coos Day nt 1 p, m, today with tho following pneaengor Hgt: Mm J W Trootor, W S Lane, Geo, C Pnyno, I Dlokoy, J F Quirk, M Olecr, Mies M Morgan, Mrn II Elford, L 0 Mattoa, $00 Ilerron, and tour stoernge. II i i A BIT OF PLEASANTRY ' (Orlglnat.J It wan In the dnyn of tlio Borglns, wliou thort) wcro two mothodsi com mon for gelt I mi; rid of nu enemy, ono to Hlnl) him In tho back, tho other to o!w)ii him. Anton Curdi wno Infntuirftctl iVlfli VII torln Cnrcno, but alio being n mnrrjed woman ho litul concluded to wtvl Lticfn (inclu whom ho did not lovo, bnt who KNHesHu(1 n fortune. No eooner bint tin wcddlw' taken plncn than 81 Knot Cnnuio fell 111 nnd died, lenvint Vlttorln 11 widow. Then Cnrdl wdh bo aldo liluiM.'lf with ifiiulHji thnt ho tlud not wnW'd, rilK wlfo had hoiiio llikllriff of tho can 11c of 11 (Unite ho could not conceal, nnd slnco Alio loved him she, too, wan inlftcrnhle, Onrf day nho met Vlttorln nnd tunied Iierdiwlc upon her. "Why da you treat mo In thin wnyi" nuked Vlltorlu. "ItccatiHo you hold my husband In thrall." "Ho hoklfl hlmnolf In thrnll," repllrd filgnom rnrono. "I enro no moro for film than that," nnd bo snapped her flliKorrf. Lucia wn cncourngcl nt thin, think ing that If Anton's love wan not re turned It would nt hint wear Itself out. . Bho told her husband what' yit toria had nald, but It hnd no clWct up on htm, ho twllcvlnc that It yrnn a nat ural ilonlal for Vfttorln to make to bin own wife. Indeed, when Vlttorln, to provn what nho had Raid, mndo 11 friend of Lucia, Anton wiih Infatuated enough to uuppo.iy thnt Vlttorln whm deceiving hl wlfo with n view to gnhdng opjor tunltleit to bo near him. Bupporing thnt tho woman ho loved would marry him If ho were freo to marry, ho rc polved to get rid of bin wlfo by polton. Lucia wiib.iuhhI to taking every morn ing nt It o'clock n light brcnlcfnat or luuchoon, as wo would call It In Ameri ca, comdHtliiK of n few fancy blucults nnd n ghu'.s of wlno. A Horvnnt umially net It out on n tabic isomo tlmo during tho morning for her diIhUvm to tnko nt tho UHiial hour, Ono inonitng Anton pOHned through tho room where tho luncheon Htood ready. It wn 10 o'clock, and hl wlfo would notlmrtako of It for an hour. Nevertheless ho reaolved to nvall himself "vt tho opportunity to drop pohoii in tho wlno. jlo would ro main near nnd boo thnt no ono except she for whom It wna Intended drunk It Whllo ho wn waiting, a eutnmonB cniiitt to him frota tho grand duke, wltli whom ho Htood In high favor, to come nt oneo to tho palace. There wan noth ing to do but to obey. Should ho leave tho glass of iwleoned wlno or empty It where It would do no harm? There was no 0110 In tho Iioum. for bl wlfo had gone out. Bho would rctuni before 11, drink tho wine, nnd tho culprit, being awny nt tho time, would not bo sus pected of foul play. Uo reuolved to lenvo It where It Htood. lie hod Hcarcely left Uio bouso when he mob Vlttorln. "Cood morning, SIgnor CnnH," Bho Bald. "I tiiii going to call upon your wife. In alio nt homo?" "No," replied Anton; "ho la out You had better cliooxo nnothcr time." "I will go In nnd wnlt for her. Sho hna told mo thnt sho la novcr out long In tho morning." And alio proceeded on her way. "I must go back," Bold Anton to tho dulcu'H mesHongor, n young noblo of powerful framo nnd of n merry, dovll may caro dlxpoBltion. "Whatl To kocp company with a Indy.when your sovereign communds yourpreBcnco?" "It la very Important that I return to my house nt once," "And I say it Is Important that -you obey tho duko'a summons." Anton started to go back, but tho messenger caught him about tho waist, nnd iih ho was of light weight carried him on, laughing nt his struggles con sidering It n flnu thing to bo keeping him from n meeting with n lady. Tho fear that Vlttorln might drink tho poi soned wlno gavo Anton strength to re sist, but with nil this to stimulate' him ho was unable to break away from hlfl tormentor, who carried him into the presence of tho duke, whom ho told with grent merriment how ho had kept him from nn appointment. "Ha, ha, SIgnor Carpi!" laughed tho duke. "Wo must mako nn examplo of n married man who desires to tete-n-teto with n lady hi his own houso dur ing his wife's abBonco. Lock tho doorn. Como, I hnvo sent for you to play n game of cards, What shnll be the stuko?" For nn hour tho duko kept Auton nt tho game. Anton was bo preoccupied that ho scarcely know ono card from another. Finally ho Hhnwcd his suf fering so plainly thnt tho duko gavo up nn ninusement that wns becoming painful nnd let his prisoner go, though hu Jokingly warned him in futurO to bo leas opou In his appointments. At 12 o'clock Anton rushed Into his house wondering whether ho would Hnd Vlttorln or hU wlfo dead.. Ho found them both lamenting over the body of Ida favorite liouiid, Tho mo ment ho saw that Vlttorln was safo he kanlc Binel.3 Into a chair. Lucia had come In and found Vlt torln waiting for her,, Presently Lucia went Into tho room , where , luncheon had been sot out td tl.nd the, dog dying II I, .1,1111 I ' ' ana io vtfnegfa empty. '8I16 called her friend nnd they both pspected tho wlno had been poisoned, Wlioti Anton camo in excited nnd fell In n swoon both know that ho hnd attempted to kill Ida wifo. Lucia batihhed bor husband from .her. forever. Vlttorln, reported tho matter, to the duke, who permitted Anton toi Icavo Italy. Ho lived but 11 abort-time, j being killed fn a duel. Luda took, for her second husband tho young,, ncdrtej who bod been instrumental la faying, bero yfcrtan Carpi's Intention if CHEAP ANP ENDURING, Ta Macadam Ronfli nnd Voir They Are CoBtrtiool. Tor macadam roads in Ontario, Can., hnvo proved n great success, says Pop ular Mechanics. Xlwy nro especially ndnpted to a country whero stono is scarce, nnd as they cost from ono-thlrd to ono-hnlf less than, asphalt or vitrl .fled brick nnd last longer this motliod of making good thoroughfares la nlso desirable In tho towns ,acd cities. Tbo cost of construction of ttw best of tar macadam ronds is C8 cents per Bqusxo yard. ' It is estimated that they will remain in good condition for nt least ten years, w!icn,,lf noccHflary, tliey can bo resurfaced at. tho cost of 25 cents per siunro yard. It is claimed that tho tar macadum road is almost as iioIhoIcsb ns asphalt, that It is cosier on horses, with less Jar nnd danger o Bllpnlng in wot weather, Jind it is fur ther an almost dustlos raaa. In tbo construction of ono of theso roads twelve inches of tar macadam is placed on tbo subgrado. Tno bottom course or stono foundation consists of largo stone varying from-stx to twclvo Inches, laid roughly by band on their flat bods. Tlio voids In tho fonndntion nro then flilod with smaller stones and roUed. Tlio broken stono for tho sec ond eonrso is thoroughly coated with tar, laid to a depth of flvo Inches and rolled as soon ob ponslhlo. Tbo top connw consists of gravel screened through a three-quarter inch mesh, mixed with'tar and rolled. Tho screenings of tho crusher may bo used on top to hnrdcu tho surfneo aiid to glvo n moro pleasing color than that oe tho black tar. -' "'AijploB lor Goat. ' " -. Those troubkwl with gout will find their best remedy hiithe acid contained in npplcs, Bcvornl should be eaten dally. , PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. Haydon, Office opiwlto Union furnlturo storo Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to P Special attention paid to diseasoof Skin, Urinary nnd Digestive Organs. U . B. Pciifilon Kxauiiner. Phono. 263 MARSHFIELD, : : OREGON Dr. Wm M. Lawlor Fliysicinn and Burgeon ODlco ondlltosldenco NORTH BKND HOTEL R. H. WaltoryD. D. S. Dental SurftCouaud Mochnnlcal Dentist OfllcelNasburg Building, A 8t, 1'liouo 331. MARSnFIELD OREGON E. E. Straw, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. SpecialJ'iUtentlon giron to diseases ot tho Kyu, Knr, N08O and Throat. Ofllco in gengstackeu & Smith Dldg. MARSIIFIELD : : OREGON W. U. Douglas. Attornoy nt Law and D. S. Commissioner MARSHFIELD : : OREGON S.CA. D. Eaton. Lnwyor Will pructico in nil courts EMPIRE CITY : : OREGON 1 XJ. W. Bonnott, Attornoy andJOounselor nt Law MARSHFIELD ' j : OREGON C. F. rVfcKnlGtht. Attornoy at Law Ofilco In Bonnett & Waltor Block MARSHFIELD : : OHHG0N fJohn .F.. Hall. Attornoy at Lnw Ofllco iu Eldorado Dlook, MARSnFIELD : : OREGON I. s. Kaufman & Co. AcentB for North Bend nnd Marahflold l'roporty. Stock nnd Dairy Ranches, Timber Lands nnd EoalEstato generally Offlcff oyer Golden'a Drug Btoro MARSHHELD : 1 0REQQ IMPIII tBWWI .'") I..II. IP l MRS. MAY BRICK'S BIG CLAIM "c Now York, Sap..22 The hearing In tbocateof the i'utteei of the tlo'.brook estate, in which. Mrs, FloronceMay brick has a revision! wan called today before John II. Judge, as Referee. The estate in question is that of the lato Darius Ulflke Ilolbrook. a capitalist of Mobllo Alabama, and grandfatherjof Sirs. May- brick, lit. Ilolbrook was associated with Gyrus W. Fiold, in the laving of tbo first Atlantic cablo and al&o was ono of tho promoters of the Illinois Central railroad. Ho left an immense estate and the revislonary interest claimed by Mrr. Waybrick is in excess of $2,000,000. It is alleged by the attorneys for Mrs, Maybrick that the unfortunate woman was persuaded to sign away her Interest Aa tho cctato while sho was In the Lon don dock condemned to death. The transfer, it is eeid, was procured by frandulent means. Tho properties in dispute are located in Virginia, West Virginia and Alabama and Illinoise. Tbo suits have been pending for some time and it is hoped that a final settle mentwili borosched in favor ot Mre. Maybrick by tho time sho (s tclcasid from prison next July, LAST DAY FOR PANAMA - Special ts the Malt. .; Washington, Bopt. J2Unlcse the Colombian congress stampede at the 'last moment, ' the Hay-Hcrrcn treaty will bo dead, today being tho,; final day for ratification. The department is anxiously awaiting news of Colombia's action, -'-" RAILROAD EXTENSION TO GALVESTON 1 Bpeelal te tHe Mall, 1 Corpus Cbrlstl, Texas, Eept 22 The meeting being hold hero today by the stockholders of the St. Louis, Browns ville & Mexico railroad la for tho pur poso of authorizing an increase of the capital stock ot tho company to $3,850, 000 and to provldo for the extension of l this lino to Galveston and for the ' con structing ol eaveral branches. Tho'rosd is a part ot the groat Irrigation scheme in which a cyndicate hoadod by B, JT. Yoakum is interested, Mfl-Skfr gUUIIIH il PREPARE- FOR WINTER Blankets and ComfortersTef tyououttorcold . Sheatsand Pillowcases Fall Dry Boods Sweaters and Underwear Hats and Caps - H. SEMGSTACKEN. aw ' if::. VHE-FAWrVtgR'8 (MIN. laorenne HI Lm Vnl hy Rm fW prarmnt. irollowlrtg the building of good road in n vansa1? community more than a year ngo, a farmer uudortook the task; Of finding out the exact increase of 'land vnluo brought aboat by the road, jimprovement in that section, says a writer in tho Horseman He received letters from forty farmers and the av erage price of increase was $QA& pfr acre. 1 A professor of eeeuontlcs lKKljistsi that by- Improvement, of. tlie Att tlio United States to a kntfotei softdl- tlon so they would eqrasl tho roads of otlicr nations tho land would IncFsnso on an nverage of ?7 per acre, while the avcrago ost of tho fraprovement wouW bo QlsiQ per mile. He believes that if the road) were so improved all farm ing land could bo mndo to yield a net uacresso of 70 cents per aero per .".- BAD BOAX MAKE TJCAMIXa ZXrKHJtVT, num. This applies to cereal produc tions only. The profit of the farmer is therefore less by that amount. Tho present cost of transportation be ing 25 cents per mile- per ton, if the roads were improved to an average standard of ovenneca and solidity the cost of public highway transportation would bo decreased by two-thirds, or 8 1-3 cents, which is oven less than the cost of public road trade in other com'rles. Present country rofld'condU tlo'J considered, a farmer living ten Eillei from market spands 2.G0 to haul thirty-threo bushels of wheat This load of whoat sells for about $23. Ten per cent of the total value of the grain Is therefore expended In tlio hanlhig, which is more than the thrashing and cutting combined. 4 Plural Delivery Notes 1 & It hat been discovered that the rural free mail delivery lias opened a new nnd larger Held for the circulation ot dally newspapers published In the cities. At the BatnotlnwJMHWJjtwuhHl, to increase the circulation of the coun try weekly papers. Most important among the requisites for free delivery Is one that the county so favored should possess good roads. A change In the methods of investigate Jng proposed routes for rural free dellv cry service has gone Into operation by order of roatmastcr General Tsyiw. Under the new scheme routes wilt be Investigated by states, Irrespective of congressional district lines, as hereto fore. The rural mall carriers of Oeosgia h;;vo formed a 8tato,organlratlon. The Jural dortvpry force'ln the srato num bers 465 carriers. Glnrtajr KSTrontery. V" Uncle Absalom Ashby was much plvcn to retailing, ofcl nnd hackneyed Jokes. An acquaintance of his. think ing to euro him of hlsrpractlcc, one day gnvo him n copy of '"Joo Millars Jest Book," with tho remark that ho "might find something now tn it." Tho next tlmo ho met tho ofld gentle man ho asked him, "Well, uncle, what do you think of that book J. gavo you tho other day?" ' T don't know who-thnt 'tiro Joo Mil ler Is," indignantly responded Undo Absalom, "but I do know 'no's a thief. He's got hold of n lot of my best sto ries and prlntcU 'em. cousnru him!" - Ready for use cheaper ""than you can mako them, -CftR and see tho new stock. Now and complete line just received. aThe new Fall ehlpee fn all "qualities, d i 1 1 i? - ""'X' ' ' . V l( .j , -1 "' - T -