ntel&te$sm !i r m(mt"ii0i. UUw - ' - v. WlCsilM' f rfcf r I fcfe iiip am -fiwwfiiM tininwywyiw ". I4 U l V 'A WEEKLY COAST MAIL TELEPHONE, MAIN 45T. faitnC In U Postofflcf at NaisMUIu", as SccnQ Class Hatter. COOS BAY PUBLISHING CO., ii i u II ' ' ' " P. C. LKtfAK, F. X. HOFER, Editors and Managers G. W. WOODWARD, Foreman, I.nsaed Kwy Saturday, Terms: In Ad t.nes, r.3a Year, t.oo Six Months. DA.1LY: 2y mail, fer advance payment only, 30 dents a month; 4 months for $r 00. When not paU In advance the price, is 50 cets per month, straight. Issuea sefy morning except Monday, The Rural Telephone N'iehbota not to fnr from Lero Pat in telephen i hut year. Farmers built a rural line, Instrument all "talked up" fine. AH you. had to io was ring Every loll went ting-a-luiR; One tor Swanton, two for Bopge, Lom and al.o;t calls for old Serosa. Every neighbor bid lus cll, Twht the crank and that was all. Mighty nlea whon work was through To cofsip for an hour or two With yonr neighbors ono by one, Mighty nice but lota of lun When you hear some othei two Telling whit was not for yea. Every time tLo rlgnal rang To tto phone each farmer sprang, Slyly grinned nnd Eoltly took Each receiver from its hook. Other people' secrets dear roared into that largo red far. How he clapped bis legs! "I awanl Telephonin'a Jots of fun!" I gome bow in a week or two, Trouble!, dark bvgan to brew. Farmer Jones got fighting hot, , Heard Scroga calling blm n eot; Farmer Scroga seemed angry too, (Heard Smith telling what he knew.) Smith heard Johnson telling lies. Paid him 08 with two black eye.. JohnVon beard young Isaac Bopgs Underbid bini on bia bogs; Bogs o'erheard n sneaking churl Making love to bis best girl Women Too, werf in the muss, Raised a rAiat tremendous fnes. Every ono from Ecrogs to Jones In glass houses throwing atones. Now the lino has silent fjrown, Wires meted, poles o'erthrown; Twenty friendo are deadly foes. Each on full of griefs and woes. Each too mad to speak a word, 'Cause of things they'd overheard. Farm 'Journal, I AiBTltONG ENDORSEMENT A rieaflittlo folder, published by the Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce, con- -JU-JL I J Tlic strongest fr' castle could be re- J idurwl bv tlene if the I garriaon could be starved 1 out. ine MTongtst ooay "ijha3 to give up the fight r wnen sfcirvatlon weakens ( it Tluri lire innri- (IfiAtha from starvation than the world dreams oC When the toraach i3 dis eased and the food eaten ia not digested and assimilated, then the strength of tbo body begins to fail because of lack of nutrition, ana me weau ooay iaiis an tasy victim to the microbes of aiceate. Dr. Pierce's coiuen Meoicai iwscovery cures dlseaEcs of the atomacli and other oreans of dizestion and nutrition. It ?. .cTi rfnn.Hi, in tin. nniv vi.,nn nlivctrjil strGnirth in the only possible way, by enabling the assimila tion of the nutrition contained in food. X wm sick for oer three ytari with n com- M CatxD. itsiiina at 3941 Arch St.. Chicago. Hlincrii- "Had trtfd crtry koo4 pjylcn I knew of, ft wU ai many patent medicine, but ,.,tveA oolv ttmuttrary rtlief. One day. a rin.l rceommeuduO your Golden Medical DI- ;cuuiw.nur4 7' .- .-. -. -- eau Iti'use. Commenced to gala the first week, and after I had taken only one bottle I could covery.' I imuieoiaieiy procurea rae mm oc- cat aawell a anyone wnroui Miinniniuii n. 11 nm nw nni. urlllinift cxnf eflecti. I took 3vv bottle, aud tOHlay'nin happy to announce thai I am at wen ana ncaiwiy a any out could be. I owe it all to Dr. rUrce'a Golden Medical Dlecorery." The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more profit pnid by the sale of less meritorious jticdlcfnea. He gains. You lose, There- fore accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discover Discovery." FREE. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is aentw on receipt ol stamps to pay expense of mailing mh. Send twenty-one one-cent stamps lor the book In paper covers, or thirty- (tUapS JOT IDC eiDWUUUBU VU1UIUC 1 D, . y, nstcn, aunwo, m, it. r jytglr1" 1 I ' ,)1 -f.'M ZCX-J rJ." ono sltlo a map oljhu Oregon 1 Iclnlty mapot Coos Hay;1 and on the other a tastefully illustrated Journal of condensed information about thr resources, inditrlea, commerce and eliuiatoot Cooa couuty, has leached our dk. It la thoroughly ttasurlptfvo of Coos Bay vicinity aud 11 circulated in proper chnuttcls will undoubtedly provo thu menus 0$ attracting no littlo ntten lion to Ibis taction o! Oregon .that holds out such great inducements to it's set" tier in all lines of tuiineij occupations. tt is a roduct ol tb . i euHrptlstn; body ol husinetsmon for which Coos Lay, la noted, the Coos lay Chamber oi Com- m m ; is intended for general uircalo tlaa ttironchuut tho cast with the view tUII W""-"-" -. ----- --- , . , .... , . ... I .,., 'v of dvrrtllni!thondvnntniieaauvloppot-i: this yet undcvclop.l country of mrL promislnp futnro, nnd is one of their initial alcps in a ennso nsd aim tliat will at nppciated nnd endorsed by every broad minded citizen oa the coast ot Or econ. Tito only thing that has over atood be tween this coast country ard its merit ed development hai beon tho lack of tblsUindoI advertising, Itbaanlwaja x:en too much ot a one man's country, j It has needeo more competition in it' nevfcial industries. It has needed un- isltlsh, enterprising business men, who would meet the lino of immigration at j . t .... 1 -. ot Jin. he fato of or unsottlc! west ana with i -1 .i..- in,.i t Vam .ho warm hand of welcome leau tltem throurhit's vast fields of undeveloped purees. TLo little ndvorthing ht u., 1. W. t, l,B,Btnfor bn. been nv UUl UVW fva - - - - r - bo large lumlxring and mlnias com pinics and has appealed to tho wage-ara inj rather than to tho homa building claw. The reign ot tho groat lumber and mining king) who have made their hom,efin other states and fattened from the wealth o( Oregon has nover had a. I tendency to developo the country. ' I In (cct the tendency has I been fho other way for instead. of incouragiug it's settlement and uomotjon they have rather dUcour-J iged any movement la the direction ) a general uevelopement and have soughtUobold the country back until all ot its oasiest resources could bo con sumed or cornered by tbemeelvs, But thank god tho duky end of tho fcten is now in eight Tho actual settler la headed this way. The man with the ex and the plow has blB family ut our border nnd is scanning the coast ,or a home. Other capital with now plans of development among ub. nucn en- . n -l . terprisin? men as oonstitate this Coob Bay Chamber of Commerce havo gradu-' ally settled up the com. until they are' now recognized as a power in tho man- agemeut of affairs pertaining to tHo fu- turo of the country. These men aro MtiMNfc ' takmg tho reins into their own hnHde.ay, left their littlo wnd, until Sammy They are advertlning tho country and building homes (or themeelvs. They 1 jre opaajK ,,p now avenues of com 1 ... 1 ni0rco and deraonotraiing tbo poeeibiil - I 1 ties ol new onterprleoa. They are oiga-, , , . , , , ., . ,. 1 uizlnif tbemsolvfis into promotion clubs! ulzing tbemaelvfis into promotion clubs ol all kinds and txtlns fa rrcoptlon cow- mittleo from eaeh locality to welcomo the (armor, the etock raiser, tho manu facturer and tho busineBa man. They are leading out in the direction of the coast prosperity, paving the way for the railroad, the tolegraph and tho tele - phone, and at every etep they take thov will be indorsed and encouraged by ev- ervm'an who claime.and ia worthy, of that title, "citizen." Gardiner Gazette. The Maii, Is glad to be able to add that Coob Bay is fortunato in having a big lumber flrm'that baa abandoned the old time (UC0 indicated sbovej and ia now thTiiKltlOtlcadtlM,thprort!islvuM()vci- uTuriHhntlqbittiutnR JhU icottji to thu (rout. iiiawwiiwiiiu iu-ai ANOTI1KK COUKT. Kosoburtr, Or,, Ailv;., 2S. Kt'iToti Coaut Mail: Mnrahfluld, Oregon, Dear Sir: In looking over your p.por I ee you claim tho lUwYburg Bawi -Bill 'lYrtm lost four out ot seven namea tilov- cd. You ire either vary tint row minded or you no Hooking a good u'.aeil "pipo ' orjou would know bettor, Kludly put out jour "pipy anil ninko nnctlmr count nml then inform vour rcndeis thu rijrht oi the inntter. ft tnta WAii U'urA nol ,aulled with rrxiitln 114 while lit Jr .ty bultuuit keep it up altar wu nro couu. Tliuro la n rulu 0 lowed lv p,'Mxl honest pports whloh remla "Iwost" don't "kno-'k." At tho aanio time .o - ro little (or whiu you may rny n' .. ....... . ......,. I in uie c.v n?eu pnrc 01 irt'xou win pioplo do not know there Is melt a thluu 'n . "IAmiK aiau." nutio nut expect . . . . I.liut. .11 ltll. Ilnl.l II .til ill. I JUU IU iuuueu kina uui iui(iu 11 "in uu you some Kood' ;iIoplne you will put out your "pipe" and wnko up. Wo are yourjfor (air treatment. x lTho4Fivo Brotherrt, Monitow, Kamtol GllllTI.V, P. S. Tho other two nro playing ihoro so wo do not mention their names (or fear ycu will call out tho town to mob them Tbo Mail as alay happy to comply wltb each a courteous iciuont, tuiu hna made "another count." It beems that ou llrst inlormaut must havocounlod a Kmo with Dsndou that was tcboddled , " u,:t diia'1 Mai0 off' Tho Rol!M,r ' loa played U Ooos; was 1. it .1 nit .. .1... a lwlco ""' nnu onc J Itandon; bctt North Bund tivico and Co Cooullle once. An analysis of thefo unmes rvould show still less (avcrnbly for the Itotcburg aggrgaotlon, as ball playcri. It comes with poor graco from the . rfmulinn. Vinr tn nrrilKn anv Onoa UOllntV - papor of "roasting" them. It sees to tho Mail that they wcro treated wilh great consideration, und it is in cFpcclal- IV IUUI IUCIU 4UI IUU IUUU viu uvitv- back" to sign such a iqueal, for ho was especia'ly favored. As tho signatures were all written by ono person, howover. I tho whole thing may be a forgery, so far as the playcrB aro concerned, and may bo simply an ebullition of tho I'.oscburc rpirlt. That id-cent railroad station is nil Irifiht in its way, but It baa alwnyB ohol- tered n certain ntimbor of would-be , eports who havo affected to believe that in eorne way the? ha) tho advanlpgeol' tho wild and woolly nfl of CW9f ... . r.. ri'i ..u i.aHn ia iinrn coumy .u.. -7 " flletod with nn itching palm (or Coos. Bay money. Some of ub can remember the days ef tho fair at Uall'B prairie, when a new horee used to bo brought in from Roeoburg every year to beat old Sammy Tildcn, and how his backcra al- ; ot to 0,d t0 run' Then, there nscd to be a tradition put there that Manl field spoils wcro "easy . 'mom,," palodieitlly eorno Roa ljur j,ni,orn would awooii down, very n(m, aB n ... or,,i vnt i,inv in n(Wt a appRre, a j voty bInck aB t0 ajouBtabo, with a''Kack" running up Eometimos to a conplo of hundred dol lars. Tho result waa always tho pame, and ho had to depend on gfitting hUIfaro lorae by roping in some son of toil who was not onto the cheap John trljjks'of j.the valloy card sharpera, "But his talo - of seolng moro gold on ono table in Marshfield than could bo shown in tho wholo town out there would eorve to causo a repetition of hla experiment, Whon the Roeoburg ball team camo in there wae much talk that all kinda of money was coming with them, Very tikely they brought what looked like oil inunoitso .wnilto thfitw but ouu of the 1 lo.uor HrIub ot tbo Cooa Bay plntiUotii must have coveied It, 011 tho sldo, lor It didn't show up In public. ' It timkua puoplu emllo down In thlV neck ol tho wowls, to bo consldorvtl out ot "ctvlllr.ntlon" by tho luhahltautn ol the Inland portion ot tho utati:, ospucl nlly ot that part Immediately hoiobh tho Coast rntigo. It is too filly to nroiuo roMMitmutit, and only eivucoi ttuyitmnnt. Tho Maji. will Inform It crltlcn thnt it circulars In.tho most highly clvllenul, i tho ri-hest nnd lu'every way Ih most deslrablu pattot Oreuon, nnd ninomcn community ol tho brightest nnd biat peoplo on uiirtii. And it would n r-hnngu its iiivlroiiineiit (or nil the land mid yellow ilov; ntil Causj lioro-a cast . l,, Co?al inn' W11Y NOT? Considering the (act Hint tho proa j.ecte for a railroad to Coos Bay ecem actually brighter today than ever lo- fore, tho thoughtful turn may well ask himself, "why not?" Why shouldn't wo have soveral rail roadb? Wo all should recognize thu loot that this section Is rich In lumber nnd coal. Leaving tho coal out o( con ddera tlon tho timber' alono Ib Bulllclont In ducement for tho brldging'ol tho short gap botweenjuo und thu ruihoail oystem of Iho country. With the film listing oi the Eastern timber nupply, our lumber is wauled in tho Knit, and the bot wny to gut it is to build 11 rend in huf. This one conthleratiou alono is enough to cause thu couttruction of a road tr.p plug tho timber supply all along the const from tbo Columbia to Sail Fruit- cleco. All. signs point to thu building of such n rond in tho near (uturo, But that decs not begin to tell tbo story , for it leavos out tho point which overshadow all others. The timber supply will eventually becomo exhaust ed; tbo coal may ovou be all dug out; but the HAKBOH will remain. And tho harbor is where our real imporiibA blo wealth lies. Hon' can anyone look at tbo map and fail to recognize tho importance ot tho indisputable fact that CoosHay Is tho best harbor in tho atretch of 700 miles ot ceacoact, between Ban Francisco and Puget Sound? That it is the bent eito (or u seaport north ot Han Francisco? Even it tho Columbia had as good an ontrnnco as Cooh Bay, which it can neer have, Portland .would still bo an inland hatbor. Sio has curtain advantages in that very fact, but she HUiUiMHnio tm; vi can nuvor bo tt ecrtport. 0 Coo. Bay 1 1-!,, iho tabors of 0,ion nn.1 11., r.ortl.woat muat grow up. Hero hlr i.nd rail can nmct within sight ot tin 1 (pen sea. la it likely that thoeo fucU will b overlooked whon brought to tho atten tion ot men looking for a railroad outlet to tho Pacific octnn, which Is eoon tn bo tho main highway of thu worldV coinmerceV To suppose that thU har bor will Ho (oilow uiiiuh longer, U U cupjioto that th developmtiit o( ibt Pacific ia to stop; that Empire la to hull in its westward march: that the Philip pines aro to return to Spain, Siberia be come again the unknown land of snow nnd nihilists, Japan relapjo to barbar ism, China bo allowed to bleep another thousand yeara and the whole tteud o( tho vorld'a IKobo switched Ut in some other direction, IH ITJKAT.OU8Y? There is a vory noticcablo 'difference in tho treatment accorded by tho Port land and Bun FranciBCo papers to tho prcsB dispatch touching George Gould's plans for a railroad to Coob Bay, which wtf poljlhibed in this paper several'dayi " ., ) r Thu 8, l Cftll iuob tho dlspiitoh oi) tho llrut pagu ot Iho ituws eoullon ol its Bumlay tdillon, putting n large (ourhond over II. that being tho largest heading nn.il In thiU ituuibur, The Oregonluti tttos I lie dispatch Mon day, putting It down In tiu lower right hand stotlon ot thu ith pngo with u lot ot unimportant matter, and putting thu jtnitllest ol two-heads over It. A uloiu teatoli ot the Telegram nnd Journal UIU to dheovor tho dltpateh In either ol them. 'riito looks wry much like deliberate intention, ami thu leasoii can bu found In that konlcnco ot tbo dUptttuh whloh suyu: "It la thu Intention to build up h port at Coos Bay, which will bid nunlnet Puitlnud" olo. Ittuuyna uill bu kept in mind that this tact Is prtitty well ucognlred bj thu Portlund people, and they cnti no bo expected to help boost Coo a Bay as seaport mid proepvclivu rival. Coot Ba muit light her own battle for recogni tion as what shn actually Is, ouu ot the thtro great seaports of the Pncltlc const, and in thnt fight Portland will certainly not Lo ranged on our side. POOU FELLOWS Boor George Could and poor old Kockfullorl Little do Ihuy real I to what tttuy ao nutting upngalnst. Thohumer nccuir, m Inr, to hnvo dono fairly noil In the way ot noucutHfttlly mnuaging ,thu millions left him by his father, r.ud tho latter hni inadu n rather courpluuniii racord aH tho hatrloas heud ot the Stand ard Oil Co. PtoVhly. tc-ilay tho slgna- turo ot either on would bu oemldcred good nt the bottom of n check' of orilanry ditueiitions. But Ut them purruo thu diiastrous course upon whieh they acorn to have notorial! Lot tlmm onco nckuowledge that they rcriously coutvmptato build ing a railroad to Cooi bay, nud it will be all off with thorn. Tho Coos Hay knocker will lako tho field, and thu 'Aorhl will Isarn at last that tho wealth ot Could end Kockfellor is nil n chimera ot the imagination; that It is all hot air: that thu general impression of their financial standing and business ability is tho result ut thu Judicious placing ot hunched ol gluo. A fow years from now, when Jthn I), goos tottering down tho street, ho will bu painted out to etrangers with thu words : "There goce n man whoancheck atone time whs good (or ahuiidnd millions, but ho went loo fur whon he triad to fool tho'popli3 ol Coos lUy, and ho gront-heurtul htimaultnrlano c( but community, who dovotp their thnu to tho task of protecting tho general public from imposition, puueturod hlo hot air machine nud now ho iG.iou tho county." Ah (or Gould, he will simply bo . loat in tho nhuflle, DO NT WANT IT (Myrtle i'l-lnt Kutorprise) Tho Const .yitl! in alarmed at tho ie. 1.011 tliitt mi effort will be tiiaih to changtt thu mall on tho ('000 Bay loutn hack to tho Middle Fork iib formerly. It uayfl there is booh a Kuhomo 011 fo't. I'uoploHt thlu placo dc not want the clutngo nml it Htich a thing bo iittouipted they will he found protesting ngalniit it. The large amount ot mall now comii g through would make Ij Imprnctinble, Ah It now stands thu mail ia not heavy but whut tho contractors can got it through op time. Should tho change be made it would result In pooror torvlcu for thlu plncu no well an the bay side, TIib Maii, le K,lad lo receive tho bh nuraiico of tho KntorprifO' that II Ih nil a fuluo alarm) and Blncorly hope it may provo eo. Baptist Church ( Sunday school At 10. m,' Preaching til . mi (Topic Christ Oruclfled, Text 1 Cur l!H 21, But wu'pronuh Christ urttullhitt, B. Y, P, Bodluty nt7 (.. m. Kvonlng Horvloo nt H p, tit. Topic Kttuiid wrtiitlng Text Dan AiV5 to U1 ritureday'n pmyer - meeting at b p. W, Allntuuordlnlly Inyltoil, 5 Uk t.r ikl, Tr4 fk AWYER EXCELSIOR BKAN OBLED 0L0THIHQ SUCKERS mini imliwil 1111 1 Hill T'T-i K088MANN'8 PATBNT WIHTINfl RIN rim niont.liiipnrtniit Utiprovnituitt ol i' age 111 tint urt of pmumiunhip makes 1 0 o(ireiil writer a aplemled peiiiiian In few we kn by lh H' of thin ring, ..nilnrwd by promlnnnt Collego l'r'isl cmn and Boards of Education In Eu ,ihi mid America, Hnnipli tlozen an ..rted Hm Mint pout paid tor 1 1, IX), sin lo fnmplo Wo. When utderlng n single ing, rtnto whulher for num. woman or hilt!. !UNN MI'O. 8UPPI.Y CO. 'o. 110 B.rourthttt, IMillndclpliln THE NEW YORK WORLD TIIKIOK'A-WKKK EDITION' Itond wherovor the English Laoguu;n Is Kokcn Tho Thrlco-A.Weok World was n brilliant tuecttn In the twinning and lutn ben steadily growing over slnco. Ilmtt Ih the tost ot all thln.-n, nud has mil Its mal of approval on the Tlwloo-a-W'onk World, which U widely olraulatoil Hi evuty Htnto and Territory ol tint Un ion, nod wbereuvur thorn are poop e who 0011 rtwd our mother tongue, This opT (ririhucntnlni wlntor and ll. v.nr IliriM. will innLn It IIKW1 Hitr- vice, l( iorlbli', itinro nxtenolvo thitu .n.'or All iivnnUnl IniiMirlitiiee. no mat tor whern they happen, tiro ru Kriett r.ecurnu'iy aim nniii'w). ilm iiliprliur. (nronlv one dollar a yar, guts threo jiapera ovary wenk and inr.n, noun nml irniiurnl ri-iiillnir than most gfat dailloi can furnish it live or lx tlmea iim prlee, 'Iho Thrlee n-Wek-World li obso liitttly (air In itu political iintvs. I'r Hun IiIkm U unvnr nlloivixl to H fleet Ita irvrs col 11 inn 11 . and bemocrnt nnd lie- ptiblican nllko en 11 obtnlu In Its piita truthful accounts of all thu great pollti cal rampnlgns, In niMiilnn to nil tint iimm, me riirlco-a-Wuok-World Inrnlshus thu til-it serial llctloti, elnboruto market rcrtit nnd other (eaturi's of Internal. TIih Thrlco-a-Wtiek-World'n regular atibteriplion prion Is only fl.Ot) pr v'itr , and this pnya (or I6fi patwrs. Wo offer ilili iiiiiuuiiititil timvNiintHtr and Woklv COAKT MAIL toother ono your for Tho regular uhcriptiou price ot tho two pnpertis '.'.&'J viniT DM. JORDAN'S ar. at Ikuseuh dF mwm r-K IUIIlURtT.,Ull,KUCIK,CJl fV TM Lurnl Aumhil Muu b U4 Wwhl 4Imu,i t4 Mi i.ttrl ttUmt Mfk 0!t. JOaCAU-UIStAKBCF tltii ftwuir.M'.vitt.allMk-.elUM'o.r. ' (VUILII UloU. .M , ,7 11 II wl ra Im Hlw. A -hb II t : mi 1-iim. PIm U II l.ll . l-f IH, UU' IKul fiUl UUk w ... - CnMlitliw Iim wl itiWttrr,,1,u TiwxntMi-w-in. m rt Uil A W OWi U nn um vWiiVs.i, Will lit VtwA MIMJHOIirv ml lun, Imuuii.or. maoau vbkx. (K . Ictxukl lMIWAI iwgiw.. r oa iOitUAM & ca. 1001 Mem ei,9. r. The Ashland Normal iJf9W VrarUBk. I)r.nifl I ! " ims2 ' CiWvm, tit t u,i i.irir -F.U -TTjiUMsL-1 tr ij. i' '" in 1 in r 1 t r tiff J'lSitMMbS' vfA mJ Hit iiilM-'lh Hifi UiKvvQbn V Vsl i4 ",,t "" ''! I ff.lniK? t itTHLiViB Ktr iiuii ah T'iiiillSC o'BsVhI " '' , (of tit A VaOUMf r JWllMUIUM,Vllt4 v?u,Q&tr&lH it. Mim i u dkvWi r-Tc xy'r '' "' m tiC LOMy Suit MiVf lift, MwtSJ "" - , I -iuxarbHBIMMi WtumJUL wm f r Ir ITtll r Hi h" TlimM Tho Houthorn Oregon Btato Nomaal 8choolbegliiH thlsyour'a work Hoptem borlllth A largo working llbrary-lma bocn added; tho physical and chiuiifcal labrntQy huuboon fully rquliipod; a now fryinnnniuta building Ib being oroctl, . and a lurgo mid handeoino ecbool bullil. ) Ing Immuring completion. TIiuboIiooI grounda aro beautiful nnd plclureriiu-. Tho hoalth condltinnu aro of thu best: und tho nocinl invlronmont is puro nnd stimulating; tho course of study Into be it dtriuittthonnil nnd imdu more prnotlcal, I'liu (auulty him been Inoreiscd In mini hers nnd thu eohool is now oijuippod to do work of the highoat order, This school bolongs to fjouthorn Ore gon, it doalros ami merits tho patron age of the peoplo ot tkla groat flection, (or catalogue address, Binuuin 7, MuxxBitFrei, ' bi Hi Taouii, Hso'U ..-f