..T,W ,,,-rt. KM rSvTZv Hrtwiyw L-rjuVwr;; J VTT v jJt'V M.. ,. V. v ' . -v i"i)MHMiw -Snt-'- -VW, . ,H,, i ,. . Vjw 5", ' . Hi , . 4 - U- O K HSift 4iu Wt '. . ISKI'ftflfc f ', W JlvXLrJrVJL I WI t ' Ik f t Jv.. r "" COAST fSHU 10' K r x. mi wJBWIrrveS MLiHi. AV. rfiH.W:jMiL wr' -wtw: 'MJto.fiaiBSi " uww ' m tirm.' m ? Rarest . & &&&& cafes? $38& &Msxzw K .f fcA i.. i to VOL XXV I , EASTERN STORMS CONTINUE f l (Opcclal to the Coaet Mnll.) Camdon, N, J., Sopt. ID Tlio train reaching hero brlmis information ol tlio hurricane which struck Allantiu City early tills morning mid did a million - doling worth of dumflgu to tlio plum. Tliu bunch front Ij mined and pavil Hour washed away, Tnu debris in plied hi;;!i against tlio bench nml in front of tlio hotels, Many hotels' veru uuroofed, ftlto many homes in tlio oily. Thu tracks nroall flooded, thronlonin? sutpcutlon of railway trflflk', If tho liivy rnin cotitlouce, All wlios aro dowu. It Ik Hi a flarorott a'.crm In IhUdccado The fury of tho storm at Capo May and Atlantic City v.asat tho highest point nt 630 this morning nnd was unprrccd tinted. Tho trnin advlcJJ say CO bull J lugi woiodomolielu-d. Blinded by tho rain I'.'of. Stratton, principal of tho Pitman Orovo schools end John GlondounlnK, n capitalint of RIJk'owooiI, 'u J., drovo iuto nn ox press train entering 1'itman Orovo this nfter noon. Btrntton wus Instantly killed, and Glondcaulns critically Injured. ' PhUadelphlii, SeptWho alorm to day was terrific, ifflny bulldinfis woro unroofed and great dAinneo was done. ENGLAND WILL DP SOMETHING ;. Cpsclal to the Mali. Liverpool. Sopt, 10 Tlio Poat ascorts the stand taken by IJulgnria hns aroused tho Urltlsh Kovernwont, which will do somothiuR with n vlow to compolllntr. thosultnn todosiitfrom his campaign of crnlty in Macedonia. WASHINGTON ..RETAIL GROCERS ' (Bpaclnl to tlio Coaet Mall,) ISrti)!, Wash., Seiit 16 The nnntml ooiivautlon of tho Kutatl Qrocem' Aajo uistion of Wuolilugton, which upuncd Here today, la well attended by qromln . uilt (rootrH from various parts o? tho Wte. The bousIuiii nr to oontlnuo two 0i 8, (Turing which tiHt mtiibr of OUtiHtlons oninpnrtnucdtottio ttudo will bo disuunsed, MANAGER HOLT TO VISIT PORTLAND c : To Sue ttbout Increasing Coos Bay Stealer Service From That Point -v (Portland .Journal) VFroijj'Mdny'a Dally. v, A" K' J, Uolr, mnnngor of .thp. .California M Oregon Coaet Stbnniahip Couipnuy. 1b j expected to nrrlvo in thioolty tomorrow frotn'rjaii Franclico, It ia given out at tho local ofOco n( (ho company that Die objoct of hlo visit Will bo to inrjuiro thorouRhiy into tho Coos Jijy cltuatlon And that ho may remnln eovorcl dny. For Bomo tltuo past tliore has been more or less talk about the probability of the California & Oregon Coast Steam ship Company pulling on a now etcamor to ply between Portland and Good Zay, and it is mrmised that Mr. Holt's visit liorc nt (his tlmo may havo eoriiDlliInij to do with that contemplated project. At present Ccos JJay has no direct steamer connection with this city, al though tho Alliance, Despatch and Prcntlsi stop lhcro on their way down tho const to Han Francisco and alio ion their return voyaco. Uurincso men nt tho i ovoral Ccos Day towns htuo long contended that this aerrlco was iuado qualo, and at various tlmos hivo cn deAvorcd to induco tho Culifornia ii Oregon Com pony to tiut another bont to tun no farther eou'.li than thoir section. In othor words, thoy wonted n regular lino entublishoJ bolwoen Portland and Coos Hay. Ihocompnuy hns inlimul cd all along that Just as soon as tho butlncrs Jtutiflod it tho trado would bo lookeil after in the proper manner, and hinted that such a boat might bo put on tho run next spring. ' iiccostly now industries hnvo been opened up at North Uend, ono of the most thriving towns down there, and it la believed that the company is prepar ing to put on tho talkrd-of lino much eoonor than tho general public believes. Among tho manufacturing cnlorprites which have been started there is a large ihisii ami aoor mciory, aimosi mo enure product oi wlilcu will be snipped to the L. . .. ..... . . ., ..... J.... . .'that the ranks of tbo insurgents ase b eastern marxets. ii me uaiuoroia ec i Oregon Coast Steamship Company can Ing "' "celled, and a clash In securotho output of ths fnctorv to.SfllonIc provinco Is hourly expected. bundle, (hero is no doubt thnt n steamor will bo put in commission very soon be tween Coos Day and Portland. The product can bo sont here and sent East,' by rail moro cheaply than by sending! it to San Fralucleco for reshipment. It Is believed that manngor Holt Is iu quiring into this matter. Tho cow steamer, traffic men say, would always securo an outward cargo of general mer chandise from Portland, but the (11(11 culty horotoforo has boon to get freight for the return t Ip, MEXICAN VETERANS' CONVENTION Cpeolnl fo tho Mai', IndianapolU, Ind , Sopt, 10 What will in all probability bo tlio InBt of tho natiounl convontlotiH ol thoMoxican war Tobrnno began in Indiaiinpolia today. xuero mo icca innu -i,ifuu oi iuo votornns left out of n total of ll'J.OOO. and tliov aro dying at tho rate of moro than 1,000 yonr. Among tbo moat prominont unrvlvors nro Gun. Jiunoa Longetreet of Qeorgia, Geu, Simon Itlllvar Buoknor of Kentucky, Col. W. F. Cloud of Missouri Major S. P. Tufts of Illinois and Gen. Low Wallaco of Indiana. Bavenal ecoro of the vuternna wero ao. aotnbled in tho etato capltol this niter- j noon when tho galuorlug was called to order by N. T. Ogdou of Cincinnati, piesldont of tho national association. Lettors of good will woro rnad from President KoosovoH und from tho Gov omora of Boveral states.., Tho session will continue through tomorrow, Tho association has no business to transact oxcopi ma election ot oiiicors, ami tno i convention ia entlralv lu tho nature of n reunion, MARSHF1ELD, COOS COUNTY, OREGON Sept. 1& PRESIDENT . . 'GOES TO AN.TIETAM (Opeclsl to the Coatt Mail.) ' Oyster Hay, V. Y Sept. KP-rreai-deut Itooiovelt, aacompanleU by his rccrolnry nml eevera) secret eervice c(H com, Icarus his homo today to ttttonil tho onvollltiK of tho Nov Jersey slato inonumont nt Antlotnm. The ceremony Ih tn tnke nlnco tomorrow and the PhhI- drnt ifl to be Uio principal tpcalftr. This lo to no tno jam trip oi Air. i ootcvcit until ho Ipkvci Sajauioro Hill oil his it turn to WaBhi.-tclonhlch. it 1 expect ed, will be about a week hence) RUMORS OFWjAR Bulgarians Aboufto do Business (Gpeclal to the Coast Ma CoDslantInople,Rept, 17 The' aT'orto Is informed that 4000 Dalgarkaf jtre pre paring tc croca the wmIwh ;fretW-et Dulgarla into -Turkey. If 4b Ir .preves true it will mean the actual begtaalng of hostiUtics. 8ofl(( Balgarfa, Sept 17-R-porl show Ban Francisco, Sept. 17 Jt IsrcporteJ on tho streets that tho Call has changed htt Ejwnayor rbphin ,, lha , jmibuncur uuu iuiii hid urak yvjiuvui was mado yesterday. The sew owwr takes possession October 1st. London, Eopt. 17 An, unooaflrmed report on tbo stock exchango this after noon is to the ofloct that a foice of Bul garians havo crossed the frontier. COUSINS CAN'T WED (Special to the Coast Mall.) T)ntrnlt. Mini, Knnl . 17. A niimho. of moasuroa pnused by the last eoesion of thoMichignu Btctolcclelaturu beenmo Inwa today. On J of the now laws pro hibits tho mnrrlngu of first cousins. COOS BAY'S ADVANTAGES. How They Impressed a Recent Ylsltor. -i' T.",'- From Wedneaday't Dally. M'. ' Wo clip tbo following from a letter In tho Oregon fan vrltten by B, F, Mulkey, presldont of tho AehlandNoraaal School who recently visited this seotlon. It shows tho impression made on aa- nbl asscd and lntollignt out eider by tbe fact's which aro go (amtliar to dome of our own citizens that they can't seo their forc'b, Mr. Mdlkeylw'yhl klA Glttnce at a map of the Western coast of America shows that only in Unco or fodr places in 1500 miles of coast line nre thoro in dentations in the rude mountain wall where vessels can find tafe baron, After San Francisco, the;noath of tho Colum bla and Puget gound, Cooa Buy harbor ranks in importance. There harbor open ings aro or will bo terminal points ior transcontinental railway linpe, where fleets of nhipe will if. raady Iq carry tho prodnclsof tLo empire behind tbo moun tains and return with the goods of far coantrlci, Cooi Bay "will become the home of a largo city.gf Nature has da creed it. Thonh her eoil were of gran ite, yot would she bo tlio firm tupport of a commercial city hero ship and rail meet, forming en unbroken highway be tween New York-and the Orient, With Inexhaustible coal fields adjacent, a con venient harbor stretching away acrcer the bar to the deep sen, Coos Bay will become one of Oregon's centers of cam merco and manufacture. MONUMENT DEDICATED (Special to the Coast Mall.) Hagerstown, Sid., Sept., 17 Tho handsomo monument erected to ihe memory of tne New Jersey troops who foiHtbtan'd fell on the battlefield! of AnlletaroVas dedicated today with iai- preMlve ceremonies id tne presence ol President Rootevelt, Governor Murphy, Senators Ketd and Dry den and other prominent men o! New Jereey and n number of citizens of Hagerstown and vicinity. President Roosevelt delivered tbe principal address. RAILROAD STRIKERS Tie Up a California Line ' (Special to the Coaat Mall.)' Ban Francisco. Sept. 17 A genoral strike of tbe employes of the California & Northwestern Railroad was inaugura ted this morning. All tho employes aro involved including freight hnndlorr, ofllco men and furry men, u total of -10'J. Tho immediate causn was tho dUchnnr.i of a night watrhiran hecaueo of h( memborship in thh U, B. R. E. Ke:y. thing along tho line ia at n standstill. PHELAN ' BUYS CALL (Special to ths Coast Mall.) San Francisco, Sept 17-Much damage wjb done to shipping this morning by a typhoon on thu south cot6kof China. At llougkong tho ator.mcr On Slug Vo enpaiwd off tho Loiooou peninsula, and nil aboard porished. Tho numbar in cluding paEeongora ia estimated at a hundred. Many coaatrea wovo wrecked. Foatful Odds Against Him Bedridden, alono and dentltute. Such, in brief waa the condition of an old soldier by namo of J. J, JJafens, Yer eqUob. O. For yeara ho -was troubled with Kidney disease and neither dootora nor medicines gave him relief. At longth he tried Eloctrld Bit torn. It put him on hla foot in short order and now ho testifies, "I'm on the road to com plete recovery." Beat 6a ea rtb. ior"Llver and Kidney troubles tpd i dl forms oi htoniach and liowel Cnrnnl alntH. only 50c, Ouaranteed by Jno. P roaeit, drdg-!j glBt. 1903 airis MARYLAND DEMOCRATS IN CONVENTION (Special to the Coast Mall.) B.iltlmore, Md., Kept. 10;' Tho Demo catic state convention to be held in this city tonitrht will b? In tho naltirti of h lovafeait with plenty (A musii; and speeches by prominent leadorn oi tho Early. The work of the convenlinn ban etn mapped out beforehand. Tho re cent prirnamlos n:nke certain tho nom ination ol Edwin hi. Wntflttld as candi date for Governor, Nominations for Comptroller and Attorney uoueral like wise havo boon screed uuon and only await the ratification of tho convention. FIERCE ' STORMS DevastateShippingon Atlantic China Goast Visited by Typhoon (Speclat to the Coast Mall.) Datsarlscrtta, Maine, Sept. 17 Two wrecks occurred at Tomaquin point this morning. One was tbe fllsblng schooner (leorgo Kdmands of gloncseter. Fourteen of the orew and the captain were drowned. Two members of the crew were saved. The other waa the Ashing schooner Sadia and Lillian, wrecked a short tlmo afterward. The body oI the captain waa recovered. The exact number of the crew Ma not known. Itia belli red that 10 in all were drowned, New York, Sept.. 17-Police boats pa trol this morning counted 1G0 wrecks , B MAGNES & MATSON HEADQUARTERS FOR UNION MADE GOODS NO. S3" between IJell title ami Nj;io.'rf poln, while In Jamaica bay pao than oifi hundred boats were capitgjJ and beached. Fifteen yachU aro imJiore at City Iiland. In Gravesend bay, .IJ yachts were torn bde from their mer- isg akd wrc clceJ. Fifty beats wore wr2.kid btwe A Berth Amboyand Commnnihaw. The bIklieadFR. C.)ny Iiland And Rocki way were carrhxl awr.y. I'o-Juls "ale ,g the Jereey shore report damage, New York Sept. 17-Tbe death Ur-t of " yesterday's hurricane khovraU') dead and some fatally injured. A score of railcm are missing. Tplegrarhic com mnnicatians aro restored, ami the liit will undoubtedly be iaercafed. Several fishing vessels entered port this afternoon and express jcrave fearn for the fleet. Five men are known to have perished, by being; swept over board. A number of dories were out with fishermen, noae 'f which are Ik- lieved to have survived, Of the Hoet of 28 dee early this inoir ing, eight had arrived up to ono o'clock this alternoon. Fishermen bellevo that the eciiooncr biinehine, with 10 ftberd foundered early in tbe storm, as she dlt-. appeared. Norfalk. Na. Sept. 17 Tho British steamer Mexican a turned tur.te at tea Tuesday night in- the etorm dfdio emit, OI the crew ol 15 officers and bim, only one was saved. He at rived today and told his story, Tli9 sailors was rescued by tbefrteam er Rockby, which found bin off cape Ilatteras wearing a life blt and astride a portion of f'a Mexlcana'd brldgif. QTho wrecked vessel was a ptrc4lnm carrier boand from Philadelphia to Vera Cruz;. The tailor eavt be wa'fl struck by tho Imrriaase alxret mldalglit THwday, attd shortly alterwarda Ure4 .tartle. lie waa on deck and aoizjd a life pre server. When be arose from -the whirl pool canted by the sinking of tbe steaaj- er he got aboard piece of the bridge drifted abwut lu the vic.nlty tintll fie waarefcued. Tho sailor is a Spalnanl and was turned over to the Spanish consul. KING PETER, . REPORTED'. .. ' A9c$8SlNATED Special to the Mair. " New York, Sopt. 18 The slock ticker sends out the follovrfnir: A London dispatch has n report from Parla which it is claimed restK on pnod siuthority. which spya that Kin:; Poter of Servi, has been cssastinntQl. qIiMMMa T m i t iwmiii ill wawi " ' 7. .. ; y -v . ' r" . "a -aMWatft.uMy.f iK4