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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1903)
i u J. ..a; 7j ; . j V Ri, VKTfc" iv - M . m I I U ! ..,,.... LoLi A"IM4rtl ,.,..,. ,im tE5RS6is :srjo looa - 'v -i.J from Sunday's Dally. ,KrnfM SmitlH in from hi logging cniii.tcivnnftl WeKInlny. ' ' Jhn rlrrrnn rHnrncd Friday Iror a fcW uitJ N '.tin. Tin Co'-i? n l Alt ott families tetarn- ed from' nn outiilg Gharioitou Bay .iFjffday. The ,1 eamrilr-e batiudVv. jtJr ' 3C f"JSL mtm Miwsa)wWB.SBBatlM J. mull Kimo'iHatltiterrfiel parties took luud ami pot the wlfebeator to limits tnd tht such work would not lm toler. i In North Bomt. Tho twin baa been muting (or Mb bettorhalf oyer since, evidently wi.iiiR to ark (or pardon, l n tiaviiiR disappeared. The beating win . dmlnlstered on theatreet. nud a number wltueatcd it. S1 91 dim. vX r jiinily who have boot )ky Point returned hoiA1 Aitjno'tomohlte race to the north polo would be hailed with delight by the pub lie If nil' the aulotuobilsta would cuter lor iU L k Mrs. A. M. ickmiui accompanied by her daughter, Mis Mabel, and sot , Aadroiv, iro vifitlnn friends and reli eve up Catclipg slough. . A Crowded iluuie Odd Follows ball was crowded Intt evening, tho second night of J. W. Cook novlnq picture eutertainment, a enffici nt proof Unit the show gave good satli faction tho first night, it is in (net well worth seeing, and can bn unhctltating ly recommended. Mr. Cook has an ex cellent machine, which ho handled wllh skill, and the illustrated eonga area very pleating feature. Tae Bonehri ks family chartcnl the Alhyfiower and lower bay Friday tho.Mayllouor took a run out over the bar? took an ontlng to the among o'.hcr things thl! last the When you want a physic that is mW and gentle, aiy to take and ix'ftain b act, alH.rn use Chamb-'talnV Siomncl and Liver; Tablets. For sale by Jnt l'rcuss. 0. II. Marsh is makirg a beautift can! table fqr Cpt. Nelson of the Ar cata. The table top is one piece of myr tle burl 2 by 3 feet and it a beautiful specimen of this most valuable wood. The Mail will tugat to thoerefpon erble that the dumping of old plank along the wpgon road grade north oi town is fqrmin a most distressing eye core for all who travel on the bay. J. L. Drown, who has been camping with bin family at Charleston for a week, returned yesterday, lie reports an enjoyable outing, and looks like a new man. Earl Strange, Henry Johnson, George Eecott and P ratt, returned yesteaday from a ten days' hunting trip in tho Sixes country, and report that they killed ten deer, That Yellow Dog . Editor Coast Mail The followicg item appeared in colums of the North Kend Citison week : "A new yellow dog was seen on streets of Empire: Many of our citizens have wondered where it was that tt was seen aud th nly conclusion they could arrive at war that it must havo oeen tbe Citizen Editor as it was ab,.nt the only thing tut of usual which appeard on our streeW recently. Good Old Doo .ft Walter Condron, head hook-tender for Earnest Smith, who is hanling logs for tbe Waters Imya atMcKinley, came in yeoterday, and reports things doing along nicely. They put in 35 logs Friday. League Hearts Last night occurred one of tbe most pleasurable events taking place in Marehfield for a longtiime. It was Loague Hearts and was entered into with a win by about 30 invited quests at the McCormac home. These were four room's, each repres enting one of the league teams, Coquille, Bandon, Marsbtiald and North Bend, 'n tbe Marebflold room everything wa decorated in the regular colors repres enting the Maifclifleld team and so on. The Iiandou card read, "Uardon we're It." "Coquille Freez-out" Marshfleld Forever." "North Bond Ohldontknow." btxteeu Karnes were played and Ban don on the prize. Otto fichetter anJ Both Crfqui won first prize for Bandon. land one man has. n living spring ol ator "From whlclfall blesstngt iHw," vlth whlih ho has vlveon eupplyinit tho lommumty, charging nil kinds ot prices, "hereby It lias bccnuui oven a harden i" ao mo to ludulgft in the luxury nt A wfok. ty bath, tp cuy nothing of inorv necessi ties "In tl.ownr v( drinking wiitvr, Some o Mveii so tarRS to thit it U dtivivg cores ol people to drink boer Iropx thn 4tnndpolut ot economy, Even the.'tein peruueu peoplo arc wrathy. It t!tua that iiH.-ontly tnoro prewuro has bden brought to bear oven entoring bo nodal realms. This was wore than tho citizens coutd cnJnre, and one ot them begau expostulating on genera! principles agaiust trusts, and cinches ind robbers and other antl-eocialistlc (oatures of hogging or milking a popu lace, which was already burdened. This was met by (orclblo argument lu tho shape of plugging up tho source ot the water supply. Words were more fiercely Indulged in find the men came nearly to blows, An ally resulting in tho corporate master ot tho (ountian from which all troubles seemed to havo come to got out his gun. Tho row was finally subdued when the enraged water bondholder' ran out ot alLuin. Aud now tho water system that once was in North Itond is no more, and only a chosen tow ure allowed to partaki rom its fountain. Everybody is looking forward to tbo day when tho water mains shall have bcou laid between his town and Marfhfldd, when, at least '.he people who live in our town will not o taxed to death for that which Goo ;ivea so freely. A.vri-MO.vor, Kerregrtn, Belle Klllngsen, Luna Lbgan, MolHe Caldwell, ttattio Wells, Minnie McUloskoy, Nellie Dtmient. Mildred tfllson. Pearl K Walker, Eftle It Collier, Florence ltobbina, Flo Laird, Mabel party oliwelve the made a i6ur of tho ' liOoiv'Lako country, tor thn purposn ot locating) ;toTMltcs in advance of tho stereotyped railroad trom Eugene to llio only harbor between I'ugnt Bound and Han Francisco Namely, Coos Bay. Alex Law horn, Llaato Myers, Flnreuco Wal stroui, Floniiico-Cntter, Mftybell Kvie, 'tMubliHHl plqasuro.Hlth hutltioM, id Ornco Hrldger, Kdzalieth l'rlci, Lna 'tiu (alt pnrtpot fully cnlmtldod. Mr P lldoimb, Mmju U Tuttle, My Hoy Cobiuon In nu uuilsnuuiing gt'iitltiiinti, rtn, Wmi. lo lUll, Miiinln McCracken, lrs Kosu 'ngitmMi, F.iiui) Ouity, K A, Otout, W II Hunch, J 0 Logan, Him Olon Bryeit, U It Edmundrt, It J ltoblu wn C n Nosier, G F Dillon, G P Har riugton, Mary Bluok, Clias A Noeholor, D P Strong, J A Barklow, L K Itruwu, Ida Gamble, Iora Kscott, Mary Quick, Uortha Proy, Kftthleon Ktickvl, Kosn Gibbs, Lena Logu, Llzilo Myers, Win Gamble, Clias Flynn, Hosa It Mulkey, B F Savage, Pearl Fetter, Anna Brittou, Ida E Itodiuo, Currio E Hwllne, Intz Lnsk, Bertha Bradeu. Nellio'K Brown, Margaret Anderson, Mrs Wilbur, Lena Fairman, Margaret B Murphy, Lett u Cooper, Nottlo Klug, May Bjyrlo, F A Ploraon, Ruth J Todd. Mabel Weekly, Laura Wise, mid bin many friend hern wh-ri Itliii rnccii in his vt'iiturer. While Alex wont itiMiy quituly aud tlugUv-so am knowsNo one knows i7vfeather tf l U lP UBdrnno a it m tt dr who nnarl SAWYER'S IXOILtlOR BRAND POMMEL SLICKERS Mitn or wujt cn not wL CXCELSIOH BRMtm qiub oiorwrva For Mil ktnit of work. WaruiilM WAwrprwb xwr rur irniiintn, f not i dttUirs writ , M.MtrAI,lURrr. Xul UHtrMtf, . WtiTlL w UYaVa7t rf'A) i nmi h mmmmmmmm w Busty Mlko's Ulary Aug. 16, 1IM)3-It Is Just as foolish to try to do yoar 1 vortielng without a fixed plan and iystm hs It is to try to buitd your tionoo wltli out n plan, From Tuesday's Dally. Bert Griffith, the genial booze mixer, formerly at the Blanco, now holdd forth at the Union saloon. Refresbmenta glorious time had riiuging by Mies treat to all. Those Invited were served and a by all. Music and Beh ring was a rare were: Misses Geno Mm. Mollio Allen, of South Fork, Kr., lays she has prevented attacks of chol ua morbus by taking ClumberlainV Stonmch and Liver Tablets when she elt n attack coming on. Such attach ire usually cituned by indirection and these Tablets are Jus; what is needed to ileu:w the stomach fnd ward oft the ipproachfng attack. Attacks of billout colic may bo prevented in the same way. For talc by J no. Preuss. Teachers' Institute The Coos County Annual Teachers' Institute convened at. Bandon August l1 at 1:30 p. m, and adjourned Friday evening Aug, 20 after a vory interesting seision of 3 1-2 days. Supt. W. H. Bunch presided and Miss Fanny Getty was chosen secretary. Professor It. F. Robinson Robinson, Superintendant of Multnomah county and D. A. Grout, Principal of Park school, Portland, were present during the entire session and gave vory thorough and entertaining instruction Tho Jesse Minor went down to thn lowor bay this morning with a cargo of lumber tor San Fraucitco. W. F. Bowron is stopping In town for & few days with his sou Frank, who is muttering severely from pleurasy Travel by Sea .Outgoing passengers on tbo Alliutcu (-tiling north 10 o'clock p, m, Aug. 13 1 J Knoll, J W Dorr, E B Wood.Mra U M Gordon, T ft Perkins, Mrs MllUr, Mrs H Johoion, V King, W 0 Cochran, Mrs. Hurton, 'Mr. Burton, F Abondtmth, P 'Ooldonburg, H Heudrickson, A 8teo, J Kuosler, Mrs J Knoelor, Mrs Bwnulcs, Mrs A Bridge, F Bridges, Mr Paul Miss Bobbins, Mrs Van llouini', Mrat'Gzls sen Miss Grisson, Mr Van Itnuton, Mrs Domuut, Mlsi Diunuiit, A Forsnll, II Bridges, W L Ilasbrouk, Misi McNalr, Miai Miller, Miss Hose, J 11 Itobbltis, Miss Coroy, Mrs Grant and two children, Mr. Bobbins, V Leonard, A Leonard , 10 In tbo stcorage, wmnuMMMiMimiiMiyi lie IihiI been wnrned, Tliu saw took oft ills little toe ntul silt up llio side ol his foot nearly to thu hoc!. Ho was brought to town and taken to Dr. Horsfall's ollico. whero lie was placed under tho Influence of olilou form, while Dr. Ilorsfoll, assisted by Or. Ilaydou, attiiudiHl to his lujiirius. Tho operation was nearly completed, and thu stitches wero about to bo put in, when the patient suddenly ceased to breathe. Kvcrythl.ig possible) wis done to roetoru life, but without av ill. An inquest was held late last evening, McClure, Llllio Griieen, Miss Campbell. Miss Merchant, Beth Crlqui, Elsie Ben- on a11 flubJecta oK ketoro tho Instl- nett, Susie Elckworth. Eva Anderson, Margaret Anderson, Agnea Hutcheeon, Alice Buter, Edna O'Connell, Stella O'Connell, Mamio Mahoney, Gussie F, 8. Dow and W. H. Fishbor, who left here Wednesday to drive to Port Orford, where they will take the Areata Brown, Misa Bering, Mrs Eengstacken for San Froncisco, had an adventure be- Mrs Hazard, tween Myrtle Point and Port Orford, in j Messrs John Kronnolm, Dr Sweneon tho way ot a runaway, but fortunately neither wae badly hurt. Travel by Sea Out going passengers on Areata, Bail ing 6:90 p. m. Aug. 22: R Pridgen, 0 E Mil, W Johnson, Haxel, Jno Brendel, W II Smith, H 0 Ludwlg, J 31 Rich mond, F J Mitchell, S I Rees, W II Fisher, FSDow, WU Beyers, ThoB Ieurck, A U Waterman, 0 J Snell, Jno Morris, B McGraw, G Wilson, S May da, K Krantz, F Lay ton, 5 second class. A Family Jar Qnite a serious row took place in North Bend tbe oincr day, when one of the newcomers took it into his head to punish his wife for some offence. Tbe gentleman knocked eomoof her teeth out and otberwiee roughly bandied her Jay Mahoney, T. T, Golden, Alton eengstacken, Jlmmio Byrnes, Otto Scbetter, Harry Nasbung, Archie Kruee, Henry Welder. James Hutchinson, Chas McKnight,, J W Bennett, Dr Toyo, Dell Lennou, FritzeAbentroth Dr Straw, Frank Hague, T R Nichols. MONOPOLIES AND TRUSTS The New Town of North Bend Al ready Infested Monopoly seems to bo tbe spirit ot the age, and when a man baa a cinch op portunity tho world would almost designate him a chump who wonld not "boar down" when the opportunity tuto. One ot the most pleasing features ot tho work was the evonings entertain ments. After a short, well rendered literary program one Of tho Instructors addressed tho audience on educational matters, their lecturo being highly ap preciated by all. Through the curtesy ot Capt. Johnson of the tug Triumph tho teachers wore treated lo a ride over tho bar, but the sea was not rough enough to makn the trip very exciting. The Life-8aving crew also gave a drill which wae highly enjoyed by all; The light house was also visited and a Vory pleasant hour spent there. Coquille was votod as tho place of holding the next institute. The teachers' of Cooe county hereby tender tbelr thanks to tho citlzona of Bandon for tho courteous treatment re ceived during their abort atay in their pleasant town, The following named teachers were in attendanco; Annie Waldvogel, Myrtle Jamea, Agnes Gulovaon, EdvardaA Erickaon, Ger- T. M. Dimmii'k shipped 800 sacks or pulverized hemlock bark to Portland firms. Sunday on tho Alliance. ( Harry Dimmlck who has been firing on tbo Flyer has shipped with tho crew of tho Jesse Minor for Ban Francisco, G. M. Oegoodby had the misfortuno Saturday evening to severly sprain hh ankle, and will bo laid up for soruu timo. Tbo large scow which was launched at Krur-o'a ship yard last week is at Em piro waiting for tow to tako it to San Francisco. The Katzenjarnmors and "HabbocnB'' played a hot gamo of ball Sunday, tbo Katzonjammcrs winning In tho score of 8 to 10. J. W, Rlggs, tho photographor, will commonce nt onco to tako somo views for a special number of the Coast Mait, which will bo issued later. Capt, Peto Peterson of the gntollno launch, Mayflower, took a party to Bandon Saturday night to attend tho ball game Sunday at that placo. Good Jjoads on lite Coquille (Myrtlo Point Eutorprlt) There is a groat Interest shown in tho butter road movement in this end of tho county. Thu work done bit year which proved to iiibstanllcl was entugh to show our peoplo the ndvantugo (.f good roadn and .that tho proper method ol making them had been solved enabled tho supervisors to tuko it up intelligent ly. This year thu toad tutwc,n this place unil Coqulllu has been graded for considerable dlUncu and will bt rocked before tall. Thu road bed has boon put on n good grade so tho hills aru dtnu away with and when tho work Is cetn ptut'hl the road will be all that could bo avked (or. The work tut the roil frvm this plnco to Rackliffa mill Is piognw Ing rapidly, tbe grading is buing veil douu and thia will make a flu ft. BtnHch of road when completed. Tho superi ors deaerve great croJit (or their work. Not ovorwlso Thoro is nu old allegorical plcniro o( a ulrl cured nt n grans hopui, but in the art of heudlrtHH trending on a Niiake, This It paralleled by lliuman wborpmids ajartfo mini of mouvy building a cyclone ccilnr, but neglectit o providii bis family with n bottle of Chamberlain's Colli, Chojera and Diarrbixtu Beuu-dy a it safeguard auuiual bowel complaint, wIion vIclliiiH outnumber llioniuf tho cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy is everywhere recognizud as thn tnoit prompt and reliablo iiiujlclne in use for theee dueuse. For suit by John 1'riinn, From Wcdnssday'a Dally. L J. Sliupmu was in town yesterday. The Western Home was towed to the lower bay Tuiday. Sam Larson, of Hindoo, had builnois in Marshll ild yesterday, Work has been commenced on another large scow at Krusu' shipyard. The Areata will sail from San Frin clrco at 10 a. m. Thursday. A fcow load of lumlnir was taken to Piper's Grove Tuesday by tbe Alert. Mist Belle Rich of Coqulllo was In 51artbtleld yesterday visiting friends. Mr. H. E. Wilcox and hor two chil dred, who have boon apondlng a few weeka at Anahoim CaL, returned on tho Alliance and are visiting a tow days with tbo family of It, J.Coko, before return ing to McKinley. R. J. Coke how has charge of II. Seng etacken storo, aa receivor, the recuiver ahip being for tho pucpoee.f sottllng up the partnership of H. Songstaikon and H. Lockhart, proprietors of tho etoro, who have agreod to dlangrou. presents itself. Even in the quiet Utile town of North I trude Strowenjana, Emily Wall, Nellie MjitrW , HBMBBBBBBBBBFE V 1 - East Marslifield Items Mm Edith Kelsoy has' returned botae from a ury pluasaut two weeks outing t Eckloy. Claro Jennings, a promising young man, will go North on the Alllatico to take n two-years course In u busiqa)ss collegoin Portland. Hie alitor, Miss Bronto Jennlugr, Is doing splaadllly in elocution and music she oxpoctstogradu ate from tho high school next year. Mrs. F. Timmorman who has baon very elck is improving. Mrn. W. Blackmore en mo down from Tenmile, ahd brought hor little duughter Florunco for medical advise.. Shu la visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. Huckman. Mrs. E. R. Hudson, of South Coos river, with her little daughter ia visit ing her parents for a fow weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sherward, Mm. J. Lane, Loroua Lane, and Master Mrd ford Lester, drove down from Snmner and apont a vory pleasant day on Bun day as guosti of Mra R. McCann, Mrs. Prey and sou ol Myrtle Point wero vitltlng friends in Marslifield yes terday. Busty Mlko'a Diary Aug. 27, 1003. Fako advortiilng Is like faku roliglon it don't last long, Geo. N, Farrin, J. 0. Langworthy and Louis Worth loavo this morning for it week's hunt in tho Loon Lake country. mt .-I ... . I luoywie guns anu ammunition onougn FATAL RESULT OF AN ACCIDENT to bwck a email arsenal, and ought to bring something back. Tho schooner Gtondalu came up the bay Monday. She will load lumber at the Bay City mill. .. Foternon'rt launch towed tho James J. Garfield to Porter where alio will load lumbor. In writing ads it Is a good idea so pre riumo that men aro anxious to know all about the goods you offer for sale. Tho steel water pipe rnluo being laid to North Bund by the Marslifield Water Co,, hua boeu laid nearly to uriid.tle, A. II. Gallon is now nlghtwntcliinun nt tho woolen mill, a placo for woll qualified, omployod as North oiid which be Is HugoAndela dies under Influence of Chloroform Cholera Cure jaynes Asovereiza ud atari Mimltvmtis . . CARMINATIVE for Craape, Dlarrfawa, dytUy, Cklcr Mrto, ' BALlSAU 0. H. Marsh has completed a myrtlo gavel and inkstand both samples, will he finnt to thn rnmmlmlniif.r nt ilw. u r.. Pal, Th- trara ...., " AndolB, a nrttlve of Finland, , . , ' ,, ,, aged iibbut 18 years, died bore yeaterday to order to repretent Coos Buy myrt u .. i .i . , ., , . .. i , , j . ""under the Influence of chloroform, w h flu wood and a large ordor is expected for ' , ... .,.,.. ' . . the aurgeona wore npervtiug on in tree distribution as souven re at the St. ., ,., . ,,. , ., , A , , ,...,, , riglit foot which had been lacerated by Louie Exhibition. , .. , . ,,,.. iiiu emu saw u nio noriu uuua mill, Thu Garflold Cafe hau now a night aliift and will wait on the people with their well know courteous and gentle ly treatment, John Fnuagan, who liaa been quito Mick at his homo in Kmplro, wna report ed better yesterday by his physlulau, Dr. Mlnuiis. $$&. Mr.AieiJohnsonjofthePlonber Saloon,' ia txpected back tomorrow from his) BttoliDof'i outltJf; Togethbri wllh a Jt seems that thn accident At the mill was the result ot tho yviuir mini's barelesYneis,as lie tried (6 puah a' sliib WlUi liii Mi, prcMc against which . F Sleeper, ownur of tho ijMunimuld llnh.iDurkjit, ntnrted ihla ntoriilin' 'or Port Orford wheru lie will visit (rtondft and relatives for a fuw duya, The Funeral of Hugo Aiidulu who died trom heart hlluio pu llio opornting uIiIh iMoiiday evening, took plucu- yos'terd.iy from tho Lutheran church at 2 p, w, , f ., rJMiwsasfcSSttlWU. ar.icv "?-xih ' ii iyJViy ' t-i .-!(';, -t ,.U5j' ltiik v iiSBPISBWBBWT