Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, August 01, 1903, Image 5

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    iyHjfi'','v'vw--'-' '"f -''" v..
.- -- ---r - w -w -fw-r- ffwFiifV ?J
Xhh WdrfTTnrMi "" - '
Thoy wore nlmimt ready to ntnrt, nnd,
lilt- it good husband, Mr. Hmokor'wiilt'
ft pntlontly for IiIh ylfo to put tliu flu
Isliing touches to lior totlot. Hho wits
i)dJilMJug hor hut und took n lint pin
fioiu a tilg cuithloti. ijuddouly alio ox.
' I Hlllllr it'll ll .ilinmnl"
"Vos, my duur," nervously nssonted
Mr. Hmokur, I
"I menu tho vrny thoso writers my
tliut women sharpen load pencils nnd
Hjmjii rmiN wltli their husbands' ruBors,"
"Von, my dear,"
"Yes, Nov,', I novor do nucli things
wllh your razor, and I don't ImjIIovu
tiny woman docs nn. tho writers nilogo,
1 looked at your rnxor onco when I liad
it hox of HdixlliiiMi to opon, but It van no
ttliurp nnd ho wabbly In tho linudlii thnt
1 was nfiald to use It. HcsldoH, whon
1 want to sharpen a pencil and liavo no
kulfii I nlblilu a point on it.
"You, my di'nr."
"Hut If tint writers wish to put nonio-
thing triii In tlio pupom why don't they
co for tho iiiimi who uno their wives'
lint plim for pipe cleaners?
misty brutosi"
Mr, Hmokor forgot to liny
denr,"Now York Times.
joint wmnirr'm hrr,ri.h wu-, oducation and lot him say, "Jloro is bo much monoy to run your unl
Ono of hlu biographers docluroM thnt voraity and to continuo tho lino of work you lmvo begun."
If hu had nen relied tlio wholo kingdom'
tint evangelist John Wosley would ?!?
hardly linvu found n woman moro uij. no m,ght occompnny biB contribution with certain STJGGES
nultiihlo than film whom ho married. ... . , , ,,,,, , .11 , n
Hhe dUl not ovi-n conilno horuelf to her TIONS which would undoubtedly m Uiken up, weighed carefully
toiiKiift I" her iittnckH. Mon. than 01H13 am nctc(j upon i,y tho bonoficiurv. In othor words, a man when
ho laid violent hiindu on him. "Jack," , , , . . . ,,..,.
wild John Ilampftou to bin koii, "I wnu ho dotonnlnci Unit n univcreitviH being run better than ho can run
niiw on tno point or coiiimiititiK
liilirdcr. It wiih when I wiih In tho
north of Ireland and I wont Into a
riHiiu nnd found Mm. Wesley foauiliiK
with fury. Her Inmlmiid wnu 011 tho
lliHir, where wlie had been trailing him
by tho hnlr of hlu head, nnd h!io hor
Mdf wiib Mill I10I.M11K in her imiiil v-ii-
onible locku u hleli Mm hnd plueked out
by iho lootu 1 fell," itintluuod liaiiip-
non, who wan 11 Klaui of u itiiiu, though
not one of Wcwl'jy m wnrmcNl frloniU-
Mi rvlt n k though I could have knociusi
the soul out of hor'-Kvorybody's
Tlin nnrfriiilrr'a tlrrniK.
Bliicv Ihc bar 1m n uoivHiiiir' evil to
Koine folk- nnd lu an limtltutlou of tho
Mute, lwlni; llcoiiHitl, reference to It oc
rn.nlounlly tliuut U excimeil, There'nm
koiiiu wry clever men Ih.'1iIui1 the bar,
oud oiieu lu awhile u Kxtitlemaii. Tab
U usually kept on him by tho metal
canli roKUIer. Ho feeN that he I
watehfl nt u II hour by 11 mazo of pal
onled machinery. If ho nteals a check
of 1.' eriitN ho Is caught, joii may wiy.
Not at all! The other day In a fashion
shto resort the proprietor, big nnd pom
pons, "called hm n" one of his men to
fore some eustotners. Ah to the quetf
Hon of right or wrong I say nothing.
Hut presently, when Slgnnr I'niuiMwIty
turiuil Ids back, tho bar mnn emptied a
full Iwittlo of tho llnest whisky Into tho
wnshlug trough under tho bar. It was
worth nt least 11X0. 'Hint was hlif way
of getting oven. I am Informed thnt It
Is the UHiial way of resenting nn Insult
from the proprietor. The more stealing
of I.' ii-iilH Is it small mutter when the
bar mnn In to be trimtnl with thousands
of dollars' woith of llquorx I
Is not to bo trimlcd with chnngt'
Is ho lo Ihj trusted with liquors
York Press.
(Iriimiiiiir mill Wrltlnw.
, Ono day Julian llawthorno wiIhcoiu
pllmoiitliig it curtain writer on hU
wonderful facility In his handling ot
words ami In his construction of sen
tences. "You nro u master of phniHus,"
said tho iiovoIIhI, with u twinkle, und
thou lidded:
"How do you do II, anyhow?"
"I don't know," replied tho writer.
don't know any moro about grammar
than it cockroach knows about paint
ing roues on Jugu." i
"That's nil right, my boy, that's nil
light," Hnld Ilnwthorim dryly. "No
man who's a purist nnd u muster of ,
stylo over known anything about gram
mar." 1 1 nr llrluht Jolneil Cotidcu.
Johii Hrlglit's account of how ho
nnd Ulchnid Cnhdon enmo, to Join
forces ngnlnst tho corn lawn' early In
tho Inst century lu us follows: "I was
In tho depths of grief, I might also say
of despair, for tho light und sunshine
of my house had been extinguished.
All that was left on earth of my llfo
und of a too brief hiippluisis was lying
Htljl nnd cold lu tho chamber abovo us.
Mr, t'obden called upon me, nnd, hav
ing expressed words of condplonco,
said: 'Thoro nro thousands of
In Ihiglaud at this moment whore
wives, iiiothoiH nnd children nro dying
of hunger. Now, when tho llrst pnrox
jam of your grief In past I would art
vIm you to como with mo and wo will
novor rest till tho corn law Is repealed.'
Tho offer was accepted and tho work
Was tlouo "
Out- A Hen I.nnillorilN.
Rent ft out Ailfeilcnn property owned
by foreigners or Amoilcmia living
abroad Is bollovcd to amount annually
to not less thun 520,000,000.
, I r
f n man knyti'CB. ..
V-Now rnvrj
... i it .i... "- .tivMia, .jit; iwn rinirs nt
mil rn-v, iiimu nirviiiivii 1111 umi i ; t t ......i .1 , ... , r.j. (ft ,onov iintl to trot n cost of Si M v ...', " i round hero,
over lonriied nt HChool except thnt Iho " ' " " " X u -in ,..-. -u n 10 rnj rjigput j.u In a.
pruposlllon xori'iiiH tho objoctlvo mm. oilb-o, THE A.MEKlUAiN KKl'UJJUU YUULU UU I'Ab'i.'; oT',"'" '" " ""'i'""in oarher-, vcnfruio hospital line.
To save my life I couldn't loll you Iho. pi,T?n AflTTTVfl TT PVT1 ' i, r iJl ." iUrni"- utHngtho If I hnd tuy lingering
dllTeronco botwivn tho prosont tense 1 ItOAOIIING 11 S EM). '!?n. "V ftVerflf "hj-adsadny, ' correspondent wns a .
and ,. pwdloulo. I wrlto by oar mid ,... . A 'If'JTA'i.0. ."" ', dispelled It. I wns In
r S '
By President CUTLER ef
OokirnbIa University
HE niOHt uwful money thnt enn como to a university
or collogo in FREE MONEY monoy to run tbo in
stitution, monoy for
a miluonniro desires
money in tho lino of
ho desires to contribute to a univoreity or collogoj
If u. university la not properly couductod, if it doca not know bow
to apoud funds intrusted to it, it should not havo a man's monoy FOB,
Uh, you axy PURPOSE. Lot a mnn look carefully over tho different inati
"Yoh, my tutions, lot hint aolcct tho ono in which ho bus ubeoluto confidonco,
lot him eoloct tho -ono whoso plans npproncb nearest his idcaa of'
f should leavo IiIh monov ao a free
TJON, und hi this way ho would itecoinplinh much better results.
For iiiBtnnco, supposo a man loaves or gives $100,000 to found a ccr-
(n; cj,'ajr ltl a cortain university. It immodintely fixes this branch
, . . . r .... , , . .
pf study upon that institution. It cannot dechno it, and whon it is
incorporated it must bo maintained, ovon at a I053.
' . . , . ' . , .
Whon a mnn gives n certain sum to a univomty for a spcciuc pur-
nnRo. tbo univoraitv becomes Bimnlv
fund. No mattor what othor urgent needs of tbo institution tlicro ,
.... . , ,. . i e .i -r
)- be, this monoy cannot bo divertod from tho specific purposo for
Wllicll It was donated.
I do not wish to bo understood
chairs in universities, but I do want
if thoro is a margin ovor and abovo
branch tho collogo ought to bo allowed to apply it to tho payment
af o.xpciwci of tbo university in general,
HE world is moro than a gamo of cards. Ilistory is
moro than a record of gambling oporation3. Fidelity
is moro than SELFISH HELIEF In tho accuracy
of anothor man's predictions. To a community which
has no higher ideals than theso dostruction is approach
how tsffiFJ.':.'
ing rapidly. If it woro true, as somo metaphysicians tell us, that all
... au ..wwuw... .. j MW..M... ...w w...r . -v..w wv.. ..... , T.i 1..T niti TA. h ii,c, .1 nil i L-nrttv iinf tnitofii i rnnM fill! Ud,. v
' i miiv, mm, per- .... w.., .--v-0w . .....v..v. '-"jpk.ijn.rta
.wia.iIa .wl..t iKaim ir!nl.Ann AlltiiMj wi. nAitAAiil if -Tm. itn vnct iinilS for 111.. Il..,t.. l.t- . ' .fAH .... ..tl.A. l.A TTA.M..Hn- liLW Ulll'a
riu iiu iiuiiui mull cuiiiuiiiivas. uiuwia ill aj wuiiv.wiii ik j.iu.1. mu iwji - ...mine ui inn Ron, silO mun hu ljiuvi iuuji. uui.ti.t,i11vt,ii.,imi ,,.,
. . .... ' - ... . . mnv lnk,i nn O,.. .. ...j.. . . I.... . .... .JFP"lliral "
of tho world and a fow go bo far as to conceal it from thomsolves , Ml,h . ,,,:; '.":,;;.","'.. r . u"3 ,3 l muai uaYg sureeeucu i,rciv aChl will
.!. ...i..i -:.i i ...1.1 .....!M i. now Tnl. Inch i.m.. .;'.". ' ""r" weii, ror iny uow
uiu iiuju ouuiu uiuui wum 'huhvo .if,u ,it.,u vjvi av -" "" " i) svrveo. tne intr renlv I
PIECES. If it woro true, as a largo
S 18
I, or
to believe, that a man's succoss
ofliccs which ho can command
III (iruut's cstlmatu of tho abilities of
tho generals of tho armies, says tin of
(U'or of (! rant's staff In tho National
Magazine, 1 think lt Is safe to s.iy that
Sherman stood llrst. For John A. 1
gan he perhaps entertained tho warm
tut pcrMUinl feelings. Ills friendship
for this brilliant soldier was very pro
nounced, (touoral Thomas ho consid
ered a Hnfo mnn and an ludomttiiblo
fighter. .Sheridan wns ono of his espe
cial favorites. Ho considered this dash
ing soldier almost Invincible.
Oooil Sonaa.
Good Bonso Is a fund slowly nnd
painfully accumulated by the labor of
centuries. It Is n Jewel of thu (lust
water, whoso vnluo ho nlouo under
Ktnuds who lino lost It or who observes
tlio lives of others who have lost It.
or "v !'"" l imic price too great
to pay for gaining it ami Keeping it,
for tho possession of eyes that boo and
n judgmont
thnt discerns. Charles
Mnktnir Alloivnnoes.
Itronson I don't boo why you Bhould
bo bo nngry at your aon for marrying.
Wo hnvo to mako allowances for tho
young, you know.
Muusoii Confound It "that's what
I'm kicking about I not only hnvo to
make un nllowanco for him, but now
I'll havo to mako ono for his wlfo too.
Kansas City Journal.
'.a i . iiiiii m 1 UAwna ifi a j 'i tab wiiiLin limn i ii mi n'n ip r k.
gunoral purposos. If, therefore, J
to do tho greatest good with his
education, lot him givo tho train
fund to bo used nt its DIBOKE-
tho CUSTODIAN of a trust
' (I
to disconraso tbo founding of!'
. .
to be understood as saying that '
tbo expenses of this particular '
Dy- President
MADLCY of Yale
section of tho community seems
. . , i .. B
measurod bv tho monoy and tho i
that tho tost of a good education !
A Qurr riotitlnw Inlnnd.
There Is n Moating Island In Derwcnt-i
water, 1-higlund. not far from Lodbroj
falls. Its travelers are restricted to til
tornatlous between thu bottom of the
lake and tho surface. Whon moved to
retirement It sinks and remains In wa
tery seclusion for jH'iIods which vary
from a few mouths to us long as hovon
or eight years. Us existence above c-ri
noiow water appeal's to uo ueterminea
by tho presence within tho island of
gnsos whoso ipmntity oorns Its buoy-'
aiicy. nsthwnlto. lake, in tho B.imo
iiolghboihood, boasts a not less ptiz-,
zllng but more uiucnablo Island. This
lifts served as a ferryboat to conduct
un ..itiiiu o lllllTJtl ,U1PUICI III II IIJ1IU
ncriws tho bosom of tho water upon
which It i ides.
A I.ltornry Ilecnnt.
Sir Edward Uussoll's recortl in tho
way of literary work was Ids article on '
Matthew Arnold on tho day thnt great '
man ulccl. sir Kdwnrd had oxcluslvo
iiiionuauoii ot tno event, wiucn uap
pened on u Sunday. lie did not got
to work until half past 7 in tho even
ing, and lt was necessary for him to
catch n train at 0 o'clock, lly dint of
dictating to his Bocrotnry and writing
himself, ho got through a biographical
article ot a column and a half and a
two column lender within ono hour
and twenty minutes, Such ti feat has
!.. j.... . . ....
never uoon exceuou. , -n
Too piintor of Mars In inclined to
tho plane ot Its orbit About 25 degree,
Thnt of tho carpi U inclined 23 degrees
24 minutes,
It wo a JnpivnuM scientist. Prof.
S!?.!l!L.!!!IO!Uii 1 ,? '",croM:0Ut Every wornli.fr I como In to buMncna
vrlfo rilncorenx! thftt the loait, narrow , , ,
lockjaw gorrn lire- In thu enrth and on inSa ,nnd CVcry morn,n l P""9
con only work nt lt dangeroim trade a box ,n tho tnt,on on w,,,cl1 '
when hurlud deep In a wound whrono n"tlcc, "Drop your pnpern for patients
air can roach It, I in tho tiospltalu," I pnsflcd this box
Capt, Pcott, with the DtucoTvry.lma! ottcn without paying nny nttcntlon to
pcri4rolI 100 mile noarer thouth, H. hut ono day I was obliged to go to
polo Umtt any prurlotu explorer, and a ltonpltnl myself to undergo nn opera
dittfoVcred an extcnulre mountainous ' tlon, nnd after being dlnchnrgcd Jthe
reghn hitherto nbaolutcly unknown.' nn tlmo I pned tho box I put In
He thlnku this Imllcatca Unit land my papcr. j 1)a(1 wrttcn on tho mnr
ntrutcliM to the polo In a neriea oi Tery oltr
lofty mountain. I H ' . , ., . , .
lr ?iu.nni. n .1 v m .l ' Goo& niornlnff, patient I trust you are
JMV'jJemplofl, the boad of the Oer- feclinsr much Improved this morning and
rrmn nntiiuolnrJn expedition to New, that the time will soon como when you
Guinea, announces that ho hns tllscor- "j S2fe'?'S Mlv,aia tew
ored nn aquatic in.ect which destroy. T M kMP you nA
the anopheles mosquito, and that he , rfV 'ZZVu T "ff
propose to cultivate the creature ar- ,,ut dJd not U,!nk lt ,,kcly l wou,d cvcr
tindnlly In the hopoof fcxternlnaUng Lpar trom iho Ze "Inco lt was nd
the mosquito, tiieroby exterminating drcsBed to no ono In particular. Still
malaria, i there la sufllclcnt romnnco In every
'J3oyo strath, usually unsuspected, man's naturo to fancy thnt some fair
Ir, OortfoM. Gould attributes much of Klrl, etc
human misery. JI finds evidence that , I did receive a reply, nnd my first act
it was indirectly responsible for the' vraa to glnnco nt tho nlgnnture. I con
opium habit of Dc Qulncy, causclthej fC38 I wa disappointed when I saw
EXvE CZ nd "if r,n8 f ""o'" n- The nolo rends
Cnrlylc, nnd gate Urownlng his lnnil- . , ...
acheu ntwl ,riin U..in,. i t. i (A' "avo no 'icA what a pleasure your
acne nriil vertigo. Printing book in ch,y note gave. On opening- the paper
wuteink on olnck paper Is n suggested my oyo fell nt once on your note on the
means for leesc ning ere strain, nrst ! J am sure that a man with m
llurn,. .,.? T -I., t, t, , .. much kindliness its you have displayed
Kurge and Prccht, Itevue Sclentl- , this matter mdst bo a Bood follow to
Ikpio, hare classified radium by the know, and I would llko to know you.
spectroscope. The most intonselmisf.
j of the spark-spectrum of rnditim are
rigorously analogous to the strongest
lines of barium and its congtrhurwrmig-
neilum, calcium -and strontium.' They
Ozonizing sntwratns t,.r viti.iiin.
the atmosphere of the sick chamber
may I)Ccodi a necessary pnrt of tho
physician's outfit. Dr. J. E. S. Ihrnci
," . "K , " lwa,cV m.nn report, hav.
T- .! ... .
r ""f o'oiuicr in a iievre case
of pneumonia compiicati ith pieu-
r! w 1. i.
"';'. '" M,e ""11 w nn immediate
rooinnwh'lC- ?T.!".J'.,0a,r"f.",c
.u,.uniu l,r rniiiu im.
ment of the patient's condidon
inn nri! iKlliir iuhI nl.n n. i.
ng tht, nir of factories.
nrMMrr la Si
sail i
" Tht In Anr Otk ot
tk Skilled TkUIm, w-c
considering his emlng capacity,
tho barber tit-rhnrM Inm.. ...-.. ,l
lars In the tool, of hi. trade than doc
uie crartsmnn In any other line of
skilled work
If hebentironrletornm!,
"" v,,e "lomic weignt of rail urn nt .-n, i.t,w ,. .,
2.',7.8. Thl. Mi. ."i ... " " "- ""-'- ....... ..v
nishe. In ' ::Z u '",' r prcullarltlea about It No, my
ease wlU, Ul.IcI. lu ... In. . ".,:" tluit a on,an ,,ad writtcn "
clectroni to tirodiirn n.,unn.,i a. ' a man'8 to It was not
hnu lo furnlfh his khop, the situation er.,a """E''1 fr0" a patient at this hos
ts illfT.r..nt .,,t n. . iJ... Ml,,il""n pnal. As soon ailsm porfecUy ristored
is (lin-irtnt. hut n Journeyman he is i will keep my promise to send for you
.... i,ui wcueii hiih nn iota or tus
weight of tools thnt belong to the oar-
pi-nter, plumber, itonecuttur. cn.Mn.L.
I mnker, and klndn-d trad. Half a
, down rrwors, two pairs of shears, n,
hone, a strop nnd n mug and brush
I equip him for a position nnywhiTe,
wijs the Chicnco Trllmno
I As for the r7nr .i. ...., .
(. , dim in lUVIIIIU VltJV
hpleco, prohling that tnch Ih good, '
. , on,y len facC8 ft,ul ,M?I
honing; nt another tlm. It mnvshnvo
.V"'1 ,;; '"f0"" "'r.
shears, the two pairs at
may shnvw only ten faces mul m.i
. ,. '. " nCB anil IMJetl a "
tun.eiiiruii it.
grimier flnalh weirs out IhesheorsbT
shortening the blades ratlior thnn I
wearing the blades too thin to close I
A hone is hotiRht for a lifetime, and
a strop may lntt for 20 years. A brush
may last a doron years, mid the mug
for 100 If It Ik not broken. Altogether
a barber with the salary of one week
might easily equip himself for Uiooc-
cupatiaii of a lifetime.
-neiMi urenii'r imnn Tfmt of Miihl.
Two years at-o a now shvr lilnr.! ,.
In the- constellation Perseus. Such
new stars are br no means ran. hni
this wns so grmt ond nrled in brll- j
Unney so rapidly that it wns speciaJlv
noteworthy. Soon after tho ontlnir.
wini, n.iuie the star so bright it was
niiii ui nc uixuuinesa.
fo und to be surroundiMl by nobulnBxlio 'a' must havo been left off."
ami tnts nebula Ktir.ui
nrouiui the nucleus e-m4liinllvtJ.ib.''
iv tii.kMni.A.1 ...... i . . vn jriz
-V ... iinvw K) v, lKCnilfi,QX(TIl'3ttnr'8
great distance, but rea.
Jf 1m
en col-
menu speed. In fuel.
cuuueu thnt this sji?.
so great
!.. I, X.
It seems
hat the
sprrul of
coidtt hni been
enljna,ry matter
due to th
at nil.
n mitfl'l'sUfl thnf. fiiA
wn ritdlv only a
imlnntlon of the ncbu-
Hght from theexnlodcd
nof.,Sjhjon Newcomb cai
tiffs will not account
for it WAS at Wat tan
of light, W have thus no-
ttrved a tnotloq n jybji hmv 1
Bfllro vvIl
I JIvo la tho vicinity of a great city.
' I fltudicd tills letter carefully to find
somo trace of a woman In it, but there
was none. No woman would have
urcd tlie expression, "n good fellow to
and put
borno out
n"J' sn. I wrote a Hlmple reply
t,mt v'bcn 1Ir' nudson ,cft tll ,10,Pl'
tal l would llko to see him at my ofllce,
n I hnd resolved to take nn Interest
'in Hospitals and would be pleased to
tallc over wIUi blm tho best mcUiod
of procedure.
To this I received a reply Umt tho
writer had very little hope of being dls-
""""' " -" ""uji uu
t.....l !... !... l l. ,, n L
" " - " ... ....., ,i u
long vcon tinned residence would cnnblo
him to glvo mo many points connected
with these homes for tho Blck, and
some tlmo when ho felt llko receiving
a visitor ho would let mo know und I
could use my own pleasure In calling.
I replied that I would bo happy to
call and thought no moro about the
matter for Homo months, when I re
! cdved nnotucr notc from Mr- Hudson,
uo 4U,,""D
I am recovering from a c.-vso of dlph-
und glvo jou tho points with reference
to tho management or hospitals.
I replied to this note thnt thcro must
certainly be room for Improvement In
the institution where he was since a
patient had been exposed to a con
tagious disease. I felt a good deal of
syuipalliy for him in this nddltibnal
nilsfortnne, which I expressed as well
lot? renlv
ou rnuat l' a brlelcyot ono man In
hnnHv.1 irnnll ISSKV trnnliln In -
press simtmty lirH strnncer as you
I hao done, LtWeeUniT all rlcht now,
tliouch n UtmLjhaky, on my pins. Come
tiffvorrow evening at 8 o'efqek
wuy to do good
doubt that my
man this notc
uo hurry for
,,:s V"m m "MPltaIS- Dut conclude
t0 ,;ecD u,i appointment dropping In
to fceo u,, on IUJ" way to an ongago-
ment half an hour later. I was ush
ursd Into a private parlor at the fuH
end of which sat a trained nurse nbout
twenty-live years of age. She looked'
like n convalescent, but her cheeks took
on a very rosy huo tho utqja.un.t h en
torod. Indeed she was blushing llko
a schoolgirl. Iloldlug a paper Uefore
her eyes, she begun to read.
My experience Infhonjiltala both as stu
dt ut and L'rudiutltf haa called to my no-
"o- Jt i '
"One moment," I Interrupted. "Are
you Frederick Hudson?"
Viae lmf T ncmilli. ca11 mv AnI
IIoj; t!i julschlof did you contrlvo
to writo those mauliko letters Y
"I didn't I got u man to
. "And mako up all there was
"Their contents are tmo."
"Tho diphtheria?"
"I havo boon dlsnppolntod," .v
"I havo done veiy wrong in deceiving
you." v
"Not a bit. My disappointment was,
in receiving a reply ttftn & man instead'
of a very lovely girl?'
Sh made another effort to go on with
ber pager finjiospjtahj,. J i&$flt inter-,
7fro"wlfiref.pujiRrnduflnyJiir vclcV
weakened, and nlio'lnnly Btopped'And
looked nt me In dire confusion. I con
eluded to holp her out:
"After nil, I hnve to thnnk you for a
very plenslng Incident While you have
been rending I haye been thinking over
your letters, nnd although they were
misleading I do not see that you have'
stated n single untruth."
"You forgive mo7"
"Yen, nnd thnnk you."
Tho rest of tbo story k an oft told
Moorish Bntho,
In Spain, while tho Moors' were In tho
ascendency, luxurious hot baths wcra
cstabllnltcd. They were tlscd In con
auction with the religious rites; of 14
lam. The Islnmltea were required to
bntho frequently. Tlio manner of
bathing wan as follows:
After undressing, tho bather la wrap
ped In a woolen coat, sandals arc put
on and ho walkH to tho hot bath. Af Kc
a thorough hot bath ult parts of the.
body nrc rubbed. Tlio soles of the feet
nro rubbed with pumice stone, then the
body Is nnolnted with oil and sprinkled
with perfumed powdors.
When the Moors were drlveu out ot
Spain the first thing tho people did wax
to destroy the Moorish bath honsei.
This was done because of rellglou
prejudice ngnlnst tlio Moors.
Three Cartons Kpllnphs,
In a cemetery near Dublin tho fol
lowing words nppcar on a tombstone:
"Here lies John Hnrley whom fnthoj
and mother died while on their wuy
homo from America. If they had 'lived
they would have been buried here."
The following epitaph adorns thq
tomb of a gravcdlggcr In the Tnibacli
cemetery In the south of Wales:
"Hurrah, comrade, parson Is dead!
If he hnd lived he would hnvo buried,
all of uh."
Hore is another curious epitaph
which wns recently discovered; It
marks the gravy of nn lndefutigablq
smoker and contains only the following
four words:
"My pipe Is out."
I'lricapplcs In Xatnl.
Pineapples grow o plentifully In Na
tal n.t certain seasons Unit It In not
worth whllo carting them to market,
nnd they are often given to tho pigs in
Pie Crust,
lu baking pie crust for lemon or oth
er pies lu which the crust la baked flirt
and l.s so npt to collapse place tho tin
bottom sldo up, roll tlio crust to fit
place lu soma larger tin nnd bako still
upside down. If the oven Is right It
will como out a good shape.
IllnU In Italr.
Tho wholesale slaughter of birds fot;
food in Italy hns ono advantage. It
includes thu sparrow, which In that
country Is consequently a rara avis.
Clinlk In Water.
In a layer of sea wntcr a mile nquarc
andTOO feetdeep there arc sixteen loin)
of chnlk.
I'rencrvcd 1'Uli.
rresorved flah are generally moro
economical ns food than fresh fish.
Thus salt cod furnishes W) por cent
more nourishment than does, fresh cod,
Sllncrul "VVntcr.
ncld addetl to sea wntcr pre-.
the salt, making a harmless
iter. Seven ounces of citric
supply a shipwrecked mail
marine lemonade for a week.
Son Kimls Vkkm,
It is a strange fnct that eea fowls'
eggs are almost conical lu form, so thnt
they will only roll In a circle. As many
of them nre laid on tho bare edges of
high rocks this provision ot naturo pre
vents them from rolling off.
A-imuti. iVTlVTW
toYinnll ta mi.i viiilhiifnlid'fnMjf lilOi
small clearings, where juWive -MJKes
havo been built. r ,V. ffirW
l-ulillo 0e'ni lijjlShniy
111 nearly every BtreotriKhiliancsn
cities ls'n,nubllc oven where for a soiall
i, feo housewives may have their dlnncri
and suppers cooked for them.
The 1'rcaldeiit on Good Ilomls.
In his address before tho national
good roads convention President lloose.
vclt madu some good points. Among
other things ho said:
W is tho habit ot road building that
gives to a people permanent greatness.
"Tho development of the Iron toad
has been all that ono could wish, but
it is mere presumption to consider good
railways as substitutes for good high
"Wo want to seo cities built up, but
not at tho expcnsdof tho country dis
tricts. .
"If tho winter means to tho nvorago
farmer a long lino of liquid nlofnsseu
through which ho must painfully forco
his team if boat on business ami
t through which ho must wndo or swlci .
if bent on pleasure, if an ordinary rain
storm means that the farmer's boy and
girl cannot use their bicycles, you havo
got to oxpect thnt thoso who live lu
tho rural districts will uot flud farm
llfo attractive
"Wo should all encourage any check
to tho unhealthy flow from tho country
tnllw. nlti.JI
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