ijms H -, s It I M V t' (? ' b 1 f f k ,, ' ' -. .- - . '" - " WOMEN SHOULD LIVE THEIR OWN LIVES By Rev. MINOT J. SAVAOE of New York 5E ideal of womnn rcaasCTniE has been AS ONE DEPENDENT 03 SUALL. MAX, developed onlv on her ecntimont sido lov ing, drooping, tender," CLIX01XG, CAKED -FOR, WATCHED OVJEK, PROTECTED, supported by soino snan. This 1ms boon tho idoal vonmn of tbo mud. IDEALS. HOWEVER. ARE THE CREA- HON OF COTDITIOXS. ambclmngcd conditions of necessity work i p tuanges in tno predominant meats or uio worm. What today is tlw position of woman in tlio family? Womnn .used' to bo complotoJjpn tho power of tho husband. In tho old days fcoj could put her tc death if ho pleased, and nobody could call it in qnwstiou. Ho could beat or nbuso hor to any oxtent. Ho could Fend her out of his home. Ho could take into that home, in spito of her wishes and protests, as many othor women as ho plonsed, and Bbchad no power'to prevent it SHE HAD XO CONTROL of her own monoy. Shohad no control of her own children. SHE WAS HELPLESS in tho hands of tho man. . . K H . But, now, tiionk God, bo far iii-n lwmnnincr to cret iust a little WOMEN" ARE BEG3XN?IXG TO ING RIGHTS OF THEIR OWX, AS H.VIN'G THE SAD, RIGHT TO STA2TD ON" THEIR OWX FEET, THINK THFJR OWX THOUGTITS, SPEAK THEIR OWX WORDS, lUXX THELR OWN LIVES, AS MEX HAVE. Woman is bo giiming to be granted that sho limy havo an interest in her own chil 'dron. Sho is beginning to attain hor majority TO 33E FREE. This is tho nttitudo that is coming in tho homo. Today thero aro a large number of occupations into which' women havo ontorcd. Thoy aro successfully competing with men. They aro doing tho work and doing it well, so that tho chnnco3 aro that if tho prcfont tendency holds wo shall havo to faco tho fact by and by tliat WOMEX ARE STAXDIXG OX 'THEIR OWX FEET, earning their own living, having hi business for theinsolvos and wHcthor they shall occupy this forced into it by necessity. "-"-Tho tendoncy is all along tho lino of tho coming of women into sc larger and freer life in politics, in religion, in tho family, as to occupation, as to education. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIETY WOMEN ARE PRESSING AGAINST THE BARRIERS, AND THE BARRIERS ARE HERE AND .THERE GIVING WAY. . The Value of Technically Educated Men By R. T. CRANE, Chlcaflo Manufacturer i M"W 7JHE TECHNICALLY EDUCATED MANUFACTURER IS NOT NECESSARILY THE SUCCESSFUL MANUFACTURER. IN FACT, EXPERIENCE HA8 PROVED QUITE THE REVERSE. I Jiavo had opportunity to study tlio valuo of technically educated men. and I havo no hesitation. in asserting that, aside from electricity, mining and chemistry, only s an extremely Email percentage of tins country's progress iu manu facturing has been duo to such education. In fact, I think it is saf o ! to eay that most of it was gained before our manufacturers know , what .technical education was. ( Much is boing said just now nbout tho-, demand by manufactur- & pjr? for graduates of toclmical schools, and.no doubt thoy aro being Vria in somo establishments. But whoro ono concern can bo found I that as Becking this 'class of holp no(doubttlicro nro nt least twenty ihat aro not doing-so. It is simply a fad. ', IF", THESE 8ANTE B0Y8 HAD UPON LEAVING GRAMMAR OCHOOC BatHaMbM y .. GONE TO WORK IN A FACTORY AND RECEIVED REAQONAUUt 'ATTENTION THERE THEY WOULDI.HAVE DEEN WORTH A GREAT D8AL MORE TO THEIR EMPLOYERVTHAN THEY, ARE AFTER GOING THROUGH A TECHNICAL SCHOOL. ' I am inclincal So think thattnoicfcet of '.theso' schools is much tho Bflmo as iu the caso of tho regular colleges and universities that is, that upon leaving them '.tho students aroso certain of their ovm- importance tliat it takes tthtam ,a long timoitoroalizo that the' havo human limitations. Qfo bo ftuccpasful in a manufacturing 'business a man rouwt pos bces not only mechanical ability,, but also exocutivo and business ability. Where ono technically, 'cducatod man is found who has made a success no doubt thoro a;ro a hundred whohavo boon suc- , cessful without such education. I KXOW ONE CONCERN THAT TRIED TWENTY- GRADUATES OF TECHNICAL SCHOOLS rAWD All TOLD ,-i'ffHAT OF THIS NTBIBER SEVENTEEN PROVED ABSO LUTE FAILURES, TWO TORE INDIFFERENTLY bUU CESSFUL rAND ONLY ONE TURNED" OUT XT0 BE 'A DE CODED SUCCESS. The 0ret Blcy to knowledge 13 V1 susowjriuui yw ntu jyuurum. uvui. Mks wls tnnn's cured ,p"-ntol)Hioa( Uiiitiiii iii 11 utvg&VM (, . I" JHflf ifl'H'il i that 1ms predominated in tho past 1 . l.i I 9r a3 tHeso things nro concomed wo civilized, at least in somo places. RE RECOGNIZED AS HAV their own bank accounts, engaging aro deciding for themselves as to position or tbat instead of being f Vatuivoar, fr- - "WOlaroltold by L4tvy that when linn nlbal mcivvnnqulHhul tho Iloiunna n tholntllo tt CftnntDttwb woipen, bcc1u tholr bod yrhoni tyioy hod mjppoaed dead ratamriftsHoodllicaKh, 'fllod tnnno-hst8teftQ0iK9sH-k. U . As Otfeet U'.V, h bntf wlttod. DbrtrB ludwdl As email ftMlutr Buffalo News, rtirtonl itHd Mental. They iotnotlmoa vow, thoto glooiuj mrs, Timt nnucht Ufa' cup can wtoi; Vtiey think thcy'rq tnainnchoiy wbtn They've murvly overeaten. . ' Wnahlnstou atrt The I'uiiUmc 1'aii. Tlio ordinary foldltiK fau to Bfttd to hnvo boon Invented 111 Jnpnil In the povontli century hy n.nntlvo hrtlat who derived the Idcu from tho way lu wutcii tho bat closes It wings. Cortre iti Mrxlco. You can't convince thu Mexicans that they don't know how to inako cotTec. They have been burning It lu tho roant. lim for several centuries, ami tho lire I cnt generation prefers It black unJ BlroQ8 Jttnirin AntmnlK. The supply of Junglo uuluinla Is uever equal to tho dctunnd. The Outllo of Lemon. Vnt mntiv ttcoulo bJop to think nbout It, but tho outsklo of n leiuon lit any tiling but dean. If yon will look at It you will hoc some tiny spots Uko enlca all over It Thcso nru the vggn of nn In poct. ami If tho lemon Is not washed they arc likely to become an Ingredient in whatever dlah tho leuiou Is used for. 4.i rTovr fllurlc Crali(Kil. Of Oluck It Li Bald that when ho felt hlnwolf In a humor to compose he hail his plnnoforto carrlwl -Into a beautiful meadow, wh re, with n bottlo of chain Rcrl Estate Transactions C D Jordan to Johu DIootn, lota 3, 4 bl 4 Bay City, f 125 Aatec Land A Cnttlo Co to Albert E Brlgbrtm,e2 of u-2 set 12 t 80 r 10. Wm U Stock to J J Stanley, lots 7, S hi "M-SL- i lot 0 sec 17 t 2:1 rl4. f80 J M 1 Swift to Mattio Swift lola IP 17 b! 7 Woolen uiill sdd to BanuOti. L M Noble to W C Music Dairy rach at Sumner. tlOCOO N K W Perkins to Chis V and Ecklp C (lurin, lota 3 and 4 bl 10 Mprtla Point, J B Pointer to Fred Mast, 0 acres In eec21t37rl3. 1000 W P lieckctt to Sylvealer Rico, 10 ocrea ew4 of nw4 jcc 30 1 27 r 13. G00 Lenia G Raker to Fred A Krlbe, ee2 of Bw3w2tfae4Eec20 t SO r 11 U S to Hobert E Wilcox e2 of eel aec 25 1 27 r 1 J 0 Shields to J D Donaldeon, ncl of Ee5 e2 of ee4 ot se I eec 12 1 2S r 13 1150 V V Ttnlima In flliim fiCOrUG Tiatt of lota 12 3 and 1 bl 23 rr add to M'field M II Dean to Andrew Linden e2 ol nel ecc 15 1 20 r 17. 750 Sarah A Wileon to L It noberlgon, lots 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 bl 73 Rr add to Maryhfield. ?S00 j! J Siinpeon to Wm Dolar, lota 11 16 bl 32 Jot 11 bl 17 North Rend L;linrlockertoM Onnd Hannah A Blnfjham 20,02 dcrea iu ec 21 t 28 r 13. 11010, M C Ringham nnd wi to W II Young, the above rarcel. f 2500 (jreat Central Lam! Go. to Peter A GufnnandlverUSpidlo.lct 30 bl 10 BanRor. $225 Wm A Ooodtnan tc'BH 'BuhjbJ 12 acre adjoining Coqullla City 730. Tfioa Wilfion to johuson, Dean & Co lot 1 block 12 Myrtle Point $300. C H Merchant to Ida P Patteifion lot 4 block R WeEtorn add' to MarBbGeld fl50. J H Kitnc to 0 1 Klmo lots 2 3 6 block 11 Bandon. F W Wep.nor to 1 6 Kaufman M of to! of B-4 eec 21 1 25 r 13, F W Wogner to R R Montgomery, e2 of nwlfiec28t2ijrl3500. Tnhn Tnnk ins In "M. U. Lp.P. e2 Of DC. eec 20 vs2 of nv tec 21 1 28 r 14, $400, Joseph I). Donaldeon to Henry John eon 10 acioH in Etc. 10 t 28 r 13, 500. . C H Merchant to II Socetackej!, euI of nfi 4 sec 27 r 25 r 13, ?2,000. E n.ect Kchnelder to JLKdIkIiI. sh4 of bw4 tec 26 ncl of nel of sec 50, k4 ol nw 4 ecc 35 t 20 r 12, $575. ' v ll Sengetacken, to Iubo C Lockhart interest in lot 1, block b Marabflold, Smith & Bengetacken block, 5,000, ",l"uu"' "" ,,v "l" " ,u"v "' t v,,iU"-1 In different colom will; rlcli jjciti bwi pntrno on olUicr sldo of him, ho wtio ; 6jivpr ,iccoratioii8 (mountings), Iticlnd Ohio to do Justice to hia.niUBc. ;.,,. x V. V. l'lioloi-rapha, Vluwa ol nrt Dim of lio Oen. Most men hoom to ho ub Ignorant tjhout the hUo of tho bob a they ar of the dlslanee between tho heavenly planets. Invention KlveH n few Inter tatlng fnotm Tho Paclllc coww (18,(XXV COO mllcM, the Atlantic 0,0()0,(KK) and Vio Indian, Arctic uml Antarctic tweann 12,000,(WO. To ntow away tho wntentH of iim l'uelile It would lw mcciiary to nil n tank a mtlo long, a nvllo wlilo and a mile deep every dny for '10 yvurfc Tut In tlguros, tho Tacltlc holds In wwlght lV18,t)O0,O0O,tX)0.O00,000,O00 tons. Tlio Atlantic avonim u depth of not qutto thriMi muui. Its water wcJirlM O2a,O0O,0tX),(MXW)0O0O tona, and a tank to contain It would haw each of ltd stdce-UlO nillea long and docvv X Drylnjr nropnratlona tlmply doteK op dry catArrht thoy dry up tho iocwUoni, whloh mlhcro to tho rnomhrnno oiul dacom tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid Ml dry. Inp liihttlanti, fumefl, nmokca and inuM aud uso that ttUIqIi cloansca, noothon and hcala. EIv'h Crcin Ilalni Is uch n remedy and will ouro catarrh or cold la tho hojul easily wid l.lcasantly. A trial slio will b mailed for 10 cont. All drugRlita sell the COo. alio. Kly llrotbore, $0 arren bt., N.X. Tho llalw enrca without wtt, docn not Irrltato or'cati.io nneeaiiff. ' It nprr&ds lUeh over on Irritated endhngry nurfaco, rellow Intj Iramodlntely tho paluful lullatainatlon. With Vly'ii Cream Halm you aro MUioi ag-ilnal Aual L'alarm anu iiay x otct. TUB niOOiai MKNBATtON KVKIirKHCBB LILIPUT Colapsnblo Pookct STOREOSCOPH APPARATUS Tho HmalloBt Steruosmpo rrlth tho etronccst optical ellcct. lUiriuy nniHUtti (Renro.i. ruiur. unm ti.. .' ovoryfvlioio niopnld In letter loi u. LILIPUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORKKST nUILDlNO, I'hlladolphla Flanagan & Bennett Bank 1)1 RECTOR? : T. R. Slicri 1I1111.J. W. Ronuctt; IMIKS.: mid. II. FlnimBBii, VICE IMIES.; R. F. Williams, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. MAESUFIELD, OREGON miUi 5S0TEL Comer f Front nnd X streets, MARPIIFIELD, OREGON, JONH SNYDER. : I '. I I ll'raprlctcr rniUS WELL-KNOWN ANDFAVOKlTh I lit 1 1CI. has luit noen nnre(y rcmicu inu Tcf :rniilcd ihtouelioui and Is again open lo lh Hiitic 1 or paironjge. ric own anu spring iniitcwi ibk uq. pfeced In almost cvry sifcpirtK room 01 wj In imic -mil ru.lil-.cr trmiiile nor iuniri&i mz hien jarcd to put everything In first-cms order. TERMS. Ikwrdan dRln;, per wee'x JS-t Uoaid.pc v.'eek 400 Sinislc Nfc ... ..... ............. 35 as m m m is a wi mm hi ei a ia V. m a n H 8 8 ?GBE PEE. D U m m B lub.nfa.' DEALER IN .GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS, VKOE TA BLEB PROVISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE REST Q UALITY. PRICES REASONABLE. FROZEN OYSTERS EVERYDAY. 1 ; : H H S M H iM !A Street, Marihfield, Ore HMMaHMIiaslBlliQlB CO YEARO' EXPEI1IENCH Thadk Marxs nrennna DnDVHICHTB Ac AnTons indlnji ikolch Mia.cloiCTlMlw ?iI quioUIr titvrlititk purewmoa iref wuenoT 00 liiroiitlqn ii prnljn I IB Ifllllinilll UDIUIIHIUI - 1- ...... t.-l.l ..uik.U ritnrrtMrilfb Uotu ttrletlr ociiUrtoiitfal. Uuflbopk on Patents ssi iikuhui 'P "'"' r . tunt Ua. uidMt Buooer for soeurtiiij ! 1 mil UOD I'nt.nU lAkco throuub Uwia A W. nCtlT WteM netm, without ehwyo, In U10 sckutific Jimenez, Khifli$mtiTint4toit&"Hr. L?!t.rli!r cumuou or hit i'S V"h T iCUT xi lour isonui, tv ivwi,nM""'j" TO&KM"!"rMWJMI wmw mtnwmmmr"wm H .-sf 1 1 l k y fTte J w ,H 1 1 M H 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 II LUMBER That is wlmt wc huvc to icll nnd wo can fill nil orders for nny nml nil kinds. The quality i.i guarautccl nnd the price is Right. OitYSt'octr includes nnythiiig.rcquj.red iu Vir, Spruce, Red ntfd White Cedniv SIMPSON LUMBER CO., -phone main i5i NORTH BEND, OR t-H-H I1MII M4 I I I M I I n I I I STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Orocon. Ttalnlnc school for teachers courses nrraiiK 1 Miwi ilia for immint' iratliMi for nil liranch ed especially for iramini; teachers for all liranch es ol the profesilon. .Nlost approved iittlhoiU for fradco and ungraded ork uiifihtln nciual district school, 'I he demand for urailuitcs of this school ns teachers far csceeds the supply The Trainlnr Denartmcni which consists of a nine urade public school of about ajo pupils is ell equipped In all Its branches, incliiduti; Lloyd .ulc I)ravlnjr and Physical 'I roliilng. The Normal course, the tcat and quickets way to Sdte Certificate, Fall lerm jns Sept. aad For eataWue or Information address or I . II. llutlc k.- I J. D. Keulcr, Secretary, President. d 39te llF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWQPAPfcHb AIsYWIiBIUl AT ANYTLMU . Ctl on or Wrtto E.C.DAKB'SADYBRTISIMQAOEHCY 04 A 6a Alercbanta' Hxcluwgo am DiiiNnvn. CAt fl4 THE NEW YORK WORLD THRIOE-A-WEEIC EDITION Read whorovor tho Engllah LaouuaKO is Broken Tho Tiitico-A-Weok World wna n brilliant biiccobb In tho belnninK nnd has beon Btcadily (,'rowins ever since, Time in the tent of nil things, nnd linn not Ita fleal of upproval on tho Thrice-a-Week World, which ia widely circulated In ovcry Hlato nnd Territory of tho Un ion, nnd wliercovor thoro nropcoplo who can read our mother tonauo. Thia paper for tho coming winter nnd tho year 1003, will mako Itu news eor- vico. If noeoiblo. moro extoiihlvo than Slaver. Allovontaof imporlnnco.nomat- km au in. wlmrn tlinv linrinnn. nrn rn- ported nccuratoly mid promptly. 'JhoEubecriber, for only one dollar a year, note tlireo papers every week nnd moro news and uonoral rcadiux than mobt great dailies canfurniah ot flvo or tix times tlio price. Tho Thrico-n-Weck-World In stbso lutoly fair In its political nows. Fur tlean biao la never allowed to affect t ncwBColumnB, and Democrat nnd Re publican nllko can obtain in its ranee truthful accounlu ol all thu great polttl cal rampnine, In addition o (.11 tho nowo, tho Thrke.a-Weok-Woild furnlehoa tho bt'jt aerial fiction, elaborate market -oporto and Other foaturcB'of Inlorout. Tho Thrlce-a Woek-World'u reuular aulircriptlou prico la only .f 1,00 por voar And this paye for lull papora. Wo offer, this unequaled nowipapor nnd Woekly COAST MAIL togother ono yenr for 2. .... . Li. Tho roRular BubBcription prico of the two paperi ia 2,6X) SESjjK H 1 Hilt' ftl t l-HII IIIIIHIHIIHI III I GIIOSSMANN'Ct PATUNT WRITING KING Thu most important tmproveiniut of tlio npu in tho art of p?iiiinuslilp mnktii tin M -rrst vrrltur n eplvtulod ioutnnn In n (ow v.ocko by tlio use ol linn ini, Etidnrvod by proiiilimnt C'o'Ioko l'rul ili'iitJ nnd Board of Kdacntlou lu Eu roHi ni.d Amurlcn, HiuimNi doron im aortod hizua tout l,(1t uid (or f 1,0 , f In itio KKinplu 25c. W hitti ordurluK n tluulo rltiK, ntnto whulhor for man, woiion or child. PUNN MPG. 8UPPLY CO. No. Ill) 8. 1'oui'th 8t, Plillntlolplthi WANTED-SEVER A L I N DU3TIH 011a portions in each atflto to travel for houeo uBtabllNhel uluvenyimraaml with n large capital, to caII upon incrclmiite and aennli for successful und pmiltahlo line, 1'ormnmuitvnjiaKUiiiout. Weekly cash salary of f 18 nnd all traveliur; ex penses una hotul blll advanced in cull eacliweek. Experlenco nnl ojsontial. Mention rofuruncu and cnclosn olf-ad-itreaacd envelope. THE NATIONAL, 3J1 uuarborn Bt,, uiiiciro. THE STEAMER ARCATA. H, fl. A;v.SfA', Matct. Will Miikc Jlnuislssr 'i'rlpa -RET WE EN- OOOS BAY AND SAN" FRANCISCO -OAURYING- PA8SEHGER8 AND FREIGHT -LOWEST RATES.", Orogon Coal & Nnvinatlon Co. Proprietoii. F.S.DOW, Agont, Mnrehfiold, OroRon S.O, CO. Auont, Empiro City, Oroaon R-I-P-A-N-S rTabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind Tho 5-cont packot lo onouli for ttaual occacions. Tho fnmllv bottlo (00 cents) containa n supply (or n year. All drug (flati Boll thorn, We promptly obtain U. B. and foreign (kind rnodel, s 1 rT vhrtti JuvHiUon tea freoreiwrtiw tiatentttUllly, Yot t tt toot IIonSoBeoureTnint UfiRlfQ OddobIU U. ft. Patant WA8HINQTON D.a iiiak'ii g