EZiS ! Tm ." II fcnUfc. .-,.. Y- PUT TO FLIGHT Convicts Kill Two And Wound One Bpeotat m th Molt Placurvllht, Aiik. (I Tint outlaws llrcd on tlio inltltlii Hiitiiriluy, killing two ami wounding oiii1. The inllitln rtiturnetl tint flro mill rulrentttd, Tim bodies of Foilut lluthorford nn. I W. C. .lone, tlm two iiilllliiuiuiii who went phot by tint outlitwH wont found Huudiiy iiiurnliig vli n tlmy had fallen. Tlio ennui bloodhonndo utod to chato Tracy have been pin ceil on tlm convict' track, I M I I llll II ON EVE OF PAPAL CONCLAVE (Special ts the Const Mall.) Rome, Aug I ArntiiHiiiu'iilo (or tlio conclave wuru utiiipletod In tlio iiilnuloitt detail today and htm ttiu thr nconi ol Cardinal repair to Miulr colli this I'vonliiK it ulll ho to ri-innlii In strident seclusion until theuectMrof f. mi XIII, In tho Chnlr ol St. Tutor has been ehov en. rjtiucuhmi'ti now in confined to tint aubjsctof thupntb.O.hi duration of tho' 2CJC MILITIA conchivo iwit opinion Incline to v period J Vonol, tlnr!iinaimnl for tho rallioad of thruu or four .!, though It lit freely CtyftlftIiy only '28 rents n ton mt frlctht admitted that it In a guest puru and ilin- ,fom , Knimum ,utrict of Went Vir plu. KSiuoM a dtcM.m not Lo ivucliwl Knin l0 n9Vffmtt Sow, wliprcitH tho hy ihoCurdlunlN iimld.t of thno day a It p,,!,!!,,.,) rrtt ( tl(. ChoBapcakc and may bo inkun lor Krmituil aln.o.t that uilh ,()r ,j1(ll j,uul of tho fl.lSa ton thoNonowroKardi-dHihTdliiKuandilal u i thl apparent robato or ditcrin. havo been exoludml from tho rnco and ftUol )( f, ,7 4 ton in fnvorc, tllBlMW that it dark bono Will ho aliwun. Hi nnv0B M,iMII Btan,toihor llmt (ornii. army 01 iiUwmMr oorronpon.ionia noro from all paita of tho world aro hutily enititKed In dovlitinc iiiwiuh for obtaining ourly Information, but It appears curtain from tho arraiiKomunU that have been mado by tho Vatican nulhorilloa thnt t.o aiithontlc Information will bo forth coming until tio oflluinl htillutin an untiucltiK tho iimull iitiHHttod. . POPE PIUS TENTH Joseph Sarto Succeeds to Peter's Chair (Special to the Coast Mali,) Homo, AtiK 'I -Cardinal Jouopli Sarlo, Putriorch of Yonlco Ir cleotud l'upo and Iiab decided on tho naniti ol Thin X I Id waa born Juno 1, 18115, at Kfowu, and wiih criatod Cardinal, Jmo Vi, 18IKJ. London, Ani;.,l Tho Contrul Nowii nayH Bartowas uheted by ! voteB, Tho Bampolln party trunsfumid their utitiuo troiiKth to him, Vnnico, Ahi., 1Nowh o( Harto'a olr-i etltm hue cauaod groat popular oxclto munt ntul delight. Tho city h lllumlim tod tonight, nUtt&Zw. Tr IN HONQR OF JOHN ERRICSON (Special to tlio Coast .Mall.) Nuw Yor'r, Aug 1 : Ono hundred yearn nuo, In a little town in far off Bwnlf n. thoro was born o'jo who watt lUftluud y revolutionise tlm methodi ol naval conatructloii and naval warfare hiiiI Incidentally to nld In no mniill nicmnireu In tliri preservation of tlm United States of Ainerlct tlio liiud of liln Kilopllon. John l'rlciion wnn hia name ii ml thu "Monitor" hlamouurnctnt. Tint nmilvMV.ry ill Krelsjan'n blrlh hint for it number or yean been n festal duy among tlm Bwedhh cltlr.unn'of tlio UulWd Kind', but tliln year, which In thu centenary, la to ho markud' hy roluhriitloiiH on n rcalo innru thnn usual ly elaborate and, wldnuprcnd. Treimtu tlotin (or tlio oborvanco hnvu been going for more than a year. In Nuw Jersey, MlitoU, ICinifnit, Minnesota ntul other itntno where liirKO Hucdlnh suttlumenta uxlnt tho observance of thu (lay will be (uitu guttural. 'I ho centenary will bIho riciilt in tho erection ol several statues and othitr iiionumentH to lint nro.it Swed ish unlnctir uiid Inventor. Kor the pnkt Inn )i'ur it ln-rolc uionimont to tho memory of Kricfti'iu has occupied u cun pknouR intuition in llattury Park, thin r.lty, hut tho Hwedlsh residents liuvc ify cmno lo tho conclusion thnt tlu delivery of thnt amount nt tho old rule. After paying (or tlio con, it tranipor- .tatlon from Newport to Now I In von hy HmJ for UUclinrKiuK it from tho U ui(0, ,,, com,,hi,lt. iTHE THIRD . TRIAL OF POWERS (Special to the Coast Mall.) (lUoriM-ton, Ky., Au 1 Tho Hcott Clrouit Cnrt convoned in epocial pea hIoii Tuthdiiy, Juduo .1. K, Itohbina preMdtng, for .tho triul of Calub Towora' twlco couv t-toi of complicity in the mvrdor of Ciovornor Goobul, Tho frleuda of tho defoudnut linvo employed an impnihiK array of loyal counsel and a hunt Unlit will bo mndo (or acquittal. Cuh'h Powora has had twotrialn. Ho waa diet convicted hero Aiinat 10, 1000 a of complicity in tho murder ol Govern or William (loebol on tho Btatohoupo grounds t Krankfoid in tho proceeding Jauurnry, Tho fu'coml trial waa htild hero in Ortober, 11102, tho Court of Ap poiffH hiu-ing granted it In tho proceeding March. Again iho roault wae convict ion, n ml a emmd cuntenco to lifo im piisoiimeut wae impoeed. A now tiial waa awarded by tho nppullato court, tho action huliiK ImBdd mainly upon tho lefucal of Judgo Can trill to vacate tho bench wh'eu idlldavlta filed by tho de (onbo, churitlui! tho court with being prejudiced ngaluet tho defomUnt, DROPPED INTO Rf.VER mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Six Dead and Many Fa tally Injured ROTTEN STICK BREAKS. . IN PORTLAND BRIDGE Letting Crowd of Men, ren Fall Thirty Feet Into the Willamette (Special to the Coast Mall.) Portland, Aug I ; Fifteen torm weight of ahrleking humanity dropped from thu eastern end of tho Morrlaon struct bridge Into thu Willnmetto rivufat five minutes pant threo yontcrduy. A groat throng had ntKomlod to eeo "Profcufcor" Lute, the Armleea wonder" twiiii thu river. Keliog'a loat iiouae. the rowing club'tt float and thu Morrieon atreot hrfdgo was crowded with ppecta tore. Aa thu ewirnmor neared hia destina tion tho crowd naturally our go J toward thu i-aeleru end of thu.brldgo to eeu the tluiih. No euch number aasmbled, howuvor, aato cnuee danger had tho bridge been sound. Suddenly ami without werulnt; a rotten T by 12 inch timber broke abort off tklhu point whore the bridge walk ad joined tho roadway. It waa tho con trul aupporttof 40 feet of walk on which wuro crowded fully 110 people, largely omon and children. Tho break occurred on tho south sldo of th bridge oppotlto thu Portland rowiug club houeo. Thu peoplo eeomod to drop in a lump aa n load is dumped into u cellar. Tho dietanco (rom tho top of tho walk to tho surface of tho water is about 30 leet. Tho (all waa broken hy i Vincent's hospital has seven still uncon twofcowaand a small floating bath,ecious. ELOPED . WITH EX- .'convict Young Portland Wife Disgraced . A Case of Flagrant Ingratitude (Special to tho Coast Mall.) Portland, Aug., 4 Mra. Elliott Park, hurst, a young wlh a god 20, has olopod with Harry Hiloy, an ox-convict, and they aro believed to bo iu Seattle. Sire. Parkhurst ia n daughter ol ox Wardou Janefi, of thu Salem penitenti ary, Her mothor io n Bistor of ox governor Gour. ' Riley sorved 2 joara in Kan Qaontin and wiib ngaiu aontenced to Ave years at Salem. There ho nipt young Mrs, Parkhurst who often visited her parents Both aro autd to have fallen in lovo, Last Saturday Riley came here from Women and Child- house directly under neath. With a fearful crash the section of walk and its screaming, scrambling load ol men and women annulled through the roof of these. Tho walk soemod to (all rquarely, thus preventing tho peoplo (rorn being crnthed underneath. A law people slipped off tho west end of tho alien walk into tho river but were quickly dragged out, a lot more tu tub ing in a heap on top of the debris. Aboard both floata, but fully 1-3 plung ed in a bunch bctweon tho tloatfl, whiJi were eeporated by about Ave feet of open water. That so many peoplo could haye fallen into iuch a apnea without stunning and thrusting a number of those undorneath into dcop water, bo that in rising they would be caught under tho fioata seems incredible, though (or a timo it was thought that no one waa drowned. Tho river hero la about twenty feet deep and at this placo two or threo (eat either way mean a drowning, (or victims would be held undor by the floats. Six are still missing and belieycd to bo drownod. Ono hundred and twenty ono aro injured, fifty Beriously, perhaps fatally. Pationta aro scattered all about tho city in hospitals and homes. St. tho penitentiary', having been released. lio was mot by Parkhurst, who married Miss Jauea eovon years ago, and who did not know ol tho attachment, Ho felt a kindly Interest In Riley and took hitn homo. Lato Saturday nlsht while enrout homo Riley assaulted Parkhurst and boat him almost to death. 'A bask drovo up and Mrs, Parkhurst appeared on tho fcone. The ex convict and wc? man cot in and that was. tho last seen of them, Rlloy told hia friends ho intended going to Seattle for a (ew days, then to hia old homo In Chicago. Parkhurst is well to to do. II o ia an ox-deputy sheriff aud ia well known in 8alum. HALSEY GOES UP IN SMOKE (Special to tho Coast Mall.) Salem, Aug. 1 Tho town of llaleoy burned last night. Ten a'oros, n ware- houeo, the poatoffice, a fine resldenco, and many email bueineea housoa wont up in smoke, !The loss ia seventy thousand, SETTLING. , VJ'? i. REBATE QUESTION (Sp-eclal to tho Coast Mall.) Norfolk, V., Aug I Rpilrfcad and business circles are awaiting whh keen I interest" the outcome of the arguments hwgun in the United Htatos District ' f?mirt Iwirn tMltiv In Itiu aniilfnatlnn for a permanent injunction tc restrain the Chceapeako and Ohio Railroad (rom carrying coal or any other traffic at any greater-or lesa rate than its publiehed tariff rates aud also to rewtraln the New Haven road from receiving any rebate or advantages therefrom. Tho case is tho first to rise onder that section of tho Anti-Iicbato law trhich gives the Inter statu Commission power to atk for an injunction to restrain a railroad (rom charging less thau its posted freight rates. The action in tho present case is based on tho original complaint of V. C. Bul litt, a Philadelpia coal denUr, and the testimony given by President Stevens of tho Chcscpeak and Ohio, shows that a contract was made five years ago by his road to deliver at New Haven 2,000, 000 tons of Now River coal at the rate of 400,00 tons a year, for 2.75 a ton. When tho contract expired in April last, 60,000 tons remained undelivered and a now contract waa mado for the aUtua waa not satisfactory and have de cided to replaco it with ono regarded as moro suitable.' The new statue has. been placed noar tho eito of tho old one and trill be unveiled next week with elaborate ceremony, Minneapolis is also to pay tribute to tho memory of the distinguished Swoed by erecting a mon- nmont designed byGuatavLandberg. an eminent sculptor of Stockholm. In addition to these material tributes a movement Is on foot to futhor preserve the memory and famo of Captain Erics son by establishing tho custom among the K wod a of America of observing the annivaraary of his birth as a national holiday in tho samo way that tho Xor wegians celebrate tho anniversary of thi adoption of their constitution and th French tho annivcreary ol tho fall of the Uaatile. CHALLENGER AGAIN BEATS ' SHAMROCK I Special to the Mall. Ilighlauds, Aug, 3 In today's race tho old Shamrock out-maneuvered the challencer and gained tho start, crossing tho lino 15 seconds ahead. The chal louger speedily overtook her and drou steadily away. Tho courso is 30 miles, The challenger ia in tho lead on tho last leg. Gard'uer Gaaette Civil Engineer M. L. Tower, in the Government sorvice h making a thorough eurvoy of tho lowoi Umpqun this week and with hia corpt will be employed noro (or several weeki to come. Tho object of this Burvoy h to re-chart tho lower river for the ben efit of navigation ami lo obtain an offici al report which might ta considered h) tho Government should an early aop ba taken toward tuo improvement of thi bin MISSOURI RIVER IS s' RISING., 40 Miles of U, P. Track Weakened wr Special to the Mai'. Kansas City, Aug 3; Tho Miieouri river roso 27 inches in the last i hours as a result of heavy rains in Central Kansas. Forty miles of -the Union, Pacifle track between SallnaandTopeka have. been weakened. , Tho Kaw river rose 5 inches an hour, all morning. An immenso qnanity of drift wood and t'ebrh is lodging against tho tern-, ' porary bridges, which eeom to be doomed. THE HOGSBAGK TO BE DREDGED Ten Thousand Dollars Set Aside for That Purpose' The Coos pay Chambor of Commerce received a tele gram yesterday from Sena tor Fulton, saying: "I have Just received a letter from Chief of Engineers at Wash ington statingthatthoy have decidod to devote $10,000 from tho emergency funds to remove shoal opposite Pony slough." ThejChambor of Commerce haa been working hard on this proposition for some time, and the success that haa crownod their efforts ia a catter for hearty congratulations. CONGRESSMAN '! KETCHUM'S WIFE NEARLY KILLED Surprised Burglar an Her Room Special to the Mafl. Now York, August 2 Tho wifo of Congressman Kot churn waa nearly mur dered today by a thiol whom Bbo sur prised iu her opartmonto on her roturn from a shopping expedition. Ho struck her over tho bond with a pokor, broko her collar bono and infllotod numerous scalp wonnda. Ho got $5 in cash, CARDINAL ' , FOLLOWS THE POPE From Tuesday's Dally. 5 2 Rome, Aug, 30ardinal Joseph Ig llBia, of Spain ia dying In the Papol conclave. Tlio final ritea of the church havo beou administered; Do ia W) years' 9 of age. v 1 ah, iXt-tj