Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, August 01, 1903, Image 4

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    PJ My-
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"llCrfl V rA A CT MA II
EntcicC in the Postofflw at Marshfield,
as Second Class Matter.
Editors and Managers,
G. W. WOODWARD, Foreman,
Issued Every Saturday. Terms: In Ad
vance, $1.30 a Year, $t 00 Six Months.
DAILY: By mall, for advance payment
only, 30 cents a month; 4 months for
$1 00. Wnen not paid in advance the
fries is 50 cents per month, straight,
ssutd every morning except Monday.
If there is the slightest danger ol tho
n nil route being changed from tho Ccos
Bay wagon road to the Middle Fork
route, via Myrtle Point, tho peoplo of
the flay rhould mako themselves heard
in a way that will leae no doubt as
to whether they will stand it.
, j 11 tt ,.1
to Marthtield. aud when the mail is ceut
that way it makes an unnitessnry delay
flfjuMthimo require to carry the;
iMNiUeiHtii Myrtle Point and Marsh
r!iJ, a iii(Huce of nearly SO miles
aud luring at lMet half a day at the
1 -f.. ld be no p etlble txcuse for '
erons experiment was tried once buforu.
and the people of the Bay haven't got tho j 5
t-l out of their mouths vet. 2
Tin, I. n. !. in!i.rktfc nt tin. h iv ppn-'
llie Ull-ln-S tnierf.-lC Ot lilt Oa ECC
iiisprncucmuyMiar irum ,v08L-uurg tiaIon 6Ufl5cont t5 see through this BUr
to Myrtle Point as it is from Rtburg facetkuni( atld L.6Ve cagl ieJr ,ot8 wU,
"t'.rn jre i.ut lobe tntlid with in any euch
tnantier fo. t !ij convenience or profit
Vyl auy iin;i.'1'i-lor onttide locality, and
the joer- that bo should be given
to ULdorstand this cleat ir.
It is :riu, that the condition of a short
portion cf l,e CcoaUty wagon road at
.m .- .
this thno ips i!j as to furnish a leverage ,
r tliose wti.t, lor tlieir own pnrpoes, '
mat- wish in advocate a Ldinna WhotP
maj wuri m aavocnle acirane. nose
....... . ... . .
laull is .hU? Primarily thefault of tbo
county u.horiie;indfe.CGuJarl!ytbe
fxatt of Lf p4op! of the Zr.y, for not
initt.tt. on proper atteutlon beiny. given
to this very important thoroughfare.
I!y cutting tho timber away from the
road for a fe-v miles it c.tu ba made a
better yesr-iound road than the Middle
ork road oer wae or ever can l,e, 0na(
the inembere of the county cont doubt-.er.'8
Insa have enough couBideratiou for tue
take any intorfet in tho matter.
. . , , , .,
A3 for a change of tho mail rente, it is '
ING -To any ono who has the beet inverestB
ol-0o IJy at heart it is gratifying to
npte that there ie a constantly growicg
percan-age of tho peoplo bore who are
waking up to the fait that this country
ij fleeping ou ite opportunities,
They are coming to eeo that this Ib
really ono of tho mont favored epota on
the footstool, and that all that is needed
to bring it to the front is tho 'prop
er spirit among ite inhabitants.
Tbo littlo leaven of progreeelveneas
that has always existed here, aided by
the damo element among tho now ar
rivals, Ie leavening a good part of tho
Jump. It can never leaven the whole
lamp, and that isn't necessary, There
wrisU in evey community a certain
i.tn,,.stfl of tbf, Rav to tea that' woo,an? e,r0". ,J0,W' n,nc" 0 B "n side stroke with Frank Rogjre, but even
lmoiesia 01 uie uaj 10 tee tnai m i)0 1......1 sn .,. wni,tHrn n rmr1
11 f i-i.i v.fiodfc? Do not let us forcet the wonle." 8b' could, that wouldn't prove nny
e rifiets.ry work is performed, if they J., "u"uv,r'u"lr"1' "iub t
7 of the immortal poet Ph.ikesp..rtro particular talent for boxing, for sii.cl
tlltfWUtUattlie piOPie 01 trill KCtlun .c...iu..b hi eiujitc, rguw 111 win !.! . 1 1 t . 1 .1 1 11
' ' , ,,-nrr hrnnb r.,,,1 nrul I,, oun.i-ll.ln., ' tllftt man IU8 IB(I tO l)H tllU kOlf llirCCtOr
..i m.,
!',roP,l)nof ,,H e,,rlt '" would
block tho wheels of nil progress nncl
s would ajiplv tho thumlwctew ami tlid)
rack to any who would work lor bettor
conditions. Hut in eomo places thoto
who Jihvc no bettor ecuso thnn to knock
tholr own communities hnvo n littlo
souse bent into thun nnd nro (might by
hnrda raps to at tenet keep tholr basooa
clotcd in public,
Coos Ray it growing toward that en
larked viow ot her own interest which
will cause her not only to wulcomo tho
desirable newcomer but to mako it
hot (or tbo individual or newspaper who
would try to proent liU coming; which
wlll cause her to organist n vigilance
committee to extirminato tho street (
loalera who lay for tho now arrival with j
tho express purpoicotdrivlng .limawny.
Scores of men who would havo mado
disirablo nco.uisiuona to our community,
and thouiands of dollars of capital which
, , , . , , . . , 1
would havo found investment here,1
have been driven away within the last
year by tcuseless knocking of street
Many, however, have had clearness q!
us. lhete people mostly hao the pro
gtossive e-pirit, aud with the nwakening
o( the M1C Blrt nm0U)? 0Qr own
people, the mottbaek aud the reaction
ary will gradually to snowed under eo
deep tlat tiny can not do much harm.
Frlitnpiolo !
of the People
k Undtr hl heid the HAIL will be c
pjc,d to publish eommunlctlom on 9
uDjccti 01 puoiic mitrctt, aiiummj no jo
rttpontkblliiy (or the fentlrnsnti ix- 0)
prettrd Cootributioni ate Invited 9
Kditoh Co ist Mail.
Touching the Jhcntsion a to Sabbath,
observance to wlilch you recently gate
-Para'lS:;pi3.T,ilo somel
v.tv interesting iuecettlous for the
,'' V,' "' "V " " ''"Z:
).'.. ..-.. .
. kl.evl.kj9 Sm A tiiiibinii n erv. t In I
as regards rh matter f clerical dogmas
It is a matter that has not been caru-
ully cons.dered by many of your rei
! tUmU b.'lt ."'ere ib hope that j our col-
lunnfe witl Itraij to ,t,e thoutshtful rouald- J
Lf,iini u-i.ai ti muni i.J . it, i.v rt '
erationof wl.at is ment bv the mil part ,
of tlMo. How many aro there who care
.osnd the day set apart by our state
i.nu inwa in me manner tney nesignaier -- -j.
There is h principle in the d-c!aration , my terrible paroxytmB of wild and un-
ot the "'independence" that baa pieierv- . ,, ., . . , ,, ,
td lorover to tho Amoncan people ihe,nt'OllaWoiiiiKi.r, before I nil be out-
privilege of enjoying thu time in tho done by a female beaiece. I jrill come
mtiDiu-r they choB-. foi their hanninesB. . .... .
Pi.onIm.frnn. tin. Uf.ll f-nn.lilf.rPft rf-
mjrkB of your late correFpondeut, I
...4M.MV. ..W. -. ..V.. VHH..W .
should like to make eomo kindly meu
tlcn of the world outeido of any church.
I In tin, flnun nf ml fi.irlv V, tilth fnr utfitrn
I a.l mAnlha T n..in aa.0 tl.af nt iipulu
. lt IIW t Hf I H.. J L .W. I ,.
- -, aV7y priVl!-
only once a week to teo the pasturo
tho thoughtful can bo found in the quiet
tffru 1fi niturvt liftir
Ouly last Sunday in one of my wan-
Ki-nsw . wi j fitb 1
ujiiiKn 1 L-nuio Buru-f Y.111.1 ir kiiiihii to
0-it peoplo as "tho Wandering Sailor
urimo'amTr" you
iiiivuHutcni wiui limn, 1 uiii turn i;u
will eay, Let up by nil means endeavor
to devote tlie Uny (tne baubatn) t( the
purpose it wsh intended, 'Ihis flower
w u.ik-reJ and craw led over boxen, blank
ing and all km la of rubbish. If it had
been in the bauds of a kindly tutor how
pretty it would hnvo looked! So with
human nature. Take tho yount: life.
train it; but do not at any Hacrifire rob
it ol lta luulvluuallly or Independence.
Kncournge theurowthol initial thnuuht.
and do not force into the young life the
ancient teacmngs that are lorevor dis
carded by the more aged.
Again, 10) feet from tho abive I saw
what is well known to every Oregonian
aa the Wild Hon. Ihia energetic urower
was supported by strong trees. What a
lesson I How aany of thu more weak
and easily Influenced portion of our
society could be secured and protected,
if only the hand of kindness and good
teaching wae extended 1
To me it is a wonder that eo many of
tho so-called teachers are provided with
means to live, for tbo services they ren
der. Wo havo one public school; why
not havo one public church. One well
filled church. w-ill be much better than
six partly iineu, wuintus.
State and General Kqws
Grass hoppers are doing great damage
to clover crops around Albany,
j. wv.'UAfcts-.T"-
j New .tvol rails nro being laid ou thu.
Lebanon bunch of tho S. I'. H, R.
Farmers in R.vstorn 0ym nro hold,
lug tholt w heat lor 70 ceuta n Ihislud .
Salem and Ron-burg baseball phi) org
will havo to eottle lor tho Willamette
The Daniah colony nt Junction City
aro building h hull on their chinch
PricoTitpplotnoHixon ul MeMlunvlllb
wgs found lend In bis' house, Sunday,
lie had been dead for two weeks.
Tsu Willnntptto VUy Prune Urnwurs
Ass.Kin.lou hnu mot aud Hindu their
prlco ior the coming crop.
4. Rush, tbu Salem pioneer bunker
I met with a serious accident Inst tfalur-
Jay of dlslocnting his ankle,
The OregonUm of Monday, July 37th
contains a very roadablu nrtlolo on
North Rend by tho special correspond
cnl ot ',llt I'nper.
J u Mason'lnnguishes In jail in Rose
bun! ,or """''K ' ol!lw and
obtaining moaey under faltu proteuto
, ,
on nccouut of tho Standard Pattern
The lentil profession in M.trion county
nro (struggling with a bull calf case which
bids well at becoming n notorious
as tho celebraicd calf case lu Iowa,
wherein the 1'tigants lost large fortunes
each, and all oxer n pcrnwny, hidebound
calf worth three dollars. The Marion
county calf has already cost the ptttlos
to the cae teeral hundred dollars and
the case is et in the juttiee courts.
News and Comments From
Huckleberry Hill
Kditok or the Mail.
I juit wonder now, if any body thinks
I am going in be made thu subject of
remark by a ft male. I, the pater (am-
i.lu.t of a largo and lucrative family, nnd
champion growler of the North Wi-nT
No; I will not remain in obecurltv while
- - .. to thrill the siting
millions and chisel hor nnmu on the
iternal tablets of fame with stories of
her wild and woolly adventures. I will
rise above thu horizon of Huckleberry
Hill, nnd crack the blusuomu of Heaven
., ,,. ,. . .
me open Willi my awlul growls nml
poll every hcckluburry bush up bv the
... i,,,,,,. i
nrtll W1WJ eome 01 Illy lIRIr tKfjllUtll 06-
Mra. Rear may bo a born diplomat,
but when real danger threatens I havo
noticed that .ho teems to havo n .trong
yearning for home nnd papa, though
fill rca,ly Imagines she could do a littli
0f qujnn College, and arnimo the role
ot thu "Knight of tho Rueful Conriten.
n,,C" Bm0"K VarlCUS ,n,itit"lio3 '
learning ho is so abtccnt miud'jd that
he would trip his hat and address her
as "dear teacher" and would enter nt
once into n touching discourse on the
adyisibllity ot trying to win tho joung
love of tho youthful American to that
she may more easily Huff their little
crnnlumu with tho various "hm&" nnd
' ubligles," those fool human beings call
an education, Ho wouldn't discover
his mihtaks until he found himself
stretched full length on thu bosom of
mother earth by a rap from Mrs, Rear's
paw. For bo's got It bad, and thats why
I say It wouldn't mean such a wonder
ful feat of bravery or speak very well
for the bfetory of pugilism in these parts
to knock out a man who has attended
thu teachers inetituto and been the only
"It" among a lot of old maid ecbool
mamB, until he really don't know whore
he is at. And thouub ho may attract a
... . . l4A
great deal pf attention as (t sport ground
home, ho is etill considered very galless
and simple among the upper crost of
Huckleberry Hill,
Jjik iiU. f i -.-
For there lit n llttlu bint k eyed girl ii
Icouslnto that map tlint lives Willi that
old )iMlow-llnhpd th7 en Unydci, that
can shuot all MonlulMtn, when It comen
to liiuidltug a gun; though ho never
thkoi a ifluit at nny thing until it has
beeu tlmiugh the tnXldenulstB IiiukK
Then, when It Is nicely mounted 1.111I
put lu to rome IkhIv'm den, the ihutH (In
doors mid windtiws and takes doWu her
llttlnirltie, takes careful aim aud neaily
every time dim can knock out n gluts
rye, clear across tho room, nnd it a stray
window light or the panel of door or the
wnll grin ir hot way, shn doern't slop
for that, tlrough It dues mnk) little holes
tamo times. But our people jill like her,
In fact she Is the only pcrton whose men
tat attalMuiiuta entitle hor to a frtepass
into tho select ntunttpheru ot darkle
berr Hill, the mysterious nnd Inxlilhle
retreat ot thu great nnd noble' Urulu,
mentor of his rare (thats me) where the
slim and peaked spire of our hollow tree
points heavenward nnd whose daz'zlug
super-structure in it constant reminder
ol the height to which an aspiring nnd
ambliious hear mny hope to climb.
Where people can just sprawl around
in thu glorious suushlneof the Hills,
can lees ol gain aud lorgetltii of the
hatsh aud jangling round ol tho tely
phouu bell, and the daily new paper
which ushers pi the new bom coin,
licoius North Bend and the Margarita
Fitlit'r Co., ti ray nothing ol Oysters at
the Broiler, nnd cn.p!oia head juiirn-
nhtt an obrcur? an unknown p.rty who
co ties forth modestly aud uugramatie
itily aud tries to bo funny over things
that give one tho impression of npp.tr
tent tniHelljilllty and exhales n linger
ing odor of thu moty patt.
I u tn sun-1 could do all that journalism
dton without grt.it uiL-utal drain, lui
I could i.ot endure to t-ee a boar thought
of mine in print. My ideas nre in)
own, nnd I wit-h to keep them snert-d
from the prjing eyes of thostj who i:.
nu eriing nnd uugiiurdi-d mon out uh
tcrihe for thu Coait Mail, though I d
writu a confidential letter to the IMitot
soino times, which in mutt idvtjjn ft
tally brief, m that the rliiitoric.il la-au'v
is sacrificed to cold hard fncts, such at-:
Little Johnny Rear got a, sahiion
berry thorn in his foot thu other day.
Dr. Straw was called In and said, Johnny
imagined it. I'atient is now convales
cent, Mr Sea in it u came up last Vuduutdit
to collect a bill for damage from the
Rear family due Rogers aud Co If It for
ttiMtA ntilfvlti.til llfiil.ir fulfil t.rut i.lintk I
He didn't collect it uny more than In
did Laudis' wash bill; for I gave ouo of
my awful growls, and Mrs Rear went
out nnd worked a beautiful littlo mono
gram on his fea'.uru with herclawt cud
left one of her toenails lu him for a'
Otis Rogers came up here in hU
vasloinu launch anil paid us n plear-
ant call 'jc was accompanied by hind:
and tan hound. Dewy, und his common
black nnd while dog, Rose, When 1
saw him coming I ran clear to tho 'nr
corner of our hollow Icg ami sent Mrs
Rear out lo receive- him, Shu gv him
it little chase unit he didn't nta long
Tour stemtd lo be romeihlng ou hi -
mind for an hu'sauulttred down the hil
in an aimUin kind of way, about mx
jumps at n time, he kept muttxrlug
Home thing about the ruh of emigration
from California, und that ho hopu-l lid)
would spoil,
Mr. Warren Q llsk camo ovor tli'i I. ill '
from the C'.rjuillit ou J-atunbiy and M.b
Rear linppenlug to hoover that way nt tin
saihe tiuif, und being lu n to'iitbh iiiomI
had a utrnngu inclination tojdn him,
but he must hnvo bam practicing for u
foot race, or it must ln-.vo occurred to
him that it was the only calling hu
know of just then that wai open to a
young man of his ability, for hu mado u
good run, He just seemed to emerge
from where hu wus and arrive ut his
destination. He carries u gun now
when he goe over, tho hill.
From my look-out a few daye fllnce, I
viewed on object I havo long wished to
mould in ono long lingering embrace.
Twas Mr, Murphy, the groat promotor
of those thunder and flro epltters made
(or perforating the -aaatomy of tbo boar, I
itifW...,, V- J.tlfalj..,
llohnd emerged Iroin hl nriieiutl ot
dimtli to all of my kin, nnd was tre
patslng on the groumla slnkud out hv
my giaudiliid lor laudluu tlm (rlxky
(Jltinoek, Oh I Murphy I thou who pro-
vldia tho youth nnd thu gray heard uilh
thunder and llkhtf idei? t folloy 011 my
trail! You uiueped tn) ome, but one
day your tootlnviuio prulllu vlh nppvntio
my internal iinxloiy.
I premium I could wrho an onllru II
binry ot remlnu'tiCoi relative to Mho
eminent people who have trlulto gain
ndinltnlon on various prettxla to the
prlvecy of our hollow log; hut I feel
bound to respect thu O'lioMeiico ot n
prouiliieut buld headed man just as
much ns though he had never tuuud It
uecoHtary to tnort to all the rniyvidle
mlvorllu'd In tho Almniiiiec, that iwo
given uway free of tharge rt the Red
Cross drux fltore, (,) Mr, Kdltoi why
'ins Mr. Preiiso kwcp hit hat on when
hu Is trying to sell a g.urantte.l ruined
fur haldmuf?)
There ln lltlle fun it bend of nil) one
w no bus thu temerity to sltiiy inty thin
part of thecoiiutry I o wtun no nudnett
Noxemher, nud ou iniiy txn(Hu rdioil Apidleniita for the poHltlnn of rrtrnl
of roiiiulHHl fulisi'lMf IfMiirvif inn nny "Un nro Mil.JHted to no xnstiiii-
..,.., , 1 tltm lu respect to their (tiullllfiilloiu
line, hor noth log rrliate- me more 1 ror , H,.n ,, nllll ,, ,.Ml(.,.in W,c,
than thu vulgar uurioiiity ol tliojn who they me held y the Inhnhlliinta iilotig
meander up h- ro lor tin pureoo of'11"' n,,,u,,, venteon to liriy-llvo In
... . 1 the ngi limit except In the eiiHO of u nt
peering idly iutu the pritcy ol my little veleiTinn who tiro i!iynleqlly eoiupetent
den I have not four tint this Inteieit on to do the work.
thu pnrl uf tlit .'i.t.to for p.rler .to A liiiMtilier of wiiiKrew HjMmlJiiB of
j live lesn in tl eytts nf thv ;mtu 0, mid if
lte. Bear solar forget herself anil what
la due me an to try to win et.'-r luttl..
reuon iy wruii'K niijr more 01 Her
thrilling adventuri a to the Co.tsr Mvil.,
mnkln.. 1 1... It.-r ( iu. .. i...
aueyes. youwiii r.ieuoni.t le.Mmlr lu
urn soon afmr emit I. d ,'Wu Imva had n
high old time in tho ll-w li.m.ly," n.th
a list ol thudcridaud wuuuJihI
Mil 1U mi. I
R. H. Waltor, D. D. S.
Dental Surgeon and Mechanical liuntUt
Olllee Ntuhtirx linlldiiig, A St.
Plmne :tal.
E. E. Straw, M. D.
I'liyHlciuii and urgi'oii
C.....I..I ..,, ..ii .. .i. . . it .
cm. nm, . M.U
VV. U. Doulao.
Attorney kV Uw and r.S.ConimlrMloiier
S. A. D. Eatbn.
Will pract ci- in all coiirtH
r.sr....-. r
I Z7U-
7 5
J. W. Bontiott.
Atttirnoy mid CoiniHulor ut fyitw
nil WWiei ammm mi " TT?
John F Hall.
Attorney ut Law
llflU'oln Kliloruilo lllock,'
MAllHIII'MKhl) : : Oltl'.QON
C. F. MoKnlKht.
Attiirnoy ut I.uw
Oillcv In Heiinctt & Wultor lllock
MARyiiriKLl) ,: J -OUKflON
I. 8. Knufmnn & Co.
Bi'jilcru In Real IChIuIo
Olllee oyer (IoIiIcii'h Diuit .Store
Rural Delivery Noics
ald that were the aertiee 11 dead low
IIIL' llllill lll'll ll''llll'l IH'I ll'llf. HtV
lluaiielnlly to the piMt olllee ihtpart
"","! Uv W',U,,J ''," "' f,",T"r. f ",Wi"
the l(M out of the public tretimiry be-
mxXM r t,0 itiontoiml bonelltH ul
rtwdy shown,
umi im- tiPiivt-ry m iiecwiiiiiK i
tent factor hi the couMrurtlou of good
roa.u ail tlieir proper maintenance,
A KmhI rural nervliv mitim kikxI rundH,
fml "? ,,", imfv ";" ."Ih.ii the for-
iiior they inunt uvuiituully obtain the
Aiinrrlilnllr Aluntirn,
A young ("Mount In n village In Run
Ida vim wna trying to educnte hliimclf
wnt iirrerftet! fr being In iiomkcmsIoii of
a lunik nu nhfelir.i. 'I ho JiiniIci of the
p.mit before whom In vn bniught nv-
ijultted him of tin charge of eoniplruey
Itiflil.i ntnlllMt I.I ill hv til, llfillfii. litlt
wnrne,j Mm t , ,y uooj-m which
teuilud to uiiike an nnurculHt or him.
Tlir llllllllla.
Thirteen lu evvry l.xxi RiiNxInua aro
noblett, nine nro olerpy and Jlfty-three
Ilnritr Muijllllor,
.iiimiiiniin'n urt' iiniiH ii hi ntu miinirjii
2; 8Z ""rvlv" "",",",
llnllniiil' lllkio.
The dikes which protect Holland j
from the IuioiiiIm of the m-u nro from
tun feet to forty fivt lu hi Ight.
1111 "i I
Call oq or Writ 2
V 64 & 6b Mcrchantfl' Hxchanto 4
TJm 'WFrrpfplMBML,, iifc
i xxr, miBA
V V feign '! '"
tmXi y