tWWTSv W M5tti.'! i -V '' aifiiwii'i .. 1 1 W4 ');. 1 -Liu !' 11 Ai.t Family Reunion A titif m ol iho S.nAlt Utt.tly wi hrhl nl Smith's rnnch on Dttuhde crv k Wat night. About 25 membiusof tho taint, ly attended tlio reunion ninl it wao a mot pi civ A nt evening for those in attend ance. . - . Funeral Services llio funcml o( .Mis Km mi Knitter will Tlio dlloniH-f nlirtft wh biln 1 tnk )lncv totiAy ut 2 p m, and thu le- Frorrt Sunday's Dally. About '.'.) Oltintiiin'it nt rived on the Alliance (or the Uaudon tannery. Mls .Tcn h Jim"i nl Hamea flomih jWs hi town ntfftfy topping. nt Ntib II ml w Kwtu'hi'il last bight at seven o'clock Godfrey Sstrohni, whohas been having a sIge of serious illness 'has nearly re covered his usual health. y ,M. t'jHWiord i .lUvlnghJshoute hM K-odi from South Marshtleld to Eitttport. wher hu has rented a hotiso Wm. Woodward, who h n I ten elash Jne.brnah lor J. B. I vis fo- the psl two tnonthf, flnWhed th- Job yesterday. maing wM bo burled in I O.U K. cem etary. Funeral service will bo condncl wl doin the 1 1 oust) by Rov, F. W. Strange Friends of tho (amity aro invited to at tend. For n toll ons attack tk Chamber iMn'- Stomach and Liver IViImI a and m ipurk cure is certain. For sale by J no. I'reuts. rorn Ixieidiiy'a pally. C'i.j TiVnirr Ih.lley WAitmnong th d u(runi tho county aeA'Sui'iday; 'I'lie Signal ciuno luyostordajV hho will take, oh a cargo of lumber to Ban lrni'ico. J.'r WtynnaofMyrlle Point lo spend- i f- dai in liuhiidvleltlim ' itiiMiiicrif. Mr. and Mim K. U. Flanagan return wl Monday from a trip to tho l'ugot Sound country. E. 0. I.e6 rrturneil Monday from a few days1 business trip to Myrtle Point on limitless lor tho Grissou Music Co. C. H. Merchant, tho South Marsh feold usrdlnur, was out last evenlttp picking string boace for lift dinner" today. ' .. ' Tough: "0 Henry, don't cut your pie with a knife." "KUra. you ontfht to bt be thankful 1 don't call for a 'can-opener. Cbicapo Record. Il Is said that nearly 200 pooplo wont tlshing up Coos river 8unday. So far as heard trom three trouta wore caught, t in Tbo Cruiier lowed the James A. Gar field e&terday mm Porter whoto she has bten loading a carco of ijnittr, bank 'o the railrovl dock whero stie will finish har cargo. Travel bj Sea Departures for Fan Francisco by Areata, Aug, 30 J Rohrabacker, Mrs. Kohrabacker snd child, Mrs A I.w, Mrs Bedford, Chas (Sneddon, Ota Baxter, Mrs Chas Baxter. Josjpli Yutto and wife, Jlra Cailender child, F Moser, Jesso Lob, YY Smith and wife, J L Koontzo, N C Bowcn. Arrivals from tho north by Alliance Aug. 39: D Dryer, C Dryc, Mra Ettle Fa'rchiid, J E Christenson, Miss S Cor Ion, C II Brown. G P Story. J S Kelso, ! , . , ,, . . . u ' . ' " I J. it. Quick won in Inun ornr Kunilnv Ixiok at tho first page, and you will tfo why wo warned you a week ago 'that it you would keep your eata opeu you might hear something drop. Uenjutnln F. Mulkoy, Trosldcnt of Southern Oregon State Normal School, at Ashland, la epeuding a few dayu ot tho Bay. Mr. Mulkoy Is delighted with tho country. Figure In' the Advertising: World 'in- lun-rtMiIng fuclh uiu brought to tMi light by the'death, not long ago In Ulilim, uf tho friinlous Aunt Jumiina, im nged iiegron. Aunt .leintnirt, whose real name was Moody, was eeut by the Ciitind Statu to tho I'arlu Kxpoititlou to doiiionsirnto tliu use of cottimcnl in fnk'nu. Finni i stiiall Infilling, more I'xpeilenned linn. nHiur.'d, Aunt Heml iim's warex noon liecaiuiiMi populm that her kitchen was crowded with house wives, from peasant to, royallty, who canto to tako lecsons. After the expo sition was over, "Aunt .leinlum" waa feted by royalty, on her return United Slates Commissioner of Agriculture pay. ing her tho compliment of n public re ception at which sho was presented with a ijo'd tncdnl. PflcUlcTrintcr. m- M 444S . Knsil CiiUrrli nuloklr yleliiii lo trcaU incut by'u CronDl llnlin, which Is n(jroo nlily aromntlo. It is rocoWod through UU noMtrlls, clonnsea and hoals tho vrholo sur. faro oror wlilcli It diiTlisoa Itsolf. UrugyliUi suit tho 60o. ir.oi Trjnl rice by mall, 10 coula. Test It and you hro euro to coullnus Uio treatmont. Annouifconiont To ncoomtuodnlo thoso rlio hro partial to tho tiso of atouiUora In applying liquid into tho imnal paeitn(0R for (atarrhnl irou. bltt, tho proprietors proimr Crtamllalm in iipilit form, wiiloii wilt no known no jura tna I.lnuld Cruam llnltit, l'rlio iuoludinft pniylug tutM) U 7u cants, lmiggiau or by mull. ThA liquid form embodies tho mod. iclual properllw of tho solid itoparatiok. TIMllKU LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United .Sulci loiiul Ollice, Kottburg, Oregon. ituy 8, ipov Notice lihrrcliy glim tlmt In cumill.iiiii) wlih the nrovliloni of ilie ntl of CpngtcJi of June 3 187a, ettllilrd "An net for Die tl of iIiiiImt lands In tlir KlaiM ol Ciilili'rnl.i, Oregon, No vatlrt, ami Waihliigton Terrllory," n rxirnild to nil tho iHibllo UiikI Mlet by act of Aunutt 4. 189. WILLIAM RTINNIJK of Kotetmrg. county of UongLn.SjmieofOrc jnn, tut thistlity hint In tlilt ofllcc hit iwjrn HMcninil Vn .m ,.. tft.K ...... 1... . .. ., . k( .. Cully Druhot leaves lor Bnndon this tiiwrlerof Section No. 30, Towntlilp 16 South. morning whero ho will Join thn pennant ,nX fiST, ,hK,KhT., mo.V "JX l winners, who will go to Humbolt to nlay I '" ,lml,'r,or stona than for agiiciilturn pui. ,,,,,, ' I Pot, and to titabllth his claim 10 Mltl Untf i tho Humboldt Stars, Druhot Is a valu-' fo' the Krgitter and Krcclvtr of ihit ofhco nt able .cqulritlon to tho Bar.don team and ' St&C 8"Untar' ,lw M " ho will ,ol. ,,p ,, end. Ills departure' ,"$ VteS.S.M2 Irom Maffliflehl, is regretted hv his, lngntiil Irank l)ng, of Clcvchml, Oregon. ,.. , , . . , . ... ' Any ami all persons claiming nilverrv the many friends here, but ho says he will wve-deritwtrLn!snieniiurte.l tofila ihrir comeback. Cully la perhaps thn best ' Spcmtr?.'5oj 0" "' Mn "" ""' 8 ik r.r Ikll Trxl m . .. IWYERS EXCELSIOR BRANt OILED CLOTHING SUCKERS mrjrk. ivyiv ...........i 1. tu .. m rvt j Avbv tt it" wi inir JfTMtot.fVvaX ( HI 'VdBsTisVH TM ! ,h llM-ll ml I XSFWBtoi V M k,l,i 'i"1 " ' ""'1 I (i;inlPKf csV.'inlsl '' " !' "'" M: m HrrvK ISHf nM '""' 'I " ' ' E VsIlX 2!tlLmmW. ' Mr KiHitiiSriUriiilil4 I yyJSmWfScrM sintuM so ft, fcZTnt-t tivOimw i xrr., Ki if Jtmm mUwh, mm. a WnHHWMMHMMMMHMsi SCIRE FEE. ' swm DEALER IN OI(0('ERIES FREHII KKUITd, VKOB TA IU1K8 PROVIHIONH, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE REBT ()UALITY. PRICEH REA80NARI;E. FROZEN OYHTERS EVERV DAY. : : l JA Street, Mar Illicit), Ore Andrew Peterson, of Eaijtire, is a pat sengcr on the outno'-ng Alliance for C V Sfornia, and may Ha) in that Hate il finds a place that suits him better that, Croa Bay. Stomach Trouble "1 have been troubled with inv Mom a'ch for the pM I nr yearn." wye D. L. Reach, of Clovt-r Nrxik Farm. GrjictifieM, "A liw ilAtsago l was inuucen 0 S Crocker, N J Weiler, P H Johnson. Thos I Smith, Wm L Hicok, A J Brown J E Levr, J Lehner, J V Hayman, C A Moore, Mrs D Lomas, Delia Lomas, Mary Lomas, II Glenz, Mia Glont, Bertha GIenz,'Jennle Krnger.'J A Poyce. C Peterson, S Peterson, U Peterson. C Timmona, G II Brarey, W F Kaufman. Te outgoing passengers on the Al ianco sailing south Aug, 23th: Dr and Mra Sneli, Gabriel Joppas, F II Curry, Axel Andereon, W D Leahv, J 0 Gaff ney, A T Maxwell, Henry Weider, Miss Mias Esterboyd, Richard Roberta, J no'. L Nelson, T R Burroughs, B N Holcomb, Miss Millie Grey, Waller Honer. War ren Da7ls, Mr and Mra Chaa C Jobnaon, o see the ball game, etc., returning yesterday to his work at Emmett Pierce's camp on tho north fork of the Coqnillo. Ho reports that they have put in about 2700 logs this seaton.ol fino old giowtu timber. MnsB. to bur a b-x ol Cbamberlin's Stomach and Livcr,T.bleiB I have taken part J Mrs E P Lewie, Mra Messerable, Miss c( them and ft el great deal better. n, 1 If you have anv trouble with your etom-, Phoebe Tjirson, Miss Jt Bold, Mra ach try n box of thew Tablots. You are Huffman, Mrs 0 S Davis, Mra IV L Kist- Price 23 cents. For sale by Jno. Preues. ncr. Mra E BoJfd. Mra Hite, A Peterson, Geo Camman, Mra Gaylord, Mra K A Day Truth's echo: "Good men, you know Mr and -M" w A Wooliever, Mr and aro acVtce." "Ye, I kno. and even' Mre F A l'tton, Mrand3fraJa8 Honer bad men bavo to makethcmselvea eo at- Mr and M" Sldae7 Ta Wyck Jr. .Mra Chaa, W. Wise, a young man of Deca tur, III., arrived in Marshfield Saturday. He is looking over Marshfield and Coos lLtyand is pleased with its prospects audtlimate. While malting his short stay be will visit his friend, J. Montgomery. ball player ct his positions that ever entered Coos Bay. 33: J. T, llHitr.t, Ke;ltcr. CARD OF I HANKS Pobert Kruger and family wish to thank their neighbors and frienda for the. kindness and sympathy shown in their late bereavement. R-I-P-A-N-s Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind ThoGcant paekut is ouougli for usual I The smallest Sterecycopu with tlm l innunr. t iiu ininiir ootiio su cents """"koiv optical eiiect. iiigiuyiin iMiiiuiii iiFtippi iora year, a 11 tirug- uiimrcni coior witu ricii gists sell them. silver decorations (mountlnirx). ing SO V. F. Photograph. Vlewa of art Ugenro.l. PHIOK ONLY l 00. tfi-it everywnoro prepaid in letter tot u AGENTS WANTED. LILIPUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDINu, Philadelphia TIIR lltU(lttSTHKSStTION KVKitrwitKite LILIPUT 1 u u 1 11 11 ts 11 n 1 u mir rcr - n. -BTElillOSCOIMI APPARATUS- mtyaSMi4MiJ afl4 f YOU WISH 70 ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS AJtYWriniUl AT AJ"tVTtKB -.ll .. - IU.II. gE.C.DAKE'S ADYERTISIRQ AGENCY ? 04 ft 08 Alerchanta GxcliMBe S!,B!iypotalBLior Nasal CATARRH In 4ll Its sUgt tho tboald t eleanUstii. Elj'a Cream Ilalm tletDM, ooth and btt!s IL Um&1 istmbru. 1 1 cart ckUrrb tuiii drlTM way a cold la tb h44 qalcklj. AVflP ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Nmlru Is hereby uiven that the under HEADQUARTF.RS FOR I! 10 II GRADE MQUOKH CHOIOE WINES AND PURE RRANDIEH. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEE Blgncd has been apiKiinted atlmiulstra- "PavytilvJ fTj-J,.-- cii -i j trix of th ...i.iii nin.itri w raw.iiy Ardors GDohotted. . . ,. -.- - .. ..,,..v -.. vi'iiii'v nivi- - .u.,..UIUIp.KiiBH,ul.nonnii,(prai aon. eci'ASMl. IjV i in CimiiiIv iroitri l TsrlhaBmbrsaaBBdUabMitwd. lMUtUln. Cooa County, Oregon. And sill lu-rMiris SOLE, 11 im uijioj-uu,, liaVltlg ClrtllllH HgUtnSt tlmea." Boston Record. Ole Peterson, of East Marshfield bronght his six-year-old son Henry over to Dr. McCormac yesterday, for titit ment of a f ractore of the left ra L4ch waa broken while at play. and Xfrs.F B 3Iiller, Mr and Mra R S Tyrefti.;. Convert Makes Restitution A Tery consclentioua man In Eugene vbo bud jstt bten converted bad b teitchtas of heart and tbroa years T, . , , . . .itr pettiuj away with a pencil becomea E, A. Eiekwortb, the earpeatr, will ' , , , , I rexenUnt and writes the Eugene mer commence tornorro-zaorciaz tbe xoric ' Chant snd rtnrnp thp rtnr wifb thn J j . mmi mm am ft W tj m v4 m ft X fe iv. S ft m v aT rm h ft ft - Waltcra brick, enlarging the 3(agneect Matson store to ttie foil width of the Tho Czarina brought In a cargo of freight from San Francisco yesterday. - o. 1 Tree Across Track The train to Coquille was delayed yes terday by a larjo trco that had fallen across tho track not far from that point The passengers got out and walked to their destination, while the trco was cut out and the train got through about 2 o'clock and reached Marshfield about -1. mill ttniftti. .. totpfJaeaaDMlnjt. Urj Mia, 60 tita at Dra. horoby reniilrfil to present thmn 'will, ,,l,v,i!.l?15,0eD'J''llv t,,u "rl,,r "olier, to m... at th.i oIIIuh .'.rUKOTUJtafl.C4V,'atui .VtwTct. 0f II A, j. i M-,.l,fl..M '-.- Cointy, Oregon, within six months from tills date, Dated this 1st d.ty of August IKKI. Ida P. I'atkhmmv. Ailmlnlstratrix of thu eslnie of Char.'is tV, Patorson, deceased. , THE STEAMER ARCATA AOhNT FOR THK flRATED CELI- building. F. II, Kernohstn, of the Equitable Baviugs and Loan Association, of Port land, Oregon, is in our city working up a . clianetge. He represents one of the strongest saving West, institutions in, the R. A. Johnson reached home yester. day from Boawelt 8pringa which he vis ited in search of relief from reuma tism. Hu found what he went after, and is enthusiastic in his praise of the medicinal qualities of the springs. The Dyspeptic Ho dined, not wisely, but to well Hence all his ills; And nothing now agrees with him Excepting pills. Smart Set. price thereof: Mr. Frank Dunn, Eugene, Oregon: "Dear air: About three or four years ago I was in your store and saw a blue lumber markers' pencil on ono of your counters and took a fancy to it and stole it. About five months ago I waa con verted and the Lord made it plain to mo that I must make restitution. En closed you will find the balance of the pencil and 10 centn in stamps. Fleaso forgive me. "Your humblo servant, If the ordinary editor were to become converted and had to mako restitution for all the pencils that came into hia possession, which some other fellow owned, he would be in a plight. This may be the reason so many editors never make reatltutiona after becoming convortsd. This load must bo an aw ful ono to carry, yet most of them carry it silently to the grave. . Unclaimed Letters List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Marshflold Oregon Post Office, Sept, 1st 1003. Persons calling for the samo will please say advertised and pay ono cent each odvertise1 lettor called for. Andereon Jas E, Anderson Mra G, Allen Clarence, Arsbrld Mre, Bailey V, BridgeaMiia Andry, Urann Mra M, Chaeo R C, Caosen Eugone, Cox JameH, Cummina Jas, Pemmin Charley, Dion Mrs Kate, EdolmDn Jim, Ellioti Mrs Marguerite, Foster S L2, Glenn. Vivi an I, Hagadone Jae, Hazzard Mr, Hindi Mrs J B, Htlvcrdtool R J, Hooly John, Hughes MrH M B, James Harry, Johiiton Waldermere F, Larson Carl O, Lund Andrew, Matthews Chas, Mitch ell Fred. Nabb Ed 2, Payson E A, Reld C C or E E, Ricbarde B W, Byrlng II Hermann, Spencer Chas R, Sealy Geo M, FresBler Mr, Yarbrough Fran cis, Weaver N H, )Vipg p J, 2 Wilson Howard. Wilahlro G W, Willlama W G. "W. B. Cdiitih P. M, Jl C. XHLftOXf Mantel. Will .TIuKr ItcKulnr IVIj BETWEEN COOS B.A.Y AND ' WANTED-SEVERAL INDUSTRI- ' oua porionn in each state to travel for houso established eluveti years and with , a largo capital , to call upon merchant and agonts for succerMul and profitable line, Permanent engagement. Weekly QJ A AT T?l? A XTfl TCf A cn,h l7.l IW nti all traveling ex O-fi.ll l1ltAllUl5vU pe,nsea antf hotel bills advanced in cash .,,. M0,'.?rct'k ,:xPf'nco not rtsenMal UAKKilftu Mention refereucti and enclofe self-ad- PASSEHGER8 AHD FREIGHT iSi &.",. Coh.i!S'."A",",A'" RAINIERJEER Fiinilly ortlcra for Pom, pints oik quarts, ili voroil by tho case. Robert Marsden. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front nml A slrreU, MARSHFIELD, OREOON, l I :Froprlet r JONH SNYDER. : : -AT- - LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal A. Navigation Co., Proprietois. F.B.DOW, Agont, Marshqeld, Oregon S.O. CO, Agent, Empire City, Oregon Allegany, Myrllo Bank and Myrtle Grove schools are to havo n picnic at PijMjr'a grove, Sept. fi, 11K).. Music, songs, recitations ami n spelling contest are tho Amusements, with d basket lunch. Flanagan & Bennett - Bank ' DIRECTORS : T. If. Shori tlaii, J. Uiiiiiiett; PREH. : nml. II. Fliiniigiiii, VICE I'RES.: It. F. Willliimir, fA SHIRR. Capital; $50,000. MARSHFIELD, OREGON rr,i!.iX?I!,',KN0WN ANIJKAVORri h ", .? V'!' ,n J Iwn entirely refilled .mil rellirnlWirtl llirotlirlioilt anil linu.ilnnrvn ,.. !.. , public for tMlroiMHe. wewDeili antt aprlng nuitresiei Imve btcr. i.t..raj in ainiou every alcrping tfx)in of till louic and ncitlier irouble n r expmn luc bcei rtd 10 put everyihlrig In lirst.chui order. TKRWH, Iloattlan ritflric, (xrueek Ikwrtl.pc week 4u0 singia Mr a . . . . , ;;;;; a 1 been STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Orocon. Training achool for tt-ncliers courtes nrranc. til fjpccully for training leathers fornll branch. ei of the nroIeMlon. Moil nppiovril metliotli for gratleil ami ungraded work l.tiightln iiclnnl , illitncl sclioul. Ilietleniaml for gnttlnatei of i .V.1,' .f.'l0;jl n' lc!'-'"?r excerdl the liilirily, I I he I raining I.iririi'-ni which conilu of u nine gradu public school of 4f,but3so put It. t , well coulppeil hi all lu J,rniiche including 1 1 ' k. "" . "MW,nK, cn I'liyMiMl 'Iminlnij I he Normal coihms, If.V.I-ciland qulcleu way 10 .St tlr Crrlllicnle. K.ill ii-rm iu .l s.. - ..1 For catalogue at information ittlifa I). Kewlcr, I'reildenl, irMaWlBraiialaa f IliM , JL ygatSX .'l!. mmmmWWX'' WLWWfiM . LaaaaaaaaaaaaaB V" 'WI MDPvwi aW mV JWbmMbjbjI tWfaamsVHHHI jUHWlilS the Quick, Sure Cholera Cure jaynes . Asovcrdga tad am(tii latillMt nmciy CARMINATIVE? for Crmfy, Diarrhoea, Dx?atry, Ckqleri Morbos. RAJ'.SAEI W protnUly obuln U. 8. and fcttlga l-TLJ-JHJ af'1l1alaM cM!ti or pnoto cj invnuon to inti nuxtel.ikctcli or photo ol lnvnUon tor . .uivrt uii liill'lllULiii , limy wwecuro , l'Mcnm and LHi(illllJ 'PPOSlie) teimmszs&s&d or j 11. iiutier, J. hccrelary, taHHFTnATMAi ADVlIFrnSHVSQ MAN ( CopvhwmtsVVc. 1 ' .? any rcoponiibJ'j ltounft. f. rvmmmsM. . nffxtmi .-i:f-is.; Anront itnOlna a iktlrh nil (tcirrlptlon mr.7 un raic upinion frco wuoiu.r an robstilrpMtntnbla. ComuiBiilrir iiillitmillnl. Ilnmlbortkort I'ltmila out fr. UMeit niioricr .toiourtiiir pounti- iann itirouuu uunn & ca. rir liirontlnn li lifOUalilrhittfitribl. Comui int. iiiumuooBun i-j Zi tpttUU iwll, without cLurne, Ui tbe l'taw taktn Scktttifie HmcriMi'. AhiuiiUomlrlllaril wklr. f.itftur.nir. iwUUoa a( nrfalaliao Journ.J, iTwin'IS m&m'i fourpioiiHu, l. gold by all. 1a. 'tiWmmmm Wr m "t.-MW R 11 B1 m M Q m H M S M a i Wl KHMu t 'jt j - 1 v.'A ' m l.4 11i ?IriliK iStzmw ii.i 1. rs'ffmw' " -.- -, " -kto: -ff- , m . , 1'-T - f. rj tJfe 1 4 1 I