Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, August 29, 1903, Image 3

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iaHHveiBtailfiV -', ,wm .,jr',' , y 'WC-' .. rr tl?
Sir Thomas. Suffers Second Defeat in the
4 i
Kind of Weather He
pedal to thi Mall.
liiuhl.uid, Auk. W Tho weather (or
today's races ii nil that I.lpton could
wlnli for aikI tint rotitifit will bu In mod
ttmtn airs. At (lil uiornlinj tho wind Js
riht knot, snuthcaty by south. Tim
ohrtu will Imj trinnalur, 10 mllo each
l ir. KlvliiK 1 1)0 yne'itn n turn to wind
ward and two lunches. Tho brcegu It
very true, with no toll spcts, and Linton
lalil lni could ilestru notltltiif better nnd
that 81iunrock should show nt liur Wit
At 8:'7 Hullsiicu under liar own calls
swept fur tho itnrltuK lino, followed a
minute latur by Hhntnrock in tow of ttiK
CruUcr. Hhnuirook lino a now mnlmall
At D:M tho committee boat and
nmlKntor jiiiBiixl thu hook. Ksturday's
oay win for Ilollanco d'd not aocrn to
diminish internal, and tho excursion
llft camodown early ond stood out for
tho lixhlehlp.
At lO.OIl Hhnmrock drop)ctl her tow,
taudliiK for tho light ship on tho atnr
honnl tnck. Itnlistic rejchud tho
Unlit hlp at 10:00. Tho wind it (toady.
Tho preparatory gun was flrod at
10:1.', The com to wat n south by cant
beat for 10 miles, n broad roach 10
tolica, and reach homo 10 mllos,
Tho otartlriR gun was fired ut 11. He
liauca croseed tho l.ino nt 1100:02,
Hhatnrock at 11:02:10 bolng handicap
pod 10 rocondb.
KrtlHur Wllholin Second, outward
bound, In order to glyo hor passotiKurs a
night, ordered alow epood and trailud in
l'!0 wuko of hu dofondor for 20 'inlnu
tos, Her paieongera chiorod Bhnni-
"Love lightens I
labor." tllC 8.W- I
iug runs, and. In a sense it
is trut. But even love
rminnt llutitn lntmr or I
... -... .... .
make ll easy lor tuc I
woman who is in constant
auiTering from Inflamma
tion, bearing-down pains
or other womanly dia
easea. Tlie one thing that
can make work easy for
women Is sound health,
and Dr, Wercc's Favorite
Prescription is the tiling
tlvat will give sound health
to sick women.
Dr. Pierce has so much
fhlth in his Prescription "
vho is in constant
tliat he oilers to pay soo in legal money
of the United States for any case of Leu
corrhea, l'cnwle Weakness, Prolapsus, or
Falling of Womb which ho cannot cure.
All he usks is a fair aud reasonable trial
of his means of cure,
hi .iiffcrrd from fatiulc vreakiieM for Ave
month," write- MIm Uelle Heitrick, of Nye.
lliluain Co., W. V. "twai Ircatcit by a good
itliynklau but he ncvr cemeit to lo me nny 1
good, I wrote to Dr. . V lHerce for "Jrlee, I
tlildi 1 r.lvnl. til nif me to tnke hit ' 1'uvor. I
lie I'fcfcriptiou ' 't rOotileii MeUlcal I)lcov.
cry.1 when 1 had uett the mciiidiirt a mouth, '
my luutth w much luiprwcd. It hoi qonlln-
uc,l m improve ukIU now iwi wrk ot ntmo.1
all kliii! of honiLcwurk. I ht icsrwly uny
carccly uny I
Ilavc'galnrQ '
Jlv?Wuml. I"""1 T; i&TSX
Cliiw have ilono wotvrerfully well here. I
winihl qMi nil w1m ufjcr from chhwlc d
tiKi t ) wrltu to lr. Hcicc., ,
" l'uvorite Prescription " makes wfcftk
women Htrotig, sick women well,
Dr. Pierce's Coinmoti Sense Medical
Au1si;r la acntri' on .receipt ot stamps '
. to pay cxpoiiHe of mailing only. Send aax fjnilj Mv, Rolianoe wins,
at one-crnt stomp for tfoe pAper-covcred ; .
lxKki or 31 stumps for the cloth-bound Corrected time, tmofflcially says Re--volutrie.'
Addreaa Dr R. V, Pierce, Sui x v
Itlo, n Yi I lla0M v"i y aainuU and 10 lecdhdk.
Adviser la aent rt' on .receipt of stamps
Aa tho morning advanced ithu btccv.v
brought u a gray mlsWrnm tho south
east nearly otHcurliiK tho horizon.
There wan a pretty tuwol at tho atart.
Wrlnfru stood awey down the lino en
deavoring to ihiiko Harr from flio woath
ur coli rue. Harr seeing Wringe iuteud.
d crotvlng near tho tlrnu bnndlcup
dropped hit adversary and stood acros
:ho lino on the itarboard tack. Wrlngo
stood down to leoward, cams about and
crosied 10 rcconda (after tho handicap
imn flrod.
IIu wont across on tho starboard tack
but Immediately alter crossing ho tllung
Hharnrock about to port. Harr alto
came about to port, and both yacht
stood In toward Heabright,
Though tho wind was little moro thar.
coven knots In strongth. Thucimllungttr
ihowod n greater of angle heel than Ke
llanco. A grey milt coming in made It
difficult for the excursionists to follow
tho yachts. Although tho orew hud
dled on the weather rail tho wind wat
strong cuough to put yachts well don
Reliance seemed to slide ever tho waver
without effort. Tho first 10 minutes ol
sailing showed Utile advantago for eith
er, although the American points a trifle
higher Into tho wind.
At 11:10 Rollonco is steadily increas
ing her lead over Shamrock.
At 11:30 Helianco contlnuoa to gain,
although neither Booms to havoliny ad
vantage in tho wind.
At noon Bhtunrock is gainlngsllghtly
and doing work hotter, pointing higher
and taking the waves easily."'
At 12:15 tho wind led southoaat on
tho beach which should bo felt where
the yachts aro sailing and will benefit
At 12:33 VTringo gavo a protty exhibi
tion of piufhing. Ho stood down on tho
uo,uuor " Ku euuy uuui no-
llnnrA'a laa1 wan ilmnit imi itnnn X
mist aroeo and obscured the yachts
. . . ,. . ,
" an mw moaicruu wore uai u
',.. .... . . . .,., 1, '
niiun uisiance apart wuu Jteuancn
slightly aboaJ tho wtnd off Bhoro blow
ing seven knots.
At ,1:23 the wireless puts Rollance
three quarters of , a mllo ahead when
round tho second mark, At 130 tho
wireless a ay a llollaikto turnod the aocoud
murk at 1 ;25. Shamrock at 1 :20 :30, wind
steady, '
At 2:01 tho-mist is atiTl thick oft
shore. The excursion Hoot Is gathoriug
at the finish, ' One yacht is aeon ap-
.,,!, onr mll
pronvnwg lour miWS
froin the Qnlah,
The racers are oloto haulod bn the port
tack. The otbor racer was discovered
t 2:05, At 2:08 the.tiellanca la loading
by ut least (our miles, which gives hor
the race uuless something unforseen
Yachtsmen aro enthusiastic, and say
today has settled beyond a doobt that
the enp Is snfo.
The next rncn will bf a fifteen rnllo
bout to windward nud return, Thur-day.
From Wednesday' Dally..
J,. II. CuMwoII ii tnruti-t noar Altnny
sulfered 11 11 accident Thursday which
cauK-d bin death, Tho swoop of a horse
power swung around and ftruck him
whilo ho was In tho act of moving It.
.Int. Ilnlchtlion, whilo on duty at
,Mdgnr it Malnon'r1 yesterday, suffered
a sudden attack of illness which keeled
him over tor a while. Dr. Htraw was
called in and Jimmy wafl much bolter
In tho evening.
Tho timber claim content which has
boon on Goorge Herron's homo'lcfld in
tho 'Moan country hn. hcon decided in
favor of Mr. Ilerron. Mr. Ilerron'a and
Wm Smith's claims worn both contested
at tho tamo tlmo and both had llko
If you nik your dealer for some woll
known advertised rcmo'ly, lecau'o you
'iav confidence in Ita cures, do not at
ow yourself to l rtvltchi off to 0
iirtdlrlnn rlotmil to he "Junt a) Kood,"
Hut whlnh von Jo not afk for and of
hlfh yon know nothing,
Portland at'omnv't had trnubln find
ing In thu now codo lli lawn athorlz
Intr counties to work their pri'lnne.- on
hljjliwnv", until Mr. UnUlnger pointed It
out to them In tho index under tlje
head of "Knndiand fllehwaV" If tlmt
l a perlmi'n of the indexing of tp new
rmle, it mut b nearly as bad ns the
old. It couldn't bo wore.
Attending Physicians Exonerated
from all Blame
Thocaiio of Hugo AndefA's death
vn shown in an autnpiy held by Dr.
Straw to im heart failuro. Dr Straw
fount) the heart to bo one third larger
linn tho normal heart, and that it hnd
adheiud to tho pericardium or outsidf
tieues, interfering with the notion of
.tho hearl and also rendering any undue
oxcitoment or overexertion llablo to
oauiu instant death. Kxamlnatlou be
foro liia death would not buw thir
wonknets, as thu valves of tho hi art
woro normal. Thus, his death rannoi
be tho fault of any of tho utteudlnp
phy!cians. Tho cornor'a jury gve a
verdict of death by heart failure whilt
undiTiiolnyt a turglcal operation, aud
(tint uo blamo can attach to auyout
conuected theravrith.
Baprmtlllonof tlio I'nluckr Thirteen
When King Arthur founded tho fa
mous round table ho rcsiuoated Merlin,
tho endmnter, to hrr,nngo the ectU.
Merlin nrmngtHl one sot of Bents to rep
resent tho npostlca. tTvvolve wore for
tho, faithful mlhcrcnts of Jesus Christ
and tho thirteenth for tho traitor Judns.
Tho flrHt were novor occuplotl bavo by
knights dlHtygiil8hed for their nchlevc
m,ent, nud when n'denth' occurred
among them tho float .rpmnincd yncunt
until 11 Uulght Htirpusslng him In heroic
and warlike attainments should bocon
sldorod worthy to All the place If an
uuwortliy kulght Rough thu chair ho
wna repelled by some tunglc power.
Tho thirteenth Bent wasj novor occu
pied but once. Tho Htory Boca that a
hntighty mid Insolent Saracen knight
at down upon It nud was Immediately
swallowed up by tho earth. Rvcr after
It was known ns tho 'perilous, scat,"
and. brave as tho celebrated knights or
U10 round table aro Bald to have been,
not bno over had tho courngo to sit on
Uip thirteenth, ehnlr, pud Uio euiJcrstl
Uori ItKuluHt It Bill survives.
litttarnnta' IlouUtte.
At) old KtiKlish fiollcUor t(od tp Bay
a mftn'H roqulromonts for golng to law
wortf ton In number, aud ho Biui)mod
thorn up ns follows: lrst, plenty of
mori&y; secondly, plonty of patlbnoe;
thirdly, a, good case; fourthly, a good
solicitor; fifthly . plonty of money)
sixthly, n good counsel; seventhly, a
good wltnesa; eighthly, a good, jury;
ninthly, a good Judge; euthly, plenty
wSj lsOtte , w tt - ,. .
The Kntt of h 'World,
Here aro six views on tlie end of the
world thu t have been given out by emi
nent identlsU during recent yearn:
Tho 'land tmrface U diminishing; tlie
httmaji rnco will be finally drowned.
- Ice Is nccumHlating at tho north pole;
ffwnm dflftho earth will fall out of 1ml-
nncoaud man will be utterly nnnlhf.
Juted )w tho mh of moving ohjecta.
The earth Is gradually approaching
the aun; tho hint man will thercforo
finally be roasted alive.
Water Is alowly growing scarcer; In
tho HKts to come all human beings and
nnlmafc will perish for tho want of a
droit ut molsturo to cool their parched
Willi tie beginning of tho year 3000
A. D. naun will commence to rotro
gradi) asd will finally como to bo n
creiitagouo larger than a plant louso.
Tho sii Is burning up; an she cools
tho eartVa glacial zoned will enlarge,
and !. snst remnant of humanity will'
be fraaca) in a heap.
'tVn(r and Erttu
Tbc-'emount of water within the crust
of the ottrth la unormous, nmountlng
to DV00t million million 'cable yards.
This vast accumulation. If placed upon
Ihu cart, would cover its entire Mir
iaco to a uniform depth of over half a
Next to money Ilembrandt loved
nothing o well its his monkey. lie
shed feat when tho npo died nnd paint
ed a itjrUalt of his pet from memory.
Tti Vootbatk.
It Is customary throughout Spain for
tho waltaYs of cafes to All a glass with
wine or lhjuor so that it ovcrllows upon
tba saucer. This custom, In which it
U deflrvd to show an appearance of
liberality, la called tho footbath.
Tho Cost of Kntlusr.
A German statistician calculates that
tho average man when ho has reached
tho are of seventy has eaten food that
woula cost 910,000 In tho market.
Predicting Winter.
It appears that in the hog la an arti
cle at canuot lay claim to tho dignity
tf an organ that is called the melt. If
the largo part of the melt lies forward,
there will ho an early winter. If the
large part lies backward, tho winter
will bo tardy and prolonged.
Kcuador Marriages.
In Ecuador u marriage must bo made
by tlie dell authority before it is made
by a clergyman.
TrH(in In Kbb1SUi4.
The ancient English law of treason
wai very stringent. Thus In Plan
tagenet times tho proprietor of a tav
ern eulle4 tho Crown was put to death
for ranking tho Jocttlur remark that hi
sou aa fceir to tho Crown.
JTobn Milton.
Jokn Milton loved to pluy on the or
gan. Ho mndo his Becond wife sing
and said nhe had somo volco, but not
tho flUgbttst Idou of tone,
Rasr I mental Ioatearda.
In Itnly each regimcut hna Its own
pictorial postcards, on which are the do
vlcou of tho reglnicnt, the list of bat
tles In watch it has taken part or one
of tfer heroic episodes In which It has
ilgurrd. 'hfo aro sold at moderate
prlcw to ottlccrs and soldiers.
Tho Veragllo.
.Tlie scngllo ut Constnntlnoplo Is a
group of lalnces 'helouglng to tho sul
tan. It Is 11 triangle, three miles nround
and contains over 100 buildings, some
of groat splendor.
.Kimble ilea Vlih,
A sea isichlu or 11 aturtlsh Is able to
get away from a ewt quite nimbly, and
tho serpent stnrB, the most active mem
bers of the whole onler, aro cnpablo of
using their long, slender, many Jointed
anus as legs and are as quick aud
alert as crabs.
A Iloynl lluffoon.
doorgo IV. was fond of low practical
johos, and on onu occasion camo iienr
being thrashwl by a companion whom
he pushed Into thu water.
llaauluu lieswura.
In Rufwla thcro aro whole villages of
beggars. They go out at regular tlmea
to collect alms, and on returning In
dulge ti drunken orgies. They aro
much dreaded, becuuso they often steal
children and mutllato them In, order to
oxcito protitablo compassion.
Civaar'a nultl Head,
Julius Crosur was nshamed of hla
,.bnjd bond, nud whon. It became shiny
"lm constantly wore a laurel wreath In
tho hopo of concealing tho ileformlt.
Keriilutf l'otatoua.
Tho best method of kocplng potatoes
throughout tho winter la to simply
dump them on the cellar floor, which
must bo dry nnd not too warm, If
this is dotlu, tho tubers will bo as dry
nud mouly hi Murch as thoy uro in No
vember. i
HoatU Atrlcau Foreata. '
Tho forests of South Africa nfo coin
ixisad principally of stunted and
gnurled uativu trees, flt only for wagon
liiHktug uiid fence building.
The limit of college hazing would
seem to bar', beer about reached la
tho recent case la Indiana where a
mwwu.,S n. " IC
fSl fill MM 41 A fsii-ufr ! M llUl.BtMll I
but In tho wnoda near CrnwfnnUrlllrt
hy n party of freshmen and left there
to nuffor from cold and hunger. lie 1
Mly escaped after long confinement 1
a 1111 rrauuereu mnvrai iiiuea hi h uv
iiiJijibcd nnd half starved condltiou,
finally falling exhausted at the door of
11 farmhouse. If college authorities
uro powerless to prevent such out
rages as this, It scenvi to be about
time to invoke the criminal law, aud
that, to&, ju a very vigorous fashion.
loir to Stake Cnndlea Horn Slowly-.
To make a candle bm.airnl;rputl
flnely powdered onlt on the candle un
til it reflebw t. Wte'x part of the wick.
'Whaler Who Seekii tho Pale.
Captain Edwin Coffin, who has been
selected to command the William Zol
gler arctic expedition, which is to leave
Tromso, Norway, next June and make
another effort to reach the north pole.
Is a veteran Yaadcee whaler and has
spent many yean of his life la the
frozen ocean. Captain Coffin has al
ready lert his home, Edgartown, Mar
tha's Vineyard, for Tromso. The Amer
ica la In winter quarters nt Tromso,
aud Captnln Coffin will have her re
fitted and thoroughly prepared for her
battle with tlie Ice. Fler crew will bo
made up entirely of Yankee sullora
from New Englupd.
ccrb rox
Elf'x Crtim BiIm
IU17 tad blMMBt to
D. ConUIsj so la
Jarioat druff.
It li quickly absented.
Tr t irvatnal at4 rlm --- '
nU and lrotccU tiia Membrane. BtitorM lh
Sota or Tuta and SracU. Larca 8fx, so eeU at
Dru jrj?U or hywall ; Trial BUa, 10 otnta br aaaU.
ZLV aUtOTOaUtS, M Warru Sut. K.w Tork,
Dr. Hayden,
Office opposito Union furulture store
Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5
Special attention paid to disease of Skin.
Urinnry and Digestive Organs.
U. S. Pension Examiner. Phone. 05
Dr. Wm- M. Lawlor
Physician and Surgeon
Offlco and Reajdpilco
R. H. Walter, D. D. S.
Dental Surgeon' aud Mechanical Dentist
Oflico Nasburg Building, A St.
Phono 381. .
E. E. Straw, M. D'
Physician and Surgeon.
Special attention given to diseases" of
tho Eyo. Ear, oo andJlhroat.
Oflico in SengBtackon & Fmith Bldg.
W. U. Douglas.
Attorney t Law audU.S.Couunlasioner
S. A. D. .Eaton.
Will practice in till courts
J. W. nnett.
Attorney and Counselor aljaw
n F. Hull.
At ('ru at Law
, WlJiia- -11
' www junnam mm, . .
C. F. McKnlht.
Attorney at Law
Office in Bennett & Walter Block
I. S. Kaufman A Co.
Agents for North Bf nd and Marshfleld
Property. Stock and Dairy Kauuhe?,
TU"ber L"Dda amI Ilea, nn
Office oyer Oolden's Drug 8 fore
Piano Values
fu r"
Vhencali and see
Quality, style & prices
are right
The moBt important improvement ' of
the ape in the art of penmanship makes
the poorest writer a splended pen m ah In
a few weeks by ilia ue of this rintr.
Kndorsed hv promlnwt College Presi
dents and Boards' of Kdaeatloa in En
rope and America, Sample dowm as
sorted size rent p.ist paid for $1,00, sin
gle sample 25e. Wbna orderinxa siaele
ring, state whether for mats, woman or
No. 119 . Fotirtb St, Pfclladelphia
! R-I-P-A-N-s ' Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
Tbo 5-cant packet la eaeach (or nrnal
occasions. The family bottle (AQ ceatr-)
contains a supply for a year. All drug
gists sell them.
Fstand .
HARDW1CK, Mattery
' r '-ai
Makes regular trips between San Fran
cisco and Portland via Humboldt
and Cooa Bay, calling at
above ports each '-'
The ALLIANCE isaflrat-claM paisen
trer boat, and has all the mod
ern convenience, and is one
of the fastest steamara .4
of her class
For freight and passeuger rates or sail
inu du'ea, apply to ,
Central hotel
. Corner ef treat and A streets,
JONH SNYDER. I X l J J jProaricter
J HOTEL has luat beea entirely renturd .tin "
refurnished throughout and Is aalnoncn to li 0
public for patronage.
New beds and spring itwttraMM have btci
placed in almoat every sleeping room pf th t
liou-w and neither trouble njr expsnvt Iwr bu
iwred to put everything in iirjt-UM order; t
Beard an dging, per week... $s- O
PoArd.p, eek.
bmijlv M'
it DR. JORDAN'S! mkat
Mil HIKCT H.,sarlUMSS,ak f
"-' . . y-- 1--l"-r-tMatnlaa i
WnU. 4nktuw r Urn aptaall T
h. Mtwun-mmmmmi
irni.ii iaMi
Irtw utMta Mi aw
. TrwwIMkfMl
,'M m Mra.'V
Jsisffj paw Q"sbsbssvb) sbj ss
Cft4aWatetilQSl 1
I tw4wuJitaa
oauir m
' ttAMsMli.fl
I " -- r-av
-- - a"feUata
. ) L
Ws J9sViM Wfc aHsVf I
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