-illfi 'J'PMBIIPPWKS v 7 i'"i"T"'i "'""Ji ' i.'irJ'? ;.,' vinr'P'' t"'3TS -jxkj-',M Ijt .' .. v. . v. - : A.-' ijL--JiviSHSEi&iji R-.vflP .,.,...' ! &,w M". Ml mipMP"- . i.-i -. "im , . i,4K,i, jrt-i s 'J-V' 'BL nn mr XinnHiJtw- r .11 f V Tr mt' iwvqetwwwicn $'' jy. V wp Mpftf, ILU; ' 'Um FPIiW i UIlplllJ J W,1 P Iff" y CTE3ITv'T!V'Tl IT" 1 i i i r I i i ! ir i. n' i . $. t vt. n r I' f i I CS v'I: ' f i3cSO:NA.:r. From Sunday' Dally. J. R Roohon will bo in Myrtle Point for a week pointing 1. I. Pholan'a cot- tlRO. Mrs, Matson, who has been quite seriously ill is now reported as getting letter. The printing o'lico of the Deschutes "Echo was burned at Bend Oregon, on Thursday. Cptaiu Norman Nelson nnd V. An dcrsnn wcra up from tho lifeaaving eta' tion last evening. Tho fine new launch for Mr. Hinsdale, of Gardiner, was placed in the water at Holland Bros, yard yesterday. Rov. Wm. ilorefall rtturned yce'er d.iy from a trip to Tort Orford, whure he held services Inst Sunday. Edward Li nd In; re, of Part Orford, is in town, kaving come up to have l)r. Prentis do somn work on his teeth. The tu; Columbia took tho schooners Ivy and and Westeren Home to the lower bay yesterday with cargoes of lum ber. Mrs. Or. Lawlor, of North Bend, will give a launch party np Coos river today in honor of Mrs. Taylor, of San Fran cisco. Wm. Lawhorn, of Snuiner, waB In town yeBterday on his way to Allegany to visit his daughter, Mrs. Stemmor tnann. William tfetherby, who is well known on the Bay, was married at Pirt Orford July 25tb, to Miss Nora Ellis, of Curry County. When you want a physic that i mild and senile, easy to take and certain to act, always use Chambertain'e Stomach ; and Liver labieta. lor sale by Jno i'reu69. W. H. Jisber, becretary of the 0. C. fc N. Co., is expected tomorrow on a Dullness vieit to the company's proper ty here. Dr. Birch the Marshfield eyo specialet will be gone up South slough for a fea days, Ho will return Friday, to his office at tho Central Hotel. R. J. Coke resumed his placo in II. Beng6tacken'a 6tore yesterday, after 60v eral weeks outing, which have been of considerable benefit to his health. Bandon Recorder: At asprclal meet Ing held l&Bt Monday, in the Bandon school district, it was determined by a majority vtoe, of citizens, of tho di&tr'ct preBeut, that tho 9th and 10th grades should be taught in tho dietrct. Tho Astoria city government is mak ing arrangements to have the books of tho varioua city officers expertid either once a year or once in six monthe.'! Tho county hae made arrangements by which it gets its bocks exported for $100 per year, and it ie holievsd that tho city can have tho work done for lose. ' Coquillo Bullltin: Wo learn from good authority that the first National Bank, of this placo has purchased tho building, vault, oct and tho good will of tho Coquille Valley Bank, and that tho announcement or the new manage- ont will probably be oat beforo we go ipf . I J, Choles - a Cure mrnm.iiiiniiWHltwiLUini nc Asoicrcien and almost infallible remedy for Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dyscntry, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantani.and Cholera. It nets almost immediately. The Marnhlleld Cigar Co. hv.vo moved their factory to tho building on tho cor nor ol (J and Front frtroota recently vacated by Mrs. Wool soy's bookstore. This w'll give, them a much batter loca tion, and more room for thu manu fautureof tho threu brands of cigars which they have placed on the market here, tho Coos Bay Hell, San Mat-o and a uickle cigar, all of which are meeting a pleasing reception from Coos Bay smokers. Seriously Injured Fred Ott. while tondlng hook at the Daniels Creok camp yesterday, was senoufly and paiufully injured by the hook, which j;ava away from tho log nnd hit Otl in the back knocking him down. Hu was brought to Marshfield, hut night, and ia now at tho Central Hotel under the care of loc! physicions. Death of Edward Dais Fdward Davis died at Lake, Or., at 10 o'clock, July 20th after an illness ol about 3$ hours, at thbageof 70 years. The remains were interred at the Sand Hill Cemetary at 2 o clock July 30, Itov. G. M. Strowen officiating. Mr. D. was n native of Kentucky, but spent most of his youth in Alabama and other Southern states. At the outbreak of the civil war he gave his fortuno and Eorvice to tho cause of tho confederacy, something of which ho was always proud. When it became evident that ho was working for a lost cause he left the army and with others went to Mexico, returning after the close of the war and engaged in livery business in his native state wnere he married and where he leaves several grown up children with bis first wife. His second wife to whom he was married about 8 years ago eur- J vives him together with 3 stepchildren. - Mr. Davis has lived on bis estate near the Tenmilo creek bridge for about nine years, previous to which he lived (or a while on Eoush slough and at Empire. His property was left to his etep- daughter, Viola Ruth, of whom he was very lonu. Big Hole in the Mudflat Parties on tho hill who were looking toward tho Standard Oil warehouse, about low tide Friday, were surprised at noticing a eudden agitation of the whole Burfacoofthe mudflat In that vicinity, as ia from the impact of some heavy body, Presently a portion of the flat was Eeen to partially separate Itself from the rest, and take the eemblanco of a man's form. Then people were seen putting down a plank from the wharf above, and up this inclino tho mud mnnBter crawled, finally standing re vealed as what was once T, 15. Dow. Futher investigation dlEcloaed tho fact that Mr. Dow had income envious ol his wlfo'a ability to rirto a bicycle, and bor rowing a wheel of his ran, F. H.. ho essayed tho task of conquering its pecu liaritiea. Ho declined Mra. Dow'a assistance, on the ground that ho could Uarn better by himself. Ho soon learned to etay on to euch good effect that when tho wheel started to ward the edge of tho wharf and refused to turn, he couldn't get off, hut rode plump over the edge and eomo 10 feet down to the flat below. Fortunately he struck whoro it didn't hurt,hut the amount of mud ho brought away has not been measured, Dysontory Cured Without the Aid of a Doctor "I arnjuetupfrom a hard spoil of the uux luyeentery) saya Mr. r. A. l'innor, n well known merchant of Drummond, Tonu. "I need ono mall bottlo of Cham berlain'a Colic, Cholic and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without having a doctor, i consider it the best cholera medicine in tho world " Thero iu no need of employing a doctor whon this ie used, for no doctor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint in any form cither for children orradulta. It never fails and is pleasant to take. For fealo by John Preuss. The. Quick Suro mm -" CARMINATIVE BALSAM Prom Tuesday's Dlly. Tho Nellie and Creasy of Bandon camo in to Marshfield yesterday. Thu Acme is at the stave mill lug her loud from Siushiw. Ilnlsh- Wm. Naiburg joined tho Straw pnrty at tho McKtiight placo yesterday. W. II. Noblo leaves thin morning for n camping outing on Temuilu for a wtek or so. A number of the Marshfhld team will tuke n outing at the Mzu this week. Mm, Molllo Allen, of South Fork, Ky saya she has prevented attacka of chol era morbus iy inking Chamherhtiu'i. Stomach and l.iyer Tublots when fltu felt su nttivrk coining on. Surh atliu-ku are usunH- catired by indigestion uml thne .Ta'lleta art Just what Is net-tll to cleanse the stomach end ward off the approaching atthek. Attacks ol bilious colic may bo preveuted iu the same way. tor salu by J no. Preuaa. The Columbia towed tho San Boon aveuturaof San Francisco into Marah deld yesterday . The Washington, Hinsdale's fine new pleasuro launch will be taken to Gardiner today. Itus9 Toner proceeds Tom Bennett, going on tho Areata. Hu will also Httuud Btflmont. Cheif of Police McCloud after four weeks illness ii again able to attend to his official dutleB, C.F. McKuight and E. B. Scabrook v, ere in from their camping party at Coos river, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Lundy, of Myrtle Point went to San Francisco to attend the G. A, R Encampment there. II. W. Apperson, of Chicago, is on tho bay and may locate here with a manu facturing busintnJ of some-kind. A. Rideout, of East Marshfield, left yesterday for Eckley where he will en joy a hunt with tho Guerin brothers, Jacobs , the former catcher and first baseman, has been given his release upon his own request, from tho Marsh field team. J. W. Bennett and eon Tom, start overland for San Francisco via Drain Route. Tom will remain at Belmont to attend echool, Dr. Prentiss ia making preparations to hui.d a residence on his lots in West Marshfield and A Bridges ie clearing off tho ground. Tho steamer Blanco towed tho schoon er Webfoot from Porter to North Bend yesterday, where tho Webfoot will finish her cargo of lumber. Ii. J Simpson ia in San Francisco on a short business trip. Ho was accom panied by Mrs. Slmpion, who will n.ako a more extended visit to tho city. L, R, Robertson has purchased the residence and property of Mra, Sarah Wilton, of South Marshfield, and com menced moving hia household gooda to that place yesterday, Rusty Mlko'a Diary, August 4, 1003 If you would give a man a pieco of burnt btofateal: and tell him to eat,iL, ho will likely objecloverdouo adyerthiomeutB dcri't go down any bettor, ' Slit Klahn, toriuurly ol Kmplro, tvn in tho In id co iicoidoiit it Portland, Imi fortunately wivi nut forlnufcly hurt. It la reported that Frank Gtiorln, nt tho Goquillr, waintnolu tlio titlxui. Mrs. K. J. lliumm haw placed a new plr of Huwu counter h'iiIom In her store, noxt dour to the Port Olllvo, thu mMt. tlonal iiUlpmoiit being mad" necessary by ,'her lucrea.Miit! trade in fruit und vegetables Boyntonono of the Mnrehllold nine, left Monday morning for San Francisco i upon hearing of tho uurloun lllnenH of hia fathor. Ho han not been released, but It not known when hu will return, Mr, Kmmoraon has sold his iuteroBt in tho Clartluld Cafu to the well known caterer Mr. Jonea, who lll hereafter serve the people at thu new Cafe. Mr. Emmerson left on tho Alliance for his former home, Han Frauuirco, Mrs. John Koltea and children lef yesterday accotnpauiod by Mr. and Mia. Sol Durblii for a vUlt to S atom. They wont via Drain route. Mr. Koltns will remain in Com county for somn time attending to his business interests. A Jolly party of happy yotirg people goto the Maxe to.'.ay for a two weeks' outing and recreation. Thu party con sists of tho Misses Ague Hutcheson, Gtiaelo Brown, Mary Miuot. K'ellu O'Connell, Messra Frank Hague, L, K Nichols, Archie Kruno and Master Tom Minot. They will bo chuprouod by Mrs. T. o. Minot. Suoml Soclety'e picnic hold at Eno grcn'a grove on Coos rlvor Sunday was largely attended. Dancing wtvs tho special (nature, and the dance was fur nlohed with splendid music. Thu aporta which wuro to bo hold thero did not como !'. Many people from Marsh field chartered the gasoliuu launches. The crowds returned in the evening af ter tho dance although some who wern more fond of the light fantastic carno later on a gasolino yacht. Pioneer Reunion Tho 13 Annual Reunion of Cooo and Curry counties will bo hold at Myrtle Point, on'August II, 1003, A good pro gram has been arranged. Tho annual addross will ho given by E. G. D. Hoi den, of Coquillo. Thero will bo n Bas ket dinner and oxercisoa in the grove. All aro invited to attend nnd bring baskets. Travel by Sea Doparturea by Areata Aug, 3: Mrs Lester and 4 children, E Butler, Mm. Butler, J Lawrence, John Lheldou, R W Lundy, Mra Lundy. Lillio Klahn, Miss Ross, J D Rosa. Geo Lee, Win Phote, R Dcrnetor, I' Demater, Mra P DemBter, Dr Cook and wih, .of Empire, Gertrude Stevens, K Miller, Nellie Reattie, Mrs Beattie, C Pcjtlereon, Mrfl Vio'a White, Mra Win White, F White, P.usa Tower, The following paasongora arrived on tho Alliance from tho north in addition to tho list telegraphed from Protlaud: J W Bonehrako, Mra Chaa Blum, Jub C Church, W U Wilahlro, 1 S March, 8 J Wing, J H Baird, I O French, J A Mey er, G W Oakley, JET Reaeo, Howurd Drow. Departures south b.v Allianco.Iuly 31 : O T Casou, W B Eley, I. B Adams, II Manring, G W Scott, U W Sanford, O .J HorrlB, E A Day, Geo Pavoy, John Franco, A J Loll, 11 L .Agor, W T Pow on, J P Butler E J Luroy, W S Lane, A L Cavanaugh, Clma McCunly, Par rich, R L Cavanaugh, IJ Suvunnali, K W Hachmuth, Mra W J und Mauue Eva, Noll, Lloyd, Margaret, Cornwall, W Wallaco, W O Saunders, O C Reld, E E Reld, MIbs Edith I,und, Mra Lund, Mra Backman, Waid Adams, Mra L B Adams, Ray Adama, .0 Noaburg, tteo ClaVy, J E Fltsgorold,,Mro E O'Connotl.l D A Kmmerapn, V0 Badloy, idler Ett&l Hanier, Fred Broad noil, Mrs Fred !. WW - J 'fJ'SKw ,nliiii'tpiiitolM ' r n TxX-JLf ililorwlui writ HI SAWYER'S EXCELSIOR DRAND POMMEL SLICKEIIS Mm xrkkitill run tint et wtt. ttiCELSwn iwaim oilcij cLorutflia '' Tor M kind of work wmimil i' M-ronr. UxiK lor Irnlr mark 1 -y J II IIOlHl llfll W JWH M.iNM1iWl I 'Ifir .tUW.U., Mm. lllo It. M. Brondwull, A Collins, U I) Lehoy, Mra A J Hauls, Mian ul' v Mooie, Mrs J II Clink, Mrnllorthn Clark, Mra IKlrltllth, Mra A I 'Johnson, Gruco Fan(ord,.Mia U W Saiilort Mini Mitgclm Siutford Miu nleSauford, Mrs. I, llouser, DISASTROUS FIRE Consumes Upper Bunkers at tho Libby Coal Mine 1 hu upper huukora it the Oregon Coal it Navigation (V mine at Libby were burned yontorday afternoon, by a lire which atarted iu the nil Iioiihu. Them was In tin: bunkers about t tons of cutl, which was alto consume, I. Tim loin Is considerable, as thu hunkers cott i'i thu neighborhood of jt&.tlOJ. The shipment ul coil will hu delayed while the wrock Is being clourud away, but it ia hoped to resutuo iu u (ewdaya. Not ovorwiso There is an old nllognrical picture of a k'lrl scared at a grata hopjHir, hut In tin- act ol hectllea treading on a nuakit. This W paralleled by tliomnu wlionpoiidh a large sum of money building a cnclnuo collar, but neglect to prorido hl family with a boitht of I'tiiiiiib.'rUln'w Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a nfoguurd ngatiini )wd ciimplalnlf, whoso victims oiitnuiiilMT tlioroof the c clone a hundrod to iim Till remtsly is nvoryviliuro rxgiiiitd as tho muet prompt and roliablo mo liniuo In une (or llu-pii dicoaaoti. i'ur sale by John I'reuss, From Wtdneaday'i Dally. Thu Areata eal!i (rout San Francisco Friday. Tho Alert la carpenters. being gvor hauled by Mrs. J. II. Taylor Is reported ill at her rtflldunco on 1st striMt. C. Marsh and family went down yon terday to camp at tin llfesaviug station. Mrs. L. II. HuUnurHiid Mrs. Hibbard go to Rocky Point today for a camping outing. A young folk's lawn party wax held nt IN". P. Guloviou'a place In South Marehfield last evening. Capt. Noleon iUul crow of tho lilu saving station madu a practice spin to Empiru yeBterday, Painters atarted painting the nchooner at North Bend Monday, color ia n sea green. now The Mra. Wilson of South Marshfield hap bought tho It. It. Herrnnhomeou Brnnd- 1 woy. Otto Schnttor'a blooded, yellow pup, "Hnoozo," ia slowly recovering from ita recent Euriouijillneeu. W. n, Curtia and E. A. Anderaon ond famlliofl will drive to Bandon toduy for a short outing on the bench. Icaac Landrlth, Bluford Davis, Tr-m llliiin, Chan. Dungiin and others started out for n hunt at Loon Laku yesterday. Tho interior of tho Grlssen Music Co'b Htore iu bolnj:, groatly improved by tho Hildltion of p'.'ntttiid Boveral now planoB, Capt. cGlnn, of thonteamor Kmplro, la taking w outing on Coog Bay while hia boatls frolng ropWred at San Froft cU'CO. ' ml W'X II ll Thu OliiMiilh oiuloivor'K'liiiy of Ifiu ' hIi.MIivii chiyOllj 11J19L yltjt Mlrlit Viiiho .Mmr Iu f niulnr moittlily mo 1H1 iikut oVHiiing, (ii inoriiiatt' Inutiflli wan tQwrd In MM it tup .., iho Coo ilvor today, by Iu) .Morilmuu. llnr uuglnoH miildoiily -ttt I'ul and could not tie tailed, r.ni.l K iu o, HuprlniHiiil.viit of thu It -rf. ii c at miim.ii In tow 11 mi I1I11 vay iMuk to Itivorluii tiuui a liiiflnoiiB trip to S n FnuiL'lMio. fwynial hiimlriMl puiindi of gtitttt imndfr was hurmxl hi the lire which ei muiiwl tho mull hiiiikers at Llhby, .Monday, II It had ''went oft" T'm tug Hunter oiime In with auothut uargo of Umpqiiii vmk1 (or Portland'. On Hi return trip It wlll.take the Wadi liigton, llinwlnlea mn yauht with It. Ruity Mlku'a Diary, Aug. 10. J'JU: When I sou it merchant trying to Imltutu rtiiuther hiisluena mail It liiakeHinu think of it child trying to Imitate the "grotvn up." 1' I, I'liohtnV (Hiiilly go to Myrtle Point Hula, I th thoir houiehold goods, iiihI mII iiittko their f n turn lioiito nt that phtoe, wherit Mr. I'holait haa engaged In thu sawmill lniiiioK. MUs Fannie (ielty, of Empire, hen com plot oil it iitioovHw (nt Biiiiiuier term 1 f it!i1 at Catrhlug alough and will now take a iniioli nordfj vacation at lur hoiiiO In Hinplro. A gentleman Krlton: my children, six are curing for thoiii'olvoH, My wife, tlrdtwlfo iiud'Jiire aliinii. Tho others hnw IlittsliHl tholr education and are at work, .ill doing well," How many ivos hitM he? R A. Johnson mid his ulster, Carrie E. Johnson, btart thin mnriilinf for Drain ami will visit thu Ror-wntl rpringa In .enroll ol rollel f rum the rlieiimatlsm, which hiti boon troubling them twth. They may also vieit Citliforrila. .ii, R. RohrbJcher, Traveling (Sauoial Agent, and It. C. Rohrbnuher, spccli1! agout, ol thu Washington Life Ins. Co., Mho hao loon doing titisluos for their company on tho Coquillo, iiru atnyingut the Arlington, mid will spend tiomu tlmn iu Murhtleld iu tho interesta of thu Washington Life. Two parties of Catching .alough nlm rtxla started yesterday for Curry county to spend ton tlaya or two weeks hunt ing. George Rot-a and I-rituk Black went together. Win. .'ouohroaku, Kd Stock, Orvillo Wilanu and Thorn m Goodull Hindu up thu other party. Their frlonda, including thu Coast Maii,, ex pect a big feed whuu the huntera re turn. ERIC ANDERSON DllOWNED Falls Overboard from .a Rowboat and sinks Eric Anderson. aged about 38 yearrt was drowned Monday night nt I) o'clock at thu mouth of Catching alough Ho leaves it mother, brother nnd nlster, Mra Chun. Smith, who Uvea on Kontuck slough, Too unfortunate man, accompanied by Hermann Kroiiman left Marahileld iu thu evening about half past suvon for Alex Miitdon'ii place 011 Catching alough, and when they entered thu alough thu row boat was stuuk on thu flat. ICron moii in endeavoring to gef free rocked thehoatitud Anderson luit hln balance and fell overboard juat uu they ehot into tho uhiiuuel, Audersoil wao n utrong Bwimmor hut ilid not como to tho stir v 'uci ,. t . Corbn'or Minuua was Burbmbnd and n party Will drig tho slodgh f6r the body I