Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, September 05, 1903, Image 2

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Bandonians Win Last
Sunday's bull game was announces! by
Manager Short, just before the same, as
a league game, and by the umpire as "a
lesguc game-under protest," that nppnr
rently being the only point on whlcti
Bandon cotold hang tho inevitable pro
test. Aa Bandon was tlio winner by n
tcoro of 4 to 0, they will probably bo
content to call it a leasee came.
In tho box Marshfield played Nettger,
whs has tnado qnitc n reputation with
tho CoquUlo team, whilo McGlnniB lato
ot tho North Bend team played short
Deuhot and Loh played center ajpd
right fields, respectively. To tho cn
lookers it teemed as the game progressed
that these changes had not bad u happy
effect, and that with Cully and Loh in
their acuatonied places the Bandoniane
would hare been held down more effect
. Hilly at least.
in ff.ct itteems to the obsorver that
one great advantage the Bandon team
hha had this teatou has been that they
have plajed the tain? men in the same
positions, practically without chauge
Oicourto this indicates that tho men
were all right, to start with, but it also
indicates the adrutnge of moulding the
nine into a machine that works without
friction or the flipping of cogs.
Bend n has won the j-ennant and won
it fairly beyond the shadow ot a doubt.
It will be well to study the Bandon
method, it next year is to witness anoth
er series of games.
Caploin Jimmy Byrnes baa had a good
many boquets throwu at him since he
took charge of the Marshfield team, but
the Mail wishes to take a parting ehot
at him. lie has I itei ally made u host
aI f!unf4a Iikmi 7tOi nn anil ifT thn ill.
v. iiuuua UViQ .w... w. w. ... ....
tnond he has conducted himself as a rirnwn out on first. Sadler drove to
gentleman, and he "plays the came' We.te-l.urg and was thrown out. Mc
from first tn last. He never geta rattled j G nni struck out, leaving Clynes on
nil hn litiiita his fc -am nn under adverse second,
burglhrco gone; "Nhdler left on flrsU
Second Innlng.W. Oswoll to bat
drove to Mauser thrown out on first.
Adamlnn mado a hit 0. Oswoll another
hit. SohoQold a hit Adamlna scoring,
Mclvuno got to first on McGinnis' over
throw at first McKuno scored, Oid-
way drove to Nadler and was thrown
out nt first. McKuno left on second,
find ot second inning. Druhot to bat
drove fly to Pellaud in left field.
Wright drove to Adamina aud was
thrown out at first. Loh struck out.
Third inning. Strelb to bnt drove
grounder to Nefcgar and was throwu
out nt first. Tolland drove to Clyncs
and out on first. Westerburg out by lly
to Nadler.
Last ot third. Byrnes to bat made a
hit and was put out trying to steal to
second by McKuno nmly Oswill. Kelz
gnr struck out. -dynes got first baso on
balls. Mauser drove liner to Wester,
burg who throw htm out on first. Clynos
left on first.
Fourth inning. Oswill at bat drove
to Nadler throwu out on first. Adomi
na struck out. Osnillmndoa two baso
hit. Scofield drove fly to Druhot in
centcrfiold and was caught out. 0. Qs
will left on second.
Last of fourth. Nadler struck out.
McGlnnis made two baso hit to fence.
Druhot struck out. Wright drove liner
to Scofield caught out. McGinnis left
on third bate.
Fifth inning, McKune a hit. Ord
way a hit Strieb first base on McGin
nis' error, stole to second. Pellaud
truck out. Westerburvj struck ou.
W. Oswill a drive to dyne. McKuno
and Ord way scored on McGinnis' error.
Last of fifth, Loh strnck ont. Byrnes
drove a grouudmasshr to Wcsterbnrg
aud was thrown out on first. Nrfigor
drove to Scofield and was put out on
Sixth inning. Adamina struck out.
C. Osnill struck out. Scofield struck
Last o! sixth. Clynes made a hit.
Mouser drove to Nestorburg anu was
Strelb 1 b
vital I It
Wcstorbcry ss
Oswell W It
Adatnlnn 3b
Oswell 0 c
Schofield p
By Innings
o 0 o V 1
IVo 0 0 (K 0
n . i .1 Jf"k it n
1 3' 10,1
0 I P 3
4 7 27 13 2
12 3-160 7- 8
0 2 0 0 2 0 (MO 0-1
0 3 0 12 0 10 0-7
0 00 0 0 O'O 0 6-0
0 0 I 1 0 1' 6 0 0-3
J wttrt o bo entirely' dun to nwkwiiVd"
noss. nnd unvortnliily. TIiIh lends them
to ndvnueo nnd turn In n dervlsh-llko
whirl which Is very nunlut nnd fnntns
tic, ns they llont nbotit nsslstlm: their
motions by their oittsprend wings.
They clrelo nnd reverse nlmott nn n
wnltzer would, nnd when n Inw num.
bcr of thew Htrouge blrd o thrminh
tlielr dancing nutU'H It N )ilmnt lin
poiKlbln to bellevo (hut they hnvo not
leen tnught tho necoiupllHluucut by n
rinncmir muster, Tjielr wnltR often
ends In disaster, ni they brvnlc each
other'K logs, which la certain denlh, or
become dlexj" nnd fall down In it do
momllxed heap. The Idols of nn ostrich
htiH been known ,to destroy life.
In n nuburbau school iv teacher nnco
Summary Baso on b tils oft Ncfxnr provwl that It may be ombnrruKsIng to
2, of! Schofleld 1, Struck out hv Ne(xar ! oneself ih an llluitnttton. Hho wan
0 by Schofield 10, Wild pitch Nefsgnr 1, i henrtng n class in Hpolllng nnd doHnlng
RM,nfl1,l 1 rni,,J ,1.V llvrii tn """"' x"n "r "HMIIUI HIUI IHMIII
..... ., ... ,....,, ..j j
N adlcr to Byrnes. Lett on bacentMiush
field 4. Bandon G. Shrco baso hits
McGinnis, two bato hits, O Oswill,
Harned runs Bandon 2. Stolon Unsc
Stroib Uuplre . Eager,
"circumstances by the power of lis own
courage and determination to stay wnli
it, Mora than once he has snatched vic
tory fiom defeat by refutin,-toit'coirinit?
! Infer whMi it appcircd iiniuLir
Had Miu-liCcld heni foituuatu n..,
Serenth fnning. McKunedrove bingo
to Only Drnhot and r.g out of conrse.
Otdway got to firH on error. Strcib
uindel i nnd n double from iiuruoj got
out Ord iy and Ptreib.
Ijist of seventh. Druhot drne to
ti secure his serviees at the first of the W.. r nrg and was thrown out on H tt.
season, Bandon would not hive won-the Wr jh was out y hree Mr.ka nnd
pennant eo easily, throwa out by Oswill to Streib. Loh
" A player about whom little h9a been , ir"ck "U.
ftiid, but who bus ueverthelehs estatV Ensht inning.-Pellacd dto.r to Nefz
liahtJ himself as a good reliable j.layer ' ' " " Pt oit o i first. Wos'i r
in any position is Clynes. Perflonally ' u'irs drnve Xo Mcdianl and was out on
he is pleasant aud unobtrusive and o'
Kood habits, and on the diamond he
geta there every time,
Druhot when at his best is hard to
beat, in any position. He is a proffeesion
nl in the field and can pitch all around
a good many in the bic leaguos.
In fact, Marshfield has had good indi
vidual players throughout the tcaeen. If
first, W. Oswill a base on tnlie, Ad
amina baso on bills. C. Oswill got to
first safe and Adamina wai out by Mc
Ginnis tc Nadler. tV. 0?will was left
on third.
Last ofidghth Inning. Byrnes drove
to Adamina and was out on first. Nefz
ger struck out. Clynes smashed to
Scofield and was out on first.
Ninth inning. Scofjeld drovo fly to
l9ssHLm JksflHslLrHbni I
em TiiouAa uno.t.
we have a team next year, the exneri-
n.in..i n, .. ,..,.. .i.i. .,.. I Manser and was ont. McKuno drovn
will probably bo worth all it has cost ! t0 McGlnnh and was ont on ut. Old
The attendance at Sunday's Bame was WttV Kot t0 fir8t on error and wa8 ca"fUt
large, but i.ot what it would have been naPP'2 by Clvnea fiom Nufzxar,
bad tl.e bav turned out an well n ,l.,l , Ji OI nintn.-JifcUger got to ursi on
Coquille. About 200 people came over
from the other side.
At 2:45 the game opened and MuihIi
field chose the field, with Bandon m
First inning. McKuno to bat, bat.nl
grounder to Nadler, Nr.dler iiiirro
grounder. Ord way smashed ut.other it
McGinnis who ttepped to ttoi.d Ium
aud put McKune out, Ordviay tad- mi
first. Strieb to bat got safe to fir--Ordway
safe on tecond. I'llluml ilmv.
to pitcher uud was thrown out ut firti
Ordwny safe ou third Hlrib eafu m.
fecond. Westerburg 6inaihed to M
Ginnie and was thrown out on fir. t
Ordway loft on third, Streib on eecoud
Eud of first inning. Clyns to ba
struck out. MaUBer to bat struck out
Nadler uafo to first on WeeterburgV
rror, McGInnil knocked fly to Weatur-
Streib's error. Nadler drove to rLjht
field and was thrown out on first. Mc
Ginnis drove to Scofield and was ut
out on first. Druhot knocked pot fly to
Scofield and wai out.
Game ended at 5:lo.
!SyrTE5BPr - ,. SSft
i (Jljne- Hi
I .MkI., 31)
nb r
3 0
iSnd!i:r 2b
.McOiiiiii-i es
Druhot c(
Wright II
Loh rf
Dyrnt'S c
Xefzger p
McKune 2U
Ordway rf
0 0
oEonon watso, nEsiowKn or biiam
none n who AiiiED nre irr w-ia-
Spnrrinir Vnr nn Ojicnlnir.
Guest (ufter atnigglln valiantly but
unavnlllnf,'! for some tlmo with fowl)
Walter, wlmt kind of n bird In Uila?
"Cunvasback duck, eir."
"No wonder f couldn't do nnytlilnu
with It Itun nnd get mo tho scissors."
1 U
1 1
2 2 '
t 0
0 0
0 0
2 0
3 1
Molly You soy you shook all over
when you proposed to her?
Cholly Yes, I did.
Molly And how nhout tho girl?
Cholly Oh, bIio only hIiooU her bend.
London Modern Society.
31 0 3 L'7 13 (i
r tdi
x. a1
1 1
Tho Dirrcrrnre,
"What la tlio difference between n
womnn's whlHt club nnd n mun'u poker
"Why, til one you get; homo to din
ner nnd In tho other to breukfast"
Detroit Free i'resa.
correctly Hpullcd. but nonu of tho clnsa
Beemctl to know Its meaning. After
nuking one or two of them alio wild en
"Now, try again. I nm nn orjilinn.
Now can't sotuu of you gueas what It
men nsl.
The blank look on their faces re
mained until ouo of the scholars raised
his hand aud said, in tho most guile
less manner possible:
"It's! aonio one that wnnts to got mnr
tied and can't get a husbandl"
Port to Be Built up to Compete With Port
, land and Seattle For Trans
Pacific Trade
Tho Vct n Minor (Inrnipnt.
Tho wnlstcont lias always been n
garment of minor consideration. It
' appeared nnd disappeared according to
' tho requirements of tho vnrylug cos
tumes In earlier times, aud first had
odlclnl recognition under the reign of
i Charles II. It was In 100(1 that IVpys
makes mention of the wnlstcont In his
dlnr): "This day the king began to
put on his vest, nnd I did nee several
(tenons of the house of lonts nnd com-
mona wearing n long ciiMoek close to
tuo Doay."
Vertlnrtit Advlrr.
A student noted for his carelessness
In dreaa onco npproached Frofensor
SJmon Ncvcomb of Johns Hopkins
university for ndvtco. Ho was think
ing of leaving college nnd going Into
business, hn.vlng had n flntterlug otfer.
"Now you know my case, professor,"
ho said, "and if you weru In my shoes
what would you do)"
Tho professor looked very acrlout
nnd rvpllcil:
"Black them, of coursu!"
(Special to thevCoast Mall.)
San Francisco Aug, 31 .If Goorgo
Gould carries out his plans, within n
hurt timo ho will have reached tl,n
Pacific coast with n ratlrond in two
places, one inOallfornla and tho other In
While tho two roads may retain scpa
rate corporation identities,' thu manage
ment will bo somuthliig liko th it ol tho
Union Piicltio nnd Ongou Short Line.
By tho rntiKi intertnt the Wt stern
PmcIIIc is to connect Gould's ijstom kt
Salt Lake with San Francisco, while
the Coos Bay road Is to lorm a link bo
tweon Salt Lake and thu nnrthwritern
It Is the Intention to build up tho por.
1 1,
of Coos Bay, which will bid aualuot
Portland and Seattle for I be girut and
growluvttiulii between thu Psclllc north
west and Kiheiin, Cl.ltin, Coien hiuI
Japan. ,
Tho construction of the Siberian ratl
rond has glvi'd an Imineiuu Impetus to
tho trsilo of tlio iiurthwrsteru ports,
and Gould, lucked by Itork-'rltor, U do
teriulued'to havon sluue of it.
The Coos Buy rond his not bfOii snr,
veytd, but as projected In a general way
It Is to run from C'oh Uy, 100 tnlivs
north nl the CnlifoMiia line, southwest
through thu rich llmhor and ni.rlciiltural
districts of Southern Oregon, Menus
northurn Nevada and Utah lu'o Suit
L'nlrprmtl nml Htrrnnl.
"Yes, life Is universal nnd eternnl, for
time is one of Its factors; yesterday
the moon, today the earth, tomorrow
Jupiter. In spneu there are crndles and
tombs. The red carbon stars will soon
be dead: the hydrogen stars, like Vogn
nnd Slrlus. nro tho stnrs of the future;
Procyon, Copelln, Arctiinis nro the
stars of the present Aldebnniu seems
to tie already an autumn fruit." So
said Flammarlon.
llurm nt lli (ill-ill.1
In the infddlo up-s nt the girdle were
hung the thousand mid one odds uud
ends neishil nnd utilized In every dny
nffalrs. The serlvener had his Ink
horn nnd pen nttm'hcd tn It, the schol
ar his InhiIc or Ixwdts, the monk his
enn'lllv nnd ntsary, the lmikeiter his
tnllles, nnd everylmdv his knife. So
An Atrr TIkiiirIiI.
Now, fnte hss it HtrvuilnK ntrle
Of ilfullnu vlili th vHrlmni I'lons.
Homo niftrr from (ornulo. vliilo
Tho rent nro vainly iilylne finw
Vulilni(lvti lltar.
iiinuy'iind ho various Were the article.! ; 'r; Hwectlo.
Xrrr llnlrful.
Ilusbnud You don't appear to l'"
iittnehed to It that the lllppant began
to mko fun.
In tin old piny there Is mention of n
merchant who had hanging nt tils gir
dle it pouch, n spii-tnele ense. n "ptin
nlnnl." n pen nnd Ink horn and "a
handkerchief, with many other trin
kets besides, which a merry (iiinpniiloii
seeing said It wits like a haberdasher's
nliop of Miinll'wMVN." In number early j
play u lady says to her maid; "Give j
me my girdle uud see that nil the fur-,
Wlfi-Thu horrid thing! I huto her!
Next tlmu wo meet I'll kiss her only
onco, nnd I shan't nsk after her baby.
Thn mnn who runa too many rlk
On linnim oft tnuiit tuiiUy rnuvo;
Thn nm n who ucvor tnkca a clinnco
Will iimhuhly havn nntiKlit to loan.
-Now Vorlt World.
Tim Itrnt Tlilntr VVnntr.l.
Christian Hcleiico .Manima Ife must
ultiitv I nt It. Look that Hth. pin-1 "" " ,"
ulfe. the knife to eloe ' nriMian .sen-lieu nipi
errs, the iwiik
letters with, the ImmIUIii, tho ear pic);
or uud the scale ho tn the case."
Imagliie I'm walking tin
him. 1'lttsburg Dispatch.
-I wish he'd
i lloor with
M-fr-H--hW-M--H-WH'NH-t -HH-t't- r-K-M-frJ-W-I- Hi
Tlio C'riialii-tl Mlittemunn.
IIo iiHOil to ho uinhltlouH,
Hut now hlii hopes nro ilono;
lie never rodo on horsuhack
Nor Hulled nor Jlrcd a (run.
WuahlnKton Blur.
Tlie Lucky Oni.
Tlint's .rones' daughter with hliu.
She's Just about to bo married.
. IJ.-7 WIio'h the lucky man?
A.Joiich, I'unch.
That is wlmt wc huvc to sc and we can
Till all orders for any and all kinds.
The quality is jjuaraiilcd and the price
is Rifjht.
Our Stock includes anything required in
Kir, Spruce, Red and White Cedar.
Wlmt NcxtT
Thltf radlum'a contradictory stuff;
In fact, It's vory human;
Ilut thon tlmt's not mirprtslnB. Twan
Dlacovcrcd by h woman.
Cincinnati Commorctal Tribune.
phone main i5i NORTH BEND. OR
Tlio Klclcor.
Tlio kicker iiHiially ihss not make
much jirogroHH, notwIthHtaiidlng that ho
puts his best foot fonviud.-liostoil Luiiinm muuil I ini.iil l .ij 1 1 Ifri Mil 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 M
I rn. i.i. '-"
I i.rilIiULTLU
i.. iIW.iiii.
Mk9wtMatM Hf
fa ft.itwa..
, . . . . . . 1? ii
jff1,m-nrr.'i'ifA't, rxr3c t ' . .
rAfg'jpBrgjyTtfap -r-
..v- -- mjspsm