Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, August 08, 1903, Image 5

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    i'ntw'' if ' w-yw i'i!iB. ,
t V ':
.'.A J
- ftf-- r
A W f -
Now Roady For Froo Distribu
tion Thololdorn which tlio (ooo llityObnrn
lirr o( Coiiiinitrcu linvo lnul In propnrn
ttoi (or aotiio tltnu nrii now rcatljr (or
Thoy contain on oho alilim map ol
Uri'iron, In coloritHliowliiK tho location
of Cooa liny, nml also vicinity mnp of
tliti liny. Tliltf wns printed In Portland,
On tlio otlmr fililo In readmit mnttor
dlmrlptlvo of tlio Cooh liny section nml
Itn twmttuf, Illustrated I) III hnlf lonii
unriiviiiKn. Tlio rcndltiK innttur was
prepnron by 1. H. Kniifinnn, naslitod by
K, L, U. Knrrln, nml nllhbiiKh propnrod
In n hurry, ulvun n wry good Men of tlir
roll H try uud itn ronotirco, Tlml side ol
tlio fp'dtir was prlutod In thin oMce, new
typo hnvluu been hoti(ht (or tlio Jub, and
promote nil nttrncllvo appcnuuco,
TIiojo (oldnri nro Intondud (or (ten
dietrlhtitlou, whom thoy will do tl o
moat good (or Coos fl.ty. Any onn hav
ing friends In llio Knot or olauwhuro who
might bit Interested In learning about
Coon liny with n vluw to corning here,
qsn procuro ranlus of tho folder of 1. 1..
0, Fnrrln, ('or, b'ccrotnry ol tho Cham
bur ol Commerce. When wntpprd bu'
not nenb-d thoy enn bu uuillod (or out
cunt each.
Real Estate
G Vf Mnrllti .V: w to Frank Carey, trac
In sec 3D t 'J7 r IS. 50.
Fnrnh A Wilson to . I) Kmith, ec ol
hcc 2 1 117 r 10. IdO ncrus. 1 1 1 10. ,
(luo II llorron nml Sarah A Wllron t
1. 1) Hiiillh 2 ol n o , n 2 o( nve i sec
l!8l2(JirJ) ICO acres. MHO.
Fnutilu A llnznrd 1. 11 linzard nnd w
to Chan (Ingu o 2 a o I, eoc 11, w 2 of u w
1, 2 o( h w 4, u 2 of n n I, w 2 ot a w 1,
t u I ol n u I, n 2 o( H O i, B o 4 of 8 0 4
ice 1 1, n w l,im I cf a o I ace 21, ti w 1
re 25 1 2:1 r II. f 10.
Gomingon Areata
Special to tha Malt.
Hun FrnncUco, Auk. 7, Tho Areata
anllod (or Coos liny at 3:30 p. in. today
tilth tho following pnaaongors: Mrs.
.McLaughlin, and bnby, 11 Wlclor, W.
0. Cochran, 0, K. I.uthy and wife, F. B.
Ilolllator, C. 0. Hodorlck, Mrs, Copt.
Wliltnoy, Frank Rojns, Mrs Johneon
nml flvo children, Mra Leo Slug, and
olght In tho etcerago.
Mnuy n child
tins been fooled
by the story o(
i BIZ .
the pot of gold which
la to do iouiki jusi.nt
tho (oot of the rain
bow, Mid linn started
out to gntlicr riches
full of lmppy dreams.
Mnuy n niun nnd
woiiiun hnvc been de
ceived by the tnle that
there wnn health to be
found out beyoiid the
sunset, nnd tliey lmvc
Blurted out dreaming
of n healthful future,
never to bo realized.
Teoplc who have triwl change of cli
mate In vnln for tlio euro of weak lunga
hive liecn perfectly and permanently
cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery . It cures deep-seated
couuhs, bronchitis, bleeding lungs, cmo
clntton, nnd other conditions which, If
neglected or unskilfully treated, find a
fatal end in consumption.
"I.nit ilii(f I lwl n ievcre attack of pneu
monln wlikh lA me with a wry txul csxigli,
Mill nlw 1U my Iuiik In n very IkmI comlttloii,"
vtrlto John M HumoII, U.. of llrcnt, Cherokee
Nat.. Iiul Ty. "I had no nprjctltc mm was a
vr enk I could ncarccly walk. My tirctml it all
sore with lumilim sort, I cot two totllct w t)r,
I'lerce's Ooliln .Mcdlejl Dlitcumy. which tw
llcve Mtwil my life. I cniiuot cxpraui my Kr"''
tuiie lo you. 1 nm ahle now to uo very coou
AnymibsUutc ofTered as" just as good"
as "Golden Medical Discovery" Is n
shadow or lliut medlclno. Tiicrq nftj
cures behlild e,very claim made for,, the
"Discovery," Vfhlcli no "just as gooa"
medicine can tjtpw.
The People's Oomnton Sense Medical
Advisor, a nook containing ioo8 pages,
is givptt away. Send si oito-cent atritnpi,
for expense of mailing only, for tho bgok
.ia paper covers, or 31 stamps for till vol
uuio. bound In clotw Address Dr, IU V.
Matte; JJuflaloN.Y.
t a J BIZ
T '&&
i .asF'f
dftAi06ON OP A klNQ.
Chturltm J. notiavarte, flpenlnl Couiu
I In Fostal Trlnla.
6hnrlrii J. Ilonnpnrto, who linn foon
nppOlnted it fipoclnl c6tinol to itNHlnt
tho govonimotil in tho pronocutloii of
ludJctod oflldila of tlio poo tal depart
mont, Ih n dlrot 3dcoiidittit of tho t nm.
ily of Nnpolooti Oio Grunt, ompuror of
tho Kmncli.
iilu KriindfntJwTf wnn tho rmpiTOt'ii
youngest brotbur, Jororno Iloiinpnrtu,
who rruiniiiil tho bonutlfut Iiutny I'at
turtiou of llnltlmrm) nud who aftor bc
Ing dlvorcod from bin Aniuiicuu wlfo
bocntno king ot Westplmlln. Ilotny
lMttornon)! non, born of lior inarrlauo
with Juroain, waa tlio fattier of Clinrloi.
1. Doiuipiirto.
Mr. Ilonnpnrto In n Kriidunto of llnr
vnrd Ijiw ncltool nud nlnco bin ndinU
sion to tlio bar in 1871 hnn practiced bin
profimnlon with tUntluctlon In Itnltl-
'7'vl .r iir JsbIbbbbhS&iP
m&sSrmA XtBBsVsm. AfflnBF A
aikULm i, iio.fAi-AnTW.
more Throughout bla cnrcT ho hni
been promlnuut in tho ntTnlrn of the
city and of tlio atntu of Marj'lnnd. In
politics ha Is a lemocrnt
Unllko youmr Lord Pnlrfnx of Vlr-'
jrtnln, wlo roccntly wont to Knglnnd . ' ' '
and claimed n mnt in tho Itritlnh houso ' ' Hnn FrnncUco, t nd bhea, o( Portland
of lords, Mr. Dotinparto hna no lotiKinje as llio batt'try. Tho gnmo wna prompt
for royalty or nobility and would nub-1 , , Bnd cxb,bl,01 o ,
cr bo MMr. Donupnrto of Ilnltlmoro" ' ' "
thou "Mr. Bonajiarto of Corsica." national sport was ilio retnlt. The
. pick-up tcum was gircn tho tiaino ol
On tho coant of thq Went Indlnn la- "Eoln."
Inndn a curloun kliul of coral In found, About 1000 tickets had been sold be
called "mlllepocn." Thbi hits n most ,, , , , ,. .,
nxtrnonllnnrr proporty which mnk.J foro U, 'u0UnJ players left tho
the pooplo why kiw It very Miy of grrunda, nnd something llko 200 pereoLS
Imndllng It Tlio momont you pick up!et tho pnrk aftor securing the monoy
u ploco n nort of oloctrlc thrill ninn' , , , ,. , .. , . ,
thmtiKh you nnd an nRonlalng Imlll'PW tln-li tlckol.,ai.inoll iH-rcenlago
ahootH throtiKh your Jhwb. You feel na considering the (net thnt tho most inter-
if overy tooth nnd every ncrvo nnd 1
iiiuncmi euiinocieu wiiu iiiem wnn
burnlni;. Thu ncuto pnln Inntn koii
ontlly for nbout half nn hour nnd alow
ly puHson off; but tho otTcctH do not dla
nppenr entirely for houra. Tho reason
of thin ctirloun nbock or Kilsonlng In n
Hlr Ixitn or llecf.
Though tho truth of thu ntory thnt
i..uuK. u.o iruui m iuu niory uu
ttl a loin of beef Ih dlsputwl, tho hmwo;
In which tho ceromony In nnld to hnvo
occurnnl Jn pointed out, uh well nn tho
tublo on which tho sirloin lay. Tho!
aceno of tho historic Jent lies botwoon '
Ulghum'a pnrk nnd Chlngford, near
London. It in a ctirloun Iiouho with
quaint, low pitched ceilings nud n lino
Riinlcn with fruit trees of creat nlze.
It wiih on his return from ono of hla
hunting expeditions In Upplng fonst
thnt tho Hrltlsh Bolomon U said to
hnvo kIvoii tiractlcal nroof of his favor
for tho ronnt lieof of old Engluud. .
A Tlnkor'n Unnt. '
III dnys of old tho tinker bold, when
called to mend a pot, would build a
dam of molHtoned moat around thu'
Icnkiigo npot Tho molted Holder thUM
wua mndo within duo bounds to stny;'
but whon tho Bolder solid was thu diun
was thrown awny. And ho tha meal,
thou utjolo&i as a Lnko Cochltunte clnm,
bocamo a symbol ; honco wo say "Not
worth u tlnker'n dnm." Roller Monthly.
Tho Itpmlnaer.
"Mammn," enld Ilcnnlo as tlioro enmo
a brief pnuso h tho conversation on
tho part of tho callers, "Isn't It tlmo
for you to rtak mo what I learned at
tho klndorfrarton today? If you don't
do it pretty Boon I'll forget what you
told mo toBny.M-Chlcago Tribune,
Woaldat Shovr.
Mistress (greatly shocked Is tt po.
Blblo, Mary, you aro mailing bread
without having washed your' hands?
Now Gfrl Lor, what's tho difference
mum? it's brown bread.
A man id at hid best When ha.ii.at.
.tetuliug to bid bwtt buiiliU-DaUaa
Mows, , . .
Il080burg Club Refuses to Play the
Deciding Oamo
Thiols how thu final Rnmo in the
Valley lenxuo was decided nt balcm,
'i'lu (rnino wita to hnvo bcou played
Bununy afternoon. Owing to Kogoburg'a
. .... ,,. i i . i i i
rofuinl lo piny rho lost I or ohaneu (or
tho pennant, Tho Bnlom Journal aayal
Whim tho Oroya ol IloMiburg nncbed
Bnlom on Hud lay morning, their irfnn-
Kr demnndod, before con.6nt.nK to play
Iimic, oiK-hull thoKUte receipts and a
chano ol umpires. Ila brought mm ire
K.mkln with um, and lh,lted that tho,
mnnonnent pull down Ump'roMiCor
rnno nud i-ubAtltutu Mr. Knnkin. Thiol
tholounl mnnnucra rotated to do, nud
l'roMiIont Tumor, of tho Vn'lov Iaibkuo,
wna nppenled to by thu Itoeutmrg pooplo
That guutlo'jiiin, tuIcgrnphliiK from his
hoinii nt Alhnny refused to In'o tore,
KnykiK 1'" could not do so without tho
content of tho board of directors of thu
At 3 o'clock a Inruo croud had gather
ed nt the park ready to tea tho "bolt
Khiiio ot tho senton," but tho wrunglu
wns ktlll golxg on. At Isst the HoBuburg
pcoplo dncldod lo nnivu tho matter of
guto rccelptn, but thov demanded that
Umpire Itaukin bo Installed, uud finally
iibkoiI that two umpires olllclnte, Mc
C rinnc to stand behind thu pitcher, and
Ua n I: in behind tho catcher. This wna
rufueiH1, and thu Iloeoiiurg players tvero
called out of thu diamond by their man
ager J nit as tho game wna called by .Mr.
McCormnc. A pninful puueoeneiied whin
F, W. Durbln appeared boloro tho Krsnd
atiind and announced thnt the Knuio w ith
KoneburK off, but that bucIi eniorgency
had I eon provided fir, and that all
desiring to lenvo could get their money
back at tho box office, but a good ex
hibition game of ball would bo plnred
butwccn tho Bnlem tram with Motrts
and Toabo as tho battery and a team
,,.., n. ,lril mnn ,, ,,,,,.
08tng gnmo o( tho season bnd been
expected, nud tho epectntore disappoint
ed. Presbyterian Cliurcli
Tho sermon subjects at tlio IVosbytor
Ian Church mxt Sabbith will be: "A
8huppord r)v's Fnlth ve A Glantn" nt:d
"Tito Uonortil Aasimuiy nnu Aioruton- j
off f A I i
Ull I Of AluSKQ
. . - '
Tho tchoonor Uonnr Is oil Unlmack,
Alnwft U.lnn win, n.m of tho lnre.st
, nn. n. rnvn.nm-nl nnlln Rl.A !..
cnoeaol Gotormwint supplies ahehB
over takou from Portland. She hns "00 .
ton. nf mntnrlnl. miirdiAiuUnnnnil tiro-'
ih(.0( i(m, M Aior,B , ,mul n m,d,
tional 75,000 (eet of lumbar.
Charge JHsmisftd
II. Rosenborg and f-on, Leonard Ros
cnburg, wero triod In Justice Ilydes
court yeaturday on a chargoof n.'sult
and battery profored by O. J. Bresphko,
Tho defendants wero dischnrgod, Dep
uty, Diet. Atty. Farrtn conducted tha
prosecution and , B. Reabrook tho do
(orieo. 'Methodist Cliurcli
Rogulnr Sorvlces nt tho Methodist
Church Sunday Aug. D, aro as follows:
Sunday isehool at 10 o'clock prondhiag
at 11 nnd 8, Rev. Mr. Mulkey of tho
Christian Church, who has boon pastor
of that Church nt Cotjuil(e for tho past
year vll.)roach at tho Motho-Jist' church
Sunday nlnht at 8. p. m, All iMlbd to
' m ctffbR, NdVELtsf ;
tlotr tha Anther otJtUy ritoi i
111m liiim. doJ'Umn,
Tho now 'Canadian wrltor Knlph
Condor, w'hoso booku, "lllnck Hock"
jvnd "Hky Pilot," linvo plncod him ri
fho Very front rank of Canadian ntory
tollers, In prlpnto llfo In tlio JUiv.
Ohnrles W.
(Jordon, n rrtubytfirlnn
, ,n r ol V " .m a
llnlph Connor camo of BtoIId Scot-'
tlj(h Bt,k m, fnUmr, tlio Itov. Dnnlcl '
Gordon, wont to Cnnnda In tho early
fortlcn, flnnlljr Bottling In tlio vlllago
of aicngarry, In the Indian lands, nnd
"jjautjor wjib Ik, forty-thr '
ronto unlvonilfjr, irubBcquoutly taking
n Uireo jrooW courao in theology at'
ICnnr rnllnrm I
enmo to tho Hot. Mr.""Oordou lri a
rather curious way. Ifo was discour
aged over tlio appropriation that had
been mndo by n certain missionary
coininlttoo for work lu tho mining
camps of western Canada. iJlBhcnrt
ened, bo went to tho editor of tho
Westminster, a weekly published In
Toronto. Tills editor, nn old collego
mate, told him to wago his campaign
for mission funds through his columns.
Uo wrote bin drat sketch. It is now
the Orst chapter of "Illack Hock." Tho
editor wan delighted wlthdt, but what
should tho author bo called? Tho sign
ln of his' real nnmc nt the tlmo might
hnvo provoked criticism from tho mla
nlon board. Uo telegraphed to Mr.
Gordon asking what nnmo should bo
Mr. Gordon received tlio telegram
Into In tlio crrnlnK, Just ns ho was
flnlnhtng a report to tlio missionary
society. Ills cy lit upon tlio heading
of It, which was nbbroviated ns tof
lows: "IlrttrCan. Nor. West Miss.
Hoc." Tho two uyllnblcs "Can" and
"Nor" struck his fancy, and ho tclo
KTaphed lils reply, "Sign Cnnnor." By
Bomo slip of tho telegraph operator
tlio mennago .reached Toronto, "Slgc
Connor." The editor prefixed tho namo
Rnlpli, and bo Ralph Connor was
Rnlph Connor'a books havo been won
derfully successful, nnd his work nn nn
author, sq .strangely begun, has brought
oubstantlnl rewards as well as famo.
nesldcs -BInck Rock" and "Sky niot"
ho hns WTltten "Tho Mnn Prom Glon-
i gnrry," "Glengarry School Days" nml
jjcyorul tlio Marshes."
Oontn Thnt FlKlit.
A Bpocloa of the wild goat, tho Capra
ruppc", naunw mo roci oi uio u :
Binlun highlands nnd manages to noia
Its cn-u as to flight against all enemies,
wlth Ul oxcclu,0 ot tho ueot footetl
JnckftJ( nn ndvcnry wh0B0 corpora-
tlw tactics and keenness of scont mako
Kht unavailing ami navo icu uio civ
rimit in tlio onneluHlmi thnt under cer
tain clrcuuiBtnncea vnlor may bo tho
Iwtter part of discretion. Tho yelp of
an approaching hordo of Jackals is
tltetuforo a Hlgnal for Instant rally - on
the part of tlio goats. Tho nannies
crowd around their kids, and tlio bucks
rush forward en umhso, hutting awny
with a rage thnt lays out a yelpor nt
every spring and mnkes tho survivors
stand bnck howling nnd cowering.
Inflnonoo ot LauKhtor on Dlsciitlon.
Tho eillcncy of laughter as an aid to
assimilation and nllmcntatlou has
paseod Into such a common physiolog
ical truism Unit no ono of ordinary In
tolllgenco ueods to havo tho prlnclplo
upon which It works elucidated for his
understanding In those days of wide
ly dlsuemlnuted dlototlc knowledge,
Tho avomgo person who Is not contin
uously "itrtho dumps" knows from ox
porlonco thnt laughter Is good for dU
goatlon, saya What to nt. It should
bo.bornalnmlnd that mirth and good
cheer need not express themsolvcs lu
ouvulBlvo laughter In "ordor to Influ
euoo digestion. An amiable, content
tkl, cnlm and .equable temporament has
barbed lnilucpcq .uppn tho digestive
trooeNtf without laughter.
HSsHHKi TmjWv iiHsH
Interesting Ceremonies at His
IntoreitlnK coremonloa nt Muskegon,
tflch . inlv flint. In nnmmemnrfltfon o'(
,-- --? -f " -p --- ....-.-- --. - -- - -
tin. twen-nfthnnnlversaryof thodcBth
of Jn,,,an Wnlkcr' Innnortnllicd by
by tho poet Whltlisr as "Tho Mnn With
the Branded Hand.''
jonnthan Walker was born in liar-
n n
hood took a Krcat lntoreit In the slayery
UCstion. In 18)5 he formed a compact
' wllb Beujsmlii Ludy (or the catabllid..
niont an escaped alave colony in Mexico.
The men owned a small veesol, and with
It thoy resisted ibo slaves to got away
to n place oi relngo. Thoy followed this
practice for eoveral years, and Walker
had many harrowing ndven turns during
tho time. lib was finally captured lu
July, 1811, and tried before a court nt
Key West. Ho was convicted of elavo
stealing,' and tho jadgo sentenced bltn
to par a flno of 4,200, suffer reren yoara
in prixoo, ntand in tho pillory for one
hour mil to have tho letters S.S. burned
on tlu- palm of hU rfcht hand.
Walker paid the fine, stood in the pit
lory, the brauding portof tho aentanco
wnn carried out and tho suffering man
confined In jail. There ho remained (or !
uearly a year until released, in l&oa
be cnuio to Muskegon county, aod settl
ed on a beautiful tpot near tho hke,
where he remnioed antii the tlmo of his
dealb.which occurred April 30, 1878
On the first of tho following Augusta
handsome monument to bis memory
wns erected in Evergreen Cemetery by
PhotiuB Fiek, a young Unled Statoa
navy chaplain, who had known the ojd
man beloro bis death and who bad shar
ed his views on the elavery question.
The dedication ol the ganlto abaft was
mndo the occasion oi a great gathering
to pay tribute to the dead man, People
assembled, not alone irom the immedi
ate vicinity, but from many parte of the
country. Cn the face of the monument
is a reproduction of tho branded baud
and tho dates of Walker's birth and
Fair Trade
Nat Goodwin received this letter the
other day: "Dear Mr. 'Goodwin: Mo
and my brother Teddy want to trndo a
jack-knife (a alx-blader) and our now
elBter (or your bulldog, which we eaw ill
tho matlneo tho othr day, We'vo used
the jackknifo bIx times and tho baby
(our weoke.Mi-KnnBas City Star,
Anderson's Body Found
Tho body o( Eric Audereon who was
drowned Tuesday, was (oaud about 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon near ihe
mouth of Coos rivor by eomo children
who wcr0 returning Irom school. Tho
,.,, ,n xrnr..,flM iftt
""" .,.......-
night. Corouor Mingus was notified.
Getting Ready to Begin
Workmen nro putting timbers on tht
ground, making preparations lor nctlvo
construction work on tho now Masonic
temple. Pile driving wilh begiu next
week. II. Songstacken has the con
tract to (urnieh tho piling. A donkey
engine will be used to drive tho pit
Dol Noite RecordLnBt week the
Kucineer iu chargo ol tho railroad sur-
- a I
vo,""",,lu ''"""" '
. .. !-.. IIq ttn nr mnn V.
ed orders Irom his employers to Dreaiv
camp and coma to Snn Francisco. The
.. .w,.l0(n,l nn far nn flliBtco '
survey waBcompletou as inr ob unuico,
although eomo preliminary work was-
dono as (ar up as Pistol rivnr. It is not
known why tho work was discontinued,
At tho time tho survey was commenced,
it was announced tho party would run
as (ar north as Coos Bay. So (ar wo are
unable to learn wtietber any change has
been ordered bu tho line runrjing to
Two Sections Run Into'
Each Other
0 vera Score of Deaths
Many Injured
(Special to the Coast Ma 1 1. J
JDurand, Mich., Aug. 7 Wallace
Brother's circus, running in two lec
tions, was wrecked a half mile cast of
here thfs morning. Nineteen personc
wero killed and many injured.
The trains were running from Char
lotto, whero thoy exhibited laet night,
in sections a half hour apart. Tho first '
section was delayed and was standing in
the main track hero when tho second
BCclJon flt fa, 8pecd cr(SBhcd r;.
xuv digiueer bbw mo iruiu sueau' uur
the air brakes relne-vl to work,
A train with surgeons has bten lent
to the eceno. Tho list of Injured lias in
creased to -10. The Ricbelcu hotel le
being used as a temporary hospital.
Seven of the rear cars of tho first train
and the engine and two cars of the
second train, in which many were sleep-'
ing. were piled up, Many were killed
whllo asleep. Rome bo jics were crush
ed and mangled beyond Identification. ' t
One big elephant, two camels, and
several leas animals were killed. Borne
animals escaped.
As tho wrecking progresses it is an
nounced that IS were killed outright
and 20 Injured, seven fatally. Many of
the menagerie animals wero killed, and
mnuy of the moo killed were animal
koepers. The scene at the wreck is in
describablo, and the animals are keep
iuu up a conetant turmoil. Tho deatH
Hat Includes all the bosses save one.
The death Hat is now 22, injured 70.
The railroad surveyors running out a
lino to Euroka are now camped near
tho. Klamath river. They are engaged
in surveying up Hunters creek to con
nect that way with tho survey already
made at a point on tho Wilson and mill
creek divide. It is said that the route
that way is six or seven miles shorter
than to follow down Wilson creek to the
coast. Del Norte Record.
An editor near Custer, I. T., goi a
cattle show and a concert mixed in mak
ing up and now bo has to keep darli,
This is tho way ho did It: "The concert
given by Robineou's most beautiful
young ladies was highly appreciated.
Thoy snng in their charming manner,(
winning tho plaudits of tho eutiro audi
ence, who pronounced thorn the fines
breed of cJhortliorna in the country, A.
low aro of a rich brown color, but tha
majority aro spotted brawn and white,
tint. tlaMirn wtal G I r
' MV .
SmIth (8eeInB be0grtP uwirlnff sign
rendin "Deaf and Uumb")-rd llko tJ,
faolp this poor fellow, but I don't know
DOW TO 1011 WUCUier HO ia rvuujr ui.u
and dumb.
Beggar (softly) Rend tho sign, mis
tor; read tho sign. Indlnuapolls Jour
nal. Ho Knew. , , . ;
This Is rather an unusual lionr. tof
rou to be going to lunch. Not hungry
o early, are you ?" fy
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Vralter condescends to notice me." Mv
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