r I ' -: !f W": ' ittSt T i 'MW tf5Tr . yrtrlJto i,SpMijS ' " .., lr. r'AJTia -- - ' r ' Prorn Wadnfiday'a bally. ' A.fMlnshalt u over Iruni U hintf jarfU'iduy. CAN'T .t -North litfutl'a llnouji will hu a follows I-i.iin.tn , I,V'iii(i u, LIU' In r rf, Hltiip ciiii' I It, Mi(ij;ttiN sh, llylur III), l ilitiwiiii i) (, l.uiutworthy i!h, VouhIui 1 1, I Mil ts Mini to lie mi liitnrnmlng gnmu iiml Uiottl.l no, hu iiiInbuiI by any lover ol npMi t or oi fun; mt Unit It lll hu a liurlo(iii, ftjr it will ho played for nil 'ilium U In it. Tie lineup will kIiow ili-U smnu ol thu I'est hlityern available hid re pikonli'il, ami both Ult-M will piny to win. Tho weather clerk aeeuis to lio on hia good hhftvlnr, ml every ono who can .?' E& V; TOUCH Quick; Sure thmuait whowrart SAWYER'S (Mod thing iwo nlwaya In detunm . What iii innt'-enry to let peoplw know yon have the good Ihlnu. EXCELSIOR Cholera Cure jamb's URAND y &llcttors ( KAWAT.U'l !'V.',"r t,H.t Mlr.I lj'llp'r . ilrct III Hit world. Mill .. .. , UAKMIWATIVE E O. Flnim4Ai'f thdlviry hnrfi ! A sovereign and Almost infallible remedy for Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dyscntry, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantsra.and Cholera. It acts almost immediately; BALSAM nunln been put mi the wacon, her Imi wire hire Injuries luwhic henl-d. Ell V Ejmrrw Mnrbhlr Th ' RAIN iSSBJOiiiifH:! vara ) A -a .AlJ.'t mm Jmfm aHMAjRv Ww SM' wJfc i1 JiivF''v r ' ti kt, font. , iMt llwrV. It IHPl ll .iMUfl'l Klllt lot VAtAll-lltHS l K. ' M"ill "' ' W J "P 1 .AJSTIDXjDDA.IIi From Sunday's Dally. -T. T. Pavker ol Roteburg was in town yes. onlay. : Ivl Snyder ol Cequllle waa seen on our ttrctts jesterday. S. P. Slew art ol Koteburg was a buei neca visl'or in Mnrxlifield yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jakfc Matson were iu t rn jfaturday ahopping. J. L. Bouuds who starteJ a barber shop at North Ucnd has sold out. When you want a phytic that ie mild una keiilie, tf.v io ihko auO eertfciu to hci.ttlwiiyttiii-tf CnBUibefUiu's htuinuch no I. vr ldo.uie. tor le by Jno. Preuss. Kiilpi.W Jilli-mt adn family Itft yester day (or a cuni:nu trip up Coos rirer. TljiC2iiiii! Itates thie incniiiv foi Suu Vrmicbco with her cargo of coal. The 0 K. A X. agtut at Biker Cit ie sliori in iiib accouuta and ha akipyti out. .The Acme sailed yesterday morning from the ttavo mill with a cargo oiluru W (or San Krjncieco. O. L. Williame, publisher and pro prietor ol the Gardiner tiazctte stopped, offjgt Marti field For teverul days on his return irom San FrauciM;o. Jessie Farrin ia in receipt of a letter Irom the president oi ,tje StateBoard ol Barber Ex3miner!, stating that he will oil on the Coos county barbers in thi hear future. Yfcsterday morning carpenters bfan 'taring down tl.o o'd thediover the ship yard at North Bend, The vaya wM be planked over to make room for tnejjmn ber output of the mill. Roaty Mike's Diary, July 26, 1003 When you leel all run down, you take tonic when your business pete run down, givo it a good doee ol advertising. and hustle. Joe II. Yoakam was down from Coos river yeBterday, bringing eome fine blooded White Leghorn chicken a which ho exchanged for tome ol the same kind witL Mr. Matheson, of Flagstaff. Men and teams ore at' work on A street grading down about 8 inches, the portton that is to be planktri to a level where the stringers and plank will bring It up to tho oreginal grade. Al Owens' la having hia cigar shop painted. This makea the building ap pear new and no doubt the Coos Bay lielle will taeto better to the many smokers o( that favorite cigar, K. 0. Whitley, who recently eo!d the t ranch on tho north fork of tho Coquille on 'which he haa lived for many years, io In town to tnko passage for Poitlvnd on hia way to Thuraton county, .Wash ton, to visit a brother, "Wm. Whitley, whom bo has not seen for 30 yearp. Ho way also take a trip east before return ing to Coos. The Daily Oregon Statesman has 'changed Ha head and enlorged a 7 coluia quarto and now Ib ono of the big tt aad 6i yklnti of ou exchanges, Tno Statesman, the twice-a week States- ' man, tho laciQc Homestead, OreKon Teachers' Monthly, Oregon Poultry I . , , , , ,, ... ,. ... .Journal, and various othur publications wto dato mechanically and i othorwigo. with the mutzllo ol tho pun and fumb 1 ng ovor tho hammers. "Hay, brother, naked tho minister, "how do you let theso things down." Mra. Dr. Owen, St Louis, Mo arrlrcd on tho Alliance. Sho went to CooiiUo hero ahe will visit her father and mother Mr. and Mra. Krononbcrg. An editor nnco took the local preacher out hnntlnp. They had but ono gun between them and the preacher carried it. After they had been out halt an hnnr the man felt something poking him iu the side. Turning around quick ly he found tho preacher poking him The ladi-i of the O'Connell flUhing pirty which wore csmped at Tenmilo lake returned last evening. Mrs. Minbtt has th distinction of having landed the largest trout caught there this season, even several inches longer than tho one which Mr Magnet caught there recent ly. Thegentlemen of tho party will re main at the lakes several day's longer. Sad Accident Tin atove-plpo of Flanagan's eansae factory, at the rear of tho Coast Mail office, fe'l ovor at 2:44 p. in. yesterday, and at this writing lies prone npou the metal roof, a victim of old ago, with co prospect of recovery. From Tueaday'a Dally. Mrs. L. II. Hanton went up Coos river yesterday. The Areata sails fromSan FrancUco at 4 p. m. today. Jno. Wickland of Empire spent Sun day in Marshfleld. Mr. Hibbard of Ten mile transacted business in Marshfleld yesterday. Another eyening party will bo pulled off this week for thu young neople. F. S. Dow will make a business trip to San Francisco on the next Areata. The schooners Western Homo and Repeat arrived yesterday, to load lum ber. Contractor A. W. Neal has the rebuild ing ol Mill Slough bridge nearly com pleted, Special Policeman Ackerman im pounded nino cows Sunday for running in the city limits, The tug Columbia brought in the two maBt schoousr Ivy, of San Francisco, with a cargo of freight Sunday. Z. T. Higlin's launch took a load ol campers up Isthmus elough yesterday. Ho was obliged to leave about 10 who wanted to go. Tho Sash and door factory buildings at North Rend are nearly complete and it ia expected that tho machinery will be set iu a few days. Rusty Mike's Diary July 28, 1003 You don't feel good when yon eat too much I imagin an an overloaded adv. feels just ihe same'way. W- t I M . Muilio A n, ol Homli Iik, Kv , ...... , , , ,, -. ho has prrvo.uod Htt.vcka.il i,ol-,Wewlkuiiil otherwise Improving hi- lk, ciwn,blalii'Jro.MMco nronertv in South Mimhtleld. Stomach ami Liter lableln when in lint in HtUt'K enmmgou. hucii ntUt-kt i nr,. ,m,y wnw& by fndk-oHtioii ami clox .,e the Moinuch -lul wind e(l the ai'proachiug nltauk. Attacks o biliout col c niv be pternt-d in hoaame way For sale by Jno. Preubs. Mrs. G Gulvson acconipnnyed by er little daughter Ruth tu.d sou Ivan went north on tho Alllauoo to anei d x fpw ' weeks vlslttng relnltvuf in I'ortlatul. Mrs Chat. Xou'stroiii, of outh Marsh fluid, who lias been visiitln her mother Mra P. Johuion, ol Uoquillo, (or the pist week, returned home on yester day'. train. Miss Mary Hague and Mis Peddlo who have been visiting at th i hemt-a of Mr and Mrs E. O'Coniib', Frank Hague an t Mrs Minot, started (or Viclnrjr, It C Uday, via Drain It into, , . Brick (urn the first kiln burned at tho J Catching slough Brirk yard aro now being ddlwrt-d at North Bend to be used in the foundations for t.ie bo.ltir (or the woolen mills and thu aash and door frctiry. ' Major Towor.Collector ol Cnttoms hat notified the ow lert of gasoline launches large and small that thoy will havo . to carry sido lighta. Thla ia a necessary precantion against collisions, and tho law should bo carried out. Dr. and Mra. J. G. Cook and son Leo leave Saturday on tho Alliance for Loa Angeles, Cal., where they will pend two or three months visiting tloir daughter, Mrs. Geo. Twombly.and my brin her her with thorn when they rotcrn, Siis. Effie Collier seems to be tho first in this section to tako advantage of tha open neaton for deer, by killing a fino one on Satprday at her father's place a a short distance down tho river. Tho deer was discovered by her sister, M'ss Ruby, near the garden, anJ the huntress arming herself with a shot-gun soon felled her game. Coquille Herald. Two girls from Coob river, Mis Parmer and another whose name we did not learn, havo started out to neo the world 'by the hobo route. They stopped at Loo Ray's place below town and got a feed informing MrB. Ray that they were girl tramps. The pair started toward Koso burg Monday morning afoot. The next day Ira Tucker a brother-in-law o( Miss Parmer arrived in town enroute to Roseburg hot on tho track of tho run-a-Ways, and will bring thtm hock If ho can. Myrtle Point EnterprlBO. Not ovcrwlso Tlioro Is an old allegorical pic'uro of a girl scared at a grass hopper, but in thr act of heedless treading on a Hauke, This Is paralleled by tho man who upends a largo earn of money building a cyclone cellar, but neglects to provide his family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Iterutdy, as a safeguard aguiuat bowel complaints, whoso victims outnumber those of tho cyclone a hundred to ono. This remedy la everywhere recognized as tho moat prompt and reliable medicine in usirfor these diseases. For sale by John Prauts, Slakes Gave Way Yesterday about ono o'clock an acci dent occured at tho Summit, about ten miles from Marshfleld on the C. II, R. E. R. R. The stakes on a car load of lumbor broko, letting the lumber loose, which waa thrown through tho passen ger coach door and windows, Fortun ately no one was Injured, Tho coach 'has scvqral broken windows! and a smashed door. Tb'e wrecft' delayed the train one hoilr) Ja. Rnoku li tnitttmr ddwn n new . The steamer Coca Hirer ia on the way on Cooa river, whllna new shnlt Is being rot. Tho Alma made thu usual run yesterday! Un8t). M,ko9 0Inry Juy o, iD3 tTho dov , jjMlornny ,,urt hard to put BWBy rom yot bt ,m Wk ll0 hnrilt,r lo M rld 0, t,mn K00tU t,mt , )t ml. vertiied. H. Honqmckou will conimonco lo movo hta entire stock of drug and 1 groceries and dry goods at kmplru to his stora at thin plsce, thu steamor Flyer being chartered (or that purpose. They aro talking about organizing n Hsebalt club on Catching slough, nnd 11. N. Black expects to he pitcher. He ia working up hia muscle, throwing b',ck brtt8 Rt eata ami thlnK. Currv County Recorder: Tho efforts made by the underwriters to launch the Berwick into deep water has as yet proven unsuccessful, tho Berwick mill being in tl.o same position ai when first botched over threo months ago. On Sunday, J. J. Sullivan's launch took a pleaaure party up South Coot river to E. R. Hodson'n placo. consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCann, Mrs. J M. Russell of Portland, Mr. (Jto Pratt, Lillian McCann and Udylhe Gulovson. On .Sunday Max Timmerman gave an excursion to Charleston bay (or bin many friends at North Rend. A basket dinner and ice crearn helped to pass tho day, highly enjored by all. Max'ulrioiids say that he-never docs things by halves, and this troat will long bo remembered by them. A camping party catnposed of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferroy, Mr and Mrs Wm Natburg, Mrs P. M. tVUbur, Mog gie nnd Era Anderson, Dr. Straw, Chan, McKnlght and Claud Nnshtir-g, will camp near McKnight's landing on Coos river whero they will ttuy for two or threo weckr. New Restaurant A. H.Mnlkoy has leased tho rooms re cently occupied by tiio Coffee Club, and will open a restaurant therein, to be conducted by Mrs Miilkuy, who will bIpo havo chargo of tho reading room until ?thcr arrangements aro made, Travel by Sea Departoroa via Alliance, July 85 '03 FisctierCo, Robt Koatzog and wifo, Mis. 1 r,mm K'rniTB-. M u Pnr.nll. ...... , .. .-. , ... , Mra A W Kolloy, loan Gulovson, Rich- ard Forsoll, Frank IIobBon, J WChanco R Krateeg, Levi Snydor, EC Whlthy, D 0 Gibson, Ganguu, Mrs (1 R Gulovson, Mra II A Depue, Mrs Mary Ilobeon, Mrs Mnrso, Mrs Banfeh, Jaa Pattorton, F Kaiser. li Anderson. MUs Langun, Mrs W Lape, L Y Ehrllch, J R Davis. bom, F V Davie, Martin Wallacu, Al Runetodlor, Guy Parmontor, J Dona voe. Struck it Uicli in Alaska News comes from tho far north from Wesly and Karnost Fox, two Coos bay boys who havo cast thoir fortuno In Alaska, Those voanu men went to Alaska 0 yeara ago with tho determination oft staying thore until thoy had nnido their " ' . 1 fortndo boforo, returning, Thoy havo last accomplished what thoy sot out to do. TUSybfivi ilrlolt otrlkV Fi vi'ara ago lnalJ line they lei I here. They x o to return thin fall. Their tl.nl Is ( vleldliig nun It lo 1 1 dollar lo thu p.m. I'he Ihith are des.-rvlng ol till- mirci-M ,ts they have undorgimi many hntih-liliu J , . .. , , , ., ,. i. during their stay In the fi- sun north. j - - I . ,iil .i- DySOntOry Cured VlthoUt thn Aid of n Dootor xnu iw "' wuuvwi 'I noi Just up from nlmrd spell ol tl a flux fdvsoiiterrlKayiiMr. 1'. A Piiinur, n ) tv.ll known nterchaiit.of prummmiil, V. nn. ,"I used o,m mall bollla o f U Imii.. Hrlain'a I ollr, Clmllo mil Diarrhoea Hemtity and was rured wltlmut liavinw . doctor. I ronslderlt lh. brut CMilent ,ii...tlilin In tint wnt lil " Them In no need ol employing 11 do.-lor when tlrt is UM-d, for no doctor can pumcrllni a better uiiillctiio for tK el coinplniiil In any form either (or children or adults. It never Inils and Is pleasant to take. Fur sale by John Promts. C "Stiitc mul GcncrHp) Tho output of thn mines In the Knmtei dhtrict for the pai-t mouth wan fMO.OOO. -Ml employes of tho H. P. It R. art now paid oil In cheeks by the agent, Eastern capitalists are In Portland negotiating for tho bonds ol the Porttuml Nehalem A Tillamook road. Koteburg hat again hren I ghted np altera month of tlnrkncii owing to a breakdown In th light plant. A log drlvo of 8 000.0CO feet la on Its way down the Willamette river to O'cgoi City. 'Ihe Magnolia mills at Albany have been told to the Albany Canal and Water Co. The Irioudsot Leu Welch of RotebiUf aro asking for hit pardon. Peoplo nt Astoria are looking forward tJ ono of tho biggest days on KcgatU day. Homo ol tho citUous of Sumptor, Or ereu are mad at thu result of the riceul election which voted (15,000 for n sower system for thu town. II votes waa tin majority in favor 11 ml uu attempt will hi made to nullify thi election. There is an extreme scarcity of water in nnd around Pendleton u'aiug thu pro tracted hot and dry spell. Thu SoutliernOregouChntauiiia Is now oat of debt tho lait '.'100 were paid last Friday. William Shafur who liveii near Inde pendence Ore had I1I1 h ol inn ha baler last Saturday and ft waa badly crushed. At Grants Poau, by mlcroacnplc analy sIh, it has boon found that tho city water ia impure, even though it la Rogue river water which ought to bo aa puruaa mountain water can bo. Filters havo been recommended. Eastern Oregon horses aro being ship. nl to f.'iinnda. Alhnrtn Is thn doktlnn- : ., . . . . , , .. .. , tlon of about CO carloads, shipped by W II liabb ol Eiho, MARRIED MEN WILL PLAY Mctrshfleld tO Meet North BCfld FOf a Oood Cause. At tho instance of L.J, Simpson, n ball gamo has been arranged be;woeu thu married .men ol Marshlluld, to tnko placo on tho North Rend grounds tumor row, (ho proceeds to go lo tho Presby- j torian churo'i nt North B.ud. T chiillpngo waa Issued Irom North Rend I nd was at once taken up by t hu doughty RenedictB of this town. Tho following goutlemon havo been elected to uphold the glory of Marah finld on the dinmond; Ferrey Geo., Snydor, Dungan W-K Iioytou, Scalrook, Mculoud Mao, Luo, Sliorf W KllPratl, Y 0 8cHroeifer hIiiiiiM turn out, itnil see it good game, mv. a gmsl Hum niul help Inilld a liiiw l ' ' TIMIIKIt LAND, ACT JUNK 3. 1878, NiTICK FOU PUBLICATION. UnilrdM.ticl4indOH'K0, Kou-hurg, Oirgui). (,,y Bi ,f)yt NollcHi lirHy alrm llml In coiuplLinrc with llirt iniivnioiioMliem.lo( tongnvu of Juno 3 ia;lt, mililnl "An not M tho wle of ilinlx-r IaitU in Hie Swim nl Cilllotnl.i, Oregon, Ne- v1uli.mMW.niiigtoirierrltoiy."a cxinulrd to nil il.i Public I-juhI Main by mt ol AhguM 4. K- v.... ... " "'"?."?&" ,n.m Hi'IJS;;! No $,7. ,lKllie piikImm of the Niuthcau ,,t,iirof .Vcikmi No. 30, Tom.lilpa6Souili, tn N., io WVit, nlnl vlll otfer nnKif I" lo iIkiw llinl the Unit fiuglit It inwir valiidilr for lit timlwr or tionn than fur MgiKuiUurnl imr. iMitet, unil lo fjtnliMili lilt cliiltn to ui.l Mini li iuic thr UrgiMir mid Hrtrivrr of Oil oilice al Kravliuig, Oirgon, on Niluiit.iy, lie Ulli (Uy Of JvpllMlllH-r, I0O1 lleiMitiPt nt wmiMM-t: iiMiirt innm.nnii folin 'Ilium, of Kou-lmii!, OiFgon, Willum 1. Mini I'm 1 1 U Uiiik', oil ktrl.uiil, Ori'ison. Aiiyrfiiiliilti-rtoiii rl.uinliig adrrrwly the Iii-iIimiIIh-I Unit .tie rruvli-t lo lil Ihoir lUlmt in llilt tifhin on ur blme mhI will day of NjilriulKr, f3- j-J3 J J, T. llKll).i.k, ltfi.ittrr. NEW YORK WORLD TIIRICE-A-WEEK EDITION Read wherever thu English Lauguago tp Spoken The Tlirl-iWek World wa a lirllllanl hutoh In the lHgluning nnd lina he'U Mteadtly growing eVer since. I'liim Ih the test of ll things, and haa Hit Hi si-al nl approval on thu Thriro-a-Week World, which In widely circulated Iu every Statu and Territory of tliu Un ion, uud w hereover there nro people who mii n-uil our mother tniigun. 'I hi pnpt-r for the coming winter and the year HKCi, will make ita news ser vice, if potnibln, morn extensive than ver. All events of Importance, no mnt r where tbey hnpien, urn re--orted lu'curntoly and promptly. The suliTrlber, (or only one dollar a ear, getn thret) papers every week and more iiiiwm and general reading than most great dnllint can furnish t five or ilx timet thu price. Tho Thrice a-Week-World Ik abto-'ntt-ly (air in It imlltlcal uuwa. Par tisnn bias Is never allowed to affect Its nrwn rnlumut, nnd Democrat and Re publican ultKo can obtain iu its pages truthful accounts of all the great pollll cul cumpniiMis. In addition lo alt tho nown, tho riirlcii-iWeek-Worlil furnlshnH the best Herhtl fiction, elaborato market reporti and other features of Interest, 1'Iim Thrlce-a-Wei'k-World'a regular .iib-erlpli n price in only fl.00 pr vear mil tlili pays (or 1C0 iiapiirn. Wo olf.tr thla iiiie.iiiiled newspaper and Weekly COAflT MAIL together ono your (or The regular subscription prico ol tho two papiirtis f'.'.&O R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind Thn H-cnnt packet in enougli (or usual oitbhIoiib. Tiie faiullv bottle (IW cents) coiitiiiiiH n supply for 11 year. All drug gists aell them. WANTED-SEVERAL INDUSTRI- 011 ' piirvoni iu eacli state to travel for hniisn natahliNhi'd eleven years and with 11 large uipilal, to call 11(1011 iiiurcliantn and nuniits for BUcreHslul nod profitable line, Porinanent vngagiuneiit. Weekly C((, (,)ftrv o( lH nn, traveling ex- niiriHes ami hotel bills advanced In cash each week. Exporlepcn not iimmHnl. Mention reference and omiloso aelf-ail-dret'ed env-lopo. TIIE NATIONAL, 33t Dearborn St Chicago. Flanagan & Bennett Bank DIRECTORS : T. II. flhorl (liin, J. W. Ilnniiett; 1'HKH. ; nnd. II. Khii)'ii;iin, VICE PItES.i It. P. Williams, 6'ASHIEH. Capital-, $50,000. BlXiSHFIELD; OREGON 1 !