,4JS'B& ii , .; f W H" F ' W ' " vw " " - ' " wmtmmimmmimmmKmFr i j . v.,... Zrt .m. .JTirj'r i K, rv f l- 1 f mU.ni ii fiUnai inMriin n iimi i STATE SCHOOL MONEY A3 ' APPORTIONED Thi minimi distribution of IbtiltileriiNl reculvi'il on no omit of tit u common school fund wits mnilo liy Hlitto Trcnsur er Mi'orn Fiilluilay, Aiigiiut I, Tim I'ltlll lUHUIIIIt llhlrilMltlll lUII'lllg tllll Mu'rul cntiiitlitri (il the Mnto for tlm t'i.iiiiii(iiicho(ili) wiih 12 10,011 02, tfnf titr fl.UI per cnpltn for 1111,707 uhlldiuu of Miliunl age, according (o ill" Intent echonl cuiiiii. Mnrlon county scetircM from I lil apportionment f ir,7HI This Is, by itc.niillitriible, tlio la rutin t apportionment I'Vor mndc In tint ntnto. Following la tlio apportionment, hIiowIiik tlm number of children, nnd tlio total amount pnlil to i'huIi county. County flnkor Benton CUcknmna Clatsop Columbia Coon Ciook Curry Douglas Olllhui (irnnt Ilurnny JacWm Josephine Klamalti Lnko Lane Lincoln Linn Mnlhctir Mnrlon Morrow Mulluomnh Polk Hliurmnn '1 .llntuook UmntUla Union Wallowa Wnrco Washington Wheeler Yamhill Totol Mo, PCrsOllfl AlllOUUtl nam 2no 7777 1207 2010 4070 JtlH7 785 fWM 1221 1S03 1020 5133 277.1 HOB OW (CM I HO r,fi2 rift 03711 1721 28150 3")3 mo:i 1737 0303 Kill) 2100 MM GS2 080 ISS0 14 3757 8552 00 "..' 0, (27 20 1170 (X) 0512 C'J 2235 20 l-wO W Old 00 ur. . iw.j3 w 20HS 80 ift-io m iOy m 822) 80 ..... U. ll.ll fid I SOS bO .,... . I loll 40 13272 00 1821 00 10707 20 2V.C 00 Real Eshlc JulliiB Krtieo to John TlllcfBon, lot. 2 nud.1, blfl, lUy City. 1225 John (.lolduii, uuurdlnn of IJnrcnrot Ilollnntoti V Whlto, bw4, 2 of nw4, tec 27, t 27 t 13. 210 ncrcs, t213U.5 Mnrv A Hollnn till Y White, twt. r2 of nn 1. K-c 27, t 27. r 13, 210 acres. ..q HIlBhn Whitloy to Willie Ncoly, 6 of .J. lnfHu-I.Mfl9rt. iifilofiot. hoc . ) .. - -.. -. -. --- -- -- p 20. I2()rll. f!200. ' y I hive had occailon to um yoiirl fnbck.Drauaht Stock and Poultry Mcdl. cIm nnd am pleated to lay that I nvir uicd anvtlilnjl fetlock that av half at 1 i(oid latltfactlon. I heartily rccom i mena II to an owneri or iiock. J. U. HELStinR. St. Louti, Mo. Sick stock of poultry should not out clienp Htock food uny moro thnn nick pcruona should expect to ho cared by food. When your stock umi poultry nro Blck glvo them mwU icino. Don't stuff thorn with worth If 8 stock foods. Unlowl Uio bowels nml rtlr un tho toqid liver nnd tho iinlraul will bo cured, if it bo possi ble to euro it. Ulack'Dniupht stock nml Poultry Modlcina tinlcails tho bowol mid Btira up tho torpid liver; It cure overy jnulndy of Btock if tnken in time. Snouro u 25-ccnt ciui of Illnok-Drnunht Stock and Poultry Mudlclnound lUvill pny for itaclf tea timeaover. Hor809 work better. Cowb fjlvo moro milk. Iloga nnlit flodh, And hens Irvy moro eggs. It solves tho problem of iriuklog as muah blood, flesh nnd energy as possiblo out of tho emnlluut nznotrnl of food con sumed. l)uy t can from your doaler. iljaLliil mliutmtmJm .n.md.il UJ. W II Wnlker nml wf to J V Leop, lotn A ntwl ft. til 7. Itnrilur A llniwliir'n ftild. MU.Ma0Oi Mntgnrll J Iloijfon to J V Jep, loin (I MB Bordor A Bonder's mid, Ml I't flH). Lkr.hi LohruiCto Adam Pcrphb.ikcr, no4 of bwI.siic ID, n4of nw I, w2 of nwl, ui'ti 20, t 20, r 14, 2(50 nam. 12000, T.i Thrift nml wf. II FTupper hihI wl to U'T knrrtlio, lota 1 1 mid 12, III I, Naslem mill, Coi City. 200. A K Itoltyn to U I) Hniltli, re I, roc B0, I Sill, rU, MOnrrim, flflOO, B A Edmunds to K K Hurry, lotn 35 nml fl', lil 21, Rr add, Mil, 1120. J F (Jlotin to Goo W Mnrtiti, trnct In boo 3(J, t 27, r 1!!, ff0, Kcscuurtf Team Coming Two gnmoa of linrolmll Iiavo licminr- M.ituiil liil ii .i.i.i ft... T? jiufilifirif Mrlit'H fif llio WlllmnoUo Vnlloy Lchkikv ntl tlin .Mnrehlliilil tcnin, to takuplaMi on t no Murilillvld r jrcntlon uroundH on Tim ilny nml Tliurndny, Au, 11 nnd 13tli. Kontnl, Ifttoof tlio Tortlnnd Ilrowne ..III till-.!. It... f.rt.i.iu tnr Ufkiolitii it. ntut n fnlr timt will bo ulvim of llio iiiurltn of tliu Cooa county tefinc, an com pur I with tlioeuof tlio Intoilor. It in tliu K))norn opinion horotlintCooB will linvo notliltiK to bo nahatiit'it of In tliu bIiow- ,uu ,,,,r I'lnyu" will ainko. 'iM) plcttiru of tlio ItocoliurK (Jrnyii ntipimrB.iii Humliiy'a Onoiilnn. with tlio coiiiiiivut tlmt tfiny Miiml In icond pine,,, vith n Hood clmnco to tin Bnluui for tlm pennnnt. Tlii'oo khiiicb nro auru to bn wull worth "W!,n a lute ii nd (Jcuet'iil 16701 80 2763 00 '00j jB Bt.nK nt 7 j,L.r cor, nt ,,n 46051 40 .Huton. Lib" BO i Tlio Homor ! londlnic lumlior nt Ah 2082 80 .,.,. . tnrin for Alntka. 2770 20 j0.,, Tlio hljr lloiirintc mill nt Grnnte PnM B(P0 40 " iintl- cacnilotol. 3810 00 'no '"clontio In school children in Oi- B0OU CO ''K011 'H ovor 'n "10 Pft(l yonr 0317 20 Tho liiltlul runl ronil delivery routu 15)B (X) wns put In opcintion nt Orison City latl "808 00 Monday. 123001 1 20 KowiwrR Is to Imvo a 100,000 enpacity BBwmlll, to bo put in by tho SpniildiiiK IokkI"K cotnpnny Astorln linn 11 vnrlntfn nf I'Miana nn ,.xh,)U nt Ul( VmilMi of ,n(or. inatlon. Hub Coob county nny? This tcneon'a output of haIiuoii will hi very much emnllrr thnn uranl. Fih nro not coiiiins into tho Columbia. I Th" '8rowora of Clnrk county, I Wnflilimton, hnvo ornnnlnod nnd will 'wlntruet n Inro frottpRckink-houeo iu i.vur m unco. Tho lArgo flali hntchory nr :r Ontirlo on tho Snnko rlvor, ia exctui to ho rundy for operation in Boptombrr. fitnto Fiith Wnnlon Van Dnnon niya It will hnvo n cnpnclty for 20ft ry ) cpga every yonr. Tho Lnko Whntcom IBRlnR Company linn purchnsod from B. L. Gnudntt lfiOO nrroR of flr nnd endnr t'mhor Inndu for ilKi.000. Tho trnct Ib south of Lnko iVhntcom nnd nonr Lnko Knmlsh, lnrsely in Pknirlt Connty. I), II. Provont, Mnyor of Ashland, rrooived eerlon nnd pnrlinpR fntnl In JurloR lnt Sntnrdny nflornoon, wlillo workliiK on tlm property of Ihn Bouili orn Cruifnn Oil Compnny, two mile? ont ot tlmt plnco. John Parks nf Pllllnm ronn'v hnil'hU loft hnhd nearly vhot nwny. Iln flrod at n ronunr with nn old muzzlo-loadlm? nhntpun, nn barrel of which had rocoly id n ilnn)ih chnreo, Tho uiin burt, romlprlnu' IiIb hand In Iwnln to the wrlct nnd hlowinir off thrno flnaror". Tho pTupleta censiia of th pplinnl ehildrow nfl ann pountv for tho venr 100.1 fhnwe lionnnilipr to be R310 n cil'i of fiV from lat vonr. Till" I" tbp 1 're el pr CP"t nf Inerpasp In nop var vet Tpponlpd v nny county in tho ptntp. Ilyrnn Swnnk, tlm 8-ycnr-nld ron of the late Jay Bwnnk, mot with n porioiiR aroldent Thursday at ht homo, throp mllo west nf i.nhannn. Ills hand? wore caiiiht in n pulley on ftbny forkdrnw Ihl bntii of Uinm ontirVly thrHiih llm pUlloy, horribly IncerhlinR thom. John Voririllllon nnd Kuiph . MenrJi, of Ilnknr City, wlillo lording n holo in ono nf tho tunnels of Whlto fjwnu mine, Bun day, Vlrtmi district, wcro eerloiihly, perhaps fnlnlh Ii Jtipil by tho pwnn turo pxplotlon of (Hunt powder. At Inst report both worn nllvo, ' Wlllla Moon, n younK mnn who mye lfirfouly dlMippi nnd n fiw i1hs ncu from Ornritn 1'asb, nnd Who It Is feared lind met foul piny, has been heard from down In Qitllfofulit. Moon whh but recently married, hihI hi wlloptnl relative cannot account for his euddim dpparturo. Aberdeen, Vl.inor,, is to hnva another hotjltnl with thennrnoof drny's Harbor General IIoplUl The riitlelcfl nf Incorporation have been fllwl br Dr. .1, W, Hcumii'tl, D. RrJipp, Dr. Piorson nnd Dr. W. II. Pain. The cnplfnl n'tr;k In (20XX) ;iuiil ImH nil been oubtorlbed. Tho Bnnkn Itiver Vnlloy SiiRar Com pany Iirh been ortranled, with n capital stock of $1,000,001, to erect a beet-BUKar plnnt nt Itlnckfoot, Idaho, The con struction work nnd innterial for tho plant cot WW). Tho project In tinnticed by Knstern capitulists. Idnbo banking nnd buslneiffl men arc nlso in terested. Tho fnetory people mutt hnva contrnctrt for WKX) acres planted to buets to jitHtify the building of the factory TIIK NKW BOOK. THIUTY YKAK8 IN WASHINGTON By Sirs. Genernl John A. Logan This magnificently llluttrnted volume. Is published with the consent nnd nld of the United Btntes Government, nnd this fact nlono Ih cvidenccof it sterling merit nnd of the great care that has i i. .....,.. i .... i, D'TII I7IHUH.-Il UjUM. ... i It is said that n'l roads lend to Wnah lugton just iih they dldto nuclont Bomo. f'ertnin it Ib thnt eyes of millions who cannot behold the mnrvols nnd glories of our National Capital In pertoh aro ccnstautly turned towards it. Thu book lc n complelu panorama of tho countless IntercRtB of the Nntional Capital as seen by n famous woman who ns the wifo of nn influential Sonator, a Boclety leador, nml thocloeu friend of overy mistress of tho White Wouse from Lincoln to tho present time, hB been In closu touch with the inner life of Wash ington, nnd enlovedmro nrivilicua for ' "' . 0tuiiyin tho mighty nctivitfe of tho Govortimcnt, niu-li na no other porson j hns ever before been nblu to commnnd. Many illstingniahcil men nnd wo.i en Isavo long urged Mr. Logan to give thlB volume to tin world, She has recoivtd letters from thoupnnde unknown to her oxpreaalng the hope thnt it would bo written. In her preface she pay?: "My 'flret introduction to life in tho city ot vvnslilnaion was in i&w, uunurm tho , ra(, ci,owinR 0f Bnndon, but Loan beingtbon n member of Congress, npWofroin that it wns fnat nnd intereat- nnd for mor'o thnn thirty yw 1 l"vo lnR TJj0 bft Rr0Un,jBt nt Bandon were lived tliere almost continuously, nn in- in R00 1 condition except-in rightfield torested ubiorver ol pnsine event. As which is covered with brush, nnd it. wns tho wife of n Senator, I limy any that l n safe two-bnees for the man who hat had iiuummI piivelegesnnd opportunities ' ted tho ball to thntqunrter of tho field toaoe nnd know the iii..r life nnd no'.ivlea Bandon wns lucky In placinir, several of t'.io Ciiitnl City. I hnvo had my Bhnre ol the Invor of tho powers thnt were, and the honor ot being included miioiM Undistinguished kiioats nt both pr'vnto nud otlleinl eiitettniumenttf; nnd 1 hnvo known tho pleasure of persnnnl acquaintance with proiiiiiioiitBtnteenion, courtly dlplonintP, and beautiful, whi ning nnd gifted women, tilling with ginco nnd dignity tho highest toclnl positions thnt tho peoplo could bet tow. "It line beon my nlnt to show my renders, bith by word nnd pictorial nrt, tint wonders mid tho workings, of tho elaborate mucblnery of the Government in motion, by loading them through tho Grent Departments, nnd explaining what tho army of busy mon nnd women workrrn do nnd how they di d ; to fI ow them tho worka of nrt. tlio wonderful collectionn of relics nnd curloalt'ea from j every pnrt of tho world, and thonrchi toctttral glorlea nnd priceless treasures of tho Capital; todoscribo nnd explain itB plant uctlvltloB; to tikothem through the Whlto Houee from tho ntt'ototko collnr, through oVory fnrbtddon room, and to portray not only ltat dally lifo, flVt nail i reeoni, bVt Its brilliant social J nnd oJTiclnLfuiictlona as well J to tell tho story of pvorv President, nnd of every woman who hns ever reigned in tho Whlto Ilouru; to visit thoTrenBiuy, r r , Dead Letter office nnd to solve the rnrfri')H and mysteries of overy govern ment fiidofltrr ; In abort, to present every intercfttiim phnseof life nnd ncenoM In WajtblnKton," Its illuetrntlons nro a triumph of Amrr loan nrt. It In worth the price of the book JtiHt to look nt thrtBo iO mnuntilcent full-pni;c plate', from iihotornph taken with Koverntrcnt conroat nnd nld exeln slvoly for thifl volume, Tm-y porlrny wonderfully intereHnK fcer.es. Tho . h -. i!Hruun,jr w.v. .... rmn ri'KiilfttloiiB in order thnt tills book by a womnn of Mrs. Lonn'B HtandiriK nnd In flu en uo should bo nn perfect and complete as poKiible. Ono enn llnver a Ioiik time over theao beautiful plates nnd though he turns from each with' re- urct ho ia pretty aura to find the next one of Rtill moro nbtorlihtf interci-t. We do not know when 710 pnea have jriven nfl moro genuine pleasure. If woiBchofleld rf speak warmly of tho book, It h becauro ft rlc,v ,mrVc it. It Ir eold only by ni'ente, and all who introduce such a work ought to bo cordially welcomed, Put it into yonr homes. To own it Is to , prIz0 t. ,0 refl(J ,t u obtft!n a Ht0ral education. Wo believe that tho best way to keep out poor books is by Intro d ucing good ones, and n better ono tbnn this hns never been brought to bur notice. Tho booked is published by the otd nnd well-known firm of I). A, Worthing- ton & Co., Hartford, Conn.', whoso im print is Biilllcent guarantee of tho excellence of this flret-claes volum. I They wnnt more agents for it. An fit I ' .iKimgy tur n uouk eu jiujiuinr ns una offers to men and women an unusually good opportunity to do well. Mro, Mory Cottell, of. '.FagaUff, ia Inking ordera for tlil'a' beautiful and interesting book in tbii vicinity. By a Close Score BANDGN WINS ANOTHER CAME FROM MARSHFIELD t - .. . ... ..... .L- T-.i t uny Dy me sea wiiiiessus me cesi Game Yet. Tight Squeeze for InYlnclbles ''Tho beat gamo of bnll econ in Cooa County" waa tho verdict of nil those who" witnessed tho gamo between Bnn don and Mnrahflold, Sunday, nt Bandon. Tho irnmo was irjnrred of course by . tne8 thoro in n positiou bo as our re doubtable Ferry couldn't get to' them, although onco he Jld n star play In jumping the brush nud getting a bingoo. Those Baudonimi8 aro n huaky lot of playors and some coneldor them tho beet betweon inii Francisco nnd Port land, but thoy woro not aboto Blanghtor Byrno'a bunch ns had buen preillctod, Tho acoro wna 2 to 1 In favor ot Bnndon. B .union ron in n rcoro in tho first inning, and it looked by tlm. as it thoy would walk nwny with Marehfloltr, but with Byrnes bidding his men bo of good I clieu held them with thnt ono run nn- til tho fifth inning when another tully waa mndo by Bnndon on n small error, In tbo third inning with Loh to but wna mndo our first oud only tally, Loh j landed a enfo to first, a stoito eocoiul j mil laid until Ulyn.es mado a enfo for flnt and let Loh oro. There Mareh- field liopod to bo ablo to Fcore again nfter KOtth'K Bnndon going, but Bnndon ralllod nud stayod tho rest ot tho game, Mnusor, our now third baseman wnB Unfit for tho gamo nf tor nn all uigut stage ride, but did woll at his position, Loh tur 'mnn at tho box, pltcneA ba usual fjamo nnd wosll k.iow what ho can do, when we conelder that oven the North Ilcnd Ultiop, conid got only two hits off'fromhlm, Itarncn, needs only to bo! mentioned. Clynes was B6 brilliant as usual, playlnj? flret baeo In tho game nnd ' Hits by pitched balls, McQInnls Earnod V did admirable work. Uoynton Bnd'riinj, North Bond 5,' Left on bntob, Nndler ns usual plnyed good ball. NaH North Bond 7, Coqnlllo 0, Umplro II. ler mndo one small orrof . Tho rent of ' Bonham. Bcoror, Forslond, Time 2 hour tho team played ns well ne thoso wo have mentioned, only there wni no work for them to do nt their positions. The umpiring was fair in nearly overy desclnlou mnduiy Baxter and Hutchln tion, wo all know that, ary man who can pleae9 both teanvs hasn't any bnilnees around Coob County. ThtB U how it looked after tho smoke cleared aways Hnndon AB Jl.BIM'O A McKuno 2b m 42t '& 'V 0 0 x 0 0 0 1 0 Westerberu ss I i I 4 3 S 8' 3 0 I4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 1 o 0 0 1 1 2 5 2 5 2 0 8 3 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 Strelb 1 b Adaminn 3b Pclland cf Oawcll W Ii Owell C c Bnutn p Totals 32 2 11 30 0 4 Marihfleld " AB R BH PO A E C.yncslb 4 0 0 o 1 i Boynton a a 1 0 0 4 8 6 Nadler 2 b 4 0 1311 Mauser 3 b 4 0 0 10 0 Ferreyrf 4 0 1 3 1 i Wright It 1 0 1 0 0 d Druhotcf 4 0 3 10 0 Byrnes o 4 0 2 7 3 0 Loh p 4 112 3 1 Mars,flcij Totnla 33 1 2 20 15 i nc.va AND HITS 12 3 4 6 0 7 8 0 Totala Marahfield 0010000001 Bandon 1 0 0 0'1 O'o 0 0 2 B0MMAHY Htrnck out, by I)h 7, by Bauni 7 ; hit by pitcher, Wright; bnso on balls, off Loh I ; two base hits. Strieb 3, Weeter bnrg; earned runs, Marshfield 1; stolen bases, Btricb. Loh ; sacrifice bits ,Baum ; first baao on errors, Bandon 2, Mnrsh ficld 2. Umpires, Baxter and Hutch cson. NORTH BEND vs COQUJLLE The game nt Coqulllo City between the homo nnd North Bend teams was a walkover for the latter to the tuno of 7 to 2. Good pitching wna dono by both piichore, Nefir nnd Girard. North Bend played an errorless game, aa did Coquille also with one exception. Tho grounds wero in good condition andithe attendance was large. Tho scoro was' as follows: North Boud AB R BH McKcownSh 5 2 1 McGinnis e 1 0 Hoilmullerlb 1 1 2 Saunders If 4 0 1 BliBRO 6 0 1 Gr8ham rf 4 0 1 Kulp 8b 4 11 Benton cl 3 12 Glrard p 4 11 PO A K 1 3 0 2 1 0 5 2 0 1. 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 Totals 37 7 10 27 l(j 1 Coqulllo AB R RH PO A E Johnstone 3b 4 0 2 2 2 0 Morrison f s .1 T 1 1 2 0 Smith 2b 5 0 12 2 0 Hunter If 4 0 0 0 0 0 Burrows c V 0 0 ll 2 0 Benhamrt 4 0 2 0. 0 1 Howqll cl 4 0 1-110 Jnhnrou lb 4 1 2 10 1 0 Nfixiorp 4 0 10 3 0 Totals - 88 . 2 10 27 i3 1 ' jrr0W8 c ,joh,1F0,j jb , rusa avi) uiTH nv innikob North Bend 30040000 07,' 2 0 15 0 10 0 110 u 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-.. 11112 10 1 2-10 ta Onuillo Hlta BDMMAKV fjtolen baios. Coqulllo 4, North Bend Vwo baeotnUa, Morrlaon, MeKeowi', Ilcllmullor, Bnunders. Ktruckout by t Nofzgar 11, by Glrard II. Unscn orl ; , i called balls, off, NofzRnr 3, offGlrflrd 3- -' Wild pltcboa Nefzgar, 2, Girnrd 15. , , Pnarcci balls, North Bend 1, XoqnUllflljIr Wa. 15 minutes, CATARR CI.KAN3INO AN! UEXlAJta CUIIH POK CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm E7 nsd pluuint to o Contima no In jur Ion draft It l qalckly abiorbM, airct It&ller at onco. Jl uj B(i vibi . -.. rr ,,. mr n Urals and l'rolocu tha Mmbrn. l(titor lh Hin.M of Taita and BmcU. Irge Prn.,l0 eDU t UrngUu or Ur mll ; Trltl Bin, 10 crnta br tnatl. ELY imonfllam, M Wtmn Stt..t, .w Tork. THE NEW YOKE WORLIJ THItlCE-A-WEEK EDITION Bead wherever tho English Latiguag is Spoken The Thricc-A-Week World was u brilliant eucccss in tho beginning and bnjs been steadily growing over since. Time la tho teat of all things, nnd baa net its seal of approval on tho Thrice-a-Week World, which is widely circulated In every State and Territory of the Un ion, and whereoyer there are people who can read our mother tongue. This pnpor for tho coming winter and tho year 1003, will mako its news ser vice, if possible, moro extensive thnn over. All even to of Importance no mat ter where they happen, are r'e ported accurately and promptly. Tho subscriber, for only one dollars, year, gets three papers every weekend. moro nowa and general reading than most great dailioi can fnrnish t five or air times the prico. Tho Thrlce-n-Week-World Is abso lutely fair in its political news. Par tiean bias is never allowed to affect its nrwa columnB, and Democrat and Re publican ajike can obtain in it's pages truthful accounts of all the great politi cal campaigns. In audition to all the news, tha Tbrlco-a-Week-World furnishes the best erial Action, elaborate market reports and other features a( interest. Tho Thrice-a-Week'-World'e regular subscription price is only f 1.00 per year and this pays for ISO papers. We offer this tinequaled newspaper nnd Weekly COAST MAIL together ono year Io"r 2.00 The regular subscription price of the two papers is 2.50 R-I-P-A-N-s Tabule Doctors find A good prescription For mankind , Tho 5 cont packet is enough for usual occasions. The familv bottle (00 cents contains a supply for a ye-ir. All drug gists sell them. The Old Reliable r Firm, s E.B.Dean&Gos C. II. MERCHANT Bamvkk la constantly adding to its mock of (jnnorul Merchan 'Ji?e, nlrcndy tho largest in MnrMi field. Wlien you buy nt tho Mill Storo you know tho goods nro firt class ana the prico ia nil rig'it. All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies ot wholesale and retail: iBfiTri. fKroisifiL. -ntniLU t onifr of Front nnd A utreets, MARSUFIKLD, OREGON, IDNH SNYDER, : i i i : :Proprictoi rsihlS WBLL-KNOWN ANDFAtf J HOTEL Iws lust twrn entirely ret; rufiunisheit throughoiit-nd Uavpinopei nnlilio for ivilronnpeh. ' . ". '& New betU and spnV WMttff Ik nlsiLd in almost eveut 4:eeuinlSRnl of tl W i mm QRVYUMc iVdnnila ''II 7 house nml neither trquhljrvtbO'kieen t ij imied to nut evervthinc iiitiril-claft oriieri . -TKHMS.i'ft'-t 'ft'" Board an dng, per week v '$5-rJ' ,,li,i., V3y.u,r nc ,...i...i... Vi 5ihlc Mffr ... .... ..I,. TH i ijttt t u n!todu ,' wm f. ,.a( aX . .,', (a 't h, . .i,W . I ''' , I faFi,"'''Ag J -' - ' B(ywtt n'H'Sr'