' jV !- , i !! "-"VBBVqWV r- ' ,H'l, V '1 C4, . '5C3J2J fl 3311 SCEC LXZ ' .'IV vy i f TF "IV "I" ' ---T ., .tp TV-n-a., (flVWWf!! MARSHFIELD ONCE MORE Defeats North Bend By Small Margin From Tueaday'a Pally. In tlm hottest kaimo ' tlio season Marshflold defeated North Iloud Butiday by ft score of 0 (o 5. It In called tint hottest Ktmo advisedly, for while It was not perhaps tlm most perfect exhibition of scientific plnyliiK 1 1 1 n t has boon soon this season, It certainly kopt tho crowd nt fever heat from flret to Innt. In fact every body was hot In tho collar and tlm prevailing hnluht of tho totnpurnturu w roMKjnnll)lo for two short scraps dur ing tho itnrno. Tho thlriK that mado Marshflold in ml wan tho eppoaranco of Koitnl In tho box (or North Ilvml. It was itunnrally un rioratood by the crowd that ho hnd accepted a retainer from tho Marshflold team and butt agreed, to pitch tho Knio for ilium, and thnn skipped out for Korth Iluud Haturday night, Thla aroused it personal feultiiK against him that caiired n conatant croia (lru of light and heavy nrtlllary to ccnttir on him, niul thn rootma taxed tholr Ingenuity to to think of Insulting cries to hurl at him. Thla loomed to bnvo llttlo effect (or thu Urst alx innings, but it ovlduntly wore ou hla nerves and ho wont to piocoa lc(oro tho grne ended, Tho two other Itoito'iurg tucn who had bruu added to tho North Ilond team did not come In lor any auch tnuaiuro of ithiiso. thotlith Ilrulluvhud to luku n III. I acroM tho home plate in tho seventh Jn ulng. Tlm unterrlfldd rootori with tholr apparently uxhaustles lung pow er alto helped to keop up tho confidence of tho homo team when tho chances lookod hopolonly against them. When thu first acoro war made by our nldc, bud I run broko loose, and when tho inulne iindod with Marahflold one ahead, tin tinpara indulged in Indicated tho atraln uiidor which tho crowd had boon labor ing. In tho el(hth nolthor aldo scored, but In tho flral half of tho ninth North Ilond mado It tie. Then Holtmullor took thn box In place of Koetal, but Marsh flold found him often enough to get a mint ncroai tho plate whilo yet tho lamp bold out to bnrn. It would b'a Impossible to give nn ad equate round-up of tho Incidents of tho grime; thoro wars toomnny of them. Tho moat ahowy exhibition of ground and lofty tumbling was given by Quo. Fofroy, In the field when ho stopped to lore t hole In thn grau with hla head while he waved all hla lega In tho air, but came up triumphant with the ball. Manager Bhort had hla handa full to koop the excited crowd back to a line and In one caae had to enforce hla au thority by hln physical prowoaa. Then one of the North Bond playora allowed hla temper to give away at what ho considered an ungeutlomanly net of oiiq of Marshflold'a enthusiastic rooters and camo out in the crowd to cmphasUo hla protect. In a fow niln utoi ho again took his place on '.he diamond with hla cap pulled over ono eyo and hla aorenlty of tempor apparent ly restored. Tho decisions of tho umplro enured several whirls of excitement, when it lookod as though there might be some thing doing, but fortunately the boya Aa a matter of fact1 NORTH IIKND MoKnown 2b MoUlnnlH as llradloy rf Holtmtillur I f Morrow (b Miss o Saunders If Pn r rot lib Ciifilril p Totals ah it mi 4 b 4 I a i 4 4 0 i i o l i 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 I 0 1 1 0 1'0 2 2 o 1 12 ft 0 3 0 A 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 .37 II 27 10 4 Cialaj W w w ii m si m m m i,, Sintc and Gencrul Ij ICunn by Innings 123 150781). MarHlifleld 00000000 1-0 North Bund 20200000 1-0 Hummaryt Innings pitched by Loh 2, by Uruhot 7; hit by pitcher, Wrfcht; (hit by llaguo, McKoown;)struck out by Kostal 0, by I)h 3, by fJriihot 7; baao on bulla, oft Kostal (S, off Drnbot 0; two base hits, I -oh, McUinrila, Morrow, MniiNor; double plays, Nowell to Nadlnr, toGlynes. Tlmo Jof 'game 2;30. Um pire, Orlllln of Hosoburg. COqUlLLE VS nAKUOM Tho game at Coijnlllo City between Coqulllo and Ilandon was wan by tho lattor, 8 to 3. Base Ball Schedule AT UAHHIiriELD. May 21 Marahfluld va North Bend. Won by Marahfluld I to 3. Juno 7 Marahlleld va Hnndon, Won by Handon, 1 1 to 2, Juno 28 Mamhtl'dd va Coqulllo. Won by Marrhileld 3 to 2. July 6 Marshfleld va North Hcnd. Oarr.o ostponod. July 10 Mnrthflcld vs Hnndon Won by Hnndon o to 0 tltt chaffing ou his failure to bat as waa kept their bends. evidently uxpocted of him. i Umplro Griffin had an oxdledlngly dlfli ( Ann U Mnrahfleld va Cofjnlllo. It looked (or over hall tho gnmo aa cult place to till, but ho tilted It remark.' Won by Marrhileld S to 2 though the Marhtlold loya wort tip I ably wtdl. ' Aug. It) Miirnhfleld va North Hcnd. ngalnsl It good and hard. With one of In fact, it la not far-fotchod to any j Won by M arr-hfleld 0 to 5, the crack pltchera of tho at'ato, tho best that, considering the atato of feeling to Aug. SO MHrshfleld va Handon, first baseman and tho best batter ol thu which the crowd waa wrought up, It ia Bopt. 20 Marshfleld va Coqulllo. Hosebvrg team mlded to North Hend'a creditable to both aldea that things at omiuttK citt I May z loquiiio va iiunuon. force, they certainly had tholr work cut oat fur them. Throo time during tno flret six Innings they got a man to thin! only to bo shut out by thu lively Work of thu NorthHeud boyp, who in tho meau tlmo ran up a acoro of four. It passed off aa smoothly as they did. Uruhot, in tho box for Marahflold af ter tho first two innings, covered him self with glory. Marshfleld had algned Newell, Hoco- ! burg's short stop, and Ida work proved waa enough to dincourago any tuam, but oar boys kept their heads and tholr norvo ntid stayed with it llko bull dogi. Too much credit cannot bo given Cap tain Byrnes, for tho way ho kept hla Won by Ilandon, 0 U 1. May 31 Cooullle va Marehfleld. Won by Murshfllold, 7 to 2. June 21 Ccx-iilllo va North Bend. Won by North Bend, 13 to 8. July C Coqulllo va Handon. Won by Handon 7 to 6. July r.'-Coquillo va MarshCeld. UVn by Marehfleld 6 to 3 Won by North Heud 7 to 2 Aug. 10 Coqulllo vs Handon. Won by Bandon 8 to 3. hla ability to hold hla own with tho beet of thorn Ho haa a good pair of lamps and they , itnii't fnnl lilin wlinn ll innia In lilttlnu ' . . , . . .... I Aug. 2 Cnquillo va North Bend. ho ia also ft past matter at short atop,' mou in lino through thia trying ordeal, and la familiar with all the trlcka of tho Hu kept up hla own courage and that of trade. of hi, men. so thai when the opportune, That Mtr.hfl.ld'. aggregation ol ball J a30oflllSllo VB M.r.hfldd. "7 , V , T"' " '",0 V'W U,U crwm l0 lUC,r lown y"1"- Bept. 13-Cooulllo Va North Bend. odvantngo of It, and to work flvo men day la ft fact that cannot bo disputed.' ,- i - ' ' I AT .SOUTH IIXND it seems ttiat in tno last toor games j,ui() 7orti, oenj V6 Coqullle, 0 that Marshflold has played that alio hnsi wm. ,.. Vnrth nUn,l m m i Improved In ovory iramo, and now .how. Juno nsor., HoimI vs Marshfleld. a fair ahado of getting tho ponnant, or If! Woil b). Murbi,tit.d, 7 to 5. that la not possible, thnt alio will stand Juni. oJ- North Bend vs Ilandon, a . . a. f . i aecona ai least, u oniy remaius 10 oo u-,,,, i,v Nn,ii, !,.,,! ninj HEOTORBs? fill A flK"llR AI IfiHXl BMen'n,Ur Uluy llRV0 niel 1,nndon n July Ill-North Bend v I'oqullle. WLIWll UlWWJUl 1 1 1 WOek from the coming Sunday. vx on liy Norlh BtlIII, 6Xol THE ORIGINAL North Bond haa secured thu servicer 1..1.. n.i . ...i. i i ... ,.. i.i.t.i i I uuij w .innii jiihiu ye .iinrrnuuiu. nf .fnit ITnulill. Ilin nnyiilturn nllnlin. I ... . . ... ..... .w. -ww ..w-.., ...w ..www.B ,...v..w.. won liy noriii iienu a to a IIVFJJ MPnir.IWPJ8ome,ltty tlmt K08tl haa not l,oon AtiK.n-NortliHoiidv. Ilandon, l4 V JL1 i, JiJUAA'JIA m noys Ta A sullow complexion, dlnlniuu .... f nnioinine n ami a coatea tonnue uro common indications of liver iiml kidney diseiues. Ktomitch and bowol troubles, severe m they are, pivo tmuicdlnto warning by pain, inn liver ana Kidney trouu i - . . . - inucii wiruur to cure, incdtoras hut liver and thouuh lets puinful lit kidney trouble, tho Btart, nru llliick-Druuolit nover fails to bene fit dUtuuod liver and wenkenod kid- It stirs up tho tornid liver ". . M , A to throw oir tnu genua of rover and uuuo. It is a certain preventive of cholera and Briuhfa diuoaso of tho kldnovs. Willi kidneys ro iuforced by Thedford's Black Draught thousands of persons hnvo dwelt immuno in tho midst of yel low fever, Many famllios livo in perfect health and havo no othor doctor thun Thedford'a Block- Dniuuht. It is nlwavj on hand for usd in nn mer(tmcy and bavcs mutiy expenbivo culls of a doctor. Mulllni. S. C. March 10. 1901. I havs used Thedford'i DUck-Drauaht (or three years and I havs not hadtoajo to a doctor sine I have ben taking K. it it inc Mil mtaicins ror m mat is on the market for liver aad kidney voudics na oyipepiia ana otner complaints. Rev. A. 0. LEWIS. ..-... i.i ,. ..... i piicning his iiBuai gamo noro in uooaj Won by Bunilon 110 0 county, but It la hoped that ho will show A.t ;0N,.rth Boud vs Coqulllo. what ho can do beforo ho Ir.nvus tho p,,,,,, ,jNorth Bend vs Marshflold. diggings.. North Bend's rootera worn out in good forco, Sunday, and vortalnly did tholr sharo toward koeplng up tho splrota of tholr players. If tliose who attended thla didn't got their money's worth they need never oxpoct to bo eatisMed in that regard. Ono lody'was heard to exclaim t ''Oh wasn't that eplundld I t wich 1 hud .paid a dollar for my Beat." SCOBK Tho following acoro was kopt by a by stander. If in the excitement ho made uuy mUtakeu, they wero unintentional : I MA KBH FIELD Clynoe lb Nuwoll 88 1 Niullut 2nd I Forroy rl lirunot i) Wright II. Mauser 3d Byrus o Lohcl . lout AH 4 0 3 4 4 5 3 '4 R 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Bopt. 20 North Heud vs Bindon. ,AT HANDON May 81 Bandon vc North Bend. Won by Bandon 4 to 3. Juno 14 Bitudon va Coqulllo. Won by Bandon 12 to 2 Juuu 2l Biindnu vs Marshflold. Won by Bandon, 4 to 0. July 12 Bandon vs Korth Heud. Won by North Bend 4 to 3 July 20 Bandon vs Coqullle. Won by Bandon B td 1 Aug. 2 Bandon vs Marshflold. Won by Bandon 2 to 1 Bli PO A E Au8, 23 Bandou vs North Unnd. I 1 1 1 2 2 1. 2 1 0 o 3 1 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 1 tfept. U-NBnudon vs Coqulllo. Sopt. 18 Bandon v. MaryhQtld. .bTAKldNll 0$ THU CLUUS Won 83 e lit ai ii o o l Marclilleld 0 Northlle'nd i Coqnrtlo BauUvii 7 7 0 u LOBt 6 b is 8 Lane County O. A. It. rotorans will go to tho National Kncampmont In n special puliman car. Oregon City I'aperMillt nro preparing to run tholr plant with oil for fuel. Tho two mills annually consume 45,000 cord, of wood. In doaponslng with wood for fool, In the Oregon City paper mills tho destrl butlon annually of $100,000 will bo missed by laborers and business men of Oregon City and Clackamas County. One of tho daughteraof Mr. Irrln, who Uvea near Harlow, whlloout driv ing waa token trom the buggy by a strange young man. who dragged hor to the roadilde and attempted to aesult her. He was (rlghtonod away beforo bo accomplished his purpose The 2 l-2-7ear-old daughter ofM. II. Sheldel, of Hilsboro, was probably fa tally wounded by a revolver in tho hands of hor brother, aged 7. Mr. fibeidel's place la about three mlled north of town. The children found a 22-caliber woapon In the house, and ho boy snapped It in play at hla little ahter. Forty cents for picking hops will 'be the established price this year. Two bidders who bid on Astoria pub lic work havo tied and settled tho prot lem by flipping penny. E. M. Ormcn, an electrical engineer of Cincinnati, O., has been making an ex amination of tho country between As toria and Peaaldo In tho interest of the projected electric car line to connect the tao towui. The North Pacific equadron, rornl.t Ing of tho armored cruiser New York, tho piotecttd cruiser Marblehrad. the twin gunboats Concord and Bennington and tho tug Fortune linvn been ordi-rod to Astoria lo the regalia. The greatest social uffair over held n the old town of tit. Helens was the free t'nll and supper given to the peoplo of Columbia county last night in honor of the permanent location of tho county seat here. Fully 600 people woro pres ent, notwithstanding the busy harvest time. xt i 1 1,1 14-rI 1 1 II III 1 1 1 1 H II i I It I H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II M , LUMBER That is what we have to -ell and we can fill all orders for any and all kinds. The quality irt guaranted and the price is Right. , Our Stock includes anything required in Fir, Spruce, Red and White Cedar. , .. SIMPSON LUMBER CO., phone main i5i NORTH BEND, OR I I 1 1 1 1 I Ml 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I M 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-ft STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Orocon. Troinfnc nchool for tracSers couru-i arrang ed riprcially for training tr.-tchnsforiill branch cj of the profci'ioii. Jvlott approved nwihodt for craHrrt and uncrajid w irk uuchtin nctunl district school. Thedimand for ermlmtc of this school ns teachers far exceed the mipp!v. The Training Department which contUis of n ninir gnle puhllc school or about 350 p)ls Ii rt equippen In all its b ancltt. including l.lojd .tiiiic Drauine und l'h)ict mining. The Normal course, the best and quiclett wny 10 Swte Oittncnle. Fait lermpeiik Sept, aad. For catatogiM; or information .iddics orJ.D. butler, E. I). Resslcr. Secretary, President. ' iSU. CliBHBSBS ai ' ' jCHPHiLStryi Protestor Edward G. Adams, Superin tendent of tho Albany public schools tho past year, has accepted a position in' Portland as principal of the Mount Ta bor school for the next year. Professor Adams has been re-elected Supcrluten- Wquid Cream Bairn dent ol tho Albany schools. Xtual Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream lialm, which ia agre. ably aromatic. It Is received through th nostrils, cloansos and beala the whole sur face ovor which it diffuses itself. Druggist soil tho C0o. sizo ; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and yon ore sure to continna tho treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to tho use of atomizers in applying liquids Into tho nasal passagos tot catarrhal trou bin, tho proprietors prepan Cream Balm in liquid form, which will bo known aa lya Xiiqum Cream lialm. line lsemamg tn spraying tuboia 75 cents. Druggist or by BO YKARB KXPKRIENOE maiL Tho lianid form embodlda the me idc&l TmmertiiM of -th solid nren&i&tioa. ...... ..... ... . . 1 r - a ourRiar onicrca mo icsiaonre 01 u. A. Archlbuld, In Albany, early Thursday morhlng. About 3 o'clock Mrs. Archi bald heard a notso in tho houBe and awoke her husbaud, who rushed to the woodshed in time to boo a man with Archibald's saddlo in his posaeaeion Tho burlur escaped. C. n. Glemont givca out tho iu forma tion thai n rompuny is being formed to produce the dramatisation ol tho now fiiminiib novel 'Tlio Conquest" by Eva I Kmory Dyo, Mms Dyo has written tho' ,lri.,i,tl.llnn nnil It ill nmv in hft hnnil l - tr. Val tftner toritcnrtpgJHUau. ......-....- ....- .- .- ..- .. .. - rtltau uiu uiroi of O. 11. Clement, who will tluance a company to play this beautiful drama. Flanagan & Bennett Bank DIRECTORS: T. R. Short dan, J. W. Bonuott; TRES.: and. H. Flanagan, VICE PRES.; R. F. Williama, CASHIER. " Capital, $5Q,000. A MARSHFIELD, OREGON SH apaiapjaad9 Tradk Mamis DsaiaNB COPVNiaNTS) Ac Aaron MOdta ;(kiti aed dM4pUoa maj qnlsklr umtUIb oar oplnloa pyhat ts IntMlloa jiprobablr PftajBUwt. Ooamttnlov its tlofliitrUtlraonOd 1 tAka throiul trtUl mtU4. wlthoat l RIB fm andbook 00 ianU h Mud iCU rolT ,uui The Tildcn-Coxhead design (or a monument to tho second Oregon Volnn Uora was formally accepted by tho committee having the matter in charge at a mooting hld Saturday in the office of Adjutant-General Gantonbeln. Col, Jackson, General Gantenboln and Major O. E, McDonnell woro dordguated as a committee to superintend the construct ion ol the monumo it. Georgo E, Brown, a atngo driver, was brutally assaulted by O, E. Warren, a puRlllstlc bartoudor, at Rcsoburt; Thurs day night. Brown was knocked down ind so sevoroly kicked nbout the face and head that the attending physician required ISttltchos to sow up tho lucoru tlons. The process of the lower jaw was broken and the victim Btlll lies in a sumi-ebmatose condition. Warren is under flwOO bohda awaiting developments. Sckniific Ifmericaii. AhadJOilrlUnjU4 VMklr. format tr. euUtioa of aar alanUs'o JoaroaL Tarna.Ha Tear t four nontha, SI. tolabyaa mawawaaiarf. W 1M ralMW Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to the ADVERTISING MAN hbv responsible house. Wo promptly obtain U. B. and Tottifa mwM ffonu model. ik tch or nhotonf Imuilm rrtMramrtoa rLntAWlli rA.fc.tk Rffl"JJW-aMIK5 Tf rt wfiiirj lfirJklIIlJ 'ppoilt WASHINGTON D.a THE STEAMER ARCATA. jr. f. XJELfOy, Matter. Wall Make Hetrislar Trips) -BETWEEN- COOS BAY AND SAN FRANCISCO oarrying PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT AT 1 -LOWEST RATES.' Oregon Coal & Navigation Co., Proprietors. r .... .iV E. B. DOW, Agent, Marahfleld, Orego a0, CO. Afc-eat, Emplr City,. OregosV .-. th M !iff